

词条 List of Calderón's plays in English translation

  1. Early trends in translation

     1600s and 1700s: cape and sword  1800s: the Spanish Shakespeare 

  2. Other echoes

  3. Translations

     Key  Table 

  4. Notes

  5. References

  6. External links

{{Expand list|date=October 2013}}{{multiple image
| footer = Calderón, Spanish Golden Age playwright; and Digby, his earliest English translator.
| width1 = 187
| image1 = Pedro Calderón de la Barca 01.jpg
| caption1 = Pedro Calderón de la Barca
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| image2 = Van Dyck, Sir Anthony - George Digby, 2nd Earl of Bristol - Google Art Project.jpg
| caption2 = George Digby, 2nd Earl of BristolPedro Calderón de la Barca was a Spanish Golden Age playwright who — from the beginning of his theatrical career in the 1620s to his death in 1681 — wrote about 120 comedias and about 80 autos sacramentales.[1] About 40 of these have been translated into English, at least three during Calderón's own lifetime; La vida es sueño (Life is a Dream), "a work many hold to be the supreme example of Spanish Golden Age drama",[2] exists in around 20 English versions.[3]

Early trends in translation

1600s and 1700s: cape and sword

Calderón evidently exerted no direct influence on English playwrights before 1660, although one play by John Fletcher and one by Philip Massinger are probably based to some extent on Spanish originals, and James Shirley's The Young Admiral and The Opportunity are adaptations of plays by Calderón's contemporaries Lope de Vega and Tirso de Molina respectively.[4]

The wild success of Sir Samuel Tuke's The Adventures of Five Hours,[5] a 1663 adaptation of a play by Spanish playwright Antonio Coello, began a fashion for Spanish adaptations on the English Restoration stage. Within 4 years, George Digby had translated 3 comedies by Calderón. After this "bubble" based on Calderón's reputation as a popular playwright, his direct influence vanishes almost entirely from the English stage for over a century.

1800s: the Spanish Shakespeare

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| footer = Oxenford, earliest credited translator of Life is a Dream into English; and Fitzgerald, popular Victorian translator of eight plays of Calderón.
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| image1 = John Oxenford.jpg
| caption1 = John Oxenford
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| image2 = Edward FitzGerald.jpg
| caption2 = Edward Fitzgerald

At the beginning of the 19th century, international interest in Calderón was resurrected by August Schlegel, and English translation resumed. Now, Calderón was more often seen as a philosophical, literary, or religious — rather than a popular — dramatist. The two giants of 19th-century Calderón translation exhibit opposing approaches to the "Spanish Shakepeare". Edward Fitzgerald, turning Calderón into a pseudo-Elizabethan, states:

I do not believe an exact translation of this poet can be very successful… I have, while faithfully trying to retain what was fine and efficient, sunk, reduced, altered, and replaced, much that seemed not…[6]

Denis Florence MacCarthy exhibiting a more formal "bardology" writes:

All the forms of verse have been preserved; while the closeness of the translation may be inferred from the fact, that not only the whole play but every speech and fragment of a speech are represented in English in the exact number of lines of the original, without the sacrifice, it is to be hoped, of one important idea.[7]

It might be said that Fitzgerald's translations were quite English, but not Calderón; while Mac-Carthy's were Calderón, but not quite English.[8]

Other echoes

Besides full translations, Calderón's plays have provided, as it were, raw materials for some English plays (not included in the table below).

Though the ultimate source of John Dryden's An Evening's Love; or, The Mock Astrologer (1668) is Calderón's El Astrologo Fingido, scholars have not determined how much of his writing (if any) is based directly on Calderón, how much on Thomas Corneille's Le Feint Astrologue (a French translation of Calderón's work, which Dryden also acknowledges as a source), and how much on any of several other related French and English sources; whatever the sources, he used them freely, and his entire fifth act is original.[9]

The "high" plot (one of several) in William Wycherley's Love in a Wood (1672) is based on Mañanas de abril y mayo (Mornings of April and May).[10] The basic idea (though not particular scenes) of his Gentleman Dancing-Master (1673) hails from Calderón's El maestro de Danzar.[11] Isaac Bickerstaff writes in 1770 that:

Calderon ... through Molière, Corneille, Le Sage, Boissy, etc. has provided Vanbrugh, Centlivre, Cibber, and Steel{{sic}}, with The Mistake, The False Friend,[12] The Wonder, The Busy Body, The Kind Impostor, The Lady's Philosophy, and The Lying Lover, all English Comedies, which have been received upon the stage with the warmest marks of approbation.[13]

Similarly, John Howard Payne's The Last Duel in Spain (apparently from about 1822-30, and unproduced), although based ultimately on Calderón's El Postrer Duelo de España was probably actually derived from D'Esménard's French prose translation, Le Dernier Duel en Espagne, published in 1822.[14]



  • Spanish Title — The original comedia or auto that serves as the basis of the English text.
  • English Title — The title of the English text, as it appears in the particular translation. Because one Spanish title may suggest alternate English titles (e.g. Life is a Dream, Life's a Dream, Such Stuff as Dreams are Made Of), sorting by this column is not a reliable way to group all translations of a particular original together; to do so, sort on Spanish Title.
  • Year — The year of the translation's first publication (except where indicates "first production"). Some translations were written or produced earlier than this date, and some were republished subsequently, but this is not noted here.
  • Publication — The publication in which the translation first appeared. When the publication consisted only of the single named play this information is not repeated, except in cases where the publication title is used as an external link to the work, or when it is matched with an ISBN.
  • Notes — May indicate the style of translation or significant republications; "auto" indicates an auto sacramentale; all other works are comedias.


Spanish Title English Title Year TranslatorPublicationNotes
Peor está que estabaWorse and Worse1664?*Digby, Georgenot extantperformed at the Duke's Theatre between 1662 and 1665[15]
Mejor está que estaba'Tis Better than It Was1664?*Digby, Georgenot extantperformed at the Duke's Theatre July 1664[15]
No siempre lo peor es ciertoElvira: or, The Worst is Not Always True1667Digby, George[15] reprinted in Robert Dodsley's Select Collection of Old Plays {{Internet Archive>aselectcollecti04dodsgoog|Vol 12}}
La Dama DuendeWoman is a Riddle1718Bullock, Christopher (& others?)womanisariddlea00savagoog|Woman is a Riddle}}
El escondido y la tapada'Tis Well It's No Worse1770Bickerstaffe, Isaactiswellitsnowor00barcgoog|'Tis Well It's No Worse}}
Peor está que estabaFrom Bad to Worse1805Holcroft, FannyxXJKAQAAMAAJ|The Theatrical Recorder Vol 1. No. 4 (1805)}}prose
Mejor está que estabaFortune Mends1805Holcroft, Fanny[https://babel.hathitrust.org/cgi/pt?id=uc1.aa0001409911;view=1up;seq=89 The Theatrical Recorder Vol. 2 No. 8 (1805)]prose
La Dama DuendeThe Fairy Lady1807Holland, Lord (anonymously)threecomediestr00hollgoog|Three Comedies Translated from the Spanish}}prose
Nadie fie su secretoKeep Your Own Secret1807Holland, Lord (anonymously)threecomediestr00hollgoog|Three Comedies Translated from the Spanish}}prose
El Magico ProdigiosoThe Wonder-Working Magician (scenes)1824Shelley, Percy Byssheposthumouspoemso00shel|Posthumous Poems}}blank verse; major fragments, comprising much of the main plot; reprinted in The Classic Theatre III: Six Spanish Plays, ed. Eric Bentley (1959)
La Vida es SueñoLife, a Dream1830Cowan, Malcolm (anonymously)
La Vida es SueñoLife is a Dream1842Oxenford, JohnMonthly Magazine ({{Google books>T3AEAAAAQAAJ|Vol XCVI|page=RA1-PA255}}: Nos DXLIX, DL, DLI)blank verse
El Magico ProdigiosoJustina1848"J. H." (Mac-Carthy, Denis Florence?)justinaplay00cald|Justina: a play}}verse; retranslated as The Wonder-Working Magician in Calderon’s Dramas (1873)
El pintor de su deshonraThe Painter of His Own Dishonor1853Fitzgerald, EdwardSix Dramas of Calderoneightdramasofcal00calduoft|Eight Dramas of Calderon (1906)}}
Nadie fie su secretoKeep Your Own Secret1853Fitzgerald, EdwardSix Dramas of Calderoneightdramasofcal00calduoft|Eight Dramas of Calderon (1906)}}
Luis Pérez, el gallegoGil Perez, the Gallician1853Fitzgerald, EdwardSix Dramas of Calderoneightdramasofcal00calduoft|Eight Dramas of Calderon (1906)}}
Las tres justicias en unaThree Judgements at a Blow1853Fitzgerald, EdwardSix Dramas of Calderoneightdramasofcal00calduoft|Eight Dramas of Calderon (1906)}}
El Alcalde de ZalameaThe Mayor of Zalamea1853Fitzgerald, EdwardSix Dramas of Calderoneightdramasofcal00calduoft|Eight Dramas of Calderon (1906)}}
Guárdate del agua mansaBeware of Smooth Water1853Fitzgerald, EdwardSix Dramas of Calderoneightdramasofcal00calduoft|Eight Dramas of Calderon (1906)}}
El Principe ConstantThe Constant Prince1853Mac-Carthy, Denis Florencedramastragiccom01maccgoog|Dramas of Calderon, Tragic, Comic, and Legendary, Vol 1}}imitative verse; reprinted with revisions by Henry W. Wells in Calderon de la Barca: Six Plays (1961)
El Secreto a VocesThe Secret in Words1853Mac-Carthy, Denis Florencedramastragiccom01maccgoog|Dramas of Calderon, Tragic, Comic, and Legendary, Vol 1}}imitative verse
El médico de su honraThe Physician of His Own Honour1853Mac-Carthy, Denis Florencedramastragiccom01maccgoog|Dramas of Calderon, Tragic, Comic, and Legendary, Vol 1}}imitative verse
Amar despues de la MuerteLove After Death1853Mac-Carthy, Denis Florencedramastragiccom02maccgoog|Dramas of Calderon, Tragic, Comic, and Legendary, Vol 2}}imitative verse; reprinted with revisions by Henry W. Wells in Calderon de la Barca: Six Plays (1961)
El Purgatorio de San PatricioThe Purgatory of St. Patrick1853Mac-Carthy, Denis Florencedramastragiccom02maccgoog|Dramas of Calderon, Tragic, Comic, and Legendary, Vol 2}}imitative verse; revised version published in Calderon’s Dramas (1873)
La Banda y la FlorThe Scarf and the Flower1853Mac-Carthy, Denis Florencedramastragiccom02maccgoog|Dramas of Calderon, Tragic, Comic, and Legendary, Vol 2}}imitative verse
La Vida es SueñoLife's a Dream (passages)1856Trench, Richard Chenevixlifesdreamgreatt00caldiala|Life's a Dream; The Great Theatre of the World}}not a complete translation, but many significant passages with commentary interspersed
El gran teatro del mundoThe Great Theatre of the World (passages)1856Trench, Richard Chenevixlifesdreamgreatt00caldiala|Life's a Dream; The Great Theatre of the World}}auto; not a complete translation, but many significant passages with commentary interspersed
Los Encantos de la CulpaThe Sorceries of Sin1859Mac-Carthy, Denis FlorenceThe Atlantis: a Register of Literature and Science {{Internet Archive>a633817002cathuoft|Vol II}} pp 277-323lovegreatestench00calduoft|Love the Greatest Enchantment, The Sorceries of Sin, The Devotion of the Cross. From the Spanish of Calderon (1861)}}
El Mayor Encanto AmorLove the Greatest Enchantment1861Mac-Carthy, Denis Florencelovegreatestench00calduoft|Love the Greatest Enchantment, The Sorceries of Sin, The Devotion of the Cross. From the Spanish of Calderon}}imitative verse; bilingual edition
La Devoción de la CruzThe Devotion of the Cross1861Mac-Carthy, Denis Florencelovegreatestench00calduoft|Love the Greatest Enchantment, The Sorceries of Sin, The Devotion of the Cross. From the Spanish of Calderon}}imitative verse; bilingual edition; reprinted with revisions by Henry W. Wells in Calderon de la Barca: Six Plays (1961)
El Magico ProdigiosoThe Mighty Magician1865Fitzgerald, EdwardThe Mighty Magician; Such Stuff as Dreams are Made Ofeightdramasofcal00calduoft|Eight Dramas of Calderon (1906)}}
La Vida es SueñoSuch Stuff as Dreams are Made Of1865Fitzgerald, EdwardThe Mighty Magician; Such Stuff as Dreams are Made Ofeightdramasofcal00calduoft|Eight Dramas of Calderon (1906)}}
La cena del rey BaltazarBelshazzar’s Feast1867Mac-Carthy, Denis Florencemysteriescorpus00lorigoog|Mysteries of Corpus Christi}}auto; imitative verse; reprinted with revisions by Henry W. Wells in Calderon de la Barca: Six Plays (1961)
La Divina FilotéaThe Divine Philothea1867Mac-Carthy, Denis Florencemysteriescorpus00lorigoog|Mysteries of Corpus Christi}}auto; imitative verse
El Veneno y la TriacaThe Poison and the Antidote (first scene only)1867Mac-Carthy, Denis Florencemysteriescorpus00lorigoog|Mysteries of Corpus Christi}}auto; imitative verse
Los dos amantes del cielo: Crisanto y DariaThe Two Lovers of Heaven: Chysanthus and Daria1869Mac-Carthy, Denis FlorenceThe Atlantis: a Register of Literature and Science {{Internet Archive>a633817003cathuoft|Vol V}} Article II, pp 13-68cu31924027517626|The Two Lovers of Heaven: Chysanthus and Daria. A drama of early Christian Rome (1870)}}
La Vida es SueñoLife Is a Dream1873Mac-Carthy, Denis Florencedramasca00cald|Calderon’s Dramas}}imitative verse; reprinted with revisions by Henry W. Wells in Calderon de la Barca: Six Plays (1961)
El Magico ProdigiosoThe Wonder-Working Magician1873Mac-Carthy, Denis Florencedramasca00cald|Calderon’s Dramas}}imitative verse; reprinted with revisions by Henry W. Wells in Calderon de la Barca: Six Plays (1961)
El Purgatorio de San PatricioThe Purgatory of St. Patrick (revised)1873Mac-Carthy, Denis Florencedramasca00cald|Calderon’s Dramas}}imitative verse
El Alcalde de ZalameaNobility; or The Alcalde of Zalamea1885Pierra, Adolfo
El gran príncipe de FezThe Prince of Fez1905Kaenders, PeterThe prince of Fez; a drama in three acts, adapted from Don Calderon de la Barca
La Vida es SueñoLife’s a Dream1925Birch, Frank & J. B. Trendstage version, prose and verse
La cena del rey BaltazarThe Feast of Belshazzar1934Jones, Willis KnappSpanish one act plays in English : a comprehensive anthology of Spanish drama from the 12th century to the presentauto
El desafío de Juan RanaJuan Rana's Duel1934Jones, Willis KnappSpanish one act plays in English : a comprehensive anthology of Spanish drama from the 12th century to the present
El gran teatro del mundoThe Great World-Theatre1955Sipman, Francis E.auto
El gran teatro del mundoThe Great Theatre of the World 1957Graves, John Clarus The Great Theatre of the World; based on a theme from Calderonauto
El gran teatro del mundoThe Great Theatre of the World1957Singleton, Mack HendricksMasterpieces of the Spanish Golden Age, ed. Angel Floresauto
La Vida es SueñoLife is a Dream 1958Colford, William E
El gran teatro del mundoThe Great Theatre of the World1958Graves, Clarus J. & Cuthbert G. SoukupThe Great Theatre of the World: [A Morality Play] Based on a Theme from Calderónauto
Amar despues de la MuerteLove After Death1959Campbell, RoyThe Classic Theatre III: Six Spanish Plays, ed. Eric Bentleyblank verse
La Vida es SueñoLife is a Dream1959Campbell, RoyThe Classic Theatre III: Six Spanish Plays, ed. Eric Bentleyblank verse; reprinted in Life Is A Dream and Other Spanish Classics, ed. Eric Bentley (1985)
El Alcalde de ZalameaThe Mayor of Zalamea 1959Colford, William E
El médico de su honraThe Surgeon of His Honour 1960Campbell, Royblank verse; acting edition
A Secreto Agravio, Secreta VenganzaSecret Vengeance for Secret Insult1961Honig, EdwinCalderon: Four PlaysCalderón de la Barca: Six Plays (1993) {{ISBN>1-882763-05-X}}
La Devoción de la CruzDevotion to the Cross1961Honig, EdwinCalderon: Four PlaysCalderón de la Barca: Six Plays (1993) {{ISBN>1-882763-05-X}}
El Alcalde de ZalameaThe Mayor of Zalamea1961Honig, EdwinCalderon: Four PlaysCalderón de la Barca: Six Plays (1993) {{ISBN>1-882763-05-X}}
La Dama DuendeThe Phantom Lady1961Honig, EdwinCalderon: Four PlaysCalderón de la Barca: Six Plays (1993) {{ISBN>1-882763-05-X}}
La Vida es SueñoLife is a Dream1963Alpern, HymenThree Classic Spanish Plays
El gran teatro del mundoThe Great Stage of the World1964Brandt, George W.The Great Stage of the World: An Allegorical Auto Sacramental in Three Acts/Gran teatro del mundoauto
La Vida es SueñoLife is a Dream1968Raine, Kathleen & R. M. Nadal Life is a Dream {{ISBN>978-0241015490}}verse
La cena del rey BaltazarKing Belshazzar's Feast1969Barnes, R. G.Three Spanish Sacramental Plays {{ISBN>978-0951440308}}auto
La Vida es SueñoLife is a Dream1970Honig, EdwinLife is a Dream {{ISBN>0-8090-6556-8}}Calderón de la Barca: Six Plays (1993) {{ISBN>1-882763-05-X}}
El astrólogo fingidoThe Fake Astrologer1976Oppenheimer, Max, Jr.The Fake Astrologer {{ISBN>978-0820421667}}reprinted in Pedro Calderón de la Barca's The Fake Astrologer: A Critical Spanish Text and English Translation (1994)
Peor está que estabaFrom Bad to Worse1980Muir, KennethFour Comedies by Pedro Calderón de la Barca {{ISBN>0-8131-1409-8}}blank verse and prose
El secreto a vocesThe Secret Spoken Aloud1980Muir, KennethFour Comedies by Pedro Calderón de la Barca {{ISBN>0-8131-1409-8}}blank verse and prose
No siempre lo peor es ciertoThe Worst is not Always Certain1980Muir, KennethFour Comedies by Pedro Calderón de la Barca {{ISBN>0-8131-1409-8}}blank verse and prose
Dicha y desdicha del nombreThe Advantages and Disadvantages of a Name1980Muir, KennethFour Comedies by Pedro Calderón de la Barca {{ISBN>0-8131-1409-8}}blank verse and prose
El Magico ProdigiosoThe Prodigious Magician1982Wardropper, Bruce W.The Prodigious Magician {{ISBN>978-8473171113}}prose; bilingual edition
Guárdate del agua mansaBeware of Still Waters1984Gitlitz, David M.Beware of Still Waters {{ISBN>978-0939980048}}bilingual edition
Casa con dos puertas mala es de guardarA House With Two Doors Is Difficult to Guard1985Muir, Kenneth & Ann L. MackenzieCalderón: Three Comedies {{ISBN>0-8131-1546-9}}blank verse and prose
Mañanas de abril y mayoMornings of April and May1985Muir, Kenneth & Ann L. MackenzieCalderón: Three Comedies {{ISBN>0-8131-1546-9}}blank verse and prose
No hay burlas con el amorNo Trifling With Love1985Muir, Kenneth & Ann L. MackenzieCalderón: Three Comedies {{ISBN>0-8131-1546-9}}blank verse and prose
No hay burlas con el amorLove is no laughing matter1986Cruickshank, Don & Sean PageLove is no laughing matter {{ISBN>978-0856683664}}
El pintor de su deshonraThe Painter of His Dishonour1989Paterson, A. K. G.The Painter of His Dishonour {{ISBN>978-0856683466}}
El Alcalde de ZalameaThe Mayor of Zalamea1990Mitchell, AdrianThree Plays {{ISBN>978-0948230264}}verse, from literal translations by Gwenda Pandolfi
El gran teatro del mundoThe Great Theatre of the World1990Mitchell, AdrianThree Plays {{ISBN>978-0948230264}}auto; verse, from literal translations by Gwenda Pandolfi
La Vida es SueñoLife’s a Dream1990Mitchell, Adrian & John BartonThree Plays {{ISBN>978-0948230264}}verse, from literal translations by Gwenda Pandolfi
La cisma de InglaterraThe Schism in England1990Muir, Kenneth & Ann L. MackenzieThe Schism in England {{ISBN>0-85668-331-0}}blank verse; bilingual edition
El médico de su honraThe Surgeon of Honour1991Edwards, GwynneCalderón: Plays: One {{ISBN>978-0413634603}}
La Vida es SueñoLife is a dream1991Edwards, GwynneCalderón: Plays: One {{ISBN>978-0413634603}}
Las tres justicias en unaThree Judgments in One1991Edwards, GwynneCalderón: Plays: One {{ISBN>978-0413634603}}
El pintor de su deshonraThe Painter of His Own Dishonor1991Paterson, A. K. G.The Painter of His Own Dishonor {{ISBN>9780856683473}}bilingual edition
Los Cabellos de AbsalónThe Crown of Absalom1993Honig, EdwinCalderón de la Barca: Six Plays {{ISBN>1-882763-05-X}}loose syllabic verse
El pintor de su deshonraThe Painter of Dishonour1995Johnston, David & Laurence BoswellThe Painter of Dishonour {{ISBN>978-0948230882}}
El médico de su honraThe Physician of His Honour1997Hindley, DonaldThe Physician of His Honour {{ISBN>9780856687778}}bilingual edition; revised translation published in 2007
La Vida es SueñoLife is a Dream1998Clifford, John
Sueños hay que verdad sonSometimes Dreams Come True1998McGaha, MichaelThe Story of Joseph in Spanish Golden Age Drama {{ISBN>978-0838753804}}auto
La vida es sueñoLife Is a Dream 2002 Applebaum, Stanley Life Is a Dream {{ISBN>978-0486421247}}
La Vida es SueñoLife's a Dream2004Kidd, MichaelLife's a Dream {{ISBN>9780856688966}}
La Vida es SueñoLife is a Dream2006Racz, Gregary J.Life is a Dream {{ISBN>978-0-14-310482-7}}imitative verse
La Vida es SueñoLife's a Dream2008Davis, RickCalderón De La Barca, Four Great Plays of the Golden Age {{ISBN>978-1575255965}}
La Dama DuendeThe Phantom Lady2008Davis, RickCalderón De La Barca, Four Great Plays of the Golden Age {{ISBN>978-1575255965}}
El Príncipe ConstanteThe Constant Prince2008Davis, RickCalderón De La Barca, Four Great Plays of the Golden Age {{ISBN>978-1575255965}}
El gran teatro del mundoThe Great Theatre of the World2008Davis, RickCalderón De La Barca, Four Great Plays of the Golden Age {{ISBN>978-1575255965}}auto
La vida es sueñoLife Is a Dream 2009 Cruz, Nilo Life is a Dream {{ISBN>978-0822222347}} acting edition
La Vida es SueñoLife is a Dream2010Edmundson, HelenLife is a Dream {{ISBN>978-1848420601}}
No hay burlas con el amor The Phoenix of Madrid 2012 Boswell, Laurence The Phoenix of Madrid {{ISBN>978-1849431347}}
El mayor monstruo los celosJealousy the Greatest Monster2014Muir, Kenneth & Ann L. Mackenzie & José María Ruano de la HazaJealousy the Greatest Monster {{ISBN>9780856683695}}bilingual edition


1. ^Racz 2006, p i.
2. ^Racz 2006, p viii.
3. ^Racz 2006, p xxv.
4. ^Riera 2009, p 44.
5. ^Based on Los Empenos de seis horas, at the time often wrongly ascribed to Calderón.
6. ^Fitzgerald 1906, pp 1-2.
7. ^Mac-Carthy 1873, pp vii-viii.
8. ^For example, Eric Bentley criticizes Mac-Carthy's "(luckily) inimitable Hispano-English" saying "[i]n trying to reproduce the sound of the Spanish, he effectively prevented himself from writing English", but equally that Fitzgerald "went to the other extreme of excessive freedom." (Bentley 1959, pp 458, vii)
9. ^Riera 2009, pp 73-74.
10. ^Holland 1981, p 3.
11. ^Holland 1981, p 117.
12. ^In fact, John Vanbrugh's The False Friend is based on Francisco de Rojas Zorrilla's La traición busca el castigo.
13. ^Bickerstaff 1770, p. vi.
14. ^Payne 1940, p 3.
15. ^Riera 2009, pp 76-77.


  • {{Citation

| editor-last=Bentley
| editor-first=Eric
| year=1959
| title=The Classic Theatre Volume III: Six Spanish Plays
| location=Garden City, NY
| publisher=Anchor Books
  • {{Citation

| last=Bickerstaff
| first=Isaac
| year=1770
| title='Tis Well It's No Worse: A Comedy
| location=London
| publisher=W. Griffin
| url=https://archive.org/details/tiswellitsnowor00barcgoog
  • {{Citation

| editor-last=Holland
| editor-first=Peter
| year=1981
| title=The Plays of William Wycherley
| series=Plays by Renaissance and Restoration Dramatists
| location=Cambridge
| publisher=University Press
  • {{Citation

| last=Pane
| first=Remigio Ugo
| year=1944
| title=English translations from the Spanish, 1484-1943
| location=New Brunswick
| publisher=Rutgers University Press
  • {{Citation

| editor1-last=Hislop
| editor1-first=Codman
| editor2-last=Richardson
| editor2-first=W. R.
| author-first=John Howard
| author-last=Payne
| year=1940
| title=The Last Duel in Spain & Other Plays
| series=America’s Lost Plays
| volume=VI
| location=Princeton
| publisher=Princeton University Press
  • {{Citation

| last=Racz
| first=Gregary
| year=2006
| title=Pedro Calderón de la Barca: Life is a Dream
| publisher=Penguin
| isbn=978-0-14-310482-7
  • {{Citation

| last=Riera
| first=Jorge Braga
| year=2009
| title=Classical Spanish Drama in Restoration English (1660-1700)
| series=Benjamins Translation Library
| volume=85
| location=Philadelphia
| publisher=John Benjamins Publishing Company
| isbn=978-90-272-8905-6

External links

Online bibliography
  • A Bibliography Of Spanish Comedias In English Translation
Additional translated texts available online
  • AHCT Spanish Comedias in English Translation
  • Calderón at Project Gutenberg
{{Pedro Calderón de la Barca}}{{DEFAULTSORT:Calderon's plays in English translation}}

5 : 17th-century plays|Plays by Pedro Calderón de la Barca|Translations into English|Lists of plays|Translation-related lists





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