

词条 Module:Internet Archive/sandbox
释义 --[[

For functions related to Internet Archive


1. Internet Archive runs Elasticsearch search engine as of 4 Nov 2015

2. Program flowchart:

   Break name down into number of words     Build a base URL based on number of words (1,2,3,4,5+), use of sopt=t switch, and availability of birth-death dates       If any words contain extended-ascii characters         append extra code for wildcards based on sopt=t or w            return finished URL

3. URL length should not exceed 2000 characters or it will break certain popular browsers

4. Wildcard (*) replacements should be avoided in the first letter of the first word, and with any single-letter words

5. Changing search formulations will have impacts on existing uses of the template and off-line tools which are optimized for these search recipes.


local p = {}


For Template:Internet Archive author


function p.author(frame)

  local pframe = frame:getParent()  local args = pframe.args
  local tname = "Internet Archive author"                       -- name of calling template. Change if template rename.    local name = nil                                              -- article name (default: current page name)  dname = nil                                                   -- display name (default: current page name)  local sname = nil                                             -- search name (default: current page name)  local sopt = nil                                              -- search options (default: nil)  byabout = "Works by or about"  tagline = "at Internet Archive"  urlhead = "//archive.org/search.php?query="  mydate = ""                                                   -- birth-death date                                                   --- Determine name  name = trimArg(args.name)                                     -- When using template outside main article space, the 'name' parameter is required (not optional)  if not name then    name = mw.title.getCurrentTitle().text  end  dname = mw.ustring.gsub(name,'%s+%([^%(]-%)$', '')            -- Remove the final disambig parentheses  sname = dname  if trimArg(args.sname) then                                           sname = trimArg(args.sname)  end  if trimArg(args.dname) then    dname = trimArg(args.dname)  end   --- Determine search option  sopt = trimArg(args.sopt)  if sopt then    sopt =  mw.ustring.lower(sopt)    if sopt == "tight" then sopt = "t" end    if sopt == "tightx" then sopt = "tx" end    if sopt == "wild" then sopt = "w" end    if sopt ~= "t" and sopt ~= "tx" and sopt ~= "w" then sopt = "unknown"  end  end
  --- Determine tagline  if trimArg(args.coda) then    tagline = tagline .. " " .. trimArg(args.coda)  end
  --- Custom search. Do early to avoid unnecessary processing.   if trimArg(args.search) then    local search = p.ia_url_encode(trimArg(args.search))    return "[" .. urlhead .. search .. " " .. byabout .. " " .. dname .. "] " .. tagline  end
  -- Determine media string  media = p.mediaTypes(args.media)  if media == "" then    mediaopen = "%28" -- added a default mediatype Dec 2015 see p.mediaTypes()  else    mediaopen = "%28"  end
  -- Determine date of birth and death   local temp = mw.text.split(p.bdDate(args.birth, args.death, name), " ")  local birth = temp[1]  local death = temp[2]  if birth == "Error" or death == "Error" then    return "Error in Template:"..tname..": " ..name.. " doesn't exist."  end
  --- Split sname into words and count words  local N = mw.text.split(sname, " ")  local l, count = mw.ustring.gsub(sname, "%S+", "")  if count == 0 then    return "Error in Template:"..tname..": Zero-word name."  end 
  --- Date string  if birth ~= "none" and death ~= "none" then    if p.ia_extendedascii(N[count]) == 1 then      mydate = "%20OR%20%28%22"..birth.."-"..death.."%22%20AND%20%28%22"..p.urlX(N[count]).."%22%20OR%20"..p.urlX(p.ia_deaccent(N[count])).."%29%29"    else      mydate = "%20OR%20%28%22"..birth.."-"..death.."%22%20AND%20"..p.urlX(N[count]).."%29"    end  end
  --- wild string  wild = "%29"             if sopt == "w" and p.ia_extendedascii(sname) == 1 then    if p.wildcheck(N, count) == 1 then          myurl = p.wildfix(N, count)      return p.IArender()    end    if count < 3 or count > 3 then      -- (first last)      wild = "%20OR%20%28" .. p.ia_url_encode(p.ia_extendedascii2wildcard(sname)) .. "%29%29"    end    if count == 3 then      -- (first last)      wild = "%20OR%20%28" .. p.ia_url_encode(p.ia_extendedascii2wildcard(N[1])) .. "%20" .. p.ia_url_encode(p.ia_extendedascii2wildcard(N[3])) .. "%29%29"    end  end   --[[ 
      myurl = p.oneWord(sname)       if sopt == "t" and p.ia_extendedascii(sname) == 1 then        local plainname = p.ia_deaccent(sname)               local A1 = "%20OR%20%22"..p.urlX(plainname)        myurl = myurl .. A1 .. "%22"        return p.IArender()      end
      return p.IArender()        end
    if count == 2 then       myurl = p.twoWords(N, sopt)          if sopt == "t" and p.ia_extendedascii(sname) == 1 then        local plainname = p.ia_deaccent(sname)        local PN = mw.text.split(plainname, " ")         -- Last, First        local A1 = "%20OR%20%22"..p.urlX(PN[2]).."%2C%20"..p.urlX(PN[1])        -- First Last        local A2 = "%22%20OR%20%22"..p.urlX(PN[1]).."%20"..p.urlX(PN[2])        myurl = myurl .. A1 .. A2 .. "%22"        return p.IArender()      end
      if sopt == "t" and p.ia_extendedascii(sname) == 1 then        local plainname = p.ia_deaccent(sname)        local PN = mw.text.split(plainname, " ")         local FIRST  = p.urlX(PN[1])        local MIDDLE = p.urlX(PN[2])        local LAST   = p.urlX(PN[3])        local firstinitialp  = p.urlX( p.firstLetter(PN[1]) )        local middleinitialp  = p.urlX( p.firstLetter(PN[2]) )        -- First Middle Last        local A1 = "%20OR%20%22"..FIRST.."%20"..MIDDLE.."%20"..LAST        -- Last, First Middle        local A2 = "%22%20OR%20%22"..LAST.."%2C%20"..FIRST.."%20"..MIDDLE        -- Last, First M.        local A3 = "%22%20OR%20%22"..LAST.."%2C%20"..FIRST.."%20"..middleinitialp.."%2E"        -- Last, F. M.        local A4 = "%22%20OR%20%22"..LAST.."%2C%20"..firstinitialp..".%20"..middleinitialp.."%2E"        local ALL = A1 .. A2 .. A3 .. A4 .. "%22"        myurl = myurl .. ALL        return p.IArender()      end
      if sopt == "t" and p.ia_extendedascii(sname) == 1 then        local plainname = p.ia_deaccent(sname)        local PN = mw.text.split(plainname, " ")         local FIRST  = p.urlX(PN[1])        local SECOND = p.urlX(PN[2])        local THIRD  = p.urlX(PN[3])        local LAST   = p.urlX(PN[4])        local firstinitialp  = p.urlX( p.firstLetter(PN[1]) )        local secondinitialp  = p.urlX( p.firstLetter(PN[2]) )        local thirdinitialp  = p.urlX( p.firstLetter(PN[3]) )        -- Last, First Second Third        local A1 = "%20OR%20%22"..LAST.."%2C%20"..FIRST.."%20"..SECOND.."%20"..THIRD        -- First Second Third Last        local A2 = "%22%20OR%20%22"..FIRST.."%20"..SECOND.."%20"..THIRD.."%20"..LAST        -- Last, F. S. T.        local A3 = "%22%20OR%20%22"..LAST.."%2C%20"..firstinitialp.."%2E%20"..secondinitialp.."%2E%20"..thirdinitialp.."%2E"        local ALL = A1 .. A2 .. A3 .. "%22"        myurl = myurl .. ALL         return p.IArender()      end 
      if sopt == "w" and p.ia_extendedascii(sname) == 1 then        myurl = "%28"      end
      if sopt == "w" and p.ia_extendedascii(sname) == 1 then        myurl = myurl .. "%29"      end       if sopt == "t" and p.ia_extendedascii(sname) == 1 then        local plainname = p.ia_deaccent(sname)               local A1 = "%29%20OR%20%28"..p.ia_url_encode(plainname)        myurl = myurl .. A1         return p.IArender()      end


-- Build final output and render

function p.IArender()


function p.oneWord(sname)

      local nameurl = p.ia_url_encode(sname)      local A1 = "%28subject%3A%22"..nameurl      local A2 = "%22%20OR%20creator%3A%22"..nameurl      local A3 = "%22%20OR%20description%3A%22"..nameurl      local A4 = "%22%20OR%20title%3A%22"..nameurl      return A1 .. A2 .. A3 .. A4 .. "%22"


function p.twoWords(N, sopt)

      local FIRST  = p.urlX(N[1])      local LAST   = p.urlX(N[2])      local firstinitial  = p.urlX( p.firstLetter(N[1]) )
      -- Last, First      local S1 = "%28subject%3A%22"..LAST.."%2C%20"..FIRST      -- First Last      local S2 = "%22%20OR%20subject%3A%22"..FIRST.."%20"..LAST      local SALL = S1..S2      -- Last, First      local C1 = "%22%20OR%20creator%3A%22"..LAST.."%2C%20"..FIRST      -- First Last      local C2 = "%22%20OR%20creator%3A%22"..FIRST.."%20"..LAST      local CALL = C1..C2      -- First Last      local T1 = "%22%20OR%20title%3A%22"..FIRST.."%20"..LAST      local TALL = T1      -- Last, First      local D1 = "%22%20OR%20description%3A%22"..LAST.."%2C%20"..FIRST      -- First Last      local D2 = "%22%20OR%20description%3A%22"..FIRST.."%20"..LAST      local DALL = D1..D2
      if sopt == "t" or sopt == "tx" then        return SALL .. CALL .. TALL .. DALL .. "%22"      else        -- Last, F.        local C3 = "%22%20OR%20creator%3A%22"..LAST.."%2C%20"..firstinitial.."%2E"        local CALL = CALL..C3        return SALL .. CALL .. TALL .. DALL .. "%22"      end


function p.threeWords(N, sopt)

      -- CAUTION: The following is near the max 2000 character URL limit for most browsers when using long names       --          such as "René-Nicolas Dufriche Desgenettes". 
      local FIRST  = p.urlX(N[1])      local MIDDLE = p.urlX(N[2])      local LAST   = p.urlX(N[3])      local firstinitial  = p.urlX( p.firstLetter(N[1]) )      local middleinitial = p.urlX( p.firstLetter(N[2]) )
      -- Last, First Middle      local S1 = "%28subject%3A%22"..LAST.."%2C%20"..FIRST.."%20"..MIDDLE      -- Last, First M.      local S2 = "%22%20OR%20subject%3A%22"..LAST.."%2C%20"..FIRST.."%20"..middleinitial.."%2E"      -- Last, F. M.      local S3 = "%22%20OR%20subject%3A%22"..LAST.."%2C%20"..firstinitial.."%2E%20"..middleinitial.."%2E"      -- First Middle Last      local S4 = "%22%20OR%20subject%3A%22"..FIRST.."%20"..MIDDLE.."%20"..LAST      -- First M. Last      local S5 = "%22%20OR%20subject%3A%22"..FIRST.."%20"..middleinitial.."%2E%20"..LAST      -- F. M. Last      local S6 = "%22%20OR%20subject%3A%22"..firstinitial.."%2E%20"..middleinitial.."%2E%20"..LAST      local SALL = S1..S2..S3..S4..S5..S6      -- First Middle Last      local C1 = "%22%20OR%20creator%3A%22"..FIRST.."%20"..MIDDLE.."%20"..LAST      -- First M. Last      local C2 = "%22%20OR%20creator%3A%22"..FIRST.."%20"..middleinitial.."%2E%20"..LAST      -- F. M. Last      local C3 = "%22%20OR%20creator%3A%22"..firstinitial.."%2E%20"..middleinitial.."%2E%20"..LAST      -- F. Middle Last      local C4 = "%22%20OR%20creator%3A%22"..firstinitial.."%2E%20"..MIDDLE.."%20"..LAST      -- Last, First Middle      local C5 = "%22%20OR%20creator%3A%22"..LAST.."%2C%20"..FIRST.."%20"..MIDDLE      -- Last, First M.      local C6 = "%22%20OR%20creator%3A%22"..LAST.."%2C%20"..FIRST.."%20"..middleinitial.."%2E"      -- Last, F. M.      local C7 = "%22%20OR%20creator%3A%22"..LAST.."%2C%20"..firstinitial.."%2E%20"..middleinitial.."%2E"      -- Last, F. M.      local C8 = "%22%20OR%20creator%3A%22"..LAST.."%2C%20"..firstinitial.."%2E%20"..MIDDLE      local CALL = C1..C2..C3..C4..C5..C6..C7..C8      -- First Middle Last      local T1 = "%22%20OR%20title%3A%22"..FIRST.."%20"..MIDDLE.."%20"..LAST      -- First M. Last      local T2 = "%22%20OR%20title%3A%22"..FIRST.."%20"..middleinitial.."%2E%20"..LAST      -- F. M. Last      local T3 = "%22%20OR%20title%3A%22"..firstinitial.."%2E%20"..middleinitial.."%2E%20"..LAST      local TALL = T1..T2..T3      -- First Middle Last      local D1 = "%22%20OR%20description%3A%22"..FIRST.."%20"..MIDDLE.."%20"..LAST      -- First M. Last      local D2 = "%22%20OR%20description%3A%22"..FIRST.."%20"..middleinitial.."%2E%20"..LAST      -- F. M. Last      local D3 = "%22%20OR%20description%3A%22"..firstinitial.."%2E%20"..middleinitial.."%2E%20"..LAST      -- Last, First Middle      local D4 = "%22%20OR%20description%3A%22"..LAST.."%2C%20"..FIRST.."%20"..MIDDLE      -- Last, First M.      local D5 = "%22%20OR%20description%3A%22"..LAST.."%2C%20"..FIRST.."%20"..middleinitial.."%2E"      local DALL = D1..D2..D3..D4..D5
      if sopt == "t" or sopt == "tx" then        return SALL .. CALL .. TALL .. DALL .. "%22"      else        -- Last, First        local S7 = "%22%20OR%20subject%3A%22"..LAST.."%2C%20"..FIRST        -- First Last        local S8 = "%22%20OR%20subject%3A%22"..FIRST.."%20"..LAST        local SALL = SALL..S7..S8        -- First Last        local C9 = "%22%20OR%20creator%3A%22"..FIRST.."%20"..LAST        -- Last, First        local C10 = "%22%20OR%20creator%3A%22"..LAST.."%2C%20"..FIRST        local CALL = CALL..C9..C10        -- First Last        local T4 = "%22%20OR%20title%3A%22"..FIRST.."%20"..LAST        local TALL = TALL..T4        -- First Last        local D6 = "%22%20OR%20description%3A%22"..FIRST.."%20"..LAST        -- Last, First        local D7 = "%22%20OR%20description%3A%22"..LAST.."%2C%20"..FIRST        local DALL = DALL..D6..D7
        return SALL .. CALL .. TALL .. DALL .. "%22"      end


function p.fourWords(N, sopt)

      local FIRST  = p.urlX(N[1])      local SECOND = p.urlX(N[2])      local THIRD  = p.urlX(N[3])      local LAST   = p.urlX(N[4])
      local firstinitial  = p.firstLetter(N[1])      local secondinitial  = p.firstLetter(N[2])      local thirdinitial = p.firstLetter(N[3])
      if sopt == "t" or sopt == "tx" then        -- Last, First Second Third        local S1 = "%28subject%3A%22"..LAST.."%2C%20"..FIRST.."%20"..SECOND.."%20"..THIRD        -- First Second Third Last        local S2 = "%22%20OR%20subject%3A%22"..FIRST.."%20"..SECOND.."%20"..THIRD.."%20"..LAST        -- Last, First Second Third        local C1 = "%22%20OR%20creator%3A%22"..LAST.."%2C%20"..FIRST.."%20"..SECOND.."%20"..THIRD        -- First Second Third Last        local C2 = "%22%20OR%20creator%3A%22"..FIRST.."%20"..SECOND.."%20"..THIRD.."%20"..LAST        -- First Second Third Last        local T1 = "%22%20OR%20title%3A%22"..FIRST.."%20"..SECOND.."%20"..THIRD.."%20"..LAST        -- First Second Third Last        local D1 = "%22%20OR%20description%3A%22"..FIRST.."%20"..SECOND.."%20"..THIRD.."%20"..LAST
        return S1..S2..C1..C2..T1..D1.."%22"      end
      -- Last, First Second Third      local S1 = "%28subject%3A%22"..LAST.."%2C%20"..FIRST.."%20"..SECOND.."%20"..THIRD      -- First Second Third Last      local S2 = "%22%20OR%20subject%3A%22"..FIRST.."%20"..SECOND.."%20"..THIRD.."%20"..LAST      -- Last, First Second Third      local C1 = "%22%20OR%20creator%3A%22"..LAST.."%2C%20"..FIRST.."%20"..SECOND.."%20"..THIRD      -- First Second Third Last      local C2 = "%22%20OR%20creator%3A%22"..FIRST.."%20"..SECOND.."%20"..THIRD.."%20"..LAST      -- Last, F. S. T.      local C3 = "%22%20OR%20creator%3A%22"..LAST.."%2C%20"..firstinitial.."%2E%20"..secondinitial.."%2E%20"..thirdinitial.."%2E"      -- First Second Third Last      local T1 = "%22%20OR%20title%3A%22"..FIRST.."%20"..SECOND.."%20"..THIRD.."%20"..LAST      -- First Second Third Last      local D1 = "%22%20OR%20description%3A%22"..FIRST.."%20"..SECOND.."%20"..THIRD.."%20"..LAST


-- ElasticSearch speed/resource problems if first letter of first word is "*" wildcard ie. accented letter-- Build special search in these cases.-- https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/current/query-dsl-query-string-query.html#_wildcards

function p.wildfix(N, count)

  --- Split along "-" and use only first word ie. John-Taylor-Smith becomes John  local NF = mw.text.split(N[1], "-")  local NL = mw.text.split(N[count], "-")
  -- ..but use full name for 1-word names  if count == 1 then    NF[1] = N[1]    NL[1] = N[1]  end    -- ((Fïrst OR First) AND (Lást OR Last))  return "%28%28%22" .. NF[1] .. "%22%20OR%20" .. p.ia_deaccent(NF[1]) .. "%29%20AND%20%28%22" .. NL[1] .. "%22%20OR%20" .. p.ia_deaccent(NL[1]) .. "%29"


-- Return 1 if the first letter of first word, or any single-letter word, is extended ascii

function p.wildcheck(N, count)

  -- first letter of first word is extended ascii  if N[1]:byte(1) < 32 or N[1]:byte(1) > 126 then return 1 end
  -- any single-letter word that is composed of only extended ascii  while i < count do    i = i + 1    if N[i]:len() == 1 then      if N[i]:byte(1) < 32 or N[i]:byte(1) > 126 then return 1 end    end  end  return 0


function trimArg(arg)

  if arg == "" or arg == nil then    return nil  else    return mw.text.trim(arg)  end


function p.mediaTypes(argsmedia)

  -- Added a default mediatype Dec 2015 due to too many false positives in the software mediatype, caused by birth-death dates catching numbers in source codes  local media = "-mediatype:software"
  if argsmedia ~="" and argsmedia ~=nil then    local medialist = mw.text.split(mw.text.trim(argsmedia), " ")    local al, acount = mw.ustring.gsub(mw.text.trim(argsmedia), "%S+", "")    local i = 0    repeat -- the following could be condensed but repetitive for clarity       i = i + 1      if(mw.ustring.lower(medialist[i]) == "text" or mw.ustring.lower(medialist[i]) == "texts") then        media = media .. p.ia_url_encode(" OR mediatype:texts")               end      if(mw.ustring.lower(medialist[i]) == "audio") then        media = media .. p.ia_url_encode(" OR mediatype:audio")      end      if(mw.ustring.lower(medialist[i]) == "video") then        media = media .. p.ia_url_encode(" OR mediatype:video")      end    until i == acount  end


-- Alt way to get b/d dates via getContent()

function p.bdDateAlt(argsbirth, argsdeath, name)

    local pagetext = nil    local birth = "none"    local death = "none"
    -- Load the page    local t = mw.title.new(name)    if(t.exists) then      pagetext = t:getContent()    end    if pagetext == nil then       return "Error"         end     -- Remove false positives    pagetext = mw.ustring.gsub( mw.ustring.gsub(pagetext, "", ""), ".-", "")     -- "Category:1900 births"     if argsbirth == "" or argsbirth == nil then      local birthcheck = mw.ustring.match(pagetext, "%[%[%s-[Cc]ategory:%s-%d+%.?%d*%s-births%s-%]%]" )      if birthcheck ~= nil then        birth = mw.ustring.match(birthcheck, "%d+%.?%d*")      else        birth = "none"      end    else      birth = mw.text.trim(argsbirth)    end
    -- "Category:2000 deaths"     if argsdeath == "" or argsdeath == nil then      local deathcheck = mw.ustring.match(pagetext, "%[%[%s-[Cc]ategory:%s-%d+%.?%d*%s-deaths%s-%]%]" )      if deathcheck ~= nil then        death = mw.ustring.match(deathcheck, "%d+%.?%d*")      else        death = "none"      end    else      death = mw.text.trim(argsdeath)    end


-- Get b/d dates via Wikidata.-- ‎

function p.bdDate(argsbirth, argsdeath, name)

  local pagetext = nil  local birth = "none"  local death = "none"
    entity = mw.wikibase.getEntityObject()  if not entity or not entity.claims then     -- Alternative if template not on a page in mainspace. This is needed since Wikidata can only be retrieved    -- for the article where the template is located.    return p.bdDateAlt(argsbirth, argsdeath, name)  end
  -- Note: The below uses formatPropertyValues() to get and format the date from Wikidata.  --       For an alternative method, see sandbox revision dated 5:58 am, 15 October 2014  if argsbirth == "" or argsbirth == nil then    local birthtable = entity:formatPropertyValues( 'P569' )    local birthsplit = mw.text.split(birthtable["value"], " ")    local l, count = mw.ustring.gsub(birthtable["value"], "%S+", "")    if count > 0 then      if string.find(birthsplit[count], "^%d") then        birth = birthsplit[count]      elseif string.find(birthsplit[count], "BCE") then        birth = birthsplit[count - 1]      elseif string.find(birthsplit[count], "BC") then        birth = birthsplit[count - 1]      elseif string.find(birthsplit[count], "AD") then        birth = birthsplit[count - 1]      end    end  else    birth = mw.text.trim(argsbirth)  end
  if argsdeath == "" or argsdeath == nil then    local deathtable = entity:formatPropertyValues( 'P570' )    local deathsplit = mw.text.split(deathtable["value"], " ")    local l, count = mw.ustring.gsub(deathtable["value"], "%S+", "")    if count > 0 then      if string.find(deathsplit[count], "^%d") then        death = deathsplit[count]      elseif string.find(deathsplit[count], "BCE") then        death = deathsplit[count - 1]      elseif string.find(deathsplit[count], "BC") then        death = deathsplit[count - 1]      elseif string.find(deathsplit[count], "AD") then        death = deathsplit[count - 1]      end    end  else    death = mw.text.trim(argsdeath)  end
  if birth == "none" and death == "none" then     -- Alternative if Wikidata is missing data    -- return p.bdDateAlt(name)    return birth .. " " .. death  else    return birth .. " " .. death  end


--- URL-encode special characters--- Note: this function was added later to deal with "&" characters instead of using p.ia_url_encode since--- that may break existing instances of the template.

function p.urlX(str)

  if (str) then    str = mw.ustring.gsub (str, "&", "%%26")  end  return str


--- URL-encode a string--- http://lua-users.org/wiki/StringRecipes

function p.ia_url_encode(str)

  if (str) then    str = mw.ustring.gsub (str, "\", "\\r\")    str = mw.ustring.gsub (str, "([^%w %-%_%.%~])",        function (c) return mw.ustring.format ("%%%02X", string.byte(c)) end)    str = mw.ustring.gsub (str, " ", "+")  end  return str	


-- Does str contain extended ascii? 1 = yes

function p.ia_extendedascii(str)

    for i = 1, str:len() do      if (str:byte(i) >= 32 and str:byte(i) <= 126) and str:byte(i) ~= 39 then -- 39 = "'"         --do nothing      else        return 1      end    end    return 0


-- UTF-8 aware replacement for string.sub() which doesn't support UTF-8.-- Note: Using instead of mw.ustring.sub() which I suspect(?) might be cause of intermittent error, and faster here for first-letter job.-- Source: prapin @ Stack Overflow http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13235091/extract-the-first-letter-of-a-utf-8-string-with-lua

function p.firstLetter(str)


-- Replace all extended ascii characters with wildcard '*'-- Replace "-" with eg. Pierre-Jean -> Pierre Jean

function p.ia_extendedascii2wildcard(str)

    local s = ""    local j = 0    local k = 0        for i = 1, str:len() do      k = str:byte(i)      if k >= 32 and k <= 126 then
-- For list of Lucene special characters needing to be escaped:-- http://lucene.apache.org/core/4_10_0/queryparser/org/apache/lucene/queryparser/classic/package-summary.html#Escaping_Special_Characters-- We only worry about - (45) and " (34) since the others are unlikely to appear in a proper name.-- Also ' (39) since it is sometimes the extended character ’
        if k == 34 or k == 39 then           s = s .. "*"         elseif k == 45 then          s = s .. " "        else          s = s .. str:sub(i,i)        end      else        if j == 1 then          s = s .. "*"          j = 2        end        if j == 0 then j = 1 end        if j == 2 then j = 0 end      end    end    return s


-- Replace accented letters with non-accented equivalent letters-- Note: this is not a complete list of all possible accented letters. It is-- all of the accented letters found in the first 10,000 names using-- the Internet Archive author template.

function p.ia_deaccent(str)

    s = mw.ustring.gsub(s, "á", "a")    s = mw.ustring.gsub(s, "a︡", "a")    s = mw.ustring.gsub(s, "Á", "A")    s = mw.ustring.gsub(s, "ă", "a")    s = mw.ustring.gsub(s, "â", "a")    s = mw.ustring.gsub(s, "æ", "ae")    s = mw.ustring.gsub(s, "Æ", "AE")    s = mw.ustring.gsub(s, "à", "a")    s = mw.ustring.gsub(s, "ā", "a")    s = mw.ustring.gsub(s, "Ā", "A")    s = mw.ustring.gsub(s, "ą", "a")    s = mw.ustring.gsub(s, "å", "a")    s = mw.ustring.gsub(s, "Å", "A")    s = mw.ustring.gsub(s, "ã", "a")    s = mw.ustring.gsub(s, "ä", "a")    s = mw.ustring.gsub(s, "Ä", "A")    s = mw.ustring.gsub(s, "β", "B")    s = mw.ustring.gsub(s, "ć", "c")    s = mw.ustring.gsub(s, "č", "c")    s = mw.ustring.gsub(s, "Č", "C")    s = mw.ustring.gsub(s, "ç", "c")    s = mw.ustring.gsub(s, "Ç", "C")    s = mw.ustring.gsub(s, "ĉ", "c")    s = mw.ustring.gsub(s, "ď", "d")    s = mw.ustring.gsub(s, "đ", "d")    s = mw.ustring.gsub(s, "é", "e")    s = mw.ustring.gsub(s, "É", "E")    s = mw.ustring.gsub(s, "ě", "e")    s = mw.ustring.gsub(s, "ê", "e")    s = mw.ustring.gsub(s, "è", "e")    s = mw.ustring.gsub(s, "È", "E")    s = mw.ustring.gsub(s, "ε", "e")    s = mw.ustring.gsub(s, "ē", "e")    s = mw.ustring.gsub(s, "Ē", "E")    s = mw.ustring.gsub(s, "ę", "e")    s = mw.ustring.gsub(s, "ð", "e")    s = mw.ustring.gsub(s, "ë", "e")    s = mw.ustring.gsub(s, "Ë", "E")    s = mw.ustring.gsub(s, "γ", "Y")    s = mw.ustring.gsub(s, "ħ", "h")    s = mw.ustring.gsub(s, "i︠a︡", "ia")    s = mw.ustring.gsub(s, "í", "i")    s = mw.ustring.gsub(s, "i︠", "i")    s = mw.ustring.gsub(s, "ĭ", "i")    s = mw.ustring.gsub(s, "Í", "I")    s = mw.ustring.gsub(s, "î", "i")    s = mw.ustring.gsub(s, "Î", "I")    s = mw.ustring.gsub(s, "ì", "i")    s = mw.ustring.gsub(s, "ī", "i")    s = mw.ustring.gsub(s, "ł", "i")    s = mw.ustring.gsub(s, "ï", "i")    s = mw.ustring.gsub(s, "Ï", "I")    s = mw.ustring.gsub(s, "ĺ", "I")    s = mw.ustring.gsub(s, "Ĺ", "L")    s = mw.ustring.gsub(s, "μ", "u")    s = mw.ustring.gsub(s, "µ", "u")    s = mw.ustring.gsub(s, "ń", "n")    s = mw.ustring.gsub(s, "ň", "n")    s = mw.ustring.gsub(s, "ņ", "n")    s = mw.ustring.gsub(s, "ñ", "n")    s = mw.ustring.gsub(s, "Ñ", "N")    s = mw.ustring.gsub(s, "ó", "o")    s = mw.ustring.gsub(s, "Ó", "O")    s = mw.ustring.gsub(s, "ô", "o")    s = mw.ustring.gsub(s, "œ", "oe")    s = mw.ustring.gsub(s, "ò", "o")    s = mw.ustring.gsub(s, "ō", "o")    s = mw.ustring.gsub(s, "ø", "o")    s = mw.ustring.gsub(s, "Ø", "o")    s = mw.ustring.gsub(s, "õ", "o")    s = mw.ustring.gsub(s, "ö", "o")    s = mw.ustring.gsub(s, "ő", "o")    s = mw.ustring.gsub(s, "Ö", "O")    s = mw.ustring.gsub(s, "φ", "o")    s = mw.ustring.gsub(s, "ŕ", "r")    s = mw.ustring.gsub(s, "ř", "r")    s = mw.ustring.gsub(s, "Ř", "R")    s = mw.ustring.gsub(s, "ß", "ss")    s = mw.ustring.gsub(s, "ś", "s")    s = mw.ustring.gsub(s, "Ś", "S")    s = mw.ustring.gsub(s, "š", "s")    s = mw.ustring.gsub(s, "ṣ", "s")    s = mw.ustring.gsub(s, "Š", "S")    s = mw.ustring.gsub(s, "ş", "s")    s = mw.ustring.gsub(s, "Ş", "S")    s = mw.ustring.gsub(s, "ŝ", "s")    s = mw.ustring.gsub(s, "σ", "s")    s = mw.ustring.gsub(s, "ť", "t")    s = mw.ustring.gsub(s, "ţ", "t")    s = mw.ustring.gsub(s, "τ", "t")    s = mw.ustring.gsub(s, "þ", "p")    s = mw.ustring.gsub(s, "Þ", "p")    s = mw.ustring.gsub(s, "ú", "u")    s = mw.ustring.gsub(s, "Ú", "U")    s = mw.ustring.gsub(s, "û", "u")    s = mw.ustring.gsub(s, "ù", "u")    s = mw.ustring.gsub(s, "ū", "u")    s = mw.ustring.gsub(s, "ů", "u")    s = mw.ustring.gsub(s, "ü", "u")    s = mw.ustring.gsub(s, "Ü", "U")    s = mw.ustring.gsub(s, "ŵ", "w")    s = mw.ustring.gsub(s, "ý", "y")    s = mw.ustring.gsub(s, "ŷ", "y")    s = mw.ustring.gsub(s, "¥", "y")    s = mw.ustring.gsub(s, "ÿ", "y")    s = mw.ustring.gsub(s, "Ÿ", "Y")    s = mw.ustring.gsub(s, "ź", "z")    s = mw.ustring.gsub(s, "Ž", "Z")    s = mw.ustring.gsub(s, "ž", "z")    s = mw.ustring.gsub(s, "ż", "z")    s = mw.ustring.gsub(s, "Ż", "Z")


return p





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