

词条 Tatar slave raids in East Slavic lands

  1. Causes

     Economic factors  Political factors 

  2. Military

     The theater of war  Tactics 

  3. The fate of the captives

     On the steppe  In Crimea and Turkey 

  4. Resistance to the raids

     Russia  Poland–Lithuania 

  5. In folk culture

  6. Historians on the Tatar raids

  7. List of raids

     Outline  1480–1506 Raids on Belarus and northwest Ukraine  1507–1570  1571–1599 Moscow burned  1600–1648  Wars 1648-1709  1648-1655: Khmelnitsky Uprising  1657-1663 Vyhovsky and the Poles  1664-1672 Doroshenko  1672-1679 Turkish period  1677–1699 Push south  1700–1769 Poltava and after 

  8. See also

  9. Sources

  10. Notes

  11. External links

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The Tatars of the Crimean Khanate and the Nogai Horde conducted slave raids in the East Slavic territories controlled by the Russia{{efn|Russia underwent a series of political changes in the period of the raids. The Grand Duchy of Moscow brought all Russian lands under its control and became the Tsardom of Russia in 1547. From 1721, following the reforms of Peter the Great, it was the Russian Empire.}} and the Lithuania.{{efn|From 1569, Lithuania was in union with Poland as the Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth.}} These raids began after Crimea became independent about 1441[1] and lasted until the peninsula came under Russian control in 1774.[2]

Their main purpose was the capture of slaves,[3] most of whom were exported to the Ottoman slave markets in Constantinople or elsewhere in the Middle East. The raids were an important drain of the human and economic resources of eastern Europe. They largely inhabited the "Wild Fields" – the steppe and forest-steppe land which extends from a hundred or so miles south of Moscow to the Black Sea and which now contains most of the Russian and Ukrainian population. The raids also played an important role in the development of the Cossacks.[4][5][6][7]

Estimates of the number of people involved vary: according to Alan W. Fisher the number of people deported from the Slavic lands on both sides of the border during the 14th to 17th centuries was about 3 million.[8] Michael Khodarkhovsky estimates that 150,000 to 200,000 people were abducted from Russia in the first 50 years of the 17th century.[9]

The first major Tatar raid for slaves occurred in 1468 and was directed into south-eastern border of Poland.[10] Crimean Khan Devlet I Giray even managed to burn down Moscow during the 1571 campaign.[11] The last raid into Hungary by the Crimean Tatars took place in 1717.[12] In 1769 a last major Tatar raid, which took place during the Russo-Turkish War, saw the capture of 20,000 slaves.[13]

{{quotation|What made the "wild field" so forbidding were the Tatars. Year after year, their swift raiding parties swept down on the towns and villages to pillage, kill the old and frail, and drive away thousands of captives to be sold as slaves in the Crimean port of Kaffa, a city often referred to by Russians as "the vampire that drinks the blood of Rus'...For example, from 1450 to 1586, eighty-six raids were recorded, and from 1600 to 1647, seventy. Although estimates of the number of captives taken in a single raid reached as high as 30,000, the average figure was closer to 3000...In Podilia alone, about one-third of all the villages were devastated or abandoned between 1578 and 1583.[4]|Orest Subtelny}}


Economic factors

Most of the raids fell on territory of today's Russia and Ukraine – lands previously divided between Muscovy and Lithuania, although some fell on Moldavia and Circassia (North Caucasus). A considerable part of the male population of Crimea took part in these campaigns.[15]

The main economic goal of the raids was booty, some of it material, but most of it human. These human trade goods were mostly sold on to the Ottoman Empire, although some remained in Crimea. Slaves and freedmen formed approximately 75% of the Crimean population.[14] According to the Encyclopædia Britannica, "It is known that for every slave the Crimeans sold in the market, they killed outright several other people during their raids, and a couple more died on the way to the slave market."[14] The main slave market was Caffa which after 1475 was part of the coastal strip of Crimea that belonged to the Ottomans. In the 1570s close to 20,000 slaves a year went on sale in Caffa.[15]

Political factors

{{see also|Russo-Crimean Wars|Russo-Turkish Wars|Muscovite–Lithuanian Wars|Polish–Ottoman Wars}}

The Crimean Khanate broke off from the Golden Horde in 1441. When the Horde came to an end in 1502 the buffer between Crimea and its northern neighbors disappeared. The Khans took advantage of the conflicts between Lithuania and Moscow, allying now with one, then with the other, and using the alliance with one as a justification to attack the other. During the Russo-Lithuanian War of 1500–1506 the Crimeans were allied with Russia and penetrated deep into Lithuania. Relations soon deteriorated. Near continuous raids on Muscovy began in 1507.[5][11]


The theater of war

At the beginning of this period, between the Crimean Khanate and the Duchy of Moscow lay almost 700 miles of thinly populated grassland, the so-called Wild Fields. The Oka River, 40 miles south of Moscow, was both the principal and last line of defense. It was guarded by the Beregovaya Sluzhba ("river-bank service"). This continued to exist even after the construction of the Belgorod Line far to the south. Its troops rarely crossed the Oka, even when there were massive Tatar attacks on the fortresses to the south.[5]

Between Muscovy and Crimea there were three main routes also known as trails. To avoid fords they generally followed the high ground between one river basin and another.[16]

  • The Muravsky Trail was the western route. It began at the headwaters of the Samara River (Dnieper) and tended north-northwest across tributaries Seversky Donets River. It then crossed to the watershed of the Vorskla River to the east of the Belgorod area. In the steppe north of Belgorod, at the sources of the Donets, Pel and Donetz-Seymitsa there is a place called Dumchy Kurgan. Here the trail split. The main branch went northeast and at the headwaters of the Seym River joined the Izyumsky Trail. To the west the Bekaev Trail went between the Seym River and the Psyol River and the Pakhnutsky Trail went northwest to the upper reaches of the Oka River.
  • The Izyumsky Trail, like the Muravsky Trail, started at the upper reaches to the Samara but went directly north to Izyum-kurgan where the Tatars crossed the Donets. It then passed west of Oskol River and at the headwaters of the Wolf River and the Nezhegol River there was a branch to the east which led to the Oskol Basin and the Kalmius Trail. Continuing further between the Korocha River and the upper right tributaries of the Oskol the Izyumsky Trail connected to the Muravsky Trail at the sources of the Seym River. The villages of the Belgorod District were to the west and those of the Oscol District were to the east. North of the junction the trail led north and crossed to the basin of the Bystraya Sosna River. Having crossed this river the Tatars could turn to the Zusha River – a tributary of the Oka – and the Novosil, Mtsensk and Chernsky districts, or cross to the upper reaches of the Mecha River and the villages around Tula.
  • The Kalmius Trail began east of the other two at the upper Kalmius River north of the Sea of Azov. The Tatars crossed the Donets River west of Aidar and headed the north between the Oskol River and the Aidar River passing east of Valuyki. They usually crossed the Tikhaya Sosna River at Stone Ford, but there were other crossings. Further north Trail forded the Bystraya Sosna River.

In addition to these three steppe trails there were others, usually connected to the main three. The Savinsky Trail crossed the Donets above Izyum-Kurgan and connected with the Izyumsky Trail. East of the three main trails was the Nogai Trail which was used by the independent Nogais who lived in the Caspian and Kuban region. It crossed the upper Bityug River between Voronezh and the Tsna River. All to the Tatar invasion routes tended to follow the high and dry lands between river basins to avoid river crossings, swamps and forests. The raiding parties were always accompanied by guides who knew the steppe country, the easiest fords and best camping places.


According to the 16th century English diplomat Giles Fletcher, the Elder, the Tatars{{which|date=February 2016}} would split into several groups, attack one or two places on the border and then direct their main attack to another place that had been left undefended.{{citation needed|date=February 2016}} They fought in small groups. They would sometimes mount straw dummies on their spare horses to make themselves appear more numerous. According to the 16th century French mercenary Jacques Margeret, 20,000–30,000 Tatar horsemen would attack the main Russian force while other troops would devastate the Russian lands and return without suffering much damage. They deliberately spread false rumors about their strength and plans.

The French engineer Beauplan, who had participated in the war against them, gave a good description of Tatar tactics in the 1630s and 1640s in what is now Ukraine. He said that the Tatars looked oriental and could be easily distinguished from the Russians and Poles. A Tatar horseman was armed with a saber, bow and quiver with 18–20 arrows. On his belt was a knife, an awl and a flint for making fires. He also carried 10 or 12 yards of rope to tie up prisoners. They were skilled horsemen and each man usually had two spare horses.

When crossing a river they loaded their clothing and equipment on a light raft, tied it to a horse and crossed the river swimming, holding on to the horse's mane. Both large and small groups raided in summer. Winter raids were rare, but always involved large numbers of warriors. When they reached a populated area, groups of several hundred split off from the main body. These spread out through the countryside and surrounded villages. So that no one would escape at night they lit large fires. They then robbed, burned and slaughtered and carried away not only men, women and children, but bulls, cows, goats and sheep.

The fate of the captives

On the steppe

The condition of the captives as they were being carried to the Crimea was very difficult. Held in bondage, divided into small groups, hands tied behind their backs with rawhide straps, tied to wooden poles with ropes around their necks. held at the end of a rope, surrounded by and tied to horsemen, they were driven by whips across the steppe without stopping. The weak and infirm often had their throats cut so they would not delay the march. They were often fed the meat of worn-out horses.

Reaching the lower Dnieper where they were relatively safe from Cossacks, the Tatars let their horses graze freely while they set about dividing the captives each of whom had been marked with a hot iron. Having received their slaves as inalienable property each Tatar could do with them as he wished. According to Sigismund von Herberstein, "the old and infirm, who were not worth much money, were given to the Tatar youths like rabbits to hunting dogs for their first military practice and were either stoned to death, or thrown into the sea or killed in some other way."

Here are the words of Duke Antoine de Gramont who was with the Polish-Tatar army during the campaign of King John Casimir on the Left Bank Ukraine in 1663–1664 when, according to him, about 20,000 were captured. "The Tatars slit the throats of all men over 60 years old who were thought to be incapable of work, forty-year-olds were saved for the galleys, young boys for their pleasure and girls and women to continue their kind and then later to be sold. The prisoners were divided equally and lots were cast according to age so that no one could complain that he had gotten more old ones than young. To their credit I must say that they were not stingy with their booty and with extreme politeness offered it to all who came their way."

In Crimea and Turkey

In Crimea they were driven to the slave market and placed in single file, bound together by the neck. The buyers carefully inspected the slaves, starting with their exterior appearance and ending with intimate parts of their bodies, to be sure that there were no missing or blackened teeth, warts, bumps or other imperfections. Beautiful girls were especially valued.

The main slave market was at Caffa which after 1475 belonged to the Ottoman Empire. The town had artillery and a strong garrison of Janissaries. Besides Caffa, slaves were sold in Karasubazar, Tuzleri, Bakhchysarai and Khazleve. Slave dealers came from various backgrounds: Turks, Arabs, Greeks, Armenians and others. For the right to trade they paid tax to the Crimean Khan and Turkish Pasha. In Caffa there were sometimes as many as 30,000 slaves, mostly from Muscovy and the southeastern lands of the Commonwealth. Ruthenian slaves were slightly more valuable than those from Muscovy since the latter were considered treacherous and likely to run away.[17]

Michalon Litvin described Caffa as "an insatiable and lawless abyss, drinking our blood." Besides the bad food, water, clothing and shelter, they were subjected to exhausting labor and abuse. According to Litvin "the stronger slaves were castrated, others had their noses and ears slit and were branded on the forehead or cheek. By day they were tormented with forced labor and at night kept in dungeons." Muslim, Armenians, Jews, and Greek traders all purchased Slavic slaves at Kaffa from the Crimean Tatars.[18]

Once sold they were transported to distant provinces – Greece, Syria, and Anatolia. On the way they had to endure torment: often a ship was so overcrowded that they could neither move nor lie down on the deck. They ate and slept standing up. Under such conditions large numbers grew sick and died, the latter being thrown into the sea.

Men were often sent to the Turkish galleys where they were worked to exhaustion chained to the benches. One galley slave who managed to escape was Ivan Bolotnikov who later led an uprising. According to the Greeks, during the Ottoman epoch three or four ships arrived at Constantinople every day loaded with Russian slaves. A significant number were sent to Anatolia for agricultural work. Female captives were sent to rich homes for carnal pleasure and harems, while the less beautiful were assigned domestic work.

The Venetian monk Giovanni Carraro wrote that in Constantinople there was little demand for hired servants since the place was full of Russian slaves. Perhaps the most famous of these was the sultan's wife Roxelana. Michalon Litvin wrote "All of them, that is the eastern peoples, eagerly seek wives among the Slavonic captives. The current sultan's favorite wife and the mother of his son and heir was abducted from our land. The Perekop Khan, Sahib-Giray, was born a Christian and is married to a Christian. The ministers of these tyrants, their eunuchs, secretaries and other officials and their special troops, who are called Janissaries – all have come from our blood."

Despite the large number of slaves sent to Asia Minor, there was no shortage of them in Crimea. Many slaves were used for domestic work, the digging of wells, the production of salt and the gathering of dung on the steppe. The women were concubines and also performed household chores, yarn-making and the care of children and domestic animals.

Resistance to the raids


In addition to simple self-defense, the Russians slowly pushed a line of forts and walls southward, behind which grew an increasing peasant population, until, after 250 years, the Crimea was overwhelmed. See Zasechnaya cherta, Don Cossacks, Expansion of Russia 1500–1800.


In the early 1550s Dmytro Vyshnevetsky, a Ruthenian noble and Cossack hetman began building forts at the mouth of the Dnieper, to close the trail from Crimea to Ukraine and Poland. 'On the island of Khortytsya near Konskaya Boda and the Crimean nomads' a fortress was built, which gave rise to the Zaporizhian Sich composed of Cossacks living on the lower Dnieper beyond the rapids. Polish King Sigismund II Augustus assigned Vishnevetsky the duty of protecting the Polish and Ukrainian lands from Crimean Tatar raids. Polish resistance might have become significant, but it was vitiated by the Khmelnitsky Uprising and The Ruin (Ukrainian history).

In folk culture

The numerous raids and abduction of captives left a deep imprint on popular culture. In Ukrainian ballads and tales, one of the main themes is Turkish slavery ("Slaves", "Slave's Lament", "Marusya Bohuslavka", "Ivan Boguslavets ","Falcon", "Flight of the Three Brothers from Azov") or the release from bondage and safe return to the homeland ("Samoylo the Cat", "Alexey Popovich", "Ataman Matyas the Old", "The Dnieper Talks to the Danube").

Historians on the Tatar raids

Vasily Klyuchevsky : "During the 16th century, year after year, thousands of people on the borderland vanished from their fatherland, and tens of thousands of the best people in the country set off for the southern border to protect the inhabitants of the central provinces from captivity and ruin. If you consider how much time and spiritual and material strength was wasted in the monotonous, brutal, toilsome and painful pursuit of these wily steppe predators, one need not ask what people in Eastern Europe were doing while those of Western Europe advanced in industry and commerce, in civil life and in the arts and sciences."

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On the Asian side there was continuous and exhausting struggle. Here there was no peace, no truce, no laws of war, only perpetual and mutual conflict. Giles Fletcher, as we already know, writes that for Moscow war with the Crimean Tatars, Nogais and other eastern foreigners was a yearly occurrence. The Golden Horde was already decayed in the 15th century and finally collapsed in the early 16th. From its ruins were formed new Tatar polities: the Khanates of Crimea, Kazan and Astrakhan, and the Nogai Horde along the Volga and on the shores of the Black and Azov Seas between the Kuban and the Dnieper.

Following the conquest of Kazan and Astrakhan the main threat to Moscow was Crimea with its ties to the Turks, who had defeated it in 1475 and put an end to the rule is the Genoese, who had held Caffa, Feodosia, Sudak and other colonies along the Crimean coast. Protected by a broad and empty steppe and separated from the mainland by Perekop – a broad and deep 60-kilometer moat cut through only by a narrow isthmus with high fortified walls – Crimea was a bandit lair impregnable from the land side. Michalon Litvin, who wrote about the Tatars, Lithuanians and Muscovites in the first half of the 16th century said that Crimea had more than 30 thousand mounted warriors and in addition, always ready to join them, were countless Tatar bands that roamed the Pontic and Caspian steppes from the Urals to the lower Danube.

In 1571 and 1572 the Crimean Khan twice attacked Moscow with 120 thousand warriors. The Crimean Khanate was a huge gang of robbers, well suited for raids on Poland, Lithuania and Muscovy. These raids were her major and life-sustaining industry. Giles Fletcher wrote that the Crimean Tatars usually fell on the outlying areas of the Muscovite state once or twice a year, sometimes around Pentecost, but more often at harvest time when people were spread out in the fields and easier to catch. But there were also winter raids, when the frost made it easier to cross rivers and marshes.

At the beginning of the 16th century the open steppe began a little south of Stary Ryazan and a little south of Yelets on the Bistraya Sosna River. The Tatars, armed in one way or another with bows, curved sabers and knives and rarely with pikes, mounted on their undersized but strong and hardy steppe ponies, with little baggage, feeding themselves with a small supply of dried millet or cheese, easily crossed this boundless steppe, covering almost 1,000 kilometers through a country that was barely inhabited. By frequent raiding they learned the steppe well, adapted to its characteristics, found out the best roads and trails and developed the best tactics for steppe warfare.

Avoiding river crossings, they followed the watersheds, the most important of these paths to Moscow being the Muravsky Trail leading from Perekop to Tula between the headwaters of two rivers – the Dnieper and Donets. Hiding their movements from Muscovite scouts, they slipped through hollows and ravines, lit no campfires at night and sent out scouts in all directions. Thus they managed to sneak unnoticed to the Russian border and wreak terrible devastation. Penetrating the populated country in thick masses, they spread out wings from the main body and swept all before them, looting, burning and capturing people, animals and all valuable movable property.

These were the habitual yearly raids when the Tatars suddenly threw themselves on Russia, dividing into packs of a few hundred or a few thousand men, circling the borders like wild geese and rushing to wherever they smelled booty. The main prey they were seeking was boys and girls. For this purpose they carried ropes to tie up captives and even large baskets to carry away children. The captives were sold in Turkey and other countries. The main slave market was Caffa where one could always find tens of thousands of captives from Poland, Lithuania and Muscovy. Here they were loaded onto ships and transported to Constantinople, Anatolia and to other regions of Europe, Asia and Africa.

On the shores of the Black Sea and Mediterranean one could often find female slaves who sung their master's children to sleep with Russian or Polish lullabies. All over the Crimea the only servants were captives. Polish and Lithuanian captives sold for more in the market than Russians because of the latter's tendency to run away. Displaying their living wares by the dozen, in lines tied together at the neck by ropes, the vendors cried out that these are the freshest and most simple-minded captives and certainly from Royal Poland and not from Muscovy. According to Michalon Litvin, the captives arrived in Crimea in such numbers that once a Jewish money-changer, sitting at the only gate at Perekop that led to the Crimea and seeing the endless columns of captives being led there from Poland, Lithuania and Muscovy, asked Michalon if there were still people in those countries, or were they now completely empty.

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List of raids


This section is translated from the Russian Wikipedia, updated as of December 2018. Additions to the English version are in italics, where needed. Dates are apparently Old Style. Numbers of troops and captives seem to be copied from the chronicles and should not be considered exact. The main theme is the slow expansion of Slavic peasant population southward from Muscovy and eastward from the Polish Commonwealth. This caused the raided areas to shift south and east. See Expansion of Russia 1500–1800.This list does not include raids before 1480. In 1480-1507 Russia was allied with Crimea against Poland and raids were concentrated in modern Belarus and the northwest Ukraine. From 1507 to 1648 raids were all over the western Ukraine and Russia south of the Oka River, with the raided area moving slowly south and east. In 1648 the Cossacks revolted against Poland, Russia was drawn in and for the next fifty years there was fighting between organized armies - Russian, Polish, Cossack and Turkish. Raiders generally allied with one army or another. Raids on Russia proper diminished and fighting drove the Ukrainian population eastward. After 1700 raiding was mostly in the eastern Ukraine and further east. Crimea was annexed in 1783. Despite the raids there was a continuous increase in the settled population, although we do not have proper numbers.

1480–1506 Raids on Belarus and northwest Ukraine

Western Ukraine as far as Kiev was held by the Grand Duchy of Lithuania which was in dynastic union with Poland. Its settled areas can be guessed from the raid maps. Eastern Ukraine was held by the Great Horde, the steppe remnant of the Golden Horde. The Principality of Moldavia became an Ottoman vassal in 1498. Russia was often at war with Lithuania (Muscovite-Lithuanian Wars). Russia was allied with Crimea (c1480-1506) so Crimean raids were directed to Lithuania. In 1480 Russia became independent of the Horde. In 1485 the Ottomans gained control to the Black Sea and made Crimea a vassal. From 1500 Crimean raids penetrated deep into modern Belarus. In 1502 the Great Horde ended, removing the buffer between Crimea and Russia and bringing the nomads under increasing Crimean control as the Nogai Horde. In 1507 the Crimeans and Nogais began raiding Russia.{{Location map+ |Ukraine |width=350 |float=right|caption=Historical Regions (approximate).
Ruthenia is approximately Galicia.
|places={{Location map~ |Ukraine |lat=50.45000|long=30.52333 |label=Kiev}}{{Location map~ |Ukraine |lat=51.50|long=27.66|label=POLESIA|position=top|mark=clear pog.svg}}{{Location map~ |Ukraine |lat=50.50|long=26.00|label=VOLHYNIA|position=top|mark=clear pog.svg}}{{Location map~ |Ukraine |lat=47.00|long=27.66|label=MOLDAVIA|position=top|mark=clear pog.svg}}{{Location map~ |Ukraine |lat=48.50|long=27.66|label=PODOLIA|position=top|mark=clear pog.svg}}{{Location map~ |Ukraine |lat=48.00|long=24.00|label=GALICIA|position=top|mark=clear pog.svg}}{{Location map~ |Ukraine |lat=51.50|long=31.40|label=SEVERIA|position=top|mark=clear pog.svg}}{{Location map~ |Ukraine |lat=45.00|long=34.00|label=CRIMEA|position=top|mark=clear pog.svg}}
}}{{Location map+ |Ukraine |width=450 |float=right|caption=Crimean raids 1480–1500.
X=siege (usually to bottle up army while raiding countryside)
Yellow=Tatar victory against army
Blue dot=Tatar defeat (usually when Tatars were returning burdened with prisoners and the militia had time to assemble)
|places={{Location map~ |Ukraine |lat=50.45000|long=30.52333 |label=Kiev}}{{Location map~ |Ukraine |lat=50.87|long=29.54|label=Oliva}}{{Location map~ |Ukraine |lat=51.33333|long=22.56666 |label=Lublin|position=top }}{{Location map~ |Ukraine |lat=50.83333|long=24.31666 |label=Volodymyr|position=left }}{{Location map~ |Ukraine |lat=50.16666|long=26.80000 |label=Iziaslav |position=bottom|mark=Location dot blue.svg}}{{Location map~ |Ukraine |lat=49.90000|long=25.73333 |label=Vyshny.|position=bottom|mark=Dot-yellow.svg}}{{Location map~ |Ukraine |lat=50.61666|long=25.25000 |label=Rovno|position=top|mark=X solid black 17.gif}}{{Location map~ |Ukraine |lat=50.11666|long=27.51666 |label=Polonne|mark=Location dot blue.svg}}{{Location map~ |Ukraine |lat=49.85000|long=24.01667 |label=Lvov|position=bottom|mark=X solid black 17.gif}}{{Location map~ |Ukraine |lat=50.11666|long=25.71666 |label=Krem.|position=top}}{{Location map~ |Ukraine |lat=52.05000|long=29.26666 |label=Mozyr}}{{Location map~ |Ukraine |lat=50.06666|long=22.50000 |label=Przeworsk |position=top}}{{Location map~ |Ukraine |lat=50.01666|long=22.66666 |label=Yaroslav |position=right}}{{Location map~ |Ukraine |lat=50.37|long=24.00 |label=Belz}}{{Location map~ |Ukraine |lat=51.50000|long=31.30000 |label=Chernigov}}{{Location map~ |Ukraine |lat=50.61666|long=27.16666 |label=Korets|position=top|mark=X solid black 17.gif}}{{Location map~ |Ukraine |lat=49.78333|long=22.16666 |label=Przemysl|position=bottom }}{{Location map~ |Ukraine |lat=48.83333|long=28.95000 |label=Bratslav|mark=Location dot blue.svg }}
  • 1480: Mengli Giray raids Podolia. The raid made it difficult for Poland to support the Horde, contributing to the Great stand on the Ugra River and Russian independence from the Horde.
  • 1482: Mengli’s troops destroy Kiev – burn the castle, loot churches and take many captives including the voyevod and his family.
  • 1485–87: Each year Tatars invade the southern lands of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania and devastate Podolia. In September 1487 the Polish crown prince defeats a 5000-man Tatar 'zagon' near the village of Koperstin (Kopystryn)(?) in Podolia, killing 1500 and taking many prisoners.
  • 1488: After a winter roaming in Podolia, in summer they join the Turks to invade Ukraine. The king sent the crown prince and the Polish militia against the Tatars. They hold the border and keep the Tatars from entering Galicia.
  • 1489: Raid on Podolia. 100,000 man Tatar horde attacks southern Lithuanian lands and devastates Kiev Voivodstvo. Kiev again taken by storm and ravaged and burned.
  • 1490: Trans-Volga (sic) and Crimean Tatars attack the Polish-Lithuanian domains. The Volhynian Voivodeship and Ruthenian Voivodeship are strongly devastated. Some bands reach the outskirts of Lublin. Tatars ravage Volhynia, loot and burn Volodymyr-Volynskyi and many other towns and villages and take a huge number of captives. On 25 January 1491 the returning Tatars are suddenly overtaken near Iziaslav, Ukraine on the Horyn River by the united Polish-Lithuanian forces under Lvov Castellan Nicholas of Horcz and the Lutsk Starost Semyon Olshanski. They defeat a 9,000 man Tatar 'zagon' and recapture all the prisoners. Tatars suffer heavy casualties.
  • 1493: Mengli launches a spring attack on the southern Lithuanian lands. They move on Kiev but are stopped by heavy flooding on the Dnieper. Separate bands raid the southern Lithuanian borders ruining the Kiev, Bratslav and Chernogov lands. In the same year Mengli Giray twice "sat on his horse" and personally led attacks on Lithuania.
  • 1494: In autumn the Crimean Horde devastated Podolia and Volhynia and took a huge number of captives and much booty. The pursuing Polish-Lithuanian army was defeated at Vishnevets and the Tatars returned to the steppe with their captives.
  • 1495: Tatars under the son of Mengli Geray attack Volhynia. Prince-Magnate Semyon Olshanski, the Starost of Lutsk and Marshall of Volynia, gathers the local Gentry Militia and defeated the Tatars besiegeing Koretz. Later Mengli organized a second raid on the Lithuanian border. A large horde under his sons devastate Volynia. The Polish-Lithuanians took refuge in Rovno (Semyon Olshanski, the namestnik of Vladimir Vasily Hreptovich, Princes Constantine and Michael Ostrozhsky, the Volynian boyars and their followers). The Crimeans besieged the Rovno castle, a sortie failed, the town was looted and burned, but the Tatars were unable to take the castle.
  • 1496: In winter a huge horde led by the Crimean crown prince devastated Volhynia. They completely destroyed some Volhynian districts as well as some on the Polish border and safely returned to the steppes. In spring of the next year (sic) they continued to raid the Lithuanian lands, looting, killing and taking captive the defenseless population. In March they burst into Volhynia and devastated the area around Kremenets. The Lithuanian Magnate Michael Ostrozhsky gathered his followers and set out after the withdrawing Tatars. At a battle near Polonne he routed the Tatars and freed all the prisoners. Other Tatar bands were defeated in the Kievan Polesia and the Bratslav region.
  • 1497: In summer they invaded Lithuania, devastated the area around Mozyr and Oliva (? ru: Олива (Киевская область)) and took many prisoners. Princes Michael and Constantine Ostrozhsky and their men went after them. They defeated the Tatars on the Soroka River near Bratslav and all the prisoners were released. Among the 340 Tatars killed was Crown Prince Akhmal.
  • 1498: In spring 100,000 Turkish-Moldavian troops(sic, see Polish–Ottoman War (1485–1503) ) invade southern Poland-Lithuania. Meeting no resistance they devastated Galicia. Przemyśl, Jarosław and Perevorsk were taken by storm and destroyed. The Poles defended Lvov but the surrounding area is burned and ravaged. A terrible panic swept the whole of Poland. John I Albert called up the Gentry Militia which arrived at Lvov after the Turks withdrew. When the militia disbanded the Crimeans ravaged Podolia and Galicia without meeting resistance.
  • 1499: The Crimeans campaigned along the Lithuanian border. In the summer they ravaged the land around Belz and made some raids on Podolia and the Bratslav region.
{{Location map+|Belarus|width=300|right|caption=Crimean raids 1500–1506 on a map of Belarus.
All caps=not raided
Samdomierz,Chmielnik and Krasnyslaw are southwest of Brest in modern Poland.
|places={{Location map~|Belarus|lat=54.63|long=24.91|label=Trakai|position=left}}{{Location map~|Belarus|lat=54.78|long=32.05|label=SMOLENSK|position=top}}{{Location map~|Belarus|lat=52.13|long=23.67|label=Brest|position=right}}{{Location map~|Belarus|lat=51.13|long=23.48|label=Chelm|position=right}}{{Location map~|Belarus|lat=54.683333 |long=25.283333 |label=VILNA|position=top}}{{Location map~|Belarus|lat=53.216666 |long=26.666666 |label=Nesvizh|position=top}}{{Location map~|Belarus|lat=51.500000 |long=31.300000 |label=CHERNIGOV|position=bottom}}{{Location map~|Belarus|lat=55.483333 |long=28.800000 |label=Polotsk}}{{Location map~|Belarus|lat=55.183333 |long=30.166667 |label=Vitebsk}}{{Location map~|Belarus|lat=51.933333 |long=30.800000 |label=Loyew}}{{Location map~|Belarus|lat=52.133333 |long=28.050000 |label=Petrikow}}{{Location map~|Belarus|lat=54.333333 |long=29.766666 |label=Drutsk}}{{Location map~|Belarus|lat=53.883333 |long=25.333333 |label=Lida}}{{Location map~|Belarus|lat=54.416666 |long=25.933333 |label=Ashmyany|position=left}}{{Location map~|Belarus|lat=53.166666 |long=24.466666 |label=Vaukavish|position=bottom}}{{Location map~|Belarus|lat=53.666666 |long=23.833333 |label=Grodno}}{{Location map~|Belarus|lat=54.316666 |long=26.283333 |label=Kreva}}{{Location map~|Belarus |lat=52.11666|long=26.10000 |label=Pinsk }}{{Location map~|Belarus |lat=52.07000|long=27.740000|label=Turov|position=bottom}}{{Location map~|Belarus |lat=53.90000|long=27.56666 |label=Minsk|position=top|mark=X solid black 17.gif}}{{Location map~|Belarus |lat=53.03333|long=27.66666 |label=Slutsk|mark=X solid black 17.gif}}{{Location map~|Belarus|lat=53.583333 |long=25.816666 |label=Novogrudok|mark=X solid black 17.gif}}{{Location map~|Belarus|lat=51.31666 |long=28.800000|position=left|label=Ovruch|mark=Dot-yellow.svg}}{{Location map~|Belarus|lat=53.90000 |long=28.333333 |label=Bobruisk|mark=Location dot blue.svg}}{{Location map~|Belarus|lat=53.050000 |long=26.633333 |label=Kletsk|position=left|mark=Location dot blue.svg}}{{Location map~|Belarus|lat=53.050000 |long=27.200000 |label=Davyd.|mark=Location dot blue.svg|position=bottom}}{{Location map~|Belarus|lat=53.150000 |long=27.083333 |label=Kapyl|mark=Location dot blue.svg }}


  • 1500: The Kievan, Volhynian, Chełm and Belz lands are ravaged. Grand Prince Ivan III asked his ally the Crimean Khan to raid Slutsk, Pinsk, Turov and Minsk (i.e. Belarus), but not to raid Severia (i.e. Chernigov), "for, by the grace of God, these cities and lands are now ours". In the spring of 1500 Mengli Geray's sons raid the Kiev and Volhynian regions. Some bands reach the Belz and Chełm regions and up to the river Vistula. The Polish king and militia moved against them, but the Tatars got home safely with many captives. In autumn the Russians and Crimeans decided to attack Kiev and gathered a 15,000 man army. Without waiting for Moscow Mengli sent a horde under his sons to the southern lands of Poland-Lithuania. They devastated the lands around Bratslav, Volhynia, “Beresteyshchinu” (?Brest, Belarus?), Belz, Lvov, Chelm, Lublin and Sandomierz. They stormed and burned Chmielnik, Kremenets, Lvov, Belz, Chelm, Krasnystaw, Lublin and other towns and took captive 50,000 people. The Polish militia was called up, but the Tatars were able to return to the steppe.
  • 1502: 1. In summer Mengli Geray organized a new campaign into Poland-Lithuania. Ivan III suggested that he attack along the Pripyat River but the Khan wrote back that he had already told his sons to go to Kiev and Volhynia, even to Vilna and Trakai. A 30,000-man horde under his sons devastated the regions of Galicia, Lublin and Sandomierz. They took many captives and returned with impunity. 2. In autumn the Tatars began to ravage Polesia. The Grand Duke called on Prince Semyon Slutsky and sent him the Podolian voivod Yan Buchatsky, Russian-Lithuanian gentry and a group of Austrian mercenaries. They defeated the Tatars (1500 men) on the Usha River near Bobruisk. 3. That fall Lithuanian princes Fedor Yaroslavich-Kletsky, Yuri Dubrovitsky and Gregory Glinsky tried to block the withdrawing Tatars on the Usha river beyond Ovruch. The Tatars won and killed Glinsky. 4. In August (sequence?) 6,000 Tatars under Prince Biti-Geray invade Belorussian Polesia. They besiege Slutsk and raid the surrounding area, killing and taking captives. They devastate the region of Slutsk and Kapyl. Semyon Slutsky and a small garrison take refuge in the citadel and send word to Grand Duke Alexander at Vilna. Tatars split into detachments and ravage the surrounding area including Nyasvizh. Kletsk is stormed, ravaged and burned. Tatars reach the outskirts of Novogrudok and turn back. They burn many villages and then, with much booty and many captives, concentrate near Slutsk and return to the steppe. Alexander sends his nobles to aid Slutsky but they return to Vilna on learning that the Tatars had left.
  • 1503: A 3000-man Tatar force devastated the area of Slutsk and Novogrudok, and then moved to the Davyd-Haradok. The Lithuanian nobles Stanisław Kiszka (the highest Lithuanian hetman), Albrecht Gashtold and Yuri Nemirovich joined Prince Semyon Slutsky, chased the Tatars, caught up with them beyond Haradok, defeated them, freed the prisoners and returned with much honor and booty. At the same time other Tatar bands raided around Kiev. They also made a major incursion deep into Lithuania. The Tatars first invaded the Chernigov region, but the Muscovite voivod sent them back across the Dnieper "into the Lithuanian lands." They were active in Belorussian Polesia near Slutsk and Novogrudok. They also ravaged Podolia.
  • 1505: 1. Attack on Slutsk, Nesvizh, and Kletsk. A huge Crimean Tatar horde under the sons of Mengli Geray (the future Mehmed I Giray, Biti (Fetih?) Giray and Burnash Giray) entered Belarus, devastated the neighborhood of Minsk, Novogrudok, Polotsk and Vitebsk. 2. (Second campaign?) In 1505 a horde under the same three princes invaded Lithuania. They crossed the Dnieper near Loyew and moved deep into the Grand Duchy. Mehmed with the main force went to Minsk and sent his younger brothers to Slutsk. 2a. Mehmed besieged Minsk, burnt the town but could not take the citadel. They ravaged the area of Vilna, Vitebsk, Polotsk and Drutsk taking a huge number of prisoners and booty. He then withdrew unhindered with his prisoners and booty to the Kiev region and then to the steppes. 2b. The younger princes Biti-Girai and Burnash Girai approached Slutsk which was held by the widow of Semyon Slutsky. After ravaging the countryside, losing many men and failing to take the town the two Tatar princes moved on to Novogrudok. Here there was a large meeting of Lithuanian magnates (Vilna Bishop Vojtech Tabor, Vilna voivod Nicholas Radziwill, Zhmudsky Starost Stanislav Kezgaylo, Polotsk voivod Stanislav Glebovich, Trakai voivod Jan Zabrzeziński, Grand Hetman of Lithuania and namestnik of Smolensk Stanisław Kiszka, all enemies of the future rebel Michael Glinski). Since they had come without soldiers, they fled on learning of the Tatar approach. The Tatars chased them beyond the Neman River(?), did great damage in central Lithuania and returned to Novogrudok with much booty and captives. Meanwhile the Crimeans had besieged Novogrudok which was held by Albrecht Gashtold. After suffering heavy losses, the Crimeans raised the siege and retreated. Passing Slutsk and Petrikov they returned to the steppes with many captives and much booty.
  • 1506: In summer an army under the Princes Biti Giray and Burnash Giray attacked deep into the Grand Duchy. They crossed the Pripyat River and ravaged the nearby districts. In August the Lithuanian army (7000 men under Prince-Magnate Michael Glinsky) shattered a Tatar horde (20000 men under Fetih(sic) Giray and Burnash Giray). At this time the ailing Polish king and Grand Duke of Lithuania, Alexander Jagiellon reached Lithuania and called a Sejm at Lida The Tatars devastate the area around Slutsk and Novogrudok and sent raiding parties to Lida, Ashmyany, Kreva, Vaukavysk and Grodno, burning and taking prisoners. When the Tatars approached the ailing king was taken from Lida to Vilna but the great magnates stayed at Lida. The Crimean Tatars were raiding from Lida to Novogrudok, burning churches, villages and estates, killing and taking prisoners. The Lithuanian magnates gathered a 10,000-man army at Lida and moved on Novogrudok which they reached on the first of August. Pans Yuri and Andrei Nimerovich captured six Tatars who under interrogation reported that the Tatars were a Kletsk. Under the command of Grand Hetman Stanislav Klishka, on 4 August they left Novogorodok for Kletsk, destroying Tatar raiding parties along the way. Klishka became ill and was replaced by Michael Glinski. On 6 August, at the Battle of Kletsk the superior forces of the Horde were shattered. 27,000 were killed or drowned, 3,000 were taken captive and 40,000 prisoners were freed. The retreating Tatars were pursued, killed and captured. Forces of Slutsky's widow (?Slutskoi Knyagini Anastacii) smashed the remains of the Tatar army at Kapyl and Petrovich(location?). Glinski made a ceremonial entry into Kletsk, leading many Tatar prisoners. Also in this year other Tatar bands devastated Podolia and Galicia.
  • 1507: The first Crimean raid on Muscovy.


By this time Moscow had control of lands along the Lithuanian border from Kaluga southwest to around Chernogov across current Ukrainian border. Many Tatar raids were in this area, but most were just south of the Oka River bank fortification line from Kaluga to Ryazan. The raided area probably corresponds to the edge of settlement. In 1521 the Crimeans crossed the Oka and pillaged the area around Moscow. In 1533-66 the Abatis defense line was built south of the Oka. The Livonian War (1558-63) diverted troops from the Oka and contributed to the great raid on Moscow in 1571. Russia took Smolensk (1514), Kazan (1552) and Astrakhan (1556). Rulers were: Vasili III (1502-33), regency, Ivan the Terrible (1547-1584). Raids on Lithuania continued, but we no longer hear of many deep penetrations beyond the current Ukrainian border. In 1514-21, during the fourth Muscovite-Lithuanian War, Lithuanian troops supported the Tatar raids, including the great raid on Moscow. In 1569 the Ukrainian area was formally transferred from the Lithuanian to the Polish half of the commonwealth. In the far south, in 1557 the Crimeans besieged the Zaporozhian Cossacks and two years later Cossacks and Russians made a small raid on Crimea.{{Location map+|Russia Central Federal District|width=400|float=right|caption=Places 1507-1570
Blue: Oka River, fortified line from Kaluga to Ryazan.
Yellow: Upper Oka region
|places={{Location map~|Russia Central Federal District|lat=56.33|long=44.00|mark=Location dot blue.svg|label=Nizhny Novgorod|position=top}} {{Location map~|Russia Central Federal District|lat=56.23|long=43.45|mark=Location dot blue.svg|label=}}{{Location map~|Russia Central Federal District|lat=56.13|long=43.06|mark=Location dot blue.svg|label=}}{{Location map~|Russia Central Federal District|lat=55.97|long=43.06|mark=Location dot blue.svg|label=}}{{Location map~|Russia Central Federal District|lat=55.55|long=42.20|mark=Location dot blue.svg|label=}}{{Location map~|Russia Central Federal District|lat=55.56|long=42.02|mark=Location dot blue.svg|label=}}{{Location map~|Russia Central Federal District|lat=54.93|long=41.40|mark=Location dot blue.svg|label=Kasimov}}{{Location map~|Russia Central Federal District|lat=54.60|long=39.70|mark=Location dot blue.svg|label=RYAZAN}}{{Location map~|Russia Central Federal District|lat=55.08|long=38.62|mark=Location dot blue.svg|label=Kolomna|position=top}}{{Location map~|Russia Central Federal District|lat=54.83|long=37.62|mark=Location dot blue.svg|label=}}{{Location map~|Russia Central Federal District|lat=54.88|long=37.22|mark=Location dot blue.svg|label=}}{{Location map~|Russia Central Federal District|lat=54.83|long=38.02|mark=Location dot blue.svg|label=Kashira|position=top}}{{Location map~|Russia Central Federal District|lat=54.88|long=38.00|mark=Location dot blue.svg|label=}}{{Location map~|Russia Central Federal District|lat=54.91|long=37.40|mark=Location dot blue.svg|label=Serpukhov|position=left}}{{Location map~|Russia Central Federal District|lat=54.73|long=37.18|mark=Location dot blue.svg|label=Tarusa|position=left}}{{Location map~|Russia Central Federal District|lat=54.52|long=37.10|mark=Location dot blue.svg|label=Aleksin|position=right}}{{Location map~|Russia Central Federal District|lat=54.50|long=36.28|mark=Location dot blue.svg|label=KALUGA|position=left}}{{Location map~|Russia Central Federal District|lat=55.750 |long=37.6166 |label=MOSCOW |position=top|mark=Filled diamond.svg}}{{Location map~|Russia Central Federal District|lat=54.03|long=35.78|mark=Dot-yellow.svg|label=Kozelsk|position=left}}{{Location map~|Russia Central Federal District|lat=53.93|long=36.70|mark=Dot-yellow.svg|label=Odoyev|position=bottom}}{{Location map~|Russia Central Federal District|lat=53.82|long=36.15|mark=Dot-yellow.svg|label=Belyov|position=left}}{{Location map~|Russia Central Federal District|lat=53.27|long=36.55|mark=Dot-yellow.svg|label=Mtsensk}}{{Location map~|Russia Central Federal District|lat=52.97|long=37.05|mark=Dot-yellow.svg|label=Novosil}}{{Location map~|Russia Central Federal District|lat=56.150 |long=40.4166 |label=Vladimir|position=top}}{{Location map~|Russia Central Federal District|lat=56.033 |long=35.9500 |label=Volokolamsk|position=top|mark=City locator 16.svg}}{{Location map~|Russia Central Federal District|lat=54.78|long=32.05|label=Smolensk|position=top|mark=City locator 16.svg}}{{Location map~|Russia Central Federal District|lat=54.12|long=39.62|label=Pronsk|position=right}}{{Location map~|Russia Central Federal District|lat=54.23|long=39.03|label=Mikhaylov|position=bottom}}{{Location map~|Russia Central Federal District|lat=54.20|long=37.62|label=Tula|position=left}}{{Location map~|Russia Central Federal District|lat=54.77|long=38.88|label=Zaraysk|position=right}}{{Location map~|Russia Central Federal District|lat=53.150 |long=34.3666 |label=Bryansk|position=left}}{{Location map~|Russia Central Federal District|lat=52.9333|long=35.4500 |label=Pochep|position=left}}{{Location map~|Russia Central Federal District|lat=52.583 |long=32.7666 |label=Starodub}}{{Location map~|Russia Central Federal District|lat=51.5666|long=34.6833 |label=Rylsk|position=top}}{{Location map~|Russia Central Federal District|lat=51.316 |long=33.8666 |label=Putyvl|position=right}}{{Location map~|Russia Central Federal District|lat=52.43|long=30.83|label=Gomel}}{{Location map~|Russia Central Federal District|lat=51.50|long=31.30|label=Chernigov|position=top }}{{Location map~|Russia Central Federal District|lat=51.48|long=33.27|label=Novgorod-Seversky|position=bottom}}{{Location map~|Russia Central Federal District|lat=49.58|long=40.16|mark=Pfeil unten.svg|position=top|label=B}}{{Location map~|Russia Central Federal District|lat=50.34|long=35.68|mark=Pfeil unten.svg|position=bottom|label=A}}
}}{{Location map+ |Ukraine |width=450 |float=right|caption=Places 1507-1570
The line of marks down the center approximates the Dnieper River.
Lithuanian power extended somewhat east of this.
|places={{Location map~ |Ukraine |lat=50.45000|long=30.52333 |label=Kiev}}{{Location map~ |Ukraine |lat=51.50000|long=31.30000 |label=Chernigov}}{{Location map~ |Ukraine |lat=49.75|long=31.47|label=Kaniv}}{{Location map~ |Ukraine |lat=46.16|long=33.69|label=Perekop}}{{Location map~ |Ukraine |lat=46.62|long=31.54|label=Ochakov}}{{Location map~ |Ukraine |lat=49.44|long=32.06|label=Chercassy}}{{Location map~ |Ukraine |lat=47.82|long=35.10|label=Khortitsa}}{{Location map~ |Ukraine |lat=49.90|long=25.73|label=Vyshnivets}}{{Location map~ |Ukraine |lat=50.48|long=24.28|label=Sokal|position=left}}{{Location map~ |Ukraine |lat=51.50|long=27.66|label=POLESIA|position=top|mark=clear pog.svg}}{{Location map~ |Ukraine |lat=50.50|long=26.00|label=VOLHYNIA|position=top|mark=clear pog.svg}}{{Location map~ |Ukraine |lat=47.00|long=27.66|label=MOLDAVIA|position=top|mark=clear pog.svg}}{{Location map~ |Ukraine |lat=48.50|long=27.66|label=PODOLIA|position=top|mark=clear pog.svg}}{{Location map~ |Ukraine |lat=48.00|long=24.00|label=GALICIA|position=top|mark=clear pog.svg}}{{Location map~ |Ukraine |lat=51.50|long=31.40|label=SEVERIA|position=top|mark=clear pog.svg}}{{Location map~ |Ukraine |lat=45.00|long=34.00|label=CRIMEA|position=top|mark=clear pog.svg}}{{Location map~|Ukraine|lat=49.58|long=40.16|mark=Pfeil oben.svg|position=top|label=B}}{{Location map~|Ukraine|lat=50.34|long=35.68|mark=Pfeil oben.svg|position=bottom|label=A}}
  • 1507: First Crimean raid on Russia – near Belyov and Kozelsk. Troops under I. Kholmsky-Kashi, Vasily Odoyevsky, Ivan Vortoynsky and other princes defeated the Tatars on the Oka and recaptured the prisoners and booty.
  • 1508: In October Crimean Tatars entered Lithuania and began to ravage Belorussian Polesia. Grand Hetman Konstanty Ostrogski led his troops from Smolensk and defeated the main enemy force near Slutsk.
  • 1509: A large Crimean horde devastates Galicia. Grand Lithuanian Hetman Ostrogski and Grand Crown Hetman Mikołaj Kamieniecki were successful against several raiding parties.
  • 1510: 1. In autumn the sons of Mengli Giray led a 50,000 man horde into the Grand Duchy. The Polish-Lithuanians expected them in Podolia, but they changed direction, crossed the Dnieper near Kiev, devastated Lithuania without opposition and reached the outskirts of Vilna. 2. When the Khan made a second raid, Hetman Ostrogski concentrated near Petrikov in Polesia. Learning of this, the Crimeans did not go beyond Kiev, but ravaged the surrounding country. Prince Yuri Slutsky and Kiev voyvod Andrzej Niemirowicz went after them and near Rutno (location?) killed about 8,000.
  • 1511: 1. Prince Akhmed Giray (son of Mengli) attacked Ryazan. The town was not taken, but the surrounding country was devastated. The Tatars almost broke through to the Oka River. 2. In early 1511 (sic, perhaps 1512) Mengli Giray and 40,000 men devastated Podolia and Volhynia, with some bands almost reaching Cracow. Lithuanian Grand Hetman Ostrogski boldly attacked with a small force. He was joined by Michael Vishnevetsky, Andrey Zbaraski, Alexander Czartorysky and, from Lithuania, Grodno Starost Jerzy Radziwill and Slonim Starost Yan Radziwill – altogether about 3,000 troops under Ostrogski. They were soon joined by 3,000 more from Podolia under Crown Grand Hetman Mikołaj Kamieniecki. Mengli was camped near Vishnavets and sent raiding parties to the surrounding area, looting, killing and taking captives. On 28 April 1512 (sic) the combined forces defeated the Crimeans at Vishnavets. Some sources say the Tatars lost 24,000 men.
  • 1512: 1. Mingli Giray's sons plundered Belyov. There was a new raid on Ryazan with many captives. 2. In May Princes Akhmat Giray and Burnash Giray with large forces attacked the southern Russian border and devastated the areas around Belyov, Odoyev, Vorotynsk (17km SW of Kaluga) and Aleksin. Grand Prince Vasili III of Russia sent troops to the Oka and Ugra River and strengthened the garrisons of Serpukhov, Kashira, Kolomna, Tarusa and Ryazan, but he kept them on the Oka, allowing the Tatars to ravage the area south of the river and carry away a huge number of captives. The voyvods did not dare pursue the retreating Tatars. 3. In June Akhmat Giray made a new attack on the Muscovite border. He invaded Severia and devastated the land around Putyvl, Starodub, and Bryansk. 4. In July the 'Kalga-Sultan' (possibly the future Mehmed I Giray) moved toward the Ryazan region. Russian troops were placed on the Upa River (Tula) and the Osyotr River (Zaraysk). The raid was blocked by the timely arrival of troops and he only managed to raid the outskirts of the Ryazan region. The voyvods pursued him as far as the Don River and Tikhaya Sosna River (about 320 km south of Ryazan near Voronezh) but were unable to catch him. 5. On 6 October Burnash Giray suddenly attacked Ryazan. He captured the fort and looted the suburbs but was unable to defeat the garrison. Three days later the Tatars left for the steppe with many captives. 6. Also in this year Ostrogski raided Severia and defeated a 6000-man Russian force.
  • 1513: In June they again devastated the surroundings of Bryansk, Putyvl and Starodub and retreated to the steppe.
  • 1514: 1. Raid to the southern Lithuanian borders. 2. In autumn Kalga Muhammad Giray led a large foray into Severia. Along with the Tatars were the Polish King's voyvods with men, cannon and arquebuses. (see Muscovite–Lithuanian Wars#Fourth war (1512–1522)). Local princes Vasili Ivanovich Shemyachich and Vasily of Starodub, both Moscow vassals, repelled the attack.
  • 1515: 1. Raid by Ayga-Mirza and Andysh-Mirza on Meshcheria (Kasimov). 2. In March Kalga-Sultan Mehmed I Giray raided the Severian borderlands along with the Kiev Voyvod Andrzej Niemirowicz and the Starost of Kanev (Ostap Dashkevych). The Tatar-Lithuanean army unsuccessfully besieged Chernigov, Novhorod-Siverskyi and Starodub and then retreated taking many captives. According to Polish sources the prisoners numbered 60 or even 100 thousand.
  • 1516: 1. Two campaigns in June and September on Ryazan and Meshchersk lands, the capture of a large number of prisoners. In June 1516, Prince Bogatyr-Girey (the eldest son of the new Khan Mehmed I Giray and who in 1523 was briefly khan of Astrakhan), raided Ryazan and Meshcheria (Kasimov). The Russian voivod did not expect the attack. 2. In the summer of 1516 the Crimean horde undertook a new attack on the southern Polish-Lithuanian lands. Tatar raiding parties devastated Galicia, Podolia and Volhynia. Having learned that Grand Lithuanian Hetman Konstanty Ostrogski was gathering forces to repel the enemy attack, the Crimean Tatars hastily retreated to the steppes.
  • 1516: (year label repeated). Up to 60,000 men under Ali Aslan fell on southern Lithuania, thereby foiling a campaign of Sigismund I the Old to retake Smolensk.
  • 1517: 1. 20,000 men under Tokuzak-Mirza reach Tula, where they are completely defeated by the Russians under Vasily Odoyevsky and Ivan Vorotynsky. Only 5,000 get back to Crimea "on foot, naked and barefoot". 2. In November they raid Severia but are defeated on the Sula River (about 200km east of Kiev) by Prince Vasili Ivanovich Shemyachich of Russia.
  • 1519: In June, Kalga-Sultan Bogatyr Giray raids southern Poland-Lithuania. They ravage the area around Belz and Lublin, and then move to Volhynia. Grand Hetman Konstanty Ostrogski gathered about 2,000 soldiers and was joined by about 4,000 Poles under 'Mikołaj Kamieniecki' (sic in ru:, probably error) and Mikołaj Firlej. Bogatyr Giray placed his camp near the fortress of Sokal. On 2 August 1519 at the Battle of Sokal the Polish-Lithuanian army was utterly destroyed by the Crimean Horde.
  • 1521: In the summer of 1521 the Crimean Khan Mehmed I Giray led a huge Tatar horde on a major attack on Russia. With him were Nogais and Lithuanian troops under the Kaniv starost Ostap Dashkevych. Some sources say that there were up to 100,000 men. Using the Muravsky Trail between the headwaters of the Vorskla and Donets, they reached the Bystraya Sosna River, bypassed Tula and turned east toward Ryazan. The khan then turned west and on 28 July 1521 approached the Oka River near Kolomna, where no one was expecting him and there crossed it. Russian troops sent from Serpukhov and Kashira were individually broken by superior Tatar forces. Killed were voyvods Ivan A. Sheremetev, Prince Vladimir Kurbsky, and Jacob and Yuri Zamyatiny. Prince Fedor Lopata-Obolensky was captured. After the battles the remaining voyvods withdrew their troops into fortified cities. The Crimeans and Nogais then began to ravage the Kolomna region with impunity. Mehmed Giray was awaiting the arrival of his younger brother, the Khan of Kazan Sahib I Giray. Sahib Giray broke through the eastern border, destroyed the cities of Nizhny Novgorod and Vladimir, joined his elder brother at Kolomna and the combined forces headed for Moscow. Grand Prince of Moscow Vasily III Ivanovich hastily left the capital for Volokolamsk to gather troops. On the first of August the Crimean-Kazan army appeared near Moscow, but they were in no hurry to besiege the well-fortified city. Mehmed Giray camped on the river Severka, about 60 kilometers from the capital and placed military operations near Moscow under his eldest son, the Kalga Bogatyr Giray, who was later briefly Khan of Astrakhan. The Crimean and Kazan Tatars spread out widely through the central areas of the Russian state and spent two weeks looting, killing and taking captives. Meanwhile, the Grand Prince had gathered a large army at Volokolamsk and ordered his voyvods to advance from Serpukhov. Given this, Muhammad Giray decided to withdraw (12 August). They ravaged Kolomna and moved toward Ryazan. On the advice of Dashkevych the Khan besieged the city, but the Russian garrison under I. V. Khabar-Simsky bravely repulsed all enemy attacks. Unable to take the city, the Khan headed south with a huge number of prisoners. The invasion brought heavy damage to the Russian state, ruining the areas of Nizhny Novgorod, Vladimir, Kolomna, Kashira, Borovsk (between Moscow and Kaluga), Ryazan and even the outskirts of Moscow. According to the Ostrozhsky chronicler Muhammed Giray "took more than 300,000 captives from Moscow." Sigismund von Herberstein wrote that the Crimean Khan "took with him from Muscovy so many prisoners, it seems unbelievable. For they say that their number exceeded 800,000. He sold part of them to the Turks at Kaffa, others he slaughtered, such as the elderly and the infirm, who could not be sold for a good price and were unfit for labor. These they gave to the young men like rabbits to hunting dogs for their first military practice. Those who were sold had to serve as slaves for six years, after which they became free, but could not leave the country.” The Kazan Tatars also took many captives. “The Kazan khan sold all the Muscovite captives at the market at Astrakhan which is located not far from the mouth of the Volga".
  • 1524: 1. The new Crimean Khan Saadat I Giray organized a new attack on Poland-Lithuania. Supported by the Turks they twice devastated Podolia and Volhynia. 2. Also in 1524 Grand Hetman Konstanty Ostrogski and Chercassy Starost Ostap Dashkevych led a 40,000-man Lithuanian army to Ochakov on the Black Sea. They besieged it for two days and then took it by storm
  • 1527: 1. In the winter of 1526/27 the Crimean Khan led a 30,000-man horde to devastate Galicia and Volhynia. Grand hetman Ostrogski along with Jerzy Radziwiłł and Albertas Goštautas set out from Vilna. Near Pinsk Ostrogski defeated a large raiding party and moved on toward Kiev. On the way he was joined by Prince Yuri Slutski, Fyodor Sangushko, Ivan and Alexander Vishnevetski, Alexander Chartoryski, Kiev voivod Andrei Nemirovich and Cherkassy Starost Dashkevych. At this time the horde was slowly moving from the Kiev region to Crimea burdened with much loot and captives. On 27 January 1527 the Lithuanians caught up with them on the Olshanitsa River near Kiev. In the ensuing Battle of Olshanitsa, the Tatars were defeated and suffered many casualties. Among those killed were Turks led by Ibrahim, the Pasha of Perekop (sic). 2. In autumn Prince Islam Girai led 40000 men to the south Russian borders. Moscow, Kolomna and other cities were in a state of siege for five days (sic). On 9 September Islam Giray tried to cross the Oka but was blocked by voyvods F. V. Lopata-Obolinsky and I. F. Ovchina-Telepnev-Obolinsky. After a long battle Islam Giray returned to the steppe. This time the Russians not only held the Oka bank but sent troops beyond the Oka. The ‘big voivods’ stood on the Oka and cavalry of the ‘light voivods’ pursued the enemy. The voivods caught up with and defeated the Crimeans at Zaraysk on the Osyotr River. The campaign of Islam Giray ended in complete failure and the voivods chased him as far as the Don (sic, the headwaters of the Don are about 60km southeast of Tula).
  • 1531: Khan Saadat Giray leads a large raid on Cherkassy. The defense was led by Kaniv and Cherkassy Starost Dashkevych. After this the Ukrainian Cossacks proposed to the Sejm that they become guards of the southern border.
  • 1532: More raids on the Muscovite border. In February Tatars under Prince Buchak Giray devastated the area around Odoyev and Tula. Voyvods Ivan Vorotynsky, Ivan Ovchina-Telepnyov-Obolinsky and Ivan Lyatsky could not stop the raids.
  • 1533: In August Princes Islam Giray and Safa Giray (the exiled Safa Giray of Kazan) and 40,000 men invade the southern border. Vasilly III was warned in time and sent advanced troops to Kolomna and himself took the main force to the village of Kolomenskoye. Meanwhile the Princes were besieging Ryazan and tried to storm it. Other detachments raided the surrounding countryside, burning villages and taking prisoners. The Grand Prince sent his main voyvods against the Tatars and sent his "light cavalry voyvods", Princes Ivan Ovchina-Obolinsky, Dmitri Paletsky and Ivan Drutsky, against the Tatar horsemen. On the approach of the Russians the Tatars began a hasty retreat. The light cavalry voyvods had much success against Tatar bands that had become separated from the main force. Despite this the Ryazan lands were devastated and the Crimeans carried away a huge number of captives.
  • 1534: In May the Azov and Crimean Tatars raided the outskirts of Ryazan. They were defeated on the Pronya river and 50 prisoners were sent to Moscow.
  • 1535: 1. In fall Tatar troops attack Severia. Crimeans fought near Putivl, Rylsk, Novgorod-Seversky, Starodub, Chernigov, Pochep and Gomel. 2. Raids of Crimean Tatars under the Chamash-Mirza near Ryazan ended with the destruction of a 15000-man horde.
  • 1535: [year label repeated in Russian wiki] New raids on the Muscovite lands.
  • 1536: In spring and summer Crimean and Azov Tatars made small raids around Belyov and Ryazan.
  • 1537: Raids around Tula and Odoyev. Prince Vasili Veriga-Volkonsky killed.
  • 1539: In October Prince Imin Giray raided the southern areas and ravaged the Kashira area. Despite the success of Prince S. I. Mikulinsky, who defeated several raiding parties and took captives, the Crimeans were able to capture many prisoners.
  • 1541: In July Sahib I Giray invaded the southern Russian lands and burned the outskirts of Zaraysk. After a defeat on the Oka the Tatars withdrew to Pronsk. Moscow voyvods chased them from Pronsk to the Don. Prince Imin Giray separated from the main force and began raiding around Odoyev. Voyvod Prince V. I. Vorotyinsky and his brothers left the town and defeated them. 45 prisoners were taken to Moscow for questioning (?’yazykov’).
  • 1542: 1. In March, Prince Imin Giray invaded Severia and ravaged the area around Putivel, Starodub and Novgorod-Seversky.2. In August the Tatars fought around Ryazan.
  • 1544: In December Prince Imin Giray burned the neighborhood of Belyov and Odoyev, taking many prisoners.
  • 1547: 5000 Crimeans and Nogais under Kasay Mirza pillaged the Ryazan land to the Vozha River.
  • 1548: Voyvod Mikhail Voronov repulsed the attack of the Crimean Tatars near Meshchera (Kasimov).
  • 1550: In August 30,000 Tatars attacked Ryazan and Meshchera. Prince S. I. Mikulinsky took the field. They chose not to fight and returned to the steppe. In December the Crimean Tatars and Nogais again attacked the Ryazan region, Meshchera and Old Ryazan.
  • 1551: Nogais raid Ryazan.
  • 1552: The new Khan Devlet I Giray made his first foray into Russia. He was trying to disrupt a Russian attack on Kazan (Siege of Kazan). In July he tried to take Tula by storm, but failed. Ivan the Terrible sent a large force from Kolomna. The retreating Tatars were thoroughly defeated.
  • 1555: 60,000 men under Devlet Giray raid southern Russia and are defeated at the Battle of Sudbishchensky. Devlet Giray lost two sons: Kalga Akhmed Giray and Hadji Giray.
  • 1557: In May, the Crimeans besieged Khortitsa for three weeks. Devlet Giray was unable to take it by storm and suffered heavy casualties. The defense of the fortress was led by Prince Dmytro Vyshnevetsky. Seeking help and support, Vyshnevetsky was quick to announce the victory to the Russian government but Ivan the Terrible showed no interest because he was preparing for the Livonian War. Vishnevetsky evacuated Khoritsa, handed over Cherkassy and Kanev to the Lithuanian authorities, and entered the Russian service.
  • 1558: 20,000 Tatars attacked the Bratslav Voivodeship (eastern Podolia), Volhynia and Podolia. They took 40,000 captives and returned to Perekop without difficulty. 2. In January 1558 Devlet Giray sent 100,000 men north under Kalga Muhammad Giray to the Mecha River (roughly between Zaraysk and Ryazan), intending to attack Tula, Kashira and Ryazan. Learning of the timely advance of the Russian army, the Tatars turned back. The few Russian troops that went after them could not catch them.
  • 1559: The Russian government allocated five regiments to protect the southern border, but a 3,000-man raiding party broke into the Tula region. Other Crimean troops fought near Pronsk where they were defeated. 2. An 8,000-man Russian army under Daniel Adashev was sent to "work the Crimean tribes" («промышляти крымские улусы»). Prince Dmitry Vishnevetsky and 5,000 men were joined on the lower Don by other Russian troops under royal "postelnik (?)" Ignaty Veshnyakov. On the Aidar River (about halfway between Stalingrad and the Dnieper) Vishnevetsky and Michael Cherkashenin's Cossacks defeated a Tatar detachment which was going to Kazan (sic). Adashev sailed down the Dnieper River to the Black Sea and captured two Turkish ships. The appearance of a Russian flotilla caught the Crimean Khan unawares. Adashev landed on the west coast of Crimea, defeated cavalry sent against him, freed a number of Russian and Lithuanian prisoners and returned safely to Monastery Island.
  • 1560:The Crimean mirza Divey invaded Severia and besieged Rylsk. The Crimeans ravaged the surrounding area, but could not take the city by storm. The Russian garrison held off all enemy assaults. In August Divey-Mirza with 3000 men broke through the Potezhny forest which ran between Tula and Zaraysk on the left bank of the Osetra River. The Russian voyvods overtook Tatars on the Don, but Divey-Mirza ordered the slaughter of his captives and was able to break away from pursuit. At the same time a 20,000-man Tatar horde roamed near the Russian borderland.
  • 1561: A group of Budzhak Tatars raided Severia.
  • 1562: At the request of Sigismund II Augustus (see Livonian War), in July, 15,000 men under Devlet Giray ravaged the areas around Mtsensk, Odoyev, Novosil, Bolkhov, Chern' (30km NE of Mtsensk on the road to Tula) and Belyov taking many captives. A. and M. Vorotynsky went after them, reached Kolomak (west of Kharkov), but could not catch them.
  • 1563: Princes Muhammad Giray and Adil Giray with 10,000 men fall on Mikhaylov. Tatar troops were also in the Dedilovo (30km SE of Tula), Pronsk and Ryazan areas.
  • 1564: Knowing that the main Russian forces were at Kaluga awaiting a Polish attack, in fall Khan Devlet I Giray, his two sons and 60,000 men attacked the Ryazan borderland. For three or four days the horde tried to storm Ryazan. Voyvod Alexei Danilovich Basmanov and his son Fyodor fought off attacks on Ryazan, but the Tatars seriously ravaged the areas between Pronsk and Ryazan, capturing a great many inhabitants. After spending six days in the Ryazan country the Crimean Khan retreated to the steppes. Later, one of the Tatar detachments (about 4000 men under Shirin prince Mamay) returned to the Ryazan country but was destroyed by the troops of Basmanov and Prince Fyodor Tatev. The majority of the Tatars were killed but 500 of them along with their commander were captured.
  • 1565: In fall Devlet Giray made his usual raid into the southern Russian lands and surrounded and besieged Bolkhov. Princes Andrew Telyatevsky and Dmitry Khvorostinin were sent to aid the beleaguered garrison. Upon learning of the approach of fresh Russian forces Devlet Giray left Bolkhov for the steppe (9 October).
  • 1566: The Russian government completed the construction of a large defense line – the Zasechnaya cherta – a grand fortified line, which ran from Ryazan to Tula and then to Belyov on the upper Oka. Ivan the Terrible spent a month inspecting the new forts at Kozelsk, Belyov, Bolkhov, Aleksin other border towns.
  • 1567: In spring a 3000-man party under Osman-Mirza of the Shirin clan pillaged the Muscovite borderlands.
  • 1568: In autumn 3000 men under princes Adil Giray and Gazi Giray (the future khan Ğazı II Giray) pillaged the Muscovite borderlands.
  • 1569: Khan Devlet Giray joins Turks in their unsuccessful attempt to take Astrakhan (see Russo-Turkish War (1568–1570)).
  • 1570: In spring 50,000 men under the future khan Mehmed II Girai devastate the neighborhood of Ryazan and Kashira. On May 21 at Zaraysk voyvods Dmitri Khvorostinin and prince Fyodor Lvov attack the Tatars at night and take many captives. In autumn 6000-7000 Tatars under crown prince Alp Giray fought around Novosil. With them were Nogais and Azov people.

1571–1599 Moscow burned

In this period the Oka was crossed four times, in 1571 and 1584 by bypassing the main line west of Kaluga. In 1571 Moscow was burned but the other two raids on Moscow failed. Main raiding continued to be south of the Oka Bank Line from Kaluga to Ryazan and from Kaluga south toward Bolkhov, with some tendency to move southward. We also hear of raids much further south and east. The effect of the new Abatis Line, roughly from Ryazan through Tula to Belyov, is not clear from this list. Raids on Poland-Lithuania are only mentioned for 1577, but this may be an omission.{{Location map+|Russia Central Federal District|width=400|float=right|caption=Places 1571-1599
Blue: Oka River, with fortified line from Kaluga to Ryazan.
The new Abatis Line ran from Ryazan through Tula to Belyov.
|places={{Location map~|Russia Central Federal District|lat=56.33|long=44.00|mark=Location dot blue.svg|label=Nizhny Novgorod|position=top}} {{Location map~|Russia Central Federal District|lat=56.23|long=43.45|mark=Location dot blue.svg|label=}}{{Location map~|Russia Central Federal District|lat=56.13|long=43.06|mark=Location dot blue.svg|label=}}{{Location map~|Russia Central Federal District|lat=55.97|long=43.06|mark=Location dot blue.svg|label=}}{{Location map~|Russia Central Federal District|lat=55.55|long=42.20|mark=Location dot blue.svg|label=}}{{Location map~|Russia Central Federal District|lat=55.56|long=42.02|mark=Location dot blue.svg|label=}}{{Location map~|Russia Central Federal District|lat=54.93|long=41.40|mark=Location dot blue.svg|label=Kasimov}}{{Location map~|Russia Central Federal District|lat=54.60|long=39.70|mark=Location dot blue.svg|label=RYAZAN}}{{Location map~|Russia Central Federal District|lat=55.08|long=38.62|mark=Location dot blue.svg|label=Kolomna|position=right}}{{Location map~|Russia Central Federal District|lat=54.83|long=37.62|mark=Location dot blue.svg|label=}}{{Location map~|Russia Central Federal District|lat=54.88|long=37.22|mark=Location dot blue.svg|label=}}{{Location map~|Russia Central Federal District|lat=54.83|long=38.17|mark=Location dot blue.svg|label=Kashira|position=top}}{{Location map~|Russia Central Federal District|lat=54.88|long=38.00|mark=Location dot blue.svg|label=}}{{Location map~|Russia Central Federal District|lat=54.91|long=37.40|mark=Location dot blue.svg|label=Serpukhov|position=left}}{{Location map~|Russia Central Federal District|lat=54.73|long=37.18|mark=Location dot blue.svg|label=|position=left}}{{Location map~|Russia Central Federal District|lat=54.52|long=37.10|mark=Location dot blue.svg|label=|position=right}}{{Location map~|Russia Central Federal District|lat=54.50|long=36.28|mark=Location dot blue.svg|label=KALUGA|position=left}}{{Location map~|Russia Central Federal District|lat=55.750 |long=37.6166 |label=MOSCOW |position=top|mark=Filled diamond.svg}}{{Location map~|Russia Central Federal District|lat=54.03|long=35.78|label=Kozelsk|position=left}}{{Location map~|Russia Central Federal District|lat=53.82|long=36.15|label=Belyov|position=left}}{{Location map~|Russia Central Federal District|lat=52.97|long=37.05|label=Novosil}}{{Location map~|Russia Central Federal District|lat=54.78|long=32.05|label=Smolensk|position=bottom|mark=City locator 16.svg}}{{Location map~|Russia Central Federal District|lat=54.12|long=39.62|label=Pronsk|position=right}}{{Location map~|Russia Central Federal District|lat=54.23|long=39.03|label=Mikhaylov|position=bottom}}{{Location map~|Russia Central Federal District|lat=54.20|long=37.62|label=Tula|position=left}}{{Location map~|Russia Central Federal District|lat=54.77|long=38.88|label=Zaraysk|position=right}}{{Location map~|Russia Central Federal District|lat=51.48|long=33.27|label=Novgorod-Seversky|position=bottom}}{{Location map~|Russia Central Federal District|lat=57.18|long=39.42|label=Rostov|mark=City locator 16.svg}}{{Location map~|Russia Central Federal District|lat=57.62|long=38.85|label=Yaroslavl|mark=City locator 16.svg}}{{Location map~|Russia Central Federal District|lat=54.43|long=47.70|label=Tetyushi|mark=Red Arrow Right.svg|position=left}}{{Location map~|Russia Central Federal District|lat=54.85|long=46.58|label=Alatyr|position=top}}{{Location map~|Russia Central Federal District|lat=54.62|long=43.20|label=Temnikov|position=right}}{{Location map~|Russia Central Federal District|lat=55.40|long=43.87|label=Arzamas|position=right}}{{Location map~|Russia Central Federal District|lat=52.42|long=37.58|label=Livni|position=left}}{{Location map~|Russia Central Federal District|lat=51.67|long=39.20|label=Voronezh |position=bottom}}{{Location map~|Russia Central Federal District|lat=53.80|long=38.55|label=Epifan|position=bottom}}{{Location map~|Russia Central Federal District|lat=54.02|long=41.70|label=Shatsk}}{{Location map~|Russia Central Federal District|lat=53.93|long=37.17|label=Krapivna|position=bottom}}{{Location map~|Russia Central Federal District|lat=55.55|long=36.28|label=Molodi|position=left}}{{Location map~|Russia Central Federal District|lat=53.45|long=36.17|label=Bolkhov|position=left}}{{Location map~|Russia Central Federal District|lat=54.35|long=38.27|label=Venyov|position=left}}{{Location map~|Russia Central Federal District|lat=54.92|long=33.30|label=Dorogobuzh|position=left}}{{Location map~|Russia Central Federal District|lat=55.2000|long=34.2500 |label=Vyazma|position=left}}
  • 1571: Moscow burned: more than 30 cities looted, about 60,000 captives. See also Fire of Moscow (1571). In spring occurred one of the worst Tatar invasions of Muscovy. Crimean Khan Devlet I Giray, learning from prisoners and deserters of the problems of the Moscow state – plague and drought, the continuing Livonian War, the concentration of Russian forces only on the Oka River fords at Kolomna and Serpukhov – launched his most successful campaign against Russia. The Khan originally planned confine himself to a raid near Kozelsk ( west of the north-flowing part of the Oka) and led his horde to the headwaters of the Oka. Forcing this river at the Bystry ford, the horde moved toward Bolkhov and Kozelsk. But on ‘Zlynsky Field’ (location?) he accepted the suggestion of a defector from Belyov, Boyar-son Kudeyar Tishenkov, to go straight to Moscow. The traitor promised to lead the horde through unprotected "perelazhy" on the upper Zhizdra River, a place where the Crimeans had never been. This flanking maneuver was completely unexpected. In mid-May 40,000 Tatars crossed the Zhizdra near Peremyshl, and began bypassing the rear of the Russian troops and advanced on Moscow. (Peremyshl is roughly where the east-flowing Zhizdra joins the north-flowing Oka. This implies that they were west of the Oka, moved north across the Zhizdra and Ugra Rivers and turned northeast to Moscow, bypassing Kaluga to the south) With a sudden attack they destroyed the troops of kosh voyvod Yakov Volynsky. Ivan the Terrible, hearing of this dangerous breakthrough and the approaching enemy troops, fled from Serpukhov past Moscow to Rostov, and planning to go further to Yaroslavl. Voyvods Prince I. D. Belsky, Prince I. F. Mstyslavsky, and Prince M. I. Vorotynsky rapidly marched from Kolomna to Moscow, trying to get ahead of the Tatar horde and got there one day ahead of the Crimean Khan (23 May). They placed themselves at the Zamoskvoreche (the loop of the Moscow river across from the Kremlin) and prepared for battle. After losing the first skirmishes the Khan camped at the village of Kolomenskoye just south of Moscow and sent 20,000 Tatars to burn the outlying parts of the city. The suburbs were burned along with the 'Earthen City' (a historical region of Moscow). A great number of Muscovites died in the fire. Tatars began to plunder and ravage the Moscow district. On 25 May (sic, this implies that they only stayed two days.) Devlet Giray left Moscow for Kashira and Ryazan, sending out raiding parties to take captives. Soon, loaded with loot and a huge number of captives, the Crimeans returned to the steppes. On their way they passed through the Ryazan land and captured and burned Kashira. Prince Mikhail Vorotyinskiy with the forward regiment followed the retreating enemy, but because of the small number of troops could not prevent them from ravaging and destroying the Russian land. During this invasion 36 Russian cities were destroyed and many people taken captive. The Crimean ambassador to Lithuania later boasted that the Tatars had killed 60,000 people and taken the same number captive. 2. At the same time the Great Nogai Horde, as allies of the Crimeans, raided the Kazan areas of Tetyushi and Alatyr. (Tetyushi is on the Volga south of Kazan.)
  • 1572: Attack on Moscow fails: A second campaign with 120,000 men ends with a crushing defeat at the Battle of Molodi. In July Devlet Giray launched an even larger campaign with 120,000 men (according to the chronicle. Other sources have 40000 and other numbers.) including Nogais and 7,000 Turkish Janissaries (sic). The Khan had no doubt of victory and confidently divided Russian cities among his Mirzas. Relying on his large army, he went straight for the main crossings of the Oka. On the night of 27 July the Tatar horse pushed aside a few Russian outposts and swam across the Senkiny Ford (location?). On the following night they set off for Moscow on the Serpukhov road. The chief Russian voyvod, boyar Prince Mikhail Vorotynsky, who was with a large force at Serpukhov, left his position in the river-bank line and moved toward Moscow after the Tatars, cutting off their line of retreat. From the Kaluga (western) flank, trying to intercept the Tatars, was the vanguard regiment under A. P. Khovansky and D. I. Khvorostinin and from Kashira – the guard regiment of I. P. Shusky[[? and V. I. Kolychev. On 30 July on the Rozhayka River near the village of Molodi the vanguard regiment under princes Khovansky and Khvorostinin caught up with the Tatar rearguard, attacked and defeated them. The Khan was alarmed by this blow from the Russian cavalry and halted his attack on Moscow. He sent a 12,000-man cavalry corps against Russian vanguard regiment. The vanguard regiment fell back, leading the enemy into the arms of a larger army which was just arriving and was strengthened by hastily-constructed "gulyay-gorods" (pieces of wall on wheels). Under the cover of musket and cannon fire from Russian musketeers and German mercenaries behind the gulyay-gorods, Russian cavalry made sorties against the Tatars, throwing them into disorder. In one of these fights the prominent Tatar commander Divey Mirza was captured. Also killed was the Nogai Mirza Tereberdey who commanded the vanguard of the Crimean Horde. On 2 August Devlet Giray led his full force to storm the gulyay-gorods. During a fierce battle under the walls of these wooden forts a regiment under Mikhail Vorotynsky was able to slip around the enemy army and strike a powerful blow from the rear. At the same time the enemy was attacked from the gulyay-gorods by the vanguard regiment under Dmitry Khvorostinin. Unable to withstand the double blow of Russian regiments, the Tatars retreated, having suffered enormousl losses. Among the dead were the sons of the Devlet Giray. On the night of 3 August the horde hastily retreated southward, pursued by Russian cavalry. Trying to break away from pursuit, Devlet Giray put out several covering detachments, which were destroyed by Russians. Of the huge army that crossed the Russian border in July only 20,000 got back to Crimea.
  • 1573: In September there was a raid by the Crimean princes on Ryazan. First they were fought by the borderland voyvods, and then by a large regiment from Serpukhov under voyvod Prince S.D. Pronsky and his comrades, "and they went to the Verda River, but did not touch the Tatars."
  • 1574: In fall the Crimeans and Nogais raided the Ryazan borderland. Voyevod Prince Boris Serebryany and his comrades defeated the enemy at Pechernikovsky Groves.
  • 1576: In September the Crimean Tatars fell on Novgorod-Seversky.
  • 1577: 1. A 10,000-man Crimean Tatar army under the new khan Mekhmed Semin Giray (apparently Mehmed II Giray) ravaged and burned Volhynia and received a large ransom from the Polish king for the termination of the campaign. On this raid they took 35,000 prisoners. 2. Crimean Tatars and Nogais continued to raid the southern Russian lands. At the head of the Tatar army was Yeseney Mirza Diveev. The Nogais raided around Alatyr and Temnikov.
  • 1578 : Mirza Yeseney Diveev made another raid. With him were 6,000 казыевцев (men under Kazy Mirza?) 2,000 Azov men, 2,000 from the Great Nogai Horde and 2,000 Diveev Nogais. In summer many Nogais were around Venyov and other places.
  • 1580 : In summer Nogais, Crimeans and Diveev Nogais went to the Moscow borderland and there were many losses. Nogai prince Urus, calling on the Cheremises to rebel, prepared to attack Meshchera (near Kasimov) and the Ryazan region.
  • 1581 : 25,000 Nogais under prince Urus ravaged the Belyov, Alatyr and Kolomna areas. (if correct, an unusually wide spread) Together with the Great Horde was the Little Horde, Azov men and Crimeans. At their head were the Crimean princes and the famous Azov leader Dosmagmet.
  • 1582 : The Great Nogais assisted Cheremis rebels in the Kazan region and raided southern Russia. Their raid around Novosil is well known.
  • 1583: Livonian War ends.
  • 1584: In spring 52,000 Tatars led by Araslan-Mirza broke through the Oka. For two weeks the Tatars and Nogais devastated the areas around Belyov, Kozelsk, Vorotynsk (just south of Kaluga, Meshchovsk (south of Kaluga), Mosalsk, Mozhaysk , Dorogobuzh and Vyazma (this implies that they had crossed the upper Oka and were west and north of Kaluga) and carried into captivity countless many Russian people. On 7 May an army under duma nobleman M. A. Beznin overtook the enemy at the mouth of the river Vys near Kaluga. In a bitter battle the Russians defeated the nomads and recaptured about 70,000 prisoners. Mirza Yeseney Diveev with a separate detachment besieged city of Belyov which was defended by Prince Timothy Trubetskoy. Mikhail Beznin sent a force to help him and the Mirza raised the siege and fled to the steppe.2.Also in that year the Azov men under Dosmagmet-Aga and Konkar-Aga raided near Ryazhsk.
  • 1585: Two raids on the southern Russian lands. Tatar troops came to the Ryazan borderland.
  • 1586: 30,000 Tatars attacked the southern Russian territory.
  • 1587: 1. In spring Azov men and lesser Nogais (3000 men) under Dosmagmet-Aga made another raid on the southern Russian lands. 2. In June a 40,000-man horde under Princes Alp Giray and Selâmet I Giray invaded Moscow lands by the Kalmius Trail. Russian voyvods awaited the enemy near Tula, but the Crimeans stayed on the borderland and fell on the town of Krapivna, took the fort and burned the town. The Russian government sent a large army to the border under three commanders. On the approach of the Russians the Tatars hastily returned to the steppe. During pursuit the Russians overtook and destroyed many Tatar raiding parties but did not make contact with the main force. About 30,000 Crimeans and Nogais died and 2,000 were taken prisoner.
  • 1591: Attack on Moscow fails: In the summer of 1591 a huge Crimean Tatar horde, said to be 150,000 men, led by Khan Ğazı II Giray marched on the Russian realm. The first Tatar hordes were detected by Cossack stanitsa heads near Livni. The Tula and Dedliov voyvods reported to Moscow the appearance of hordes near the border. The Russian government took all measures to repel the enemy invasion. All the border voyvods were ordered to quickly gather their troops near Serpukhov, and then come to Moscow, leaving on the bank-line a small detachment under S. Koltovsky for reconnaissance. On 3 July Koltovsky and his men arrived in Moscow, where he said that the Crimean Khan with a huge horde was moving directly on Moscow and not sending out raiding parties to capture prisoners. On 2 July Crimean cavalry crossed the Oka between Kashira and Serpukhov and moved by the Moscow road toward the capital. The Khan, learning of the rapid withdrawal of the Russian troops toward Moscow and fearing a surprise attack held his forces together for a decisive battle. The Russian command decided to give a general battle under the walls of Moscow. At the head of the large Russian force gathered at the capital were voyvods boyar Prince Fedor Mstislavsky and cavalry boyar Boris Godunov. The chief voyvods tried to delay the offensive and sent to the Pakhra River (about 35 km of Moscow) picked troops under Prince Vladimir I. Bakhtiyarov-Rostovsky. The small Russian detachment was overwhelmed by the superior forces of the Crimean Khan and Bakhtiyarov himself was wounded in battle. During this time the Russian command was able to collect near Moscow a great "oboz" – field fortifications similar to the gulyay-gorods. On the morning on July 4 the Khan approached the capital. The Khan stationed his main body at the village of Kotla and sent troops out from there to fight. Crimeans attacked Russian troops stationed at the "oboz' but could not achieve anything. At night the Russians sent a 3,000-man cavalry detachment under Vasily Yanov from the Oboz to attack the Khan's camp at Kolomenskoye just south of Moscow. In addition, Moscow scouts were sent to the Khan to inform him of a large army arriving from Novgorod. Alarmed by the Russian attack and cannon fire, the Crimean Khan on 6 July began a hasty retreat from the capital. The horde left Moscow for Serpukhov, where they crossed the Oka and continued to retreat. Individual raiding parties that had separated from the main forces were defeated near Tula, Mikhailov and Pronsk. Russian cavalry troops were sent in pursuit of the retreating and demoralized Crimean horde. In last battles on the steppe the Khan himself was wounded, but he managed to preserve and bring back a part of his broken troops.
  • 1592:In spring a 30000-man troop under Fetih I Giray and Bakhti Giray went to Tula, Mikhailov, Dedilov, Venyov, Kashira and Ryazan and "took such a multitude of prisoners that the old people do not remember such wars." Using speed and suddenness, the Tatars ravaged the regions close to the border and took many prisoners. Boyar Prince Boris Kambulatovich Cherkassky set out from Tula against the Tatar princes. At the approach of the Russian troops the Tatar princes, who were camped near Mikhailov, led their men back to the steppes laden with booty and captives (19 May). Russian voyvods followed the Tatars as far as Epifan and then returned to their positions on the river-bank-line.
  • 1593: The Azov people Nogais operated near Voronezh and Livni (unusually far south).
  • 1594: In spring up to 8,000 Tatars raid the southern Russian lands. On 17 May near Shatsk, Russia appeared "Nogais and Azov Turks" under Mirzas Baran-Ghazi-Mirza Sheydyakov, Islam Mirza and Azov Aga Dos-Mohammed (Dosmagmet). The town was besieged but an attempted storm was driven off by city voyvod Prince V. I. Koltsovy-Masalski. The Shatsk voyvod asked Moscow for help. Also Prince Vladimir Koltsov reported in the capital that Azov Aga Dos Mohammed having retreated to the steppe had been joined by 12,000 men under Crimean prince "Araslan" and was preparing a new attack around Shatsk and Ryazan. The Russian government increased the garrisons at Zaraysk, Shatsk, Arzamas and Alatyr, and sent from Tula, Dedilov and Krapivna forces under Prince Vasily Golitsyn. Russian troops were placed at Epiphan and waited Tatar raids. Frightened by the Russian preparations, the Nogais and Azov people did not risk a second raid, but left the borderland and returned to their steppe pastures.
  • 1595: In August 1594 (sic) the Polish army under Grand Crown Hetman Jan Zamoyski entered Moldavia and on 3 September captured Iași and placed on the thrown his protege Ieremia Movilă. In October 25,000 Crimeans under Khan Ğazı II Giray invaded Moldavia. Jan Zamoyski with the Polish army (7,300 men) went out from Yassi and on 6 October made a fortified encampment near Țuțora. On 19–20 October there was a battle. The Khan encircled and attacked the Polish camp but the Poles repulsed all attacks and inflicted great losses. On 21 October Gazy Giray made a truce with the Grand Hetman and left Moldavia. See Moldavian Magnate Wars.
  • 1596: The Ryazan land was raided by the Crimean Tatars. Azov Aga Dos-Muhammad again ravaged the Ryazan area.


Wars: During the Time of Troubles (1592-1613) and the Polish–Muscovite War (1605–18) Russia had little strength to fight the Tatars. By the Truce of Deulino (1619) Poland held the area from Smolensk south to Chernogov. In 1632-34 (Smolensk War) Russia failed to capture Smolensk. In the south the Moldavian Magnate Wars (1593-1621) continued (Poles vs. Turks in Moldavia). The Polish–Ottoman War (1633–34) was almost simultaneous with the Smolensk War.Raids: During the Time of Troubles and its aftermath Russia had difficulty defending itself from Tatar raids. Raiding along the Oka Bank Line continued until at least 1633, which seems to be the last time the Oka was crossed. From about 1616 Russia built up forts southward on the line Kaluga-Belgorod east of the Polish border. From around 1640 these had noticeable effects. In the south the Polish Ukraine was raided almost every year, with some tendency for the raided areas to move east. Turkish armies are mentioned more frequently. There were number of major battles in the Moldavian area. There were Cossack raids southward, but these are not listed here.{{Location map+|Russia Central Federal District|width=600|float=right|caption=Places 1600-1648
Oka River in blue.
Abatis Line c1566 (Ryzan, Venyov, Tula, Krapivna, Odoyev)
Belgorod Line c1634-50(Okhtyrka,Belgorod,Novy Oskol,Userd, north to Voronezh,Koslov)
The distance from Moscow to Belgorod is about 570 kilometers
Smolensk and southward was Polish.
|places={{Location map~|Russia Central Federal District|lat=49.58|long=40.16|mark=Pfeil unten.svg|position=top|label=B}}{{Location map~|Russia Central Federal District|lat=50.34|long=35.68|mark=Pfeil unten.svg|position=bottom|label=A}}{{Location map~|Russia Central Federal District|lat=56.33|long=44.00|mark=Location dot blue.svg|label=Nizhny Novgorod|position=top}} {{Location map~|Russia Central Federal District|lat=56.23|long=43.45|mark=Location dot blue.svg|label=}}{{Location map~|Russia Central Federal District|lat=56.13|long=43.06|mark=Location dot blue.svg|label=}}{{Location map~|Russia Central Federal District|lat=55.97|long=43.06|mark=Location dot blue.svg|label=}}{{Location map~|Russia Central Federal District|lat=55.55|long=42.20|mark=Location dot blue.svg|label=}}{{Location map~|Russia Central Federal District|lat=55.56|long=42.02|mark=Location dot blue.svg|label=}}{{Location map~|Russia Central Federal District|lat=54.93|long=41.40|mark=Location dot blue.svg|label=Kasimov}}{{Location map~|Russia Central Federal District|lat=54.60|long=39.70|mark=Location dot blue.svg|label=RYAZAN}}{{Location map~|Russia Central Federal District|lat=55.08|long=38.62|mark=Location dot blue.svg|label=Kolomna|position=top}}{{Location map~|Russia Central Federal District|lat=54.83|long=37.62|mark=Location dot blue.svg|label=}}{{Location map~|Russia Central Federal District|lat=54.88|long=37.22|mark=Location dot blue.svg|label=}}{{Location map~|Russia Central Federal District|lat=54.83|long=38.17|mark=Location dot blue.svg|label=Kashira|position=top}}{{Location map~|Russia Central Federal District|lat=54.88|long=38.00|mark=Location dot blue.svg|label=}}{{Location map~|Russia Central Federal District|lat=54.91|long=37.40|mark=Location dot blue.svg|label=Serpukhov|position=left}}{{Location map~|Russia Central Federal District|lat=54.73|long=37.18|mark=Location dot blue.svg|label=|position=left}}{{Location map~|Russia Central Federal District|lat=54.52|long=37.10|mark=Location dot blue.svg|label=|position=right}}{{Location map~|Russia Central Federal District|lat=55.750 |long=37.6166 |label=MOSCOW |position=top|mark=Filled diamond.svg}}{{Location map~|Russia Central Federal District|lat=54.78|long=32.05|label=Smolensk|position=bottom|mark=City locator 16.svg}}{{Location map~|Russia Central Federal District|lat=54.12|long=39.62|label=Pronsk|position=bottom}}{{Location map~|Russia Central Federal District|lat=54.23|long=39.03|label=Mikhaylov|position=right}}{{Location map~|Russia Central Federal District|lat=54.77|long=38.88|label=Zaraysk|position=right}}{{Location map~|Russia Central Federal District|lat=51.48|long=33.27|label=Novgorod-Seversky|position=left}}{{Location map~|Russia Central Federal District|lat=54.85|long=46.58|label=Alatyr|position=top}}{{Location map~|Russia Central Federal District|lat=54.62|long=43.20|label=Temnikov|position=right}}{{Location map~|Russia Central Federal District|lat=52.42|long=37.58|label=Livni|position=bottom}}{{Location map~|Russia Central Federal District|lat=53.80|long=38.55|label=Epifan|position=right}}{{Location map~|Russia Central Federal District|lat=53.45|long=36.17|label=Bolkhov|position=left}}{{Location map~|Russia Central Federal District|lat=54.35|long=38.27|label=Venyov|position=right}}{{Location map~|Russia Central Federal District|lat=55.02|long=36.50|label=Borovsk|position=top}}{{Location map~|Russia Central Federal District|lat=53.27|long=39.15|label=Dankov|position=right}}{{Location map~|Russia Central Federal District|lat=53.12|long=34.97|label=Karachev|position=left}}{{Location map~|Russia Central Federal District|lat=52.42|long=34.80|label=Komarichi|position=left}}{{Location map~|Russia Central Federal District|lat=52.97|long=36.07|label=Oryol|position=left}}{{Location map~|Russia Central Federal District|lat=53.02|long=39.13|label=Lebedyan|position=right}}{{Location map~|Russia Central Federal District|lat=51.32|long=33.87|label=Putivl|position=right}}{{Location map~|Russia Central Federal District|lat=52.15|long=34.50|label=Sevsk|position=left}}{{Location map~|Russia Central Federal District|lat=54.03|long=35.78|label=Kozelsk|position=left}}{{Location map~|Russia Central Federal District|lat=52.69|long=35.77|label=Kromy|position=left}}{{Location map~|Russia Central Federal District|lat=54.50|long=36.28||label=KALUGA|mark=Location dot blue.svg|position=left}}{{Location map~|Russia Central Federal District|lat=54.01|long=36.25|label=Likhvin|position=right}}{{Location map~|Russia Central Federal District|lat=53.93|long=36.70|label=Odoyev|position=bottom}}{{Location map~|Russia Central Federal District|lat=53.82|long=36.15|label=Belyov|position=left}}{{Location map~|Russia Central Federal District|lat=53.45|long=36.91|label=Chern|position=right}}{{Location map~|Russia Central Federal District|lat=53.27|long=36.55|label=Mtsensk|position=left}}{{Location map~|Russia Central Federal District|lat=51.72|long=36.18|label=Kursk|position=left}}{{Location map~|Russia Central Federal District|lat=54.20|long=37.62|label=Tula|position=left}}{{Location map~|Russia Central Federal District|lat=54.00|long=37.33|label=Dedilov|position=right}}{{Location map~|Russia Central Federal District|lat=53.93|long=37.17|label=Krapivna|position=right}}{{Location map~|Russia Central Federal District|lat=52.97|long=37.05|label=Novosil|position=bottom}}{{Location map~|Russia Central Federal District|lat=52.42|long=37.58|label=Livni|position=bottom}}{{Location map~|Russia Central Federal District|lat=51.30|long=37.83|label=S.Oskol|position=top}}{{Location map~|Russia Central Federal District|lat=50.19|long=34.95|label=Okhtyrka|mark=X solid black 17.gif|position=left}}{{Location map~|Russia Central Federal District|lat=50.60|long=36.60|label=Belgorod|mark=X solid black 17.gif|position=top}}{{Location map~|Russia Central Federal District|lat=50.76|long=37.87|label=N.Oskol|mark=X solid black 17.gif|position=bottom}}{{Location map~|Russia Central Federal District|lat=50.76|long=38.53|label=Userd|mark=X solid black 17.gif}}{{Location map~|Russia Central Federal District|lat=51.67|long=39.20|label=Voronezh|mark=X solid black 17.gif|position=right}}{{Location map~|Russia Central Federal District|lat=52.88|long=40.48|label=Kozlov|mark=X solid black 17.gif|position=right}}{{Location map~|Russia Central Federal District|lat=51.50|long=31.30|label=Chernigov|position=top }}
}}{{Location map+ |Ukraine |width=500 |float=right|caption=Places 1600-1648
Martynov and Burstyn are near Halych.
|places={{Location map~|Ukraine|lat=49.58|long=40.16|mark=Pfeil oben.svg|position=top|label=B}}{{Location map~|Ukraine|lat=50.34|long=35.68|mark=Pfeil oben.svg|position=top|label=A}}{{Location map~ |Ukraine |lat=51.50|long=27.66|label=POLESIA|position=top|mark=clear pog.svg}}{{Location map~ |Ukraine |lat=50.75|long=26.00|label=VOLHYNIA|position=top|mark=clear pog.svg}}{{Location map~ |Ukraine |lat=47.00|long=27.66|label=MOLDAVIA|position=top|mark=clear pog.svg}}{{Location map~ |Ukraine |lat=51.50|long=31.40|label=SEVERIA|position=top|mark=clear pog.svg}}{{Location map~ |Ukraine |lat=45.00|long=34.00|label=CRIMEA|position=top|mark=clear pog.svg}}{{Location map~ |Ukraine |lat=45.50|long=29.00|label=BUDZHAK|position=top|mark=clear pog.svg}}{{Location map~ |Ukraine |lat=47.50|long=37.00|label=LEFT
BANK|position=top|mark=clear pog.svg}}{{Location map~ |Ukraine |lat=47.50|long=33.00|label=RIGHT
BANK|position=top|mark=clear pog.svg}}{{Location map~ |Ukraine |lat=50.45000|long=30.52333 |label=Kiev|position=top}}{{Location map~ |Ukraine |lat=49.75|long=31.47|label=Kaniv}}{{Location map~ |Ukraine |lat=46.16|long=33.69|label=Perekop}}{{Location map~ |Ukraine |lat=47.82|long=35.10|label=Khortitsa|position=bottom}}{{Location map~ |Ukraine |lat=49.90|long=25.73|label=Vyshnivets}}{{Location map~|Ukraine|lat=49.48|long=31.28|label=Korsun}}{{Location map~|Ukraine|lat=49.80|long=30.12|label=B.Tserkva|position=top}}{{Location map~|Ukraine|lat=49.08|long=27.86|label=Bar|position=left}}{{Location map~|Ukraine|lat=49.57|long=25.06|label=Ternopil}}{{Location map~|Ukraine|lat=48.83|long=24.01|label=Lvov}}{{Location map~|Ukraine|lat=48.34|long=28.12|label=Busha}}{{Location map~|Ukraine|lat=49.23|long=28.48|label=Vinnytsia}}{{Location map~|Ukraine|lat=50.39|long=25.74|label=Dubno}}{{Location map~|Ukraine|lat=48.83|long=24.01|label=Lvov}}{{Location map~|Ukraine|lat=48.50|long=26.50|label=Khotyn|position=bottom}}{{Location map~|Ukraine|lat=49.79|long=22.77|label=Prezemysl}}{{Location map~|Ukraine|lat=50.68|long=21.75|label=Sandomierz}}{{Location map~|Ukraine|lat=49.68|long=21.75|label=Krosno}}{{Location map~|Ukraine|lat=50.03|long=22.00|label=Rzeszow}}{{Location map~|Ukraine|lat=47.10|long=39.42|label=Azov}}{{Location map~|Ukraine|lat=48.45|long=25.56|label=Sniatyn|position=left}}{{Location map~|Ukraine|lat=48.75|long=30.22|label=Uman}}{{Location map~|Ukraine|lat=47.13|long=27.75|label=Cecora|position=bottom}}{{Location map~|Ukraine|lat=48.68|long=26.58|label=Kamianets}}{{Location map~|Ukraine|lat=49.12|long=24.73|label=Halych|position=left}}


  • 1597-1608: omitted in Russian wikipedia
  • 1606–1608: During the "Time of Troubles" (1605–1613 or 1618) the Crimean Khanate and the Nogai Horde resumed their depredations on the defenseless Russian lands. In 1607–1608 Nogais ravaged and burned many cities in the Ukraine (or borderland?) and Severia. The number of the enemy was up to 100 thousand men. The few and weak Russian outposts on the border could not offer effective resistance to the great mass of the steppe cavalry. Nomads burned towns, villages and suburbs, killing and taking prisoner the local inhabitants. In January 1606 the Ukrainian Registered Cossacks from Korsun repulsed Nogai raiding parties with heavy losses to the enemy.
  • c1608-1617: Lisowczycy (Polish bandit-mercenaries) raid areas that were also raided by Tatars
  • 1609: Crimean Khan Selâmet I Giray (1608–1610) organized a large military campaign against Russian kingdom. Simultaneously, the Polish King Sigismund III Vasa with the Polish-Lithuanian army besieged and took Smolensk (Siege of Smolensk (1609–11)). Crimean Tatar horde (40 to 80,000 men) led by Kalga Janibek Giray (Canibek Giray) used the Izyumsky Trail and slowly began to move toward Moscow. During his movement Crimean horde was divided into separate detachments and scattered in different directions, devastating and burning towns and villages, robing, killing and taking captive the defenseless population. The Crimean Tatars devastated the southern districts, crossed over the river Oka, ravaged suburbs Tarusa, Serpukhov, Kolomna, and Borovsk. These were not the short-term raids usual for the nomads, but continuous war, which lasted all summer and even threatened Moscow itself. The Crimeans did not meet resistance because the southern defense system created by Ivan the Terrible was disorganized and ineffective.
  • 1610: In summer a Crimean Tatar horde (10,000–15,000) commanded Bogatyr Giray (Batyr Beg) and Kantemir-Mirza from Budzhak invaded the southern Russian lands and started to move on Moscow. Formally, the Tatars were sent to help the Tsar Vasili Shuisky against the Polish-Lithuanian invaders. In reality the Crimeans had come again to plunder and ravage the Muscovite lands. Kalga-Sultan Janibek Giray, with the main forces of the Horde was camped beyond the river Oka near Serpukhov. Shuisky from Moscow sent an embassy under Prince Boris Lykov with rich gifts to the Tartar camp. The tsarist government unsuccessfully tried to turn the Crimean horde against the Poles and the supporters of False Dmitry. The embassy was defended by a small force of streltsy (400 men). But the treacherous Tatars plundered Russian embassy, seized the royal gifts and forced the men to flee. With a huge number of prisoners Kalga-Sultan Janibek Giray with impunity returned to Crimea. Also in 1610, at the request of the Crimean Khan Selyamet Giray the Great Nogai Horde attacked the Ryazan land. At their head was Ak Mirza Bayterekov.
  • 1611: Ryazan land devastated. The Crimean-Nogai attack coincided with the first attempt to liberate Moscow from the Polish-Lithuanian invaders. Crimeans and Nogais devastated the area around Ryazan, Likhvin, Aleksin, Tarusa and other southern Russian districts. In the border areas the steppe nomads fought all summer. Ryazan complained to the capital that the Tartars had completely depopulated their land, the fields remained uncultivated and that all the people were "sitting under siege."
  • 1612: In autumn the Ukrainian Cossacks defeated a great Tatar detachment at Bila Tserkva and freed 5,000 captives.
  • 1613: Raids at Pronsk, Mikhailov and Ryazan. The Ryazan people reported to Moscow that the Tatars were attacking and burning down their houses while other Tartars remained for the winter, exposing the Ryazan land to constant looting. Also in that year the Great Nogai Horde attacked the Russian lands. They even crossed the Oka and raided the areas of Kolomna, Serpukhov and Borovsk and reached the outskirts of Moscow. Other Tatar bands ravaged suburbs and surroundings Pronsk, Mikhailov, Dedilova, Ryazan,Dankov and Kursk (last two rather far south).
  • 1614: Tatar hordes raid Podolia, Bukhovina, Bratslav and Volhynia under the command of Bogatyr Giray Diveev (Polish sources call him Bater Beg). In the same year 20,000 Nogais raided around Moscow. Other Nogai forces devastated the land around Temnikov and Alatyr (?rather far east). In winter Tatars waged war on many cities: Kursk, Rylsk, Komarichi, Karachev and Bryansk. As a result of the continuous raids a huge number of Russian prisoners were taken to Crimea.
  • 1615: In spring the Tatar war returned in full force. Individual Tatar groups raided around Kromy and Oryol. But these were only groups under independent leaders. The bulk of the attackers were Great and Small Nogais and Azov Tatars. In spring and summer the main enemy force (up to 25,000) took the Kalmius Trail and burst into the south Russian lands. Tatars and Nogais penetrated deep into the territory of the Russian state, settled at Serpukhov and from there spread out to various places. The areas of Kolomna, Serpukhov, Kaluga, and Borovsk were raided. In July 1615 the Azov people and Nogais (up to 3,000) made a new attack on the southern Russian frontier. In the winter and spring of 1615 the Crimean Tatar horde under Bogatyr Giray Diveev and Nuredin Azamat-Giray twice ravaged Right-bank Ukraine. In August and September the Crimean Khan Janibek Giray with a great army which also included Turks brutally devastated the Ukraine. Lands as far as Bar, Ternopil and Lvov were raided. The Crimeans told Russian envoys of a huge number of captives. Crown Field Hetman Stanisław Żółkiewski did not have enough forces to repulse the enemy.
  • 1616: Nogai Tatars came against Kursk.(note Russian troops this far south) Against them from Kursk went Cossack chief Ivan Antipovich Annenkov, a 'chosen nobleman of the first rank', with a force of Kursk troops made up of Boyar-sons and Kozaks (?possibly lightly-armed Tatars in the Russian service?). There was a bloody battle 15 versts (kilometers) from town in which the Tatars were routed, many were taken prisoner and the captives released. The raiders in 1616 were Azov people, казыевцы (Kazy Mirza's men?) and the Great Nogai Horde. Initially Azov men fell on the settlements of the Don Cossacks and burned some of them. The Tatars reached the Kozelsk country, where the Polish-Lithuanian invaders were also fighting (Polish-Muscovite War}. There were scattered skirmishes with Russian forces. In one of these was killed border guard voyvod M. Dmitriev. Crimean and Budjak Tatars invaded southern Polish territory and devastated Pokutia (middle Galicia). Crown Field Hetman Stanisław Żółkiewski with a small force placed himself on the Polish–Moldavian border and prevented the expected Turkish invasion.
  • 1617: In summer the Small Nogai Horde and Azov Tatars three times invaded South Russia. The Nogai mirzas camped at Serpukhov and sent out detachments to plunder the villages and take prisoners. The mirzas justified their raids by the government’s failure to sent previously promised tribute. In the same year the Crimean Tatars under Kalga-Sultan Devlet Giray made a new destructive raid into the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. The Crimeans fought near Kanev, Bila Tserkva and the Nogais went to Lvov. Registered Cossacks tried to block the path of the numerically superior hordes, but were defeated. In summer a large Turko-Tatar army under Iskender Pasha went to the Polish border. Polish Crown Hetman Zholkievski and the Polish noble army went to Podolia and placed themselves on the border. There were negotiations and on 23 September a Polish–Turkish peace treaty was made at Busha (Yaruga) (Peace of Busza). During the peace negotiations Crimean Tatars broke through the Polish border and ravaged Galicia.
  • 1618: At the request of the Turkish Sultan the Crimean Khan Janibek Giray organized a new raid on Poland. The first raid was in May under Cantemir Mirza of the Budjak Horde. Then in summer Kalga-Sultan Devlet Giray with the Crimean horde invaded the Ukraine. An attack on the Polish camp near Kamianets-Podilskyi failed, but Tartar raiding parties for six weeks ravaged the area of Vinnytsia, Bar, Tarnopol, Sinyavtsa(?), Dubno and Lvov.
  • 1619: In January the Truce of Deulino ends the Polish–Muscovite War (1605–1618). In spring Zolkiewski gathered a Polish army and camped on the Polish–Moldavian border. In turn Iskender Pasha at the head of the Turkish army went to the Polish border. With the mediation of Moldovan Ruler Gaspar Graziani talks were started and a truce was arranged.
  • 1620: A new campaign of Crown Prince Devlet Giray in the southern Polish lands - Podolia and Bratslav (eastern Podolia). The campaign led to the complete defeat of the Polish forces by the Turko-Tatar army at the Battle of Cecora (1620) in Moldavia. The Polish commander Zholkiewski was killed. The flower of the Polish nobility was captured. The Tatars took great booty and important captives for whom they received great ransoms. One of those captured was the young Bohdan Khmelnytsky.
  • 1621: (Article Battle of Khotyn (1621) seems to contradict much of this paragraph.) At the request of the Sultan the Crimean Khan Janibek Giray made a new attack on Poland with 100,000 Crimeans, Great and Small Nogais and "Mountain Cherkassians". At the Battle of Khotyn (1621) a huge Turko-Tatar army (150,000 Turks and 60,000 Tatars), led by the Ottoman Sultan Osman II suffered a complete defeat (sic) by the Polish-Lithuanian-Cossack troops under the command of Grand Lithuanian Hetman Jan Karol Chodkiewicz, Stanislaw Lubomirski and Ukrainian Hetman Petro Konashevych-Sahaidachny. The Treaty of Khotyn ends the Polish–Ottoman War (1620–1621), the last part of the Moldavian Magnate Wars.
  • 1622: Campaign to Tula, ravaging of Odoyev, Belyov, Dedilov. Kursk voyvod Stepan Mikhailovich Ushakov ordered I. A. Annenkov to pursue the Tatars, a large group of whom were roaming about the Kursk region. Annenkov with Boyar-sons and Cossacks caught up with the Tatars on the Izium Trail on the edge of the Oskol region, defeated them, took many captives and rescued the Russian captives. These people had been taken from the Mtsensk, Odoyev, Belyov and Chern regions. The other Tatars, laden with an enormous amount of stolen loot, avoided the Kursk area once they heard what Annenkov had done to their friends. They made their way through the little-used trails on the high ground between the basins of the Dnieper and Don, between the sources and Rat' (tributaty of the Seym) and Kshena, Seyma and Oskol, Donetsk Semitsa, Olshana, Korocha and Khalana (apparently small rivers east of Kursk?). But the art and good management of Annenkov and the bravery of his troops defeated the nomads.
  • 1623: The Tatars again attacked Belgorod. Belgorod troops defeated the attack and won a battle on the Khalan River(flows east to join the Oskol between Stary and Novy Oskol). In the same year, Voyvod S. M. Ushakov, having learned that the Tartar hordes were heading from Orlov(possibly the one NE of Voronezh) to Kursk, sent 300 Boyar-sons from Kurchan(?), Cossacks 'remaining from the Putivl service' (?) and 100 infantry with firearms. The Tatars came to Russia and fought around Orlov, Karachev, Mtsensk, and Bolkhov and then left altogether on the Bakhmut Trail (? Bakhmut is south of the Donets). After them were sent Cossack stanitsa chiefs and Kursk boyar-sons. Annenkov was sent with the remaining boyar-sons. At the request of Ushakov Belgorod voyvod Prince Tyufyakin also sent a detachment of boyar-sons and Cossacks under Vasily Torbin and Plakid Temirov who joined with Annenkov on the Kotlubansky Semitsa River (east of Kursk) where the Tatars were stopping by the Seym River. There was a terrible battle, and the Tartars were defeated completely.
  • 1624: Crimean Tatars again tried to cross southern Russian border near Belgorod, but failed.(the meaning of "border" is not clear) On 5 June the Budjak horde led by Cantemir-Mirza broke through from Moldova to the southern lands of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth near Sniatyn in Pokuttya (central Galicia). On 9 June Cantemir-Mirza crossed the Dniester near Martynov and on 10 June camped near Przemyśl, from which he sent troops to plunder and capture prisoners. Nogai raiding parties moved on Krosno, Yaroslav(?) and Zhesub (Rzeszow). One Nogai party was able to the reach Sandomierz area. Crown Field Hetman Stanisław Koniecpolski gathered a 5,000-man army and decided to attack the Budjak horde while it was returning from a raid. On the night of 19/20 June Koniecpolski crossed the Dniester and moved to Halych. Cantemir Mirza sent part of his cavalry in pursuit of the Polish corps, while his camp moved to Martynov. On 20 June at the Battle of Martynów the 5,000-man Polish army under Koniecpolski inflicted a heavy defeat on the Budjak Tatars. The Poles pursued the retreating Nogais for ninety kilometers.
  • 1625: Belgorod troops defeated Tatar troops on the Krasnaya River(location?). In autumn Crimean Khan Mehmed III Giray and Nureddin Azamat Giray led another campaign against Poland. There were up to 60 thousand Crimean, Nogai and up to 20,000 Turkish troops from Belgorod (?Bilhorod-Dnistrovskyi). Crimean and Turkish troops fought near Bar, Galich and Lvov, penetrating even into Lesser Poland. Individual Tatar raiding parties penetrated into the Ruthenian and Belz voyevodstvos (near Lvov). However, the Polish campaign ended unsuccessfully. Field Crown Hetman Koniecpolski and Grand Crown Strazhnik Stefan Chmielecki with the Polish army and Cossack troops destroyed small Tatar parties and liberated prisoners. Tatars suffered heavy losses in killed and wounded (up to 10 thousand men). The Crimeans returned from the Polish campaign in the spring of following year, and many died while crossing the Dniester. They reached Crimea in mid-April 1626. According to Russian ambassadors, the total reaching Crimea was up to 50 thousand people.
  • 1626: In spring, at the request of the Sultan, Khan Mehmed III Giray organized a new campaign against Poland. Instead of going himself he sent Cantemir-Murza. Both the Khan and Kalga Shahin Giray promised to go, but they were afraid to leave the Crimea, because, according to Russian sources, they were quarreling and did not trust each other. In August Nureddin-Sultan Azamat Giray made a campaign to the southern Polish lands. The Tatar horde devastated the Kiev region, did much damage and returned to the Crimea in October. The Tatar horde invaded the Kiev voyvodsvo and placed its camp near Bila Tserkva. From here nureddin Azamat Giray sent raiding parties to raid nearby towns and villages. Grand Crown Strazhnik Stefan Chmielecki with 2,000 Polish-noble troops and Mykhailo Doroshenko with Cossack regiments marched on the main body of the Tatar hordes. In September Chmielecki with 3,000 Polish troops and Doroshenko with 6,000 Cossacks fell on the main Tatar camp at Bila Tserkva and routed the forces of Azamat Giray.
  • 1628: The Kursk voyvod called on I. A. Annenkov, who was living on his estates and famous for his courage, and assigned him the military forces of the Kursk nobles, boyar-sons and other military men for a campaign against the Tatars. Annenkov moved south in the direction of Belgorod and 100 versts (‘’kilometers, approximately’’) from Kursk caught up with the Tatars who had taken many prisoners. He enveloped their camp, took it, and freed the Russian prisoners. But the predators did not let up and approached Kursk. Here at night and 10 versts from Kursk on the Vinogrobla River Annenkov defeated the Tatars and captured their chiefs.
  • 1629: In spring 4,000 Tatars fell on the Ukrainian lands, and began to ravage around Uman. Grand Crown Strazhnik Chmieletski with Polish troops inflicted heavy losses on the Tatars and forced them to withdraw to the steppe. In August Crimean Khan Janibek Giray organized a large raid on Poland. A large 12000-man horde under Kalga-Sultan Devlet Giray and Kantemir Mirza with Tatar troops moved on Moldavia, from which they suddenly attacked Podolia. Devlet Giray dispersed his troops from the Dnister River and chose an assembly point near Zlochev (Zolochiv?). Crimeans and Nogais began to ravage the nearest towns and villages, killing and taking captive the local population. Grand Crown Strazhenik Chmieletski with Polish troops and Hetman Hryhoriy Chorny with Cossack regiments destroyed isolated Tatar and Nogai raiding parties which had been sent to loot and take prisoners. Near Burshtyn the Poles and Ukrainian Cossacks defeated the main 7,000-man Tatar horde under Kantimir's son. The victors killed the majority of the Tatars and freed 10,000 captives. In this unsuccessful campaign the Tatars and Nogais lost in killed and captured up to 15,000 men. Kantimir's son was among the dead and among the captured was crown prince Islam Giray (who later became Khan İslâm III Giray and was the brother of Azamat Giray). In January 1630 the Tatars returned to Crimea without a single captive.
  • 1632: Plunder of Mtsensk, Novosil, Oryol, Kaprivna, Livny and Elets. In April–May the vanguard of Tatar troops entered the Russian land from three directions – the Kalmius, Izium and Muravsky Trails. The main force (20,000 men) under Mirzas Salmash and Devlet Giray in June crossed the Donets and began raiding around Livny, Karachev, Elets, Belgorod, Kursk, Oskol, Oryol, Mtsensk, Dankov, Sapozhkov (?), Venev, Voronezh, Lebedyan, Pronsk, Mikhailov, Ryazhsk, Kashira and Pechernikov(?). There were battles with the Crimeans near Novosil, Mtsensk, Lebedyan and other south Russian towns. In that year Belgorod withstood two attacks: Lithuanian and Tatar, the last taking many captives and raiding the Kursk and Rylsk regions. The Rylsk voyevod, having defeated them with the aid of the Rylsk boyar-sons, received a letter (милостивую грамоту) from Czar Mikhail praising him and the Rylsk boyar-sons. In the same year voyvod I. Velyaminov freed 2,700 captives near Novosil.
  • 1633a: Ravaging the areas around Serpukhov, Tarusa, Kaluga, Aleksin, Kashira, Kolomna and Ryazan. In summer 30,000 Crimean Tatars under Prince Mubarak Giray (son of Khan Janibek Giray), using the Izium Trail, invaded the southern Russian lands. The horde came to Livny, ravaged the bordering areas and divided into separate raiding parties. Crimean Tatars even dared to attack the areas near the fortresses that they passed. On 24 July Prince Mubarak Giray and the main force approached Serpukhov on the Oka. Near Serpukhov at the village Berezna there were fierce battles between the Tatars and forces sent out from the city against them. On 22 July the Crimeans came to Tula and ravaged the surrounding area. Soldiers sent from the city engaged in battle with the Tatars at "the meadow near scarlet mountain." The Tula people drove the enemy from the city. During the campaign troops of Mubarak Giray even crossed the Oka River and reached the outskirts of Moscow. Individual Tatar and Nogai raiding parties ravaged around Ryazan, Kashira, Kolomna, Pronsk, Zaraysk, Serpukhov, Tarusa, Obolensk(either of two places near Serpukhov), Kaluga, Aleksin, Vorotyinsk, Bolkhov, Belyov and Livny. By the estimate of A. A. Novoselsky from those areas alone were taken into captivity about 6,000 people. Enemy troops raided other south Russian areas, but the information on how many were captured has not survived.
  • 1633b: The relative quiet of the Tatar attacks on Russia in the late 30s and early 40s of the 17th century is undoubtedly due to the occupation of Azov by the Don Cossacks. The Russian government, not wanting to start a large war with Turkey, did not accept Azov from the Cossacks or send troops and after a long occupation the Cossacks left the town in 1642. The builders of the Belgorod Line and residents of the southern Russian districts, by the increase of Tatar attacks, immediately felt the change in the situation on the lower reaches of the Don. The Turkish fort of Azov was held by Don and Zaporozhian Cossacks from 1637 to 1642. It is not clear how this would have affected raiding.
  • 1633c: In summer of 1633, 2000 Budjak Tatars invaded the southern Polish land and began to ravage Podolia. Crown Field Hetman Stanisław Koniecpolski camping with the Polish army at Bar, led the 2000 cavalry against the Tatars and forced them to retreat. He then crossed the Dniester and on 4 July at the Battle of Sasowy Róg (1633), on the Prut river, he defeated enemy. Poles captured several Budjak mirzas, among whom was the son-in-law of Cantemir Mirza, freed all the captives and captured a large part of the loot. In August the Pasha of Silistra, Abaza Mehmed Pasha, led the Turkish troops to the Polish border and encamped near Khotyn. Koniecpolski with a Polish army (9250 men) went out to meet the enemy and established fortified camp near the fortress Kamenetz-Podolsky. Initially Abaza Pasha entered into peace negotiations with Koniecpolski. On 19 September the Budjak Horde (5,000–10,000 men) under Kantemir Mirza arrived to help Abaza-Pasha. On 20 September Abaza-Pasha crossed the Dniester and Kantemir Mirza attacked the Polish position. On 23 September Abaza Pasha, confident of his numerical superiority, attacked the Polish camp near Kamenets, but was defeated and forced to retreat to Moldavia.
  • 1634: Oryol voyvod D. Koltovsky freed 650 captives not far from the town.
  • 1637: In September 40,000 Crimeans under Nureddin Safa Giray broke through the southern defense line constructed near Yablonov(on the Belgorod Lind west of Novy Oskol) on the Iziyum Trail. Tatars and Nogais ravaged the areas of Livny, Oryol, Karachev, Bolkhov, Kromsk(?), Novosil and the Komaritsky(?). 2281 people were captured.
  • 1640: In January a large Tatar horde under Kalga-Sultan Islam Giray (the future İslâm III Giray and younger brother of Khan Bakhadyr I Giray) used the Cherny Trail to invade the Right-bank Ukraine. Islam Giray camped near Stary Konstantinov (?), from which he sent raiding parties to the little towns and villages. The Crimean Tatars and Nogais terribly ravaged Volhynia, Podolia and Galicia, taking a large number of captives. Grand Crown Hetman Stanislaw Koniecpolski, collecting the Polish army and Cossack regiments, forced the Crimeans to retreat beyond the Dnieper. In autumn of 1641 (sic) the Tatar horde made a robber campaign on Right Bank. Koniecpolski gathered a Polish-Cossack army, stationed them at Kodak Fortress, moved against the Tatars beyond the Vorskla River and forced them to retreat to the steppe.
  • 1642: Attacks occur with small forces, the enemy making little attempt to penetrate deep into Russia. But learning the location of the new Russian fortifications and not worrying about their rear areas, in the next years Tatars dealt serious blows to the most vulnerable places. From January the Crimeans and Nogais undertook small raids to the towns and villages along the Ukrainian border. In summer of 1643 (sic) a 4000-man horde fell on the Left-bank Ukraine, but were defeated by the Cossacks. In January 1644 (sic) 20,000 Tatars under Perekop Mirza Tugay Bey invaded the Ukraine. Koniecpolski, mobilized the Ukrainian nobility, gathered crown forces and registered Cossacks and spread them along the whole border. On 30 January 1644 (sic) the Polish-Cossack regiments defeated the main forces of Tugay Bey at Akhmatovy(?), as well as in other places.
  • 1643: Renewed heavy Tatar attacks on Russia; drought and famine in the Crimea, which reached its greatest extent in 1644–1645 and continued for several years, thereby making it easier for Tatar mirzas to gather under their banners thousands of ordinary Tatars and to send them to rob Russian villages and countryside. For their blows the Tatars selected unfortified places along the Nogai, Kalmius and Muravsky Trails. Advancing up the Nogai Trail they stopped before reaching the Kozlov Wall and turned west Attacks were on villages located on the banks of the Voronezh River - southwest of Kozlov, east of Lebedyan and north of Voronezh. Zaporozhian Cossacks participated in the raids. Tatars crossed to the west bank of the Voronezh River and penetrated the Elets district. The Kalmius Trail remained open. In the spring of 1643 were built on the left bank of the Oskol River Жестовой стоялый острожек (permanent watchposts?) but the service men only watched the Tatar movements from their towers. The small forts of Ocinovy and Razdorsky could not hold back the Tatars between the upper Tikhaya Sosna River and the Oskol River (between the two Oskols and Voronezh). On 17 May the Razdorsky fort fired on the Tatars with cannon, but that did not stop the enemy squad of 2,500. The Muravsky Trail remained open. New forts at Volny and Khotmyzhsk stood on the sidelines. In 1643 the Tatars began their invasion along the Kalmius Trail and in several cases returned with their booty along the Muravsky Trail. The Belgorod service men fought the Tartars but could not stop them. In 1643, reporting on one of these battles, the Belgorod voyvod N. M. Boborykin again raised the question of the construction of fortifications on the Karpov watch-area (?). He rightly believed that if there were Russian towns and forts there the Tatars would not have gone unpunished. In early 1644 the Military Department (Razryadny Prikaz) again decided to build forts in the Karpov watch-area, on the right bank of the Vorskla River (? extending the Line southwest from Belgorod). The plan was to build a permanent fort. The foundation was laid on 13 April. It was built by Belgorod people under Cossack stanitsa chief Ivan Ryshkov. On 15 May it was ready. By summer it had 60 Rylsk and Sevsk(?) streltsy. In autumn 1644 the Military Department undertook to turn the Karpov permanent fort into an inhabited town, but could not collect enough "free voluntary people." Karpov became an inhabited town in 1646, when an earth wall was built. Prior to this the one permanent fort did not represent a large obstacle for the Tatars.
  • 1641 (sic in the Russian wiki): 1,000 Tatars crossed the Donets at the mouth of the Derkul River (?) and went to raid around Kursk and Voronezh, having previously sent out significant parties into the steppe to operate on a wider radius.
  • 1644: In this year a very heavy blow was delivered to the south Russian lands. At the beginning of August the main army (30,000–40,000 men) concentrated on the northern border (sic) of the Khanate on the Orel River(?) and Samara River (Dnieper). Using the part of the Muravsky Trail that remained unblocked, they passed the Karpov fort, skirted the Vorskla River on the east side, and by the Bekaev Trial (west to Putivl) raided the Putivl district. In late August and early September they seized many captives in the Putivl, Rylsk, Sevsk districts, the Komaritsky?? Volost, and also the nearby Polish districts. Prisoners were estimated at "a third of the Tatar army", therefore, apparently, 10,000 people. The noble cavalry regiments were originally spread along the Oka River and gave absolutely no help to the inhabitants of the southwestern districts. The people protected themselves in cities and forts, in forests and ravines. Service men from Belgorod, Yablonov and Korocha (between Belgorod and Novy Oskol) went to fight on the open steppe but could not repulse the far larger enemy forces.
  • 1645: The fact that the Muravsky Trail was essentially open allowed a large mass of Tatars to invade Russia. The Khan ordered a winter raid. Again the southwest districts including Kursk suffered terrible destruction. December was unusually cold so hunger and cold killed many captives. Novoselsky estimated more than 6,000 captives for that year. The Tatars also suffered heavy losses while they ravaged the Rylsk, Putivl and Komaritsky districts and carried away 5,749 prisoners. A larger number of victims was avoided because of the actions of the Kursk voyvod Prince Semyon Pozharsky. A third of the Crimean army under Nureddin-Sultan Gazi-Giray did not return. Contributing to the Tatar success was the lack of a unified command on the newly created defense line. In December the Russian government gave Belgorod voyvod Prince F. A. Khilkov the temporary command of the service men of Yablonov, Karochi, Userd, Volny and Khotmizhsk (east-west part of Belgorod Line across Novy Oskol), but the order arrived after the Tatars had left. Comparing the raids of the 30s with those of the 40s it is easy to see that the new fortification line significantly reduced the area of Russia open to Tatar raids. The Kozlov Wall closed the road to Ryazan and the Yablonov wall (same east-west line as above) blocked the direct road to Livny and Tula. In the 1643–1645 the Tatars did not reach the Oka, and under these conditions the traditional practice of holding troops on the Oka was clearly absurd.
  • 1648.a: The Tatars are defeated on an unsuccessful campaign to the Oka River lands. In January small raiding parties appeared on both banks of the Dnieper, but after some skirmishes with Polish-Cossack troops they retreated to the steppes.

Wars 1648-1709

In this period we are dealing not with raids but large armies - Russian, Polish, Cossack and Turkish. Since the Russian Wikipedia spends too much time on strictly military events, we will summarize them here and translate only information about raids, to the extent that the two can be separated.The Khmelnitsky Uprising against Poland (1648-57) quickly turned into a class-religious-national conflict in which landowners, Poles, Catholics and Jews were killed or driven west. The rebellious Cossacks were not able to form a stable government and made short-lived alliances with every nearby power – the so-called Ruin (Ukrainian history) (c1657-1709). Russian support for the rebels led to the Russo-Polish War (1654-1667). Initial Russian successes drew in other powers and the Commonwealth was nearly destroyed – the so-called Deluge in Polish history. Poland recovered after losing perhaps a third of its population. In 1667 a border was recognized along the Dnieper, with Russia gaining Kiev and now claiming land east of the river. During the Ruin Turkish armies joined in several times.The large number of Cossack troops implies a significant increase in the Ukrainian population. The fighting west of the Dnieper drove population east of that river. In the Ukraine Tatar raiders would normally support one faction or another and would often switch sides to keep either side from becoming too strong. In Russia there were no raids reported in this list from 1649 to 1664. It appears that the new Belgorod Line was beginning to hold.

1648-1655: Khmelnitsky Uprising

{{Location map+|Ukraine|float=right|width=400|caption=Battles 1648-57 during the Khmelnitsky Uprising
: Cossack victory : Cossack defeat ; siege
|places={{Location map~|Ukraine|lat=49.48|long=31.28|label=Korsun|mark=Solid blue.svg|position=top}}{{Location map~|Ukraine|lat=48.55|long=33.65|label=ZhovtiVody|mark=Solid blue.svg}}{{Location map~|Ukraine|lat=49.60|long=27.45|label=Pylavtsi|mark=Solid blue.svg|position=top}}{{Location map~|Ukraine|lat=49.67|long=25.15|label=Zboriv|mark=Solid blue.svg|position=left}}{{Location map~|Ukraine|lat=50.35|long=25.12|label=Berestechko|mark=X solid black 17.gif|position=right}}{{Location map~|Ukraine|lat=49.39|long=30.10|label=BilaTs|mark=X solid black 17.gif|position=left}}{{Location map~|Ukraine|lat=48.58|long=29.28|label=Batog|position=bottom |mark=Solid blue.svg}}{{Location map~|Ukraine|lat=49.17|long=30.33|label=Okhmatov|position=bottom|mark=X solid black 17.gif}}{{Location map~|Ukraine|lat=49.84|long=24.02|label=Lvov|position=bottom|mark=Legenda_kamieniolom.svg}}{{Location map~|Ukraine|lat=50.72|long=23.25|label=Zamosc|position=top|mark=Legenda_kamieniolom.svg}}{{Location map~|Ukraine|lat=49.67|long=25.77|label=Zbarazh|position=bottom|mark=Legenda_kamieniolom.svg}}{{Location map~|Ukraine|lat=48.55|long=26.48|label=Zhvanets|position=bottom|mark=Legenda_kamieniolom.svg}}{{Location map~|Ukraine|lat=50.75|long=24.00|label=Lutsk|position=right}}{{Location map~|Ukraine|lat=47.5666|long=34.3666 |label=Zaporozhe|position=right}}{{Location map~|Ukraine|lat=46.1500|long=33.6833 |label=Perekop |position=right}}{{Location map~|Ukraine|lat=49.0666|long=27.6666 |label=Bar |position=bottom}}
}}Crimea was allied with: 1648,March: Cossacks, 1649,August: Poles, 1650?: Cossacks, 1651,June: Poles, 1652,summer :Cossacks, 1654,February: Poles. Russia supported the Cossacks in 1654-57.
  • 1648a: The Tatars are defeated on an unsuccessful campaign to the Oka River lands. In January small raiding parties appeared on both banks of the Dnieper, but after some skirmishes with Polish-Cossack troops they retreated to the steppes.
  • 1648b: Cossack victories:Zhovti Vody, Korsun, Pyliavtsi The revolt began in January and Khmielnitsky began negotiations with the Cossacks' traditional enemy in Crimea. Khan İslâm III Giray sent to Zaporozhye 4,000 men under Perekop Mirza Tugay Bey. By March the two groups were allied against Poland. In April Khmelnitsky, 5000 Cossacks and Turgay Bey's men moved west. In April and May the first Polish forces were defeated at the Battle of Zhovti Vody and Battle of Korsun. In May the Khan himself with 11,000 Tatars joined his new ally at Bila Tserkva ('White Church'), and from there sent raiding parties to plunder and ravage the surrounding Ukrainian lands, devastating the Kiev region and Volhynia and taking many captives. The khan returned to Crimea and in September sent another army under his brother the Kalga Kerim Giray. The Tatars did not (sic) participate in the Battle of Pyliavtsi but joined later and participated in the sieges of Lvov and Zamość. In all of these battles the Crimean Tatar troops proved to be unreliable allies, fighting only for their own goal, which was to rob people and carry away captives for sale in Crimea. Islam Giray feared a serious weakening of Poland, and constantly betrayed his ally Khmelnitsky. In July there was a Cossack defeat at the Battle of Starokostiantyniv.
  • 1649a: Tatars switch sides at Zboriv: After a short armistice, at the beginning of summer a Polish-Lithuanian army marched to the Ukraine against Khmelnitsky, who had 70,000 Cossacks and the same number of Crimean Tatars. The Crimean Khan Islam Giray led 30,000 (sic) Tatars to the aid of his ally Khmelnitsky. From June to August Polish troops were surrounded at the Siege of Zbarazh. The new Polish king, John II Casimir Vasa led an army to raise the siege. Khmelnitsky left part of his infantry to continue the siege, and met the king at the Battle of Zboriv (1649) which was to some degree a Cossack victory. Unable to deal with the Ukrainian Cossacks with weapons, the Polish government bribed the Crimean Khan. The Khan issued an ultimatum to the Ukrainian Hetman: either peace with the King, or the Tatars would join the Poles. Khmelnitsky had no choice but to agree. On 18 August 18 the Treaty of Zboriv was signed, but neither side implemented it. Jan Casimir promised the Tatars a large ransom and allowed them to take captives and rob the Ukrainian lands on the way to the Crimea. From Zboriv the Tatars slowly moved to the Crimea, with impunity devastating and plundering all the nearby Ukrainian lands. Moving through the Ukrainian lands, Islam Giray sent out raiding parties to rob, rape and enslave the Ukrainian population. By the Treaty of Zboriv the Polish King officially allowed the Crimean Khan to ruin and loot the Ukrainian lands along the road to Perekop. After leaving Zbarazh the Crimeans sent out detachments to take captive the peaceful inhabitants and also Cossacks returning from the fighting. Nogai and Tatar raiding parties spread through Volhynia and Red Ruthenia, plundering, pillaging and taking captive the defenseless Ukrainian population. Yampol, Zaslavl, Ostroh, Mezhibozh, Olyka, Tuchin, Polonne, Derazhne, Kolki (minor places for this year are almost all in Volhynia) and many other Ukrainian places were destroyed and burned, and the local people killed or robbed or taken by the Tatars to Crimea and sold into slavery. Crimean Tatars attacked and devastated the outskirts of Lutsk, the center of the Volhynian Voyevodstvo. Immediately after the battle of Zboriv the Crimeans fell on Zolochiv and Bely Kamen, looting and taking the inhabitants into slavery. At Toporkov Polish troops recaptured all of the prisoners. The cities of Belz, Sokal and Hrubieszów greatly suffered from the Tatars. Everywhere the Crimeans with the help of Cossacks robbed and killed people, took captives into slavery, stole cattle and carried them to the steppe. The Ukrainian hetman sent Bratslav Colonel Daniel Nechay and Chernogov Colonel Martin Nebaba to accompany the Crimean Tatars to Bar and on to the steppe. Moscow envoys reported that on the way back to Crimea the Tatars invaded and destroyed fifteen Ukrainian towns and their neighborhoods. The Putivl voyvod said in his report to Moscow that according to eyewitnesses, "They led to Crimea countless captives – most were of the female sex, and the men were all flogged."
  • 1649b: Following the battle of Zboriv, along with the Tartars several groups of rebels helped to devastate their own land. A Cossack and peasant horde under Nebaba, Donets and Golovatsky surrounded the town of Ostroh where up to 20,000 people had taken refuge. The Cossacks were able to convince the inhabitants to let them into the city and with Tatar assistance treacherously seized the town. The Cossacks and Tatars looted and burned the city, killing many people. The remaining population was taken captive. 200 people bravely defended themselves and were allowed to leave after paying a ransom. The inhabitants of Zaslavl voluntarily surrendered to the Cossacks. The citizens and Cossacks together slaughtered in all the Catholics and Jews. Soon the Tatars arrived, who robbed and tortured people and carried others into captivity.
  • 1651a: Polish victories: Berestechko and Bila Tserkva Fighting resumed when a large Polish army entered Volhynia. The Cossacks were joined by at least 30000 Tatars and 5000 Janissaries under the Silistrian Pasha. In June, on the third day of the Battle of Berestechko the Tatars fled the field. When Khmelnitsky went to recall them they took him prisoner. The leaderless Cossacks fought on but only a few thousand escaped the slaughter. The Khan freed Khmelnytsky for a large ransom. He parted from the Khan at Starokostiantyniv and returned to the Ukraine accompanied by five Tatar Mirzas with troops and a Cossack squadron. In September, after the unsuccessful Battle of Bila Tserkva (1651), Khmelnytsky had to sign the Treaty of Bila Tserkva with the Polish king.
  • 1651b: During or after (?) Berestechko.The Khan and his horde moved slowly along the trails of Volhynia, devastating and burning the surrounding towns and villages, killing and taking prisoner the defenseless population. The Khan sent a letter to Khmelnitsky in which he refused military assistance and even threatened war. Khmelnytsky told his Colonels to smash and destroy the Tatar raiding parties that were scattered in the Volhynian and Bratslav voyevodstvos. Crimeans, Budjak Tatars and Nogais scattered around the nearby Ukrainian lands, looting, killing and taking captive the defenseless locals. At Starokonstantinov the Tatars attacked a Cossack detachment which was going to the aid of the Cossacks at Berestchko and captured 15 cannon and all the supplies. Cossack-peasant troops called up by Khmelnitsky began to smash and destroy the Tatar raiding parties that had separated from the main force. Tatars suffered losses from the Cossacks in the battles Pavoloch,Chudniv and on the Umansky Trail. Large detachments were defeated by the Cossacks under Uman Colonel Joseph Glukh at Blue Waters and Tsar's Ford. The Cossacks recaptured all the captives and loot.
  • 1652: Cossack victory: Batog In summer Khmelnitsky made a peace treaty with the Khan for a renewed attack on Poland. The Khan sent 15,000 men under his younger brother the Nureddin Adil Giray. On 1–2 June at the Battle of Batog 45,000 Cossacks and Tatars under Khmelnitsky defeated a 20,000-man Polish-noble army under Marcin Kalinowski. More than 8,000 Polish soldiers were captured and executed, including high-ranking officers. Among the dead was Kalinowski.
  • 1653: Poles saved when Tatars change sides at Zhvanets: In autumn Khmelnytsky and the Khan agreed to make a new attack on the Commonwealth. On 11 September the Khan led a huge horde from Perekop to the Ukraine to join his ally in the struggle against Poland. With the Khan were Budjak Tatars, Nogais and Circassians, Nureddin-Sultan Adil Giray, several princes and many Tatar and Nogai Mirzas. His army numbered up to 40,000 men. Kalga-Sultan Gazi Giray stayed behind to guard Crimea. Numerous Tatar-Nogai raiding parties scattered across Volhynia, Podolia and Galicia, robbing, murdering and taking captive the defenseless Ukrainian population. At the beginning of October six Cossack regiments and 20,000 Crimean Tatars under Karach-Mirza gathered at Bila Tserkva. Khmelnytsky himself moved to the town. With him were 30,000 Cossacks and 40,000 Tatars under Crimean Khan Islam Giray. The Khan sent Tatar and Nogai raiding parties to the nearby Ukrainian lands. The Crimeans reached Bar, Kamenetz, Terebovl, Lutsk and Lvov, always robbing, killing and taking captives. Cossacks and Tatars fell on Volhynia, where they captured Zaslav, Koretz and Ostrog killing and capturing Poles and Jews. The Polish King Jan Casimir was able to collect 30,000 gentry militia at a fortified camp near Zhvanets. From September to December the Cossack-Tatar army besieged the camp. (Battle of Zhvanets). The Polish command entered into secret negotiations with the Crimean Khan, who did not wish the complete destruction of the Commonwealth. The Khan for the third time betrayed his ally Bogdan Khmelnitsky and ordered him to cease hostilities and sign a truce with the Polish king. The Polish king agreed to pay the Khan 100,000 zlotys, and, in a secret agreement, allowed the Tatars forty days to take captives in Volhynia. Numerous Tatar and Nogai raiding parties scattered around the nearby Ukrainian lands, looting and pillaging, killing and capturing defenseless locals. Volhynia, Podolia and Bratslav province were devastated. In addition to Ukrainians, the Tatars and Nogais captured and sent into slavery more than 5,000 Polish gentry. Returning from Zhvanets to the southern steppes the Tatars ravaged the Cossack lands through which they passed. They burned to the ground several small settlements and took captive all the inhabitants. Concluding a separate peace with the commonwealt, the Tatar horde brought devastation to the nearby Ukrainian towns and villages, killing and capturing the local population.
  • 1654: Russia enters: Russian support for the Cossacks led to Russo-Polish War (1654–1667). In February the new Crimean Khan Mehmed IV Giray allied with Poland against Russia and the Ukraine. In autumn Polish-Tatar troops began raids on Podolia and the Bratslav region, but they were defeated by Russian-Cossack troops near Okhmatov, near Lvov and at the mouths of the Dnieper and Bug (sic, this sentence does not make sense).
  • 1655: Cossacks lose and win In January at the Battle of Okhmativ (1655) Cossack-Russian army was able to withdraw after being defeated by a Polish-Tatar army. At the end of the year Khmelnitsky and a Muscovite army under voyvods Vasili Buturlin and Gregory Romodanovsky defeated a Polish army under Crown Hetman Stanisław "Rewera" Potocki at Slonigrodek (location?, captured Lublin and besieged Lvov. A large Tatar horde came to the aid of the Poles. They were joined by Polish troops under Bratslav voyvod Peter Potocki. After learning of the Polish-Tatar movements Khmelnitsky and Buturlin lifted the siege of Lvov, took a ransom from the city and set out after the Tatars. On 9–12 November at the Battle of Ozernaya Strelka (location?) the Cossack-Russian army under Khmelnitsky and Vasili Buturlin broke the Crimean Tatar horde. (may need verification) The Khan asked Khmelnitsky for a personal meeting, after which both leaders parted mortal enemies. The Tatars returned to Perekop.
  • 1656: Crimean and Azov Tatars came to Shatsk, took a few prisoners, horses and cattle but were driven off. (If this is Shatsk, Russia this is the only reported raid to Russia proper, but there is a Shatsk, Ukraine in Volhynia.)
  • There will be some contradiction in what follows as the article is being re-translated.

1657-1663 Vyhovsky and the Poles

{{Location map+|Russia Central Federal District|width=500|float=right|caption=Places 1657-63
Blue circles=Belgorod Line
|places={{Location map~|Russia Central Federal District|lat=49.58|long=40.16|mark=Pfeil unten.svg|position=top|label=B|marksize=16}}{{Location map~|Russia Central Federal District|lat=50.34|long=35.68|mark=Pfeil unten.svg|position=bottom|label=A|marksize=16}}{{Location map~|Russia Central Federal District|lat=55.750 |long=37.6166 |label=MOSCOW |position=top|mark=Filled diamond.svg}}{{Location map~|Russia Central Federal District|lat=54.78|long=32.05|label=Smolensk|position=bottom|mark=City locator 16.svg}}{{Location map~|Russia Central Federal District|lat=50.19|long=34.95|label=Okhtyrka|mark=Blue-circle.gif|position=left}}{{Location map~|Russia Central Federal District|lat=50.60|long=36.60|label=Belgorod|mark=Blue-circle.gif|position=top}}{{Location map~|Russia Central Federal District|lat=50.76|long=37.87|label=N.Oskol|mark=Blue-circle.gif|position=bottom}}{{Location map~|Russia Central Federal District|lat=50.76|long=38.53|label=Userd|mark=Blue-circle.gif}}{{Location map~|Russia Central Federal District|lat=51.67|long=39.20|label=Voronezh|mark=Blue-circle.gif|position=bottom}}{{Location map~|Russia Central Federal District|lat=51.75|long=39.73|label=Orlov|mark=Blue-circle.gif|position=right}}{{Location map~|Russia Central Federal District|lat=52.05|long=39.73|label=Usman|mark=Blue-circle.gif|position=right}}{{Location map~|Russia Central Federal District|lat=52.88|long=40.48|label=Kozlov|mark=Blue-circle.gif|position=right}}{{Location map~|Russia Central Federal District|lat=52.42|long=37.58|label=Livni|position=left}}{{Location map~|Russia Central Federal District|lat=53.27|long=36.55|label=Mtsensk|position=left}}{{Location map~|Russia Central Federal District|lat=51.72|long=36.18|label=Kursk|position=left}}{{Location map~|Russia Central Federal District|lat=54.20|long=37.62|label=Tula|position=left}}{{Location map~|Russia Central Federal District|lat=52.62|long=38.47|label=Elets|position=right}}{{Location map~|Russia Central Federal District|lat=53.15|long=38.12|label=Efrimov|position=right}}{{Location map~|Russia Central Federal District|lat=52.49|long=38.05|label=Chernavsk|position=right}}{{Location map~|Russia Central Federal District|lat=52.97|long=37.05|label=Novosil|position=right}}{{Location map~|Russia Central Federal District|lat=53.45|long=36.91|label=Chern|position=right}}{{Location map~|Russia Central Federal District|lat=53.45|long=36.17|label=Bolkhov|position=top}}{{Location map~|Russia Central Federal District|lat=51.20|long=36.28|label=Oboyan|position=left}}{{Location map~|Russia Central Federal District|lat=49.83|long=35.62|label=Valky|position=left}}{{Location map~|Russia Central Federal District|lat=50.07|long=31.44|label=Pereyaslav|position=right}}{{Location map~|Russia Central Federal District|lat=52.69|long=35.77|label=Kromy|position=left}}{{Location map~|Russia Central Federal District|lat=50.83|long=33.88|label=Nedryhailiv|position=left}}{{Location map~|Russia Central Federal District|lat=52.15|long=34.50|label=Sevsk|position=left}}{{Location map~|Russia Central Federal District|lat=51.57|long=34.67|label=Rylsk|position=left}}{{Location map~|Russia Central Federal District|lat=53.12|long=34.97|label=Karachev|position=bottom}}{{Location map~|Russia Central Federal District|lat=53.15|long=34.37|label=Bryansk|position=left}}{{Location map~|Russia Central Federal District|lat=50.26|long=38.10|label=Valuyki|position=left}}{{Location map~|Russia Central Federal District|lat=51.30|long=37.83|label=S.Oskol|position=top}}
}}{{Location map+ |Ukraine |width=500 |float=right|caption=Places 1657-63.
|places={{Location map~|Ukraine|lat=49.58|long=40.16|mark=Pfeil oben.svg|position=top|label=B|marksize=16}}{{Location map~|Ukraine|lat=50.34|long=35.68|mark=Pfeil oben.svg|position=top|label=A|marksize=16}}{{Location map~ |Ukraine |lat=51.50|long=27.66|label=POLESIA|position=top|mark=clear pog.svg}}{{Location map~ |Ukraine |lat=50.75|long=26.00|label=VOLHYNIA|position=top|mark=clear pog.svg}}{{Location map~ |Ukraine |lat=47.00|long=27.66|label=MOLDAVIA|position=top|mark=clear pog.svg}}{{Location map~ |Ukraine |lat=45.00|long=34.00|label=CRIMEA|position=top|mark=clear pog.svg}}{{Location map~ |Ukraine |lat=45.50|long=29.00|label=BUDZHAK|position=top|mark=clear pog.svg}}{{Location map~ |Ukraine |lat=47.50|long=37.00|label=LEFT
BANK|position=top|mark=clear pog.svg}}{{Location map~ |Ukraine |lat=47.50|long=33.00|label=RIGHT
BANK|position=top|mark=clear pog.svg}}{{Location map~ |Ukraine |lat=50.45000|long=30.52333 |label=Kiev|position=top}}{{Location map~|Ukraine|lat=49.59|long=34.55|label=Poltava|mark=X solid black 17.gif}}{{Location map~|Ukraine|lat=51.22|long=33.20|label=Konotop|mark=X solid black 17.gif|position=left}}{{Location map~|Ukraine|lat=49.91|long=27.58|label=Lyubar|mark=X solid black 17.gif|postion=left}}{{Location map~|Ukraine|lat=50.06|long=28.18|label=Chudnov|mark=X solid black 17.gif|position=top}}{{Location map~|Ukraine|lat=50.20|long=34.21|label=Zenkov|position=bottom}}{{Location map~|Ukraine|lat=51.32|long=33.87|label=Putivl}}{{Location map~|Ukraine|lat=49.07|long=33.42|label=Krememchug}}{{Location map~|Ukraine|lat=48.75|long=30.22|label=Uman}}{{Location map~|Ukraine|lat=50.37|long=34.06|label=Hadiach|position=top}}{{Location map~|Ukraine|lat=50.37|long=33.28|label=Lokhvytsia|position=left}}{{Location map~|Ukraine|lat=50.02|long=33.00|label=Lubny|position=left}}{{Location map~|Ukraine|lat=51.48|long=33.27|label=Novgorod-Seversky|position=top}}{{Location map~|Ukraine|lat=49.18|long=37.44|label=Tsarev-Borisov|position=right}}{{Location map~|Ukraine|lat=50.07|long=31.44|label=Pereyaslav|position=bottom}}

After Khmelnitsky’s death Ivan Vyhovsky (1657-59) and then Yuri Khmelnitsky (1659-63) made a deal with Poland. This led to a Russian invasion and defeat at Konotop (1659). The pro-Russian party revolted and by 1663 the Ukraine divided along the Dneiper between the pro-Polish Right-Bank Ukraine and the pro-Russian Left Bank. In 1667 Russia and Poland recognized the division (Truce of Andrusovo).

  • 1657: Martyn Pushkar revolted against the pro-Polish Vyhovsky. Vyhovsky and 40000 Tatars besieged, captured and burned Poltava and killed Puskar.
  • 1658a: Vyhovsky and his Tatar allies defeated at Zenkov Cossacks under ataman Silka. The town was given to the Tatars who cut down all the people in the area. Vyhovsky tried to storm Kiev, but was defeated by troops of Kiev voyevod Vasily Borisovich Sheremetev. (this implies that Kiev was now held by Russia.)
  • 1658b: On 1 September several hundred Tatars tried to break through into the Voronezh district on the bridge over the Usman River at the village of Usman-Sobakin. The Usman atamans and Orlov-Gorodok dragoons drove them off (apparently meaning local Cossacks and Russian soldiers). Then at the village of Gololobov they were driven off by peasants. The same Tatar band tried to cross over the Voronezh River south of the town but was blocked there also. On 7 September they managed to break through east of Voronezh and pass through the Belgorod Line. They burst into the villages of Repno and Pridacha near Voronezh, but meeting stubborn resistance from the population, they quickly went back to the steppe. They took only 21 captives.
  • 1659a: In June, Russian invasion defeated by Yyhovsky and Tatars at the Battle of Konotop. Russians pull back to Putivl. (This implies that Russia could now move a major army south, an important fact for raids north of the Belgorod Line.)
  • 1659b: Raids around Elets, Livny, Novosil, Mtsensk, Kursk, Bolkhov, Voronezh and other areas, 4,674 farmsteads (or estates?) burned, 25,448 people captured. March on Tula. The voyvods of Usman and Orlov reported constant Tatar approaches to the Belgorod Line.
  • 1659c: In the summer, after the Russian defeat at Konotop, the Khan organized another attack on the Muscovite borderlands. On 15–16 August the Khan broke through between Verkhsosensk and Userd and stood for 2 days beyond the wall, waiting for fighting men. He then went from the Tikhaya Sosna River to the Valuyi River and the upper reaches of the Polatovka River. He stopped there two days and then crossed the Kalitva River. (It is not clear how this move could have gotten him north of the Belgorod Line (below).) The traitor Vyhovsky sent the Khan 4,000 Cossacks under Colonel Ivan Kravchenko. The Khan sent raiding parties to the surrounding Russian districts. The afflicted areas were Efremov, Elets, Livni, Chernava, Teletsky, Stary Oskol, Novosil, Mtsensk, Chern, Kursk, Oboyan, Karpov, Bolkhov, Khotmyshsk, Volny, Voronezh, Usman and Sokolsk.
  • 1660.wars: With the end of the Second Northern War the Poles were able to turn their attention to Russia. The Khan Mehmed IV Giray sent 15,000 men under Nureddin Murad Giray to help the Poles. In September at the Battle of Lyubar the Russians and Cossacks barely got away after being defeated. In October (Battle of Slobodyshche, location=?) Yuri Khmelnitsky was blocked from joining the Russians. In November (Battle of Chudnov) the Russians were defeated by the Poles and enslaved by the Tatars. After Slobodyshche Yuri Khmelnitsky made an arrangement with the Poles. This led many Cossacks to desert the Russians at Chudnov. At Chudnov the Russians and Left-Bank Cossacks lost 4,200 killed, 4,000 wounded and 20,500 captives.
  • 1660.b: Small groups of Tatars raided around the Valky and Belsky outposts and at Demshinsk, Tsarev-Borisov and Pereyaslavl and Kolontaev.
  • 1660c. In autumn the Crimean Khan Mehmed IV Giray and the rebellious Ukrainian Hetman Yuri Khmelnitsky attacked the Muscovite borders. Initially the allies planned the destruction of those Left-Bank towns and forts that remained loyal to Moscow. In October, the Tatars and Cossacks ravaged neighborhood of Pereyaslavl. Under the Khan were up to 80,000 Tatars and 2000 Janissaries. Yuri Khmelnitsky led 2000 Cossacks and 1000 Poles. The Khan camped on the right bank of the Seym River between Konotop and Putivl. From there the Khan and Hetman sent mounted troops to the neighboring Russian districts. In November, the Tatars and Cossacks fought in the Kromy and Elets districts and went to Nedryhailiv, Karpov and Efremov.
  • 1660d: On 8 August there was a fierce battle on the earthen wall north of Usman between 300 Tatars and Usman service-men. Both sides suffered casualties and the Tatars were driven off.
  • 1661: The Crimeans made many raids on the Russian borderlands, mainly in the Left-Bank Ukraine. In January, the Tatars and Cicassians fell on Okhtyrka, destroying its outskirts and burning towns and villages. In February Crimeans raided around Putivl and Konotop. In March they went to Volny (location?).
  • 1662: In January, Crimean Khan Mehmed IV Giray with up to 80,000 Tatars arrived on the Left-Bank Ukraine. With him was the Traitor-Hetman Yuri Khmelnitsky with 20,000 Cossacks and 2,000 Poles. The Khan camped at the small town of Krasny near Konotop. From there he sent raiding parties to the nearby Russian districts. The Tatars destroyed the Sevsk, Rylsk, Putivl and Kursk districts. They appeared at Karachev, Orlov, Novosil and other places. In the Ukraine they raided by Lubny, Lokhvytsia, Hadiach, Glinsk (location?) and Pereyaslav.
  • 1663: Crimean Tatar troops continued military operations in the Left-Bank Ukraine. In March, they and the Cossacks fought near Goltva and Kremenchug. They attacked Goltva twice. The allies destroyed the neighborhoods of Gadyach, Lubny, Ichny, Lokhvitsa and Glinsk. In the spring they returned and raided the Putivl, Rylsk and Karachev regions.

1664-1672 Doroshenko

  • 1664: Crimean and Nogai mirzas and their troops joined the campaign of King Jan Casimir Vasa in the Left-Bank Ukraine. Poles and Lithuanians took some small Ukrainian towns and forts while their Crimean and Nogai allies spread out in the countryside to take captives. Polish-Lithuanian forces reached Novgorod-Seversky, Karachev and Rylsk. (note the unusally deep eastward penetration) The Tatars as usual devastated a wider area – the Livny and Bryansk districts, at Valuyki and near Voronezh. The Sevsk, Rylsk, Putivl, Karachev, Orlov, Kromy and Kursk districts were raided. They captured about 6360 people.
  • 1665a: Doroshenko replaces Opara: Medvedov Colonel Stepan Opara joined with the Tartars and persuaded the inhabitants of Uman to let him into the city, where he declared himself Hetman. He immediately sent messengers to the Crimea, asking the Khan to recognize him and promising to allow the Crimeans and Nogais to take captive any Ukrainians who did not support him. Soon there arrived in the Ukraine a Tatar horde under Kamambet-Mirza and Batyr-Mirza. Opara went to Bohuslav to meet with the Mirzas. Here the treacherous Tatars captured him and his elders, whom they robbed. They then attacked the Cossack camp and the battle lasted until nightfall. Tatars drew off, but in the morning again began to besiege the camp. Suddenly the Mirzas ordered the attack to stop and asked the Cossacks to elect Petro Doroshenko as Hetman. Cossacks gathered in a Rada and agreed to recognize Doroshenko as Hetman of the Right-Bank Ukraine. All the right bank Cossack regiments pledged allegiance to the Polish king and an alliance was made with the Crimean Khan. Newly elected Hetman Doroshenko with Cossacks and Tatars went against Opara and his supporters. (sic. The Russian Wiki does not explain how he got away). He promised the Mirzas gifts and asked them to give him Opara so he could be sent to the Polish king. The Mirzas handed him over and Doroshenko sent him to Bila Tserkva.
  • map
{{Location map+ |Ukraine |width=700|float=right|caption=1664-1672
|places={{Location map~|Ukraine|lat=49.58|long=40.16|mark=Pfeil oben.svg|position=top|label=B|marksize=16}}{{Location map~|Ukraine|lat=50.50|long=35.68|mark=Pfeil oben.svg|position=top|label=A|marksize=16}}{{Location map~ |Ukraine |lat=51.50|long=27.66|label=POLESIA|position=top|mark=clear pog.svg}}{{Location map~ |Ukraine |lat=50.75|long=26.00|label=VOLHYNIA|position=top|mark=clear pog.svg}}{{Location map~ |Ukraine |lat=47.00|long=27.66|label=MOLDAVIA|position=top|mark=clear pog.svg}}{{Location map~ |Ukraine |lat=45.00|long=34.00|label=CRIMEA|position=top|mark=clear pog.svg}}{{Location map~ |Ukraine |lat=45.50|long=29.00|label=BUDZHAK|position=top|mark=clear pog.svg}}{{Location map~ |Ukraine |lat=47.50|long=37.00|label=LEFT
BANK|position=top|mark=clear pog.svg}}{{Location map~ |Ukraine |lat=47.50|long=33.00|label=RIGHT
BANK|position=top|mark=clear pog.svg}}{{Location map~ |Ukraine |lat=50.45000|long=30.52333 |label=Kiev|position=top}}{{Location map~|Ukraine|lat=52.42|long=37.58|label=Livni|position=left}}{{Location map~|Ukraine|lat=51.72|long=36.18|label=Kursk|position=right}}{{Location map~|Ukraine|lat=52.15|long=34.50|label=Sevsk|position=right}}{{Location map~|Ukraine|lat=51.57|long=34.67|label=Rylsk|position=right}}{{Location map~|Ukraine|lat=51.67|long=39.20|label=Voronezh|mark=Blue-circle.gif|position=bottom}}{{Location map~|Ukraine|lat=53.15|long=34.37|label=Bryansk|position=left}}{{Location map~|Ukraine|lat=50.26|long=38.10|label=Valuyki|position=right}}{{Location map~|Ukraine|lat=52.69|long=35.77|label=Kromy|position=left}}{{Location map~|Ukraine|lat=51.75|long=39.73|label=Orlov|mark=Blue-circle.gif|position=top}}{{Location map~|Ukraine|lat=48.75|long=30.22|label=Uman}}{{Location map~|Ukraine|lat=49.39|long=30.10|label=BilaTs|position=bottom}}{{Location 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map~|Ukraine|lat=51.33|long=22.57|label=Lublin|position=top }}{{Location map~|Ukraine|lat=48.68|long=26.58|label=Kamenetz|position=right|mark=X solid black 17.gif}}{{Location map~|Ukraine|lat=49.42|long=27.00|label=Plosk.|position=top }}{{Location map~|Ukraine|lat=49.67|long=25.15|label=Zborov|position=top }}{{Location map~|Ukraine|lat=49.82|long=24.52|label=Hlyniany|position=left}}{{Location map~|Ukraine|lat=49.48|long=31.28|label=Korsun|position=right}}{{Location map~|Ukraine|lat=49.57|long=25.06|label=Ternopil|position=left}}{{Location map~|Ukraine|lat=49.67|long=25.77|label=Zbar.|position=right}}{{Location map~|Ukraine|lat=49.76|long=27.22|label=StaroK|position=right}}{{Location map~|Ukraine|lat=49.43|long=27.42|label=Medze.|position=bottom}}{{Location map~|Ukraine|lat=50.33|long=26.52|label=Ostroh|position=top}}{{Location map~|Ukraine|lat=49.90|long=25.73|label=Vishnevets|position=right}}{{Location map~|Ukraine|lat=49.19|long=26.84|label=Yarmolyntsi|position=bottom}}{{Location map~|Ukraine|lat=49.53|long=25.69|label=Terebovl|position=bottom}}{{Location map~|Ukraine|lat=49.43|long=24.94|label=|position=bottom}}{{Location map~|Ukraine|lat=50.68|long=25.15|label=Brody|position=left}}{{Location map~|Ukraine|lat=49.64|long=24.93|label=|position=bottom}}{{Location map~|Ukraine|lat=49.27|long=25.13|label=Pidhaitsi|position=left|mark=X solid black 17.gif}}{{Location map~|Ukraine|lat=49.08|long=25.40|label=Buchach|position=left}}{{Location map~|Ukraine|lat=45.30|long=35.48|label=Arabat|position=top}}{{Location map~|Ukraine|lat=46.15|long=33.68|label=Perekop|position=right}}{{Location map~|Ukraine|lat=45.05|long=35.38|label=Caffa|position=bottom}}{{Location map~|Ukraine|lat=49.18|long=37.44|label=Tsarev-Borisov|position=right}}{{Location map~|Ukraine|lat=50.19|long=34.95|label=Okhtyrka|mark=Blue-circle.gif|position=right}}{{Location map~|Ukraine|lat=50.64|long=34.74|label=Kotelva|position=top}}{{Location map~|Ukraine|lat=50.90|long=31.12|label=Kozelets|position=left}}{{Location map~ |Ukraine |lat=49.75|long=31.47|label=Kaniv}}{{Location map~ |Ukraine |lat=50.87|long=39.07|label=Ostrogozhsk}}{{Location map~ |Ukraine |lat=49.40|long=31.10|label=Stebliv|position=bottom}}{{Location map~|Ukraine|lat=49.59|long=34.55|label=Poltava}}{{Location map~|Ukraine|lat=51.22|long=33.20|label=Konotop|position=bottom}}{{Location map~|Ukraine|lat=50.20|long=34.21|label=Zenkov|position=bottom}}{{Location map~|Ukraine|lat=51.32|long=33.87|label=Putivl}}{{Location map~|Ukraine|lat=49.07|long=33.42|label=Krememchug}}{{Location map~|Ukraine|lat=48.55|long=26.48|label=Zhvanets|position=bottom}}{{Location map~|Ukraine|lat=45.27|long=28.46|label=Isaccea|position=bottom}}{{Location map~|Ukraine|lat=49.07|long=27.67|label=Bar|position=right}}{{Location map~|Ukraine|lat=50.37|long=34.06|label=Hadiach|position=top}}{{Location map~|Ukraine|lat=50.37|long=33.28|label=Lokhvytsia|position=left}}{{Location map~|Ukraine|lat=50.02|long=33.00|label=Lubny|position=left}}{{Location map~|Ukraine|lat=51.48|long=33.27|label=Novgorod-Seversky|position=top}}{{Location map~|Ukraine|lat=49.18|long=37.44|label=Tsarev-Borisov|position=right}}
  • 1665b: Doroshenko against the Left Bank: On 20 February (date appears to contradict 1665a above), at a military Rada Doroshenko proposed to the starshinas and colonels to expel all of the Poles to Poland and with all cities to become subjects of the Crimean Khan, and in the spring, along with the Tatar hordes, make war on the left bank of the Dnieper. Doroshenko told Bakhchysarai and Istanbul that the Ukraine was now subject to the Khan and Sultan. After that, the Turkish government ordered the new Crimean Khan Adil Giray to go war with the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. In June and July the right-bank Cossacks, Poles (sic) and Tatars made predatory attacks on the left bank of the Dnieper, looting and burning villages, killing and taking captives. Doroshenko continued to send messages (?'универсалы') to the Left Bank, urging local people to abandon Moscow. In autumn Doroshenko, not having enough force of his own, sent an embassy to the new Crimean Khan, proposing a joint attack on the left-bank Ukraine to force the left bank Cossacks abandon the Russian tsar and become subjects of the superior power of Turkey. Adil Giray sent Doroshenko 30,000 Tatars under his brothers Devlet Giray, Mamet Giray and Salomat Giray. On 1 October they reached Chyhyryn. With them were Turkish Agas and Janissaries. Doroshenko split the Tatars into two groups: one under Salomat Giray and Mirzas was sent to the left bank, and the other under Devlet Giray and Mamet Giray was held at Chyhyryn until they and Doroshenko could also go east. 10 to 15,000 Crimean Tatars crossed the Dnieper and began to ravage the left-bank Ukrainian villages and countryside, killing and capturing the local population. Doroshenko sent two regiments of Cossacks cavalry with them. There was no large army on the Left-Bank to repulse them. The Crimean Tatars divided into small raiding parties and started to ravage the Ukrainian villages and countryside. Some Tatar troops went to Goltva (?location), some to near Pereyaslav, and others to Priluki. Priluki Colonel Lazar Gorlenko and his troops were absent. Cyril Zagryazhsky, the Czar's voyevod at Priluki, and his small Russian garrison could not repel the enemy attack. The Crimeans did not lay siege to the town, but devastated all the villages belonging to the Priluki Cossack regiment, even reaching Nizhyn and Borzna. They took about 5,000 prisoners and crossed to the right bank of the Dnieper.
  • 1666: Doroshenko against Poland: The Nureddin-Sultan Devlet Giray moved to Uman, rested for six weeks and joined Doroshenko's Cossacks for an attack on Poland. In December Doroshenko with 20,000 Cossacks and Devlet Giray with 15,000–20,000 Tatars marched on Ukrainian lands of the Commonwealth. They set out against a Polish army under Sebastian Machowski, which quickly began to withdraw to Bratslav. On 19 December, at the Battle of Brailov (location? Brăila was once called Brailov, but this is too far south) the outnumbered (6,000) Poles were routed. Seventeen Polish standards were taken. Most Poles were killed or captured. Machowski was captured by Cossacks, given to the Crimean Nureddin and sent to Crimea in chains. The broken army was chased as far as Letichev. Returning to Chigirin, Doroshenko began a siege of the Polish garrison in the town castle, and in February (1667?) began the siege of the Bila Tserkva. After the victory at Brailov Cossack and Tartar raided Zhytomyr region, Podolia, Volhynia and Ruthenia. In Podolia the Cossacks and Crimeans were supported by the local Ukrainian rebels – Oprisheks and Deyneks (?опришков и дейнеков). Cossack-Tatar troops looted and plundered Polish lands, reaching Ovruch and Dubno, Lvov, Lublin (sic) and Kamenetz-Podolsky. Ploskirov, Zborov, Hlyniany and other cities were taken, looted and burned. They took captive up to 100,000 Polish gentry, their wives and children, their subjects and Jews, or, according to Polish prisoners, up to 40,000. Thus the Right-Bank Hetman Petro Doroshenko defeated the Polish army, refused allegiance to the Polish king and entered a military and political alliance with the Crimean Khanate. At the city of Targovitsa (if this is Târgoviște it is deep in Romania) Doroshenko ordered the minting of coins with Khan's name and paid them as salary to the Cossacks.
  • 1667a: In January the Truce of Andrusovo ends the Russo-Polish War (1654–1667).
  • 1667b: In May Doroshenko made preparations for a second campaign to the Ukrainian lands of the Commonwealth. All the right bank Cossack regiments were sent Hetman's messengers (?универсалы) announcing mobilization. The regiments were to gather at Korsun. The Khan sent auxiliary troops. At the end of May a few thousand Tatars arrived under Batyrsha Mirza. Doroshenko sent out his men to devastate the Polish borderlands. Advanced Cossack-Tatar troops under Uman Colonel Gregory Belogrud reached the Letichev Powiat (летичевский повет) of Podolia and also Volhynia where they took many prisoners. In June a large Tatar Horde and a Cossack regiment under Podolian Colonel Ostap Gogol joined the campaign. Tatars and Cossacks raided across Podolia to Ternopil. During July and August Crimeans and Nogais carried out devastating raids to Starokonstantinov, Medzebozh, Ostrog, Zaslavl, Zbarazh, Vishnevts and Dubna.
  • 1667c: In early September 1667 Doroshenko with 15,000 Cossacks and 16,000–20,000 Tatars under Kalga-Sultan Karim Giray started the next campaign against the Commonwealth. The Sultan sent 3,000 Janissaries and 12 cannon. The army moved through Starokonstantinov to Ternopil. At this time Ostap Gogol was along the Dniester, where he captured Sharovka (location?) and besieged Yarmolyntsi. Grand Crown Hetman Jan Sobieski managed to gather a 15,000-man army which was reinforced by armed Ukrainian peasants. Sobieski divided the army into five groups which were told to protect the Polish forts in Podolia, Volhynia and Galicia (Kamenetz, Terebovl, Berezhany, Dubno, Brody, and others). Sobieski himself with 3,000 troops stood at Kamenetz, blocking the road to Lvov (20 September). Doroshenko and Karim Giray marched out Starokonstantinov west past Zbarazh and Vishnevets and 3 October reached Pomoryany. Learning that the enemy were in Ruthena, Sobieski moved to Pidhaitsi and built a fortified camp (4 October). Kerim Giray sent troops to loot and take captives. Polish troops inflicted heavy losses and most of the parties were defeated. The Tatars suffered especially heavy losses at Pomoryany, Buchach and Naraev(?location). Zboriv surrendered without a fight and was sacked by the Tatars. Then the Cossack-Tatar army reunited and headed for Lvov. On the road the Cossack-Crimean army stumbled on the 9,000-man Polish army at Pidhaitsi (Battle of Podhajce (1667), 3,000 mercenaries and 6,000 armed peasants with 18 guns), which barred their way. On 4 October about 20,000 Cossacks and Tatars surrounded the fortified camp and fighting lasted from 6 to 16 October. Because of the Cossack raid on Crimea (1667d, below), on 16 October the Poles and Tatars made an armistice. In the name of the Khan. Karim Giray pledged not to raid Polish territory. In return the Poles promised an annual cash 'gift'. On 18 October Sobieski allowed Karim Giray return to Crimea with all his captives. Returning home, the Tartars burned and looted 300 villages in Pokuttya alone. Without allies, Doroshenko found himself in a hopeless position. The Cossacks began to dig trenches to defend their travelling camp from the Poles. Then Kalga Kerim Giray offered to mediate between Doroshenko and Sobieski. On 19 October they signed a peace agreement. Doroshenko himself and all the Zaporozhian Host promised to be subjects of the Commonwealth.
  • 1667d: Cossacks raid Crimea: During the fighting at Podgaits, the Zaporozhian Cossacks made a successful raid on Crimea. 4000 Cossacks under Kosh ataman Ivan Zhdan-Rog and Colonel Ivan Sirko besieged and stormed Perekop, and then intruded deep into the Crimean Khanate. Ivan Zhdan-Rog and his men took the Arabat Fortress, killed all the inhabitants and destroyed its suburbs. Ivan Sirko and his men marched on the fortress of Caffa, where they ravaged the estates of the famous Shirinsky Mirzas. The Zaporozhians killed about two thousand inhabitants, captured about 1,500 women and children, freed 2,000 slaves and returned triumphantly to the Sich. The Zaporozhian raid on the Crimean heartland angered Karim Giray and the Mirzas who never completely trusted Doroshenko. Karim Giray entered into separate negotiations with Sobieski, resulting in Doroshenko’s defeat (1667b, above).
  • 1668a: Doroshenko gains Left Bank with Tatar help, Russia pulls back. Doroshenko marched against the Left-Bank Hetman Ivan Briukhovetsky. The Cossack-Tartar army crossed the Dnieper and Brukhovetsky collected loyal regiments and asked the Crimean Tatars for help. To help Bryukhovetsky Moscow sent an army under Grigory Romodanovsky. At a Rada at Budishch Doroshenko gained the upper hand over his rival, who was killed on 1 June. The Left Bank regiments went over to Doroshenko, who was elected Hetman of the whole Ukraine. He now had up to 50,000 men, including 26,000 Tatars. Romodanovsky, seeing that he was outnumbered, raised the siege of Kotelva and withdrew to Okhtyrka. Doroshenko with 18,000 Cossacks and 22,000 Tatars followed him. At battles at the village of Khukhra and on the Moshenka River Russian soldiers repulsed all enemy attacks. Romodanovsky moved to Okhtyrka and dug in. Doroshenko had to withdraw to Kotelva. Tatars took many captives around Cherkassy and returned to the Crimea. From Romen, Doroshenko sent 12,000 Tatars and 5,000 Cossacks into Russian territory. The Cossack-Tatar horde broke in near Sevsk and the Komaritsky volost. The Sevsk voyvods won a series of victories and forced the enemy across the Dnieper. Nevertheless, some raiding parties destroyed Bohodukhov, Krasny Kut, Gorodnyov, Kollontaev, Murakhva, Kharkov, and Tsarev Borisov.
  • 1668b: Sukhovey's failed revolt against Doroshenko: In the summer the Zaporozhian Cossacks put up another candidate on the Hetman's mace. Zaporozhian military scribe Peter Sukhovey (Suhoveenko) was supported by part of the Sich Cossacks and was elected Hetman of the Zaporozhian Host. Sukhovey left the Sich for Bakhchisaray to get support. The Khan Adil Giray received him with honor at the capital, recognized him as Hetman, gave him two princes and a horde to accompany him back to the Ukraine, and wrote to Doroshenko, now nominally a Polish subject, saying that he and his troops should go to the Left Bank and unite with Sukhovey. Doroshenko was not going to voluntarily relinquish his mace and submit to the Khan. Soon Sukhovey marched to the Ukraine with a Tatar Kalga and horde. He made camp in Lipovaya Valley on the left bank of the Dnieper. The Poltava, Mirgorod, Lubny and Pereyaslav regiments recognized him as Hetman. Sukhovey pursued full independence for the Ukraine based on an alliance with the Crimea. All the autumn Sukhovey unsuccessfully tried to win over the Left Bank and other Cossack regiments that recognized Demian Mnohohrishny as Hetman. At the end of December Sukhovey with a Tatar horde crossed the Dnieper and marched against Doroshenko. Doroshenko was expecting him and placed his regiments at Chyhyryn. Doroshenko surrounded the Crimean Tatars, the majority of whom were forced to withdraw. Sukhovey's first attempt to take the capital failed. Sukhovey and the Kalga retreated across the river Tyasmin. Here Sukhovey's Cossacks and his Tatar allies were defeated by the combined forces of Ivan Sirko's Zaporozhians and Doroshenko's Cossacks, who arrived from Kozelets. Sukhovey's Cossacks went over to Ivan Sirko. Sukhovey fled. The Tatars, who were unhappy with the result of the campaign, captured him and took him to Crimea. After Sukhovey's defeat at Chyhyryn all the Right Bank colonels, sotniks and starshinas came to Chyhyryn and recognized Doroshenko as their Hetman.
  • 1669a Russia: Small groups continued to raid the south Russian cities. In April they were near Kharkov and Valyuki. Later 1,200 of them were at Ostrogozhsk. In August up to 1,000 were near Valyuki.
  • 1669b: Sukhovey tries again: In July Sukhovey with Zaporozhians and Crimeans made a second try against Doroshenko. Doroshenko gathered his loyalists, moved against the Tatars, could not resist them and fell back to the Rusava River. Sukhovey and the Zaporozhians moved toward him. The Zaporozhian Sich recognized Sukhovey as their hetman. On the Left Bank the Poltava, Mirgorod and Lubny regiments, which had recently sworn allegiance to the Tsar, again went over to Sukhovey. Doroshenko's pro-Turkish policy caused open resentment among many colonels and a large part of the Right Bank Cossacks. The Chigirin, Cherkassy, Belo-Tserkva and Kanev regiments stayed with Doroshenko, while the Uman, Kalnitsky, Pavolotsky and Korsun regiments went over to Sukhovey. These last four demanded a new Hetman in place of Doroshenko. The Cossacks went to Uman and quickly organized an elective Rada. At the Uman Rada Sukhovey had to renounce the Hetmanship and the majority elected as Right Bank Hetman the Uman Colonel Mykhailo Khanenko.
  • 1669c: Khanenko vs. Doroshenko Khanenko wrote to Left Bank Hetman Demian Mnohohrishny and Pereyaslav Colonel Dmitrashko Raycha, asking for support against Doroshenko. Doroshenko, supported by many of the Right Bank regiments, flatly refused to obey the decision of Uman Rada. He left his camp on the Rusava River and moved toward Kanev, but while crossing the Ros' River near the village of Konontya he was surrounded by the Tatar horde and besieged for five weeks. By order of the Turkish ambassador the Crimean princes had to lift the siege and withdraw their troops. Doroshenko, now freed, marched on Uman and called for obedience from the rebel regiments. The Turkish envoy Kanadzhi Pasha arrived at his camp near Uman and presented him with symbols of authority from the Sultan: mace, banner, bunchuk (бунчук) and saber. By order of the Turkish envoy the Tartars fighting against Doroshenko returned to Crimea. The Uman people flatly refused to admit Doroshenko into their city and proposed the following agreement: Khanenko would go to a Rada at Chigirin which would resolve the dispute and elect a new Hetman. Doroshenko raised the siege and withdrew from Uman. But Khanenko refused to go to the Rada, went to the Sich, and then to Crimea to ask the Khan for military help against Doroshenko. The Khan, Princes and Mirzas supported Khanenko, who soon returned to the Right Bank with a significant horde. With him was Yuri Khmelnitsky. Doroshenko gathered his loyalists and was joined by the Budjak Horde which had been sent by the Pasha of Silistria. At the Battle of Stebliv Khanenko defeated Doroshenko, who took refuge in Stebliv. Khanenko besieged town. Ivan Sirko came to help Doroshenko with a new Budjak horde, drove off the Crimeans and raised the siege. After that Doroshenko, Sirko and the Budjak Tatars pursued the enemy to Uman. Khanenko and Sukovey managed to flee to Sich, but Yuri Khmelnitsky was seized by the Budjak Tatars and sent to Istanbul, where the sultan shut him up in the Yedikule Fortress.
  • 1670: Kharkov Colonel Gregory Donets defeated a raiding party at Merefa and on the Samara River (Dnieper), re-took the prisoners and herds and captured four prisoners for interrogation. In May 130 Tatars came to Ostrogozhsk but were defeated by the local Cossack Colonel Ivan Dzinkovsky. In June and July the Tatars came to Valuiki and captured 20 people, but were overtaken and defeated on the Black Kalitva River.
  • 1671a: Doroshenko against Poland, Crimea changes sides: Doroshenko asked Khan Adil Giray to join him in a war against Poland. Doroshenko besieged Bila Tserkva, where there was a Polish garrison, and his brother Gregory Doroshenko and the Bratslav regiment placed themselves at the Sten castle on the border of Polish territory. Adil Giray, on his way to help Doroshenko, was blocked by Zaporozhian Cossacks. 6,000 Cossacks under Sirko and Khanenko engaged the Tatars. Adil Giray, not well-disposed to Doroshenko and helping him only on the orders of the Sultan, entered into negotiations with Khanenko and made peace with the Zaporozhians. Doroshenko, learning of Adil Giray's separate peace immediately sent to Istanbul complaining about the Crimean Khan. In June 1671 the Turkish government removed Adil Giray from power and replaced him with Selim I Giray.
  • 1671b: Sobieski against Doroshenko: At the end of March Nakaznoy Hetman Ostap Gogol with the Podolian Regiment and some Budjak Tatars invaded the Letichevsky Powiat of the Podolian Voyevodstvo. Cossack-Tatar troops looted and burned the neighborhood of Bar, Medzebozh, Derazhnya, Old and New Senyavy, Zinkov and Gusyatin. On 20 July Doroshenko resumed the siege of the Polish garrison at Bila Tserkva and sent his younger brother Gregory and 2,000 Cossacks to Podolia. He sent the Kalnitsky regiment to Crimea to help Adil Giray against Zaporozhians. Doroshenko, with no more than 5,000–8,000 Cossacks (the rest were in garrison) and 5,000–6,000 Tatar allies did not dare to go to war, but awaited Adil Giray before starting an offensive against Commonwealth. Most of the Budjak Mirzas who were with Gregory Doroshenko, on learning of the approach of the Polish militia, hastily left their ally and returned to their camps. Grand Crown Hetman Jan Sobieski advanced against Doroshenko and the Crimean horde. On 26 August at Bratslav the Polish army routed the Cossack and Tartar troops. The Poles defeated the Budjak Tatars and burst into Bratslav. The Cossacks took refuge in the city castle and the broken Tatars began to retreat in panic. Sobieski led cavalry in pursuit of the Tatars while some Poles stayed in Bratslav to besiege the castle. The Poles followed the Tatars to Batorg and completely defeated them. The Cossacks in the castle learned of the defeat of the Tatars and surrendered. Emir Ali, who commanded the Budjak troops said he lost 500 men. Despite the victory, Sobieski withdrew to Bar, where he arrived on 30 August.
  • 1671–1672: Tatar raids continued. In April 1671 400 Tatars approached Zmiev and Merefa but Kharkov Colonel Gregory Donetz defeated them on the Orel River, released the captives and took two prisoners for interrogation. In April 1671 300 Tatars arrived at Torsk Swamp but were defeated. In July 1671 Tatars and Bashkirs (sic) fought near Verkhny Lomov, where they took captives and drove off cattle. In August the Tatars fought near Valuiki. In April 1672 a Tatar detachment came to Mayatsky. In autumn 1672 Tatar raiding parties operated near Userd, Korotoyak, Novy Oskol, Ostrogozhsk, Voronezh and other southern towns.

1672-1679 Turkish period

  • 1672a: Turks take Podolia, siege of Kanenets: At the start of the Polish–Ottoman War (1672–76), in April a huge Turkish army under Sultan Mehmed IV set out from Adrianople for the Commonwealth. Crimean Khan Selim Giray was ordered by the Sultan to take his horde and join the advancing Turkish army. Doroshenko gathered his loyal Cossacks for war against Poland. In early June the first Turkish and Tatar troops began arriving at Chyhyrin. On 25 May the Turkish army crossed the Danube at Isaccea and in July reached Dniestr where they crossed the Polish border. Doroshenko and the Khan marched on Podolia to link up with Sultan. On 4 August the Turks, Tatars and Cossacks joined. On 5 August the Sultan met Doroshenko, who acknowledged himself a vassal and tributary and received a rich robe, mace and a horse. On 6 August the sultan sent the letter to the Polish fortress of Kamenetz-Podolsky, demanding voluntary surrender. The Kamenets garrison, hoping for help from the Polish government, rejected the ultimatum. The town was besieged on 7 August. On 17 August the Polish commandant and Grand Vizier began negotiations on the terms of surrender. The Turkish command allowed the garrison and citizens to freely leave Kamenetz with their arms and property. On 19 August the Polish commander handed over the keys to the city to the grand vizier. Sultan Mehmed IV made a ceremonial entry into the city and placed his Pasha in the fortress with 15,000–20,000 troops. The Sultan left for Zhvanets where he made camp. On 17 September Turkish troops left and continued the conquest Podolia. Buchach and Yagelnitsa surrendered to the Turks. The Turkish pashas and their troops captured about thirty Podolian towns. (Siege of Kamenets)
  • 1672b: Advance on Lvov: The Sultan sent the Khan and Doroshenko to Lvov. Sobieski sent an embassy to the Khan and asked him to become a mediator in talks between the King and Sultan. The Khan received the Polish ambassadors and agreed to mediate on the condition that the Poles evacuate Podolia and pay a yearly tribute to the Sultan. The Khan, Doroshenko and Turkish units under Kaplan Pasha moved toward Lvov. On the way Tatar and Nogai raiding parties spread out, burning villages and taking captives. On 20 September Tatars, Cossacks and Turks arrived at Lvov which was held by Ilya Lonski, four banners of infantry and two divisions of cavalry. The town was soon surrounded. 25 September to Lvov citizens sent Kaplan Pasha a gift of honor, but he would not accept it and demanded the keys to the city. The garrison refused surrender without the permission of the Polish king. Kaplan Pasha ordered an artillery bombardment and began digging tunnels under the walls. On 28 September he took by storm a fort that dominated the town. On the night of 28–29 September the Poles asked the Khan's mediation to stop the shelling of the city. On 30 September talks began between Kaplan Pasha and Polish envoys. On 7 October the Poles signed the humiliating Treaty of Buchach. The Poles were to give up the province of Podolia and pay an annual tribute of 22,000 zlotys. The Right Bank would belong to Doroshenko, who acknowledged the supremacy of the Sultan. After the peace treaty Turkish forces withdrew from Buchach to Zhvanets. Turkish garrisons were placed in Kamenets, Mezhibozh, Bar, Yazlovets and all the remaining Podolian cities. The Sultan ordered his Pashas to cease hostilities against the Commonwealth but the Tatars for a month continued to ravage Polish territory. Polish voyevods sent troops to harass the Tatars but could do little with them. Only Sobieski was able to destroy a few raiding parties. Tatar and Nogai forces began to loot the area between the Bepsh, San and Bug Rivers (??). In October Sobieski got together 2,500–3,000 cavalry and dragoons and went after the raiding parties. The Tatars were defeated at Battle of Krasnobród (1672), Narol, Poland, Battle of Niemirów, Battle of Komarno and Petranka(?). The pro-Polish Khanenko also successfully fought the Tatar raiding parties. After a defeat at Chetvertynovaya (?) Khanenko with loyal troops stood at Dubna, where he repulsed a Turkish attack, and on 5 October defeated the Tatars at Krasnostav (which one?) and freed 2,000 prisoners. He next defeated the Tatars at Tomashev(?). People in the Ruthenian voyevodstvo formed militias, drove off the raiding parties and freed captives. On the orders of the Sultan the Khan and Doroshenko withdrew from Lvov to the Turkish camp at Zhvanets. Here Doroshenko was again received by the Sultan and was given a gown embroidered with gold. Turkish army slowly withdrew across the Dniester, and Doroshenko and the Khan went to the Ukraine.
{{Location map+ |Ukraine |width=500|float=right|caption=Turkish period 1672-79
Podolia is around Kamenetz and Bar
|places={{Location map~|Ukraine|lat=49.58|long=40.16|mark=Pfeil oben.svg|position=top|label=B|marksize=16}}{{Location map~|Ukraine|lat=50.50|long=35.68|mark=Pfeil oben.svg|position=top|label=A|marksize=16}}{{Location map~ |Ukraine |lat=51.50|long=27.66|label=POLESIA|position=top|mark=clear pog.svg}}{{Location map~ |Ukraine |lat=50.75|long=26.00|label=VOLHYNIA|position=top|mark=clear pog.svg}}{{Location map~ |Ukraine |lat=47.00|long=27.66|label=MOLDAVIA|position=top|mark=clear pog.svg}}{{Location map~ |Ukraine |lat=45.00|long=34.00|label=CRIMEA|position=top|mark=clear pog.svg}}{{Location map~ |Ukraine |lat=45.50|long=29.00|label=BUDZHAK|position=top|mark=clear pog.svg}}{{Location map~ |Ukraine |lat=47.50|long=37.00|label=LEFT
BANK|position=top|mark=clear pog.svg}}{{Location map~ |Ukraine |lat=47.50|long=33.00|label=RIGHT
BANK|position=top|mark=clear pog.svg}}{{Location map~ |Ukraine |lat=50.45000|long=30.52333 |label=Kiev|position=right}}{{Location map~|Ukraine|lat=49.08|long=32.63|label=Chyhyryn|position=right|mark=X solid black 17.gif}}{{Location map~|Ukraine|lat=48.55|long=26.48|label=Zhvanets|position=bottom|mark=Clear pog.svg}}{{Location map~|Ukraine|lat=45.27|long=28.46|label=Isaccea|position=bottom}}{{Location map~|Ukraine|lat=49.07|long=27.67|label=Bar|position=right}}{{Location map~|Ukraine|lat=49.08|long=25.40|label=Buchach|position=right}}{{Location map~|Ukraine|lat=48.68|long=26.58|label=Kamenetz|position=right|mark=X solid black 17.gif}}{{Location map~|Ukraine|lat=48.83|long=24.01|label=Lvov|position=left|mark=X solid black 17.gif}}{{Location map~|Ukraine|lat=50.39|long=25.74|label=Dubno|position=top}}{{Location map~|Ukraine|lat=49.43|long=27.42|label=Medzebozh|position=right}}{{Location map~|Ukraine|lat=48.96|long=25.45|label=Yazlovets|position=right}}{{Location map~|Ukraine|lat=50.54|long=23.22|label=Krasnobrod|position=top}}{{Location map~|Ukraine|lat=50.35|long=23.33|label=Narol|position=bottom}}{{Location map~|Ukraine|lat=49.63|long=23.70|label=Kamarno|position=left}}{{Location map~|Ukraine|lat=48.48|long=26.50|label=Khotyn|position=right|mark=X solid black 17.gif}}{{Location map~|Ukraine|lat=50.76|long=37.87|label=N.Oskol|position=left|mark=Blue-circle.gif}}{{Location map~|Ukraine|lat=50.76|long=38.53|label=Userd|position=right|mark=Blue-circle.gif}}{{Location map~|Ukraine|lat=48.83|long=28.95|label=Bratslav|position=right}}{{Location map~|Ukraine|lat=49.87|long=29.45|label=Pavoloch|position=right|mark=X solid black 17.gif}}{{Location map~|Ukraine|lat=48.55|long=22.57|label=Kuzmyno|position=bottom}}{{Location map~|Ukraine|lat=47.55|long=34.63|label=Sich|position=bottom}}{{Location map~|Ukraine|lat=50.26|long=38.10|label=Valuyki|position=right}}{{Location map~|Ukraine|lat=52.05|long=39.73|label=Usman|position=left|mark=Blue-circle.gif}}{{Location map~|Ukraine|lat=49.67|long=25.77|label=Zbarazh|position=right}}{{Location map~|Ukraine|lat=49.81|long=24.90|label=Zlochiv|position=top}}{{Location map~|Ukraine|lat=49.30|long=25.69|label=Terem.|position=right}}{{Location map~|Ukraine|lat=47.65|long=26.26|label=Suceava|position=right}}{{Location map~|Ukraine|lat=49.12|long=24.73|label=Halych|position=left}}{{Location map~|Ukraine|lat=49.26|long=24.28|label=Zhuravno|position=left|mark=X solid black 17.gif}}{{Location map~|Ukraine|lat=50.07|long=31.44|label=Pereyaslavl|position=left}}{{Location map~|Ukraine|lat=50.90|long=31.12|label=Kozelets|position=right}}{{Location map~|Ukraine|lat=50.95|long=30.88|label=Oster|position=left}}{{Location map~|Ukraine|lat=49.97|long=33.60|label=Mirgorod|position=right}}{{Location map~|Ukraine|lat=50.02|long=33.00|label=Lubny|position=left}}{{Location map~|Ukraine|lat=50.92|long=34.75|label=Sumi|position=left}}{{Location map~|Ukraine|lat=50.19|long=34.95|label=Okhtyrka|mark=Blue-circle.gif|position=right}}{{Location map~|Ukraine|lat=49.48|long=31.28|label=Korsun|position=right}}{{Location map~|Ukraine|lat=50.37|long=34.06|label=Hadiach|position=top}}{{Location map~|Ukraine|lat=51.35|long=32.88|label=Baturin|position=top}}{{Location map~|Ukraine|lat=49.39|long=30.10|label=BilaTs|position=right}}
  • 1673a: Russia proper:Tatars tried to break into the Russian lands but were stopped by the Belgorod Line. In May significant forces were near the Line on the Tikhaya Sosna River, Oskol River and surrounding districts. Tatar troops fought near Verkhsosensk, Userd and Novy Oskol.
  • 1673b: Poles push back, win at Khotyn: In autumn Polish–Ottoman hostilities resumed. Despite the Buchach treaty, the Polish gentry government refused to pay an annual tribute to the Sultan and did not to withdraw their garrisons from Podolian towns and cities. Sobieski gathered an army and went against the Khan, who had invaded Ukraine under orders of the Sultan, and routed the main body of the Tatar hordes. Polish troops began to expel the Turkish and Tatar troops stationed in Podolia. In November at the Battle of Khotyn (1673) 30,000 Poles under Sobieski defeated 35,000 Turks under Hussein Pasha. In the battle the Turks lost 30,000 killed and captured. Only 5,000 Turks were able to escape and take refuge in Kamenetz-Podolsky.
  • 1674a Russia: Raids on the southern Russian towns and forts were repeated, but the number of attackers was minimal. Kalmyks joined the Tatars. Enemy troops operated near Mayatsky, Torsk lakes, Romanov and Zmiev (locations?).
  • 1674b: Polish victories: Hetman Jan Sobieski was elected king in May. In November the Polish warrior-king Sobieski launched a major campaign on the right bank. Bar, Bratslav and Nemirov (which one?) surrendered to the Poles but Rashkov(?) was taken by storm and the garrison slaughtered. Kalnik (possibly Kuzmyno) gave up and took the oath of allegiance to the Polish crown. Polish banners (хоругви) under Dmitry Vishnevetsky and Stanislav Yablonovsky crushed Cossack and Tartar troops at Zhornishch(?)and Nemirov, and Polish-Lithuanian troops under Nicholas Senyavski and Prince Michael Casimir Radziwill defeated the enemy in the battles at Chyhyryn and Pavoloch. At the Battle of Pavoloch 4,000 Tatars under the Nureddin-Sultan were defeated and the Nureddin-Sultan was killed.
  • 1675a: Turks fail against Sich: In autumn 1674 the Sultan organized a campaign against the Zaporozhian Sich, and sent 15,000 select Janissaries by sea to Crimea. The Turkish government had decided to seize the Sich and destroy all the Zaporozhian Cossacks. By order of the Sultan, Selim Giray and 40,000 Tatars joined the Turkish campaign against Sich. In January 1675 15,000 Janissaries and 40,000 Tatars under Khan Selim Giray approached the Sich without being detected. Tartars surrounded the Sich and Janissaries tried to enter it, but the Zaporozhians repulsed the attack and decisively defeated the Turkish troops. 13,500 Janissaries were killed and the rest fled. The Khan retreated from the Sich back to the steppe.
  • 1675b Russia: Tatars and Kalmyks raid around Valuiki, Olshansk(?), Userd, Usman and Kozlov (north off the map).
  • 1675c: Turks and Poles on the Right Bank: . At the end of June a large Ottoman army (20,000–30,000) under Serasker Ibrahim Pasha Shaitan entered the Right Bank. Turkish troops crossed the Dniester at Tyagina and took the fortress of Bar. In July, at Manachin, the Turks were joined by 30,000 Tatars under Nureddin-Sultan Safa Giray. Turks and Tatars moved to Lvov, devastating and burning everything in their path. During the trek, Safa Giray's horde separated from the Turkish army and acted independently. Polish King Jan Sobieski, learning about the new Turkish invasion, ordered the strengthening of garrisons in Podolia to delay the progress of Turkish troops. Sobieski concentrated his main force around Lvov. On 27 July the Turks stormed Zbarazh and sent Tatar troops to Podolia and Volhynia. Buchach and Zavyalov were captured. Stanislav Jan Yablonovsky defeated a large Turkish force at Zlochev. On 22 August Ibrahim Pasha sent 10,000 Tatars under Safa Giray against Lvov. Jan Sobieski at Lvov had 6,000 men. Upon learning of the approaching Tatars Sobieski placed part of his forces (dragoons and light cavalry) in each of the four directions from which the enemy might approach. 1,200–1,500 Hussars were held in reserve while the infantry was held with the supplies in camp near Lvov. On 24 August the Crimean Tatars approached the city and engaged in battle with the Poles. At the decisive moment Sobieski personally led 2,000 cavalry against the Tatars, who were defeated. (Battle of Lwów (1675)) On 20 September 10,000 men under Ibrahim Pasha besieged Terembovlya. The fortress was defended by 300 Poles who for two weeks successfully repulsed all enemy attacks. Ibrahim Pasha Shaitan lost 2,000 men, was unable to storm the fortress, raised the siege and retreated beyond the Dniester. (Battle of Trembowla) Polish troops pursued the Turks into Moldavia, where they took and burned Suchava.
  • 1676a Russia: Small Tatar and Kalmyk bands operate around Usman, Voronezh and Olshansk.
  • 1676b Polish loss at Zhuravno: In 1676 a huge Turkish army under Ibrahim Pasha invaded the Right Bank. Polish King Jan Sobieski gathered 38,000 men near Lvov and went to meet them. Sobieski placed his troops in a fortified camp near Zhuravno. The Turks and Crimeans took Yazlovets, Chertkov(?) and Galich. On 24 September 24, at the Battle of Voynilov(?) Sobieski defeated a large Tatar force, but under the pressure of superior numbers had to withdraw. At Dovga(?) the Tatars attacked Sobieski's main force, trying to cut off their escape route, but were repulsed. The Polish army retreated to Zhuravno and built a fortified camp. Turko-Tatar troops completely surrounded the Polish fortified camp. On 24–26 September Tatar cavalry were under Crimean Khan Selim Giray, but on 28–29 September Ibrahim Pasha arrived with the Turkish army. On 17 October (Battle of Żurawno) Sobieski was forced to the conclude the Treaty of Żurawno with the Ottoman Empire. It revoked the clause in the Buchach Treaty about payment of yearly tribute, but confirmed the cession of Podolia. Right Bank Ukraine, except the Bila Tserkva and Pavoloch okrugs were under the power of the Doroshenko as a Turkish vassal. (it is not clear who held the two okrugs)
  • 1676c Polish–Ottoman War (1672–76) ends and Russo-Turkish War (1676–1681) begins.
  • 1677: 1st Chigirin: Russians defeat Turks: During the Russo-Turkish War (1676–1681), in June the Turko-Tatar forces led Serasker Ibrahim Pasha and the Crimean Khan Selim Giray crossed Dniester and came to Chigirin, the right-bank capital, seeking to return the Right Bank to the Ottoman Empire. The siege began in early August. Chigirin was under the command of the garrison commander, Major-General A. Trauernicht. Turks and Tartars besieged the town for a month but could not take it. On 26 August Russo-Cossack troops under boyar Prince Grigory Romodanovsky and left-bank Hetman Ivan Samoylovych brought under fire a Turko-Tatar army crossing the Dnieper to the right bank at the Buzhinsky pier. Turks and Tatars made a frontal attack, but were repulsed with rifle and cannon fire. The fight at the river crossing lasted three days. Turkish-Tatar army retreated, losing 20,000 men killed. Romodanovsky and Samoilovich took Chigirin, restored the ruined fortifications, left a 15,000-man garrison and returned to the Left Bank. Doroshenko was sent to Moscow. The Sultan locked up Ibrahim Pasha in Yedikule Fortress – the Semibashenny (seven towers) castle, and Crimean Khan Selim I Giray was deposed and exiled to the island of Rhodes.
  • 1678: 2nd Chigirin: Turks defeat Russians The Turks replaced Doroshenko with Yurii Khmelnytsky. Murad Giray became the new Crimean Khan and in March raided Pereyaslavl. In the summer a 100,000-man Turkish army under Kara Mustafa Pasha and 50,000 Crimean Tatars under Khan Murad Giray again besieged Chigirin. The garrison consisted of 5,000 streltsy and 7,000 Cossacks and was first commanded by Voyevod Ivan Rzhevsky, who was killed during the siege, and then by Colonel Patrick Gordon. To the rescue came Russo-Cossack regiments under Prince Grigory Romodanovsky and Left Bank Hetman Ivan Samoilovich who on 12 July made a fighting crossing of the Dnieper at the Buzhinsky pier. The next battle was at the Strelnikov Hill, about a mile from Chigirin which dominated the whole area. The battle was inconclusive for both sides. The attempt to lift the siege failed and on 11 August the city was taken and the Russian garrison was forced to leave. However the Turko-Tatar army was not able to cross the Dnieper and in October the troops of Kara Mustafa and Murad Giray returned to the southern Bug River and the Crimea. They did not attack Kiev, which had only 106 men in garrison under voyvod Prince Mikhail Golitsyn. Thus, the Ottoman Turks and Crimean Tatars were not able to secure the Right Bank Ukraine.
  • 1678-79 Yuri fails to take Left Bank: In December 1678 Yuri Khmelnytsky sent messengers to the Left Bank Ukrainians, urging them to recognize him as Hetman and submit to his authority, to avoid ruin and captivity. Following this, Ivan Yanenchenko with two Tatar Mirzas sent to him by the Crimean Khan, crossed the Dnieper at Staek (many places in this section cannot be located)and bypassing the towns of the Pereyaslav Regiment went to Oster and Kozelets. The Crimean Tatars, taking loot and prisoners, began to return, but on the way back were overtaken at the village of Gluboky and defeated by Pereyaslav Colonel Ivan Lisenko, who rescued all the captives. In December Yuri Khmelnitsky and Crimean Tatars made a ruinous raid on the Left-Bank Ukraine. The small town of Veremeevka, whose inhabitants could not defend themselves was the first place that fell to him. After Veremeevka followed small towns of Chigrin-Dubrava, Goroshin, Gorodishche and Zhovnin. Yuri Khmelnitsky's messengers called on the Right Bank residents and peasants, who had recently fled to the Left Bank, to return home. Those who gave up, about 3,000, Yuri ordered to move to Zhabotin. On 27 January Yurii sent messengers from Zhovnin to the towns of the Mirgorod Regiment, demanding submission. At this time, Ivan Yanenchenko and Tatars came to Lubny and surrounded it. Inside were Lubny Colonel Ilyashenko and Okhotny Colonel Novitsky. Many residents began to lean to Khmelnitsky. Against Khmelnitsky came the Poltava and Myrgorod colonels, and from Sumy came Major General Gregory Kasogov with the Sumy and Okhtyrka regiments. Hetman Ivan Samoilovich and a Cossack troop marched from Baturin and arrived in Konotop. Poltava Colonel Levenets defeated Khmelnitsky at Zhovninoye and forced him to retreat to Lukoml. Yurii stayed there three days and was not able to persuade local people to join him, and then returned to the Dnieper with a Tatar horde. He was joined by Yanenchenko. Yuri went to Nemirov and Yanenchenko to Korsun. The Crimean princes sent by the Khan to help him split up: the Crown Prince returned to Crimea, and Nureddin-Sultan with 7,000 men again crossed to the Left Bank. Small Tatar troops ravaged the territory of the Mirgorod Regiment and took many prisoners. On the way back they were attacked by Gregory Kasogov with Russian-Cossack troops. Ivan Samoilovich gave him selected Cossacks from the Gadyach, Mirgorod and Companeysky Regiments. Russians and Cossacks defeated the Tatars, recaptured the prisoners, captured a Tatar banner and nearly captured the Nureddin-Sultan. The wounded Nureddin with the rest of his horde fled to the Right Bank. Russian troops and Cossacks also crossed the Dnieper and chased the Tatars to the Little Ingulets River (?Inhul or Inhulets River), and returned to Kereberda.

1677–1699 Push south

{{Location map+|Ukraine|float=right|width=500|caption=Places 1677–1699.
= Belgorod Line
|places={{Location map~|Ukraine|lat=52.05|long=39.73|label=Usman|position=left|mark=Blue-circle.gif}}{{Location map~|Ukraine|lat=50.76|long=37.87|label=N.Oskol|position=top|mark=Blue-circle.gif}}{{Location map~|Ukraine|lat=50.76|long=38.53|label=Userd|position=right|mark=Blue-circle.gif}}{{Location map~|Ukraine|lat=49.83|long=36.41|label=Chuhuiv |position=right }}{{Location map~|Ukraine|lat=49.47|long=36.87|label=Balakliia |position=right }}{{Location map~|Ukraine|lat=50.60|long=36.60|label=Belgorod |position=top|mark=Blue-circle.gif}}{{Location map~|Ukraine|lat=50.45|long=33.47|label=Akhtyrka |position=top}}{{Location map~|Ukraine|lat=50.00|long=35.23|label=Kharkov |position=right }}{{Location map~|Ukraine|lat=50.28|long=35.91|label=Zolochiv |position=right }}{{Location map~|Ukraine|lat=49.83|long=35.62|label=Valky |position=left}}{{Location map~|Ukraine|lat=51.67|long=39.20|label=Voronezh |mark=Blue-circle.gif|position=left}}{{Location map~|Ukraine|lat=49.18|long=37.44|label=Tsarev-Borisov|position=right}}{{Location map~|Ukraine|lat=46.18|long=30.33|label=Bilhorod |position=right}}{{Location map~|Ukraine|lat=47.01|long=28.87|label=Kishenev |position=top}}{{Location map~|Ukraine|lat=46.83|long=29.48|label=Bender |position=right}}{{Location map~|Ukraine|lat=45.45|long=29.27|label=Kiliya |position=right}}{{Location map~|Ukraine|lat=45.35|long=28.28|label=Reni |position=left}}{{Location map~|Ukraine|lat=47.16|long=27.59|label=Jassy |position=left}}{{Location map~|Ukraine|lat=48.68|long=26.58|label=kamenets |position=right}}{{Location map~|Ukraine|lat=49.58|long=34.55|label=Poltava |position=right }}{{Location map~|Ukraine|lat=45.35|long=28.83|label=Izmail |position=bottom}}{{Location map~|Ukraine|lat=46.15|long=33.68|label=Perekop |position=right}}{{Location map~|Ukraine|lat=46.15|long=33.68|label=Perekop |position=right}}{{Location map~|Ukraine|lat=50.37|long=34.00|label=Hadiach |position=right }}{{Location map~|Ukraine|lat=49.10|long=34.52|label=Mayachka |position=right }}{{Location map~|Ukraine|lat=50.00|long=33.00|label=Lubny |position=left}}{{Location map~|Ukraine|lat=51.35|long=32.88|label=Baturyn |position=top }}{{Location map~|Ukraine|lat=47.55|long=34.63|label=Sich |position=left}}{{Location map~|Ukraine|lat=48.87|long=34.05|label=Perevolochna |position=bottom}}{{Location map~|Ukraine|lat=49.42|long=33.88|label=Goltva |position=left }}{{Location map~|Ukraine|lat=50.60|long=32.38|label=Priluki |position=left }}{{Location map~|Ukraine|lat=49.39|long=30.10|label=BilaTserkva |position=left}}{{Location map~|Ukraine|lat=50.37|long=33.28|label=Lokhvytsia |position=left}}{{Location map~|Ukraine|lat=49.97|long=33.60|label=Mirgorod |position=bottom}}{{Location map~|Ukraine|lat=49.27|long=25.13|label=Pidhaitsi |position=top|mark=X solid black 17.gif}}{{Location map~|Ukraine|lat=49.05|long=24.02|label=Lvov |position=bottom}}{{Location map~|Ukraine|lat=49.07|long=33.42|label=Kremenchug |position=left }}{{Location map~|Ukraine|lat=47.10|long=39.42|label=Azov}}
}}After the Turkish disaster at Vienna in 1683, Austria, Poland and Russia joined to push the Turks south. ((Polish–Ottoman War (1683–1699), Russo-Turkish War (1686–1700)). By the Treaty of Karlowitz (1699) Poland regained Podolia. By the Treaty of Constantinople (1700) Russia briefly gained Azov. Fighting was mostly confined to the Left Bank, except for the raid on Budjak in 1683. The Belgorod Line was crossed only once (1680). Lack of raiding north of the Belgorod Line tended to increase Russia's population and power. Russia was now able to send forces almost to the Black Sea.
  • 1677–1678: Raids of Crimean Tatars and Kalmyks near Verkhsosensk, Novy Oskol, Userd and Usman.
  • 1679: In July and August Azov, Crimean and Nogai Tatars with 8000 men came to Chuhuiv, Pechenegi, Saltov, Kharkov, Balakliia, Serkov, Sokolov and other places. Kharkov Colonel Gregory Donets won another victory, driving the Tatars into the forests and drowning them in rivers and freeing all the Russian captives.
  • 1680: In January, Crimean Khan Murad Giray made a ruinous attack on the southern Russian lands. The Khan with up to 100,000 men crossed the river Merl on the Muravsky Trail and approached Belgorod. Not crossing the wall, he sent Nureddin Saydat Giray, 3 Mirzas and 4,000 men to capture prisoners for interrogation. The Nureddin crossed the wall, went to Volny with 2,000 men, the rest going to other towns. At the same the Khan sent raiding parties to the surrounding area. The Crimeans were around Belgorod, Karpov, Volny, Zolochev, Olshansk, Kharkov, Valky, Bogodukhov, Krasnokut, Akhtyrka, Kolontaev, Murakhva, Rublev and Kolymak. During this campaign the Tatars captured 3014 people.
  • 1681–1682: Crimean Tatars fought near Tsarev-Borisov and Torsk Lakes. Kalmyk troops were around Voronezh, Usman, Penza (?sic), Lower and Upper Lomov.
  • 1683a: Cossacks raid the Budjak Tatars: At the end of the year right-bank hetman Stefan Kunicki gathered a 5,000-man Cossack army and made a campaign against the Budjak Tatars. In the end of November Cossack regiments took Nagai, slaughtered the Turkish garrison and went to Kishenev where they joined the army of Moldovan Hospodar Ştefan Petriceicu. The combined army had about 15,000–18,000 men and was led by Kunitsky. On 5 December, at the Battle of Tyagin (=Bender, Moldova), they defeated a 25,000-man Turko-Tatar army led under Tyagin Bey Ali Pasha . According to contemporaries, the Tyagin Trail was strewn with enemy dead for four miles (sic,миль). Among those killed were Tyagin Bey Ali Pasha, Aliger Pasha, the leader of the Budjak Horde, and several important Tatar Mirzas. Ukrainian Cossacks looted and destroyed the Budjak tribal camps (ulus) around Bilhorod (Ackermann), captured the Turkish forts at Izmail and Kiliya, and reached the shores of the Black Sea. Cossacks tried to take Tyagin and Bilhorod, but had to raise the siege because of the lack of artillery. The lands of the Budjak Horde were devastated and burned.
  • 1683b: Crimeans respond to Budjak raid: Crimean Khan Haji Giray, learning of the defeat of the Budjak Tatars gathered 10,000–12,000 men and went against Kunitsky. At the end of December Kunitsky with 10,000–12,000 Cossacks and Moldavians left Budjak and began to cross the Prut River near the village of Tobak, not far from the town of Reni, Ukraine. Here on 30 December they were suddenly attacked by Tatar cavalry under Khan Haji Giray. Kunitsky built a fortified camp and successfully repelled the Tatar attacks. On the night of 3 to 4 January 1684 the Moldavian allies betrayed the Cossacks and left the Cossack camp. In this situation Kunitsky with the Cossack cavalry (about 2,000) broke through the enemy ring and crossed the Prut. The Cossack infantry (about 4,000) under Andrey Mogila also broke out and crossed the Prut near Boyan, but suffered heavy losses. By 10 January only five thousand Cossacks reached Jassy.
  • 1684: In May, in a battle near Studenits (near Kamenets) Tatars destroyed a Cossack detachment under the command of the new right-bank hetman Andrey Mogila, capturing two hundred Cossacks. In July at the Battle of Skala a 3,000-man Polish-Cossack army under regimentarz Michal Zhevusky defeated 2,000 Tatars. The Crimeans lost about 500 men and 30 Mirzas were captured.
  • 1687,1689: In the Crimean campaigns of 1687 and 1689 Russia twice failed to invade Crimea.
  • 1688: The Khan invaded the southern Polish territories and devastated Volhynia, and, according to the chronicles, carried away 60,000 people. In the same year there was a campaign near Poltava. In June 1688, a 1,500-man Turko-Tatar force defeated a small Polish unit at Novosyolka.
  • 1691: In September, in a battle near Pererita in Moldavia Polish troops under nadborny Crown Marshal Jerome Lubomirski defeated a large Tatar horde.
  • 1692: Petrik fails against Mazepa and Left Bank: In January a man called Petrik (also called Petr Ivanovich or Petr Ivanenko), a military clerk (voyskovy kantselyarist, войсковой канцелярист), left the Ukraine for the Sich and began to call for a military alliance with the Crimean Khan against the pro-Moscow Left Bank Hetman Ivan Mazepa. Mazeppa demanded the return of this "thief and cheat", but the Sich refused. Petrik gained the favor of the Zaporozhians and was even elected military clerk (koshevy pisar, избран кошевым писарем) of the Zaporozhian host. In spring Petrik and a small detachment of Cossacks went to the Crimea and in May he concluded a military alliance with Khan Saadet Giray, who agreed to give him military aid in the conquest of the Left-Bank Ukraine. Some of the Zaporozhians joined Petrik. In July a Rada was called at Kammeny Zaton (Stone Creek) and Petrik was proclaimed Ukrainian hetman. The Khan sent a horde under the Kalga. They planned to first subdue the Cossack frontier townships on the Samara River and then go after the Poltava regiment. Mazepa began to gather troops to repulse the Tatars and appealed to the Russia for help. In late July Mazepa sent five regiments to the border, and stayed at Hadiach with five regiments to await the arrival of the Moscow voyevod and selected units of three other Cossack regiments. On 28 July he sent a message to the entire Ukrainian population, urging them to remain faithful to the Russian Tsar and Mazepa's power as hetman. Some towns on the Oril River recognized Petrik. Ivan Mazepa and a Cossack army moved out of Gadyach to Poltava. On 5 August the advanced troops, who had been sent to the Vorskla River (Akhtyrka-Poltava), moved to the Oril river (east of the Vorskla) and approached Mayachka where they encountered the Crimean Kalga, who was looting the nearby villages and taking captives. On the approach of the Left Bank Cossacks the Crimeans hastily retreated to the steppes and returned to Perekop. The Cossacks chased the Tatars and Petrik, but could not catch up with them. Petrik and a small group of supporters spend three months around Perekop. At the end of September he left Perekop for Bakhchisarai. The Turkish Sultan replaced Khan Saadet Giray with Selim Giray, who arrived from Istanbul in December. The new Khan promised Petrik military support against Mazepa, the Left Bank and the Russian government. After the retreat of the Crimean Horde Mazepa immediately disbanded Cossack regiments and sent them home. Meanwhile Petrik and influential Mirzas pushed for another attack on the Left-Bank Ukraine.
  • 1693: Petrik tries again and is pushed back by the Russians: In January Selim Giray sent a horde against the Ukraine under his son-in-law, the Nureddin-Sultan (The nureddin was the third in rank after the Khan and the Kalga or designated successor). Petrik and a small group of supporters went with the horde. Selim Giray ordered the Nureddin and Petrik first to go to the Sich and call for a joint campaign against the Left Bank towns. If they did not give up, then the Khan ordered that should would be taken by storm and destroyed. The Khan himself and the main force would set out in spring. The Nureddin and Petrik sent to the Host a proclamation calling upon the Cossacks to join the Tartar hordes. However the Zaporozhian Cossacks remained loyal to Moscow and refused to participate in the attack on the Ukrainian lands. Crimean Tatars moved to the towns of Perevolochna and Kyshenki, but the local residents flatly refused to give up and accept the hetman Petrik. Then Petrik and the Tatar horde went to Poltava, the center of the Cossack regiment of that name. They ravished the surrounding area, killing and taking prisoners. Petrik unsuccessfully called on the Poltava population to give up and accept hin as Hetman. Back in December Mazepa informed Moscow of the impending Tatar invasion of Left Bank. The Russian government ordered the boyar Boris Sheremetev with a 40,000-man army come to the aid of Mazepa. Russian troops occupied all the Cossack frontier towns on the Samara River {note how far south this is}. The Poltava colonel refused to help Petrik and gathered the loyal Cossacks in his regiment to repel the Crimean Tatars. News of the approach of the Sheremtev's Russian army and Mazepa's Cossacks forced the Nureddin into an immediate retreat. Crimean horde with numerous captives left the steppe. During the second Tatar attack Mazepa and Cossack army moved from Baturyn to Lubny, and spread along the Dnieper several 'city and volunteer regiments' (?городовых и охотных полков). Petrik and his supporters retreated with the Tatar Horde to Crimea. Here Petrik constantly called Crimean Khan Selim Giray to continue the fight against the Russian state. Mazepa kept the Russian government informed about all the designs Petrik and sent messengers to all the left bank Cossack regiments, urging them to be ready to fend off a new Tatar invasion. In June the Right-Bank Colonels Semen Paliy and Andrii Abazyn utterly defeated the Tatar horde in the battle for the little town of Smelaya. In October, they and two left-bank colonels defeated the Crimean Tatars on the Kodyma River.
  • 1694: Early in the year Petrik again sent to the Sich, promising to soon come with the Crimean horde to win back the Left-Bank Ukraine from Moscow. In summer the Zaporozhians began military operations against the Khanate and made two military campaigns against the Tartars. The Cossack raid forced retreat of the Nureddin, who was raiding in the Sloboda Ukraine. In September Mazepa organized a campaign against the Crimean Tatars. Cossack troops under Chernogov Colonel Yacob Lizogub marched to the open steppe along the Dnieper. Joining forces with Khvastovsky Colonel Semen Paliy, Yacob Lizogub with a Cossack corps marched to the mouth of the Dnieper (again, very far south) and stormed the fortress of Palanka, capturing booty and captives.
  • 1695,1696: Russia takes Azov (Azov campaigns (1695–96)).
  • 1696a: In January Selim Giray made a devastating raid on the Left Bank. Tatars and Nogais took captives along the Oril River, stormed and burned the small towns of Kitay-Gorodok and Kyshenka, besieged Keleberda, and then went to Goltva, where the Cossack troops were gathered to resist the raiders. The colonels had to withdraw due to the unauthorized flight of many of the Cossacks. The Crimeans burned villages near the towns of Ostap, Bila Tserkva and Bogachka and then moved to Gadyach. On the way they sent out raiding parties and took captives. Mazepa collected troops and marched from Baturin to Priluki. 30,000 Budjak Tatars crossed the Bug and moved on Kremenchug to join the Crimean horde. With the Budjak Nogais was Petrik. The Nogais besieged the Ukrainian border towns of Potok and Omelnik. Petrik sent messages to the besieged towns, urging them to give up and recognize him as hetman. In response, Mazepa sent messages to the Left Bank, offering a large amount of money as a reward for killing Petrik. Mazepa and his army moved from Priluki in Lokhvytsia, (just east of Okhtyrka). Voyevod Sheremetev with Russian troops was at Akhtyrka and urged Mazepa to join him, but, because of the danger of Tartar attacks on Baturin, Mazepa remained at Lokhvitsa. Soon after the united Crimean and Budjak hordes split into two groups: the Crimeans went to devastate the Poltava regiment and the Budjak Nogais raided along the Dnieper. Mazepa sent the Priluki regiment from Lokhvitsa to Poltava, ordered the Gadyach, Mirgorod and Poltava regiments to join them and the Lubensky and Okhotny (охотный) Cossack regiments to advance against the Nogais. Mazepa and the remaining Cossacks moved to Akhtyrka to join Sheremetev's Russians, but only reached Rashevka on the Psyol River when he learned that on 1 February the Nogais and Tatars, along with their captives, had retreated to their steppes. Ukrainian Cossacks captured many Tatars in the woods along the Vorskla River. After the withdrawal of the Crimean Kalga-Sultan Mazepa sent the town (?городовые) Cossacks to their homes and the Okhotny (охотные) regiments to their stanitsas. Near Kishenko the self-styled Hetman Petrik was killed by a Cossack.
  • 1696b: In February 8,000–12,000 Tatars under the Kalga Shebas Giray, and the Princes Saadat Giray and Gaza Giray broke through the Polish blockade of Kamenetz-Podolsky and delivered food supplies to the Turkish fort and moved on to raid the southern Polish territory. Crown grand hetman Stanisław Jan Jabłonowski gathered near Lvov a 4,000-man Polish militia. On February 11–12, in a battle near Lvov the Poles defeated the superior forces of the Crimean-Tatar horde.
  • 1698: In September 14000 Tatars under Kalga-Sultan Kaplan Giray made a ruinous raid on Podolia. On 8–9 September, at the Battle of Podhajce (1698) 6,000 Poles under Crown Field Hetman Feliks Kazimierz Potocki defeated the Tatar horde.

1700–1769 Poltava and after

{{Location map+|Ukraine|float=right|width=500|caption=Places 1700–1769. Some places are off the map to the east.
= mouth of Samara River.
|places={{Location map~|Ukraine|lat=49.39|long=30.10|label=BilaTserkva|position=left}}{{Location map~|Ukraine|lat=48.83|long=28.95|label=Bratslav |position=bottom}}{{Location map~|Ukraine|lat=49.55|long=30.87|label=Bogoslav |position=left}}{{Location map~|Ukraine|lat=49.25|long=30.82 |label=Lysyanka |position=bottom}}{{Location map~|Ukraine|lat=50.08|long=29.92|label=Fastiv |position=top}}{{Location map~|Ukraine|lat=49.43|long=32.05|label=Cherkassy |position=right }}{{Location map~|Ukraine|lat=49.75|long=31.47|label=Kanev |position=top}}{{Location map~|Ukraine|lat=48.98|long=28.89|label=Nimyriv |position=left}}{{Location map~|Ukraine|lat=49.08|long=32.6666 |label=Chyhyrin |position=left}}{{Location map~|Ukraine|lat=46.83|long=29.48333|label=Bender |position=right}}{{Location map~|Ukraine|lat=48.45|long=34.98333|label= |position=right|mark=Filled diamond.svg}}{{Location map~|Ukraine|lat=50.00|long=35.23333|label=Kharkov |position=right }}{{Location map~|Ukraine|lat=49.21|long=37.25 |label=Izium |position=right }}{{Location map~|Ukraine|lat=47.10|long=39.42|label=Azov}}{{Location map~|Ukraine|lat=47.24|long=40.04|label=StaroK |position=top}}{{Location map~|Ukraine|lat=48.87|long=34.05|label=Perevolochna |position=right}}{{Location map~|Ukraine|lat=49.07|long=33.42|label=Kremenchug |position=right}}{{Location map~|Ukraine|lat=47.01|long=28.87|label=Kishenev |position=left}}{{Location map~|Ukraine|lat=45.50|long=29.00|label=BUDZHAK |position=top|mark=clear pog.svg}}{{Location map~|Ukraine|lat=48.78|long=31.65|label=NovoMir. |position=right}}{{Location map~|Ukraine|lat=48.5|long=32.27|label=Elizavetgrad |position=right}}{{Location map~|Ukraine|lat=49.5833|long=34.55 |label=Poltava |position=right }}{{Location map~|Ukraine|lat=49.9666|long=33.600 |label=Mirgorod |position=top }}{{Location map~|Ukraine|lat=48.5833|long=38.0833 |label=Bakhmut |position=right }}{{Location map~|Ukraine|lat=47.5666|long=34.3666 |label=Sich |position=right}}{{Location map~|Ukraine|lat=46.1500|long=33.6833 |label=Perekop |position=right}}
  • In 1708-09 Ivan Mazepa revolted and was defeated at Poltava. In the Russo-Turkish War (1710–11) a Russian invasion of Moldavia failed. In 1736 Russia invaded Crimea and withdrew (Austro-Russian–Turkish War (1735–39) ). The last significant Crimean raid was in 1769. After the Russo-Turkish War (1768–74) Crimea became a Russian dependency and was annexed in 1783. In 1793 most of the Right Bank was annexed from Poland.
  • In this period most fighting was in the eastern Ukraine. If this list is complete there was an increase along the Don and west bank of the Volga. The frequency of raids seems to have decreased. Russian armies approached the Black Sea several times before the annexation of Crimea.
  • 1700–1710: These years are omitted from the Russian Wikipedia article. In 1708 Left-Bank Hetman Ivan Mazepa revolted and in 1709 was defeated at the Battle of Poltava along with his Swedish ally. Russia followed with an invasion of Moldavia which failed (Russo-Turkish War (1710–11)).
  • 1711: Mazapa's successor tries an invasion: (It is not clear how this relates to Peter the Great's invasion of Moldavia in the Pruth River Campaign). Pylyp Orlyk became hetman-in-exile after Mazapa's death. Supporters of Orlyk from part of the Zaporozhian Cossacks (under the command of Kosh Otaman Kostya Gordienko (?Kost Hordiyenko) ) together with 40,000 Tatars under prince Mekhmet Girai (son of Devlet II Giray) made a campaign against Right-Bank Ukraine and besieged Bila Tserkva. In the campaign were 7,000–8,000 Cossacks, 3,000–5,000 Poles, 700 Swedes and 400 Turkish Janissaries. When the Tatars turned to looting civilians and taking captives, Orlyk's Cossacks began deserting en masse to defend their villages. In February the Crimean Tatars captured Bratslav, Bohuslav and Nemyriv, the small garrisons of which offered virtually no resistance. Left Bank Hetman Ivan Skoropadsky, Mazepa's successor on the Left Bank, sent to the Right Bank the Companeysky regiment under General Esaul Stepan Butovich. In the Battle of Lysianka Butovich was severely defeated and barely escaped. In March Orlyk and Mehmed Giray besieged the fort of Bila Tserkva (it is not clear if this was a second siege), which was defended by a small Russo-Cossack garrison. The Zaporozhians and Crimeans were unable to take it by storm lost 1,000 killed. From Bila Tserkva Orlyk and Mehmed Giray retreated Fastiv. Zaporozhians and Tatars tried to attack Cherkassy, Kanev and Chigirin, but were repulsed. Peter the Great sent to the Right Bank Russian troops under Prince Dmitry Golitsyn (possibly Dmitry Mikhailovich Golitsyn the Elder). At their approach Mehmed Giray and Orlyk began to retreat to the steppe. On 15 April Golitsyn caught the Tartars at Bohuslav and rescued more than 7,000 prisoners. At the end of April Orlyk and Mehmed Giray returned to Bender (the base of Mazepa, Charles XII and Orlyk). At this time Khan Devlet Giray with 30,000–40,000 men invaded the Left Bank and besieged and captured the Novosergievsky fortress (location?). The Cossacks gave up without a fight. Devlet Giray then moved to Kharkov and Izium, but was defeated and in early March retreated to Crimea. At the approach of Boris Sheremetev (? he was involved in Peter's invasion of Moldavia), the Tatars fled to the steppe with much booty and many captives and Orlyk's undertaking failed.
  • 1713: Crimean Tatars, Nogais and Azov people ravaged the southern Kazan and Voronezh Gubernias, the lands of Don Cossacks and Kharkov Regiment. The Tatars captured 14,000 people and killed more than 2,000. (Probably around the Belgorod Line. Kazan Governorate (Gubernia) ran from Kazan south to the Caspian Sea. To the west of it the Voronezh Governorate ran from Kozlov to Azov.)
  • 1714: Crimean Tatars and Azov people made a raid Tsaritsyn (i.e. Stalingrad). The lands of Don Cossacks, the Kharkov and Izium regiments were also raided.
  • 1715: Crimean Mirza Mambet Bey made ruinous attack on the Don Cossack area. The Crimean Tatars also raided the Kharkov and Izyum regiments. That same year, Kuban Serasker Bakhti Geray (Deli-Sultan) (semi-independent ruler of the Kuban Nogai) made a large raid to Tsaritsyn and Astrakhan. Near Astrakhan Bakhti Giray captured 1220 Nogai tents (кибиток) and resettled them beyond the Kuban River. Then Bakhti Garay made numerous forays on the tribes of Kalmyk Khan Ayuka Khan, a Russian vassal. Kuban Tatars ravaged many Kalmyk and Nogai tribes ('ulusi'). 10,300 Nogai families were forced to move to the Kuban.
  • 1716: Crimean Tatars, Turks and Azov people ravaged the Dmitrievsky uzed of the Voronezh Gubernia and raided Tambov (sic, this is very far north), the Don Cossack country, Kharkov and Izium Regiments.
  • 1717: Crimean Tatars raided the land of Kharkov and Izium regiments in Sloboda Ukraine. Kuban serasker Bakhti Giray with the Kuban Horde, Turkish and Azov troops launched a major campaign in the southern Russian lands. The Kuban people ravaged the outskirts of Tsaritsyn, Penza, Simbirsk, Saratov, Insar, Petrovsk and Lomov (these places are along the Volga. If this raid-list is complete this would be the last raid to get that far north.) Around 30,000 were captured.
  • 1718: Bakhti Giray led an expedition to the land of Don Cossacks, where he besieged and unsuccessfully stormed Starocherkasskaya. Many Cossacks and Yurt Kalmyks (юртовские калмыки) were killed or captured. That same year, Crimean and Kuban Tatars raided lands of the Kazan Gubernia and the Kharkov and Izium Regiments.
  • 1719–1722: Crimean Tatars and Azov people made devastating raids on the Kharkov, Izium, Poltava and Myrgorod Regiments, Sloboda Ukraine and the land of Don Cossacks.
  • 1723: Crimean Tatars, Nogais and Azov people raided the Bakhmut, Poltava and Mirgorod Regiments and the land of Don Cossacks.
  • 1724: Crimean Tatars and Azov people raided the Bakhmut, Poltava and Myrhorod Regiments, the land of Don Cossacks and the Yurt Kalmyks.
  • 1725: Crimean Tatars raided Bakhmut.
  • 1726: Crimeans continued to raid around Bakhmut and the Don Cossack country.
  • 1727: Crimeans and Azov people raided the land of Don Cossacks and Bakhmut.
  • 1728: Crimean Tatars and Azov people raided the land of Don Cossacks and Bakhmut. The Khan was joined by Batyr-Taisha with Yurt Kalmyks.
  • 1729: Crimeans and Azov people raided Bakhmut and the Don Cossack lands.
  • 1730: Crimean Tatars and Azov Turks attacked the Don Cossack lands, and the Myrhorod and Bakhmut Regiments.
  • 1731–1732: Crimean Tatars and Azov people raided the Don Cossacks, the Bakhmut and Mirgorod regiments and Kabarda in the north Caucasus.
  • 1733: Crimean horde made an unsuccessful campaign in the North Caucasus. A second Crimean Tatar horde ravaged the land of Don Cossacks and the Bakhmut and Izium Regiments.
  • 1734: Crimean Tatars, and Azov Turks and Kuban Tatars made devastating raids on the land of Don Cossacks, on the Bakhmut and Poltava regiments.
  • 1736: During the Russo-Turkish War (1735–1739) Russia invaded the Crimean peninsula and withdrew.
  • 1737: In February the Crimean Tatars made a new attack on the Left Bank Ukraine, where they captured many prisoners. Major-General Yuri F. Leslie was killed in a skirmish with the Crimeans while crossing the Dnieper at Perevolochna.
  • 1739: On 15 (26 new style) February the horde crossed the Dnieper near the territory of the Myrhorod Regiment. Thanks to the activity of Major General Ivan Bakhmetev the horde was defeated. Bahmetev, warned by the Mirgorod Cossacks of the Tatar approach, hastily moved from Kremenchug to Vlasovka (location?) with a group of a few Grenadier troops (гренадерских рот), about 600 Rizhky Dragoons and 1500 Mirgorod Cossacks. Bakhmetev's troops caught the Tatars 2 hours after their river crossing. After a 6-hour battle the Tatars were forced to retreat beyond the Dnieper. Around 4,000 warriors, 30 Mirzas and 2 'Sultans' were drowned in the specially constructed ice-holes on the Dnieper or were killed. On 19 February what was left of the horde went to the Crimea.
  • 1756–1763: During the Seven Years' War between Russia and Prussia the Nogai Tatars made devastating raids on the south Russian lands.
  • 1769: Khan Qırım Giray led a large (and the last in history) campaign on the Russian lands. Crimean Tatars and Nogais ravaged New Serbia (Novomyrhorod and eastward) and took a significant number of prisoners. On 15 January 70,000 Crimean Tatars crossed the Russian border and moved to New Serbia (Elizavetgrad Province). Crimean Khan was planning to go to Poland, to connect with the Confederation of Bar. {This was also the time of the Koliyivshchyna uprising.} They were guided by Polish priests (sic). The Khan approached Elizavetgrad, but was greeted by artillery fire. The Khan decided not to storm the well-protected town and spread his men out in small detachments to plunder and take prisoners in the nearby Russian and Polish territories. Having devastated much of New Serbia and seized a large number of prisoners, the Crimean Khan returned to Perekop.
  • 1772, 1793, 1795: The Partitions of Poland. The Polish Commonwealth disappeared, and much of its eastern lands went to Russia, much simplifying the political scene.
  • 1774: By the Treaty of Kuchuk-Kainarji Crimea became a Russian vassal and Russia gained Azov.
  • 1777?: Crimeans raid Greater Kabardia in the north Caucasus[19]
  • 1781: A raid by the Budzhak Horde on Kishenev (Chișinău). A monument to the victims of the raid was subsequently erected in the center of Kishenev - a stone pillar, where the names of the people affected by the raid were listed. After the Budzhak, Yedisan and Edishkul (?Dnieper mouth) Nogai hordes submitted to Russia in 1783 (sic), and the suppression of the Kuban Nogai Uprising (1783), their major raids ceased.
  • 1783: Russia annexed Crimea.
  • 1793: Russia annexed the Polish Ukraine from the Dnieper west to a line running north from near Kamenets. The area west of that line had been annexed by Austria in 1772.

See also

  • Turkish Abductions
  • Barbary slave trade
  • Ottoman wars in Europe
  • Kalmyk Khanate


  • This is a translation of the corresponding article in the Russian Wikipedia as of 16 April 2013, with a few changes.
  • The best book in English is probably: Brian L. Davies, "Warfare, State and Society on the Black Sea Steppe 1500–1700", 2007.
  • Michael Khodarkovsky, "Russia's Steppe Frontier", 2002 – it is somewhat better on the steppe peoples caught between Russia and Crimea.


1. ^http://unpo.org/members/7871
2. ^http://www.bloomsbury.com/us/the-russo-turkish-war-1768-1774-9781472512796/
3. ^https://www.academia.edu/3706285/Slaves_Money_Lenders_and_Prisoner_Guards_The_Jews_and_the_Trade_in_Slaves_and_Captives_in_the_Crimean_Khanate
4. ^Subtelny, Orest (1988). "[https://books.google.com/books?id=HNIs9O3EmtQC&pg=PA105 Ukraine: A History]". pp. 105-106.
5. ^Brian L. Davies, [https://books.google.com/books?id=i5-CAgAAQBAJ&pg=PA14 Warfare, State and Society on the Black Sea Steppe], 2007
6. ^James Minahan (2000). "[https://books.google.com/books?id=NwvoM-ZFoAgC&pg=PA216 One Europe, Many Nations: A Historical Dictionary of European National Groups]". p. 216.
7. ^Nicholas Breyfogle, Abby Schrader, Willard Sunderland (2007). "[https://books.google.com/books?id=d0FlVD_oGjQC&pg=PA43 Peopling the Russian Periphery: Borderland Colonization in Eurasian History]". p. 43.
8. ^Alan W. Fisher "Muscovy and the Black Sea Slave Trade", Canadian American Slavic Studies, 1972, Vol. 6, pp. 575–594.
9. ^Michael Khodarkovsky, "Russia's Steppe Frontier: The Making of a Colonial Empire, 1500-1800", Indiana University Press, 2002, p. 22, {{ISBN|978-0-253-21770-7}}
10. ^{{cite web |author=Mikhail Kizilov |title=Slave Trade in the Early Modern Crimea From the Perspective of Christian, Muslim, and Jewish Sources |url=https://www.academia.edu/2971600/Slave_Trade_in_the_Early_Modern_Crimea_From_the_Perspective_of_Christian_Muslim_and_Jewish_Sources |work=Oxford University}}
11. ^{{cite web |author=Brian Glyn Williams |title=The Sultan’s Raiders: The Military Role of the Crimean Tatars in the Ottoman Empire |url=http://www.jamestown.org/uploads/media/Crimean_Tatar_-_complete_report_01.pdf |work=The Jamestown Foundation |date=2013 |page=27 |deadurl=yes |archiveurl=https://web.archive.org/web/20131021092115/http://www.jamestown.org/uploads/media/Crimean_Tatar_-_complete_report_01.pdf |archivedate=2013-10-21 |df= }}
12. ^{{cite book|author1=Géza Dávid|author2=Pál Fodor|title=Ransom Slavery Along the Ottoman Borders: (Early Fifteenth – Early Eighteenth Centuries)|url=https://books.google.com/books?id=00ZuXUdx2GgC|year=2007|publisher=BRILL|isbn=90-04-15704-2|page=203}}
13. ^{{cite web |author= Mikhail Kizilov |title= Slave Trade in the Early Modern Crimea From the Perspective of Christian, Muslim, and Jewish Sources |url= https://www.academia.edu/2971600/Slave_Trade_in_the_Early_Modern_Crimea_From_the_Perspective_of_Christian_Muslim_and_Jewish_Sources |work= Oxford University|pages= 2–7.}}
14. ^[https://www.britannica.com/topic/slavery-sociology#ref388217 Slavery]. Encyclopædia Britannica.
15. ^Halil Inalcik. "Servile Labor in the Ottoman Empire" in A. Ascher, B. K. Kiraly, and T. Halasi-Kun (eds), The Mutual Effects of the Islamic and Judeo-Christian Worlds: The East European Pattern, Brooklyn College, 1979, pp. 25–43.
16. ^A slightly different account of the three trails is given in the Muravsky Trail article
17. ^{{cite document |last=MATSUKI |first=Eizo |date= |title=The Crimean Tatars and their Russian-Captive Slaves An Aspect of Muscovite-Crimean Relations in the 16th and 17th Centuries |url=http://www2.econ.hit-u.ac.jp/~areastd/mediterranean/mw/pdf/18/10.pdf |location= |publisher= |page=178 |isbn= |deadurl=yes |archiveurl=https://web.archive.org/web/20130605131551/http://www.econ.hit-u.ac.jp/~areastd/mediterranean/mw/pdf/18/10.pdf |archivedate=2013-06-05 |df= }}
18. ^{{cite document |last=MATSUKI |first=Eizo |date= |title=The Crimean Tatars and their Russian-Captive Slaves An Aspect of Muscovite-Crimean Relations in the 16th and 17th Centuries |url=http://www2.econ.hit-u.ac.jp/~areastd/mediterranean/mw/pdf/18/10.pdf |location= |publisher= |page=178 |isbn= |deadurl=yes |archiveurl=https://web.archive.org/web/20130605131551/http://www.econ.hit-u.ac.jp/~areastd/mediterranean/mw/pdf/18/10.pdf |archivedate=2013-06-05 |df= }}
19. ^Walter Richmond, Northwest Caucasus, kindle @1342. This may have been the last Crimean raid, but Richmond does not elaborate and cites no source.

External links

  • [https://web.archive.org/web/20130605131551/http://www.econ.hit-u.ac.jp/~areastd/mediterranean/mw/pdf/18/10.pdf The Crimean Tatars and their Russian-Captive Slaves]
  • [https://www.academia.edu/2971600/Slave_Trade_in_the_Early_Modern_Crimea_From_the_Perspective_of_Christian_Muslim_and_Jewish_Sources Slave trade in the Early Modern Crimea]
{{DEFAULTSORT:Crimean-Nogai raids into East Slavic lands}}

10 : Tsardom of Russia|Crimean Khanate|Military history of the Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth|Slavery|Islam and slavery|Military operations involving the Crimean Khanate|15th century in the Crimean Khanate|16th century in the Crimean Khanate|17th century in the Crimean Khanate|18th century in the Crimean Khanate





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