

词条 Tetiana Starodub

  1. Biography

  2. Academic career

      Public works    Research interests    Scientific works    List of major works    Periodical and Internet publications    Scientific reports    Brochures  

  3. Awards

  4. References

{{Infobox scientist
|name = Tetiana Starodub
{{lang|uk|Тетяна Сергіївна Стародуб}}
|original name =
|image = Starodub Turkey crop.jpg
|image_size = 200px
|caption = Tetiana Starodub, Gaziantep, Turkey, International intellectual forum "The Future of Middle East after 'Arab Spring' 2011 and Turkey", December 2011
|birth_date = {{birth date and age|1979|10|4|}}
|birth_place = Lanivtsi, Ternopil Oblast, USSR
|death_date =
|death_place =
|residence = Kyiv, Ukraine
|citizenship = Ukrainian
|nationality =
|ethnicity =
|fields = National Defence, Regional security of the state, political science
|workplaces = Kyiv Academy for the Humanities, National Academy of Public Administration under the Office of the President of Ukraine
|alma_mater = Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Institute of International Relations, Ukraine
|doctoral_advisor =
|academic_advisors =
|doctoral_students =
|notable_students =
|known_for = regional identity, regional security, regionalism, The Black Sea region
|author_abbrev_bot =
|author_abbrev_zoo =
|influences =
|influenced =
|awards = Awarded with the letter of recognition of the National Security and Defence Council of Ukraine in 2009
|religion =
|footnotes =

Tetiana Starodub, Ph.D. (Political Sciences), Senior Researcher (born 4 October 1979), is a Ukrainian scientist, Associate Professor of International Relations Department, Kyiv Academy for the Humanities, Associate professor of political analytics and forecasting Department of National Academy of Public Administration under the Office of the President of Ukraine. Author of notable scientific articles dedicated to regional security of the state and the shaping of new regionalism. Participant of more than 40 international scientific activities in Ukraine and abroad.


T. Starodub was born in the small town Lanivtsi, though grew up in the urban village Serhijivka, Bilhorod-Dnistrovskyi district, Odesa region. Ukraine, where she finished comprehensive secondary school #8. In 1994 entered Bilhorod-Dnistrovskyi lycee of Business and Economics and successfully graduated from it in 1996. Since 1996 until 2001 had been studying Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Institute of International Relations. Received Master's Degree in international relations and interpretation. From 2001 to 2004 had been a postgraduate student in National Institute of International Security Problems of the National Security and Defence Council of Ukraine, received Ph.D. in Political Sciences ("Processes of forming regional identity of Ukraine as a factor of its foreign policy in a sphere of security”) on speciality "The grounds of national security of the state" in 2005. In 2010 received academic title of Senior Researcher on speciality "Regional security of the state", Political Sciences. In 2005-2010 was chief

consultant and then state expert of Global security and European integration Department of National Institute of International Security Problems of the National Security and Defence Council of Ukraine; 2010-2011 - Chief consultant of the Department of global studies and security strategies and Chief consultant of the Sector of Scientific, Expert and Specialized Scientific Councils of Scientific-Organizational Department of the National Institute for Strategic Studies for President of Ukraine. Since 2007 is the Associate Professor of International Relations Department, Kyiv Academy for the Humanities. In 2010 was on practical study in The EU Office of the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (FES), Brussels, Belgium being on the practical training in European Parliament and European Commission. Since 2011 is an Associate professor of Political analytics and forecasting Department of National Academy of Public Administration under the Office of the President of Ukraine.

Academic career

Public works

In 2007-2010 was taking an office of Technical Secretary of Expert Council of Higher Certification Commission of Ukraine on Issues of National Security. In 2008-2010 was Scientific Secretary of Specialized Scientific Council of National Institute of International Security Problems of the National Security and Defence Council of Ukraine for obtaining of a degree of Doctor Ph.D. (political sciences) on following specialities: grounds of national security of the state; humanitarian and political security of the state; regional security of the state; geopolitics. Since 2010 until April 2011 was Scientific Secretary of Expert Council of Higher Certification Commission of Ukraine on Issues of National Security (social, economical and humanitarian sciences). In 2011 from January to August was Scientific Secretary of Specialized Scientific Council of National Institute for Strategic Studies for President of Ukraine for obtaining of a degree of Doctor Ph.D. on following specialities: grounds of national security of the state (political sciences); humanitarian and political security of the state (philosophic sciences). T. Starodub is a co-author of Ph.D. examination program on following speciality: regional security of the state (political sciences).

Research interests

The problems of shaping of new regionalism, analysis of the processes of building of regional security complexes in the world (Black Sea region, Europe, Middle East, Asia-Pacific region) and improvement of theoretical and methodological grounds of governance of regional and global security.

Scientific works

More than 70 scientific and academic works dedicated to the following issues (1) the influence of the processes of forming regional identity of Ukraine on solving its foreign policy problems in a sphere of national security, (2) building of regional security complex in Black Sea region, (3) improvement of theoretical and methodological grounds of governance of regional and global security and (4) problems of shaping of new regionalism in the world. Substantial focus is made on the significance of influence of concepts of multiregionalism on shaping of foreign regional policy of the state in the sphere of security in particular the greater consideration is given to research of foreign regional policy of the following states: Ukraine, Turkey, Romania, New Zealand and China. Particular studies of T. Starodub are dedicated to the analysis of peculiarities of development of interregionalism in terms of cooperation of the following international organizations: EU, NATO,

BSEC, ODED-GUAM in the wider Black Sea. The significant focus was given by the author to the consequences of “Arab spring” (2011) for Middle East and Northern Africa.[1]

List of major works

  • T. Starodub. Concept of Ukraine’s regional identity in native historiographic tradition // Grani. – Dnipropetrovs’k: Dnipropetrovs’k national university, Center of social and political studies, 2002. – № 6 (26). – November–December. – PP. 113 – 117. (in Ukrainian)
  • T. Starodub. Processes of formation of a new regional identity of Central-European countries // Collection of scientific works № 14: “Ukrainian national idea: realities and prospects for development”. – L’viv: National University “L’vivs’ ka politechnica”, 2003. – PP. 23–27. (in Ukrainian)
  • T. Starodub. Influence of processes of formation of Ukraine’s regional identity on resolving of its foreign policy issues in a sphere of national security Journal “Philosophy. Political science” of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv. – Kyiv: 2003. – Vol. 53. – PP. 133–134. (in Ukrainian)
  • T. Starodub. Influence of processes of formation of the Black Sea regional identity on constructing of the new system of the European security // Collection of articles on the ground of materials of international scientific and practical conference: “Wider Europe and challenges to security in the Black Sea-Caspian region”. – Kyiv: “Academpres”, 2003. – PP. 91–100. (in Ukrainian)
  • T. Starodub. Approaches to the determination of the notion “regional security” // Strategic Panorama. – 2006. – № 3. – PP. 54 - 59. (in Ukrainian)
  • T. Starodub. Impact of the conceptions of multisided regionalism on formation of the foreign regional policy of the state in the security sphere // Strategic Panorama. – 2009. – № 3. – PP. 76 - 85. (in Ukrainian)
  • T. Starodub. Security Complex Theory: possibilities of using for elaborating of the Black Sea region common strategy // Strategic Panorama. – 2009. – № 4. – PP. 63 - 72. (in Ukrainian)
  • T. Starodub. Elaboration of anti-crisis management system for the Black Sea region in the context of regional security // Strategic Panorama. – 2010. – № 1. – PP. 53 - 59. (in Ukrainian)
  • T. Starodub. The peculiarities of historical development of the mechanism of ensuring regional/global system of security // Grani. – Dnipropetrovs’k: Dnipropetrovs’k national university, Center of social and political studies, 2011. – № 1 (75). – January-February. – PP. 27 - 32. (in Ukrainian)
  • T. Starodub. Understanding of manysideness of regional security in the context of implementation of mechanism of ensuring regional/global system of security // Grani. – Dnipropetrovs’k: Dnipropetrovs’k national university, Center of social and political studies, 2011. – № 2 (76). – March-April. – PP. 170 - 176. (in Ukrainian)
  • T. Starodub. The contemporary common European security system: the tendencies, challenges and prospects of institualisation // Grani. – Dnipropetrovs’k: Dnipropetrovs’k national university, Center of social and political studies, 2011. – № 4 (78). – July-August. – PP. 149 - 154. (in Ukrainian)
  • T. Starodub. The influence of knowledge-based community on elaboration of the security complex in Black Sea region // Grani. – Dnipropetrovs’k: Dnipropetrovs’k national university, Center of social and political studies, 2011. – № 5 (79). – September-October. – PP. 139 - 143. (in Ukrainian)
  • T. Starodub. The peculiarities of forming of the new regionalism in the context of intensification of institualisation of the regional schemes of interaction on example of the BSEC activity // Grani. – Dnipropetrovs’k: Dnipropetrovs’k national university, Center of social and political studies, 2011. – № 6 (80). – November-December. – PP. 140 - 145. (in Ukrainian)
  • T. Starodub. The peculiarities of evolution of South Pacific policy of New Zealand in response to the shaping of multiregionalism // New paradigm: magazine of scientific works / National Pedagogical Dragomanov University; creative association “Nova paradigma”. Vol.105. – 2012. – PP. 141–155. (in Ukrainian)
  • T. Starodub. Reforming national security system: New Zealand’s experience, opportunities for Ukraine // Political management. – № ½ (52-53). – 2012. – PP. 186–199. (in Ukrainian)
  • T. Starodub. Peculiarities of the global governance of regional projects in the context of modern international order // Gyleya: scientific herald. - 62(№ 7) Edition. - 2012. - PP. 617–624. (in Ukrainian).[2]
  • T. Starodub. The peculiarities of development of regional comparative studies as a scientific direction of political regionalistics // Political management. - № 3 (54). – 2012. – PP.: 22-31.(in Ukrainian)
  • T. Starodub. The peculiarities of evolution of new regionalism in response to the global transformations // Gyleya: scientific herald. - 64(№ 9) Edition. - 2012. - PP. 482–487. (in Ukrainian).
  • T. Starodub. The peculiarities of using constructivist methodological paradigm for research of international regionalism // Political management. - № 4-5 (55-56). – 2012. – PP.: 9-22.(in Ukrainian)
  • Starodub Tetiana. New Zealand’s South Pacific Policy: current directions and approaches / Tetiana Starodub // New Zealand International Review, Vol. 38. – № 3. – May/June 2013. – pp. 21–24 (in ENGLISH) [3]
  • T. Starodub, O. Chabala. Global and regional dimensions of the new paradigm of security // Strategic Panorama. – 2008. – № 3-4. – PP. 61 – 67. (in Ukrainian)
  • T. Starodub, O. Danyl’chuk. Issues of cooperation of ODER-GUAM with BSEC, EU, NATO in the formation of the security system in the Black Sea and Caspian regions // Strategic Panorama. – 2009. – № 1. – PP. 91 - 100. (in Ukrainian)
  • T. Starodub, I. Sapyc’ka. New approaches to formation of the system of regional security in the Black Sea/Caspian region // Strategic Panorama. – 2009. – № 2. – PP. 86 - 95. (in Ukrainian)
  • T. Starodub, D. Rachkov. Peculiarities of modern foreign and security policy of PRC // Research of world policy. – Collection of scientific works. – Kyiv: Institute of world economy and international relations of National Academy of Science of Ukraine. – Vol. 2 (51). – 2010 – PP. 34 – 57. (in Ukrainian)
  • T. Starodub. Ukrainian-Turkish relations / The Middle East: international security, regional relations and prospects for Ukraine: Monograph / NSDC, NIISP; resp. editor Borys Parahonsky. – Kyiv: PC “Pholiant”, 2008, – 591 p. – PP. 466–490. (in Ukrainian)
  • [https://web.archive.org/web/20120409093938/http://www.niisp.gov.ua/content/articles/files/UUSMB-56307.pdf T. Starodub. Europe – the Black Sea region: issues of security and cooperation / Ukraine in international security system / National Institute of International Security Problems. – Kyiv: PC “Pholiant” Publisher “Stylos”. 2009. – 572 p. – PP. 170-187. (in Ukrainian)]
  • [https://web.archive.org/web/20120409093938/http://www.niisp.gov.ua/content/articles/files/UUSMB-56307.pdf T. Starodub. NATO in the Black Sea region / Ukraine in international security system / National Institute of International Security Problems. – Kyiv: PC “Pholiant” Publisher “Stylos”. 2009. – 572 p. – PP. 187-195. (in Ukrainian)]

Periodical and Internet publications

  • [https://web.archive.org/web/20100709083913/http://www.bigyalta.com.ua/story/8926 T. Starodub. Issues in Ukraine - Romania relations in humanitarian sphere: Ukraine's position / Big Yalta, political portal, 2010. (in Ukrainian)] [4]
  • T. Starodub. Modern Ukraine - Romania relations / T. Starodub // Chornomors`ka bezbeka. - № 2 (20). – 2011. - PP. 3 – 11. (in Ukrainian)
  • Starodub Tetiana, The consequences of “Arab spring” (2011) for Middle East and Northern Africa: main risks and threats. (in ENGLISH)
  • T. Starodub. Relations between church and the state in the Kingdom of Belgium: experience for Ukraine. (in Ukrainian)

Scientific reports

  • T. Starodub. Processes of Regional Security and Cooperation System Institution-Building in the GBSA / T. Starodub / Security Risks and Threats in the Greater Black Sea Area. – Proceedings of the 2nd Annual International Conference. – Occasional Papers, Annul VII, 2008, Nr. 14. - p.: 107-115. (in ENGLISH)
  • Tetyana Starodub, “The Policy of Ukraine in the Energy Sector” / Papers of International Conference “Black Sea Cooperation – Energy Supply and Energy Security”, Sofia: Grafimax Ltd, - 2006. – Р.: 58-68. (in ENGLISH) [5]


  • T. Starodub. The strategy of European Union concerning the wider Black Sea region: opportunities for Ukraine / T. Starodub //Brochure. - Kyiv; Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung. - 2010. - 17p. (in Ukrainian) [6]
  • T. Starodub. The influence of security environment in Black Sea region on formation of new regional security system / T. Starodub //Brochure. - Kyiv; Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung. - 2009. - 16p. (in Ukrainian) [7]


Awarded with the letter of recognition of the National Security and Defence Council of Ukraine in 2009.


1. ^The text of official report of T. Starodub on international intellectual forum "The Future of Middle East after 'Arab Spring' 2011 and Turkey", December 2011 published on Ukrainian political portal 'Vidkryti Ochi' December, 2011. (in ENGLISH)
2. ^Scientific Herald 'Gyleya' {{webarchive|url=https://archive.is/20121222165841/http://www.gileya.org.ua/index.php?ng=library&cont=long&id=81 |date=2012-12-22 }}
3. ^[https://www.questia.com/read/1G1-332655173/new-zealand-s-south-pacific-policy-current-directions Questia, part of Gale, Cengage Learning]
4. ^The summary of international conference 'Triangle Ukraine, Romania, Moldova: establishment of new overall Ukrainian regional strategy', T. Starodub's report in the focus; Crimean political site 'Bigyalta', Yalta, Crimea, Ukraine, 2010. (in Ukrainian) {{webarchive|url=https://web.archive.org/web/20100709083913/http://www.bigyalta.com.ua/story/8926 |date=2010-07-09 }}
5. ^Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung publications, official site's library, 'Black Sea Cooperation – Energy Supply and Energy Security' international conference (in ENGLISH)
6. ^Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung publications, official site library, T. Starodub. The strategy of European Union concerning the wider Black Sea region: opportunities for Ukraine. (in Ukrainian)
7. ^Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung publications, official site library, T. Starodub. The influence of security environment in Black Sea region on formation of new regional security system. (in Ukrainian)
{{DEFAULTSORT:Starodub, Tetiana}}

4 : 1979 births|Living people|Ukrainian political scientists|Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv





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