

词条 Promontorium Agarum

  1. References

Promontorium Agarum is a raised mountainous cape protruding into the southeast of Mare Crisium on the near side of the Moon. It protrudes into the mare up to 40 km and its width is about 80 km. Its coordinates are {{coord|13.87|N|65.73|E|globe:moon}}.[1]

Promontorium Agarum was named in 1647 by Johannes Hevelius, who assigned names of terrestrial features to the lunar ones.[2][3] It obtained Ancient Greek name of a cape on the northern shore of the Sea of Azov[4] — probably, modern {{Interlanguage link multi|Berdiansk Spit|uk|3=Бердянська коса|lt=Berdiansk Spit}}[6] or {{Interlanguage link multi|Fedotova Spit|uk|3=Федотова коса|lt=Fedotova Spit}}.[7] It is one of only 4 features which still bear the names given by Hevelius.[3]


1. ^{{GPN|4838|Promontorium Agarum}}
2. ^{{cite book |chapter = Agarum prom., Agarus fl. |chapterurl= https://books.google.com/books?id=BV1iAAAAcAAJ&pg=PA20&dq=Agarum |title = The Classical Gazetteer: a Dictionary of Ancient Geography, Sacred and Profane |author = Hazlitt W. |place = London |publisher = Whittaker and Co. |year = 1851 |pages = 20}}
3. ^{{cite book |author =Hevelius J. |title =Selenographia sive Lunae descriptio |place =Gedani |publisher =Hünefeld |year =1647 |pages =226–227, 228 |doi =10.3931/e-rara-238 |url =http://www.e-rara.ch/zut/content/pageview/160524}} (Agarum, Promontorium is noted in the list of the names on p. 228)
4. ^{{cite book |chapter = RE:Akra 2 |title = Realencyclopädie der Classischen Altertumswissenschaft |author = Tomaschek W. |place = Stuttgart |publisher = Metzler |year = 1893–1980}}
5. ^{{cite book |chapter =Agari |chapterurl=http://www.perseus.tufts.edu/hopper/text?doc=Perseus:text:1999.04.0064:entry=agari-geo&highlight=agarum |title =Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography |editor =W. Smith |volume =Vol.I |place =Boston |publisher =Little, Brown, and Company |year =1854 |page =72}} ([https://books.google.com/books?id=9y0BAAAAQAAJ&pg=PA72&dq=Agarum on Google Books], [https://archive.org/stream/dictionarygreek01smitgoog#page/n87/mode/1up on archive.org])
6. ^{{cite book |title =Mapping and Naming the Moon: A History of Lunar Cartography and Nomenclature |author =Whitaker E. A. |publisher=Cambridge University Press |year =2003 |isbn =9780521544146 |url =https://books.google.com/books?id=aV1i27jDYL8C&pg=PA209dq=Agarum |pages =201, 209 |bibcode =2003mnm..book.....W}}

1 : Mountains on the Moon





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