

词条 Sexagenary cycle

  1. Overview

  2. History

  3. Ten Heavenly Stems

  4. Twelve Earthly Branches

  5. Sexagenary years

  6. Conversion between cyclic years and Western years

     Examples  A shorter equivalent method  1804–1923  1924–2043 

  7. Sexagenary months

  8. Sexagenary days

     Examples  Algorithm for mental calculation 

  9. Sexagenary hours

  10. See also

  11. References

      Citations    Sources  

  12. External links

|p=liùshí gānzhī

The sexagenary cycle, also known as the Stems-and-Branches or ganzhi, is a cycle of sixty terms, each corresponding to one year, thus a total of sixty years for one cycle, used for reckoning time in China and the rest of the East Asian cultural sphere.[1] It appears as a means of recording days in the first Chinese written texts, the Shang oracle bones of the late second millennium BC. Its use to record years began around the middle of the 3rd century BC.{{sfn|Smith|2011|pages=1, 28}} The cycle and its variations have been an important part of the traditional calendrical systems in Chinese-influenced Asian states and territories, particularly those of Japan, Korea, and Vietnam, with the old Chinese system still in use in Taiwan.

This traditional method of numbering days and years no longer has any significant role in modern Chinese time-keeping or the official calendar. However, the sexagenary cycle is used in the names of many historical events, such as the Chinese Xinhai Revolution, the Japanese Boshin War, and the Korean Imjin War. It also continues to have a role in contemporary Chinese astrology and fortune telling.


Each term in the sexagenary cycle consists of two Chinese characters, the first being one of the ten Heavenly Stems of the Shang-era week and the second being one of the twelve Earthly Branches representing the years of Jupiter's duodecennial orbital cycle. The first term jiǎzǐ ({{lang|zh|{{linktext|甲子}}}}) combines the first heavenly stem with the first earthly branch. The second term yǐchǒu ({{lang|zh|{{linktext|乙丑}}}}) combines the second stem with the second branch. This pattern continues until both cycles conclude simultaneously with guǐhài ({{lang|zh|{{linktext|癸亥}}}}), after which it begins again at jiǎzǐ. This termination at ten and twelve's least common multiple leaves half of the combinations—such as jiǎchǒu ({{lang|zh|甲丑}})—unused; this is traditionally explained by reference to pairing the stems and branches according to their yin and yang properties.

This combination of two sub-cycles to generate a larger cycle and its use to record time have parallels in other calendrical systems, notably the Akan calendar.[2]


The sexagenary cycle is attested as a method of recording days from the earliest written records in China, records of divination on oracle bones, beginning ca. 1250 BC. Almost every oracle bone inscription includes a date in this format. This use of the cycle for days is attested throughout the Zhou dynasty and remained common into the Han period for all documentary purposes that required dates specified to the day.

Almost all the dates in the Spring and Autumn Annals, a chronological list of events from 722 to 481 BC, use this system in combination with regnal years and months (lunations) to record dates. Eclipses recorded in the Annals demonstrate that continuity in the sexagenary day-count was unbroken from that period onwards. It is likely that this unbroken continuity went back still further to the first appearance of the sexagenary cycle during the Shang period.{{sfn|Smith|2011|pages=24, 26-27}}

The use of the sexagenary cycle for recording years is much more recent. The earliest discovered documents showing this usage are among the silk manuscripts recovered from Mawangdui tomb 3, sealed in 168 BC. In one of these documents, a sexagenary grid diagram is annotated in three places to mark notable events. For example, the first year of the reign of Qin Shi Huang ({{lang|und-Hani|秦始皇}}), 246 BC, is noted on the diagram next to the position of the 60-cycle term yǐ-mǎo ({{lang|und-Hani|乙卯}}, 52 of 60), corresponding to that year.{{sfn|Kalinowski|2007|page=145, fig. 3}} {{sfn|Smith|2011|page=29}} Use of the cycle to record years became widespread for administrative time-keeping during the Western Han dynasty (202 BC – 8 AD). The count of years has continued uninterrupted ever since:{{sfn|Smith|2011|page=28}} the year 1984 began the present cycle (a {{lang|und-Hani|甲子}}—jiǎ-zǐ year), and 2044 will begin another. Note that in China the new year, when the sexagenary count increments, is not January 1, but rather the lunar new year of the traditional Chinese calendar. For example, the ji-chou {{lang|und-Hani|己丑}} year (coinciding roughly with 2009) began on January 26, 2009. (However, for astrology, the year begins with the first solar term "Lìchūn" ({{lang|und-Hani|立春}}), which occurs near February 4.)

In Japan, according to Nihon shoki, the calendar was transmitted to Japan in 553. But it was not until the Suiko era that the calendar was used for politics. The year 604, when the Japanese officially adopted the Chinese calendar, was the first year of the cycle.[3]

The Korean (환갑; 還甲 hwangap) and Japanese tradition (還暦 kanreki) of celebrating the 60th birthday (literally 'return of calendar') reflects the influence of the sexagenary cycle as a count of years.[4]

The Tibetan calendar also counts years using a 60-year cycle based on 12 animals and 5 elements, but while the first year of the Chinese cycle is always the year of the Wood Rat, the first year of the Tibetan cycle is the year of the Fire Rabbit ({{lang|und-Hani|丁卯}}—dīng-mǎo, year 4 on the Chinese cycle).[5]

Ten Heavenly Stems

{{main|Celestial stem}}
Yin YangWu Xing
OnyomiKunyomi with
corresponding kanji

Twelve Earthly Branches

{{main|Earthly Branches}}
1zh-Hant|子}}ji2shinejaRat (chuột;𤝞)zh-Hant|鼠}})11 p.m. to 1 a.m.
2zh-Hant|丑}}chǒuchau2chūushichuksửuWater buffalo (trâu;𤛠)zh-Hant|牛}})1 to 3 a.m.
3zh-Hant|寅}}yínyan4intoraindầnTiger (hổ/cọp;虎/𧲫)zh-Hant|虎}})3 to 5 a.m.
4zh-Hant|卯}}mǎomaau5umyomão/mẹoCat (mèo;猫)zh-Hant|兔}})5 to 7 a.m.
5zh-Hant|辰}}chénsan4shintatsujinthìnDragon (rồng;龍)zh-Hant|龍}})7 to 9 a.m.
6zh-Hant|巳}}ji6shimisatỵSnake (rắn;𧋻)zh-Hant|蛇}})9 to 11 a.m.
7zh-Hant|午}}ng5goumaongọHorse (ngựa;馭)zh-Hant|馬}})11 a.m. to 1 p.m.
8zh-Hant|未}}wèimei6mi or bihitsujimimùiGoat (dê;羝)zh-Hant|羊}})1 to 3 p.m.
9zh-Hant|申}}shēnsan1shinsarushinthânMonkey (khỉ;𤠳)zh-Hant|猴}})3 to 5 p.m.
10zh-Hant|酉}}yǒujau5toriyudậuRooster (gà;𪂮)zh-Hant|雞}})5 to 7 p.m.
11zh-Hant|戌}}sut1jutsuinusultuấtDog (chó;㹥)zh-Hant|狗}})7 to 9 p.m.
12zh-Hant|亥}}hàihoi6gaiihaehợiPig (lợn/heo;𤞼/㺧)zh-Hant|豬}})9 to 11 p.m.
  • The names of several animals can be translated into English in several different ways. The Vietnamese Earthly Branches use cat instead of Rabbit.

Sexagenary years

Conversion between cyclic years and Western years

As mentioned above, the cycle first started to be used for indicating years during the Han dynasty, but it also can be used to indicate earlier years retroactively. Since it repeats, by itself it cannot specify a year without some other information, but it is frequently used with the Chinese era name (年号; "niánhào") to specify a year.[6] The year starts with the new year of whoever is using the calendar. In China, the cyclic year normally changes on the Chinese Lunar New Year. In Japan until recently it was the Japanese lunar new year, which was sometimes different from the Chinese; now it is January 1. So when calculating the cyclic year of a date in the Gregorian year, one have to consider what their "new year" is. Hence, the following calculation deals with the Chinese dates after the Lunar New Year in that Gregorian year; to find the corresponding sexagenary year in the dates before the Lunar New Year would require the Gregorian year to be decreased by 1.

As for example, the year 2697 BC (or -2696, using the astronomical year count), traditionally the first year of the reign of the legendary Yellow Emperor, was the first year (甲子; jiǎ-zǐ) of a cycle. 2700 years later in 4 AD, the duration equivalent to 45 60-year cycles, was also the starting year of a 60-year cycle. Similarly 1980 years later, 1984 was the start of a new cycle.

Thus, to find out the Gregorian year's equivalent in the sexagenary cycle use the appropriate method below.

  1. For any year number greater than 4 AD, the equivalent sexagenary year can be found by subtracting 3 from the Gregorian year, dividing by 60 and taking the remainder. See example below.
  2. For any year before 1 AD, the equivalent sexagenary year can be found by adding 2 to the Gregorian year number (in BC), dividing it by 60, and subtracting the remainder from 60.
  3. 1 AD, 2 AD and 3 AD correspond respectively to the 58th, 59th and 60th years of the sexagenary cycle.
  4. The formula for years AD is (year - 3 or + 57) mod 60 and for years BC is 60 - (year + 2) mod 60.

The result will produce a number between 0 and 59, corresponding to the year order in the cycle; if the remainder is 0, it corresponds to the 60th year of a cycle. Thus, using the first method, the equivalent sexagenary year for 2012 AD is the 29th year (壬辰; rén-chén), as (2012-3) mod 60 = 29 (i.e., the remainder of (2012-3) divided by 60 is 29). Using the second, the equivalent sexagenary year for 221 BC is the 17th year (庚辰; gēng-chén), as 60- [(221+2) mod 60] = 17 (i.e., 60 minus the remainder of (221+2) divided by 60 is 17).


Step-by-step example to determine the sign for 1967:

  1. 1967 – 3 = 1964 ("subtracting 3 from the Gregorian year")
  2. 1964 ÷ 60 = 32 ("divide by 60 and discard any fraction")
  3. 1964 – (60 × 32) = 44 ("taking the remainder")
  4. Show one of the Sexagenary Cycle tables (the following section), look for 44 in the first column (No) and obtain Fire Goat (丁未; dīng-wèi).

Step-by-step example to determine the cyclic year of first year of the reign of Qin Shi Huang (246 BC):

  1. 246 + 2 = 248 ("adding 2 to the Gregorian year number (in BC)")
  2. 248 ÷ 60 = 4 ("divide by 60 and discard any fraction")
  3. 248 – (60 × 4) = 8 ("taking the remainder")
  4. 60 – 8 = 52 ("subtract the remainder from 60")
  5. Show one of the Sexagenary Cycle table (the following section), look for 52 in the first column (No) and obtain Wood Rabbit (乙卯; yǐ-mǎo).

A shorter equivalent method

Start from the AD year, take directly the remainder mod 60, and look into column AD:

  • 1967 = 60 × 32 + 47. Remainder is therefore 47 and the AD column of the table "Sexagenary years" (just above) gives 'Fire Goat'

For a BC year: discard the minus sign, take the remainder of the year mod 60 and look into column BC:

  • 246 = 60 × 4 + 6. Remainder is therefore 6 and the BC column of table "Sexagenary years" (just above) gives 'Wood Rabbit'.

When doing these conversions, year 246 BC cannot be treated as -246 AD due to the lack of a year 0 in the Gregorian AD/BC system.

The following tables show recent years (in the Gregorian calendar) and their corresponding years in the cycles:



Sexagenary months

The branches are used marginally to indicate months. Despite there being twelve branches and twelve months in a year, the earliest use of branches to indicate a twelve-fold division of a year was in the 2nd century BC. They were coordinated with the orientations of the Great Dipper, ({{lang|und-Hani|建子月}}: jiànzǐyuè, {{lang|und-Hani|建丑月}}: jiànchǒuyuè, etc.).{{sfn|Smith|2011|pages=28, 29 fn2}} [7] There are two systems of placing these months, the lunar one and the solar one.

One system follows the ordinary Chinese lunar calendar and connects the names of the months directly to the central solar term ({{zh|labels=no|中氣}}; zhōngqì). The jiànzǐyuè (({{lang|und-Hani|建}}){{lang|und-Hani|子月}}) is the month containing the winter solstice (i.e. the {{lang|und-Hani|冬至}} Dōngzhì) zhōngqì. The jiànchǒuyuè (({{lang|und-Hani|建}}){{zh|labels=no|丑月}}) is the month of the following zhōngqì, which is Dàhán ({{lang|und-Hani|大寒}}), while the jiànyínyuè (({{lang|und-Hani|建}}){{lang|und-Hani|寅月}}) is that of the Yǔshuǐ ({{lang|und-Hani|雨水}}) zhōngqì, etc. Intercalary months have the same branch as the preceding month.


In the other system ({{lang|und-Hani|節月}}; jiéyuè) the "month" lasts for the period of two solar terms (two {{lang|und-Hani|氣策}} qìcì). The zǐyuè ({{lang|und-Hani|子月}}) is the period starting with Dàxuě ({{lang|und-Hani|大雪}}), i.e. the solar term before the winter solstice. The chǒuyuè ({{lang|und-Hani|丑月}}) starts with Xiǎohán ({{lang|und-Hani|小寒}}), the term before Dàhán ({{lang|und-Hani|大寒}}), while the yínyuè ({{lang|und-Hani|寅月}}) starts with Lìchūn ({{lang|und-Hani|立春}}), the term before Yǔshuǐ ({{lang|und-Hani|雨水}}), etc. Thus in the solar system a month starts anywhere from about 15 days before to 15 days after its lunar counterpart.

The branch names are not usual month names; the main use of the branches for months is astrological. However, the names are sometimes used to indicate historically which (lunar) month was the first month of the year in ancient times. For example, since the Han dynasty, the first month has been jiànyínyuè, but earlier the first month was jiànzǐyuè (during the Zhou dynasty) or jiànchǒuyuè (traditionally during the Shang dynasty) as well.[9]

For astrological purposes stems are also necessary, and the months are named using the sexagenary cycle following a five-year cycle starting in a jiǎ ({{lang|und-Hani|甲}}; 1st) or ({{zh|labels=no|己}}; 6th) year. The first month of the jiǎ or year is a bǐng-yín ({{lang|und-Hani|丙寅}}; 3rd) month, the next one is a dīng-mǎo ({{lang|und-Hani|丁卯}}; 4th) month, etc., and the last month of the year is a dīng-chǒu ({{lang|und-Hani|丁丑}}, 14th) month. The next year will start with a wù-yín ({{lang|und-Hani|戊寅}}; 15th) month, etc. following the cycle. The 5th year will end with a yǐ-chǒu ({{lang|und-Hani|乙丑}}; 2nd) month. The following month, the start of a or jiǎ year, will hence again be a bǐng-yín (3rd) month again. The beginning and end of the (solar) months in the table below are the approximate dates of current solar terms; they vary slightly from year to year depending on the leap days of the Gregorian calendar.

Month of Mao ({{lang|und-Hani|卯月}})

Earthly Branches of the certain monthsSolar termZhongqi (the Middle solar term)Starts atEnds atund-Hani|甲/{{lang|und-Hani|己年)und-Hani|乙/{{lang|und-Hani|庚年)und-Hani|丙/{{lang|und-Hani|辛年)und-Hani|丁/{{lang|und-Hani|壬年)und-Hani|戊/{{lang|und-Hani|癸年)
Month of Yin ({{lang|und-Hani|寅月}})Lichun – JingzheYushuiFebruary 4March 6und-Hani|丙寅月}}und-Hani|戊寅月}}und-Hani|庚寅月}}und-Hani|壬寅月}}und-Hani|甲寅月}}
Jingzhe – QingmingChunfenMarch 6April 5und-Hani|丁卯月}}und-Hani|己卯月}}und-Hani|辛卯月}}und-Hani|癸卯月}}und-Hani|乙卯月}}
und-Hani|辰月}})Qingming – LixiaGuyuApril 5May 6und-Hani|戊辰月}}und-Hani|庚辰月}}und-Hani|壬辰月}}und-Hani|甲辰月}}und-Hani|丙辰月}}
und-Hani|巳月}})Lixia – MangzhongXiaomanMay 6June 6und-Hani|己巳月}}und-Hani|辛巳月}}und-Hani|癸巳月}}und-Hani|乙巳月}}und-Hani|丁巳月}}
und-Hani|午月}})Mangzhong – XiaoshuXiazhiJune 6July 7und-Hani|庚午月}}und-Hani|壬午月}}und-Hani|甲午月}}und-Hani|丙午月}}und-Hani|戊午月}}
und-Hani|未月}})Xiaoshu – LiqiuDashuJuly 7August 8und-Hani|辛未月}}und-Hani|癸未月}}und-Hani|乙未月}}und-Hani|丁未月}}und-Hani|己未月}}
und-Hani|申月}})Liqiu – BailuChushuAugust 8September 8und-Hani|壬申月}}und-Hani|甲申月}}und-Hani|丙申月}}und-Hani|戊申月}}und-Hani|庚申月}}
und-Hani|酉月}})Bailu – HanluQiufenSeptember 8October 8und-Hani|癸酉月}}und-Hani|乙酉月}}und-Hani|丁酉月}}und-Hani|己酉月}}und-Hani|辛酉月}}
und-Hani|戌月}})Hanlu – LidongShuangjiangOctober 8November 7und-Hani|甲戌月}}und-Hani|丙戌月}}und-Hani|戊戌月}}und-Hani|庚戌月}}und-Hani|壬戌月}}
und-Hani|亥月}})Lidong – DaxueXiaoxueNovember 7December 7und-Hani|乙亥月}}und-Hani|丁亥月}}und-Hani|己亥月}}und-Hani|辛亥月}}und-Hani|癸亥月}}
und-Hani|子月}})Daxue – XiaohanDongzhiDecember 7January 6und-Hani|丙子月}}und-Hani|戊子月}}und-Hani|庚子月}}und-Hani|壬子月}}und-Hani|甲子月}}
und-Hani|丑月}})Xiaohan – LichunDahanJanuary 6February 4und-Hani|丁丑月}}und-Hani|己丑月}}und-Hani|辛丑月}}und-Hani|癸丑月}}und-Hani|乙丑月}}

Sexagenary days

Table for sexagenary days
2-digit year
mod 40
2-digit year
mod 16
mod 2
mod 4
00 10 20 30 Aug May be a leap year if occurring in a century divisible by 400|00}} 02 21 23 00}} 00 May be a leap year if occurring in a century divisible by 400|00}} 07 Nov 00 12 24
01 11 21 31 Sep Oct leap year|04}} 06 25 27 21 01}} 14 01 13 25
02 12 22 Nov Dec leap year|08}} 10 29 31 19 02}}1600 is a leap year|16}} 19 05 In a leap year|Feb}} Apr 02 14 26
03 13 23 leap year|12}} 14 33 35 03}} 03 22 03 leap year|12}} Feb Jun 03 15 27
04 14 24 leap year|16}}}}18 37 39 17 2400 is a leap year|24}}04}} 10 Aug 04 16 28
05 15 25 01 03 leap year|20}} 22 22 15 05}} 15 01 Oct 05 17 29
06 16 26 05 07 leap year|24}} 26 06}} 02 18 leap year|08}} 15 Dec 06 18 30
07 17 27 Mar In a leap year|Jan}} 09 11 leap year|28}} 30 }}{{H:title|2000 is a leap year|20}}07}} 21 06 In a leap year|Jan}} Mar 07 19 31
08 18 28 Jan Apr May In a leap year|Feb}} 13 15 leap year|32}} 34 18 08}}2400 is a leap year|24}} 13 Jan May 08 20
09 19 29 Feb Jun Jul 17 19 leap year|36}} 38 23 09}} 01 leap year|04}} 11 Jul 09 21
Dates with the pale yellow background indicate they are for this year.10}}17 }}02 10 22
11}}}}{{H:title|2000 is a leap year|20}} 23 09 Sep 11 23
  • N for the year: (5y + [y/4]) mod 10, y = 0–39 (stem); (5y + [y/4]) mod 12, y = 0–15 (branch)
  • N for the Gregorian century: (4c + [c/4] + 2) mod 10 (stem); (8c + [c/4] + 2) mod 12 (branch), c ≥ 15
  • N for the Julian century: 5c mod 10, c = 0–1 (stem); 9c mod 12, c = 0–3 (branch)

The table above allows one to find the stem & branch for any given date. For both the stem and the branch, find the N for the row for the century, year, month, and day, then add them together. If the sum for the stems' N is above 10, subtract 10 until the result is between 1 and 10. If the sum for the branches' N is above 12, subtract 12 until the result is between 1 and 12.

For any date before October 15, 1582, use the Julian century column to find the row for that century's N. For dates after October 15, 1582, use the Gregorian century column to find the century's N. When looking at dates in January and February of leap years, use the bold & italic Feb and Jan.


  • Step-by-step example to determine the stem-branch for October 1, 1949.
    • Stem
    • (day stem N + month stem N + year stem N + century stem N) = number of stem. If over 10, subtract 10 until within 1 - 10.
    • Day 1: N = 1,
    • Month of October: N = 1,
    • Year 49: N = 7,
    • 49 isn't on the table, so we'll have to mod 49 by 40. This gives us year 9, which we can follow to find the N for that row.
    • Century 19: N = 2.
    • (1 + 1 + 7 + 2) = 11. This is more than 10, so we'll subtract 10 to bring it between 1 and 10.
    • 11 - 10 = 1,
    • Stem = 1, {{zh| labels=no|c=甲}}.
    • Branch
    • (day branch N + month branch N + year branch N + century branch N)= number of branch. If over 12, subtract 12 until within 1 - 12.
    • Day 1: N = 1,
    • Month of October: N = 5,
    • Year 49: N = 5,
    • Again, 49 is not in the table for year. Modding 49 by 16 gives us 1, which we can look up to find the N of that row.
    • Century 19: N = 2.
    • (1 + 5 + 5 + 2) = 13. Since 13 is more than 12, we'll subtract 12 to bring it between 1 and 12.
    • 13 - 12 = 1,
    • Branch = 1, {{zh| labels=no|c=子}}.
    • Stem-branch = 1, 1 ({{zh| labels=no|c=甲子}}, 1 in sexagenary cycle = 32 - 5 + 33 + 1 - 60).
{{collapse top |title=More detailed examples}}
  • Stem-branch for December 31, 1592
    • Stem = (day stem N + month stem N + year stem N + century stem N)
    • Day 31: N = 1; month of December: N = 2; year 92 (92 mod 40 = 12): N = 3; century 15: N = 5.
    • (1 + 2 + 3 + 5) = 11; 11 - 10 = 1.
    • Stem = 1, {{zh| labels=no|c=甲}}.
    • Branch = (day branch N + month branch N + year branch N + century branch N)
    • Day 31: N = 7; month of December: N = 6; year 92 (92 mod 16 = 12): N = 3; century 15: N = 5.
    • (7 + 6 + 3 + 5) = 21; 21 - 12 = 9.
    • Branch = 9, {{zh| labels=no|c=申}}
    • Stem-branch = 1, 9 ({{zh| labels=no|c=甲申}}, 21 in cycle = - 42 - 2 + 34 + 31 = 21)
  • Stem-branch for August 4, 1338
    • Stem = 8, {{zh|labels=no|c=辛}}
    • Day 4: N = 4; month of August: N = 0; year 38: N = 9; century 13 (13 mod 2 = 1): N = 5.
    • (4 + 0 + 9 + 5) = 18; 18 - 10 = 8.
    • Branch = 12, {{zh|labels=no|c=亥}}
    • Day 4: N = 4; month of August: N = 4; year 38 (38 mod 16 = 6): N = 7; century 13 (13 mod 4 = 1): N = 9.
    • (4 + 4 + 7 + 9) = 24; 24 - 12 = 12
    • Stem-branch = 8, 12 ({{zh|labels=no|c=辛亥}}, 48 in cycle = 4 + 8 + 32 + 4)
  • Stem-branch for May 25, 105 BC (-104).
    • Stem = 7, {{zh|labels=no|c=庚}}
    • Day 25: N = 5; month of May: N = 8; year -4 (-4 mod 40 = 36): N = 9; century -1 (-1 mod 2 = 1): N = 5.
    • (5 + 8 + 9 + 5) = 27; 27 - 10 = 17; 17 - 10 = 7.
    • Branch = 3, {{zh|labels=no|c=寅}}
    • Day 25: N = 1; month of May: N = 8; year -4 (-4 mod 16 = 12): N = 3; century -1 (-1 mod 4 = 3): N = 3.
    • (1 + 8 + 3 + 3) = 15; 15 - 12 = 3.
    • Stem-branch = 7, 3 ({{zh|labels=no|c=庚寅}}, 27 in cycle = - 6 + 8 + 0 + 25)
    • Alternately, instead of doing both century and year, one can exclude the century and simply use -104 as the year for both the stem and the branch to get the same result.

Algorithm for mental calculation

for Gregorian calendar and for Julian calendar.

for Jan or Feb in a common year and in a leap year.

Leap year-130
  • Stem-branch for February 22, 720 BC (-719).

y = 5 x (720 - 719) + [1/4] = 5

c = 8

m = 30 + [0.6 x 15 - 3] - 5 = 31

d = 22

SB = 5 + 8 + 31 + 22 - 60 = 6

S = B = 6, 己巳

  • Stem-branch for November 1, 211 BC (-210).

y = 5 x (240 - 210) + [30/4] = 5 x 6 + 7 = 37

c = 8

m = 0 + [0.6 x 12 - 3] = 4

d = 1

SB = 37 + 8 + 4 + 1 = 50

S = 0, B = 2, 癸丑

  • Stem-branch for February 18, 1912.

y = 5 x (1912 - 1920) + [-8/4] + 60 = 18

c = 4 - 19 + 10 = -5

m = 30 + [0.6 x 15 - 3] - 6 = 30

d = 18

SB = 18 - 5 + 30 + 18 - 60 = 1

S = B = 1, 甲子

  • Stem-branch for October 1, 1949.

y = 5 x (1949 - 1920) + [29/4] = 5 x 5 + 7 = 32

c = -5

m = 30 + [0.6 x 11 -3] = 33

d = 1

SB = 32 - 5 + 33 + 1 - 60 = 1

S = B = 1, 甲子

{{collapse bottom}}

Sexagenary hours

Table for sexagenary hours (5-day cycle)
Stem of the day{{lang>und-Hani|子时

See also

  • Chinese calendar
  • Lunisolar calendar
  • Tai Sui
  • Samvatsara
  • Xinhai Revolution, named after the "Yin Metal Pig" year 1911
  • Japanese invasions of Korea (1592–98) – Korean name of the event, "Imjin War", named after the "Yang Water Dragon/Imjin" year 1592.



1. ^{{cite encyclopedia |first=Louis-Frédéric |last=Nussbaum |author-link=Louis-Frédéric |translator-first=Käthe |translator-last=Roth |date=2005 |url=https://books.google.com/books?id=p2QnPijAEmEC&pg=PA420&dq= |title=Jikkan-jūnishi |encyclopedia=Japan Encyclopedia |page=420}}
2. ^For the Akan calendar, see {{harv|Bartle|1978|}}.
3. ^{{cite web |publisher=National Diet Library |url=http://www.ndl.go.jp/koyomi/e/history/02_index1.html |title=Calendar History; the Source |archiveurl=https://web.archive.org/web/20130106054946/http://www.ndl.go.jp/koyomi/e/history/02_index1.html |archive-date=January 6, 2013 |access-date=January 1, 2013}}
4. ^{{cite encyclopedia |encyclopedia=Encyclopedia of Shinto |url=http://eos.kokugakuin.ac.jp/modules/xwords/entry.php?entryID=1040 |title=Kanreki |access-date=January 1, 2013}}
5. ^{{cite book |last=Chattopadhyaya |first=Alaka |date=1999 |url=https://books.google.com/books?id=H8Ssa5r7MZkC&pg=PA566&dq= |title=Atisa and Tibet: Life and Works of Dipamkara Srijnana in relation to the history and religion of Tibet |pages=566–568}}
6. ^{{cite web |url=http://www.math.nus.edu.sg/aslaksen/calendar/chinese.shtml |title=Mathematics of the Chinese calendar |last=Aslaksen |first=Helmer |date=July 17, 2010 |format=PDF |language=en |website=www.math.nus.edu.sg/aslaksen|publisher=Department of Maths, National University of Singapore}}
7. ^{{cite dictionary |dictionary=Kōjien |publisher=Iwanami Shoten |place=Tokyo |script-title=ja:建す}}
8. ^{{cite book |script-title=zh:新唐書 |title=Xīn Tángshū |trans-title=New Book of Tang|chapter=Records part 6 |script-chapter=zh:本紀第六 肅宗 代宗 |chapter-url=https://zh.wikisource.org/wiki/%E6%96%B0%E5%94%90%E6%9B%B8/%E5%8D%B7006 |quote={{zh|labels=no|二年……,九月壬寅,大赦,去「乾元大圣光天文武孝感」号,去「上元」号,称元年,以十一月为岁首,月以斗所建辰为名。赐文武官阶、勋、爵,版授侍老官,先授者叙进之。停四京号。
9. ^{{citation |script-title=ja:三正 |dictionary=Kōjien |publisher=Iwanami Shoten |place=Toyko}}


  • {{cite journal | volume = 48 | issue = 1 | pages = 80–84 | last = Bartle | first = P. F. W. | title = Forty days: the Akan calendar | journal = Africa: Journal of the International African Institute | year = 1978 | doi = 10.2307/1158712 | jstor = 1158712 |ref=harv}}
  • {{cite book | publisher = Brill | isbn = 978-90-04-16063-7 | pages = 137–168 | editor = Francesca Bray | last = Kalinowski | first = Marc | title = Graphics and text in the production of technical knowledge in China : the warp and the weft | chapter = Time, space and orientation: figurative representations of the sexagenary cycle in ancient and medieval China | location = Leiden |year = 2007 |ref=harv}}
  • {{cite book | publisher = Oxbow | isbn = 978-1-84217-987-1 | pages = 1–37 | editor = John Steele | last = Smith | first = Adam | title = Calendars and years II : astronomy and time in the ancient and medieval world | chapter = The Chinese sexagenary cycle and the ritual origins of the calendar | location = Oxford | date = 2011 |chapter-url = https://academiccommons.columbia.edu/catalog/ac:128930 |ref=harv}}

External links

  • {{cite web|url=http://www.hko.gov.hk/gts/time/stemsandbranches.htm|title=Heavenly Stems and Earthly Branches|website=Hong Kong Observatory|language=en|access-date=2018-11-04|dead-url=no|archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20181104043156/http://www.hko.gov.hk/gts/time/stemsandbranches.htm|archive-date=2018-11-04}}
{{-}}{{chronology}}{{Authority control}}

3 : Chinese calendars|Chinese astrology|Units of time





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