

词条 Smuglyanka

  1. Lyrics

  2. References

Smuglyanka ({{lang-ru|Смуглянка}} "the dark girl", from смуглый "dark, swarthy"; also {{lang|ru|Смуглянка-Молдаванка}} Smuglyanka-Moldovanka "the dark Moldovan girl" (brunette)) is a Russian song written in 1940 by Yakov Shvedov (lyrics) and Anatoliy Grigorevich Novikov (music). It was commissioned by the Kiev Military District{{'}}s political office for the District Song and Dance Ensemble, as part of a suite in honour of Grigory Kotovsky, leader of two Moldovan rebellions in Bessarabia Governorate against the Russian Empire in 1905 and 1915. It is written in the style of a Moldovan folk song.

The song was intended to glorify the female partisans of the Russian Civil War. The lyrics tell how the singer met a pretty girl gathering grapes and tried to seduce her, but how the girl turns out to be a partisan, and convinces him to join the partisans as well.

The song was not performed as part of the suite as it was considered too frivolous. In 1940, songs composed for the troops on the front were supposed to be about revenge and victory. By 1942, fashions had changed, and songs with more romantic or lyrical themes were accepted by the military, so Novikov decided to re-release a revised version of the song. But it was again shelved for another two years, and its first performance came in 1944, in the Tchaikovsky Concert Hall in Moscow, by the Alexandrov Ensemble, with soloist Nikolaiy Ustinov. It was an immediate success, and had to be repeated three times as the audience requested encores. Because the song became famous outside of its original context of the Kotovsky Suite, it was taken as a reference to the then-contemporary Soviet partisans of the Great Patriotic War (WWII). Goncharova (2010) notes that the image of the pretty Moldovan partisan is a lyrical fantasy, as out of some 3,000 known Soviet partisans active in Moldova, only seven were ethnic Moldovans.

Smuglyanka was used in the 1973 Soviet film Only "Old Men" Are Going to Battle ({{lang|ru|В бой идут одни "старики"}}), an "easy movie about love, airplanes and girls" (Goncharova 2010). In the film, a young fighter pilot introduces the song to his squadron and so gets nicknamed "the dark girl". The film was first shown on 27 December 1973. Hero of the Soviet Union Alexander Pokryshkin was reportedly wiping his eyes as the lights came back on. The film became a blockbuster, seen by 54 million viewers within five months, and Smuglyanka as a consequence became known throughout the Soviet Union, entering the standard repertoire of Russian folk songs. Shvedov had not been told about the use of his song in the film, and learned about it from movie-going friends.


Как-то летом, на рассвете,

Заглянул в соседний сад.

Там смуглянка-молдаванка

Собирает виноград.

Я краснею, я бледнею,

Захотелось вдруг сказать:

— Станем над рекою

Зорьки летние встречать!

Припев × 2:

Раскудрявый клён зелёный – лист резной.

Я влюблённый и смущённый пред тобой.

Клён зелёный, да клён кудрявый,

Да раскудрявый, резной.

А смуглянка-молдаванка

Отвечала парню в лад:

— Партизанский, молдаванский

Собираем мы отряд.

Нынче рано партизаны

Дом покинули родной.

Ждёт тебя дорога

К партизанам в лес густой.

Припев × 2:

Раскудрявый клён зелёный – лист резной.

Здесь у клёна мы расстанемся с тобой.

Клён зелёный, да клён кудрявый,

Да раскудрявый, резной.

И смуглянка-молдаванка

По тропинке в лес ушла.

В том обиду я увидел,

Что с собой не позвала.

О смуглянке-молдаванке

Часто думал по ночам …

Вдруг свою смуглянку

Я в отряде повстречал.

Припев × 2:

Раскудрявый клён зелёный – лист резной.

Здравствуй, парень, мой хороший, мой родной!

Клён зелёный, да клён кудрявый,

Да раскудрявый, резной.

Kak-to letom, na rassvete

Zaglianul v sosedniy sad.

Tam smuglianka-moldavanka

Sobirayet vinograd.

Ia krasneiu, Ia bledneyu,

Zakhotelos vdrug skazat:

Stanem nad rekoyu

Zorki letniye vstrechat!

Chorus × 2:

Raskudriavy klion zeliony, list reznoy,

Ia vliublionny i smushchenny pred toboy

Klion zeliony, da klion kudriavy,

Da raskudriavy, reznoy!

A smuglianka-moldavanka

Otvechala parnyu v lad:

— Partizanski, moldavanskii

Sobiraem mij otriad.

Nynche rano partizany

Dom pokinuli rodnoy.

Zhdiot tebia doroga

K partizanam v les gustoy.

Chorus × 2:

Raskudriavy klion zelyony, list reznoy,

Zdies u kliona mij rastanemsya s toboy,

Klen zelyony, da klen kudriavy,

Da raskudriavy, reznoy!

I smuglianka-moldavanka

Po tropinke v les ushla.

V tom obidu ia uvidel,

Shto s soboj ne pozvala.

O smuglianke-moldavanke

Chasto dumal po nocham...

Vdrug svoyu smuglianku

Ia v otriade povstrechal.

Chorus x2:

Raskudriavy klion zelyony, list reznoy,

Zdrastvuy, paren, moi khoroshi, moi rodnoy!

Klen zelyony, da klen kudriavy,

Da raskudriavy, reznoy!

One summer, at dawn,

I glanced into the neighboring garden.

There a dark woman, a Moldovan

Was picking grapes.

I blushed, I grew pale,

I suddenly wanted to say

"Let's go greet summer dawns

over the river!"

Chorus × 2:

The maple, all curly and green, its leaves as if carved!

I'm in love and abashed in front of you.

The maple is green and curly,

and curly and carved!

But the dark woman, the Moldovan

Said to the lad:

"We are recruiting for a Moldovan partisan squad.

Early today the partisans

left their homes.

The road is awaiting you,

the road to the partisans in the deep forest."

Chorus × 2:

The maple all curly and green, its leaves as if carved!

Here, under the maple, we will part.

The maple is green and curly,

and all curly and carved.

And the dark woman, the Moldovan

Took the footpath into the forest.

I was hurt

Because she did not ask me to come with her

Of the dark one, the Moldovan

I often thought at night …

Then unexpectedly

My dark woman and I met again in the squad!

Chorus × 2:

The maple is curly and green,

its leaves as if carved.

Hello, my dear, my good lad!

The maple is green and curly,

all curly and carved.


  • Yuliya Goncharova (Юлия Гончарова, Shvedov's granddaughter) [https://web.archive.org/web/20130317112342/http://www.mk.ru/culture/article/2010/05/04/481936-smuglyanku-ne-puskali-na-front.html "Смуглянку" не пускали на фронт]. Moskovskij Komsomolets № 25343, 5 May 2010.
  • {{cite video |people= |date= {{date|3 Sep 2011}}|title= Red Army Choir: Smuglianka.|url= https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n7hHlh2IusY|format= |medium= |language= |trans-title= |publisher= |location= |archiveurl= |archivedate= |accessdate= {{date|17 May 2012}}|time= |id= |isbn= |oclc= |quote= |ref= }}
  • {{cite video |people= |date= {{date|21 Aug 2014}}|title=Smuglianka. |url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qeFjn-oiE2g&list=RDP1L-Jfhq2IQ&index=6|format= |medium= |language= |trans-title=보천보전자악 |publisher= |location= |archiveurl= |archivedate= |accessdate= {{date|8 May 2017}}|time= |id= |isbn= |oclc= |quote= |ref= }}
  • [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E9JOGUK5jyw&t=118s Smuglyanka in the Soviet film Only "Old Men" Are Going to Battle] (min. 1:58)

4 : Soviet songs|Russian folk songs|Russian military songs|1940 songs





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