

词条 List of Mycenaean deities

  1. Deities

     Gods  Goddesses  Pantheon 

  2. Heroes, mortals and other entities or concepts

  3. Deities speculated to have been worshipped but without hitherto attestation in the Linear B tablets

  4. See also

  5. Notes and references

  6. Sources

     Books  Articles in journals, periodicals and of conferences  Online databases and dictionaries 
{{Special characters|special=text in Mycenaean Greek, written in Linear B}}

This is an incomplete list of Mycenaean Greek deities{{refn|group=n|This list includes deities which in later Greek times and sources were thought of as semigods or mortal heroes. Scholars assign to attested words in Linear B a possibility or probability, sometimes controversially, of being a theonym or an anthroponym, a toponym, etc.; Mycenaean Linear B sources are often damaged inscriptions bearing lacunae, and in any case, they are too few to enable classifications with certainty.
Finally there is a list of attested words which seem to refer to mortals or whose reference is unclear, yet they may have a connection to religion or to a divine or heroic figure of later times.}} and of the way their names, epithets, or titles are spelled and attested in Mycenaean Greek, written in the Linear B{{refn|group=n|The names/words in Linear B and the transliteration thereof are not necessarily in the nominative case and also not necessarily of said gods per se, as e.g. in the case of Hephaestus.}} syllabary, along with some reconstructions and equivalent forms in later Greek.



  • Anemoi - attested through Anemohiereia or Anemon Hiereia, "Priestess of the Winds" (Linear B: {{lang|gmy|𐀀𐀚𐀗𐀂𐀋𐀩𐀊}}, a-ne-mo-i-je-re-ja, {{lang|gmy|𐀀𐀚𐀗𐄀𐀂𐀋𐀩𐀊}}, a-ne-mo,i-je-re-ja)[1][2][2][3]{{refn|group=n|name=hiereia|See the noun {{lang|grc|ἱέρεια}}.[4]}}{{refn|group=n|name=noteKNFp1KNFp13|Found on the KN Fp 1 and KN Fp 13 tablets.[5][6]}}{{refn|group=n|The inscriptions read that the offers are made to her, thus they could refer to a goddess; this is not though, what modern scholars seem to believe.}}{{refn|group=n|The first cited form could just be an instance of a scribe forgetting to write the word-separator sign {{lang|gmy|𐄀}} between two words. In that case Anemohiereia should be instead read as Anemon Hiereia also.}}
  • Ares (Linear B: {{lang|gmy|𐀀𐀩}}, a-re)[1][7][8][9][12]
  • Despotas(?) - unclear, perhaps house deity (Linear B: {{lang|gmy|𐀈𐀡𐀲}}, do-po-ta)[12][10][11]{{refn|group=n|name=notePYTn316|Found on the PY Tn 316 tablet.[12][13]}}{{refn|group=n|name=despotes|Cf. the nouns {{lang|grc|δεσπότης, δόμος, πόσις}};[14] whence despot in English;[15] in an etymological sense, it literally means "master of the house" and is related to potnia.}}{{refn|group=n|name=notePoseidon-connections}}
  • Dionysus (Linear B: {{lang|gmy|𐀇𐀺𐀝𐀰}}, di-wo-nu-so)[12][16]{{refn|group=n|According to Chadwick,[22] "Dionysos surprisingly appears twice at Pylos, in the form Diwonusos, both times irritatingly enough on fragments, so that we have no means of verifying his divinity". This old view can be found reflected in other scholars[23] but this has changed after the 1989-90 Greek-Swedish excavations at Kastelli Hill, Chania, unearthed the KH Gq 5 tablet.[12][25][17][18]}}
  • Dipsioi - perhaps "the Thirsty and hence the Dead Ones"; perhaps related to Thessalian month Dipsos, meaning obscure (Linear B: {{lang|gmy|𐀇𐀠𐀯𐀍𐀂}}, di-pi-si-jo-i)[12][19][20][21][22]{{refn|group=n|name=dipsao|Cf. the verb {{lang|grc|διψάω-ῶ}}.[23]}}
  • Drimios - unknown, in later times, son of Zeus, perhaps a predecessor of Apollo (Linear B: {{lang|gmy|𐀇𐀪𐀖𐀍}}, di-ri-mi-jo)[12][21][24]{{refn|group=n|name=notePYTn316}}{{refn|group=n|name=DrimiosSonOfZeus|The inscription reads (line 10): di-ri-mi-jo⌞ ⌟di-wo,i-je-we, i.e. Drimiōi Diwos hiēwei, "to Drimios, the son of Zeus".[12][38][25]}}
  • Enesidaon - possibly a theonym; possibly an epithet of Poseidon, assumed to mean "Earthshaker" or something similar (Linear B: {{lang|gmy|𐀁𐀚𐀯𐀅𐀃𐀚}}, e-ne-si-da-o-ne)[2][24][26]{{refn|group=n|name=notePoseidon-connections}}{{refn|group=n|name=noteKNM719|Found on the KN M 719 tablet.[27]}}{{refn|group=n|name=noteEnesidaon|Cf. {{lang|grc|Ἐνοσίχθων, Ἐννοσίγαιος}}, Poseidon's later epithets.[28]}}
  • Enyalius - a later epithet of Ares (Linear B: {{lang|gmy|𐀁𐀝𐀷𐀪𐀍}}, e-nu-wa-ri-jo)[2][12][29][21]
  • Hephaestus - regarded as indirectly attested by the name Haphaistios or Haphaistion, presumed to be a theophoric name (Linear B: {{lang|gmy|𐀀𐀞𐀂𐀴𐀍}}, a-pa-i-ti-jo)[30][25][31]
  • Hermes (Linear B: {{lang|gmy|𐀁𐀔𐁀}}, e-ma-25 or e-ma-ha)[12][32][33][34][35]{{refn|group=n|name=noteErmahas|{{lang|gmy|𐀁𐀔𐁀}}, when in the nominative, is thought to be read as {{lang|grc|Ἑρμάἁς (Ἑρμάhας)}}.[36]}}
    • Areias - epithet (Linear B: {{lang|gmy|𐀀𐀩𐀊}}, a-re-ja)[32][37]{{refn|group=n|name=notePYTn316}}
  • Marineus(?) - unknown deity, perhaps "God of the Woolens", meaning obscure (Linear B: {{lang|gmy|𐀔𐀪𐀚}}, ma-ri-ne(-u?), {{lang|gmy|𐀔𐀪𐀚𐀸}}, ma-ri-ne-we, {{lang|gmy|𐀔𐀪𐀚𐀺}}, ma-ri-ne-wo)[12][30][38][39][40]
  • Pade(?) - possibly unknown god, thought to be Cretan, Minoan in origin (Linear B: {{lang|gmy|𐀞𐀆}} pa-de, {{lang|gmy|𐀞𐀆𐀂}} pa-de-i)[1][2][41][42]
  • Paean - a precursor of Apollo (Linear B: {{lang|gmy|𐀞𐀊𐀺𐀚}}, pa-ja-wo-ne)[2][41][43][44]{{refn|group=n|Hiller's[2] or Schofield's[29] pa-ja-wo is not actually attested per se; the word actually attested on the damaged KN V 52 tablet and the fragments thereof, reads pa-ja-wo-ne; the latter would be the dative case form of the former.[44][45]}}
  • Poseidon - chief deity (Linear B: {{lang|gmy|𐀡𐀮𐀆𐀃}}, po-se-da-o, {{lang|gmy|𐀡𐀮𐀆𐀺𐀚}}, po-se-da-wo-ne)[41][46][47]{{refn|group=n|name=notePoseidon-connections|The word Poseidon ({{lang|grc|Ποσειδῶν}}; variant forms include {{lang|grc|Ποσειδάων}}, the former's final syllable being a synaeresis of the latter's final two) itself, could be connected in an etymological sense - cf. {{lang|grc|πόσις}} - to Despotas (if indeed this is the correct reading-interpretation of do-po-ta) and Potnia;[21] likewise compare the same word in connection to Ge-Gaia (hence possibly to Ma Ga) and the possible Enesidaon and other undoubted later-times epithets of him, in consideration of the word-endings, etc.. Moreover some scholars have connected - in a similar manner to the one of Poseidon - Demeter to "Earth" via the De (Da; considered in this case as Pre-Greek and as meaning "Earth") syllable, the goddess thus viewed as representing Da-Mater, "Mother Earth" or similar; others on the other hand have interpreted Demeter{{'}}s Da syllable as related to domos (i.e. to be Indo-European), interpreting her name as "Mother of the House", creating thus an etymological connection to Despotas and Potnia. À propos, some scholars have considered the attested, on the PY En 609 tablet,[48] Mycenaean word {{lang|gmy|𐀅𐀔𐀳}}, da-ma-te, as reading Demeter, but the view isn't widely held anymore; the former is indeed thought to be connected to domos, etc, but it is believed to probably be a form of, or something similar to, {{lang|grc|δάμαρ}}.[49][50][51][52]}}
  • Trisheros - theonym, "Thrice-Hero"; thought to attest, and pertain to, the veneration of the dead (Linear B: {{lang|gmy|𐀴𐀪𐀮𐀫𐀁}}, ti-ri-se-ro-e)[41][21][53][54][55]{{refn|group=n|name=notePYTn316PYFr1204|Found on the PY Tn 316 and PY Fr 1204 tablets.[12][56]}}{{refn|group=n|name=noteTrisheros|See the words {{lang|grc|τρίς, ἥρως}}.[57][58][59]}}{{refn|group=n|It is generally thought to be connected to {{lang|grc|τριπάτορες}}, i.e. the "collective, anonymous family ancestors",[54][60][61] but it could perhaps instead refer to Triptolemus, himself possibly "a ‘hypostasis’ of Poseidon".[60][62]}}
  • Anax - "the King"; in this case, it is considered to be a theonym in the dative case, perhaps as an epithet of Zeus (Linear B: {{lang|gmy|𐀷𐀙𐀏𐀳}}, wa-na-ka-te)[41][21][63]{{refn|group=n|name=ttKttTQ|The King and the Two Queens are sometimes attested on tablets together, in the offerings or the libations to them; forms of both "the King" and "the Two Queens" are in the dative case. An example of said concurrent attested worship is the PY Fr 1227 tablet.[64]}}{{refn|group=n|name=mortalroyalty|On the other hand, there are scholars who have argued that "the King" and "the Two Queens" are not theonyms, that they simply refer to mortal royalty.[105]}}
  • Zeus - God of the sky (Linear B: {{lang|gmy|𐀇𐀸}}, di-we, {{lang|gmy|𐀇𐀺}}, di-wo)[41][65][66]
    • Diktaios - local epithet of Zeus on Crete (Linear B: {{lang|gmy|𐀇𐀏𐀲𐀍 𐀇𐀸}}, di-ka-ta-jo di-we)[1][41][67][68]{{refn|group=n|Pertaining to the Dikti.[69]}}{{refn|group=n|name=noteKNFp1|Found on the KN Fp 1 tablet.[5]}}


  • Artemis (Linear B: {{lang|gmy|𐀀𐀳𐀖𐀵}}, a-te-mi-to, {{lang|gmy| 𐀀𐀴𐀖𐀳}}, a-ti-mi-te)[41][70][71][72][73]
  • Diwia - possibly the female counterpart of Zeus, possibly Dione in later Greek (Linear B: {{lang|gmy|𐀇𐀄𐀊}}, di-u-ja, {{lang|gmy|𐀇𐀹𐀊}}, di-wi-ja)[2][41][11][21]
  • Doqeia(?) - possibly an unknown goddess but could be only a feminine adjective (Linear B: {{lang|gmy|𐀈𐀤𐀊}}, do-qe-ja)[74][75][76]{{refn|group=n|name=notePYAn607|Found on the PY An 607 tablet.[77]}}
  • Eileithyia - attested in the Cretan Eleuthia form; perhaps Minoan in origin (Linear B: {{lang|gmy|𐀁𐀩𐀄𐀴𐀊}}, e-re-u-ti-ja)[2][41][78][79][80]
  • Erinyes - both forms of the theonym are considered to be in the singular, Erinys (Linear B: {{lang|gmy|𐀁𐀪𐀝}}, e-ri-nu, {{lang|gmy|𐀁𐀪𐀝𐀸}}, e-ri-nu-we)[1][41][46][81][82]{{refn|group=n|Found on the KN Fp 1, KN V 52, and KN Fh 390 tablets.[45][83]}}
  • Hera (Linear B: {{lang|gmy|𐀁𐀨}}, e-ra)[41][21][84]
  • Iphemedeia - theonym; probably variant form of Iphimedia, name of a mythological person found in Homer's Odyssey (Linear B: {{lang|gmy|𐀂𐀟𐀕𐀆𐀊}}, i-pe-me-de-ja)[41][11][21][85]
  • Komawenteia(?) - possibly unknown deity, possibly meaning "long-haired goddess" (Linear B: {{lang|gmy|𐀒𐀔𐀸𐀳𐀊}} ko-ma-we-te-ja)[11][86]{{refn|group=n|name=Kome|Cf. ko-ma-we, {{lang|grc|κομήεις, κόμη}}.[87][88]}}
  • Manasa - unknown goddess (Linear B: {{lang|gmy|𐀔𐀙𐀭}}, ma-na-sa)[41][21][74][89][90]{{refn|group=n|name=notePYTn316}}{{refn|group=n|name=Manasa|Cf. the Hindu goddess of the same name.}}
  • Mater Theia - possibly "Mother of the Gods" or mother goddess (Linear B: {{lang|gmy|𐀔𐀳𐀩𐄀𐀳𐀂𐀊}}, ma-te-re,te-i-ja)[41][91][158]{{refn|group=n|name=theia|See the nouns {{lang|grc|μήτηρ, θεός, θεά}} and the adjective {{lang|grc|θεῖος-α-ον}}.[92][93]}}
  • Pipituna - unknown deity, considered to be Pre-Greek or Minoan (Linear B: {{lang|gmy|𐀠𐀠𐀶𐀙}}, pi-pi-tu-na)[1][2][41][22][24][94][95]{{refn|group=n|name=Diktynna|Cf. Diktynna about word formation, considered to be characteristically Pre-Greek.[22][96]}}
  • Posidaeia - probably the female counterpart to Poseidon (Linear B: {{lang|gmy|𐀡𐀯𐀅𐀁𐀊}}, po-si-da-e-ja)[41][11]{{refn|group=n|name=notePYTn316}}
  • Potnia - “Mistress” or “Lady”; may be used as an epithet for many deities, but also shows up as a single deity (Linear B: {{lang|gmy|𐀡𐀴𐀛𐀊}}, po-ti-ni-ja)[41][97][98][99]{{refn|group=n|name=notePoseidon-connections}}
    • Potnia Athena - or Potnia of At(h)ana (Athens(?)); reference of the latter is uncertain (Linear B: {{lang|gmy|𐀀𐀲𐀙𐀡𐀴𐀛𐀊}}, a-ta-na-po-ti-ni-ja)[2][41][100]{{refn|group=n|name=noteKNV52|Found on the KN V 52 tablet.[45]}}
    • Potnia Hippeia - Mistress of the Horses; later epithet of Demeter and Athena (Linear B: {{lang|gmy|𐀡𐀴𐀛𐀊𐄀𐀂𐀤𐀊}}, po-ti-ni-ja,i-qe-ja)[41][100]{{refn|group=n|name=hippeia|See the words {{lang|grc|ἵππειος-α-ον, ἵππος}}.[101]}}{{refn|group=n|Could also be precursor of Leto.{{citation needed|date=March 2014}}}}
    • Potnia of Sitos - Mistress of Grain, Bronze Age predecessor or epithet of Demeter (Linear B: {{lang|gmy|𐀯𐀵𐀡𐀴𐀛𐀊}}, si-to-po-ti-ni-ja)[41][74][100][102]{{refn|group=n|name=sitos|See the noun σῖτος and the epithet {{lang|grc|Σιτώ}}.[103]}}
    • Potnia of the Labyrinth (Linear B: {{lang|gmy| 𐀅𐁆𐀪𐀵𐀍𐄀𐀡𐀴𐀛𐀊}}, da-pu2-ri-to-jo,po-ti-ni-ja)[2][41][21][100]
    • Potnia, at Thebes, of no attested name or title, other than that offers are made to her house, her premises (Linear B: {{lang|gmy|𐀡𐀴𐀛𐀊𐄀𐀺𐀒𐀆}}, po-ti-ni-ja,wo-ko-de)[41][30][21][195][104]{{refn|group=n|name=THnamelessPotnia|Said Potnia or Potnia in general is found on only one table at Thebes: TH Of 36.[105] Her premises, her house is thought to have been her shrine.[30][106]}}
    • Potnia, of unidentified Pylos sanctuary - unknown local(?) goddess of pa-ki-ja-ne (Sphagianes?) sanctuary at Pylos (Linear B: {{lang|gmy|𐀡𐀴𐀛𐀊}}, po-ti-ni-ja)[100][107][108]{{refn|group=n|name=notePYTn316}}{{refn|group=n|name=HumanSacrificeViews|The word, on the same tablet, {{lang|gmy|𐀡𐀩𐀙}}, po-re-na, phorenas, understood to mean "those brought or those bringing" (it actually reads {{lang|gmy|𐀡𐀩𐀙𐀤}}, po-re-na-qe, but a postfixed {{lang|gmy|𐀤}}, qe, is usually a conjunction; cf. {{lang|grc|καί, τε}}, and Latin et, qve),[109][110] has been interpreted by some scholars as evidence of human sacrifice at said sanctuary:[111] "According to this interpretation, the text of Tn 316 was written as one of many extreme emergency measures just before the destruction of the palace. Tn 316 would then reflect a desperate, and abnormal, attempt to placate divine powers through the sacrifice of male victims to male gods and female victims to female gods".[112]}}{{refn|group=n|name=pakijasi-potnia|The nominative case form of the place (i.e. of the sanctuary) is {{lang|gmy|𐀞𐀑𐀊𐀚}}, pa-ki-ja-ne; it is also found in other forms, including derivative words; the specific form found on the PY Tn 316 tablet is {{lang|gmy|𐀞𐀑𐀊𐀯}}, pa-ki-ja-si, i.e. possibly its locative plural form.[108]}}
    • Potnia, of uncertain A place or epithet (Linear B: {{lang|gmy|𐀡𐀴𐀛𐀊𐄀𐀀𐀯𐀹𐀊}}, po-ti-ni-ja,a-si-wi-ja)[41][113]{{refn|group=n|Possibly an ethnic or geographic adjective of Asia understood in this context as referring to Lydia or the Assuwa league; i.e. in the sense of, or similar to, Anatolia.[113]}}{{refn|group=n|Perhaps an epithet of Artemis.}}
    • Potnia, of unknown E place or epithet (Linear B: {{lang|gmy|𐀁𐀩𐀹𐀍𐀡𐀴𐀛𐀊}}, e-re-wi-jo-po-ti-ni-ja)[74]{{refn|group=n|Perhaps an epithet of Hera.{{citation needed|date=March 2014|reason=This probably has to do with a possible connection of 'e-re-wi-jo' to 'e-ra'; still, sources are needed.}}}}
    • Potnia, of unknown N place or epithet (Linear B: {{lang|gmy|𐀚𐀺𐀟𐀃𐄀𐀡𐀴𐀛𐀊}}, ne-wo-pe-o,po-ti-ni-ja)[41][74]
    • Potnia, of unknown U place or epithet (Linear B: {{lang|gmy|𐀄𐀡𐀍𐀡𐀴𐀛𐀊}}, u-po-jo-po-ti-ni-ja)[41][74]{{refn|group=n|Could be some kind of "under" or "to weave" epithet;[74] cf. the preposition {{lang|grc|ὑπό}} and the verb {{lang|grc|ὑφαίνω}}.[114][115]}}
    • Potnia, of unknown ? place or epithet (Linear B: {{lang|gmy|𐀀𐀐𐀯𐄀𐀡𐀴𐀛𐀊}}, (?)-a-ke-si,po-ti-ni-ja)[74]{{refn|group=n|name=notePYAn1281|Found on the PY An 1281 tablet.[116]}}
  • Preswa(?) - generally interpreted as a dove goddess or an early form of Persephone (Linear B: {{lang|gmy|𐀟𐀩𐁚}}, pe-re-82 or pe-re-swa)[41][11][89][117]
  • Qerasia(?) - unknown goddess, perhaps Minoan in origin or possibly connected with thēr (Linear B: {{lang|gmy|𐀤𐀨𐀯𐀊}}, qe-ra-si-ja)[1][2][41][21][74][118][119][120]{{refn|group=n|name=ther|Possibly an epithet of Artemis; cf. {{lang|grc|Πότνια θηρῶν}}, {{lang|grc|θήρ}}.[120][121][122]}}{{refn|group=n|name=Teiresias|Could be instead, form of Tiresias.{{citation needed|date=March 2014}}}}
  • Qowia(?) - unknown deity, possibly meaning “She of the Cow(s)" (Linear B: {{lang|gmy|𐀦𐀹𐀊}}, qo-wi-ja)[11][123][74]{{refn|group=n|name=notePYTn316}}{{refn|group=n|name=bous|Cf. the noun βοῦς.[124]}}{{refn|group=n|Perhaps connected to proposed PIE Gʷouu̯indā; cf. Govinda and Old Irish Boand.[125]}}
  • Wanasse(?) - "the Two Queens", possibly Demeter and Persephone, wanassoin(?) regarded as a dative dual form (Linear B: {{lang|gmy|𐀷𐀙𐀰𐀂}}, wa-na-so-i)[41][21][107]{{refn|group=n|name=ttKttTQ}}{{refn|group=n|name=mortalroyalty}}


  • Pantes Theoi - a special invocation "to All the Gods", irrespectively of sex, etc.; recurrently attested at Knossos (Linear B : {{lang|gmy|𐀞𐀯𐀳𐀃𐀂}}, pa-si-te-o-i)[126][32][127][128]{{refn|group=n|name=notePantheon1|This term is for example found, on the Kn Fp 1 and KN Fp 13 tablets.[5][6]}}{{refn|group=n|name=notePantheon2|It should be made clear that an absence of offerings, in parallel, to explicitly named deities or people (like priests or priestesses) on relevant attested inscriptions, does not necessarily follow from the presence of this special dedication; for example, the Kn Fp 1 inscription also includes, among others, offerings to Zeus Diktaios, Pade, Erinys and Anemon Hiereia.}}{{refn|group=n|name=notePantheon3|The words are two - despite the lack of a separator symbol - and in the dative plural case; their reconstructed form is pansi tʰeoihi; see the words {{lang|grc|πᾶς, θεός}}.[32][93][129]}}

Heroes, mortals and other entities or concepts

  • Proteus - could be the theonym of the sea-god Proteus, but probably just the anthroponym of a nobleman (Linear B: {{lang|gmy|𐀡𐀫𐀳𐀄}}, po-ro-te-u)[130][131][132]

Deities speculated to have been worshipped but without hitherto attestation in the Linear B tablets

  • A possible sun goddess, predecessor to Helios and possibly related to Helen.[133]{{page needed|date=October 2018}}{{refn|group=n|See Etymology of Ἑλένη.}} No unambiguous attestations of words for "sun" have been found yet, though the Mycenaean word for "sun" is reconstructed as hāwélios.

See also

{{Commons category multi|Linear B|Mycenaean civilization}}{{Wiktionary category|category=Mycenaean Greek language|type=Mycenaean Greek and Linear B}}
  • Aegean civilizations
  • Cycladic culture
  • Epigraphy
  • History of Greece
  • History of religions
  • History of writing
  • Leiden Conventions
  • Linear A
  • Mycenaean religion
  • Palaeography

Notes and references

1. ^Gulizio (2008), page [https://www.academia.edu/4915183/Mycenaean_Religion_at_Knossos 4].
2. ^Linear B Transliterations: a-ne-mo.
3. ^{{cite book|title=Reflections of Women in Antiquity|editor-first=Helene P.|editor-last=Foley|publisher=Rootledge|chapter=The socio-economic roles of women in Mycenaean Greece: A brief survey from evidence of the Linear B tablets|year=2004|origyear=1981|page=15|url=https://books.google.com/books?id=8T66FZciSqkC&lpg=PP1&pg=PA15#v=onepage&q&f=false|first1=Jon-Christian|last1=Billigmeier|first2=Judy A.|last2=Turner|isbn=0-677-16370-3}}
4. ^{{LSJ|i(e/reia1|ἱέρεια|ref}}.
5. ^Dāmos: [https://www2.hf.uio.no/damos/Index/item/chosen_item_id/1 KN Fp 1 + 31].
6. ^Dāmos: [https://www2.hf.uio.no/damos/Index/item/chosen_item_id/13 KN 13 Fp(1) (138)]
7. ^{{cite journal|title=A-re in the Linear B Tablets and the Continuity of the Cult of Ares in the Historical Period|url=http://www.utexas.edu/research/pasp/publications/pdf/are.pdf|first=Joann|last=Gulizio|journal=Journal of Prehistoric Religion|volume=15|pages=32–38}}
8. ^Linear B Transliterations: a-re.
9. ^Palaeolexicon: The Linear B word a-re.
10. ^Linear B Transliterations: do-po-ta.
11. ^Chadwick (1976), page [https://books.google.com/books?id=RMj7M_tGaNMC&lpg=PP1&pg=PA95#v=onepage&q&f=false 95].
12. ^Dāmos: [https://www2.hf.uio.no/damos/Index/item/chosen_item_id/4985 PY 316 Tn (44)].
13. ^{{citation|url=http://custom.cengage.com/static_content/OLC/053427000X.bak/etep_ch03.pdf|title= Mycenaean society and its collapse|first1=Jack Martin|last1=Balcer|first2=John Matthew|last2=Stockhausen|pages=66–67}}.
14. ^{{LSJ|despo/ths|δεσπότης}}, {{LSJ|do/mos|δόμος}}, {{LSJ|po/sis1|πόσις|shortref}}.
15. ^{{OEtymD|despot}}
16. ^Palaeolexicon: The Linear B word di-wo-nu-so.
17. ^Linear B Transliterations: Khania Linear B Transliterations.
18. ^Dāmos: [https://www2.hf.uio.no/damos/Index/item/chosen_item_id/5670 KH 5 Gq (1)].
19. ^{{cite book|title=Proceedings of the Cambridge Colloquium on Mycenaean Studies|url=https://books.google.com/books?id=s-48AAAAIAAJ&lpg=PP1&pg=PA265#v=onepage&q&f=false|publisher=Cambridge University Press|editor1-first=L.R.|editor1-last=Palmer|editor1-link=Leonard Robert Palmer|editor2-first=John|editor2-last=Chadwick|year=1966|pages=265–274|chapter=Πολυδίψιον Ἄργος|first=Spyridon|last=Marinatos|author-link=Spyridon Marinatos}}
20. ^Linear B Transliterations: di-pi-si-jo
21. ^10 11 12 13 Budin (2004), pages [https://books.google.gr/books?id=u-Py1QbavoQC&lpg=PP1&pg=PA235#v=onepage&q&f=false 235–236].
22. ^García-Ramón, J.L., in Duhoux and Morpurgo Davies (2011), page 236.
23. ^{{LSJ|diya/w|διψάω|shortref}}.
24. ^Ventris and Chadwick (1973).
25. ^Palaeolexicon: The Linear B word i-je-we.
26. ^Linear B Transliterations: e-ne-si-da-o-ne.
27. ^Dāmos: [https://www2.hf.uio.no/damos/Index/item/chosen_item_id/655 KN 719 M (140)].
28. ^{{LSJ|*)enosi/xqwn|Ἐνοσίχθων}}, {{LSJ|*)ennosi/gaios|Ἐννοσίγαιος|shortref}}.
29. ^Schofield (2007), page [https://books.google.com/books?id=QXwzT1048Z4C&lpg=PA1&pg=PA160#v=onepage&q&f=false 160].
30. ^Chadwick (1976), page [https://books.google.com/books?id=RMj7M_tGaNMC&lpg=PP1&pg=PA99#v=onepage&q&f=false 99].
31. ^Linear B Transliterations: a-pa-i-ti-jo.
32. ^García-Ramón, J.L., in Duhoux and Morpurgo Davies (2011), page 230.
33. ^Gulizio (2000).
34. ^Linear B Transliterations: e-ma-a2.
35. ^Palaeolexicon: The Linear B word e-ma-ha.
36. ^Gulizio (2000), page 106.
37. ^Linear B Transliterations: a-re-ja.
38. ^Trzaskoma et al (2004), page [https://books.google.com/books?id=K4pZr3JfYqcC&lpg=PP1&pg=PA443#v=onepage&q&f=false 443–446].
39. ^Castleden (2003), page [https://books.google.com/books?id=GupJUn_xqkkC&pg&lpg=PP1&pg=PA122#v=onepage&q&f=false 122].
40. ^Linear B Transliterations: ma-ri-ne, ma-ri-ne-we.
41. ^10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 Hägg (1997), page 165.
42. ^Linear B Transliterations: pa-de.
43. ^Linear B Transliterations: KN V 52+.
44. ^Chadwick (1976), page [https://books.google.com/books?id=RMj7M_tGaNMC&lpg=PP1&pg=PA89#v=onepage&q&f=false 89].
45. ^Dāmos: [https://www2.hf.uio.no/damos/Index/item/chosen_item_id/49 KN 52 V + 52 bis + 8285 (unknown)].
46. ^{{cite book|title=Δώρον. Τιμητικός Τόμος για τον καθηγητή Σπύρο Ιακωβίδη|trans-title=Festschrift for Spyros Iakovides|editor-first=Despoina|editor-last=Danielidou|place=Athens|year=2009|chapter=Continuity from the Mycenaean Period in a historical Boeotian Cult of Poseidon (and Erinys)|first=Thomas G.|last=Palaima|author-link=Thomas G. Palaima|pages=527–536|series=Σειρά Μονογραφιών. 6|publisher=Academy of Athens|chapter-url=http://www.utexas.edu/research/pasp/publications/pdf/continuity.pdf}}
47. ^Linear B Transliterations: po-se-da-o.
48. ^Dāmos: [https://www2.hf.uio.no/damos/Index/item/chosen_item_id/4560 PY 609 En].
49. ^{{LSJ|*poseidw{{=}}n|Ποσειδών|shortref}}.
50. ^{{cite book|title=Etymological Dictionary of Greek|first=Robert|last=Beekes|author-link=Robert S. P. Beekes|others=With the assistance of Lucien van Beek. In two volumes.|place=Leiden, Boston|year=2010|origyear=2009|chapter=E.g., s.v. {{lang|grc|γαῖα, δάμαρ, πόσις, Δημήτηρ}}|isbn=9789004174184}}
51. ^Linear B Transliterations: da-ma-te.
52. ^{{LSJ|da/mar|δάμαρ|shortref}}.
53. ^Palaeolexicon: The Linear B word ti-ri-se-ro-e.
54. ^Linear B Transliterations: ti-ri-se-ro-e.
55. ^{{cite web|url=http://www.threes.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=2890:thrice-hero&catid=82:mythology&Itemid=62|title= Thrice-Hero | accessdate=2012-04-27|website=The Book of Threes|first=Alena|last=Trckova-Flamee}}
56. ^Dāmos: [https://www2.hf.uio.no/damos/Index/item/chosen_item_id/4633 PY 1204 Fr (4)].
57. ^{{LSJ|tri/s|τρίς|shortref}}.
58. ^{{LSJ|h(/rws|ἥρως|shortref}}.
59. ^{{OEtymD|hero}}
60. ^{{cite journal|journal=Rencontres d'archéologie de l'IFEA|url=http://hal.inria.fr/docs/00/80/82/17/PDF/05_Herda.pdf|page=105|first=Alexander|last=Herda|title=Burying a Sage: The Heroon of Thales in the Agora of Miletos|year=2011|place=Istanbul|publisher=Institut français d'études anatoliennes}}
61. ^{{LSJ|tripa/twr|τριπάτωρ|shortref}}.
62. ^{{citation|first=Martin|last=Peters|chapter=Aus der Vergangenheit von Heroen und Ehegöttinnen|editor1-first=Matthias|editor1-last=Fritz|editor2-first=Susanne|editor2-last=Zeifelder|title=Novalis Indogermanica: Festschrift für Günter Neumann zum 80. Geburstag|place=Graz|series=Grazer vergleichende Arbeiten|publisher=Leykam|year=2002|pages=357–380|language=German|isbn=3701100322}}.
63. ^Linear B Transliterations: wa-na-ka.
64. ^Dāmos: [https://www2.hf.uio.no/damos/Index/item/chosen_item_id/4653 PY 1227 Fr (2)].
65. ^Linear B Transliterations: di-we.
66. ^Palaeolexicon:The Linear B word di-we; The Linear B word di-wo.
67. ^Linear B Transliterations: di-ka-ta.
68. ^Palaeolexicon: The Linear B word di-ka-ta-jo.
69. ^{{LSJ|*diktai{{=}}os|Δικταῖος|shortref}}.
70. ^{{cite journal|first1=John|last1=Chadwick|first2=Lydia|last2=Baumbach|title=The Mycenaean Greek Vocabulary|journal=Glotta|volume=41.3&4|year=1963|pages=157–271, p. 176f; s.v. Ἄρτεμις|quote=a-te-mi-to- (genitive)}}
71. ^{{cite journal|first=C.|last=Souvinous|title=A-TE-MI-TO and A-TI-MI-TE|journal=Kadmos|volume=9|year= 1970|pages=42–47|doi=10.1515/kadm.1970.9.1.42}}
72. ^{{cite journal|first=T.|last=Christidis|title=Further remarks on A-TE-MI-TO and A-TI-MI-TE|journal=Kadmos|volume=11.2|pages=125–28|year=1972}}
73. ^Palaeolexicon: The Linear B word a-ti-mi-te.
74. ^Nosch, Marie Louise, in Fischer-Hansen and Poulsen (2009), page [https://books.google.com/books?id=2garBSREfywC&lpg=PP1&pg=PA22#v=onepage&q&f=false 22].
75. ^{{cite conference|chapter-url=http://www.utexas.edu/research/pasp/publications/pdf/PalaimaDais.pdf|first=Thomas G.|last=Palaima|chapter=The Siginificance of Mycenaean Words Relating to Meals, Meal Rituals and Food|editor1-first=Louise A.|editor1-last=Hitchcock|editor2-first=Robert|editor2-last=Laffineur|editor3-first=Janice|editor3-last=Crowley|title=DAIS The Aegean Feast. Proceedings of the 12th International Aegean Conference|conference=12th International Aegean Conference. University of Melbourne|origyear=Date of Conference: 25–29 March 2008|journal=Aegaeum|year=2008|place=Liège, Austin|pages=383–389}}
76. ^Linear B Transliterations: do-qe-ja.
77. ^Dāmos: [https://www2.hf.uio.no/damos/Index/item/chosen_item_id/4349 PY 607 An (1)].
78. ^Linear B Transliterations: KN Gg 705, KN Od 714+.
79. ^Linear B Transliterations: e-re-u-ti-ja.
80. ^Palaeolexicon: The Linear B word e-re-u-ti-ja.
81. ^Linear B Transliterations: e-ri-nu.
82. ^Palaeolexicon: The Linear B word e-ri-nu-we.
83. ^Dāmos: [https://www2.hf.uio.no/damos/Index/item/chosen_item_id/1 KN 1 Fp(1) + 31 (138)], [https://www2.hf.uio.no/damos/Index/item/chosen_item_id/371 KN 390 Fh (141)].
84. ^Palaeolexicon: The Linear B word e-ra.
85. ^Palaeolexicon: The Linear B word i-pe-me-de-ja.
86. ^Palaeolexicon: ko-ma-we-te-ja.
87. ^Linear B Transliterations: ko-ma-we.
88. ^{{LSJ|ko/mh|κόμη|shortref}}.
89. ^Castleden (2003), page [https://books.google.com/books?id=GupJUn_xqkkC&pg&lpg=PP1&pg=PA112#v=onepage&q&f=false 112].
90. ^Linear B Transliterations: ma-na-sa.
91. ^{{cite web|url=http://www.timelessmyths.com/classical/mother.html|title=Mother Goddesses|website=Timeless Myths: Classical Mythology}}
92. ^{{LSJ|mh/thr|μήτηρ|shortref}}.
93. ^{{LSJ|qei{{=}}os1|θεῖος-α-ον}}, {{LSJ|qeo/s|θεός}}, {{LSJ|qea/1|θεά|shortref}}.
94. ^Linear B Transliterations: KN Fp 13.
95. ^Palaeolexicon: The Linear B word pi-pi-tu-na.
96. ^Hägg (1997), page 166.
97. ^Linear B Transliterations: Po-ti-ni-ja.
98. ^Palaeolexicon: The Linear B word po-ti-ni-ja.
99. ^{{LSJ|po/tnia|πότνια|shortref}}.
100. ^Burkert (1985), page [https://books.google.com/books?id=sxurBtx6shoC&lpg=PP1&pg=PA44#v=onepage&q&f=false 44].
101. ^{{LSJ|i(/ppeios|ἵππειος-α-ον}}, {{LSJ|i(/ppos|ἵππος|shortref}}.
102. ^Linear B Transliterations: si-to-po-ti-ni-ja.
103. ^{{LSJ|si{{=}}tos|σῖτος}}, {{LSJ|*sitw/|Σιτώ|shortref}}.
104. ^Linear B Transliterations: wo-ko-de.
105. ^Dāmos: [https://www2.hf.uio.no/damos/Index/item/collection_id/3/chosen_item_id/5435 TH Of 36 (303)].
106. ^Nosch, Marie Louise, in Fischer-Hansen and Poulsen (2009), page [https://books.google.com/books?id=2garBSREfywC&lpg=PP1&pg=PA31#v=onepage&q&f=false 31].
107. ^{{cite web|publisher=Dartmouth College|website=Aegean Prehistoric Archaeology|url=http://www.dartmouth.edu/~prehistory/aegean/?page_id=651|title=Lesson 26: Narrative. Mycenaean and Late Cycladic Religion and Religious Architecture}}
108. ^Linear B Transliterations: pa-ki-ja-ne.
109. ^{{LSJ|kai/1|καί}}, {{LSJ|te1|τε|shortref}}.
110. ^{{L&S|et}}, {{L&S|que|qve|ref}}
111. ^Gulizio (2000), pages 107–108.
112. ^Trzaskoma et al (2004), page [https://books.google.com/books?id=K4pZr3JfYqcC&lpg=PP1&pg=PA450#v=onepage&q&f=false 450].
113. ^Linear B Transliterations: a-si-wi-ja, a-*64-ja.
114. ^{{LSJ|u(po/|ὑπό|shortref}}.
115. ^{{LSJ|u(fai/nw|ὑφαίνω|shortref}}.
116. ^Dāmos: [https://www2.hf.uio.no/damos/Index/item/chosen_item_id/4361 PY 1281 An + frr.: 10 + fr. (12)].
117. ^Burkert (1985), pages [https://books.google.com/books?id=sxurBtx6shoC&lpg=PP1&pg=PA45#v=onepage&q&f=false 45], [https://books.google.com/books?id=sxurBtx6shoC&lpg=PP1&pg=PA364#v=onepage&q&f=false 364].
118. ^{{cite book|url=https://books.google.com/books?id=s-48AAAAIAAJ&lpg=PP1&pg=PA30#v=onepage&q&f=false|page=29|chapter=The Olive Oil tablets of Knossos|first=John|last=Chadwick|title=Proceedings of the Cambridge Colloquium on Mycenaean Studies|editor1-first=L.R.|editor1-last=Palmer|editor2-first=John|editor2-last=Chadwick|year=1966|publisher=Cambridge University Press}}
119. ^Linear B Transliterations: qe-ra-si-ja.
120. ^Palaeolexicon: The Linear B word qe-ra-si-ja.
121. ^{{LSJ|qh/r|θήρ|shortref}}.
122. ^Nosch, Marie Louise, in Fischer-Hansen and Poulsen (2009), pages [https://books.google.com/books?id=2garBSREfywC&lpg=PP1&pg=PA22#v=onepage&q&f=false 22–23].
123. ^Palaima (2006), page 66.
124. ^{{LSJ|bou{{=}}s|βοῦς|shortref}}.
125. ^{{cite journal|last=Campanile|first=Enrico|title=Old Irish Boand|journal=Journal of Indo-European Studies|volume=13.3&4|year=1985|pages=477–479}}
126. ^10 11 12 Hiller (1997), page 206.
127. ^Gulizio (2008), page [https://www.academia.edu/4915183/Mycenaean_Religion_at_Knossos 3]ff..
128. ^Linear B Transliterations: pa-si-te-o-i.
129. ^{{LSJ|pa{{=}}s1|πᾶς|shortref}}.
130. ^Linear B Transliterations: po-ro-te-u.
131. ^{{cite book|title=Recherches en linquistique grecque|editor-first=Christos|editor-last=Clairis|isbn=2-7475-2742-5|first=Antonin|last=Bartoněk|chapter=Mycenaean words in Homer|url=https://books.google.com/books?id=KKWlkCfX1ZsC&lpg=PP1&pg=PA94#v=onepage&q&f=false|page=94|publisher=L'Harmattan|year=2002}}
132. ^Palaeolexicon: The Linear B word po-ro-te-u.
133. ^{{cite book|first1=Kristian|last1=Kristiansen|first2=Thomas B.|last2=Larsson|title=The Rise of Bronze Age Society: Travels, Transmissions and Transformations|publisher=Cambridge University Press|year=2005}}



  • {{cite book|last1=Ventris|first1=Michael|author1-link=Michael Ventris|last2=Chadwick|first2=John|author2-link=John Chadwick|title=Documents in Mycenaean Greek: Three Hundred Selected Tablets from Knossos, Pylos, and Mycenae|location=Cambridge, UK|publisher=Cambridge University Press|year=1973|isbn=9780521085588|ref=DiMG}}
  • {{cite book|last=Chadwick|first=John|title=The Mycenaean World|location=Cambridge, UK|publisher=Cambridge University Press|year=1976|isbn=0-521-29037-6|url=https://books.google.com/books?id=RMj7M_tGaNMC&source=gbs_navlinks_s|ref=TMW}}
  • {{cite book|title=Greek Religion|first=Walter|last=Burkert|author-link=Walter Burkert|publisher=Harvard University Press|year=1985|isbn=0674362810|url=https://books.google.gr/books?id=sxurBtx6shoC&source=gbs_navlinks_s|ref=GR}}
  • {{cite book|last=Castleden|first=Rodney|title=The Knossos Labyrinth. A New View of the `Palace of Minos' at Knossos|publisher=Rootledge|origyear=1990|year=2003|url=https://books.google.com/books?id=l6rRTWv8zY0C&source=gbs_navlinks_s|isbn=9780415033152|ref=TKL}}
  • {{cite book|title=Anthology of Classical Myth: Primary Sources in translation|publisher=Hackett Publishing|year=2004|isbn=0-87220-721-8|url=https://books.google.com/books?id=K4pZr3JfYqcC&lpg=PP1&pg=PA443#v=onepage&q&f=false|others=Edited and translated by Stephen M. Trzaskoma, R. Scott Smith, Stephen Brunet; with an Appendix on Linear B Sources by Thomas G. Palaima|ref=AoCM}}
  • {{cite book|title=The Ancient Greeks. New Perspectives|series=Understanding Ancient Civilizations|first=Stephanie Lynn|last=Budin|year=2004|isbn=1576078140|url=https://books.google.com/books?id=u-Py1QbavoQC&source=gbs_navlinks_s|publisher=ABC-CLIO|ref=TAG}}
  • {{cite book|title=The Mycenaeans|url=https://books.google.com/books?id=QXwzT1048Z4C&source=gbs_navlinks_s|first=Louise|last=Schofield|year=2007|publisher=The British Museum Press|isbn=978-0-89236-867-9|ref=TM}}
  • {{cite book|title=From Artemis to Diana. The Goddess of Man and Beast|url=https://books.google.com/books?id=2garBSREfywC&source=gbs_navlinks_s|series=12 Acta Hyperborea|editor1-first=Tobias|editor1-last=Fischer-Hansen|editor2-first=Birte|editor2-last=Poulsen|year=2009|publisher=Collegium Hyperboreum and Museum Tusculanum Press|isbn=9788763507882|ref=FAtD}}
  • {{cite book|year=2011|editor1-first=Yves|editor1-last=Duhoux|editor2-first=Anna|editor2-last=Morpurgo Davies|title=A Companion to Linear B: Mycenaean Greek Texts and their World|volume=2|publisher=Peeters|isbn=9782758401162|ref=ACtLB}}

Articles in journals, periodicals and of conferences

  • {{cite conference|conference=La Crète mycénienne: Actes de la Table Ronde Internationale organisée par l'École française d'Athènes. |origyear=Date of Conference: 26–28 March 1991|url=http://cefael.efa.gr/window.php?ce=dquul82e8qf8ga1oga2re4aighjt7rc3&site_id=1&actionID=summary&serie_id=BCHSuppl&volume_number=30&new_lang=fr_FR|title=Suppléments au Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique|journal=Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique|volume=30|publication-date=1997|location=Athens|publisher=Collections de l'Ecole française d'Athènes en ligne|ref=CONF}}
    • {{cite journal|title=Religious syncretism at Knossos and in post-palatial Crete?|year=1997|last=Hägg|first=Robin|pages=163–168|url=http://cefael.efa.gr/detail.php?site_id=1&actionID=page&serie_id=BCHSuppl&volume_number=30&page_number=163&page_type=1|ref=HAEGG}}
    • {{cite journal|title=Cretan sanctuaries and mycenaean palatial administration at Knossos|year=1997|last=Hiller|first=Stefan|pages=205–212|url=http://cefael.efa.gr/detail.php?site_id=1&actionID=page&serie_id=BCHSuppl&volume_number=30&max_image_size=850&x=11&y=15&ce=tou8cjto0scf1ncaie1tjeq8006dkk5e&sp=213|ref=HILLER}}
  • {{cite conference|conference=Antiquitas Viva. |title=Proceedings from the International Conference Antiquitas Viva|origyear=Date of Conference: 5–7 December 2000|volume=50|journal=Živa antika|ref=AntViva|year=2000}}
    • {{citation|first=Joann|last=Gulizio|title=Hermes and e-ma-a2: The continuity of his cult from the Bronze age to the historical period|year=2000|pages=105–116|url=http://www.utexas.edu/research/pasp/publications/pdf/hermes.pdf|mode=cs1|ref=HaE}}
  • {{cite conference|conference=Edinburgh Leventis Studies 3|title=Ancient Greece: From the Mycenaean Palaces to the Age of Homer|editor1-first=Sigrid|editor1-last=Deger-Jalkotzy|editor2-first=Irene S.|editor2-last=Lemos|year=2006|place=Edinburgh|publisher=Edinburgh University Press|isbn=0748618899|origyear=Date of Conference: 22–25 January 2003|ref=LEV3}}
    • {{citation|first=Thomas G.|last=Palaima|year=2006|title=Wanaks and related power terms in Mycenaean and later Greek|pages=53–72|url=http://www.utexas.edu/research/pasp/publications/pdf/wanaks.pdf|ref=WaRPTiMalG}}
  • {{cite conference|conference=XII colloquio internazionale di micenologia. Rome|origyear=Date of Conference: 20–25 February 2006|booktitle=Colloquium Romanum: atti del XII colloquio internazionale di micenologia (in two volumes)|publicationplace=Pisa and Rome|publicationdate=2008|series=Pasiphae|editor-last=Sacconi|editor-first=A.|others=et al. Eds|isbn=9788862270564|ref=XIIcidM}}
    • {{citation|first=Joann|last=Gulizio|year=2008|title=Mycenaean Religion at Knossos|url=https://www.academia.edu/4915183/Mycenaean_Religion_at_Knossos|work=Academia.edu|mode=cs1|ref=MRaK}}

Online databases and dictionaries

Mycenaean Greek and Linear B
  • {{citation|url=http://www.palaeolexicon.com|title=Palaeolexicon. Word study tool of ancient languages|others=Ca. 2008 and forwards.|mode=cs1|ref=PAL}}
  • {{citation|title=DĀMOS: Database of Mycenaean at Oslo|url=https://www2.hf.uio.no/damos/|publisher=University of Oslo. Department of Philosophy, Classics, History of Art and Ideas|work=|last1=Aurora|first1=Federico|last2=Haug|first2=Dag Trygve Truslew|others=Et alii. Ca. 2010 and forwards|mode=cs1|ref=Damos}}
  • {{citation|last=Raymoure|first=K.A.|title=Linear B Transliterations|work=Dead Languages of the Mediterranean|url=http://minoan.deaditerranean.com/linear-b-transliterations/|others=Ca. 2012 and forwards|mode=cs1|ref=RKA}}
Ancient Greek, Latin and of English etymology
  • {{cite book|title=A Latin Dictionary|others=Founded on Andrews' edition of Freund's Latin dictionary. Revised, enlarged, and in great part rewritten by Charlton T. Lewis, Ph.D. and Charles Short, LL.D|url=http://www.perseus.tufts.edu/hopper/text?doc=Perseus:text:1999.04.0059|year=1879|place=Oxford|publisher=Clarendon Press}} At the Perseus Project, a digital library project of Tufts University.
  • {{cite book|title= An Intermediate Greek-English Lexicon|first1=Henry George|last1=Liddell|author1-link=Henry George Liddell|first2=Robert|last2=Scott|author2-link=Robert Scott (philologist)|url=http://www.perseus.tufts.edu/hopper/text?doc=Perseus:text:1999.04.0058|year=1889|place=Oxford|publisher=Clarendon Press}} At the Perseus Project.
  • {{cite book|title=A Greek-English Lexicon|first1=Henry George|last1=Liddell|first2=Robert|last2=Scott|others=Revised and augmented throughout by Sir Henry Stuart Jones with the assistance of Roderick McKenzie|url=http://www.perseus.tufts.edu/hopper/text?doc=Perseus:text:1999.04.0057|year=1940|place=Oxford|publisher=Clarendon Press}} At the Perseus Project.
  • {{citation|title=Online Etymology Dictionary|first=Douglas|last=Harper|author-link=Douglas Harper|url=http://www.etymonline.com/|others=Ca. 2000 and forwards|mode=cs1}}
{{Greek religion}}{{Greek language}}{{List of mythological figures by region}}{{DEFAULTSORT:Mycenaean deities, List of}}

8 : Mycenaean Greece|Minoan culture|Minoan civilization|Cretan mythology|Religion in ancient Crete|Ancient Greek religion|Ancient Greek culture|Lists of deities





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