

词条 List of birds of North America (Accipitriformes)

  1. Osprey

  2. Eagles, kites and allies

  3. References

{{Main|List of birds of North America}}

The birds listed below all belong to the biological order Accipitriformes, and are native to North America.


Order: Accipitriformes{{nbsp|3}}Family: Pandionidae

Pandionidae is a family of fish-eating birds of prey, possessing a very large, powerful hooked beak for tearing flesh from their prey, strong legs, powerful talons and keen eyesight. The family is monotypic.

  • Osprey, Pandion haliaetus {{IUCN status|LC|22694938}}

Eagles, kites and allies

Order: Accipitriformes{{nbsp|3}}Family: Accipitridae

Accipitridae is a family of birds of prey, which includes hawks, eagles, kites, harriers and Old World vultures. These birds have very large powerful hooked beaks for tearing flesh from their prey, strong legs, powerful talons and keen eyesight.

  • Bald eagle, Haliaeetus leucocephalus {{IUCN status|LC|22695144}}
  • Barred hawk, Leucopternis princeps {{IUCN status|LC|22695754}}
  • Bicolored hawk, Accipiter bicolor {{IUCN status|LC|22695669}}
  • Black-and-white hawk-eagle, Spizaetus melanoleucus {{IUCN status|LC|22696120}}
  • Black-collared hawk, Busarellus nigricollis {{IUCN status|LC|22695842}}
  • Black hawk-eagle, Spizaetus tyrannus {{IUCN status|LC|22696193}}
  • Booted eagle, Aquila pennata (A) {{IUCN status|LC|22696092}}
  • Broad-winged hawk, Buteo platypterus {{IUCN status|LC|22695891}} (ssp. brunnescens: {{ESA status|E}})
  • Chinese sparrowhawk, Accipiter soloensis (A) {{IUCN status|LC|22695503}}
  • Common black hawk, Buteogallus anthracinus {{IUCN status|LC|22735514}}
  • Cooper's hawk, Accipiter cooperii {{IUCN status|LC|22695656}}
  • Crane hawk, Geranospiza caerulescens {{IUCN status|LC|22695729}}
  • Crested eagle, Morphnus guianensis {{IUCN status|NT|22695991}}
  • Cuban black hawk, Buteogallus gundlachii {{IUCN status|NT|22735287}}
  • Double-toothed kite, Harpagus bidentatus {{IUCN status|LC|22695060}}
  • Ferruginous hawk, Buteo regalis {{IUCN status|LC|22695970}}
  • Golden eagle, Aquila chrysaetos {{IUCN status|LC|22696060}}
  • Gray hawk, Buteo plagiatus (B. nitidus: {{IUCN status|LC|22734649}})
  • Gray-lined hawk, Buteo nitidus {{IUCN status|LC|22734649}}
  • Gray-headed kite, Leptodon cayanensis {{IUCN status|LC|22694967}}
  • Gray-bellied hawk, Accipiter poliogaster (A) {{IUCN status|NT|22695453}}
  • Great black hawk, Buteogallus urubitinga {{IUCN status|LC|22695827}}
  • Gundlach's hawk, Accipiter gundlachi {{IUCN status|EN|22695659}}
  • Harpy eagle, Harpia harpyja {{IUCN status|NT|22695998}} {{ESA status|E}}
  • Harris's hawk, Parabuteo unicinctus {{IUCN status|LC|22695838}}
  • Hook-billed kite, Chondrohierax uncinatus {{IUCN status|LC|22694971}} (C. u. mirus and Cuban kite C. (u.) wilsonii: {{ESA status|E}})
  • Long-winged harrier, Circus buffoni {{IUCN status|LC|22695373}}
  • Mississippi kite, Ictinia mississippiensis {{IUCN status|LC|22695066}}
  • Northern goshawk, Accipiter gentilis {{IUCN status|LC|22695683}}
  • Northern harrier, Circus hudsonius {{IUCN status|LC|22695384}}
  • Pearl kite, Gampsonyx swainsonii {{IUCN status|LC|22695025}}
  • Ornate hawk-eagle, Spizaetus ornatus {{IUCN status|NT|22696197}}
  • Plumbeous hawk, Leucopternis plumbeus {{IUCN status|NT|22695732}}
  • Plumbeous kite, Ictinia plumbea {{IUCN status|LC|22695069}}
  • Red-shouldered hawk, Buteo lineatus {{IUCN status|LC|22695883}}
  • Red-tailed hawk, Buteo jamaicensis {{IUCN status|LC|22695933}}
  • Ridgway's hawk, Buteo ridgwayi {{IUCN status|CR|22695886}}
  • Roadside hawk, Buteo magnirostris {{IUCN status|LC|22695880}}
  • Rough-legged hawk, Buteo lagopus {{IUCN status|LC|22695973}}
  • Rufous crab hawk, Buteogallus aequinoctialis (A) {{IUCN status|NT|22695808}}
  • Savanna hawk, Buteogallus meridionalis {{IUCN status|LC|22695832}}
  • Semiplumbeous hawk, Leucopternis semiplumbeus {{IUCN status|LC|22695775}}
  • Sharp-shinned hawk, Accipiter striatus {{IUCN status|LC|22734130}} (Accipiter striatus venator A. s. venator: {{ESA status|E}})
  • Short-tailed hawk, Buteo brachyurus {{IUCN status|LC|22695897}}
  • Slender-billed kite, Helicolestes hamatus {{IUCN status|LC|22695051}}
  • Snail kite, Rostrhamus sociabilis {{IUCN status|LC|22695048}} (ssp. plumbeus: {{ESA status|E}})
  • Solitary eagle, Harpyhaliaetus solitarius {{IUCN status|NT|22695849}}
  • Steller's sea eagle, Haliaeetus pelagicus (C) {{IUCN status|VU|22695147}}
  • Swainson's hawk, Buteo swainsoni {{IUCN status|LC|22695903}}
  • Swallow-tailed kite, Elanoides forficatus {{IUCN status|LC|22695017}}
  • Tiny hawk, Accipiter superciliosus {{IUCN status|LC|22695565}}
  • Turkey vulture, Cathartes aura {{IUCN status|LC|}}
  • Western marsh harrier, Circus aeruginosus (A) {{IUCN status|LC|22695344}}
  • White hawk, Leucopternis albicollis {{IUCN status|LC|22695786}}
  • White-tailed eagle, Haliaeetus albicilla (C) {{IUCN status|LC|22695137}} (ssp. groenlandicus: {{ESA status|E}})
  • White-tailed hawk, Buteo albicaudatus {{IUCN status|LC|22695906}}
  • White-tailed kite, Elanus leucurus {{IUCN status|LC|22695036}}
  • Zone-tailed hawk, Buteo albonotatus {{IUCN status|LC|22695926}}


{{List of North American Birds (Navigation)}}

1 : Lists of birds of North America





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