

词条 Meanings of minor planet names: 9001–10000

  1. 9001–9100

  2. 9101–9200

  3. 9201–9300

  4. 9301–9400

  5. 9401–9500

  6. 9501–9600

  7. 9601–9700

  8. 9701–9800

  9. 9801–9900

  10. 9901–10000

  11. References



| 9001 Slettebak || {{mp|1981 QE|2}} || Arne Slettebak (1925–1999) was for 16 years chair of the department of astronomy of Ohio State University. His principal research interests were stellar rotation and spectroscopy, particularly the study of Be stars. He led the effort to move the 1.8-m Perkins telescope from Ohio to the Lowell Observatory. || {{JPL|9001}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9001|9001}}
| 9002 Gabrynowicz || {{mp|1981 QV|2}} || Joanne Irene Gabrynowicz (1949) is Emerita Professor, Director of the National Center for Remote Sensing, Air, and Space Law of the University of Mississippi School of Law, and Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Space Law. She has spoken in front of the U.S. Congress and the United Nations on matters of space law. || {{JPL|9002}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9002|9002}}
| 9003 Ralphmilliken || {{mp|1981 UW|21}} || Ralph E. Milliken (born 1978), a planetary science professor at Brown University. || {{JPL|9003}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9003|9003}}
| 9004 Peekaydee || {{mp|1982 UZ|2}} || Philip K. Dick (1928–1982), an American science fiction author. Many of his works have been made into movies, such as Blade Runner, Total Recall and Minority Report. || {{JPL|9004}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9004|9004}}
| 9005 Sidorova || {{mp|1982 UU|5}} || Sophia Ivanovna Sidorova (born 1943), public education worker in Ukraine and leader of the Crimean Republic Committee for the education of workers. || {{JPL|9005}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9005|9005}}
| 9006 Voytkevych || {{mp|1982 UA|7}} || Vanda Georgievna Voytkevych (born 1949), friend of astronomer Lyudmila Karachkina who discovered this asteroid || {{MPC|9006}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9006|9006}}
| 9007 James Bond || {{mp|1983 TE|1}} || James Bond, "agent 007", fictional British spy || {{MPC|9007}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9007|9007}}
| 9008 Bohšternberk || 1984 BS || Bohumil Šternberk (1897–1983), Czech astronomer || {{MPC|9008}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9008|9008}}
| 9009 Tirso || {{mp|1984 HJ|1}} || Thyrsus (Tirso), the scepter of Dionysus; Italian acronym of the Circolo eno-g-astronomico TIRSO (for "all together enjoying, studying, observing"), a scientific and cultural circle || {{JPL|9009}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9009|9009}}
| 9010 Candelo || {{mp|1984 HM|1}} || Candelo, Italy, a small town in northern Piedmont, famous for its Ricetto fortified village, and host of cultural and astronomical events || {{JPL|9010}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9010|9010}}
| 9011 Angelou || 1984 SU || Maya Angelou (1928–2014), born Marguerite Annie Johnson, an American poet, author, and civil rights activist || {{JPL|9011}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9011|9011}}
| 9012 Benner || 1984 UW || Lance A. M. Benner (born 1964), a scientist at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory. || {{JPL|9012}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9012|9012}}
| 9013 Sansaturio || {{mp|1985 PA|1}} || Maria Eugenia Sansaturio (born 1959), a mathematician at the University of Valladolid. || {{JPL|9013}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9013|9013}}
| 9014 Svyatorichter || {{mp|1985 UG|5}} || Svyatoslav Richter (1915–1997), Russian pianist and People's artist of the U.S.S.R. || {{JPL|9014}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9014|9014}}
| 9015 Coe || 1985 VK || Malcolm Coe (born 1949) is Professor of Astronomy at the University of Southampton in the U.K. For four decades his research has centered on Be X-ray binaries in the Milky Way and Magellanic Cloud galaxies, both in X-ray and optical/infrared wavelengths. But his true passion in life is Southampton Football Club. || {{JPL|9015}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9015|9015}}
| 9016 Henrymoore || 1986 AE || Henry J. Moore (1928–1998), a geologist with the U.S. Geological Survey since 1960. || {{JPL|9016}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9016|9016}}
| 9017 Babadzhanyan || {{mp|1986 TW|9}} || Arno Babajanian (1921–1983), a Soviet composer and pianist. || {{JPL|9017}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9017|9017}}
| 9018 Galache || 1987 JG || José Luis Galache (born 1975) has worked at the Minor Planet Center (MPC) since 2009 and handles, amongst other things, the MPC's social media presence. For his doctoral work, he studied X-ray binaries in the Small Magellanic Cloud || {{JPL|9018}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9018|9018}}
| 9019 Eucommia || {{mp|1987 QF|3}} || Eucommiaceae, a family with only one member, the elmlike Eucommia ulmoides, a vigorous and decorative plant. It is the only tree from temperate regions that produces latex in small quantities. || {{JPL|9019}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9019|9019}}
| 9020 Eucryphia || {{mp|1987 SG|2}} || Eucryphiaceae, a family with five species in a single genus. Eucryphia cordifolia (Chilean elm) may reach a height of 12 m. Hybrids between the different species are cultivated for the garden. || {{JPL|9020}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9020|9020}}
| 9021 Fagus || {{mp|1988 CT|5}} || Fagaceae, the beech family, with eight genera and over 1000 species, including oaks and chestnuts. Well-known species are Fagus grandifolia (American beech) and Fagus sylvatica (European beech). || {{JPL|9021}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9021|9021}}
| 9022 Drake || {{mp|1988 PC|1}} || Michael J. Drake (born 1946), American cosmochemist and geochemist || {{MPC|9022}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9022|9022}}
| 9023 Mnesthus || {{mp|1988 RG|1}} || Mnestheus from Greek mythology. He a Trojan who went to the Italian peninsula to fight the Latins as an officer of Aeneas. || {{JPL|9023}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9023|9023}}
| 9024 Gunnargraps || {{mp|1988 RF|9}} || Gunnar Graps (1951–2004) was a popular, hard rock, beat and blues style Estonian singer and musician, referred to as Raudmees ("Iron Man"). Graps was a rebellious pioneer in the new Soviet rock scene for disenfranchised youth in the early 1980s, and the first true-blood rock star in Estonia. || {{JPL|9024}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9024|9024}}
| 9025 Polanskey || {{mp|1988 SM|2}} || Carol A. Polanskey (born 1960), a science operations expert at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory. || {{JPL|9025}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9025|9025}}
| 9026 Denevi || {{mp|1988 ST|2}} || Brett W. Denevi (born 1980), a planetary scientist at the Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory and an expert in the composition and evolution of asteroid surfaces. || {{JPL|9026}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9026|9026}}
| 9027 Graps || {{mp|1988 VP|5}} || Amara Graps (born 1961) is a planetary scientist who concentrates on asteroids and comets, but has worked on every planet in the Solar System. She has analyzed data from many missions, such as New Horizons, Rosetta, Cassini and Voyager 2. She is Chief Scientist of Deep Space Industries Latvia. || {{JPL|9027}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9027|9027}}
| 9028 Konrádbeneš || {{mp|1989 BE|1}} || Konrád Beneš (1920–1999), Czech planetologist || {{MPC|9028}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9028|9028}}
| 9032 Tanakami || {{mp|1989 WK|4}} || Tanakami, extending over Shiga, Mie and Kyoto prefectures, is the site of the largest meteorite found in Japan. || {{JPL|9032}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9032|9032}}
| 9033 Kawane || 1990 AD || Kawane, a small town about 230 km west of Tokyo. || {{JPL|9033}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9033|9033}}
| 9034 Oleyuria || {{mp|1990 QZ|17}} || Oleyuria, Ukrainian piano duo of Olga Scherbakova and Yuri Scherbakov. || {{JPL|9034}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9034|9034}}
| 9038 Helensteel || {{mp|1990 VE|1}} || Helen Margaret Steel (born 1959), wife of discoverer Duncan Steel || {{MPC|9038}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9038|9038}}
| 9040 Flacourtia || {{mp|1991 BH|1}} || Flacourtiaceae, the Indian plum family, with almost 90 genera and 900 species. Flacourtia indica (governor's plum) is one of the species, and the southeast Asian genus Hydnocarpus produces an oil that is used for treating some skin diseases. || {{JPL|9040}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9040|9040}}
| 9041 Takane || 1991 CX || Takane, name of the town in which the Otomo observatory is located. || {{JPL|9041}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9041|9041}}
| 9044 Kaoru || 1991 KA || Kaoru Ikeya (born 1964), lecturer and curator of the Gotoh Planetarium and Astronomical Museum in Tokyo. || {{JPL|9044}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9044|9044}}
| 9052 Uhland || {{mp|1991 UJ|4}} || Johann Ludwig Uhland (1787–1862), a German poet. || {{JPL|9052}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9052|9052}}
| 9053 Hamamelis || {{mp|1991 VW|5}} || Hamamelidaceae, the witch-hazel family, with about 25 genera and 100 species, typical in South America and Africa. Hamamelis virginiana (witch hazel) is not a true hazel, although the leaves are similar. || {{JPL|9053}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9053|9053}}
| 9054 Hippocastanum || 1991 YO || Hippocastanaceae, the horse-chestnut family, with only two genera and 15 species. Aesculus hippocastanum (common horse-chestnut) is known for its creamy yellow flowers, in large, conical, upright panicles. || {{JPL|9054}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9054|9054}}
| 9055 Edvardsson || {{mp|1992 DP|8}} || Bengt Edvardsson (born 1956), Swedish astronomer || {{MPC|9055}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9055|9055}}
| 9056 Piskunov || {{mp|1992 EQ|14}} || Nikolai Piskunov (born 1957), Swedish astrophysicist || {{MPC|9056}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9056|9056}}
| 9059 Dumas || 1992 PJ || Alexandre Dumas (1802–1870), the grandson of a French marquis and the son of a French general in Napoleon's army, a very well known writer. || {{JPL|9059}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9059|9059}}
| 9060 Toyokawa || 1992 RM || Hideji Toyokawa (1926–1995), a curator of the Gotoh Planetarium and Astronomical Museum in Tokyo. || {{JPL|9060}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9060|9060}}
| 9062 Ohnishi || {{mp|1992 WO|5}} || Michikazu Ohnishi (born 1933), a chemical plant engineer and lecturer in descriptive geometry. || {{JPL|9062}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9062|9062}}
| 9063 Washi || 1992 YS || Shinsho Washi (born 1951), the director of the Sakai City Planetarium. || {{JPL|9063}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9063|9063}}
| 9064 Johndavies || {{mp|1993 BH|8}} || John Keith Davies (born 1955), British astronomer/aviation engineer || {{MPC|9064}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9064|9064}}
| 9067 Katsuno || 1993 HR || Gentaro Katsuno (born 1933), chief editor of Gekkan Tenmon Guide ("Monthly Astronomy Guide") from 1975 to 1987 || {{JPL|9067}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9067|9067}}
| 9069 Hovland || 1993 OV || Larry E. Hovland (born 1947), a senior engineer at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory. || {{JPL|9069}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9069|9069}}
| 9070 Ensab || {{mp|1993 OZ|2}} || Leo Enright (born 1943) and Denise Sabatini (born 1950), Canadian astronomers || {{MPC|9070}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9070|9070}}
| 9071 Coudenberghe || {{mp|1993 OB|13}} || Peeter van Coudenberghe (1520–1594), Flemish botanist and pharmacist || {{JPL|9071}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9071|9071}}
| 9073 Yoshinori || 1994 ER || Yoshinori Kobayashi (born 1929), a professor emeritus at Hiroshima University and professor at Tokushima Bunri University. || {{JPL|9073}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9073|9073}}
| 9074 Yosukeyoshida || 1994 FZ || Yosuke Yoshida (born 1945), chief editor of Gekkan Tenmon Guide ("Monthly Astronomy Guide") from 1988 to 1993. || {{JPL|9074}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9074|9074}}
| 9076 Shinsaku || 1994 JT || Shinsaku Takasugi (1839–1867), Japanese samurai and revolutionary, who played the most important role in the success of the Meiji Restoration || {{MPC|9076}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9076|9076}}
| 9077 Ildo || 1994 NC || Ildo Lombardi (1934–1954), Italian gymnast and brother of Giuseppe Lombardi, a member of the team of amateur astronomers. || {{JPL|9077}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9077|9077}}
| 9079 Gesner || {{mp|1994 PC|34}} || Conrad Gessner (1516–1565), a versatile Swiss naturalist and bibliographer || {{JPL|9079}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9079|9079}}
| 9080 Takayanagi || 1994 TP || Yuichi Takayanagi (born 1939), a leading science commentator and producer of science programs of NHK Broadcasting Corporation in Japan. || {{JPL|9080}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9080|9080}}
| 9081 Hideakianno || 1994 VY || Hideaki Anno (born 1960), a Japanese animator and director. || {{JPL|9081}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9081|9081}}
| 9082 Leonardmartin || {{mp|1994 VR|6}} || Leonard J. Martin, planetary astronomer and cartographer at the Lowell Observatory. || {{JPL|9082}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9082|9082}}
| 9083 Ramboehm || {{mp|1994 WC|4}} || Jeff Ramos (born 1962) and Art Boehm (born 1944), friends of the discoverers Carolyn Shoemaker and David H. Levy. || {{JPL|9083}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9083|9083}}
| 9084 Achristou || {{mp|1995 CS|1}} || Apostolos Christou (born 1968), Planetary astronomer at the Irish Armagh Observatory || {{MPC|9084}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9084|9084}}
| 9087 Neff || {{mp|1995 SN|3}} || Vladimír Neff (1909–1983), Czech novelist and his son Ondřej Neff (born 1945), science fiction author || {{MPC|9087}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9087|9087}}
| 9088 Maki || {{mp|1995 SX|3}} || Fusao Maki (1916–2001), a songwriter who wrote many children's songs, school songs, home songs, citizen's songs and left hundreds of works. || {{JPL|9088}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9088|9088}}
| 9090 Chirotenmondai || {{mp|1995 UW|8}} || Chiro Astronomical Observatory {{Obscode|320}} or Chiro tenmondai in Western Australia. It was founded by Australian and Japanese amateur astronomers in 1995. || {{JPL|9090}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9090|9090}}
| 9091 Ishidatakaki || 1995 VK || Takaki Ishida (born 1948), principal of Sanyo Girls' High and Junior High School in Hatsukaichi City, Hiroshima Prefecture. || {{JPL|9091}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9091|9091}}
| 9092 Nanyang || {{mp|1995 VU|18}} || Nanyang City, in the southwest of Henan Province, is one of the cradles of Chinese civilization. || {{JPL|9092}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9092|9092}}
| 9093 Sorada || 1995 WA || Toshiyuki Sorada (born 1954), an amateur astronomer in Hiroshima City. || {{JPL|9093}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9093|9093}}
| 9094 Butsuen || 1995 WH || Kazunari Butsuen (born 1952), an amateur astronomer in Kure City, Hiroshima Prefecture. || {{JPL|9094}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9094|9094}}
| 9096 Tamotsu || {{mp|1995 XE|1}} || Tamotsu Fujii (born 1947), a member of the Oriental Astronomical Association since 1960 and president of the Yamashiro Astronomical Association since its founding in 1962. || {{JPL|9096}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9096|9096}}
| 9097 Davidschlag || {{mp|1996 AU|1}} || Davidschlag, Upper Austria, small Austrian village, some 10 km to the north of Linz, at the entrance to the Sterngartl ("small garden of stars") region, home of the Privatobservatorium Meyer/Obermair (Private Observatory Meyer/Obermair) [https://web.archive.org/web/20060511112037/http://web.utanet.at/raab/pomod/mpnames.html †] || {{MPC|9097}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9097|9097}}
| 9098 Toshihiko || {{mp|1996 BQ|3}} || Toshihiko Osawa (1935–2001) was a genius in visual planetary observing. He began observing with his self-made telescope at age 12 and discovered "Osawa's spots" on Saturn in 1952. For more than half of his life he was ill, but he continued observing with his telescope on the roof of a hospital. || {{JPL|9098}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9098|9098}}
| 9099 Kenjitanabe || {{mp|1996 VN|3}} || Kenji Tanabe (born 1944), a professor at Okayama University of Science. || {{JPL|9099}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9099|9099}}
| 9100 Tomohisa || {{mp|1996 XU|1}} || Tomohisa Ohno (born 1948), a Japanese amateur astronomer. || {{JPL|9100}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9100|9100}}


| 9102 Foglar || {{mp|1996 XS|18}} || Jaroslav Foglar (1907–1999), Czech children's author || {{MPC|9102}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9102|9102}}
| 9103 Komatsubara || {{mp|1996 XW|30}} || Mitsugu Komatsubara (born 1953), Japanese reporter and amateur astronomer who, together with Tomohisa Ohno, has recently rehabilitated the late comet and nova hunter Minoru Honda's observatory "Seijin-Sanso" || {{JPL|9103}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9103|9103}}
| 9104 Matsuo || 1996 YB || Atsushi Matsuo (born 1955), Japanese astronomy educator and historian || {{JPL|9104}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9104|9104}}
| 9105 Matsumura || 1997 AU || Masafumi Matsumura (born 1955), Japanese astronomer || {{JPL|9105}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9105|9105}}
| 9106 Yatagarasu || {{mp|1997 AY|1}} || Yatagarasu, the holy crow with three legs of Japanese mythology, who guided Jinmu, the so-called first emperor, and his troops from Kumano to Nara (The Chinese counterpart of the crow with three legs is said to live in the Sun, and could be a naked-eye sunspot) || {{JPL|9106}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9106|9106}}
| 9107 Narukospa || {{mp|1997 AE|4}} || Naruko, Miyagi (Naruko Onsen) is a town famous for its hot springs, visited by tourists all year long. Narukokyo is a gorge, 100 meters deep and known for its beautiful autumn leaves. Onikobe geyser ejects hot water 20 meters into the air. The Naruko crater on Mars is also named for the town || {{JPL|9107}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9107|9107}}
| 9108 Toruyusa || {{mp|1997 AZ|6}} || Toru Yusa (born 1966) is director of the planetarium and observatory at the Osaki Lifelong Learning Center in Miyagi Prefecture and a member of the board of directors of the Japan Public Observatory Society. In addition to being a popularizer of astronomy, he is an enthusiastic observer of comets || {{JPL|9108}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9108|9108}}
| 9109 Yukomotizuki || {{mp|1997 AH|7}} || Yuko Motizuki (born 1965) is an associate professor at Saitama University. Her speciality is the theoretical study of nucleosynthesis, supernovae and neutron stars. She is also leading a team to examine the effects of solar cycles and supernovae on Antarctic ice cores || {{JPL|9109}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9109|9109}}
| 9110 Choukai || {{mp|1997 AM|19}} || Mount Choukai (2230 m) and the Choukai volcanic mountain range, Japan, national park and part of the border between Akita and Yamagata prefectures || {{JPL|9110}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9110|9110}}
| 9111 Matarazzo || {{mp|1997 BD|2}} || Giuseppe "Corrado" Matarazzo (born 1946), Italian mathematician, amateur astronomer and orbit computer || {{MPC|9111}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9111|9111}}
| 9112 Hatsulars || {{mp|1997 BU|3}} || Hatsulars is the name of a women's chorus. Its members are mainly housewives of farming families of Kakegawa City. Founded in 1997, the chorus frequently makes public performances of songs in praise of nature, including the starry sky. "Hatsulars" is a coined word meaning "cheerful people" || {{JPL|9112}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9112|9112}}
| 9114 Hatakeyama || {{mp|1997 CU|19}} || Hideo Hatakeyama (born 1955) is a first-class registered architect and also an amateur astronomer. His projects include the design of Japanese astronomical facilities, as well the architectural design of business complexes. He is also interested in understanding the mechanisms of solar activity || {{JPL|9114}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9114|9114}}
| 9115 Battisti || 1997 DG || Lucio Battisti (1943–1998), Italian singer || {{MPC|9115}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9115|9115}}
| 9116 Billhamilton || {{mp|1997 ES|40}} || William O. Hamilton (born 1933), American professor of physics and astronomy at Louisiana State University, a pioneer in the development of an observational technique for gravitational radiation || {{JPL|9116}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9116|9116}}
| 9117 Aude || {{mp|1997 FR|1}} || AUDÉ, the Association des utilisateurs de détecteurs électroniques; users of electronic detectors association || {{JPL|9117}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9117|9117}}
| 9119 Georgpeuerbach || 1998 DT || Georg von Peuerbach (1423–1461), Austrian mathematician, astronomer, poet, early humanist and teacher of Regiomontanus || {{MPC|9119}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9119|9119}}
| 9121 Stefanovalentini || {{mp|1998 DJ|11}} || Stefano Valentini (born 1955), Italian amateur astronomer, software developer and creator of WinAstrometry || {{MPC|9121}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9121|9121}}
| 9122 Hunten || {{mp|1998 FZ|8}} || Donald M. Hunten (1925–2010), American astronomer, who has participated in space missions from Pioneer to Cassini || {{JPL|9122}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9122|9122}}
| 9123 Yoshiko || {{mp|1998 FQ|11}} || Yoshiko Nakano (born 1933), Japanese director of the Gekko Observatory and educator || {{JPL|9123}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9123|9123}}
| 9126 Samcoulson || {{mp|1998 FR|64}} || Samuel Harold Coulson (born 1998) is a finalist in the 2012 Broadcom MASTERS, a math and science competition for middle-school students, for his earth and space sciences project || {{JPL|9126}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9126|9126}}
| 9127 Brucekoehn || {{mp|1998 HX|51}} || Bruce W. Koehn (born 1948), American astronomer and software developer. His software has been used by the LONEOS program. || {{MPC|9127}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9127|9127}}
| 9128 Takatumuzi || {{mp|1998 HQ|52}} || Mount Takatumuzi (693 m), Japan, east of Nanyo city, Yamagata prefecture, where the discovery site is located || {{JPL|9128}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9128|9128}}
| 9130 Galois || {{mp|1998 HQ|148}} || Évariste Galois (1811–1832), French mathematician and contributor to group theory || {{MPC|9130}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9130|9130}}
| 9132 Walteranderson || 2821 P-L || Walter Anderson (born 1953), chief executive officer of Entreé International || {{JPL|9132}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9132|9132}}
| 9133 d'Arrest || 3107 P-L || Heinrich Louis d'Arrest (1822–1875), a German astronomer || {{JPL|9133}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9133|9133}}
| 9134 Encke || 4822 P-L || Johann Franz Encke (1791–1865), an eminent German astronomer || {{JPL|9134}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9134|9134}}
| 9135 Lacaille || 7609 P-L || Nicolas Louis de Lacaille (1713–1762), a French astronomer || {{JPL|9135}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9135|9135}}
| 9136 Lalande || 4886 T-1 || Jérôme Lalande (1732–1807), a French astronomer || {{JPL|9136}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9136|9136}}
| 9137 Remo || 2114 T-2 || John L. Remo (born 1941), American physicist || {{MPC|9137}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9137|9137}}
| 9138 Murdoch || 2280 T-2 || Jean Iris Murdoch (1919–1999), a prolific novelist and philosopher || {{JPL|9138}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9138|9138}}
| 9139 Barrylasker || 4180 T-2 || Barry Lasker (1939–1999), American astronomer || {{JPL|9139}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9139|9139}}
| 9140 Deni || 4195 T-3 || the Department of Education for Northern Ireland (Deni), for its support of the support of the Armagh Observatory || {{JPL|9140}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9140|9140}}
| 9141 Kapur || 5174 T-3 || Shekhar Kapur (born 1945), Indian actor || {{MPC|9141}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9141|9141}}
| 9142 Rhesus || 5191 T-3 || Rhesus of Thrace, the king of the Thracians and ally of the Trojans || {{JPL|9142}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9142|9142}}
| 9143 Burkhead || 1955 SF || Martin S. Burkhead (born 1933), an emeritus professor at Indiana University || {{JPL|9143}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9143|9143}}
| 9144 Hollisjohnson || {{mp|1955 UN|1}} || Hollis R. Johnson (born 1928), an emeritus professor at Indiana University || {{JPL|9144}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9144|9144}}
| 9145 Shustov || {{mp|1976 GG|3}} || Boris Mikhailovich Shustov (born 1947), a deputy director at the Institute of Astronomy of the Russian Academy of Sciences || {{JPL|9145}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9145|9145}}
| 9146 Tulikov || {{mp|1976 YG|1}} || Sergeevich Tulikov (born 1914), a composer and an artist in the U.S.S.R. || {{JPL|9146}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9146|9146}}
| 9147 Kourakuen || {{mp|1977 DD|1}} || Kourakuen in Okayama is one of the three most outstanding gardens in Japan || {{JPL|9147}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9147|9147}}
| 9148 Boriszaitsev || {{mp|1977 EL|1}} || Boris Petrovich Zaitsev (1925–2000), People's artist of Ukraine || {{JPL|9148}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9148|9148}}
| 9150 Zavolokin || {{mp|1978 SE|1}} || Gennadij Dmitrievich Zavolokin (1943–2001), a famed player of the bayan (Russian accordion) || {{JPL|9150}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9150|9150}}
| 9152 Combe || {{mp|1980 VZ|2}} || Jean-Philippe Combe (born 1977), a research scientist on the Dawn mission team analyzing the mineralogy of Vesta using visible and near-infrared mapping data || {{JPL|9152}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9152|9152}}
| 9153 Chikurinji || {{mp|1981 UD|2}} || Chikurinji is the mountain on which the Okayama Astrophysical Observatory is situated. || {{JPL|9153}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9153|9153}}
| 9154 Kol'tsovo || {{mp|1982 SP|6}} || Kol'tsovo, a suburb of Novosibirsk, is the site of the State Scientific Institute of Virology and Biotechnology of the Russian Ministry of Public Health || {{JPL|9154}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9154|9154}}
| 9155 Verkhodanov || {{mp|1982 SM|7}} || Vyacheslav Gennadievich Verkhodanov (born 1942), a Ukrainian economics and management specialist || {{JPL|9155}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9155|9155}}
| 9156 Malanin || {{mp|1982 TQ|2}} || Ivan Ivanovich Malanin (1897–1969), Russian accordionist || {{MPC|9156}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9156|9156}}
| 9158 Platè || 1984 MR || Nikolaj Alfredovich Platè (born 1934), a chief scientific secretary of the Russian Academy of Sciences and director of the Institute of Petrochemical Synthesis in Moscow || {{JPL|9158}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9158|9158}}
| 9159 McDonnell || {{mp|1984 UD|3}} || J. A. M. ("Tony") McDonnell (born 1938) is recognized for his research on cosmic dust. With colleagues, he was the first to demonstrate the intact capture of space particulates in aerogel. He has flown instruments on a number of missions and has analyzed impact craters on lunar samples and satellite surfaces exposed to space. || {{JPL|9159}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9159|9159}}
| 9161 Beaufort || {{mp|1987 BZ|1}} || Rear Admiral Sir Francis Beaufort (1774–1857), an admiral of the British Navy who devised the scale for classifying wind force at sea || {{JPL|9161}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9161|9161}}
| 9162 Kwiila || 1987 OA || Kwiila ("Black Oak"), one of the First People in the Luiseno creation story (the black oak is indigenous to Palomar Mountain, the discovery site) || {{JPL|9162}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9162|9162}}
| 9164 Colbert || 1987 SQ || Edwin H. Colbert (born 1905), a distinguished U.S. vertebrate paleontologist || {{JPL|9164}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9164|9164}}
| 9165 Raup || {{mp|1987 SJ|3}} || David M. Raup (1933–2015), paleontologist and biological historian at the University of Chicago. || {{JPL|9165}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9165|9165}}
| 9167 Kharkiv || {{mp|1987 SS|17}} || Kharkiv (Kharkov), an industrial and cultural center, is one of the largest cities in Ukraine || {{JPL|9167}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9167|9167}}
| 9168 Sarov || {{mp|1987 ST|17}} || Sarov, a small town in the Nizhnij Novgorod region of the Russian Federation where the All-Russian Research Institute of Experimental Physics is located || {{JPL|9168}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9168|9168}}
| 9171 Carolyndiane || {{mp|1989 GD|5}} || Carolyn Diane Young (born 1940) has been a great support in encouraging her husband, veteran New Zealand amateur astronomer Albert Jones, in his endeavor to monitor variable stars and comets. || {{JPL|9171}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9171|9171}}
| 9172 Abhramu || 1989 OB || Abhramu, the "cloud-knitter", was the original female elephant who was a supernatural winged being who could change her shape at will, like the clouds that resemble her children. According to Indian legend, Abhramu's tribe lost its wings and magic by mischance. || {{JPL|9172}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9172|9172}}
| 9175 Graun || {{mp|1990 OO|2}} || Ken Graun (born 1955) has written two astronomical books. What's Out Tonight? is a major compilation of what the night sky will look like for the next 50 years. His introduction to the planets is intended for young children. || {{JPL|9175}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9175|9175}}
| 9176 Struchkova || {{mp|1990 VC|15}} || Raisa Stepanovna Struchkova (born 1925), a Russian ballerina at the Moscow Bolshoi Theatre since 1944 || {{JPL|9176}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9176|9176}}
| 9178 Momoyo || 1991 DU || Momoyo Urata, the wife of Japanese co-discoverer Takeshi Urata || {{JPL|9178}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9178|9178}}
| 9179 Satchmo || {{mp|1991 EM|1}} || Louis Armstrong (1901–1971), American jazz musician and one of the most influential figures in jazz || {{JPL|9179}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9179|9179}}
| 9180 Samsagan || 1991 GQ || The son of Carl Sagan and Ann Druyan, Samuel Democritus Druyan Sagan (born 1991) is inspired by the beauty and power of words. He hopes to become a writer. Family and friends recognize his kind ways and concern for others. || {{JPL|9180}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9180|9180}}
| 9184 Vasilij || {{mp|1991 PJ|3}} || Vasilij Rumyantsev (born 1968), a Russian astronomer || {{JPL|9184}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9184|9184}}
| 9186 Fumikotsukimoto || {{mp|1991 RZ|1}} || Fumiko Tsukimoto (born 1987), a painter and illustrator, whose nickname is "Painting Witch" || {{JPL|9186}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9186|9186}}
| 9187 Walterkröll || {{mp|1991 RD|4}} || Walter Kröll (born), German physicist ({{small|de}}) || {{MPC|9187}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9187|9187}}
| 9189 Hölderlin || {{mp|1991 RH|41}} || Friedrich Hölderlin (1770–1843), German poet || {{JPL|9189}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9189|9189}}
| 9190 Masako || {{mp|1991 VR|1}} || Masako Muramatsu, wife of Japanese co-discoverer Osamu Muramatsu || {{JPL|9190}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9190|9190}}
| 9191 Hokuto || 1991 XU || Hokuto-shi is the largest city in Yamanashi-ken in Japan. The city, home to the discoverer, is famous for its beautiful starlit sky || {{JPL|9191}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9191|9191}}
| 9193 Geoffreycopland || {{mp|1992 ED|1}} || Geoffrey Malcolm Copland, British physicist || {{MPC|9193}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9193|9193}}
| 9194 Ananoff || {{mp|1992 OV|2}} || Alexandre Ananoff (1910–1992) was a Russian-French space expert, author of L´Astronautique (1950) and organizer of the first International Astronautical Congress. In 1950 he was the first recipient of the Hermann Oberth Medal, and he was an advisor on fellow writer Hergé's Adventures of Tintin on the Moon || {{JPL|9194}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9194|9194}}
| 9196 Sukagawa || {{mp|1992 WP|5}} || Sukagawa, Fukushima, Japan || {{JPL|9196}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9196|9196}}
| 9197 Endo || {{mp|1992 WH|8}} || Shu Endo (born 1953), one of Japan's leading astrophotographers || {{JPL|9197}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9197|9197}}
| 9198 Sasagamine || {{mp|1993 BJ|3}} || Sasagamine, mountain in Shikoku, Japan || {{JPL|9198}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9198|9198}}


| 9203 Myrtus || {{mp|1993 TM|16}} || Myrtaceae, the myrtle family of aromatic trees and shrubs, with more than 100 genera and nearly 4000 species. This family is typical of the Southern Hemisphere, where the Eucalyptus genus is prevalent. Myrtus communis (common myrtle) is a species native to the Mediterranean and is cultivated as far north as England. || {{JPL|9203}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9203|9203}}
| 9204 Mörike || {{mp|1994 PZ|1}} || Eduard Mörike (1804–1875), German Romantic poet || {{JPL|9204}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9204|9204}}
| 9205 Eddywally || {{mp|1994 PO|9}} || Eduard Van de Walle (born 1930), a Flemish singer || {{JPL|9205}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9205|9205}}
| 9206 Yanaikeizo || 1994 RQ || Keizo Yanai (born 1941), once of researchers at the Japanese National Institute of Polar Research || {{JPL|9206}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9206|9206}}
| 9207 Petersmith || {{mp|1994 SF|12}} || Peter H. Smith (born 1947), planetary scientist at the Lunar and Planetary Laboratory || {{JPL|9207}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9207|9207}}
| 9208 Takanotoshi || {{mp|1994 TX|2}} || Toshiaki Takano (born 1954), an associate professor at Chiba University Graduate School of Science and Technology || {{JPL|9208}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9208|9208}}
| 9211 Neese || {{mp|1995 SB|27}} || Carol Lynn Neese (born 1958), American astronomer at Planetary Science Institute who worked on the JPL Small-Body Database || {{MPC|9211}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9211|9211}}
| 9212 Kanamaru || {{mp|1995 UR|3}} || Naomiki Kanamaru (born 1970) is an amateur astronomer. After acquiring first-class registered architect status in 1997, he has focused his attention on the architecture of public astronomical observatories, as well as university affiliated astronomical observatories. His current interest is solar eclipses || {{JPL|9212}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9212|9212}}
| 9215 Taiyonoto || {{mp|1995 UB|45}} || The famous monument Taiyonoto, "Tower of the Sun", is in Suita City || {{JPL|9215}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9215|9215}}
| 9216 Masuzawa || 1995 VS || Hitoshi Masuzawa (born 1945), a lecturer and curator of the Gotoh Planetarium and Astronomical Museum in Tokyo || {{JPL|9216}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9216|9216}}
| 9217 Kitagawa || 1995 WN || Ryuji Kitagawa (1949–2009) was a professor at Hiroshima University. From his research of clay mineralogy, he clarified the mechanism of weathering of granite and generation of landslide and slope failure. In addition to his own research, he mentored many other scientists || {{JPL|9217}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9217|9217}}
| 9218 Ishiikazuo || {{mp|1995 WV|2}} || Kazuo Ishii (born 1950), employed in the past in the manufacture of planetaria, has been working since 2005 as an architectural consultant in the design of astronomical facilities. His interest in astronomy was aroused at the sight of Comet 1965 S1 (Ikeya-Seki) || {{JPL|9218}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9218|9218}}
| 9220 Yoshidayama || {{mp|1995 XL|1}} || Yoshidayama is a hill located in Sakyo, a district in the northeastern part of Kyoto. It contains temples, shrines and many maple trees and has been familiar for 100 years as a walking area for students || {{JPL|9220}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9220|9220}}
| 9221 Wuliangyong || {{mp|1995 XP|2}} || Wu Liangyong (born 1922) is an architect, city planner, and educator, and the founder of Sciences of Human Settlements in China || {{JPL|9221}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9221|9221}}
| 9222 Chubey || 1995 YM || Markiyan S. Chubey (born 1940) is a Ukrainian-born Russian scientist working at the Pulkovo Observatory. He is an astrometrist and is leading a team to develop astrometry and astrophysics at the sun-earth L4 and L5 points using the stereo principle || {{JPL|9222}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9222|9222}}
| 9223 Leifandersson || {{mp|1995 YY|7}} || Leif Erland Andersson (1943–1979) observed that most satellites of the outer planets rotate synchronously about their parent planets, helped determine Pluto's pole position and albedo map, and determined that Pluto and its satellite Charon would display mutual transits and eclipses. He also made a catalogue of lunar craters. || {{JPL|9223}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9223|9223}}
| 9224 Železný || 1996 AE || Jan Železný, Czech javelin thrower || {{MPC|9224}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9224|9224}}
| 9225 Daiki || 1996 AU || Daiki Matsubayashi (born 1961) has been a member of the Saga Astronomical Society since the time of its establishment in 1981. He is an amateur astronomer whose interests include meteors and comets, with photography of solar eclipses his personal favorite || {{JPL|9225}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9225|9225}}
| 9226 Arimahiroshi || {{mp|1996 AB|1}} || Hiroshi Arima (born 1958) is a registered architect who also designs individual observatories in Japan. While a university student he was a leader of the Kyushu Meteoric Network. With members of the Kumamoto Civil Astronomical Observatory, he helped carry out a solar eclipse observation in Mexico in 1991 || {{JPL|9226}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9226|9226}}
| 9227 Ashida || {{mp|1996 BO|2}} || Masafumi Ashida (born 1957), a teacher of elementary school in Kyoto, is widely known by schoolchildren as an astronomical teacher in everyday life. His interests include comet observations, and he has labored continuously as the chief editor of the Kansai Astronomical Society's monthly magazine since 1974. || {{JPL|9227}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9227|9227}}
| 9228 Nakahiroshi || {{mp|1996 CG|1}} || Japanese amateur astronomer Hiroshi Nakanishi (born 1936) is a well-known grass-roots popularizer of astronomy in Kagawa prefecture || {{JPL|9228}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9228|9228}}
| 9229 Matsuda || {{mp|1996 DJ|1}} || Junichi Matsuda (born 1948), a professor at Osaka University || {{JPL|9229}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9229|9229}}
| 9230 Yasuda || {{mp|1996 YY|2}} || Satoshi Yasuda (born 1948), a member of Amateur Radio on the International Space Station-Japan and a professor at Hitotsubashi University || {{JPL|9230}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9230|9230}}
| 9231 Shimaken || {{mp|1997 BB|2}} || Shimaken is the research group led by Toshihiko Shimamoto (born 1946), a professor emeritus of Kyoto University. The group reproduced seismogenic fault motion in the laboratory and found that the fault motion itself dramatically weakens the fault by frictional heating and promotes generation of large earthquakes || {{JPL|9231}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9231|9231}}
| 9232 Miretti || {{mp|1997 BG|8}} || Manlio Miretti (1928–1996), who, blessed with a powerful and warm baritone voice, devoted his whole life to the opera || {{JPL|9232}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9232|9232}}
| 9233 Itagijun || {{mp|1997 CC|1}} || Jun Itagi (born 1958), an amateur astronomical educator famous in the San-In district (Tottori and Shimane prefectures), has served as general-affairs director of the San-In Society of Astronomy. He is well known for his in-depth studies of the Mihonoseki and Tahara meteorites || {{JPL|9233}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9233|9233}}
| 9234 Matsumototaku || {{mp|1997 CH|4}} || Takuya Matsumoto (born 1966) is a high-school teacher and amateur astronomer who has also been director of the 100-member headquarters of the San-In Society of Astronomy since 1990 || {{JPL|9234}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9234|9234}}
| 9235 Shimanamikaido || {{mp|1997 CT|21}} || Nishiseto Expressway || {{MPC|9235}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9235|9235}}
| 9236 Obermair || {{mp|1997 EV|32}} || Erwin Obermair (1946–2017), Austrian amateur astronomer and discoverer of minor planets || {{MPC|9236}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9236|9236}}
| 9238 Yavapai || {{mp|1997 HO|2}} || Yavapai, the county in Arizona of which Prescott is the county seat || {{JPL|9238}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9238|9238}}
| 9239 van Riebeeck || {{mp|1997 JP|15}} || Jan van Riebeeck (1619–1677), Dutch merchant and founder of the Cape Colony in South Africa || {{MPC|9239}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9239|9239}}
| 9240 Nassau || {{mp|1997 KR|3}} || Jason John Nassau (1893–1965), a director of the Warner and Swasey Observatory and professor at Case Institute of Technology during 1924–1959 || {{JPL|9240}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9240|9240}}
| 9241 Rosfranklin || {{mp|1997 PE|6}} || Rosalind Franklin (1920–1958), an English chemist, who significantly contributed to the discovery of the molecular structures of DNA || {{JPL|9241}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9241|9241}}
| 9242 Olea || {{mp|1998 CS|3}} || Oleaceae, the olive family, with about 25 genera and nearly 1000 species. Genera include ash, lilac, jasmine and forsythia. Olea europea (common olive) is profitable as a fruit and source of oil || {{JPL|9242}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9242|9242}}
| 9244 Višnjan || {{mp|1998 HV|7}} || Višnjan, a small picturesque medieval town situated on the western rim of the Istrian peninsula highlands, Croatia || {{JPL|9244}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9244|9244}}
| 9246 Niemeyer || {{mp|1998 HB|149}} || Oscar Niemeyer (born 1907), the chief architect in Brazil || {{JPL|9246}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9246|9246}}
| 9248 Sauer || 4593 P-L || Carl G. Sauer, Jr., a principal flight mechanics engineer at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory || {{JPL|9248}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9248|9248}}
| 9249 Yen || 4606 P-L || Chen-wan L. Yen, a senior analyst within the Mission and Systems Architecture Section of NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory || {{JPL|9249}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9249|9249}}
| 9250 Chamberlin || 4643 P-L || Alan B. Chamberlin, a senior engineer within the Navigation and Flight Mechanics Section of NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory || {{JPL|9250}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9250|9250}}
| 9251 Harch || 4896 P-L || Ann P. Harch, the Cornell University scientist || {{JPL|9251}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9251|9251}}
| 9252 Goddard || 9058 P-L || Robert H. Goddard (1882–1945), American rocketry pioneer || {{JPL|9252}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9252|9252}}
| 9253 Oberth || 1171 T-1 || Hermann Oberth (1894–1989), Romanian-born German rocketry pioneer || {{MPC|9253}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9253|9253}}
| 9254 Shunkai || 2151 T-1 || Shibukawa Shunkai (1639–1715), an expert on the calendar || {{JPL|9254}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9254|9254}}
| 9255 Inoutadataka || 3174 T-1 || Inou Tadataka (1745–1818), a Japan geographer and surveyor || {{JPL|9255}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9255|9255}}
| 9256 Tsukamoto || 1324 T-2 || Tsukamoto Akitake (1833–1885), a geographer who worked for both the Tokugawa and Meiji governments || {{JPL|9256}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9256|9256}}
| 9257 Kunisuke || 1552 T-2 || Kunisuke Kinoshita (1901–1931), an astronomer at the Tokyo Astronomical Observatory from 1924 to his death || {{JPL|9257}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9257|9257}}
| 9258 Johnpauljones || 2137 T-2 || John Paul Jones (1747–1792), American Revolutionary War naval hero || {{JPL|9258}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9258|9258}}
| 9259 Janvanparadijs || 2189 T-2 || Jan van Paradijs (1946–1999), Dutch astronomer and astrophysicist || {{MPC|9259}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9259|9259}}
| 9260 Edwardolson || {{mp|1953 TA|1}} || Edward C. Olson (born 1930), an emeritus professor at the University of Illinois || {{JPL|9260}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9260|9260}}
| 9261 Peggythomson || {{mp|1953 TD|1}} || Peggy Y. Thomson (born 1927) was responsible for a major gift to Indiana University from a charitable trust that allowed the Daniel Kirkwood professorship to be fully endowed as a chair of astronomy. The name was suggested by F. K. Edmondson, whose elementary astronomy course inspired Thomson when she was a student. || {{JPL|9261}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9261|9261}}
| 9262 Bordovitsyna || 1973 RF || Tatiana Valentinovna Bordovitsyna (born 1940), head of the department of celestial mechanics and astrometry in the Institute for Applied Mathematics and Mechanics of Tomsk University || {{JPL|9262}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9262|9262}}
| 9263 Khariton || {{mp|1976 SX|5}} || Yulij Borisovich Khariton (born 1904), a physicist and member of the Russian Academy of Sciences || {{JPL|9263}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9263|9263}}
| 9265 Ekman || {{mp|1978 RC|9}} || Swedish encyclopaedists Agnita Ekman (born 1945) and Arne Ekman (born 1945) || {{MPC|9265}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9265|9265}}
| 9266 Holger || {{mp|1978 RD|10}} || Holger Pedersen (born 1946), Danish astronomer at ESO || {{MPC|9266}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9266|9266}}
| 9267 Lokrume || {{mp|1978 RL|10}} || The church in the parish of Lokrume on Gotland island in Sweden || {{MPC|9267}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9267|9267}}
| 9271 Trimble || {{mp|1978 VT|8}} || Virginia Louise Trimble (born 1943) is a highly perceptive commentator on the state of astronomy, regarded as a creative and insightful spokesperson for astronomy. Beyond her own special interests in stellar structure and evolution, she has improved the health of the profession through her application of historical citation studies. || {{JPL|9271}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9271|9271}}
| 9272 Liseleje || 1979 KQ || Liseleje, Zealand, Denmark || {{JPL|9272}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9272|9272}}
| 9273 Schloerb || {{mp|1979 QW|3}} || Frederick Peter Schloerb (born 1952), American astronomer || {{MPC|9273}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9273|9273}}
| 9274 Amylovell || {{mp|1980 FF|3}} || Amy Jean Lovell (born 1969), American astronomer || {{MPC|9274}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9274|9274}}
| 9275 Persson || {{mp|1980 FS|3}} || Jöran Persson (c. 1530–1568), prosecutor and counsellor to King Eric XIV of Sweden || {{MPC|9275}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9275|9275}}
| 9276 Timgrove || {{mp|1980 RB|8}} || Timothy L. Grove (born 1949), a professor of geology at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology || {{JPL|9276}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9276|9276}}
| 9277 Togashi || {{mp|1980 TT|3}} || Tom Togashi (1937–2000), a pioneering filmmaker whose stunning television documentaries included a Galactic Odyssey series and specials on solar eclipses, the aurora borealis, and the search for life in the universe || {{JPL|9277}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9277|9277}}
| 9279 Seager || {{mp|1981 EY|12}} || Sara Seager (born 1971), a Canadian-American astronomer and planetary scientist. She is a professor of physics and planetary science at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. || {{JPL|9279}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9279|9279}}
| 9280 Stevenjoy || {{mp|1981 EQ|14}} || Steven P. Joy (born 1960), the Dawn mission science manager at the University of California Los Angeles || {{JPL|9280}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9280|9280}}
| 9281 Weryk || {{mp|1981 EJ|15}} || Robert J. Weryk (born 1981), a researcher at Mount Allison University in Sackville, New Brunswick || {{JPL|9281}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9281|9281}}
| 9282 Lucylim || {{mp|1981 EP|16}} || Lucy F. Lim (born 1977), a planetary scientist at the Goddard Space Flight Center || {{JPL|9282}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9282|9282}}
| 9283 Martinelvis || {{mp|1981 EY|17}} || Martin S. Elvis (born 1951), an astrophysicist and expert on quasars at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics || {{JPL|9283}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9283|9283}}
| 9284 Juansanchez || {{mp|1981 ED|24}} || Juan Andres Sanchez (born 1979), a postdoctoral research fellow at the Max-Planck Institute for Solar System Research in Katlenburg-Lindau || {{JPL|9284}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9284|9284}}
| 9285 Le Corre || {{mp|1981 EL|24}} || Lucille Le Corre (born 1983), an associate researcher at the Planetary Science Institute in Tucson, Arizona || {{JPL|9285}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9285|9285}}
| 9286 Patricktaylor || {{mp|1981 ED|35}} || Patrick Alan Taylor (born 1981), a research scientist at the Arecibo Observatory studying near-Earth asteroids || {{JPL|9286}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9286|9286}}
| 9287 Klima || {{mp|1981 ER|43}} || Rachel L. Klima (born 1974), a planetary geologist at the Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory || {{JPL|9287}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9287|9287}}
| 9288 Santos-Sanz || {{mp|1981 EV|46}} || Pablo Santos-Sanz (born 1971), a postdoctoral researcher at the "Instituto Astrofisica Andalucia" in Granada || {{JPL|9288}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9288|9288}}
| 9289 Balau || {{mp|1981 QR|3}} || The Balau area, near Costigliole d´Asti (Piedmont, Italy), is renowned for its natural beauty, its agricultural products and the wines (both red and white) produced there || {{JPL|9289}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9289|9289}}
| 9291 Alanburdick || 1982 QO || Alan Burdick (born 1965), a student of the natural world, is author of numerous popular magazine articles, including one about his efforts to get something in the universe named after him. This in turn helped to land him a writing job at the new Rose Center at the American Museum of Natural History in New York. || {{JPL|9291}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9291|9291}}
| 9293 Kamogata || {{mp|1982 XQ|1}} || With the neighboring town of Yakage, the town of Kamogata borders the Okayama Astrophysical Observatory, National Astronomical Observatory of Japan || {{JPL|9293}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9293|9293}}
| 9295 Donaldyoung || {{mp|1983 RT|1}} || Donald L. Young (born 1935), recently retired from the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, was responsible for building and directing NASA/JPL's Table Mountain Facility. In addition to conducting astronomical research, the facility is a centerpiece of the JPL educational outreach program. The name was suggested by C. Young. || {{JPL|9295}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9295|9295}}
| 9297 Marchuk || 1984 MP || Gurij Ivanovich Marchuk (born 1925), a director of the Institute of Numerical Mathematics of the Russian Academy of Sciences || {{JPL|9297}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9297|9297}}
| 9298 Geake || 1985 JM || John E. Geake (1925–1998), astronomer and lunar scientist at UMIST, known for his laboratory interpretation of the optical polarization of the lunar and asteroidal surfaces. He invented the first direct-reading linear refractometer, one of which he designed for the Cassini-Huygens Titan probe. || {{JPL|9298}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9298|9298}}
| 9299 Vinceteri || {{mp|1985 JG|2}} || Vince (born 1959) and Teri (born 1960) Grout are true friends to two-legged and four-legged animals || {{JPL|9299}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9299|9299}}
| 9300 Johannes || 1985 PS || Johannes Andersen (born 1943), of the Niels Bohr Institute for Astronomy, works mainly on the chemical and dynamical evolution of the Milky Way's disk. As IAU General Secretary (1997–2000), he has offered sage guidance on the IAU's role with near-earth objects. The name is endorsed by B. G. Marsden and H. Rickman. || {{JPL|9300}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9300|9300}}


| 9305 Hazard || {{mp|1986 TR|1}} || Cyril Hazard (born 1928), a British radio astronomer. || {{JPL|9305}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9305|9305}}
| 9306 Pittosporum || 1987 CG || Pittosporaceae, the Australian laurel family, with nine genera and more than 200 species, mainly in tropical Africa and Pacific islands. Among the species is Pittosporum eugenioides (lemonwood). || {{JPL|9306}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9306|9306}}
| 9307 Regiomontanus || 1987 QS || Johannes Regiomontanus (1436–1476), a German mathematician and astronomer. || {{JPL|9307}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9307|9307}}
| 9308 Randyrose || {{mp|1987 SD|4}} || Randy Rose (born 1963), an electrical engineer and currently leader of the Radio Astronomy and Radar Group at Goldstone. || {{JPL|9308}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9308|9308}}
| 9309 Platanus || {{mp|1987 SS|9}} || Platanaceae, the plane family, with one genus and seven species. They grow wild mainly in the United States and Mexico, but they are also typical of southern France. Platanus acerifolia (London plane) reaches a height of almost 30 m and is widely planted in cities because of its resistance to air pollution. The brown, bristly fruits, hanging two to four together on a single stalk, persist over the winter. || {{JPL|9309}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9309|9309}}
| 9313 Protea || {{mp|1988 CH|3}} || Proteaceae, the firebush family, with some 75 genera and over 1000 species. They are native to the Southern Hemisphere, where they grow wild. Some species, such as Protea mellifera (honeyflower), extend also to the warm regions of the Northern Hemisphere. The family is best known for its ornamental plants, such as Embothrium coccineum (Chilean firebush), which are cultivated for their edible nuts. || {{JPL|9313}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9313|9313}}
| 9315 Weigel || {{mp|1988 PP|2}} || Erhard Weigel (1625–1699), a German mathematician and astronomer. || {{JPL|9315}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9315|9315}}
| 9316 Rhamnus || {{mp|1988 PX|2}} || Rhamnaceae, the buckthorn family of deciduous and evergreen trees, shrubs and climbing plants, with 60 genera and around 900 species. They grow wild in all parts of the world. Some of the species yield dyes. The berrylike fruits appear in dense clusters. Rhamnus purshina (bearwood) produces a dry bark (cascara sagrada) that is used as a laxative. || {{JPL|9316}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9316|9316}}
| 9319 Hartzell || {{mp|1988 RV|11}} || Christine M. Hartzell (born 1988), an assistant professor in aerospace engineering at the University of Maryland. || {{JPL|9319}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9319|9319}}
| 9321 Alexkonopliv || 1989 AK || Alex Konopliv (born 1960), a principal scientist at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, is an internationally recognized authority on the determination of gravity fields for those solar-system objects that have tracking data from an orbiting spacecraft. His gravity fields for Mars have supported several spacecraft missions || {{JPL|9321}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9321|9321}}
| 9322 Lindenau || {{mp|1989 AC|7}} || Bernhard von Lindenau (1779–1854), a German scientist, statesman and promotor of the arts. || {{JPL|9322}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9322|9322}}
| 9323 Hirohisasato || {{mp|1989 CV|1}} || Hirohisa Sato (born 1951) studies the orbits and brightness of comets for the Comet Section of the Oriental Astronomical Association. He also has interests in archeology and history. The name was suggested by S. Harada. || {{JPL|9323}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9323|9323}}
| 9325 Stonehenge || {{mp|1989 GG|4}} || Stonehenge, prehistoric megalithic complex, whose design relies on astronomical observation in great part || {{JPL|9325}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9325|9325}}
| 9326 Ruta || {{mp|1989 SP|2}} || Rutaceae, the rue family, with over 150 genera and 1500 species, including citrus fruits. Ruta graviolens (common rue) is a perennial herb with a particularly strong scent. The family thrives in tropical and warm, temperate regions. || {{JPL|9326}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9326|9326}}
| 9327 Duerbeck || {{mp|1989 SW|2}} || Hilmar Duerbeck, a German astronomer. || {{JPL|9327}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9327|9327}}
| 9329 Nikolaimedtner || 1990 EO || Nikolai Karlovich Medtner, Russian composer. || {{JPL|9329}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9329|9329}}
| 9331 Fannyhensel || {{mp|1990 QM|9}} || Fanny Hensel (1805–1847), the sister of Felix Mendelssohn-Bartholdy and wife of painter Wilhelm Hensel. || {{JPL|9331}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9331|9331}}
| 9333 Hiraimasa || {{mp|1990 TK|3}} || Masanori Hirai (born 1943), a professor at Fukuoka University of Education. || {{JPL|9333}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9333|9333}}
| 9334 Moesta || {{mp|1990 UU|3}} || Carl Wilhelm Moesta (1825–1884), a German mathematician and astronomer. || {{JPL|9334}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9334|9334}}
| 9336 Altenburg || {{mp|1991 AY|2}} || The town of Altenburg, noted for its outstanding buildings (e.g. the theater and Lindenau Museum) and its eventful 1000-year history. || {{JPL|9336}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9336|9336}}
| 9339 Kimnovak || {{mp|1991 GT|5}} || Kim Novak (born 1933), a screen actress much admired for her work, together with William Holden, in Picnic, a movie from the 1950s based on a Pulitzer prize-winning novel. || {{JPL|9339}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9339|9339}}
| 9340 Williamholden || {{mp|1991 LW|1}} || William Holden (1918–1981), a screen actor admired for his work in Picnic (1955), with Kim Novak, and in The Bridge over the River Kwai, with David Niven. He is also the initiator of a wildlife foundation in Kenya. {{JPL|9339}} || {{MPC|9340}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9340|9340}}
| 9341 Gracekelly || {{mp|1991 PH|2}} || Grace Kelly, American actress, later Her Serene Highness Princess Grace of Monaco. || {{JPL|9341}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9341|9341}}
| 9342 Carygrant || {{mp|1991 PJ|7}} || Cary Grant (Archibald Leach, 1904–1986), British-American actor. || {{JPL|9342}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9342|9342}}
| 9344 Klopstock || {{mp|1991 RB|4}} || Friedrich Gottlieb Klopstock, a German poet. || {{JPL|9344}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9344|9344}}
| 9346 Fernandel || {{mp|1991 RN|11}} || Fernandel (Fernand Joseph Désié Contandin) (1903–1971), French actor. || {{JPL|9346}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9346|9346}}
| 9349 Lucas || 1991 SX || François Édouard Anatole Lucas (1842–1891), a French number theorist. || {{JPL|9349}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9349|9349}}
| 9350 Waseda || {{mp|1991 TH|2}} || Waseda University, one of the most prestigious private universities in Japan. || {{JPL|9350}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9350|9350}}
| 9351 Neumayer || {{mp|1991 TH|6}} || Georg von Neumayer (1826–1909), a German geophysicist and hydrographer. || {{JPL|9351}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9351|9351}}
| 9356 Elineke || 1991 YV || Eline Deneweth (born 1970), named after Eline Vere, a novel by the Dutch author Louis Couperus, is the niece of the discoverer. || {{JPL|9356}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9356|9356}}
| 9357 Venezuela || {{mp|1992 AT|3}} || The Republica Bolivariana de Venezuela ("Little Venice") was named in 1499 by Amerigo Vespucci because of the resemblance between the natives' houses, built on water, and the situation in Venice. || {{JPL|9357}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9357|9357}}
| 9358 Fårö || {{mp|1992 DN|7}} || Fårö island, northernmost socken on Gotland island, Sweden || {{MPC|9358}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9358|9358}}
| 9359 Fleringe || {{mp|1992 ED|11}} || Fleringe, socken on Gotland island, Sweden || {{MPC|9359}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9359|9359}}
| 9362 Miyajima || {{mp|1992 FE|1}} || Kazuhiko Miyajima (born 1946), a professor at Doshisha University. || {{JPL|9362}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9362|9362}}
| 9364 Clusius || {{mp|1992 HZ|3}} || Carolus Clusius (Charles de l'Escluse; 1526–1609), a Flemish botanist. || {{JPL|9364}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9364|9364}}
| 9365 Chinesewilson || {{mp|1992 RU|3}} || Ernest Henry "Chinese" Wilson, a prolific hunter of plants. || {{JPL|9365}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9365|9365}}
| 9368 Esashi || {{mp|1993 BS|3}} || Esashi, a small town in northern Hokkaido, on the Sea of Okhotsk. || {{JPL|9368}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9368|9368}}
| 9372 Vamlingbo || {{mp|1993 FK|37}} || Vamlingbo, socken on Gotland island, Sweden || {{MPC|9372}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9372|9372}}
| 9373 Hamra || {{mp|1993 FY|43}} || Hamra, socken on Gotland island, Sweden || {{MPC|9373}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9373|9373}}
| 9374 Sundre || {{mp|1993 FJ|46}} || Sundre, southernmost socken on Gotland island, Sweden || {{MPC|9374}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9374|9374}}
| 9375 Omodaka || 1993 HK || Toshihiro Omodaka, Japanese radio astronomer [https://web.archive.org/web/20071116092915/http://uchukan.satsumasendai.jp/event/news/2003-1.html †] || {{MPC|9375}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9375|9375}}
| 9376 Thionville || {{mp|1993 OU|7}} || Thionville, the French city in northeastern France, near the Luxembourg border. || {{JPL|9376}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9376|9376}}
| 9377 Metz || {{mp|1993 PJ|7}} || Metz, the French city in the Lorraine region of France, at the confluence of the Moselle and Seille rivers. || {{JPL|9377}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9377|9377}}
| 9378 Nancy-Lorraine || {{mp|1993 QF|3}} || Nancy-Lorraine, the French city Nancy, in the Lorraine region of France, near the left bank of the river Meuse. || {{JPL|9378}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9378|9378}}
| 9379 Dijon || {{mp|1993 QH|3}} || Dijon, the capital of Co\\te d´Or, in east-central France. || {{JPL|9379}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9379|9379}}
| 9380 Mâcon || {{mp|1993 QZ|5}} || Mâcon, the French city in the Bourgogne, on the right side of the river Saône. || {{JPL|9380}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9380|9380}}
| 9381 Lyon || {{mp|1993 RT|19}} || Lyon, the French city, capital of the Rhône departement in east-central France. || {{JPL|9381}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9381|9381}}
| 9382 Mihonoseki || {{mp|1993 TK|11}} || Mihonoseki, a small town and port on the beautiful sea-encircled Shimane-hanto peninsula in northeastern Shimane prefecture. || {{JPL|9382}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9382|9382}}
| 9383 Montélimar || {{mp|1993 TP|15}} || Montélimar, the city in southeastern France, near the confluence of the Roubion and Rhône rivers. || {{JPL|9383}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9383|9383}}
| 9384 Aransio || {{mp|1993 TP|26}} || Aransio. the city of Ornage in southeastern France in the department of Vaucluse. || {{JPL|9384}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9384|9384}}
| 9385 Avignon || {{mp|1993 TJ|30}} || Avignon, the city in southeastern France, at the east bank of the Rhône river. || {{JPL|9385}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9385|9385}}
| 9386 Hitomi || {{mp|1993 XD|1}} || Hitomi Doi (born 1955), wife of Takao Doi, the first Japanese space walker. || {{JPL|9386}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9386|9386}}
| 9387 Tweedledee || 1994 CA || Tweedledee and Tweedledum, from Alice in Wonderland. || {{JPL|9387}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9387|9387}}
| 9388 Takeno || {{mp|1994 EH|2}} || Hyoichiro Takeno (1910–2000) and his son Setsuo Takeno (born 1936) were both professors of Hiroshima University. The former was a theoretical physicist and contributed much on the theory of spherically symmetric space-time. The latter was an experimental mineralogist and proved the stability relations of many sulfide minerals || {{JPL|9388}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9388|9388}}
| 9389 Condillac || {{mp|1994 ET|6}} || Étienne Bonnot de Condillac, French philosopher || {{MPC|9389}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9389|9389}}
| 9391 Slee || {{mp|1994 PH|1}} || Bruce Slee (born 1924), one of the pioneers of radio astronomy. || {{JPL|9391}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9391|9391}}
| 9392 Cavaillon || {{mp|1994 PK|7}} || Cavaillon, a small city on the road from Avignon to Digne in southern France. || {{JPL|9392}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9392|9392}}
| 9393 Apta || {{mp|1994 PT|14}} || French town of Apt, Vaucluse[1] || {{MPC|9393}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9393|9393}}
| 9394 Manosque || {{mp|1994 PV|16}} || Manosque, a small city in southern France (Provence). || {{JPL|9394}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9394|9394}}
| 9395 Saint Michel || {{mp|1994 PC|39}} || Saint Michel l´Observatoire is a small village only 2 km away from the Observatory of Haute Provence. || {{JPL|9395}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9395|9395}}
| 9396 Yamaneakisato || 1994 QT || Akisato Yamane (born 1949), a professional engineer, is also an amateur astronomer who is intrigued by solar eclipses, having observed them in Indonesia in 1983 and in Romania in 1999. He is currently a member of the Tokyo Astronomical Association and Shimane Society of Astronomy || {{JPL|9396}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9396|9396}}
| 9397 Lombardi || 1994 RJ || Giuseppe Lombardi (born 1939) is an Italian amateur astronomer at the CCAF observatory in Farra d´Isonzo. || {{JPL|9397}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9397|9397}}
| 9398 Bidelman || {{mp|1994 SH|3}} || William P. Bidelman, a director of the Warner and Swasey Observatory during 1970–1975 and professor of astronomy at Case Western Reserve University (formerly Case Institute of Technology) during 1970–1986. || {{JPL|9398}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9398|9398}}
| 9399 Pesch || {{mp|1994 ST|12}} || Peter Pesch, director of the Warner and Swasey Observatory during 1975–1994 and professor of astronomy at Case Western Reserve University during 1961–1997. || {{JPL|9399}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9399|9399}}


| 9403 Sanduleak || {{mp|1994 UJ|11}} || Nicholas Sanduleak, American (of Romanian descent) astronomer || {{MPC|9403}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9403|9403}}
| 9405 Johnratje || {{mp|1994 WQ|1}} || Since 1993, John R. Ratje (born 1946) has been the assistant director and site manager of Mt. Graham International Observatory, a division of Steward Observatory. Before joining Steward Observatory in 1984, he was an oil-company engineer and manager. || {{JPL|9405}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9405|9405}}
| 9407 Kimuranaoto || {{mp|1994 WS|3}} || For 20 years, Naoto Kimura (born 1956) has been a lecturer and curator at the Gotoh Planetarium and Astronomical Museum in Tokyo. He took many astrophotographs used for planetarium programs. The name was suggested by O. Muramatsu. || {{JPL|9407}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9407|9407}}
| 9408 Haseakira || 1995 BC || Akira Hase, professor emeritus at Hiroshima University. || {{JPL|9408}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9408|9408}}
| 9409 Kanpuzan || {{mp|1995 BG|1}} || Kanpuzan, a 1763-m-high mountain to the west side of Mt. Sasagamine in the Shikoku range. || {{JPL|9409}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9409|9409}}
| 9411 Hitomiyamoto || 1995 CF || Hitomi Miyamoto, a scientist at the Japan Meteorological Agency. || {{JPL|9411}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9411|9411}}
| 9413 Eichendorff || {{mp|1995 SQ|54}} || Joseph Freiherr von Eichendorff (1788–1857), a Silesian poet. || {{JPL|9413}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9413|9413}}
| 9414 Masamimurakami || {{mp|1995 UV|4}} || Masami Murakami, one of the observer lieaders within the Mars Section of the Oriental Astronomical Association since 1988. || {{JPL|9414}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9414|9414}}
| 9415 Yujiokimura || 1995 VE || Yuji Okimura (born 1932), Hiroshima University professor emeritus, is a paleontologist and biostratigrapher of the Late Paleozoic smaller foraminifera. || {{JPL|9415}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9415|9415}}
| 9416 Miyahara || 1995 WS || Kenji Miyahara (1937–2011) clarified the occurrence mechanism of geological disasters in the regions of weathered granite in southwest Japan. He contributed much to the mitigation of these disasters. || {{JPL|9416}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9416|9416}}
| 9417 Jujiishii || 1995 WU || Juji Ishii (1865–1914), a Japanese doctor who devoted himself to the welfare of children. || {{JPL|9417}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9417|9417}}
| 9418 Mayumi || {{mp|1995 WX|5}} || Mayumi Sato, Japanese wife of the first discoverer || {{JPL|9418}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9418|9418}}
| 9419 Keikochaki || 1995 XS || Keiko Chaki (born 1954), the president of the Sidewalk Astronomy Society in Takatsuki, Osaka, Japan. || {{JPL|9419}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9419|9419}}
| 9420 Dewar || {{mp|1995 XP|4}} || Sir James Dewar, Scottish chemist and physicist. || {{JPL|9420}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9420|9420}}
| 9421 Violilla || {{mp|1995 YM|2}} || Violet Lilian Laurie, mother of the discoverer || {{MPC|9421}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9421|9421}}
| 9422 Kuboniwa || {{mp|1996 AO|2}} || Atsuo Kuboniwa (born 1964), a science torch-bearer and an amateur astronomer. || {{JPL|9422}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9422|9422}}
| 9423 Abt || {{mp|1996 AT|7}} || Helmut Abt (born 1925), one of the founders of Kitt Peak National Observatory. || {{JPL|9423}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9423|9423}}
| 9424 Hiroshinishiyama || 1996 BN || Hiroshi Nishiyama (born 1956), an amateur astronomer who observers of variable stars and undertakes astronomical outreach via stargazing parties. || {{JPL|9424}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9424|9424}}
| 9425 Marconcini || {{mp|1996 CM|7}} || Massimiliano Marconcini (1955) is an amateur astronomer of the Montelupo group. || {{JPL|9425}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9425|9425}}
| 9426 Aliante || {{mp|1996 CO|7}} || Italian name for a glider, the silent plane. The Latin root of the name emphasizes the key role of the wings in the absence of an engine. || {{JPL|9426}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9426|9426}}
| 9427 Righini || {{mp|1996 CV|7}} || Guglielmo Righini (born 1908), Italian solar physicist. || {{JPL|9427}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9427|9427}}
| 9428 Angelalouise || {{mp|1996 DW|2}} || Angela Louise Laurie, wife of the discoverer || {{MPC|9428}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9428|9428}}
| 9429 Poreč || {{mp|1996 EW|1}} || Porec, a town of cultural monuments, including the sixth-century Euphrasius Basilica. || {{JPL|9429}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9429|9429}}
| 9430 Erichthonios || {{mp|1996 HU|10}} || Erichthonius of Athens, the son of Dardanos and the father of Tros. || {{JPL|9430}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9430|9430}}
| 9432 Iba || 1997 CQ || Yasuaki Iba (1894–1957) was a trading merchant and an amateur astronomer in Kobe, Japan. He informed the astronomical world that the occurrence of the 1054 Crab supernova was described in Meigetsuki, a famous diary written by Fujiwara-no-Teika || {{JPL|9432}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9432|9432}}
| 9434 Bokusen || {{mp|1997 CJ|20}} || Numajiri Bokusen (1775–1856) was a Japanese educator, geographer and astronomer, who lived in Tsuchiura during the Edo period. He opened a school for the common people, and devised many things, including a folding globe || {{JPL|9434}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9434|9434}}
| 9435 Odafukashi || {{mp|1997 CK|20}} || Fukashi Oda (born 1957), a science teacher of Shudo Junior and Senior High School in Hiroshima, Japan. || {{JPL|9435}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9435|9435}}
| 9436 Shudo || 1997 EB || Shudo is a private boys' junior and senior high school in Hiroshima, Japan. Yoshinaga Asano, Fifth Lord of the Hiroshima Clan, established the school in 1725. The school motto is `Wisdom and Morality'. || {{JPL|9436}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9436|9436}}
| 9437 Hironari || {{mp|1997 EA|3}} || Hironari Yamane (born 1980) has been director of the Kamagari Astronomical Observatory on an island of Kure City, Hiroshima, since 2009. He is an active member of the Japanese Society for Education and Popularization of Astronomy. || {{JPL|9437}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9437|9437}}
| 9438 Satie || {{mp|1997 EE|16}} || Erik Satie, French composer || {{MPC|9438}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9438|9438}}
| 9445 Charpentier || {{mp|1997 JA|8}} || Marc-Antoine Charpentier (1643–1704), a French musician. || {{JPL|9445}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9445|9445}}
| 9446 Cicero || {{mp|1997 JT|11}} || Marcus Tullius Cicero, Roman statesman || {{MPC|9446}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9446|9446}}
| 9447 Julesbordet || {{mp|1997 JJ|18}} || Jules Bordet (1874–1961), Nobel laureate in medicine (1919). || {{JPL|9447}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9447|9447}}
| 9448 Donaldavies || {{mp|1997 LJ|3}} || Donald W. Davies (1925–2000), a British expert in computer security. || {{JPL|9448}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9448|9448}}
| 9449 Petrbondy || {{mp|1997 VU|2}} || Petr Kalas, alias Bondy (1944–2000), leader of the Prague Scout section Maják ("Lighthouse") and a lover of historical American cars. || {{JPL|9449}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9449|9449}}
| 9452 Rogerpeeters || {{mp|1998 DY|33}} || Roger Peeters (born 1948), head of the mechanical workshop at the Royal Observatory at Uccle and responsible for maintaining all the telescopes. || {{JPL|9452}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9452|9452}}
| 9453 Mallorca || {{mp|1998 FO|1}} || Majorca, Spanish island || {{MPC|9453}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9453|9453}}
| 9460 McGlynn || {{mp|1998 HS|30}} || Thomas A. McGlynn (born 1956), currently the chief archive scientist for the High Energy Science Archive Research Center at the Goddard Space Flight Center. || {{JPL|9460}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9460|9460}}
| 9463 Criscione || {{mp|1998 HW|38}} || Lisa Marie Criscione (born 1998) is a finalist in the 2012 Broadcom MASTERS, a math and science competition for middle-school students, for her physical sciences project. || {{JPL|9463}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9463|9463}}
| 9466 Shishir || {{mp|1998 KR|46}} || Shishir Hitesh Dholakia (born 1999) is a finalist in the 2012 Broadcom MASTERS, a math and science competition for middle-school students, for his earth and space sciences project. || {{JPL|9466}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9466|9466}}
| 9468 Brewer || {{mp|1998 LT|2}} || James Brewer, ESO astronomer working on stellar populations and carbon stars. || {{JPL|9468}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9468|9468}}
| 9469 Shashank || {{mp|1998 MY|34}} || Shashank Hitesh Dholakia (born 1999) is a finalist in the 2012 Broadcom MASTERS, a math and science competition for middle-school students, for his earth and space sciences project. || {{JPL|9469}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9469|9469}}
| 9470 Jussieu || {{mp|1998 OS|10}} || Bernard de Jussieu, Joseph de Jussieu, Antoine-Laurent de Jussieu, and Adrien-Laurent-Henri de Jussieu, French botanists || {{MPC|9470}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9470|9470}}
| 9471 Ostend || {{mp|1998 OU|13}} || Ostend, Belgium || {{MPC|9471}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9471|9471}}
| 9472 Bruges || {{mp|1998 OD|14}} || Bruges, Belgium || {{MPC|9472}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9472|9472}}
| 9473 Ghent || {{mp|1998 OO|14}} || Ghent, Belgium [https://web.archive.org/web/20070630100507/http://www.urania.be/berichten/toonbericht.php?id=2004 †] || {{MPC|9473}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9473|9473}}
| 9474 Cassadrury || {{mp|1998 QK|15}} || Cassa Frances Drury (born 1999) is a finalist in the 2012 Broadcom MASTERS, a math and science competition for middle-school students, for her biochemistry, medicine, health science and microbiology project. || {{JPL|9474}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9474|9474}}
| 9477 Kefennell || {{mp|1998 QK|41}} || Katherine Elizabeth Fennell (born 1999) is a finalist in the 2012 Broadcom MASTERS, a math and science competition for middle-school students, for her animal and plant sciences project. || {{JPL|9477}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9477|9477}}
| 9478 Caldeyro || 2148 P-L || Roberto Caldeyro-Barcia (1921–1996), Uruguayan physiologist || {{MPC|9478}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9478|9478}}
| 9479 Madresplazamayo || 2175 P-L || Asociación Madres de Plaza de Mayo || {{MPC|9479}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9479|9479}}
| 9480 Inti || 2553 P-L || the sun god in Inca religion, also called Apu-Punchau, believed to be the ancestor of the Incas. Inti was at the head of the state cult. He was usually represented in human form, his face portrayed as a gold disk from which rays and flames extended. Inti's sister was the moon, Mama-Kilya, who was portrayed as a silver disk with human features. || {{JPL|9480}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9480|9480}}
| 9481 Menchú || 2559 P-L || Rigoberta Menchú Tum, Guatemalan 1992 Nobel Peace Prize winner. || {{JPL|9481}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9481|9481}}
| 9482 Rubéndarío || 4065 P-L || Rubén Darío (1867–1916), pseudonym of Félix Rubén Garc{í}a Sarmiento, Nicaraguan poet, journalist and diplomat. || {{JPL|9482}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9482|9482}}
| 9483 Chagas || 4121 P-L || Carlos Chagas (1879–1934), Brazilian epidemiologist, discoverer of Chagas disease. || {{JPL|9483}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9483|9483}}
| 9484 Wanambi || 4590 P-L || the Australian Aborigines' best known spirit, the Rainbow Snake, which is the rainbow and the revealer of truth. Wanambi is one of the rainbow's names. || {{JPL|9484}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9484|9484}}
| 9485 Uluru || 6108 P-L || Uluru, the Australian Aboriginal sacred place, the center or navel of the island continent. It is also known as Ayers Rock. || {{JPL|9485}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9485|9485}}
| 9486 Utemorrah || 6130 P-L || Daisy Utemorrah (born 1922), the Australian Aboriginal poet, teller of Dreamtime stories in the Kimberley: "Words are my gun and my spear" || {{JPL|9486}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9486|9486}}
| 9487 Kupe || 7633 P-L || Kupe, the legendary sailor and explorer whose discovery of the islands now known as New Zealand led to the coming there of the Maori people around the ninth century || {{JPL|9487}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9487|9487}}
| 9488 Huia || 9523 P-L || Huia, extinct bird of New Zealand[2] || {{MPC|9488}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9488|9488}}
| 9489 Tanemahuta || 1146 T-1 || For Tāne of Maori mythology; also for the particular tree in New Zealand named Tāne Mahuta[3] || {{MPC|9489}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9489|9489}}
| 9490 Gosemeijer || 1181 T-1 || Hennie Gosemeijer, Dutch amateur astronomer || {{MPC|9490}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9490|9490}}
| 9491 Thooft || 1205 T-1 || Gerardus 't Hooft, Dutch 1999 Nobel physics laureate + || {{MPC|9491}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9491|9491}}
| 9492 Veltman || 2066 T-1 || Martinus J. G. Veltman, Dutch 1999 Nobel physics laureate || {{MPC|9492}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9492|9492}}
| 9493 Enescu || 3100 T-1 || George Enescu, Romanian musician || {{MPC|9493}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9493|9493}}
| 9494 Donici || 3212 T-1 || Nicolae Donici, Romanian astronomer || {{MPC|9494}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9494|9494}}
| 9495 Eminescu || 4177 T-1 || Mihai Eminescu, Romanian poet || {{MPC|9495}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9495|9495}}
| 9496 Ockels || 4260 T-1 || Wubbo Ockels, Dutch astronaut || {{MPC|9496}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9496|9496}}
| 9497 Dwingeloo || 1001 T-2 || Dwingeloo Radio Observatory || {{MPC|9497}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9497|9497}}
| 9498 Westerbork || 1197 T-2 || Westerbork Synthesis Radio Telescope || {{MPC|9498}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9498|9498}}
| 9499 Excalibur || 1269 T-2 || Excalibur, the name of the sword of King Arthur. || {{JPL|9499}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9499|9499}}
| 9500 Camelot || 1281 T-2 || Camelot, the location of the castle of the King Arthur legend. || {{JPL|9500}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9500|9500}}


| 9501 Ywain || 2071 T-2 || Owain mab Urien/Sir Ywain, legendary king of Rheged and knight of the Round Table || {{JPL|9501}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9501|9501}}
| 9502 Gaimar || 2075 T-2 || Gaimar, obscure legendary knight of the Round Table, lover of Morgan le Fay (mentioned in the 13th-century Lancelot und Ginevra) || {{JPL|9502}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9502|9502}}
| 9503 Agrawain || 2180 T-2 || Agravaine, legendary knight of the Round Table || {{JPL|9503}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9503|9503}}
| 9504 Lionel || 2224 T-2 || Sir Lionel, legendary knight of the Round Table || {{JPL|9504}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9504|9504}}
| 9505 Lohengrin || 4131 T-2 || Lohengrin, character from Arthurian legend and star of the eponymous opera || {{JPL|9505}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9505|9505}}
| 9506 Telramund || 5200 T-2 || Brabantine Count Friedrich (Frederick) von Telramund, character from the opera Lohengrin || {{JPL|9506}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9506|9506}}
| 9507 Gottfried || 5447 T-2 || Herzog (Duke) Gottfried, character from the opera Lohengrin || {{JPL|9507}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9507|9507}}
| 9508 Titurel || 3395 T-3 || A Fisher King, legendary guardian of the Holy Grail, father of Amfortas and a character from the opera Parsifal || {{JPL|9508}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9508|9508}}
| 9509 Amfortas || 3453 T-3 || A Fisher King, legendary guardian of the Holy Grail, son of Titurel and a character from the opera Parsifal || {{JPL|9509}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9509|9509}}
| 9510 Gurnemanz || 5022 T-3 || Gurnemanz, character from Arthurian legend, and a character from the opera Parsifal || {{JPL|9510}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9510|9510}}
| 9511 Klingsor || 5051 T-3 || Klingsor, sorcerous character from Arthurian legend, and in the opera Parsifal || {{JPL|9511}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9511|9511}}
| 9512 Feijunlong || 1966 CM || Fei Junlong, Chinese taikonaut || {{JPL|9512}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9512|9512}}
| 9514 Deineka || {{mp|1973 SG|5}} || Aleksandr Aleksandrovich Deineka (1899–1969), a Russian painter. || {{JPL|9514}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9514|9514}}
| 9515 Dubner || {{mp|1975 RA|2}} || Gloria Dubner, Argentinian astronomer || {{JPL|9515}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9515|9515}}
| 9516 Inasan || {{mp|1976 YL|3}} || INASAN, the Institute of Astronomy of the Russian Academy of Sciences in Moscow (INstitut AStronomii (Rossiiskoi) Akademii Nauk). || {{JPL|9516}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9516|9516}}
| 9517 Niehaisheng || {{mp|1977 VL|1}} || Nie Haisheng, Chinese taikonaut || {{JPL|9517}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9517|9517}}
| 9518 Robbynaish || 1978 GA || Robby Naish, American windsurfer. || {{JPL|9518}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9518|9518}}
| 9521 Martinhoffmann || {{mp|1980 FS|1}} || Martin Hoffmann (astronomer), German astronomer †[4] || {{MPC|9521}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9521|9521}}
| 9522 Schlichting || 1981 DS || Hilke E. Schlichting (born 1982), an assistant professor of planetary science at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. || {{JPL|9522}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9522|9522}}
| 9523 Torino || {{mp|1981 EE|1}} || Torino (Turin) is the Italian capital of the automobile and aerospace industries. Among the scientists in the city's history are Avogadro, Lagrange, discoverer of the rotating magnetic field Galileo Ferraris and 1986 Nobel prizewinner Rita Levi-Montalcini. The city has also lent its name to a scale used to assess NEO impact risk || {{JPL|9523}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9523|9523}}
| 9524 O'Rourke || {{mp|1981 EJ|5}} || Laurence O'Rourke (born 1970), a research scientist at the European Space Astronomy Centre in Madrid. || {{JPL|9524}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9524|9524}}
| 9525 Amandasickafoose || {{mp|1981 EF|11}} || Amanda A. Sickafoose Gulbis (born 1975), an astronomer at the South African Large Telescope. || {{JPL|9525}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9525|9525}}
| 9526 Billmckinnon || {{mp|1981 EC|13}} || William B. McKinnon (born 1954), a professor of planetary science at Washington University in St. Louis. || {{JPL|9526}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9526|9526}}
| 9528 Küppers || {{mp|1981 EH|24}} || Michael Küppers (born 1967), a planetary scientist at the European Space Agency. || {{JPL|9528}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9528|9528}}
| 9529 Protopapa || {{mp|1981 EF|25}} || Silvia Protopapa (born 1981), an assistant research scientist at the University of Maryland. || {{JPL|9529}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9529|9529}}
| 9530 Kelleymichael || {{mp|1981 EO|26}} || Michael Sean Peterson Kelley (born 1978), an assistant research scientist at the University of Maryland. || {{JPL|9530}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9530|9530}}
| 9531 Jean-Luc || 1981 QK || Jean-Luc Margot (born 1969), a scientist at the Arecibo Observatory. || {{JPL|9531}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9531|9531}}
| 9532 Abramenko || {{mp|1981 RQ|2}} || Aleksandr Nikolaevich Abramenko, chief engineer at the Crimean Astrophysical Observatory || {{MPC|9532}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9532|9532}}
| 9533 Aleksejleonov || {{mp|1981 SA|7}} || Aleksei Leonov, Russian cosmonaut. || {{JPL|9533}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9533|9533}}
| 9535 Plitchenko || {{mp|1981 UO|11}} || Aleksandr Ivanovich Plitchenko (1943–1997), a Russian writer in Novosibirsk city. || {{JPL|9535}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9535|9535}}
| 9536 Statler || {{mp|1981 UR|27}} || Thomas S. Statler (born 1961), a professor of astronomy at Ohio University. || {{JPL|9536}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9536|9536}}
| 9537 Nolan || 1982 BM || Michael C. Nolan (born 1963), a scientist at the Arecibo Observatory. || {{JPL|9537}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9537|9537}}
| 9539 Prishvin || {{mp|1982 UE|7}} || Mikhail Mikhajlovich Prishvin, Russian writer || {{MPC|9539}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9539|9539}}
| 9540 Mikhalkov || {{mp|1982 UJ|7}} || Sergey Vladimirovich Mikhalkov, Russian writer and poet || {{MPC|9540}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9540|9540}}
| 9541 Magri || 1983 CH || Chris Magri (born 1961), a scientist at the University of Maine at Farmington. || {{JPL|9541}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9541|9541}}
| 9542 Eryan || {{mp|1983 TU|1}} || Eileen V. Ryan (born 1960), of New Mexico Highlands University, has contributed to the field of fragmentation studies of minor planets by conducting laboratory impact experiments and developing numerical simulations. Recently, she has helped initiate an observational program to study minor planets of the Vesta family. || {{JPL|9542}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9542|9542}}
| 9543 Nitra || {{mp|1983 XN|1}} || Nitra, a historical town in western Slovakia, was the seat of prince Pribina and center of the Nitra principality early in the ninth century. || {{JPL|9543}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9543|9543}}
| 9544 Scottbirney || 1984 EL || Scott Birney (Dion Scott Birney) (born 1926), a professor of astronomy at Wellesley College, Massachusetts, from 1968 to 1991. || {{JPL|9544}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9544|9544}}
| 9545 Petrovedomosti || 1984 MQ || Sankt-Peterburgskie Vedomosti, oldest Russian newspaper. || {{JPL|9545}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9545|9545}}
| 9548 Fortran || 1985 CN || Fortran (FORmula TRANslator), the first widely distributed symbolic programming language for digital computers. || {{JPL|9548}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9548|9548}}
| 9549 Akplatonov || {{mp|1985 SM|2}} || Aleksandr Konstantinovich Platonov (born 1931), a Russian mathematician and researcher in astrodynamics and robotics at the Keldysh Institute of Applied Mathematics since 1954. He is a pioneer in the theory and computation of satellite orbits and the control of spacecraft trajectories to the Moon and planets, as well as the motion of walking robots. || {{JPL|9549}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9549|9549}}
| 9550 Victorblanco || {{mp|1985 TY|1}} || Victor Manuel Blanco (born 1918), director of the Cerro Tololo Interamerican Observatory from 1967 to 1981. || {{JPL|9550}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9550|9550}}
| 9551 Kazi || 1985 UJ || Kazi, legendary Bohemian princess, daughter of Prince Krok and the wife of Bivoj. || {{JPL|9551}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9551|9551}}
| 9553 Colas || {{mp|1985 UG|2}} || François Colas (born 1959), an expert on modern solar-system astrometry at the Institut de Mécanique. || {{JPL|9553}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9553|9553}}
| 9554 Dumont || 1985 XA || Simone Dumont (born 1924), a Meudon mathematician and astronomer. || {{JPL|9554}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9554|9554}}
| 9555 Frejakocha || 1986 GC || Freja Koch Augustesen, granddaughter of one of the discoverers || {{JPL|9555}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9555|9555}}
| 9556 Gaywray || 1986 GF || Gay Firestone Wray, American founder of the Firestone postdoctoral fellowship at the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory || {{JPL|9556}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9556|9556}}
| 9560 Anguita || 1987 EQ || Claudio Anguita (Claudio Anguita Cáceres), 20th-century Chilean astrometrist at the Universidad de Chile, critically helpful during the establishment of the Cerro Tololo Interamerican Observatory, and an IAU Vice President during 1994–2000 || {{JPL|9560}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9560|9560}}
| 9561 van Eyck || {{mp|1987 QT|1}} || Jan van Eyck, Flemish painter. || {{JPL|9561}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9561|9561}}
| 9562 Memling || 1987 RG || Hans Memling (1430–1494), a Flemish painter. || {{JPL|9562}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9562|9562}}
| 9563 Kitty || {{mp|1987 SJ|1}} || Katherine ("Kitty") F. Putnam (born 1916), president of the Springfield, Massachusetts, Television Corporation from 1975 through 1984. || {{JPL|9563}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9563|9563}}
| 9564 Jeffwynn || {{mp|1987 SG|3}} || Jeffrey C. Wynn, a humorous, curious, inventive, adventurous geophysicist with the U.S. Geological Survey has studied the Wabar Craters of Saudi Arabia with Gene Shoemaker. || {{JPL|9564}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9564|9564}}
| 9565 Tikhonov || {{mp|1987 SU|17}} || Andrej Nikolaevich Tikhonov (1906–1993), a Russian mathematician. || {{JPL|9565}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9565|9565}}
| 9566 Rykhlova || {{mp|1987 SX|17}} || Lidiya Vasil'evna Rykhlova, head of the Space Astrometry Department of the Institute of Astronomy, Russian Academy of Sciences, is a specialist in the astrometry and dynamics of artificial satellites and an expert on earth rotation. || {{JPL|9566}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9566|9566}}
| 9567 Surgut || {{mp|1987 US|4}} || Surgut, one of the main administrative and supply centers for the vast oil and natural gas producing fields along the Ob River in the Khanty-Mansi autonomous district of the Tyumen province in Siberia. || {{JPL|9567}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9567|9567}}
| 9569 Quintenmatsijs || {{mp|1988 CL|2}} || Quinten Matsijs (1466–1530), a Flemish painter. || {{JPL|9569}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9569|9569}}
| 9573 Matsumotomas || 1988 UC || Masaru Matsumoto (born 1936) lived in the house in Mihonseki, Shimane prefecture, that was struck by a 6.4-kg meteorite on 1992 Dec. 10. || {{JPL|9573}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9573|9573}}
| 9574 Taku || {{mp|1988 XB|5}} || Hiroshi Nakamura (1891–1974), a Japanese medical biochemist and researcher of old maps. || {{JPL|9574}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9574|9574}}
| 9576 van der Weyden || {{mp|1989 CX|2}} || Rogier van der Weyden (1399–1464), a Flemish painter. || {{JPL|9576}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9576|9576}}
| 9577 Gropius || {{mp|1989 CE|5}} || Walter Gropius, a German architect. || {{JPL|9577}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9577|9577}}
| 9578 Klyazma || {{mp|1989 GA|3}} || Klyazma river, whose source is north of Moscow, and which is connected by the Oka river with the Volga at Nizhny Novgorod || {{JPL|9578}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9578|9578}}
| 9579 Passchendaele || {{mp|1989 GO|4}} || Passchendaele is a village in West Flanders, close to Ypres. The village was first mentioned in 844 as Pascandale || {{JPL|9579}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9579|9579}}
| 9580 Tarumi || {{mp|1989 TB|11}} || Tarumi, a ward of Kobe City where the first discoverer was born and lives. || {{JPL|9580}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9580|9580}}
| 9584 Louchheim || {{mp|1990 OL|4}} || For many years Thomas Louchheim (born 1957), of Tucson, Arizona, has been a highly regarded counsellor for hundreds of Tucson-area families. Active in childhood education, Louchheim's optimistic philosophy has brightened the lives of many young people. || {{JPL|9584}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9584|9584}}
| 9587 Bonpland || {{mp|1990 UG|4}} || Aimé Bonpland (Aimé Jacques Goujard Bonpland) (1773–1858), a physician. || {{JPL|9587}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9587|9587}}
| 9588 Quesnay || {{mp|1990 WE|2}} || François Quesnay, a physician. || {{JPL|9588}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9588|9588}}
| 9589 Deridder || {{mp|1990 WU|5}} || Remi Adolph De Ridder (1843–1930), a professor of law at Ghent University. || {{JPL|9589}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9589|9589}}
| 9592 Clairaut || {{mp|1991 GK|4}} || Alexis Clairaut (Alexis-Claude Clairaut) (1713–1765), French mathematician who tackled the gravitational three-body problem. || {{JPL|9592}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9592|9592}}
| 9594 Garstang || 1991 RG || Roy Henry Garstang (1925–2009) made basic contributions in atomic physics and astronomical spectroscopy. A pioneer in modeling light pollution, he promoted night sky protection. Assistant director of the University of London Observatory (1959–1964), he then joined the faculty of the University of Colorado in Boulder || {{JPL|9594}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9594|9594}}
| 9599 Onotomoko || {{mp|1991 UP|2}} || Tomoko Ono (born 1968), one of the most active staff members in the Public Relations Center at the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan. || {{JPL|9599}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9599|9599}}


| 9602 Oya || {{mp|1991 UU|3}} || Reinosuke Oya (born 1923) led to the success of the third International Conference of Oriental Astronomy, held in Fukuoka City in Oct. 1998 with an exhibition on the history of astronomy in eastern Asia from early to modern times. || {{JPL|9602}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9602|9602}}
| 9604 Bellevanzuylen || 1991 YW || Belle van Zuylen, pseudonym for Isabella Agneta Elisabeth van Tuyll van Serooskerken, 18th-century Dutch writer from the Enlightenment || {{JPL|9604}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9604|9604}}
| 9609 Ponomarevalya || {{mp|1992 QL|2}} || Valentina Leonidovna Ponomareva (born 1934), of the Institute of History of Science and Technology, is a specialist on aircraft and spacecraft || {{JPL|9609}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9609|9609}}
| 9610 Vischer || 1992 RQ || Peter Vischer the Elder (c. 1460–1529), the greatest German brass-caster master in the Middle Ages. || {{JPL|9610}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9610|9610}}
| 9611 Anouck || {{mp|1992 RF|7}} || Anouck Vrouwe, Dutch science journalist †[5] || {{MPC|9611}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9611|9611}}
| 9612 Belgorod || {{mp|1992 RT|7}} || Belgorod, Russia. || {{JPL|9612}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9612|9612}}
| 9614 Cuvier || {{mp|1993 BQ|4}} || Georges Cuvier (1769–1832), a French zoologist. || {{JPL|9614}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9614|9614}}
| 9615 Hemerijckx || {{mp|1993 BX|13}} || Frans Hemerijckx (1902–1969), a medical doctor who went in 1929 to Africa and India to fight against leprosy. || {{JPL|9615}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9615|9615}}
| 9617 Grahamchapman || {{mp|1993 FA|5}} || Graham Chapman, British member of Monty Python †[6] || {{MPC|9617}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9617|9617}}
| 9618 Johncleese || {{mp|1993 FQ|8}} || John Cleese, British actor and member of Monty Python †[7] || {{MPC|9618}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9618|9618}}
| 9619 Terrygilliam || {{mp|1993 FS|9}} || Terry Gilliam, British film maker and member of Monty Python †[8] || {{MPC|9619}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9619|9619}}
| 9620 Ericidle || {{mp|1993 FU|13}} || Eric Idle, British member of Monty Python †[9] || {{MPC|9620}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9620|9620}}
| 9621 Michaelpalin || {{mp|1993 FT|26}} || Michael Palin, British member of Monty Python †[10] || {{MPC|9621}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9621|9621}}
| 9622 Terryjones || {{mp|1993 FV|26}} || Terry Jones, British member of Monty Python †[11] || {{MPC|9622}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9622|9622}}
| 9623 Karlsson || {{mp|1993 FU|28}} || Per Olow Karlsson, Swedish technician at Uppsala Observatory and Kvistabergs Observatorium †[12] || {{MPC|9623}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9623|9623}}
| 9626 Stanley || {{mp|1993 JF|1}} || John Stanley (1713–1786), blind from the age of three, became a well known organist and composer of oratorios and concertos for string orchestra. For the organ he wrote several Voluntaries, which organists like to play. || {{JPL|9626}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9626|9626}}
| 9628 Sendaiotsuna || {{mp|1993 OB|2}} || Sendai Otsunahiki, a 400-year-old tug-of-war festival, held in Satsumasendai City in the evening of the day before the Autumnal Equinox. || {{JPL|9628}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9628|9628}}
| 9629 Servet || {{mp|1993 PU|7}} || Miguel Serveto y Reves (Michel Servet, 1511–1553), a doctor of medicine and a theologian living in France. || {{JPL|9629}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9629|9629}}
| 9630 Castellion || {{mp|1993 PW|7}} || Sébastien Castellion (1515–1563), a French humanist well known for his generosity and aversion to fanaticism. || {{JPL|9630}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9630|9630}}
| 9631 Hubertreeves || {{mp|1993 SL|6}} || Hubert Reeves, a professional astronomer at the French CNRS. || {{JPL|9631}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9631|9631}}
| 9632 Sudo || {{mp|1993 TK|3}} || Kenichi Sudo (born 1958), a Japanese medical technologist and amateur astronomer. || {{JPL|9632}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9632|9632}}
| 9633 Cotur || {{mp|1993 UP|8}} || Peter Cotur, Belgian scientific journalist || {{MPC|9633}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9633|9633}}
| 9637 Perryrose || {{mp|1994 PJ|2}} || Perry J. Rose (born 1966) is a former member of the Palomar Planet Crossing Asteroid Survey and currently lead solar observer on the 18-meter solar tower at Mt. Wilson Observatory. || {{JPL|9637}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9637|9637}}
| 9638 Fuchs || {{mp|1994 PO|7}} || Leonhard Fuchs, German botanist and physician || {{MPC|9638}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9638|9638}}
| 9639 Scherer || {{mp|1994 PS|11}} || Marc Scherer, Belgian scientist || {{MPC|9639}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9639|9639}}
| 9640 Lippens || {{mp|1994 PP|26}} || Carlos Lippens, Belgian scientist || {{MPC|9640}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9640|9640}}
| 9641 Demazière || {{mp|1994 PB|30}} || Martine De Mazière, Belgian scientist || {{MPC|9641}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9641|9641}}
| 9642 Takatahiro || 1994 RU || Hiroyuki Takata (born 1961), a Japanese amateur astronomer and chief editor of the newsletter of the Chiba Science Society. || {{JPL|9642}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9642|9642}}
| 9645 Grünewald || {{mp|1995 AO|4}} || Matthias Grünewald (real name Mathis Gothart Niethart), German Renaissance painter. || {{JPL|9645}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9645|9645}}
| 9648 Gotouhideo || {{mp|1995 UB|9}} || Gotou Hideo, Japanese amateur astronomer || {{JPL|9648}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9648|9648}}
| 9649 Junfukue || 1995 XG || Jun Fukue (born 1956), professor at Osaka Kyoiku University, works on theoretical studies concerning accretion disks embedded in quasars and black holes. He also has engaged in science outreach and has published many popular-level books on astronomy. || {{JPL|9649}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9649|9649}}
| 9650 Okadaira || 1995 YG || The Okadaira Shell Mound located in Miho village, Ibaraki prefecture, was built on the south coast of Lake Kasumigaura about 7,000 to 3,500 years ago. The research by Sasaki and Iijima in 1879 is appreciated as "the Starting Point of Japanese Archeology". It was the first Japanese-only excavation. {{JPL|9631}} || {{MPC|9650}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9650|9650}}
| 9651 Arii-SooHoo || 1996 AJ || Computer mathematician Vicki Arii-SooHoo (born 1962) became team leader at AMOS in 1997 and is directly responsible for the successes of the AMOS program. With untiring support from her family, she has dedicated long hours and sleepless nights to ensure that the AMOS team is productive, efficient and motivated. || {{JPL|9651}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9651|9651}}
| 9654 Seitennokai || {{mp|1996 AQ|2}} || Seitennokai, an astronomy club in Japan, which was founded in 1985, with about 20 members. || {{JPL|9654}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9654|9654}}
| 9655 Yaburanger || {{mp|1996 CH|1}} || Yaburanger is a nickname for Japanese amateur castle researchers in Ibaraki and Chiba prefectures. `Yabu' means bush in Japanese. The Yaburangers explore castles from the Middle Ages, and they wrote the book Castles in Ibaraki. || {{JPL|9655}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9655|9655}}
| 9657 Učka || {{mp|1996 DG|2}} || Učka, the highest mountain on the Istrian peninsula, which extends into the northern Adriatic sea. || {{JPL|9657}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9657|9657}}
| 9658 Imabari || {{mp|1996 DD|3}} || Imabari, Japanese city || {{MPC|9658}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9658|9658}}
| 9661 Hohmann || {{mp|1996 FU|13}} || Walter Hohmann, German civil engineer †[13] || {{MPC|9661}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9661|9661}}
| 9662 Frankhubbard || 1996 GS || Frank Hubbard (1920–1976), an American harpsichord maker. || {{JPL|9662}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9662|9662}}
| 9663 Zwin || {{mp|1996 GC|18}} || Zwin, natural reserve on the Belgian-Dutch coast †[5] || {{MPC|9663}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9663|9663}}
| 9664 Brueghel || {{mp|1996 HT|14}} || Pieter Brueghel, Flemish painter || {{MPC|9664}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9664|9664}}
| 9665 Inastronoviny || 1996 LA || IAN, or Instantní Astronomické Noviny, is a Czech Internet Astronomical Newspaper founded by Jirí Dusek and Rudolf Novák in Brno in 1997. || {{JPL|9665}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9665|9665}}
| 9667 Amastrinc || {{mp|1997 HC|16}} || Amateur Astronomers, Inc., now at Union County College, Cranford, New Jersey, where it built the William Miller Sperry Observatory || {{JPL|9667}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9667|9667}}
| 9668 Tianyahaijiao || 1997 LN || "Tianya Haijiao", which literally means "edge of the sky, rim of the sea", is the name of a famous rocky outcrop of historical significance on the south coast of Hainan Island just to the west of Sanya, the southernmost city in China || {{JPL|9668}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9668|9668}}
| 9669 Symmetria || {{mp|1997 NC|3}} || Name suggested by the palindromic shape of the numeral 9669, and the fact that each pair of its digits is invariant under a rotation by 180 degrees || {{JPL|9669}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9669|9669}}
| 9670 Magni || {{mp|1997 NJ|10}} || Gianfranco Magni (born 1943), who joined the Istituto di Astrofisica Spaziale in Rome in 1975. He has worked on the physics of stellar interiors, in particular on the equation of the state of gas at high pressure and temperature. Currently, his main field of interest is the origin of the solar system and of planetary systems in general, with special attention to the structure and evolution of circumstellar disks and the formation of giant planets. Involved also in the study of the origin and structure of comets, he is a team member of the cometary mission Rosetta. A lover of early music, he plays the recorder and belongs to two musical groups, "L´Amoroso Cantar" (Medieval music) and "Il Martellato" (Renaissance music) || {{JPL|9670}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9670|9670}}
| 9671 Hemera || {{mp|1997 TU|9}} || Hemera, the primordial Greek goddess of the Day. * || {{MPC|9671}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9671|9671}}
| 9672 Rosenbergerezek || {{mp|1997 TA|10}} || Kamila Rosenberger and Tomaš Rezek, friends of the discoverer (Tomaš worked for two years at Ondřejov Observatory); the asteroid was named on the occasion of Tomáš and Kamila's marriage on 19 June 1999 †[14] || {{MPC|9672}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9672|9672}}
| 9673 Kunishimakoto || {{mp|1997 UC|25}} || For 21 years, Makoto Kunishi (born 1954) was a lecturer and curator at the Gotoh Planetarium and Astronomical Museum in Tokyo. His lectures were so powerful that many listeners were spellbound. The name was suggested by O. Muramatsu || {{JPL|9673}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9673|9673}}
| 9674 Slovenija || {{mp|1998 QU|15}} || Slovenia, former Yugoslav republic* || {{MPC|9674}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9674|9674}}
| 9676 Eijkman || 2023 P-L || Christiaan Eijkman, Dutch physician and pathologist, winner of the Nobel Prize for Medicine and Physiology in 1929 (with Hopkins) †[5] || {{MPC|9676}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9676|9676}}
| 9677 Gowlandhopkins || 2532 P-L || Frederick Gowland Hopkins, British biochemist, winner of the Nobel Prize for Medicine and Physiology in 1929 (with Eijkman) †[5] || {{MPC|9677}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9677|9677}}
| 9678 van der Meer || 2584 P-L || Simon van der Meer, Dutch physicist, winner of the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1994 †[5] || {{MPC|9678}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9678|9678}}
| 9679 Crutzen || 2600 P-L || Paul Crutzen, Dutch chemist, winner of the Nobel Prize for Chemistry in 1995 †[5] || {{MPC|9679}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9679|9679}}
| 9680 Molina || 3557 P-L || Mario J. Molina, Mexican physical chemist, winner of the Nobel Prize for Chemistry in 1995* || {{MPC|9680}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9680|9680}}
| 9681 Sherwoodrowland || 4069 P-L || F. Sherwood Rowland, American chemist, winner of the Nobel Prize for Chemistry in 1995* || {{MPC|9681}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9681|9681}}
| 9682 Gravesande || 4073 P-L || Willem Jacob 's Gravesande, Dutch scientist and lawyer †[5] || {{MPC|9682}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9682|9682}}
| 9683 Rambaldo || 4099 P-L || Alfred Emile Rambaldo, Dutch East Indies aviation pioneer and involved in atmospheric research †[5] || {{MPC|9683}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9683|9683}}
| 9684 Olieslagers || 4113 P-L || Jan Olieslagers, Belgian air ace of World War I* || {{MPC|9684}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9684|9684}}
| 9685 Korteweg || 4247 P-L || Diederik Korteweg, Dutch mathematician †[5] || {{MPC|9685}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9685|9685}}
| 9686 Keesom || 4604 P-L || Willem Hendrik Keesom, Dutch physicist †[5] || {{MPC|9686}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9686|9686}}
| 9687 Uhlenbeck || 4614 P-L || George Eugene Uhlenbeck, Dutch-born American physicist †[5] || {{MPC|9687}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9687|9687}}
| 9688 Goudsmit || 4665 P-L || Samuel Abraham Goudsmit, Dutch-born American physicist, member of the ALSOS Commission †[5] || {{MPC|9688}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9688|9688}}
| 9689 Freudenthal || 4831 P-L || Hans Freudenthal, Dutch mathematician †[5] || {{MPC|9689}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9689|9689}}
| 9690 Houtgast || 6039 P-L || Jacob Houtgast, Dutch astronomer †[5] || {{MPC|9690}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9690|9690}}
| 9691 Zwaan || 6053 P-L || Cornelis Zwaan, Dutch astronomer †[5] || {{MPC|9691}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9691|9691}}
| 9692 Kuperus || 6354 P-L || Max Kuperus, Dutch astronomer †[5] || {{MPC|9692}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9692|9692}}
| 9693 Bleeker || 6547 P-L || Johan Bleeker (J. A. M. Bleeker), Dutch astronomer, Director of the Netherlands Foundation for Space Research †[5] || {{MPC|9693}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9693|9693}}
| 9694 Lycomedes || 6581 P-L || Lycomedes of the Trojan War* || {{MPC|9694}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9694|9694}}
| 9695 Johnheise || 6583 P-L || John Heise, Dutch astronomer †[5] || {{MPC|9695}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9695|9695}}
| 9696 Jaffe || 6628 P-L || Walter J. Jaffe (born 1947) is an American astronomer at Leiden Observatory with an interest in galaxies, their dynamics, internal and external (clusters) and gas processes therein. He also contributed to the software for the Hubble telescope || {{JPL|9696}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9696|9696}}
| 9697 Louwman || 1295 T-1 || Peter Louwman, Dutch amateur astronomer †[5] || {{MPC|9697}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9697|9697}}
| 9698 Idzerda || 2205 T-1 || Hanso Schotanus à Steringa Idzerda, Dutch radio pioneer †[5] || {{MPC|9698}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9698|9698}}
| 9699 Baumhauer || 3036 T-1 || Albert G von Baumhauer, Dutch aviation pioneer †[5] || {{MPC|9699}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9699|9699}}
| 9700 Paech || 3058 T-1 || Wolfgang Paech, German electronic engineer and amateur astronomer †[15] [16] || {{MPC|9700}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9700|9700}}


| 9701 Mak || 1157 T-2 || Arie Mak, Dutch amateur astronomer, member of the (Koninklijke) Nederlandse Vereniging voor Weer- en Sterrenkunde ((Royal) Dutch Meteorological and Astronomical Society) †[5] || {{MPC|9701}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9701|9701}}
| 9702 Tomvandijk || 2108 T-2 || Thom van Dijk, Dutch amateur astronomer, member of the (Koninklijke) Nederlandse Vereniging voor Weer- en Sterrenkunde ((Royal) Dutch Meteorological and Astronomical Society) and former president of the Working Group on Metweors of that society †[5] || {{MPC|9702}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9702|9702}}
| 9703 Sussenbach || 3146 T-2 || John Sussenbach, Dutch amateur astronomer, member of the Working Group on Astrophotography of the (Koninklijke) Nederlandse Vereniging voor Weer- en Sterrenkunde ((Royal) Dutch Meteorological and Astronomical Society) †[5] || {{MPC|9703}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9703|9703}}
| 9704 Georgebeekman || 5469 T-2 || George Beekman, Dutch science writer and editor of the astronomy magazine Zenit[5] || {{MPC|9704}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9704|9704}}
| 9705 Drummen || 3137 T-3 || Mat Drummen, Dutch Director of the 'De Koepel' Foundation (Stichting 'De Koepel') which supports amateur astronomy in the Netherlands †[5] || {{MPC|9705}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9705|9705}}
| 9706 Bouma || 3176 T-3 || Reinder J. Bouma (born 1949), one of the best known Dutch amateur astronomers. || {{JPL|9706}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9706|9706}}
| 9707 Petruskoning || 3226 T-3 || Piet Koning, Dutch educational staffmember of the Volkssterrenwacht Bussloo (Public Observatory of Bussloo), in the Netherlands †[5] || {{MPC|9707}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9707|9707}}
| 9708 Gouka || 4140 T-3 || Adriaan Gouka, Dutch co-founder of the (Koninklijke) Nederlandse Vereniging voor Weer- en Sterrenkunde ((Royal) Dutch Meteorological and Astronomical Society) †[5] || {{MPC|9708}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9708|9708}}
| 9709 Chrisnell || 5192 T-3 || Christiaan Nell, Dutch co-founder of the (Koninklijke) Nederlandse Vereniging voor Weer- en Sterrenkunde ((Royal) Dutch Meteorological and Astronomical Society) †[5] || {{MPC|9709}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9709|9709}}
| 9711 Želetava || 1972 PA || Bearing a 13:12:5 Pythagorean relationship to (8964) [Corvus] Corax and (3735) Trebon, (9711) Zeletava is a small Moravian town near the center of the hypotenuse of a similar triangle with short leg centered on Trebon, Bohemia, and long leg running through Vranov (crow, Corvus), Moravia, and Raabs (raven, Corax), Austria. || {{JPL|9711}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9711|9711}}
| 9712 Nauplius || {{mp|1973 SO|1}} || Nauplius, a son of Poseidon and Amymone, was king of Euboea and father of Palamedes. || {{JPL|9712}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9712|9712}}
| 9713 Oceax || {{mp|1973 SP|1}} || Oceax, the son of Nauplius of Euboea and brother of Palamedes. || {{JPL|9713}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9713|9713}}
| 9715 Paolotanga || {{mp|1975 SB|1}} || Paolo Tanga (born 1966), an adjoint astronomer at the Observatoire de la Côte d´Azur. || {{JPL|9715}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9715|9715}}
| 9716 Severina || 1975 UE || Severina Feitknecht-Gallati (1945–2000), who hailed from Glarus, the same home town as the discoverer, was a highly esteemed physician at Interlaken. || {{JPL|9716}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9716|9716}}
| 9717 Lyudvasilia || {{mp|1976 SR|5}} || Lyudmila Vasil'evna Shaposhnikova (born 1926), orientalist and writer. || {{JPL|9717}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9717|9717}}
| 9718 Gerbefremov || {{mp|1976 YR|1}} || Gerbert Alexandrovich Efremov, Russian designer of space technology, creator of the Proton rocket and Almaz space station, member of the Tsiolkovsky Russian Academy of Cosmonautics, and decorated with the Leonardo da Vinci Medal of the International Association of Peace Foundations || {{JPL|9718}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9718|9718}}
| 9719 Yakage || {{mp|1977 DF|2}} || With the neighboring town of Kamogata, the town of Yakage borders the Okayama Astrophysical Observatory, National Astronomical Observatory of Japan. || {{JPL|9719}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9719|9719}}
| 9720 Ulfbirgitta || {{mp|1980 FH|1}} || Ulf and Birgitta Heyman, friends of the discoverer †[17] || {{MPC|9720}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9720|9720}}
| 9721 Doty || 1980 GB || Arthur G. Doty (1951–1999), an amateur astronomer. || {{JPL|9721}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9721|9721}}
| 9722 Levi-Montalcini || 1981 EZ || In 1952 Italian neurologist Rita Levi-Montalcini (born 1909) discovered the Nerve Growth Factor, the protein responsible for the nervous system cell proliferation. Winner of the 1986 Nobel prize for Medicine, she promotes programs for educating women in developing countries || {{JPL|9722}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9722|9722}}
| 9723 Binyang || {{mp|1981 EP|13}} || Bin Yang (born 1977), a research fellow at the European Southern Observatory in Chile. || {{JPL|9723}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9723|9723}}
| 9724 Villanueva || {{mp|1981 EW|17}} || Geronimo L. Villanueva (born 1978), a research assistant professor of physics at Catholic University of America. || {{JPL|9724}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9724|9724}}
| 9725 Wainscoat || {{mp|1981 EE|19}} || Richard J. Wainscoat (born 1961), an astronomer at the University of Hawaii. || {{JPL|9725}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9725|9725}}
| 9726 Verbiscer || {{mp|1981 EY|19}} || Anne J. Verbiscer (born 1964), an associate research professor at the University of Virginia. || {{JPL|9726}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9726|9726}}
| 9727 Skrutskie || {{mp|1981 EW|24}} || Michael F. Skrutskie (born 1959), a professor of astronomy at the University of Virginia. || {{JPL|9727}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9727|9727}}
| 9728 Videen || {{mp|1981 EX|38}} || Gordon Videen (born 1964), a research scientist with the Space Science Institute of Boulder, Colorado. || {{JPL|9728}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9728|9728}}
| 9732 Juchnovski || {{mp|1984 SJ|7}} || Ivan Juchnovski (born 1937), president of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences since 1996. || {{JPL|9732}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9732|9732}}
| 9733 Valtikhonov || {{mp|1985 SC|3}} || Valentin Fedorovich Tikhonov, Russian astrophysicist and member of the Russian Mission Control Center || {{JPL|9733}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9733|9733}}
| 9737 Dudarova || {{mp|1986 SC|2}} || Veronica Borisovna Dudarova (born 1916), the only woman conductor in Russia. || {{JPL|9737}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9737|9737}}
| 9739 Powell || {{mp|1987 SH|7}} || James Lawrence Powell, director of the Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County, professor of geology at Oberlin College. || {{JPL|9739}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9739|9739}}
| 9741 Solokhin || {{mp|1987 UU|4}} || Valentin Fedorovich Solokhin (born 1933), the director general of a company in Surgut of the Tyumen province in Siberia. || {{JPL|9741}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9741|9741}}
| 9742 Worpswede || {{mp|1987 WT|1}} || German town of Worpswede, home of an artistic community of the same name || {{JPL|9742}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9742|9742}}
| 9743 Tohru || 1988 GD || Tohru Takahashi, a professor of information optics at the Oita National College of Technology. || {{JPL|9743}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9743|9743}}
| 9744 Nielsen || 1988 JW || As the physician responsible for the mental and physical fitness of a close-knit team of researchers, construction workers and support staff at the Amundsen-Scott South Pole research station, Jerri Nielsen (born 1952) is noted for her friendship and concern for the "Polies" and her courage to face her own serious illness. || {{JPL|9744}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9744|9744}}
| 9745 Shinkenwada || 1988 VY || Shinken Wada, Japanese NHK announcer. || {{JPL|9745}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9745|9745}}
| 9746 Kazukoichikawa || {{mp|1988 VS|1}} || Kazuko Ichikawa, Japanese teddy-bear artist || {{MPC|9746}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9746|9746}}
| 9748 van Ostaijen || {{mp|1989 CS|2}} || Paul van Ostaijen, Belgian poet || {{MPC|9748}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9748|9748}}
| 9749 Van den Eijnde || {{mp|1989 GC|1}} || Peter Van den Eijnde (born 1966) has academic degrees in German philology and management and has always been active in astronomy. During the 1980s he helped the discoverer with the reduction of astrometric work. He is now park manager of the Antwerp Zoo. || {{JPL|9749}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9749|9749}}
| 9751 Kadota || 1990 QM || Ken-ichi Kadota (born 1961), a computer engineer and renowned amateur astronomer in Ageo, Saitama prefecture. || {{JPL|9751}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9751|9751}}
| 9756 Ezaki || {{mp|1991 CC|3}} || Yusuke Ezaki (born 1957), a CCD astrometric observer in Toyonaka, Osaka prefecture. || {{JPL|9756}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9756|9756}}
| 9757 Felixdejager || {{mp|1991 GA|6}} || Felix de Jager (born 1999) is the second grandson of the discoverer and son of Sigyn and Philip de Jager-Elst. The fourth generation of professional musicians, Felix shows great love and ability for musical performance. || {{JPL|9757}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9757|9757}}
| 9758 Dainty || {{mp|1991 GZ|9}} || John Christopher Dainty, British optical physicist || {{MPC|9758}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9758|9758}}
| 9761 Krautter || {{mp|1991 RR|4}} || Joachim Krautter (born 1948), associate director of the Heidelberg Königstuhl Observatory and a well-known expert on pre-main-sequence stars and novae. || {{JPL|9761}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9761|9761}}
| 9762 Hermannhesse || {{mp|1991 RA|5}} || Hermann Hesse, German writer || {{MPC|9762}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9762|9762}}
| 9764 Morgenstern || {{mp|1991 UE|5}} || Christian Morgenstern, German poet, writer and translator || {{MPC|9764}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9764|9764}}
| 9766 Bradbury || {{mp|1992 DZ|2}} || Ray Douglas Bradbury (born 1920), the critically acclaimed science fiction author whose works include The Martian Chronicles and The Illustrated Man. || {{JPL|9766}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9766|9766}}
| 9767 Midsomer Norton || {{mp|1992 EB|1}} || Midsomer Norton, English town || {{MPC|9767}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9767|9767}}
| 9768 Stephenmaran || {{mp|1992 GB|1}} || Stephen Paul Maran, American astronomer, latterly of NASA Goddard Space Flight Center †[18] || {{MPC|9768}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9768|9768}}
| 9769 Nautilus || {{mp|1993 DG|2}} || Nautilus, submarine in Jules Verne's Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea. || {{JPL|9769}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9769|9769}}
| 9770 Discovery || 1993 EE || Space shuttle Discovery. || {{JPL|9770}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9770|9770}}
| 9774 Annjudge || 1993 NO || Ann Campana Judge (1951–2001), the travel office manager for the National Geographic Society. || {{JPL|9774}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9774|9774}}
| 9775 Joeferguson || {{mp|1993 OH|12}} || Joe Ferguson (1962–2001), director of the geography education outreach program for the National Geographic Society. || {{JPL|9775}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9775|9775}}
| 9777 Enterprise || 1994 OB || The Starship Enterprise, of Star Trek fame, or the Space Shuttle of the same name. || {{JPL|9777}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9777|9777}}
| 9778 Isabelallende || {{mp|1994 PA|19}} || Isabel Allende, Chilean writer. || {{JPL|9778}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9778|9778}}
| 9780 Bandersnatch || 1994 SB || Bandersnatch, from Lewis Carroll's Jabberwocky. || {{JPL|9780}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9780|9780}}
| 9781 Jubjubbird || {{mp|1994 UB|1}} || Jubjub Bird, from Lewis Carroll's Jabberwocky. || {{JPL|9781}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9781|9781}}
| 9782 Edo || 1994 WM || Edo is the former name for Tokyo, the capital and largest city of Japan. || {{JPL|9782}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9782|9782}}
| 9783 Tensho-kan || {{mp|1994 YD|1}} || Tensho-kan, the first planetarium in Japan, located at the science center in Osaka. || {{JPL|9783}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9783|9783}}
| 9784 Yotsubashi || {{mp|1994 YJ|1}} || Yotsubashi, in the center of Osaka, is where the astronomers of the Edo period observed eclipses. || {{JPL|9784}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9784|9784}}
| 9785 Senjikan || {{mp|1994 YX|1}} || Senjikan, an astronomy group in Osaka in the Edo period. || {{JPL|9785}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9785|9785}}
| 9786 Gakutensoku || 1995 BB || Gakutensoku, the first Japanese robot, created in 1928 by Makoto Nishimura. || {{JPL|9786}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9786|9786}}
| 9788 Yagami || {{mp|1995 EQ|1}} || Junko Yagami (born 1958), a renowned singer-songwriter. || {{JPL|9788}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9788|9788}}
| 9791 Kamiyakurai || {{mp|1995 YD|1}} || Yakuraisan, popularly called Kami Fuji, is a mountain located in the town of Kami in northeastern Japan. People come here to enjoy beautiful seasonal nature, flowers and starry nights. || {{JPL|9791}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9791|9791}}
| 9792 Nonodakesan || {{mp|1996 BX|1}} || Nonodakesan is a mountain located in the town of Wakuya in northeastern Japan. Konpo-ji Temple, popularly called Nonodake Kannon, was constructed on the summit of Nonodake in the eighth century. || {{JPL|9792}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9792|9792}}
| 9793 Torvalds || {{mp|1996 BW|4}} || Linus Benedict Torvalds, Finnish developer of Linux. || {{JPL|9793}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9793|9793}}
| 9795 Deprez || {{mp|1996 GJ|19}} || Brigitte Deprez (born 1939), the wife of Uccle astronomer Jozef Denoyelle, colleague of the discoverer. || {{JPL|9795}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9795|9795}}
| 9796 Robotti || 1996 HW || Aurelio Robotti (1913–1994) was a lieutenant in the Italian Air Engineers and later professor in aerospace engineering at the Turin Polytechnic. He began studies on rocket fuel using liquid oxygen and ethanol, and tested the first Italian-built liquid-fuel missile. || {{JPL|9796}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9796|9796}}
| 9797 Raes || {{mp|1996 HR|21}} || Hugo Raes (born 1929), a Flemish writer. || {{JPL|9797}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9797|9797}}
| 9800 Shigetoshi || {{mp|1997 ES|2}} || Shigetoshi Inoue (born 1961), a Japanese amateur astronomer and a key member of Ota Astronomical Club. || {{JPL|9800}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9800|9800}}


| 9804 Shrikulkarni || 1997 NU || Shrinivas Kulkarni (born 1956) was a co-discoverer of the first millisecond pulsar, the first optical counterpart of a binary pulsar, the first pulsar in a globular cluster, the extragalactic origin of gamma-ray bursts and the first brown dwarf. || {{JPL|9804}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9804|9804}}
| 9809 Jimdarwin || {{mp|1998 RZ|5}} || James L. Darwin (born 1939), instrument maker at Lowell Observatory. || {{JPL|9809}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9809|9809}}
| 9810 Elanfiller || {{mp|1998 RJ|65}} || Elan Eng Filler (born 1998) is a finalist in the 2012 Broadcom MASTERS, a math and science competition for middle-school students, for her biochemistry, medicine, health science and microbiology project. || {{JPL|9810}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9810|9810}}
| 9811 Cavadore || 1998 ST || Cyril Cavadore, French electronic engineer †[19] || {{MPC|9811}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9811|9811}}
| 9812 Danco || {{mp|1998 SJ|144}} || Emile Danco (1869–1898), who participated in the Antarctic expedition of Adrien de Gerlache, was responsible for the photography and observation of geomagnetism. He died during the trip, and his body was buried at sea near a newly discovered land, named Dancoland. || {{JPL|9812}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9812|9812}}
| 9813 Rozgaj || {{mp|1998 TP|5}} || Slavko Rozgaj (1895–1978), director of the Zagreb Observatory. {{JPL|9812}} || {{MPC|9813}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9813|9813}}
| 9814 Ivobenko || {{mp|1998 UU|18}} || Baron Ivo Benko (Baron Ivo von Benko of Bojnik) (1851–1903), the director of the Pola Observatory. || {{JPL|9814}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9814|9814}}
| 9815 Mariakirch || 2079 P-L || Maria Margarethe Kirch, née Winkelmann (1670–1720), wife and mother of astronomers, was an astronomer in her own right, observing, computing and publishing calendars, working in Berlin and Danzig. Although the comet of April 1702 was first credited to her husband, she was later acknowledged as the discoverer. || {{JPL|9815}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9815|9815}}
| 9816 von Matt || 2643 P-L || Baroness Elisabeth von Matt (Elisabeth Freiin von Matt), Austrian astronomer. || {{JPL|9816}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9816|9816}}
| 9817 Thersander || 6540 P-L || Thersander, a son of the Theban Polyneices, was wounded by Telephus and later was one of the heroes in the Wooden Horse. || {{JPL|9817}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9817|9817}}
| 9818 Eurymachos || 6591 P-L || Eurymachos, one of the heroes hidden in the Wooden Horse. || {{JPL|9818}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9818|9818}}
| 9819 Sangerhausen || 2172 T-1 || In the vicinity of the German city of Sangerhausen, a remarkable archaeological object was unearthed. || {{JPL|9819}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9819|9819}}
| 9820 Hempel || 3064 T-1 || Rolf Hempel, German mathematician and amateur astronomer. || {{JPL|9820}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9820|9820}}
| 9821 Gitakresáková || 4033 T-1 || Margita Kresáková (née Margita Vozárová), Slovak astronomer, wife of astronomer Ľubor Kresák; Comet Vozárová is also named after her †[20] || {{MPC|9821}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9821|9821}}
| 9822 Hajduková || 4114 T-1 || Mária Hajduková, Slovak astronomer †[21] || {{MPC|9822}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9822|9822}}
| 9823 Annantalová || 4271 T-1 || Anna Antalová, Slovak astronomer †[22] || {{MPC|9823}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9823|9823}}
| 9824 Marylea || 3033 T-2 || Mary Lea Shane, née Heger (1897–1983), wife of Lick Observatory director C. Donald Shane. || {{JPL|9824}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9824|9824}}
| 9825 Oetken || 1214 T-3 || Lore Oetken (born 1929) has made significant contributions to the fields of magnetic stars, polarimetry and spectroscopy, a prominent part of the astronomical research at the Potsdam Observatory. The citation was prepared by A. Schnell. || {{JPL|9825}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9825|9825}}
| 9826 Ehrenfreund || 2114 T-3 || Pascale Ehrenfreund, Dutch astrobiologist †[23] || {{MPC|9826}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9826|9826}}
| 9828 Antimachos || 1973 SS || Antimachos, one of the heroes hidden in the Wooden Horse. || {{JPL|9828}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9828|9828}}
| 9829 Murillo || {{mp|1973 SJ|1}} || Bartolomé Estéban Murillo (1618–1682) created many religious paintings for churches. The painter from Seville is famous for his genre pictures of children that were poor but happy, and these are imitated even today. || {{JPL|9829}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9829|9829}}
| 9831 Simongreen || 1979 QZ || Simon F. Green, British astronomer †[24] || {{MPC|9831}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9831|9831}}
| 9832 Xiaobinwang || {{mp|1981 EH|3}} || Xiao-bin Wang (born 1966), an astronomer at the Yunnan Observatory, Chinese Academy of Sciences. || {{JPL|9832}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9832|9832}}
| 9833 Rilke || {{mp|1982 DW|3}} || Rainer Maria Rilke, Austrian poet || {{MPC|9833}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9833|9833}}
| 9834 Kirsanov || {{mp|1982 TS|1}} || Semen Isaakovich Kirsanov, Russian poet || {{MPC|9834}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9834|9834}}
| 9836 Aarseth || 1985 TU || Sverre Aarseth (Årseth), Norwegian astronomer. || {{JPL|9836}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9836|9836}}
| 9837 Jerryhorow || {{mp|1986 AA|2}} || Jerome Horowitz, father of the discoverer. || {{JPL|9837}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9837|9837}}
| 9838 Falz-Fein || {{mp|1987 RN|6}} || Baron Eduard Aleksandrovich von Falz-Fein (born 1912) is an outstanding collector of works of art and historical documents, known for his charity. Born in Russia, his uncle Friedrich Falz-Fein was the founder in 1875 of the well-known reserve Askania-Nova in Ukraine. || {{JPL|9838}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9838|9838}}
| 9839 Crabbegat || {{mp|1988 CT|2}} || Crabbegat is an idyllic road at the border of the Wolvendael park, close to the Royal Observatory at Uccle. The name might refer to "crab", although Uccle is located near neither the sea nor even a stream. || {{JPL|9839}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9839|9839}}
| 9841 Mašek || 1988 UT || Martin Mašek (born 1988) is an avid observer of deep-sky objects, variable stars, comets and asteroids. || {{JPL|9841}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9841|9841}}
| 9842 Funakoshi || {{mp|1989 AS|1}} || Hiromi Funakoshi (born 1961) works in Gifu prefecture's Fujihashi village office. He previously contributed to the spread of astronomy awareness as a researcher at Nishi Mino Observatory and still performs volunteer work there. || {{JPL|9842}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9842|9842}}
| 9843 Braidwood || {{mp|1989 AL|3}} || Thomas Braidwood (1715–1806), a Scottish teacher of the deaf. || {{JPL|9843}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9843|9843}}
| 9844 Otani || {{mp|1989 WF|1}} || Toyokazu Otani (born 1928), first lecturer at the Gotoh Planetarium and Astronomical Museum in Tokyo. || {{JPL|9844}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9844|9844}}
| 9845 Okamuraosamu || {{mp|1990 FM|1}} || Osamu Okamura (born 1954) is a Japanese certified public accountant and an amateur astronomer. || {{JPL|9845}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9845|9845}}
| 9848 Yugra || {{mp|1990 QX|17}} || Yugra is the historical name, used in Russia in medieval times, of the vast area to the east of the Northern Urals, extending to the river Taz. Inhabited then by the Hanty and Mansi tribes, it is now part of the territory of the Hanty-Mansi autonomous area within the Russian Federation. || {{JPL|9848}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9848|9848}}
| 9851 Sakamoto || {{mp|1990 UG|3}} || Makoto Sakamoto, a research fellow of the Nishi-Harima Astronomical Observatory. || {{JPL|9851}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9851|9851}}
| 9852 Gora || 1990 YX || Ronald Gora (born 1933), a former American swimmer. || {{JPL|9852}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9852|9852}}
| 9854 Karlheinz || {{mp|1991 AC|3}} || Karlheinz Müller, German amateur astronomer. || {{JPL|9854}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9854|9854}}
| 9859 Van Lierde || {{mp|1991 PE|5}} || Edmond Van Lierde (1888–1964), a brilliant student at the University of Brussels, later professor of mathematics, promoted modern mathematics and introduced this new discipline into Belgium. He was also a splendid pianist and an excellent tennis player. || {{JPL|9859}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9859|9859}}
| 9860 Archaeopteryx || {{mp|1991 PW|9}} || Archaeopteryx, the early bird that had a dinosaur-like skeleton. || {{JPL|9860}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9860|9860}}
| 9861 Jahreiss || {{mp|1991 RB|3}} || Hartmut Jahreiß (born 1942), a staff astronomer at the Astronomisches Rechen-Institut. || {{JPL|9861}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9861|9861}}
| 9863 Reichardt || {{mp|1991 RJ|7}} || Johann Friedrich Reichardt, German composer || {{MPC|9863}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9863|9863}}
| 9865 Akiraohta || {{mp|1991 TP|1}} || Akira Ohta (1951–2002), an amateur observer of meteors and comets. || {{JPL|9865}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9865|9865}}
| 9866 Kanaimitsuo || {{mp|1991 TV|4}} || Mitsuo Kanai (born 1946), a lecturer and curator at the Gotoh Planetarium and Astronomical Museum in Tokyo for 15 years. {{JPL|9865}} || {{MPC|9866}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9866|9866}}
| 9869 Yadoumaru || {{mp|1992 CD|1}} || Yasushi Yadoumaru (born 1965), a research fellow at the Misato Observatory. || {{JPL|9869}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9869|9869}}
| 9870 Maehata || 1992 DA || Hideko Maehata (née Hideco Hyodo, 1914–1995), born in Hashimoto city, Wakayama Prefecture, won the gold medal for the 200-m breast-stroke event in the 1936 Olympuic Games in Berlin. She was the first Japanese female Olympic gold medalist. || {{JPL|9870}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9870|9870}}
| 9871 Jeon || {{mp|1992 DG|1}} || Jeon San-Woon (born 1928), a historian of Korean astronomy and technology. || {{JPL|9871}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9871|9871}}
| 9872 Solf || {{mp|1992 DJ|4}} || Josef K. M. Solf (born 1934), professor of astronomy at Heidelberg and Jena, and since 1994 director of the Thüringer Landessternwarte Tautenburg. || {{JPL|9872}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9872|9872}}
| 9878 Sostero || 1994 FQ || Giovanni Sostero, Italian aerospace engineer and amateur astronomer†[25] || {{MPC|9878}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9878|9878}}
| 9879 Mammuthus || {{mp|1994 PZ|29}} || Mammuthus or woolly mammoth was a kind of elephant, about 4 meters tall, with dense dark hair and an 8-cm-thick layer of fat, protecting the animal from the cold. || {{JPL|9879}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9879|9879}}
| 9880 Stegosaurus || {{mp|1994 PQ|31}} || Stegosaurus, a large dinosaur, 6 to 9 meters long, with a characteristic double row of large bony plates along the back. || {{JPL|9880}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9880|9880}}
| 9882 Stallman || {{mp|1994 SS|9}} || Richard Stallman (born 1953), the founder of the GNU project and an advocate and developer of free software. || {{JPL|9882}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9882|9882}}
| 9884 Příbram || {{mp|1994 TN|3}} || Príbram, the town in central Bohemia. || {{JPL|9884}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9884|9884}}
| 9885 Linux || {{mp|1994 TM|14}} || The Linux operating system was created by Linus Torvalds in 1991. || {{JPL|9885}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9885|9885}}
| 9886 Aoyagi || {{mp|1994 VM|7}} || Fusao Aoyagi (born 1952), the president of astronomical society in the town of Ishikawa, Fukushima prefecture. || {{JPL|9886}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9886|9886}}
| 9887 Ashikaga || 1995 AH || The city of Ashikaga in the south of Tochigi prefecture is the birth place of the discoverer. The city has been well known for its textiles since ancient times. || {{JPL|9887}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9887|9887}}
| 9891 Stephensmith || {{mp|1995 XN|1}} || Stephen Smith, American publisher of The Shallow Sky Bulletin from 1986 to 2000; the SSB contained cometary ephemerides || {{JPL|9891}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9891|9891}}
| 9897 Malerba || {{mp|1996 CX|7}} || Franco Malerba (born 1946), the first Italian astronaut. || {{JPL|9897}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9897|9897}}
| 9898 Yoshiro || 1996 DF || Yoshiro Yamada (born 1954), a leading popularizer of astronomy in Japan. || {{JPL|9898}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9898|9898}}
| 9900 Llull || {{mp|1997 LL|6}} || Ramon Llull, Catalan philosopher || {{JPL|9900}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9900|9900}}


| 9902 Kirkpatrick || 1997 NY || Ralph Kirkpatrick (1911–1984), eminent American harpsichordist, clavichordist, musicologist and teacher. || {{JPL|9902}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9902|9902}}
| 9903 Leonhardt || {{mp|1997 NA|1}} || Gustav Leonhardt (1928–2012), Dutch clavecinist, organist and musicologist.[5] || {{MPC|9903}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9903|9903}}
| 9904 Mauratombelli || {{mp|1997 OC|1}} || Maura Tombelli (born 1952), Italian astronomer and discoverer of minor planets || {{MPC|9904}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9904|9904}}
| 9905 Tiziano || 4611 P-L || Tiziano Vecellio (Titian; c. 1477 or 1490–1576), a typical Renaissance painter. || {{JPL|9905}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9905|9905}}
| 9906 Tintoretto || 6523 P-L || Jacopo Robusti (1518–1594), called Tintoretto, Italian (Venetian) painter. || {{JPL|9906}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9906|9906}}
| 9907 Oileus || 6541 P-L || Oileus, the father of Ajax the Little. Next to Achilles, Ajax was the fastest-running Greek hero. || {{JPL|9907}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9907|9907}}
| 9908 Aue || 2140 T-1 || Hartmann von Aue (born c. 1160–70, died c. 1210–20), a German poet and knight || {{JPL|9908}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9908|9908}}
| 9909 Eschenbach || 4355 T-1 || Wolfram von Eschenbach (1168–1220) was, with von Aue and Gottfried von Strassburg, one of the greatest poets of medieval times. || {{JPL|9909}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9909|9909}}
| 9910 Vogelweide || 3181 T-2 || Walther von der Vogelweide (c. 1170–1230), a German lyric poet. || {{JPL|9910}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9910|9910}}
| 9911 Quantz || 4129 T-2 || Johann Joachim Quantz (1697–1773), a German oboe playerand composer. || {{JPL|9911}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9911|9911}}
| 9912 Donizetti || 2078 T-3 || Gaetano Donizetti (1797–1848), Italian composer. || {{JPL|9912}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9912|9912}}
| 9913 Humperdinck || 4071 T-3 || Engelbert Humperdinck (1854–1921), a German composer. || {{JPL|9913}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9913|9913}}
| 9914 Obukhova || {{mp|1976 UJ|4}} || Nadezhda Andreevna Obukhova (1886–1961), a Russian singer. || {{MPC|9914}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9914|9914}}
| 9915 Potanin || {{mp|1977 RD|2}} || Grigorij Nikolaevich Potanin (1835–1920), a Russian geographer, ethnographer and publicist. || {{JPL|9915}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9915|9915}}
| 9916 Kibirev || {{mp|1978 TR|2}} || Sergej Feodosievich Kibirev (born 1950) is involved in new methods of the processing of information, organizing the production of microelectronics in Novosibirsk. A champion sprinter in his youth, he likes extreme forms of sports. He is also a poet. || {{JPL|9916}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9916|9916}}
| 9917 Keynes || 1979 MK || John Maynard Keynes (1883–1946), a British economist whose ideas fundamentally changed the theory and practice of macroeconomics and the economic policies of governments || {{JPL|9917}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9917|9917}}
| 9919 Undset || {{mp|1979 QF|1}} || Sigrid Undset (1882–1949), a Norwegian author. || {{JPL|9919}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9919|9919}}
| 9920 Bagnulo || {{mp|1981 EZ|10}} || Stefano Bagnulo (born 1965), an astronomer at the Armagh Observatory and a specialist in polarimetry of early-type stars. || {{JPL|9920}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9920|9920}}
| 9921 Rubincam || {{mp|1981 EO|18}} || David P. Rubincam (born 1947), an American planetary geodynamicist at the NASA Goddard Space Flight Center. || {{JPL|9921}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9921|9921}}
| 9922 Catcheller || {{mp|1981 EO|21}} || Endowing the English language with a new term, the 1961 novel Catch-22 by U.S. writer Joseph Heller (1923–1999) epitomized both the problems of a sane person in an insane society and the absurdity of war. The name was suggested by B. G. Marsden. || {{JPL|9922}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9922|9922}}
| 9923 Ronaldthiel || {{mp|1981 EB|24}} || Ronald L. Thiel (born 1937) is the Division Chief of the Traffic Division for the County of Hawaii. In his capacity as traffic engineer, he has overseen the installation of shielded LED streetlights and other lighting that is designed to minimize impact on the dark night sky over the Mauna Kea Observatories. || {{JPL|9923}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9923|9923}}
| 9924 Corrigan || {{mp|1981 EM|24}} || Catherine Corrigan (born 1972) is a U.S. meteoriticist at the Smithsonian Institution. Her research includes the mineralogy and origin of asteroids. She classifies and provides access to meteorites from the U.S. Antarctic collection for the international research community. || {{JPL|9924}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9924|9924}}
| 9925 Juliehoskin || {{mp|1981 EU|24}} || Candace Julie Hoskin (born 1974) is the Collection Manager for meteorites at the Smithsonian Institution. She is responsible for maintaining the collection and providing access to samples for researchers studying the origin and evolution of asteroids. || {{JPL|9925}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9925|9925}}
| 9926 Desch || {{mp|1981 EU|41}} || Steven Desch (born 1970) is a professor of astronomy at Arizona State University. His work in theoretical astrophysics centers on models of the origin and evolution of asteroids and planets, including chondrule formation, protoplanetary disk evolution, and the origin of short-lived radionuclides. Nier Prize awardee in 2003. || {{JPL|9926}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9926|9926}}
| 9927 Tyutchev || {{mp|1981 TW|1}} || Fyodor Tyutchev (1803–1873), Russian poet || {{MPC|9927}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9927|9927}}
| 9929 McConnell || {{mp|1982 DP|1}} || John C McConnell (born 1946), a historian of Astronomy and chairman of the East Antrim Astronomical Society || {{JPL|9929}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9929|9929}}
| 9930 Billburrows || 1984 CP || William E. Burrows (born 1937), of New York University, is a top authority on space, national security, spy satellites and spy planes. || {{JPL|9930}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9930|9930}}
| 9931 Herbhauptman || 1985 HH || Herbert A. Hauptman (1917–2011), mathematical chemist and Nobelist.[26] || {{MPC|9931}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9931|9931}}
| 9932 Kopylov || {{mp|1985 QP|5}} || Ivan Mikheevich Kopylov (born 1928), Russian astronomer.[27] || {{MPC|9932}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9932|9932}}
| 9933 Alekseev || {{mp|1985 SM|3}} || Anatolij Semenovich Alekseev (born 1928), a professor in the department of mathematical geophysics at Novosibirsk University. || {{JPL|9933}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9933|9933}}
| 9934 Caccioppoli || 1985 UC || Renato Caccioppoli (1904–1959) and Francesco Caccioppoli (1855–1904). Francesco directed the Naval Institute in Procida, near Napoli, and was a passionate observer of the sky. Renato was an outstanding mathematician who carried out seminal work on linear and nonlinear differential equations. The name was suggested by E. Perozzi. || {{JPL|9934}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9934|9934}}
| 9936 Al-Biruni || {{mp|1986 PN|4}} || Al-Biruni (973–1050), a Persian anthropologist, mathematician, and astronomer || {{JPL|9936}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9936|9936}}
| 9937 Triceratops || {{mp|1988 DJ|2}} || Triceratops, dinosaur genus. || {{JPL|9937}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9937|9937}}
| 9938 Kretlow || 1988 KA || Mike Kretlow, a longtime friend of the discoverer. || {{JPL|9938}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9938|9938}}
| 9941 Iguanodon || {{mp|1989 CB|3}} || Iguanodon, dinosaur genus. || {{JPL|9941}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9941|9941}}
| 9943 Bizan || {{mp|1989 UG|3}} || Mount Bizan is a 277-m-high mountain in Tokushima Prefecture. The name is said to be derived from the mountain's visual similarity to an eyebrow || {{JPL|9943}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9943|9943}}
| 9945 Karinaxavier || 1990 KX || Karina Xavier (born 1977) is a citizen of both Brazil and the U.S. but might have chosen to be born in Italy had she been asked; instead she obtained her doctorate in Italian Renaissance literature. A true citizen of the world, she speaks five languages fluently, often all at once, and has a passion for soccer || {{JPL|9945}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9945|9945}}
| 9947 Takaishuji || 1990 QB || Shuji Takai (born 1967), a Japanese elementary school teacher and member of the Kuroishi Subaru Association. || {{JPL|9947}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9947|9947}}
| 9949 Brontosaurus || {{mp|1990 SK|6}} || Brontosaurus, a genus of a large dinosaur (20 m), that lived in the Late Jurassic with many fossils found in the United States. || {{JPL|9949}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9949|9949}}
| 9950 ESA || 1990 VB || European Space Agency || {{JPL|9950}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9950|9950}}
| 9951 Tyrannosaurus || {{mp|1990 VK|5}} || Tyrannosaurus, dinosaur genus. || {{JPL|9951}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9951|9951}}
| 9954 Brachiosaurus || {{mp|1991 GX|7}} || Brachiosaurus, dinosaur genus. || {{JPL|9954}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9954|9954}}
| 9956 Castellaz || {{mp|1991 TX|4}} || Peter Castellaz (born 1965), a German physicist. || {{JPL|9956}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9956|9956}}
| 9957 Raffaellosanti || {{mp|1991 TO|13}} || Raphael (1483–1520), full name Raffaello Sanzio, a famous painter and architect, and one of the masters of the Italian Renaissance. || {{JPL|9957}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9957|9957}}
| 9960 Sekine || {{mp|1991 VE|4}} || Masumi Sekine (born 1950), the president of astromomical society at Ageo city. || {{JPL|9960}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9960|9960}}
| 9962 Pfau || {{mp|1991 YL|1}} || Werner Pfau (born 1936), director of the Jena University Observatory from 1990 to 2000 and a former chairman of the Astronomische Gesellschaft. || {{JPL|9962}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9962|9962}}
| 9963 Sandage || 1992 AN || Allan Sandage (1926–2010), an American astronomer at Palomar and Mount Wilson observatories. || {{JPL|9963}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9963|9963}}
| 9964 Hideyonoguchi || {{mp|1992 CF|1}} || Hideo Noguchi (1876–1928), a Japanese bacteriologist || {{JPL|9964}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9964|9964}}
| 9965 GNU || {{mp|1992 EF|2}} || The GNU project was created by Richard Stallman's Free Software Foundation in 1984. It enabled computer programmers to trade and improve on each other's ideas freely. Linux and academic computing owe much of their functionality to the firm foundations of GNU software. || {{JPL|9965}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9965|9965}}
| 9967 Awanoyumi || {{mp|1992 FV|1}} || Yumi Awano (born 1972), the curator of the Okayama Astronomical Museum. || {{JPL|9967}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9967|9967}}
| 9968 Serpe || {{mp|1992 JS|2}} || Jean Nicolas François Jules Serpe (1914–2001) was the theoretical-physics professor of the discoverer at the University of Liege and was a member of the Académie royale de Belgique || {{JPL|9968}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9968|9968}}
| 9969 Braille || 1992 KD || Louis Braille (1809–1852), French cellist and organist, inventor of braille. || {{JPL|9969}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9969|9969}}
| 9971 Ishihara || 1993 HS || Takahiro Ishihara (born 1961), president of the Hiroshima Astronomical Society from 1987 to 1997. || {{JPL|9971}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9971|9971}}
| 9972 Minoruoda || 1993 KQ || Minoru Oda (1923–2001), a cosmic-ray physicist. || {{JPL|9972}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9972|9972}}
| 9973 Szpilman || {{mp|1993 NB|2}} || Wladyslaw Szpilman (1912–2000), a Polish pianist who managed to survive in the Warsaw ghetto. || {{JPL|9973}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9973|9973}}
| 9974 Brody || {{mp|1993 OG|13}} || Adrien Brody, American actor who played Szpilman in the film The Pianist. || {{JPL|9974}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9974|9974}}
| 9975 Takimotokoso || {{mp|1993 RZ|1}} || Koso Takimoto (born 1965), a Japanese amateur astronomer. || {{JPL|9975}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9975|9975}}
| 9977 Kentakunimoto || 1994 AH || Kenta Kunimoto (born 1960), a Japanese neurosurgeon and a specialist in emergency medicine. || {{JPL|9977}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9977|9977}}
| 9981 Kudo || {{mp|1995 BS|3}} || Takahiro Kudo (born 1961), a Japanese amateur astronomer and a key member of the Ota Astronomical Club. || {{JPL|9981}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9981|9981}}
| 9983 Rickfienberg || 1995 DA || Rick Fienberg (born 1956), American editor-in-chief of Sky and Telescope. || {{JPL|9983}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9983|9983}}
| 9984 Gregbryant || 1996 HT || Greg Bryant (born 1970), Australian amateur astronomer.Src || {{MPC|9984}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9984|9984}}
| 9985 Akiko || 1996 JF || Akiko Yamamoto (born 1963), Japanese amateur astronomer at the Yatsuka Observatory {{Obscode|367}} || {{MPC|9985}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9985|9985}}
| 9986 Hirokun || 1996 NX || Hiroshi Fukazawa, nicknamed Hirokun, fiancé of Mizuho Urata (1972–2004), daughter of the co-discoverer, Takeshi Urata || {{JPL|9986}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9986|9986}}
| 9987 Peano || {{mp|1997 OO|1}} || Giuseppe Peano (1858–1932), Italian mathematician || {{MPC|9987}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9987|9987}}
| 9988 Erictemplebell || {{mp|1997 RX|6}} || Eric Temple Bell (1883–1960), Scottish-American mathematician and author || {{MPC|9988}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9988|9988}}
| 9990 Niiyaeki || {{mp|1997 SO|17}} || Niiya Station (Niiya Eki) is the name of a train station in Ozu, Ehime (population 46,000), a city in Ehime Prefecture, Japan || {{JPL|9990}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9990|9990}}
| 9991 Anežka || {{mp|1997 TY|7}} || Anežka Moravcová (born 1924), grandmother of Czech discoverer Zdeněk Moravec || {{MPC|9991}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9991|9991}}
| 9993 Kumamoto || {{mp|1997 VX|5}} || Kumamoto, the name of both a prefecture and its capital city, on the Japanese island of Kyushu. || {{JPL|9993}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9993|9993}}
| 9994 Grotius || 4028 P-L || Hugo Grotius (1583–1645), Dutch jurist and statesman.[5] || {{MPC|9994}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9994|9994}}
| 9995 Alouette || 4805 P-L || Alouette 1, Canadian science satellite launched in 1962 || {{MPC|9995}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9995|9995}}
| 9996 ANS || 9070 P-L || Astronomische Nederlandse Satelliet, Dutch science satellite.[5] || {{MPC|9996}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9996|9996}}
| 9997 COBE || 1217 T-1 || Cosmic Background Explorer (COBE), science satellite || {{JPL|9997}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9997|9997}}
| 9998 ISO || 1293 T-1 || Infrared Space Observatory. || {{JPL|9998}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9998|9998}}
| 9999 Wiles || 4196 T-2 || Andrew Wiles (born 1953), British mathematician || {{JPL|9999}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9999|9999}}
| 10000 Myriostos || 1951 SY || Greek word for ten-thousandth || {{MPC|10000}}{{·}}{{LoMP|10000|10000}}


1. ^{{Cite web | url=http://ssd.jpl.nasa.gov/sbdb.cgi?sstr=9393 | title=HORIZONS System}}
2. ^{{Cite web | url=http://ssd.jpl.nasa.gov/sbdb.cgi?sstr=9488 | title=HORIZONS System}}
3. ^{{Cite web | url=http://ssd.jpl.nasa.gov/sbdb.cgi?sstr=9489 | title=HORIZONS System}}
4. ^{{cite web|url=http://www.astro.uu.se/planet/asteroid/astdiv/9521.html |title=(9521) Martinhoffmann |publisher=Astro.uu.se |date= |accessdate=2012-12-04}}
5. ^10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 {{cite web|url=http://www.astronieuws.nl/NL-plan.html |title='Nederlandse' Planetoiden |publisher=Astronieuws.nl |date= |accessdate=2012-12-04}}
6. ^{{cite web|url=http://www.astro.uu.se/planet/asteroid/astdiv/9617.html |title=(9617) Grahamchapman |publisher=Astro.uu.se |date= |accessdate=2012-12-04}}
7. ^{{cite web|url=http://www.astro.uu.se/planet/asteroid/astdiv/9618.html |title=(9618) Johncleese |publisher=Astro.uu.se |date= |accessdate=2012-12-04}}
8. ^{{cite web|url=http://www.astro.uu.se/planet/asteroid/astdiv/9619.html |title=(9619) Terrygilliam |publisher=Astro.uu.se |date= |accessdate=2012-12-04}}
9. ^{{cite web|url=http://www.astro.uu.se/planet/asteroid/astdiv/9620.html |title=(9620) Ericidle |publisher=Astro.uu.se |date= |accessdate=2012-12-04 |deadurl=yes |archiveurl=https://web.archive.org/web/20120813034146/http://www.astro.uu.se/planet/asteroid/astdiv/9620.html |archivedate=2012-08-13 |df= }}
10. ^{{cite web|url=http://www.astro.uu.se/planet/asteroid/astdiv/9621.html |title=(9621) Michaelpalin |publisher=Astro.uu.se |date= |accessdate=2012-12-04}}
11. ^{{cite web|url=http://www.astro.uu.se/planet/asteroid/astdiv/9622.html |title=(9622) Terryjones |publisher=Astro.uu.se |date= |accessdate=2012-12-04}}
12. ^{{cite web|url=http://www.astro.uu.se/planet/asteroid/astdiv/9623.html |title=(9623) Karlsson |publisher=Astro.uu.se |date= |accessdate=2012-12-04}}
13. ^{{cite web|url=http://www.hohmanntransfer.com/mn/0505/stak3.htm#30names |title=May '05 stack 3, Major News about Minor Objects |publisher=Hohmanntransfer.com |date= |accessdate=2012-12-04}}
14. ^{{cite web|author=Ludek Vasta |url=http://planetky.astro.cz/detail.phtml?number=9672 |title=Planetky - detail (9672) |publisher=Planetky.astro.cz |date=2006-01-08 |accessdate=2012-12-04}}
15. ^{{cite web|url=http://www.kleinplanetenseite.de/Versch/kphimmel.htm |title=Amateure am Sternenhimmel |publisher=Kleinplanetenseite.de |date= |accessdate=2012-12-04}}
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1 : Lists of meanings of minor planet names





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