

词条 Module:Good article topics/data
释义 -- This is the data module for Good article topics.-- Define display values for the topics

local agr = "Agriculture, food and drink"

local art = "Art and architecture"

local eng = "Engineering and technology"

local geog = "Geography and places"

local hist = "History"

local lang = "Language and literature"

local math = "Mathematics"

local media = "Media and drama"

local music = "Music"

local natsci = "Natural sciences"

local phil = "Philosophy and religion"

local soc = "Social sciences and society"

local sports = "Sports and recreation"

local vgames = "Video games"

local war = "Warfare"

-- List the topics for each input

local topics = {

-- Agriculture, food and drink

["agriculture"] = agr,

["agriculture, food and drink"] = agr,

["agriculture, food, and drink"] = agr,

["cuisine"] = agr,

["cuisines"] = agr,

["cultivation"] = agr,

["drink"] = agr,

["farming and cultivation"] = agr,

["farming"] = agr,

["food and drink"] = agr,

["food"] = agr,

-- Art and architecture

["architecture"] = art,

["art and architecture"] = art,

["art"] = art,

-- Engineering and technology

["applied sciences and technology"] = eng,

["applied sciences"] = eng,

["computers"] = eng,

["computing and engineering"] = eng,

["computing"] = eng,

["eng"] = eng,

["engineering and technology"] = eng,

["engineering"] = eng,

["engtech"] = eng,

["technology"] = eng,

["transport"] = eng,

-- Geography and places

["geography and places"] = geog,

["geography"] = geog,

["places"] = geog,

-- History

["archaeology"] = hist,

["heraldry"] = hist,

["history"] = hist,

["nobility"] = hist,

["royalty"] = hist,

["royalty, nobility and heraldry"] = hist,

["world history"] = hist,

-- Language and literature

["langlit"] = lang,

["language and literature"] = lang,

["languages and linguistics"] = lang,

["languages and literature"] = lang,

["languages"] = lang,

["linguistics"] = lang,

["lit"] = lang,

["literature"] = lang,

-- Mathematics

["math"] = math,

["mathematics and mathematicians"] = math,

["mathematics"] = math,

["maths"] = math,

-- Media and drama

["ballet"] = media,

["dance"] = media,

["drama"] = media,

["film"] = media,

["films"] = media,

["media and drama"] = media,

["media"] = media,

["opera"] = media,

["television"] = media,

["theater"] = media,

["theatre"] = media,

["theatre, film and drama"] = media,

-- Music

["albums"] = music,

["classical compositions"] = music,

["music"] = music,

["other music articles"] = music,

["songs"] = music,

-- Natural sciences

["astronomy"] = natsci,

["astrophysics"] = natsci,

["atmospheric science"] = natsci,

["biology and medicine"] = natsci,

["biology"] = natsci,

["chemistry and materials science"] = natsci,

["chemistry"] = natsci,

["cosmology"] = natsci,

["earth science"] = natsci,

["earth sciences"] = natsci,

["geology"] = natsci,

["geophysics"] = natsci,

["medicine"] = natsci,

["meteorology and atmospheric sciences"] = natsci,

["meteorology"] = natsci,

["mineralogy"] = natsci,

["natsci"] = natsci,

["natural science"] = natsci,

["natural sciences"] = natsci,

["physics and astronomy"] = natsci,

["physics"] = natsci,

-- Philosophy and religion

["mysticism"] = phil,

["myth"] = phil,

["mythology"] = phil,

["phil"] = phil,

["philosophy and religion"] = phil,

["philosophy"] = phil,

["philrelig"] = phil,

["relig"] = phil,

["religion"] = phil,

["religion, mysticism and mythology"] = phil,

-- Social sciences and society

["business and economics"] = soc,

["business"] = soc,

["culture and society"] = soc,

["culture"] = soc,

["culture, society and psychology"] = soc,

["economics and business"] = soc,

["economics"] = soc,

["education"] = soc,

["gov"] = soc,

["government"] = soc,

["journalism and media"] = soc,

["journalism"] = soc,

["law"] = soc,

["magazines and print journalism"] = soc,

["media and journalism"] = soc,

["politics and government"] = soc,

["politics"] = soc,

["psychology"] = soc,

["social science"] = soc,

["social sciences and society"] = soc,

["social sciences"] = soc,

["society"] = soc,

["socsci"] = soc,

-- Sports and recreation

["everyday life"] = sports,

["everydaylife"] = sports,

["games"] = sports,

["recreation"] = sports,

["sport and recreation"] = sports,

["sport"] = sports,

["sports and recreation"] = sports,

["sports"] = sports,

-- Video games

["video and computer games"] = vgames,

["video games"] = vgames,

-- Warfare

["aircraft"] = war,

["battles and exercises"] = war,

["battles"] = war,

["decorations and memorials"] = war,

["military"] = war,

["military people"] = war,

["units"] = war,

["war and military"] = war,

["war"] = war,

["warfare"] = war,

["warships"] = war,

["weapons and buildings"] = war,

["weapons"] = war,


return topics





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