

词条 Module:Pseudo image
释义 --- This module is supposed to take all the normal File:/Image: parameters from the call--- to a parent template (though it will might use its own args in preference for debug purposes)--- and return them back one by one for use by a template. Most important, figure which is the caption.--- (This is a bit experimental - I haven't really used the parent .args much,--- and there's a chance the whole template will just get wrapped up into one Lua script in the end)--- usage: {{#invoke Pseudo-image:main|thumb}}, etc.

local p={}

function initialize(frame)

    local parent=frame:getParent() or {}    local args=frame.args or {}    local pargs=parent.args or {}    return args,pargs


function p.main(frame,query)

    local args,pargs=initialize(frame)    local query=query or args.query or pargs.query -- this leaves the door open for specifying query as a function    local showdebug=args.debug or pargs.debug -- wasn't shutting off under name "debug"...    local thumb,frame,px,float,border,vertical    local debuglog=#pargs or "no#pargs"    local debuglog=debuglog.."q="..tostring(query)    local floatoptions = {left=true,right=true,center=true,none=true}    local verticaloptions = {baseline=true,middle=true,sub=true,super=true,['text-top']=true,['text-bottom']=true,top=true,bottom=true}    local default = {float='right',vertical='middle'}    local output={}    debuglog=debuglog..tostring(default['float'])    for i, parm in ipairs(pargs) do            debuglog=debuglog..i..tostring(pargs[i])            local parm=pargs[i] or ""            parm=mw.ustring.match(parm,"^%s*(%S.*)$") or parm -- strip leading space (not sure if there can be any)            parm=mw.ustring.match(parm,"^(.*%S)%s*") or parm -- strip lagging space (" " ")            if parm == "thumb" or parm == "thumbnail" then                output.thumb = "yes"            elseif parm == "frame" then                output.frame = true            elseif floatoptions[parm] then                output.float = parm            elseif parm == "border" then                output.border = true -- technically this may need fine-tuning - does thumb with border make "border" the caption?            elseif verticaloptions[parm] then                output.vertical = parm            elseif mw.ustring.match(parm,"^(%d+)px$") then                output.px = mw.ustring.match(parm,"(%d+)px") -- there must be a better way to do this two-liner            elseif mw.ustring.match(parm,"^(%d*)x(%d+)px$") then                output.px,output.xpx = mw.ustring.match(parm,"^(%d*)x(%d+)px$") -- " "            else output.caption = output.caption or parm                 if output.caption == "" then output.caption = nil end -- for now I choose to auto-rescue if the caption isn't the first unidentified misc parameter            end -- the mess of cases    end -- for i,parms in ipairs(pargs)    for k,v in pairs(pargs) do        output[k]=v    end    for k,v in pairs(args) do --- note these allow the pseudo-parameters to be overridden in the Lua call        output[k]=v    end    if showdebug then return debuglog..tostring(default[query])..tostring(output[query]) else return output[query] or default[query] end


return p





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