

词条 List of academic journals by preprint policy

  1. Publishers with unified policies

  2. Individual journals

  3. See also

  4. References

  5. External links

This is a list of academic journals by their submission policies regarding the use of preprints prior to publication, such as the arXiv, and bioRxiv. Journals focusing on physics and mathematics are excluded because they routinely accept manuscripts that have been posted to preprint servers.

Publishers' policies on self-archiving (including preprint versions) can also be found at SHERPA/RoMEO.

Publishers with unified policies

Publisher Policy type Policy textPolicy on preprint licenses Source
The JAMA Network Incompatible}} "Public dissemination of manuscripts prior to, simultaneous with, or following submission to this journal, such as posting the manuscript on preprint servers or other repositories, is discouraged, and will be considered in the evaluation of manuscripts submitted for possible publication in this journal. The evaluation will involve making a determination of whether publication of the submitted manuscript will add meaningful new information to the medical literature or will be redundant with information already disseminated with the posting of the preprint."[1]
JMIR Publications (JMIR) Compatible}} JMIR Publications, publisher of the Journal of Medical Internet Research and other journals) has its own Preprint Server[2] but also publishes work that has previously published on other preprint servers. "We advocate open science and have no issues with submissions that were previously posted on other preprint servers. We ask that you disclose this fact in the cover "letter" (comments to the editor when you submit). If you have any previous peer-reviews, please upload them as well."[3]
American Association for Cancer Research (AACR) Compatible}} "Posting of manuscripts on institutional websites or on recognized community preprint servers, such as bioRxiv, is permitted under our publication policy. Authors must retain copyright to such postings and are encouraged to contact the journal’s editors to discuss their specific manuscript if they have questions. Please note that the AACR does not support posting of revised manuscripts that respond to editorial input and peer review or the final published version to preprint servers."[4]
American Heart Association (AHA) Compatible}} All AHA journals share the same policy: "Posting of un-refereed manuscripts to a community pre-print server by the author will not be considered prior publication, provided that the following conditions are met: 1) During submission, authors must acknowledge pre-print server deposition and provide any associated accession numbers or DOIs; 2) Versions of a manuscript that have been altered as a result of the peer review process may not be deposited; 3) The pre-print version cannot itself have been indexed in MEDLINE or PubMed; 4) Upon publication, authors are responsible for updating the archived pre-print with a DOI and link to the published version of the article."[5]
American Institute of Physics (AIP) Compatible}} "Author-prepared files only may be used; files prepared and/or formatted by AIP Publishing or its vendors (e.g., the PDF, PostScript, or HTML article files published in the online journals and proceedings) may not be used for this purpose."[6]
American Physical Society Compatible}} From the submission FAQ: "E-print number, e.g., 0804.1718, assigned by the arXiv e-print servers. This can be used at submission to automatically download files from the e-print server."[7]
American Phytopathological Society Compatible}} From the guidelines to the authors: "Authors are allowed to present and discuss their findings ahead of publication at scientific conferences, on preprint servers (such as arXiv, bioRxiv, or PeerJ preprints among others), in public databases, and other informal communication channels. When submitting a manuscript for review, authors need to disclose preprints, databases, proceedings, or other preliminary communications or depositories. However, abstracts, conferences, or personal communications need not be disclosed. This prior disclosure does not constitute prior publication."[8]
American Society for Microbiology Compatible}} From the submission FAQ: "ASM journals will consider for publication manuscripts that have been posted in a recognized not-for-profit preprint archive, providing that upon acceptance of the manuscript for publication the author is still able to grant ASM copyright or agree to the terms of an Open Access license and pay the associated fee."[9]
Beilstein-Institut Compatible}} From the About site: "Manuscripts that have been deposited in a non-commercial preprint repository (e.g., arXiv, bioRxiv), or the author’s university repository will be considered for publication in the journal. Authors should include a link to the preprint in their manuscript and cover letter and update the preprint with a link to the final published version. Work that has been previously published, or is under consideration for publication in another journal, will not be considered."[10]
BMJ (company) Compatible}}  
EMBO PressCompatible}} All four EMBO Press journals share the same policy: "All EMBO Press journals encourage prior publication on recognized non-peer-reviewed, community preprint servers such as arXiv and bioRxiv for commenting by other scientists before - or in parallel with - formal submission to the journal. Articles that have been published in an EMBO Press journal, accepted for publication, or revised to address referee comments should not be posted to bioRxiv (note that doing so would also contravene policy at bioRxiv and Crossref's policy against duplicative DOI assignment). BioRxiv posts will forward link to formally published papers. BioRxiv posts can be directly submitted with minimal effort to any EMBO Press journal. The details of the preprint server concerned and any accession numbers or DOIs must be included in the cover letter accompanying submission of the manuscript."[11]
Genetics Society of AmericaCompatible}} Both journals published by GSA, GENETICS and G3: Genes, Genomes, Genetics allow authors to deposit manuscripts (currently under review or those for intended submission to GENETICS or G3) in non-commercial, pre-print servers such as bioRxiv or ArXiv.[12][13]
Mary Ann Liebert, Inc. Compatible}} Authors in any of Mary Ann Liebert's 80+ peer-reviewed journals (including The CRISPR Journal, Foodborne Pathogens and Disease, Human Gene Therapy, Stem Cells and Development, Tissue Engineering, and Zebrafish) may archive their preprint manuscripts (version prior to peer review) at any time without restrictions, including bioRxiv, arXiv, and ChemRxiv.[14]
Microbiology Society Compatible}} The Society's Licence to Publish requires that articles have not previously been published in part or in whole within a scientific journal, book or similar entity. Deposition of a preprint version on the author's personal website, in an institutional repository, or in a recognized preprint archive (such as BioRxiv) is not viewed as prior publication, provided that:
  • The version posted has not been peer-reviewed, edited, or typeset.
  • Upon acceptance of their article for publication the author is still able to grant the Society an exclusive Licence to publish the article, or agree to the terms of the OpenMicrobiology agreement and pay the article processing charge (APC).

Authors should inform the journal at the time of submission if and where their article has been previously posted. Authors are required to provide a link to the final published article (known as the Version of Record) alongside the original preprint version.

Nature Publishing Group Compatible}} The policy states "Neither conference presentations nor posting on recognized preprint servers constitute prior publication," and an editorial explains: "Nature never wishes to stand in the way of communication between researchers.[...] Communication between researchers includes not only conferences but also preprint servers. The ArXiv preprint server is the medium of choice for (mainly) physicists and astronomers who wish to share drafts of their papers with their colleagues, and with anyone else with sufficient time and knowledge to navigate it. [...] If scientists wish to display drafts of their research papers on an established preprint server before or during submission to Nature or any Nature journal, that's fine by us."[16]{{dead URL>date=March 2019}}{{update-inline|date=March 2019}}[17]
IOP Publishing Compatible}}You may post your Author's Original on arXiv.org at any time prior to acceptance by IOP. Before acceptance of the article by an IOP journal you may not attribute it to any IOP journal. After acceptance you should add citation information, IOP's copyright information and, when appropriate, a link to the online abstract of the Version of Record, along with the following wording: “This is an author-created, un-copyedited version of an article accepted for publication in [insert name of journal]. IOP Publishing Ltd is not responsible for any errors or omissions in this version of the manuscript or any version derived from it. The Version of Record is available online at [insert DOI].”. If you do post your Author's Original on arXiv.org and wish to submit it to IOP for peer review you will be able to use the arXiv article ID number in our online submission form instead of uploading the files. We will automatically pick up the files from arXiv.org. Once you have submitted it to IOP, you may not post the Author's Original on any other institutional or subject repository prior to acceptance, withdrawal or rejection of your article."IOP journals will consider articles which have already been Posted as a Preprint on the following sites, provided that...it is not made available under any open access or Creative Commons Licence"[18][19]
Oxford JournalsCompatible}} "Prior to acceptance for publication in the journal, authors retain the right to make their original version of the article available on their own personal website and/or that of their employer and/or in free public servers of original version articles in their subject area, provided that, upon acceptance, they acknowledge that the article has been accepted for publication as follows: This article has been accepted for publication in [Journal Title] Published by Oxford University Press."[20]
Oxford University Press - ASN JournalsRestrictions}}"The ASN journals will allow the submission of the Author’s Original Version (AOV) of a manuscript that has been previously posted on preprint servers." ... " 1) Upon first submission to an ASN journal, the author must inform the journal via the cover letter that the manuscript has been posted to a preprint server and provide the name of the preprint server, the copyright licence under which the manuscript is posted, and a link to the AOV; 2) No additional versions of the manuscript may be posted to preprint servers at any time after initial submission to an ASN journal; 3) the copyright terms of the AOV must not be changed after submission of the manuscript to an ASN journal ; 4) An AOV DOI must be assigned to the AOV. Upon acceptance a DOI will be assigned to the AOV by Oxford University Press and it is the author’s responsibility to update the AOV on any pre-print servers with this DOI;5) Once the article has been published in its final form on the journal website, the preprint server on which the AOV is hosted must link to the article on the journal’s website (the link should appear as follows: This article has been accepted for publication in [Journal Title] Published by Oxford University Press.);""If the AOV is posted to a preprint server under an open access license, publication of the article in the ASN journal must also be under the same type of open access license, and the author must agree to pay the journal’s open access fee."[21]
IEEECompatible}} "Yes. The IEEE recognizes that many authors share their unpublished manuscripts on public sites. Once manuscripts have been accepted for publication by IEEE, an author is required to post an IEEE copyright notice on his preprint. Upon publication, the author must replace the preprint with either 1) the full citation to the IEEE work with Digital Object Identifiers (DOI) or a link to the paper’s abstract in IEEE Xplore, or 2) the accepted version only (not the IEEE published version), including the IEEE copyright notice and full citation, with a link to the final, published paper in IEEE Xplore."[22]{{dead URL>date=March 2019}}
ElsevierCompatible}} Elsevier is generally permissive with respect to authors and electronic preprints. "(i) Authors can share their preprint anywhere at any time. (ii) [They] encourage authors to link from the preprint to their formal publication via its Digital Object Identifier (DOI). (iii) Authors can update their preprints on arXiv or RePEc with their accepted manuscript." [However, please note that Cell Press, The Lancet and some society-owned journals have their own preprint policies available in the Information to Authors.][23]
Springer, incl. SpringerOpen Journals and BioMed Central (BMC)Compatible}}Posting a manuscript on a pre-print server such as ArXiv is not considered to be duplicate publication. SpringerOpen/Biomed Central will also consider peer reviewing manuscripts that have been posted on an author's personal or institutional website.[24][25][26]
Taylor & FrancisCompatible}}"This is your original manuscript (often called a “preprint”), and you can share this as much as you like. If you do decide to post it anywhere, including onto an academic networking site, we would recommend you use an amended version of the wording below to encourage usage and citation of your final, published article."[27]
The Company of BiologistsCompatible}}All five journals of the Company have the same policy: Deposition of research manuscripts prior to submission on community pre-print servers, or of conference presentations online, will not be considered prior publication and will not compromise potential publication in Development/ Journal of Cell Science/ Journal of Experimental Biology/ Disease Models & Mechanisms/ Biology Open. Versions of a manuscript that have altered as a result of the peer review process may not be deposited. Authors should provide details of the deposition in the cover letter accompanying manuscript submission. Authors are requested to update the pre-print server record with a link to the final published version of the article on the journal website.[28][29][30][31][32]
WileyCompatible}} Wiley believes that in communities where non-commercial preprint servers exist, journals should allow for the submission of manuscripts which have already been made available on such a server. Allowing submission does not, of course, guarantee that an article will be sent out for review; it simply reflects a belief that availability on a preprint server should not be a disqualifier for submission.[33][34]
PLOSCompatible}}[all PLOS Journals feature this language:] PLOS allows and encourages researchers to share early versions of their original research manuscripts via preprint servers either before or after submission to a PLOS journal. Authors choosing bioRxiv may now concurrently submit directly to select PLOS journals through bioRxiv's direct transfer to journal service. Posting a research article on a preprint server prior to or concurrently with submission to a PLOS journal will not preclude consideration of manuscripts for peer review in any PLOS journal.[35]
PeerJCompatible}} PeerJ accepts submissions which have previously appeared on preprint servers (including PeerJ PrePrints and arXiv); have previously been presented at conferences; or have previously appeared in other ‘non journal’ venues (for example: blogs or posters).[36]
Rockefeller University PressCompatible}}Posting of un-refereed manuscripts to a community preprint server by the author does not preclude consideration for publication. Authors who post to a community preprint server should identity the preprint server and include the accession # or doi in their cover letter. Upon publication, authors should request that community preprint server acknowledge that the article has published and that the journal reference [including DOI link to the published article] be included.[37]
Royal Society PublishingCompatible}}we encourage researchers to deposit early versions of articles they intend to submit to a peer-reviewed journal in appropriate subject repositories...The manuscript submitted to a journal, an earlier draft, or any part thereof may be deposited at any time and made freely available. Posting a preprint on a recognised preprint server or repository does not constitute prior publication or a breach of our media embargo policy, and will prejudice neither the peer review process nor publication in our journals.[38]
Sage PublishingCompatible}}"Most SAGE journals are published under SAGE's Green Open Access policy, which allows you, as author, to re-use your Contribution as indicated below.... You may share the version of the Contribution you submitted to the journal (version 1) anywhere at any time." Seven journals (two management journals and five medicine journals) are listed as exceptions to the Green Open Access Policy as of January 2018.[39]
American Chemical SocietyCompatible in most cases}} "Each ACS journal has a specific policy on prior publication that is determined by the ACS Editor in accordance with their final responsibility for editorial decisions relative to their publications. Details of the respective prior publication policies of each ACS journal is available at http://pubs.acs.org/page/policy/prior/index.html ". On August 10, 2016, ACS announced the development of a chemistry preprint server, ChemRxiv. [40]. On August 14, 2017, ACS announced the release of a fully functioning beta site for ChemRxiv developed with strategic input from the Royal Society of Chemistry, the GDCh, the chemistry community, other societies, funders, and non-profits, open for submissions and available for all readers at chemrxiv.[41]
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press Compatible}} Cold Spring Harbor journals only accept papers presenting original research that has not been published previously. Conference presentations or posting unrefereed manuscripts on not-for-profit community preprint servers will not be considered prior publication. Authors are responsible for updating the archived preprint with the journal reference (including DOI), and a link to the published article on the appropriate journal website upon publication.[42]
University of Chicago Press Likely compatible}} We place no conditions on posting a paper intended for submission (but not yet submitted) to one of our journals, except to note that posting a paper online may, in some cases, constitute prior publication – for example, posting to a commercial venue and/or to a venue with a formal review and approval process. Please consult the journal's editor if you have questions about whether or not a particular use constitutes prior publication.[43]
Canadian Science Publishing (NRC Research Press) Compatible}} Authors retain the right to "post a copy of their submitted manuscript (pre-print) on their own Web site, an institutional repository, a preprint server, or their funding body's designated archive (no embargo period)..." and "... post a copy of their accepted manuscript (post-print) on their own Web site, an institutional repository, a preprint server, or their funding body's designated archive (no embargo period). Authors who archive or self-archive accepted articles are asked to provide a hyperlink from the manuscript to the Journal's Web site."[44]
Cambridge University PressCompatible}}Author retains (among other rights): The right to deposit Author's Original and Submitted Manuscript Under Review at any time as well as Accepted Manuscript six months after publishing to Non-commercial Subject Repository.[45]
IUCr JournalsCompatible}}The inclusion of material in an informal publication, e.g. a preprint server or a newsletter, does not preclude publication in an IUCr journal.[46]
World ScientificCompatible}}From author rights: "[authors] may post the preprint anywhere at any time, provided it is accompanied by [an appropriate] acknowledgement"[47]
Emerald Group PublishingCompatible}}"Emerald does not consider the upload of a preprint to a preprint server prior publication, and would not request its removal. However, this policy is only applicable if: the author declares to the Emerald editor on submission of their article that a preprint is hosted on a preprint server; the author has not assigned copyright to the pre-print server. Where possible, Emerald will take steps to minimize the impact upon the anonymity of the double blind peer review, such as asking editors to strike out any reference to a preprint before sending the paper out to review. If the submitted article is accepted for publication, Emerald would expect the preprint to be amended to state ‘This is an author-created, un-copyedited version of an article accepted for publication in [insert name of journal]’. Upon publication, the preprint should be amended to include the Digital Object Identifier (DOI) to direct the reader to the version of record, hosted on www.emeraldinsight.com." [48]

Individual journals

Journal Publisher Policy type Policy textPolicy on preprint licenses Source
American NaturalistUniversity of Chicago PressRestrictions}}"Earlier versions of papers can appear as preprints on noncommercial discipline-specific repositories (such as arXiv or BioRxiv). Preprints on commercial repositories or repositories with publications attached (such as PeerJ) are not allowed.""If the preprint on the noncommercial repository has been posted with a CC license, that license must be noncommercial (CC-BY-NC or NC plus further restrictions) or have no license. If a preprint has been posted on the noncommercial repository with a commercial license (CC-BY with no restrictions), then any subsequent publication in the American Naturalist must have the commercial CC-BY license and the authors must pay the Article Processing Charges (see below)."[49]
Analytical ChemistryACSCompatible}}"Analytical Chemistry authors are allowed to deposit an initial draft of their manuscript on a recognized preprint server such as ChemRxiv, bioRxiv, arXiv, or the applicable repository for their discipline prior to submission. Please note any use of a preprint server in the cover letter and include a link to the preprint, and as appropriate, state how the manuscript has been adjusted/updated between deposition and submission."[50]
The BMJ (formerly British Medical Journal)BMJ Publishing Group LtdCompatible}}Preprint ("the pre-review manuscript that is submitted to a journal, or any earlier draft.") can be posted.[51]{{dead link>date=October 2018}}
New England Journal of MedicineIncompatible}}NEJM expects that the articles it publishes will not have been published or released elsewhere before they are published in NEJM. The policy page does not explicitly mention preprints; however, the journal has come under public scrutiny.[52][53]
The Journal of the Alzheimer's AssociationAlzheimer's Association / ElsevierCompatible}}Submission of an article implies that the work described has not been published previously (except in the form of an abstract or as part of a published lecture or academic thesis or as an electronic preprint, see 'Multiple, redundant or concurrent publication' section of our ethics policy for more information)[54]
Journal of Clinical Oncology (JCO) American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO)Incompatible}} "Manuscripts must contain original material that is not already available elsewhere. However, authors are allowed to submit and present abstracts (i.e., oral or poster presentations) of their research in open, scientific meetings.

The title page and cover letter should include a statement verifying the originality of the work, and disclose any previous abstracts, presentations, reports, or publications that contain material that might be perceived to overlap with the current submission. If a similar publication exists, the authors should upload a copy as a supplemental file as part of the submission process, and justify why their submission is considered non-overlapping and novel. If applicable, authors should cite any previously published or closely related work within the text."

FASEB JournalFASEBCompatible}}FASEB permits the submission of preprint manuscripts, which will undergo the same review process as “non-preprint” manuscripts. Preprint submissions must meet the following criteria and conditions [...]“Preprint submissions posted to preprint servers with an open access license are allowed, but authors will be required—without exception—to pay the journal’s open access fee as a condition of acceptance.”[56][57]
Science AAAS Compatible}}Science will not consider any original research paper or component of a research paper that has been published or is under consideration for publication elsewhere. Distribution on the Internet may be considered prior publication and may compromise the originality of the paper as a submission to Science, although we do allow posting of research papers on not-for-profit preprint servers such as arxiv.org and bioRxiv. Please contact the editors with questions regarding allowable postings to other servers.[58]
PNAS NAS Compatible}}Posting to Preprint Servers, such as arXiv or bioRxiv, is permitted. See the PNAS statement on prior publication for details, and see section vii for media embargo policies.[59]"We have never refused to consider a manuscript based on the license that an author has chosen for its preprint..." [60][61]
Current Biology Cell Compatible}}We will consider papers previously posted on a preprint server such as arXiv or bioRxiv. We are very interested to hear from researchers about their motivations for posting and to discuss with them whether it is the best approach for their paper, so we strongly encourage authors who are planning to submit to us to contact the editors first to discuss their specific paper and situation. This policy only applies to the original submitted version of the paper; we do not support posting of revisions that respond to editorial input and peer review or the final published version to preprint servers. Also, our prepublication publicity policies with regard to coverage in the broader media still apply to studies posted on preprint servers.[62]
Current Plant Biology Elsevier Compatible}}All manuscripts submitted are peer-reviewed before being accepted for publication to Current Plant Biology. By submitting a manuscript to CPB authors state that the manuscript has not being submitted elsewhere, and that it contains unpublished data. Current Plant Biology does not accept work that has already been published elsewhere in the peer-reviewed literature. Activities such as publication of a short abstract; presentation of data to a scientific meeting; posting of the manuscript to any of the author's personal website, in an online institutional repository or on a freely accessible preprint server such as arXiv or bioRxiv, are not considered prior publication and do not exclude consideration of manuscript by CPB. Publication of a paper in the proceedings of a scientific meeting generally constitutes prior publication
Journal of NeuroscienceCompatible}}The Journal of Neuroscience generally does not accept manuscripts that have been previously published. An exception is made for manuscripts that have been posted on the Internet for the purpose of receiving commentary from the community. Such posting is typically done at a pre-publication repository that has been designed for the purpose, but posting on an institutional web site or other Internet location is acceptable[63]
Journal of Theoretical BiologyCompatible}}In general, Elsevier is permissive with respect to authors and electronic preprints. If an electronic preprint of an article is placed on a public server prior to its submission to an Elsevier journal or where a paper was originally authored as a thesis or dissertation, this is not generally viewed by Elsevier as “prior publication”[64]
Journal of Ultrasound in Medicine Wiley Compatible}}Submission of an article implies that the work described has not been published previously (except in the form of an abstract or as part of a published lecture or academic thesis or as an electronic preprint, see http://www.elsevier.com/postingpolicy)[65]
Cell Cell Compatible}}We will consider papers previously posted on a preprint server such as arXiv or bioRxiv. We are very interested to hear from researchers about their motivations for posting and to discuss with them whether it is the best approach for their paper, so we strongly encourage authors who are planning to submit to us to contact the editors first to discuss their specific paper and situation. This policy only applies to the original submitted version of the paper; we do not support posting of revisions that respond to editorial input and peer review or the final published version to preprint servers. Also, our prepublication publicity policies with regard to coverage in the broader media still apply to studies posted on preprint servers.[66]
Neuron Cell Compatible}}We will consider papers previously posted on a preprint server such as arXiv or bioRxiv. We are very interested to hear from researchers about their motivations for posting and to discuss with them whether it is the best approach for their paper, so we strongly encourage authors who are planning to submit to us to contact the editors first to discuss their specific paper and situation. This policy only applies to the original submitted version of the paper; we do not support posting of revisions that respond to editorial input and peer review or the final published version to preprint servers. Also, our prepublication publicity policies with regard to coverage in the broader media still apply to studies posted on preprint servers.[67]
Developmental Cell Cell Compatible}}We will consider papers previously posted on a preprint server such as arXiv or bioRxiv. We are very interested to hear from researchers about their motivations for posting and to discuss with them whether it is the best approach for their paper, so we strongly encourage authors who are planning to submit to us to contact the editors first to discuss their specific paper and situation. This policy only applies to the original submitted version of the paper; we do not support posting of revisions that respond to editorial input and peer review or the final published version to preprint servers. Also, our prepublication publicity policies with regard to coverage in the broader media still apply to studies posted on preprint servers.[68]
Molecular Cell Cell Compatible}}We will consider papers previously posted on a preprint server such as arXiv or bioRxiv. We are very interested to hear from researchers about their motivations for posting and to discuss with them whether it is the best approach for their paper, so we strongly encourage authors who are planning to submit to us to contact the editors first to discuss their specific paper and situation. This policy only applies to the original submitted version of the paper; we do not support posting of revisions that respond to editorial input and peer review or the final published version to preprint servers. Also, our prepublication publicity policies with regard to coverage in the broader media still apply to studies posted on preprint servers.[69]
Journal of Cell BiologyRockefeller University Press Compatible}}Posting of un-refereed manuscripts to a community preprint server by the author does not preclude consideration for publication. Authors who post to a community preprint server should identity the preprint server and include the accession # or doi in their cover letter. Upon publication, authors should request that community preprint server acknowledge that the article has published and that the journal reference [including DOI link to the published article] be included.[70]
Journal of Experimental MedicineRockefeller University Press Compatible}}Posting of un-refereed manuscripts to a community preprint server by the author does not preclude consideration for publication. Authors who post to a community preprint server should identity the preprint server and include the accession # or doi in their cover letter. Upon publication, authors should request that community preprint server acknowledge that the article has published and that the journal reference [including DOI link to the published article] be included.[71]
Journal of General PhysiologyRockefeller University Press Compatible}}Posting of un-refereed manuscripts to a community preprint server by the author does not preclude consideration for publication. Authors who post to a community preprint server should identity the preprint server and include the accession # or doi in their cover letter. Upon publication, authors should request that community preprint server acknowledge that the article has published and that the journal reference [including DOI link to the published article] be included.[72]
Molecular Biology and Evolution Oxford Journals Compatible}} Author can archive a pre-print version. Author cannot archive a post-print version [73]
Nucleic Acids ResearchOxford JournalsCompatible}}NAR allows authors to deposit preprints in community preprint servers such as ArXiv.org, provided that entries are updated to acknowledge that the article has been accepted/published by NAR. Please click here for our full self-archiving policy. Our policy towards such archives is kept under review, but we currently do not consider articles that have already been posted in Nature Precedings or PLoS Currents. Authors are encouraged to contact the editorial office if they are in any doubt about prior submission.[74]
Synthetic Biology Oxford JournalsCompatible}}[Authors] may make their manuscripts available on public preprint servers, if they agree to follow the following policy:
  • Authors must declare their intent to, or the presence of, the initial or the revised manuscript on public preprint servers at the time of submission to Synthetic Biology.
  • All manuscripts under consideration at Synthetic Biology whilst posted on a preprint server must contain the journal name on the top-right corner of the first page in bold letters along with the current status of the manuscript (“In review”, “Revision Invited”, or “Accepted”).
  • Authors must update their manuscripts on pre-print servers diligently so the current version matches the version under consideration at Synthetic Biology. If the manuscript is accepted and published inSynthetic Biology, authors must update the preprint listing with the full citation line in Synthetic Biology, and a link to the final published version.
Genes & DevelopmentCold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press Compatible}}The journal only accepts papers that present original research that has not been published previously. Conference presentations or posting unrefereed manuscripts on preprint servers will not be considered prior publication. Authors are responsible for updating the archived preprint with the journal reference (including DOI), and a link to the published article on the Genes & Development website upon publication.[78]
Genome ResearchCold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press Compatible}}The journal only accepts papers that present original research that has not been published previously. Conference presentations or posting unrefereed manuscripts on preprint servers will not be considered prior publication. Authors are responsible for updating the archived preprint with the journal reference (including DOI), and a link to the published article on the Genome Research website upon publication.[79]
Learning & MemoryCold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press Compatible}}The journal only accepts papers that present original research that has not been published previously. Conference presentations or posting unrefereed manuscripts on preprint servers will not be considered prior publication. Authors are responsible for updating the archived preprint with the journal reference (including DOI), and a link to the published article on the Learning & Memory website upon publication.[80]
The LancetElsevier Compatible}}Presentation of data at a scientific meeting, as a poster, abstract, orally, on a CD, or as an abstract on the web or on a pre-print server does not conflict with submission to The Lancet[81]
RNACold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press Compatible}}The journal only accepts papers that present original research that has not been published previously. Conference presentations or posting unrefereed manuscripts on preprint servers will not be considered prior publication. Authors are responsible for updating the archived preprint with the journal reference (including DOI), and a link to the published article on the RNA website upon publication.[82]
eLifeCompatible}}Conference presentations, blog discussions, and deposition to open, online repositories will not affect consideration of a manuscript by eLife. We want to encourage high-quality, informed, and widespread discussion of new research before and after publication, depending on interest in the material and the authors' preferences. So, yes, works posted to arXiv are eligible for submission to eLife.[83]
F1000Research F1000 Compatible}}Articles must not have been published, nor be currently under consideration or review elsewhere, except on a preprint server such as F1000Posters, ArXiv or PeerJ PrePrints.[84]
Frontiers in JournalsCompatible}}This shall not prevent the author from issuing abstracts to conferences or depositing the draft article in a non-commercial, non peer-reviewed preprint archive such as arXiv.org or similar depositaries in accordance with usual academic practice.[85]
Biophysical Journal Cell Compatible}}BJ will consider for publication manuscripts that have been posted informally on a private website or on ArXiv or BioRxiv, but will not consider manuscripts that have been posted on other preprint servers or "virtual journal" websites. Questions related to this policy should be directed to the Editorial Office.[86]
Journal of Bacteriology American Society for Microbiology Compatible}}ASM journals will consider for publication manuscripts that have been posted in a recognized not-for-profit preprint archive.[87]
Journal of Biology of the CellLikely Incompatible / Unclear}}Unclear. When submitting a manuscript to BoC it is understood that the data have been neither published nor also submitted for publication elsewhere in any language (excluding abstracts for conferences of less than one page and without illustrations)[33]
The EMBO Journal, EMBO Reports, EMBO Molecular Medicine, Molecular Systems Biology EMBO Press Compatible}}All EMBO Press journals encourage prior publication on recognized non-peer-reviewed, community preprint servers such as arXiv and bioRxiv for commenting by other scientists before - or in parallel with - formal submission to the journal. Articles that have been published in an EMBO Press journal, accepted for publication, or revised to address referee comments should not be posted to bioRxiv (note that doing so would also contravene policy at bioRxiv and Crossref's policy against duplicative DOI assignment). BioRxiv posts will forward link to formally published papers. BioRxiv posts can be directly submitted with minimal effort to any EMBO Press journal. The details of the preprint server concerned and any accession numbers or DOIs must be included in the cover letter accompanying submission of the manuscript.[88]
Journal of NeurophysiologyCompatible}}Authors submitting to the Journal of Neurophysiology (JN) may submit papers that have been previously posted to preprint servers and other non-peer-reviewed websites.[89]
Molecular & Cellular Proteomics ASBMB Compatible}} The following do not constitute prior or duplicate publication and will not preclude a manuscript from consideration: [...] a manuscript posted in a recognized not-for-profit preprint archive provided that upon acceptance of the manuscript for publication, the author is still able to grant ASBMB copyright or agree to the terms of an Open Access license and pay the associated fee[90]
Journal of Biological Chemistry ASBMBCompatible}}The following do not constitute prior or duplicate publication and will not preclude a manuscript from consideration:
  • a manuscript posted in a recognized not-for-profit preprint archive provided that upon acceptance of the manuscript for publication, the author is still able to grant ASBMB copyright or agree to the terms of an Open Access license and pay the associated fee
Proteomics WileyCompatible}} There is no obligation upon authors to remove preprints posted to not for profit preprint servers prior to submission.[33]
Journal of Proteome Research ACS compatible}}Journal of Proteome Research considers for publication only original work that has not been previously published and is not under consideration for publication elsewhere. When submitting a manuscript, an author should inform the Editor of any prior dissemination of the content in print or electronic format. This includes mini papers and preprints on institutional repositories and other Web sites. Electronic posting of conference presentations or posters secured by subscription or institutional logins are not considered prior publication works. Posting of pre-prints to a pre-print server is considered acceptable, but requires citing of the posted paper.[92]
Journal of Proteomics ElsevierCompatible}} Submission of an article implies that the work described has not been published previously (except in the form of an abstract or as part of a published lecture or academic thesis or as an electronic preprint).[93]
American Journal of Human Genetics Cell Compatible | Unclear}}Per AJHG, the following text applies to engagement with media only: Work intended for submission to AJHG, currently under consideration at AJHG, or in press at AJHG may not be discussed with the media before publication. Providing preprints, granting interviews, discussing data with members of the media, or participating in press conferences in advance of publication without prior approval from the AJHG editorial office may be grounds for rejection.[94][95]
GeneticsCompatible }}GENETICS, published by the Genetics Society of America, allows authors to deposit manuscripts (currently under review or those for intended submission to GENETICS) in non-commercial, pre-print servers such as bioRxiv or ArXiv.[96]
G3:Genes,Genomes,Genetics (journal)Compatible }}G3, published by the Genetics Society of America, allows authors to deposit manuscripts (currently under review or those for intended submission to G3) in non-commercial, pre-print servers such as bioRxiv or ArXiv.[97]
DevelopmentThe Company of BiologistsCompatible }}Deposition of manuscripts prior to submission on community pre-print servers, or of conference presentations online, will not be considered prior publication and will not compromise potential publication in Development. Versions of a manuscript that have altered as a result of the peer review process may not be deposited. Authors should provide details of the deposition in the cover letter accompanying manuscript submission.[98]
Journal of Cell ScienceThe Company of BiologistsCompatible }}Deposition of manuscripts prior to submission on community pre-print servers, or of conference presentations online, will not be considered prior publication and will not compromise potential publication in Journal of Cell Science. Versions of a manuscript that have altered as a result of the peer review process may not be deposited. Authors should provide details of the deposition in the cover letter accompanying manuscript submission.[99]
Journal of Experimental BiologyThe Company of Biologists Compatible }}Deposition of research manuscripts (e.g. Research Articles, Short Communications and Methods & Techniques) prior to submission on community pre-print servers, or of conference presentations online, will not be considered prior publication and will not compromise potential publication in JEB. Versions of a manuscript that have altered as a result of the peer review process may not be deposited. Authors should provide details of the deposition in the cover letter accompanying manuscript submission. Authors are requested to update the pre-print server record with a link to the final published version of the article on the JEB website. Review-type articles (e.g. Reviews, Commentaries) may not be posted before publication in JEB.[100]
Disease Models & MechanismsThe Company of BiologistsCompatible }}Deposition of research manuscripts (e.g. Research and Resource Articles) prior to submission on community pre-print servers, or of conference presentations online, will not be considered prior publication and will not compromise potential publication in DMM. Versions of a manuscript that have altered as a result of the peer review process may not be deposited. Authors should provide details of the deposition in the cover letter accompanying manuscript submission. Authors are requested to update the pre-print server record with a link to the final published version of the article on the DMM website. Review-type articles (e.g. Reviews, Commentaries) may not be posted before publication in DMM.[101]
Biology Open (BiO)The Company of Biologists Compatible}}Deposition of research manuscripts (e.g. Research Articles and Methods & Techniques) prior to submission on community pre-print servers, or of conference presentations online, will not be considered prior publication and will not compromise potential publication in BiO. Versions of a manuscript that have altered as a result of the peer review process may not be deposited. Authors should provide details of the deposition in the cover letter accompanying manuscript submission. Authors are requested to update the pre-print server record with a link to the final published version of the article on the BiO website.[102]
EvolutionCompatible }}Evolution allows authors to deposit manuscripts (currently under review or those for intended submission to Evolution) in non-commercial, pre-print servers such as ArXiv. The deposited version must be the author version (before peer-review). 12 months after publication in Evolution one can deposit the final version.[33]
The Plant CellASPBCompatible }}The Plant Cell will review manuscripts that include data posted on an author's website or posted on preprint servers such as the bioRxiv. Final published manuscripts will reside on the Journal site. Once the published article has appeared online at the Journal site, a toll-free link providing barrier-free access to the HTML and PDF versions of the article will be e-mailed to all authors. These links may be deposited in open access institutional repositories.[103]
Plant PhysiologyASPBCompatible }}Plant Physiology will review manuscripts that include data posted on an author's website or posted on preprint servers such as the bioRxiv. Final published manuscripts will reside on the Journal site. Once the published article has appeared online at the Journal site, a toll-free link providing barrier-free access to the HTML and PDF versions of the article will be e-mailed to all authors. These links may be deposited in open access institutional repositories.[104]
BioessaysWileyCompatible }}Wiley believes that in communities where non-commercial preprint servers exist, journals should allow for the submission of manuscripts which have already been made available on such a server. [33]
Molecular Biology of the CellAmerican Society for Cell BiologyCompatible }}The following activities prior to submission of a manuscript to MBoC do not constitute prior publication and do not preclude consideration of the manuscript by MBoC: publication of a short abstract; presentation of data at a scientific meeting or in a Webcast of such a meeting; or posting of a manuscript on an author's personal website, in an online institutional repository, or on a freely accessible preprint server such as arXiv or bioRxiv.[105]
MPMI APS Compatible}}Authors are allowed to present their findings ahead of publication on preprint servers. When submitting a manuscript for review, authors need to disclose preprints, databases, proceedings, or other preliminary communications or depositories. This prior disclosure does not constitute prior publication.[106]
Phytopathology APS Compatible}}Authors are allowed to present their findings ahead of publication on preprint servers. When submitting a manuscript for review, authors need to disclose preprints, databases, proceedings, or other preliminary communications or depositories. This prior disclosure does not constitute prior publication.[107]
Plant Disease APS Compatible}}Authors are allowed to present their findings ahead of publication on preprint servers. When submitting a manuscript for review, authors need to disclose preprints, databases, proceedings, or other preliminary communications or depositories. This prior disclosure does not constitute prior publication.[108]
Phytobiomes APS Compatible}}Authors are allowed to present their findings ahead of publication on preprint servers. When submitting a manuscript for review, authors need to disclose preprints, databases, proceedings, or other preliminary communications or depositories. This prior disclosure does not constitute prior publication.[109]
Health Science Reports Wiley Compatible}}Health Science Reports will consider articles that have previously been made available as preprints on non-commercial servers, such as medRxiv, ArXiv, bioRxiv, and others. Similarly, Health Science Reports accepts the citation of preprints in journal submissions. Authors are expected to declare any relevant preprint copies of the work in their cover letter. Authors can update their preprint with the revised and accepted versions, but they must make sure that any pre-publication version links to the final published article.[110]
Journal of Clinical Investigation ASCI{{Yes|Compatible}}The JCI will consider manuscripts that have been posted to a community preprint server; authors must disclose the preprint server and the accession number or DOI in their cover letter.[111]
Journal of Statistical Software ASA Compatible}}Based on a personal e-mail communication with the Editor/Publisher on 2015/08/07. Relevant quote from the communication: "Drafts may appear prior to publication on pre-print servers such as arXiv or bioRxiv."
Medical Decision Making (and Medical Decision Making Policy & Practice)[112]{{Dead URL>date=March 2019}}Compatible}}To reduce the potential for duplicate publication, one of Medical Decision Making's pre-submission requirements is author verification of the following statement: “Confirm that the manuscript has been submitted solely to this journal and is not published, in press, or submitted elsewhere.” However, there are two exceptions to this rule at MDM: (1) documents that were previously published on the authors’ institutional Web site but have never been peer reviewed, and (2) documents that have functioned in an institutional or government setting as background material, official “working papers,” or technical briefs but have never been peer reviewed....[113]
Molecular BiotechnologySpringerIncompatible}}Based on personal e-mail communication with Publisher on 2016/12/19. Relevant quote from communication: "No is not compatible (if submitted in BioRxiv) we only publish original articles."
Open Access Journal of Medicinal and Aromatic PlantsMedicinal and Aromatic Plants Association of IndiaCompatible}}Authors are permitted and encouraged to post their work online (e.g., in institutional repositories or on their website) prior to and during the submission process, as it can lead to productive exchanges, as well as earlier and greater citation of published work[114]
European Respiratory JournalEuropean Respiratory SocietyCompatible}}Authors submitting a paper to the ERS research journals do so on the understanding that neither the work nor any part of its essential substance, tables or figures have been or will be published or submitted to another scientific journal or are being considered for publication elsewhere. This must be stated in the cover letter. This restriction does not apply to conference abstracts, articles deposited on non-peer-reviewed recognised community preprint servers such as bioRxiv and PeerJ Preprint, or material published under legal requirements for clinical trials reporting, but includes work published in another language. Preprint publication should be declared at the time of submission, and versions of a manuscript that have been altered as a result of the peer review process may not be deposited. After acceptance, authors are requested to update the preprint server record with a link to the final published version of the article on the journal website.[115]
ERJ Open ResearchEuropean Respiratory SocietyCompatible}}Authors submitting a paper to the ERS research journals do so on the understanding that neither the work nor any part of its essential substance, tables or figures have been or will be published or submitted to another scientific journal or are being considered for publication elsewhere. This must be stated in the cover letter. This restriction does not apply to conference abstracts, articles deposited on non-peer-reviewed recognised community preprint servers such as bioRxiv and PeerJ Preprint, or material published under legal requirements for clinical trials reporting, but includes work published in another language. Preprint publication should be declared at the time of submission, and versions of a manuscript that have been altered as a result of the peer review process may not be deposited. After acceptance, authors are requested to update the preprint server record with a link to the final published version of the article on the journal website.[115]
Journal of Investigative MedicineBMJCompatible}}[116]  
BMJ Evidence-based MedicineBMJCompatible}}[116]   
BMJ Open, BMJ Open Science, BMJ Open Respiratory Research, BMJ Open Ophthalmology, BMJ Open GastroBMJCompatible}}[116]
Perspectives on Medical EducationSpringerCompatible}} Perspectives on Medical Education preprint policy: PME encourages authors to deposit a preprint of their manuscript prior to submission for peer review on non-commercial servers such as bioRxiv, Open Science Framework Preprints, and SocARxiv. When submitting, authors must disclose in their cover letter that a version of the manuscript has been deposited as a preprint and include any associated DOIs or accession numbers. Upon publication in PME, authors are requested to update any preprint versions with a link to the final published article.[117]
Journal of the Association for Research in Otolaryngology (JARO)SpringerCompatible}}Authors should submit studies that have not been submitted or published elsewhere. Any re-representation of published data must be fully acknowledged and done with the approval of the copyright holder. Prior deposit of a manuscript prior to peer review with a preprint server (bioRxiv, arXiv, etc) is acceptable. Authours should indicate the existence of such submissions in their cover letter, including the DOI. After acceptance, the preprint version of the article should be updated with a link to the final accepted work at the journal publisher's website.[118]{{Dead link>date=March 2019}}
Judgement and Decision MakingSociety for Judgment and Decision MakingCompatible}}An article cannot be previously published in a refereed journal. It can, however, be published in a conference proceedings, a personal web site, a working-paper series, or a pre-print server.[119]

See also

  • Copyright policies of academic publishers
  • List of open-access journals


1. ^{{cite web|url=https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jama/pages/instructions-for-authors#SecDuplicate/PreviousPublicationorSubmission|title=Instructions for Authors - JAMA - JAMA Network|website=jamanetwork.com}}
2. ^{{Cite web|url=http://preprints.jmir.org|title=JP - JMIR Preprints|website=preprints.jmir.org}}
3. ^{{cite web|url=http://jmir.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360002385191-Can-I-submit-a-paper-to-you-that-has-previously-published-on-a-different-Preprint-server-such-as-arXiv-other-than-JMIR-Preprints-|title=Can I submit a paper to you that has previously published on a different Preprint server (such as arXiv) other than JMIR Preprints?|website=JMIR Publications}}
4. ^{{cite web|url=http://aacrjournals.org/content/authors/editorial-policies#online|title=Editorial Policies - American Association for Cancer Research|website=aacrjournals.org}}
5. ^{{cite web|url=https://www.ahajournals.org/prior-publication-policy|title=Prior Publication Policy|website=www.ahajournals.org}}
6. ^{{cite web|url=https://publishing.aip.org/resources/researchers/rights-and-permissions/sharing-content-online/|title=Sharing Content Online|publisher=}}
7. ^{{cite web|url=https://journals.aps.org/authors/submission-faq|title=Submission: Frequently Asked Questions|date=21 June 2012|website=Physical Review Journals}}
8. ^{{cite web|url=https://apsjournals.apsnet.org/loi/mpmi|title=Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions :|website=apsjournals.apsnet.org}}
9. ^{{cite web|url=https://jb.asm.org/|title=Home - Journal of Bacteriology|website=jb.asm.org}}
10. ^{{cite web|url=https://www.beilstein-journals.org/bjnano/theJournal|title=BJNANO - The BJNANO|website=www.beilstein-journals.org}}
11. ^{{cite web|url=http://emboj.embopress.org/authorguide#preprintservers|title=Author Guidelines - The EMBO Journal|website=emboj.embopress.org}}
12. ^{{cite web|url=http://www.genetics.org/content/scope-and-publication-policies#preprint|title=Scope and Publication Policies - Genetics|website=www.genetics.org}}
13. ^{{cite web|url=http://www.g3journal.org/content/scope-and-publication-policies#preprint|title=Scope and Publication Policies - G3: Genes - Genomes - Genetics|website=www.g3journal.org}}
14. ^{{cite web|url=https://home.liebertpub.com/authors/policies/152|title=Mary Ann Liebert, Inc., publishers - Authors|website=home.liebertpub.com}}
15. ^{{cite web|url=https://www.microbiologyresearch.org/authors/editorial-policies|title=Microbiology Society Journals - Editorial policies|website=www.microbiologyresearch.org}}
16. ^http://www.nature.com/nature/authors/policy/embargo.html
17. ^{{cite journal|url=https://www.nature.com/articles/434257b|title=Nature respects preprint servers|date=1 March 2005|publisher=|journal=Nature|volume=434|issue=7031|pages=257|via=www.nature.com|doi=10.1038/434257b}}
18. ^{{Cite news|url=https://publishingsupport.iopscience.iop.org/questions/can-i-submit-an-article-that-has-been-posted-as-a-preprint/|title=Can I submit an article that has been posted as a Preprint? - IOPscience - Publishing Support|work=IOPscience - Publishing Support|access-date=2018-03-14|language=en-US}}
19. ^{{cite web|url=https://publishingsupport.iopscience.iop.org/|title=Home|website=IOPscience - Publishing Support}}
20. ^{{cite web|url=https://academic.oup.com/journals/pages/access_purchase/rights_and_permissions/self_archiving_policy_b|title=Self Archiving Policy B - Journals - Oxford Academic|website=academic.oup.com}}
21. ^{{Cite web|url=https://academic.oup.com/journals/pages/access_purchase/rights_and_permissions/self_archiving_policy_ASN|title=Author Self-Archiving Policy – ASN Nutrition Journals {{!}} Journals {{!}} Oxford Academic|website=academic.oup.com|language=en|access-date=2018-04-26}}
22. ^https://m.ieee.org/documents/author_faq.pdf
23. ^{{cite web|url=https://www.elsevier.com/about/policies/sharing|title=Sharing|website=www.elsevier.com}}
24. ^{{cite web|url=https://www.springer.com/gp/open-access/authors-rights|title=Authors' rights|website=www.springer.com}}
25. ^{{cite web|url=https://web.archive.org/web/20121118120718/http://www.springeropen.com/about/duplicatepublication|title=SpringerOpen - Duplicate publication|date=18 November 2012|website=web.archive.org}}
26. ^{{cite web|url=https://web.archive.org/web/20120730233916/http://www.biomedcentral.com/about/duplicatepublication|title=BioMed Central - Duplicate publication|date=30 July 2012|website=web.archive.org}}
27. ^{{cite web|url=https://authorservices.taylorandfrancis.com/sharing-your-work/|title=How to share your article & use different versions on different platforms|date=27 May 2015|website=Author Services}}
28. ^{{cite web|url=http://dev.biologists.org/content/journal-policies#redundant|title=Journal policies - Development|website=dev.biologists.org}}
29. ^{{cite web|url=http://jcs.biologists.org/content/journal-policies#redundant|title=Journal policies - Journal of Cell Science|website=jcs.biologists.org}}
30. ^{{cite web|url=http://jeb.biologists.org/content/journal-policies#redundant|title=Journal policies - Journal of Experimental Biology|website=jeb.biologists.org}}
31. ^{{cite web|url=http://dmm.biologists.org/content/journal-policies#redundant|title=Journal policies - Disease Models & Mechanisms|website=dmm.biologists.org}}
32. ^{{cite web|url=http://bio.biologists.org/content/journal-policies#redundant|title=Journal policies - Biology Open|website=bio.biologists.org}}
33. ^{{cite web |title=Wiley’s Preprints Policy |url=https://authorservices.wiley.com/author-resources/Journal-Authors/licensing-open-access/open-access/preprints-policy.html |publisher=Wiley |accessdate=22 March 2019}}
34. ^{{cite web|url=http://olabout.wiley.com/WileyCDA/Section/id-406074.html|title=Funder Agreements - Wiley Online Library|website=olabout.wiley.com}}
35. ^{{cite web|url=https://journals.plos.org/plosone/s/ethical-publishing-practice|title=PLOS ONE: accelerating the publication of peer-reviewed science|website=journals.plos.org}}
36. ^{{cite web|url=https://peerj.com/about/policies-and-procedures/#blogs-embargoes|title=PeerJ - About - Journal Policies & Procedures|website=peerj.com}}
37. ^{{cite web|url=http://jcb.rupress.org/IforA|title=Instructions for Authors - JCB|website=jcb.rupress.org}}
38. ^{{cite web|url=https://royalsociety.org/journals/ethics-policies/media-embargo/|title=Preprints, postprints and embargoes - Royal Society|website=royalsociety.org}}
39. ^{{cite web|url=https://uk.sagepub.com/en-gb/eur/journal-author-archiving-policies-and-re-use|title=Guidelines for SAGE Authors|date=23 November 2016|website=SAGE Publications Ltd}}
40. ^{{cite web|url=https://cen.acs.org/articles/94/web/2016/08/ACS-launches-chemistry-preprint-server.html|title=ACS launches chemistry preprint server - Chemical & Engineering News|website=cen.acs.org}}
41. ^{{cite web |title=Prior Publication Policies |url=https://pubs.acs.org/page/policy/prior/index.html |publisher=ACS |accessdate=22 March 2019}}
42. ^{{cite web |title=Instructions to Authors: Introduction |url=http://genome.cshlp.org/site/misc/ifora_overview.xhtml |publisher=CSH Press |accessdate=22 March 2019}}
43. ^{{Cite web|url=https://www.journals.uchicago.edu/cont/jrnl_rights|title=University of Chicago Press Journals: The University of Chicago Press Guidelines for Journal Authors’ Rights|website=www.journals.uchicago.edu}}
44. ^{{cite web|url=https://www.nrcresearchpress.com/page/authors/information/rights|title=Canadian Science Publishing|website=www.nrcresearchpress.com}}
45. ^{{cite web |title=Journal – Copyright Transfer Form |url=http://journals.cambridge.org/images/fileUpload/documents/PLA_ctf.pdf |publisher=Cambridge University Press |accessdate=22 March 2019}}
46. ^{{cite web|url=http://journals.iucr.org/d/services/notesforauthors.html|title=(IUCr) Notes for Authors of Acta Crystallographica Section D|website=journals.iucr.org}}
47. ^{{cite web|url=https://www.worldscientific.com/page/authors/author-rights|title=For Authors|website=www.worldscientific.com}}
48. ^{{cite web|url=http://www.emeraldgrouppublishing.com/authors/writing/originality.htm|title=Originality guidelines|website=www.emeraldgrouppublishing.com}}
49. ^{{Cite web|url=https://www.journals.uchicago.edu/journals/an/instruct|title=The American Naturalist: Instructions for Authors|website=www.journals.uchicago.edu}}
50. ^{{Cite web|url=https://pubs.acs.org/page/ancham/submission/prior.html|title=Policy Summary on Prior Publication|website=pubs.acs.org}}
51. ^https://www.bmj.com/company/wp-content/uploads/2018/06/Non-Open-Access-Articles-May-2018-1.pdf
52. ^{{Cite web|url=http://www.nejm.org/page/about-nejm/editorial-policies|title=NEJM — About NEJM - Editorial Policies|website=New England Journal of Medicine|access-date=2017-04-04}}
53. ^{{Cite news|url=https://www.bostonglobe.com/metro/2016/04/05/new-england-journal-medicine-increasingly-targeted-critics|title=New England Journal of Medicine increasingly targeted by critics|last=Ornstein|first=Charles|date=April 5, 2016|work=Boston Globe|access-date=April 4, 2017}}{{dead link|date=January 2018|bot=medic}}{{cbignore|bot=medic}}
54. ^{{Cite web|url=https://www.elsevier.com/journals/alzheimers-and-dementia/1552-5260/guide-for-authors|title=Guide for authors - Alzheimer's & Dementia |issn=1552-5260 |last=Elsevier|website=www.elsevier.com|language=en|access-date=2018-02-23}}
55. ^{{Cite web|url=https://ascopubs.org/jco/site/ifc/journal-policies.xhtml|title=Journal Policies | Author Center | JCO|website=Journal of Clinical Oncology}}
56. ^{{Cite web|url=http://www.fasebj.org/site/misc/edpolicies.xhtml#Preprint_Submissions|title=FASEB Editorial Policies|last=|first=|date=|website=|archive-url=|archive-date=|dead-url=|access-date=}}
57. ^{{Cite web|url=http://www.fasebj.org/site/misc/edpolicies.xhtml#Preprint_Submissions|title=EDITORIAL POLICIES|website=www.fasebj.org|language=en|access-date=2017-04-15}}
58. ^{{Cite web|url=https://www.sciencemag.org/authors/science-journals-editorial-policies|title=Science Journals: editorial policies|date=January 31, 2018|website=Science | AAAS}}
59. ^{{cite journal |last1=The Editorial Board |title=PNAS Policy on Prior Publication |journal=Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA |volume=96 |page=4215 |url=http://www.pnas.org/content/96/8/4215.full.pdf |accessdate=22 March 2019}}
60. ^{{Cite journal|last=Verma|first=Inder M.|date=2017-11-28|title=Preprint servers facilitate scientific discourse|journal=Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences|language=en|volume=114|issue=48|pages=12630|doi=10.1073/pnas.1716857114|issn=0027-8424|pmid=29078419|pmc=5715790}}
61. ^{{Cite web|url=http://www.pnas.org/site/misc/iforc.pdf|title=PNAS Information for Authors. REVISED November 2016|last=|first=|date=November 2016|website=|publisher=PNAS|access-date=December 20, 2016}}
62. ^{{Cite web|url=https://www.cell.com/current-biology/authors|title=Information for Authors: Current Biology|website=www.cell.com}}
63. ^{{Cite web|url=https://web.archive.org/web/20120809045357/http://www.jneurosci.org/site/misc/itoa.xhtml|title=The Journal of Neuroscience -- Instructions for Authors|date=August 9, 2012|website=web.archive.org}}
64. ^{{Cite web|url=http://www.elsevier.com/wps/find/journaldescription.cws_home/622904/authorinstructions#N10B77|title=Guide for authors - Journal of Theoretical Biology - ISSN 0022-5193|website=www.elsevier.com}}
65. ^{{Cite web|url=https://www.elsevier.com/journals/ultrasound-in-medicine-and-biology/0301-5629/guide-for-authors|title=Guide for authors - Ultrasound in Medicine & Biology - ISSN 0301-5629|website=www.elsevier.com}}
66. ^{{Cite web|url=https://www.cell.com/cell/authors|title=Information for Authors: Cell|website=www.cell.com}}
67. ^{{Cite web|url=https://www.cell.com/neuron/authors|title=Information for Authors: Neuron|website=www.cell.com}}
68. ^{{Cite web|url=https://www.cell.com/developmental-cell/authors|title=Information for Authors: Developmental Cell|website=www.cell.com}}
69. ^{{Cite web|url=https://www.cell.com/molecular-cell/authors|title=Information for Authors: Molecular Cell|website=www.cell.com}}
70. ^{{Cite web|url=http://jcb.rupress.org/IforA|title=Instructions for Authors | JCB|website=jcb.rupress.org}}
71. ^{{Cite web|url=http://jem.rupress.org/IforA|title=Instructions for Authors | JEM|website=jem.rupress.org}}
72. ^{{Cite web|url=http://jgp.rupress.org/IforA|title=Instructions for Authors | JGP|website=jgp.rupress.org}}
73. ^{{Cite web|url=https://www.researchgate.net/journal/0737-4038_Molecular_Biology_and_Evolution|title=Molecular Biology and Evolution|website=ResearchGate}}
74. ^{{Cite web|url=https://academic.oup.com/nar/pages/Policies|title=Policies | Nucleic Acids Research | Oxford Academic|website=academic.oup.com}}
75. ^{{Cite web|url=https://twitter.com/OxfordJournals/status/720543213153611776|title=Oxford Journals on Twitter|website=Twitter|access-date=2016-04-14}}
76. ^{{Cite web|url=https://twitter.com/OxfordJournals/status/720543363917852673|title=Oxford Journals on Twitter|website=Twitter|access-date=2016-04-14}}
77. ^{{Cite web|url=https://academic.oup.com/synbio/pages/Policies|title=Policies | Synthetic Biology | Oxford Academic|website=academic.oup.com}}
78. ^{{Cite web|url=http://genesdev.cshlp.org/site/misc/ifora_PreprintServers.xhtml|title=Preprint Servers|website=genesdev.cshlp.org}}
79. ^{{Cite web|url=https://genome.cshlp.org/site/misc/ifora_PreprintServers.xhtml|title=Genome Research -- Preprint Servers|website=genome.cshlp.org}}
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81. ^{{Cite web|url=https://www.thelancet.com/lancet/information-for-authors|title=The Lancet: Information for Authors|website=www.thelancet.com}}
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