

词条 Sergey Danilochkin

  1. Life and career

  2. Authorship of scholarly books or articles (in scholarly journals with international circulation) in the field

     List of articles  Other scientific journals and textbooks 

  3. References

{{Multiple issues|{{BLP sources|date=March 2014}}{{Orphan|date=June 2014}}{{cleanup|reason=This article appears to have been written by someone for whom English may not be their primary language or it may be a rough translation. The charts also need to be condensed|date=July 2015}}{{confusing|date=July 2015}}

Sergey Danilochkin (Russian:Сергей Данилочкин, born 24 June 1971) – is the doctor of economical sciences, writer, engineer till entities of carriages (logistics), engineer – economist, correspondent member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences.

Life and career

He was born in 1971, in Kazakhstan.

In 1992 he graduated from the St.Petersburg Military higher school of military messages and railway troops with appropriation of proficiency engineer till entities of carriages (logistics).

In 1994 he graduated from the Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University) with appropriation of proficiency engineer - economist.

In 1996 he defended a thesis on competition of scientific degree of the candidate of economical sciences.

Since 1996 pre 2009 he worked in a Ural mining-metallurgical company and other, large companies as the mainmast head - manager.

In 2004 he was awarded the Gold Medal of Peter the Great in the revival of science and economics in Russia

In 2000 he was admitted to the correspondent member of Russian Academy of Natural Sciences.

In 2010 he defended his doctoral thesis on the methodology dividend enterprise management industry in Russia. From 2009 to 2013 he worked as a professor at the Department of Economics and Finance, Humanities Institute Odintsovo.

Writer of series of the publications on toolkit of justification, of management decision in the field of microeconomics and dividend enterprise management. The basic spheres of professional competency - statistical analysis, systematization of business-processes, project and financial management. The founder of controlling in Russia. Author of more than 50 scientific works. The founder of the dividend control.

Preparation of the main prizes and awards for outstanding achievements
  1. In 2000, Russian Academy of Natural Science under the Character Academy elected Danilochkin Sergey Member-Correspondent Academy by section noosphere knowledge and technology
  2. In 2004, awarded the gold medal of Peter I
  3. In 2004, awarded the Diploma Paper for Merit in the revival of science and economics in Russia
Published material in professional publications written by others about the alien in the field of science

Reviews of the scientific papers presented at Danilochkin Sergei other sites

  1. http://sarmedinfo.ru/list/3768{{dead link|date=May 2018 |bot=InternetArchiveBot |fix-attempted=yes }}
  2. http://famous-scientists.ru/list/3768
  3. http://socionet.ru/publication.xml?h=repec:rus:hseecb:83395&l=en
  4. http://yadi.sk/d/bT1nA1lNEc2u7
  5. http://yadi.sk/d/U7biyAy_Ec3hn
  6. http://yadi.sk/d/6udNCqs2Ec3jx
  7. http://yadi.sk/d/DJSKXz1XEc3mU
Participation, either on a panel or individually as a judge of other people in the same or related field of science

Participation as an opponent of dissertation research at the scientific council 05.02.22 – «Организация производства» on specific topics from the Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University) MAI


Original scientific and scholarly research contributions in the field of

Results of the study were implemented dividend management in JSC "RUSAL Global MENEDZHENT BV" Russia (Moscow) allyuminivaya industry, JSC "MOROTOSTROITEL" Russia Samara - Aircraft engine, NP "Russian Community of Cotton" Russia Moscow Textiles


Monography is created with usage of results of research, which has been backed up by Russian humanitarian scientific fund (project № 08-02-00256 “Research and forecasting of results of activity of hi-tech industrial corporations as primary factor of improvement of quality of growth of domestic economy”).

Authorship of scholarly books or articles (in scholarly journals with international circulation) in the field

№ n/n Name of book Abstract in English Publishing house Edition Reviewers Address
1 Controlling as a management tool the enterprise The book is dedicated Controlling - the modern concept of business management, coordinating and integrating the efforts of various services and departments to achieve their goals. Much attention is paid to the management company profits as well as methods to avoid bankruptcy and crisis situations. Considered a range of issues related to the implementation of the objectives of the enterprise process : planning, budgeting, management accounting analysis and control of deviations of actual performance from the plan, the development of optimal management decisions .

For managers, employees, financial and economic services companies, banks, investment companies, as well as

for professionals and students studying economics and management.

UNITY 20000 http://book.tr200.net/v.php?id=269313


2 Methodological problems dividend enterprise management industry in Russia Presents basic methodological construction of the dividend transactions in relation to the conditions of modern Russian business in the industrial sector . Consideration of issues of strategic management of the dividend is in line with the interpretation of their environment as a system of active adaptive systems - sustainable business community in a nonuniform counter control . A set of basic methodological, instrumental and methodological design decisions with respect to the object- oriented and object- intelligent control system. As the object of dividend control ¬ steps you typed Russian venture industry.

For scientists, designers control systems for complex organizational and economic object ¬ E and managers at all levels, domestic and foreign businessmen, the staff of the federal and regional governments, university students of economic specialties, specialists, receiving the second economic education, students of retraining and training ; applicants master, master's and doctoral degrees; enrolled in an MBA and MBI

Russia, Moscow, Publishers “KnoRus” 510 Reviewers: Doctor of Economics, Professor VV Pimenov; Department "Economics and Finance" and the department "Management Company" Institute for Advanced Training in Aerospace Engineering (EPC "Mashpribor")(Doctor of Engineering, Professor AI Kostrykin, Ph.D., Associate Professor VM Zworykin;PhD, associate professor of TI Rozov) http://www.pandia.ru/text/78/209/91806-3.php


3 Dividend Management Concerning Russian Industry Enterprise Base designs of the system analysis and system of attitudes regarding dividend operations with reference to conditions of modern Russian business in industrial sphere are stated. Consideration of problematics of strategic dividend managements is car¬ried out within the limits of interpretation of environment of their carrying out as systems of active adaptive systems - steady enter¬prise community in conditions of non-uniform counter management. Complex of baseline methodological, toolkit and methodical de¬sign solutions in a ratio object- and subject-oriented (aspect-oriented) intellectual managing system is proposed. As object of divi¬dend management Russian industrial firm was posed Russia, Moscow, Publishers “KnoRus”, 2009 - 116p 510 reviewers:Doctor of Economics, Professor VV Pimenov;Department "Economics and Finance" and the department "Management Company" Institute for Advanced Training in Aerospace Engineering (EPC "Mashpribor")(Doctor of Engineering, Professor AI Kostrykin, Ph.D., Associate Professor VM Zworykin;PhD, associate professor of TI Rozov) http://yadi.sk/d/U7biyAy_Ec3hn http://yadi.sk/d/bT1nA1lNEc2u7
4 Dividend management enterprise Outlines the basic structure of the system analysis and relationships in terms of dividend ¬ relatively operations applicable to the modern Russian entre ¬ ment in the industrial sector. A set of basic methodological, instrumental and methodological design decisions with respect to the object-oriented and object-intelligent control system. As the object of dividend control advocates typed Russian industrial enterprises Publisher ANOO VPO "Odincovskiy Humanities Institute" 500 https://books.google.com/books/about/%D0%94%D0%B8%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BD%D0%B4%D0%BD%D0%BE%D0%B5_%D1%83%D0%BF%D1%80%D0%B0%D0%B2%D0%BB%D0%B5%D0%BD.html?id=8EKrkQEACAAJ&redir_esc=y

List of articles

№ n/n Name of article Abstract by English Edition Address
1 Economic optimization Transformations * Transformatsiy, integration, absorption, separation enterprises carried out in order to improve production efficiency. Article shows the impact of the above on the performance indicator such as profit margin financing cash flows. Magazine-Russian business № 5,2001,0,6 p.s. http://www.creativeconomy.ru/
2 Substantial statement and formalization of problem of dividend policy optimization * Presents a systematic shape optimization problem of the dividend policy of the majority party of the modern Russian industrial enterprises Federal State Budget Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education «Siberian State Aerospace University» № 6(13),2006 http://www.vestnik.sibsau.ru/
3 Conceptual interpretation and classification dividend policies in terms of net profit* Considered view of Dividend policy as a prerequisite and a special kind of administrative decision members of the legal person in respect of net profit. Shows the classification of dividend policy with respect to the administrative decision Magazine-Information, Resources, Supply, Competition №3, 2009 http://www.risk-online.ru/
4 Conceptual problems of formation of intercompany dividend policy * The article presents

the problem of formation of intercompany dividend policy depending on the strategic goals of the participants holding

Series: The development of sectoral and regional governance № 31,2009 http://www.guu.ru/
5 Organizational and economic mechanism dividend enterprise management* Organizational and economic mechanism is considered a dividend in terms of enterprise management conflict environment Landlord Editorial council of magazine «Transport business of Russia» №1, 2010 http://www.morvesti.ru/
6 A two- dividend business management* Management issue highlighted compromise optimization of the share of net profits allocated to the payment of business members Magazine «Transport business of Russia» № 11, 2009 http://www.morvesti.ru/
7 The establishment and application of the system of formation of dividend management decisions* The paper presents the principles of managerial decisions in the field of enterprise management dividend in current economic conditions Magazine-Gazette of the State University of Management.Series: The development of sectoral and regional governance № 35,2009http://www.guu.ru/
8 Conceptual framework for the establishment and application of the formation of object-oriented dividend management * This article contains the concept of creating and using object- oriented dividend management in industrial enterprises Russia Magazine «Transport business of Russia» № 12, 2009 http://www.morvesti.ru/
9 Interpretation and typology of dividend policy * The article presents the interpretation and typology of dividend policy in respect of industrial enterprises and their strategies with respect to net income Magazine-Gazette of the State University of Management. Series: The development of sectoral and regional governance № 1,2010 http://www.guu.ru/
10 Basic components forming technology dividend policy * Highlighted and discussed a number of methodological problems justify specialized management decisions constituting intercompany dividend policy. Shown reducible to the problem of managerial problems of compromise optimization the benefit of management subjects with conflicting interests Magazine-Information, Resources, Supply, Competition №1, 2010 http://www.risk-online.ru/
11 Methodological problems of formation of dividend policy with the establishment of the modern Russian industry Addresses a number of basic methodological aspects of enterprise management industry in Russia by the participants in the allocation of profit goes to the dividend policy Collection of scientific articles “Conceptual problems of management of enterprises and corporations» the Moscow Aviation Institute (Research University)2008 http://www.book.ru/
12 Organizational and economic mechanism of formation and implementation of the reorganization of object-oriented dividend policy * The basic structural and procedural shape of the conceptual mechanism, generating of dividend policy concerning the modern Russian enterprise- the commercial organization is offered Magazine Controlling, №1 2010http://www.controlling.ru/, section magazin
13 Typing managerial situation dividend enterprise management* Refer typing management situations dividend enterprise management strategies depending on the dividend policy Magazine-Gazette of the State University of Management.Series: The development of sectoral and regional governance № 2, 2010 http://www.guu.ru/
14 A dividend management stable equilibrium state of ecological systems Article illustrates the concept of dividend enterprise management based on sustainable ecological systems Proceedings of the International Conference “Sustainable development of municipal educational systems: Theory and Practice Odintsovo www.ogi
15 Formation dividend strategy The paper presents the principles and methods of forming the dividend strategy in enterprises in a globalized economy Central Economics and Mathematic institute RAS 11-Russian symposium ,2010 Cemi.rss.ru
16 Signs of the crisis to anticipate and fight Shows the classification of causes of the crisis and identified ways to prevent them Newspaper Economy and Life №22. 2009 date=March 2018 |bot=InternetArchiveBot |fix-attempted=yes }}
17 Controlling Performance Of the company The mechanism controlling performance of the company such as profit share market dividends gross output Newspaper Economy and Life №42. 2009 date=March 2018 |bot=InternetArchiveBot |fix-attempted=yes }}
18 The mechanism of managing innovative municipal formation Non-profit organization "The association of controllers" The article presents the peculiarities of the management of innovation development of municipal education in the modern business environment, taking into account the economic and administrative mechanisms http://www.controlling.ru/
  • - magazine VAK

Journal is included in the list of the leading peer-reviewed scientific journal and publications recommended WAC Ministry of Education and Science for publication of the main results of dissertation research. This journal must meet specific requirements: must be all-Russian and known to the scientific community and to publish at least once a 2 god, significant circulation and enter into the Russian catalog. Materials published in the journal are scientific expertise.

Other scientific journals and textbooks

№ n/n Name of work Publishing house
1 Methodological problems of formation of dividend policy with the establishment of the modern Russian industry Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University)MAI http://mai.ru/
2 Dividend enterprise management. Study Guide OGI Odincovskiy Humanities Institute


3 Collection of practical situations in the course "Controlling" OGI Odincovskiy Humanities Institute


4 Business Process Reengineering M-Abstracts. Aerospace congress.1977
5 Dividend management stable equilibrium state environmental system.M.;-Materials International Practical conference .Sustainable development of municipal educational systems: theory and practice OrgServis 2000
6 How many live my business Times
7 Signs of the crisis: Anticipate and fight Economics and Life http://www.eg-online.ru/
8 Controlling performance Economics and Life http://www.eg-online.ru/
9 Formation dividend strategii.11 th Russian Symposium "Strategic planning and development of enterprises'" April 2010 CEMI Central Economics and Mathematics Institute, RAS www.cemi.rssi.ru/
10 Soft model behavioral strategies in the management controller enterprise. Material scientific conference OGI Odincovskiy Humanities Institute http://odinuni.ru/
11 Methodological guidelines for a business game on the course "Management" a dividend relating to enterprise management OGI Odincovskiy Humanities Institute http://odinuni.ru/
12 Methodological guidelines for a business game on the course "Controlling" Related Centers responsibility OGI Odincovskiy Humanities Institute http://odinuni.ru/
13 Methodical instructions to learning course "Controlling" by DSO OGI Odincovskiy Humanities Institute http://odinuni.ru/


  1.   Danilochkin S.V. Finance Director, Stupino Metallurgical Company Public Joint Stock Company
  2.   Danilochkin S.V. Extended abstract of PhD dissertation (Economy). Russian Correspondence Institute of Textile and Light Industry, Moscow, 2010. (in Russian)
  3.   Danilochkin S.V. at the Network encyclopedia "Russian scientists "(in Russian)
{{DEFAULTSORT:Danilochkin, Sergey}}

4 : Living people|1971 births|Corresponding Members of the Russian Academy of Sciences|Russian economists





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