

词条 2014 Civic Democratic Party leadership election

  1. Background

  2. Candidates


  3. Opinion polling

  4. Voting

  5. References

{{Infobox election
| country = Czech Republic
| flag_image = Logo of ODS (2015).svg
| type = presidential
| ongoing = no
| previous_election = Civic Democratic Party leadership election, 2012
| previous_year = 2012
| election_date = 18 January 2014
| next_election = Civic Democratic Party leadership election, 2016
| next_year = 2016
| turnout =
| image1 =
| candidate1 = Petr Fiala
| colour1 = 034EA2
| electoral_vote1 = 437
| percentage1 = 81.68%
| image2 =
| candidate2 = Miroslava Němcová
| colour2 = 034EA2
| electoral_vote2 = 66
| percentage2 = 12.34%
| image3 =
| candidate3 = Edvard Kožušník
| colour3 = 034EA2
| electoral_vote3 = 32
| percentage3 = 5.98%
| title = Leader of ODS
| before_election = Martin Kuba (acting)
| after_election = Petr Fiala

The Civic Democratic Party (ODS) leadership election of 2014 was a result of party's electoral defeat in 2013 legislative election. Candidates include former Minister of Education and Chairman of Masaryk University Petr Fiala, former Prime Minister candidate Miroslava Němcová and MEP Edvard Kožušník. Fiala was nominated by 12 regional organisations and thus was considered a front-runner. Fiala was also endorsed by acting leader of ODS Martin Kuba. Edvard Kožušník was endorsed by Liberec Region organisation of ODS. Over 500 delegates voted.[1][2][3]

Petr Fiala won a landslide victory when he received 437 votes. Fiala said that he wants to change political culture in ODS and that he wants to be a leader similar to Václav Klaus and Margaret Thatcher.[4][5]


Previous leader of ODS and Prime Minister Petr Nečas had to resign as a result of 2013 political corruption scandal. Martin Kuba became acting leader of ODS while Miroslava Němcová was nominated to the position of Prime Minister. President Miloš Zeman refused to appoint Němcová as a Prime Minister and called on early elections on 25–26 October 2013. ODS was heavily defeated and gained only 16 Seats in Chamber of Deputies. Leadership of the party then resigned.[6]

Miroslava Němcová announced on 6 December 2013 that she doesn't intend to run for a position of party's leader. Some sources stated that her decision was to give opportunity to former Minister of Education Petr Fiala whose candidacy was speculated.[7] Petr Fiala announced his candidacy on 7 December 2013. He stated that ODS ceased to function as a political party and [8] Fiala quickly gathered support from regional organisations and many influential members of the party. Jiří Pospíšil expressed his support to Fiala.[9] On 19 December 2013, Němcová reportedly announced her candidature to Civic Democratic members of parliament. She refused to announce her candidacy publicly.[10]Edvard Kožušník announced his candidacy on 8 January 2014. He received nomination from Liberec regional organisation. Fiala stated that he is glad to not be the only candidate. [10][11] Fiala was nominated by 12 regional organisations. Němcová didn't receive any regional nomination.[12]


  • Petr Fiala, University professor, MP and former Minister of Education. He joined the party in November 2013.[13] He was a front-runner in the election.[14]
  • Edvard Kožušník, MEP and Chairman of EStat.cz.
  • Miroslava Němcová, MP and party's electoral leader in 2013 legislative election. She unsuccessfully ran for leadership in 2002.


  • Martin Kuba, acting leader of ODS. He announced that he won't run after party's failure in 2013 legislative election.[15]
  • Bohuslav Svoboda, former Mayor of Prague. He stated that he will run if Němcová decides to not participate in the election.[16]
  • Jan Zahradil, MEP. His candidacy was speculated. He refused to run.[17]

Opinion polling

Poll Petr Fiala Miroslava Němcová Jiří Pospíšil Bohuslav Svoboda
21 November 2014, iDnes[9] 72.16% 19.29% 14.61% 3.63%


Candidate Vote%
Petr Fiala 437 81.781.7034EA2}
Miroslava Němcová 66 12.312.3034EA2}
Edvard Kožušník 32 6.06.0034EA2}

Fiala's nomination speech received standing ovation while Němcová's speech was noted by hurtful feeling. Kožušník's speech was received negatively. Fiala won the election by a large margin, being elected in the first round.[18] Němcová was visibly disappointed and stated that the result isn't fair when she considers how much she did for the party.[19]


1. ^{{cite web|title=ODS si zvolí nového předsedu. Favoritem je Petr Fiala|url=http://www.rozhlas.cz/zpravy/politika/_zprava/ods-si-zvoli-noveho-predsedu-favoritem-je-petr-fiala--1304956|website=Zprávy.cz|accessdate=12 August 2016}}
2. ^{{cite web|title=Petr Fiala by byl pro post předsedy ODS dobrou volbou, říká Martin Kuba|url=http://www.rozhlas.cz/zpravy/politika/_zprava/1282506|website=Rozhlas.cz|accessdate=12 August 2016}}
3. ^{{cite web|title=ODS povede Fiala, jeho pravou rukou se stal Zahradil|url=https://zpravy.aktualne.cz/domaci/politika/ods-si-zvoli-nove-vedeni-favoritem-je-exministr-fiala/r~4d59d4f67f8811e3a1d10025900fea04/|website=Aktuálně.cz - Víte co se právě děje|accessdate=12 August 2016}}
4. ^{{cite web|last1=televize|first1=Česká|title=Novým předsedou ODS je Petr Fiala, bude česká Thatcherová?|url=http://www.ceskatelevize.cz/zpravodajstvi-ostrava/zpravy/258833-novym-predsedou-ods-je-petr-fiala-bude-ceska-thatcherova/|website=ČT24|accessdate=12 August 2016}}
5. ^{{cite web|last1=Kopecký|first1=Josef|title=Fiala je novým šéfem ODS. Než vyhrál, přirovnal se k Thatcherové|url=http://zpravy.idnes.cz/volba-predsedy-ods-na-kongresu-v-olomouci-fgi-/domaci.aspx?c=A140118_130552_domaci_kop|website=iDNES.cz|accessdate=12 August 2016|date=18 January 2014}}
6. ^{{cite web|title=Vedení ODS dalo k dispozici funkce. Porážka je zásadní, přiznal Kuba|url=http://zpravy.idnes.cz/stab-ods-predcasne-volby-086-/domaci.aspx?c=A131026_140216_domaci_jj|website=iDNES.cz|accessdate=31 July 2017|date=26 October 2013}}
7. ^{{cite web|title=Miroslava Němcová nechce kandidovat na předsedkyni ODS, šanci má Fiala|url=http://zpravy.idnes.cz/miroslava-nemcova-nebude-kandidovat-na-predsedkyni-ods-pi1-/domaci.aspx?c=A131206_082139_domaci_skr|website=iDNES.cz|accessdate=31 July 2017|date=6 December 2013}}
8. ^{{cite web|title=Fiala bude kandidovat do čela ODS. Přestala podle něj hájit své voliče|url=http://zpravy.idnes.cz/fiala-o-sve-kandidature-na-predsedu-ods-dyk-/domaci.aspx?c=A131207_061558_domaci_kop|website=iDNES.cz|accessdate=31 July 2017|date=7 December 2013}}
9. ^{{cite web|title=Fiala získává podporu. Je pro ODS nejlepší řešení, míní Pospíšil|url=http://zpravy.idnes.cz/jednani-vykonne-rady-ods-pred-volebnim-kongresem-fb3-/domaci.aspx?c=A131118_124914_domaci_kop|website=iDNES.cz|accessdate=31 July 2017|date=18 November 2013}}
10. ^{{cite web|title=Europoslanec Edvard Kožušník bude kandidovat na předsedu ODS|url=https://www.irozhlas.cz/zpravy-domov/europoslanec-edvard-kozusnik-bude-kandidovat-na-predsedu-ods_201401081442_kpracharova|website=iROZHLAS|accessdate=31 July 2017|language=cs}}
11. ^{{cite web|title=Kožušník porazil v Liberci Fialu v nominaci na předsedu ODS|url=http://www.reflex.cz/clanek/zpravy/53816/kozusnik-porazil-v-liberci-fialu-v-nominaci-na-predsedu-ods.html|website=Reflex.cz|accessdate=31 July 2017|language=cs}}
12. ^{{cite web|title=ODS volí nové vedení. Hlavní starost? Co o tom napíší média|url=http://www.lidovky.cz/ods-voli-nove-vedeni-hlavni-starost-co-o-tom-napisi-media-pkh-/zpravy-domov.aspx?c=A140117_210957_ln_domov_hm|website=Lidovky.cz|accessdate=31 July 2017|date=18 January 2014}}
13. ^{{cite web|title=Exministr školství Fiala vstoupil do ODS|url=https://www.novinky.cz/domaci/318583-exministr-skolstvi-fiala-vstoupil-do-ods.html|website=Novinky.cz|accessdate=3 August 2017|language=cs-CZ}}
14. ^{{cite web|title=Víme, jak na kongresu ODS můžou skončit Němcová, Pospíšil a další vlivní ódéesáci|url=http://www.parlamentnilisty.cz/politika/poslanecka-snemovna/Vime-jak-na-kongresu-ODS-muzou-skoncit-Nemcova-Pospisil-a-dalsi-vlivni-odeesaci-300224|website=Parlamentní Listy|accessdate=3 August 2017}}
15. ^{{cite web|title=ODS hledá předsedu a přitom má eso v rukávu, ani o tom neví. Známe tajnou zbraň Edvarda Kožušníka|url=https://www.krajskelisty.cz/stredocesky-kraj/3570-ods-hleda-predsedu-nemcova-mlzi-kandidovat-bude-fiala-s-jeste-mokrou-stranickou-legitkou-a-edvard-kozusnik-zname-jeho-tajnou-zbran.htm|website=www.krajskelisty.cz|accessdate=31 July 2017}}
16. ^{{cite web|title=Pražské novinky - Domácí - Svoboda: Když nebude kandidovat Němcová, tak to vezmu já|url=http://www.prazskenovinky.cz/zpravy.php?id=9c0ba9e2-4eed-11e3-ba87-003048df98d0&language=cs&preview=true|website=www.prazskenovinky.cz|accessdate=31 July 2017|language=cs}}
17. ^{{cite web|last1=webmaster@tyden.cz|first1=TYDEN, www.tyden.cz, e-mail:|title=Němcová bude nejspíš kandidovat proti Fialovi do čela ODS|url=http://www.tyden.cz/rubriky/domaci/politika/nemcova-bude-nejspis-kandidovat-proti-fialovi-do-cela-ods_292426.html|website=TÝDEN.cz|accessdate=31 July 2017|date=19 December 2013}}
18. ^{{cite web|title=Uražená Němcová, vtipný Fiala, Zahradil s pivem, Langer se slivovicí… Tajnosti ze zákulisí olomouckého kongresu ODS|url=https://www.krajskelisty.cz/olomoucky-kraj/okres-olomouc/4047-urazena-nemcova-vtipny-fiala-zahradil-s-pivem-langer-se-slivovici-tajnosti-ze-zakulisi-olomouckeho-kongresu-ods.htm|website=www.krajskelisty.cz|accessdate=3 August 2017}}
19. ^{{cite web|last1=televize|first1=Česká|title=Němcová neskrývá zklamání, není to fér|url=http://www.ceskatelevize.cz/ct24/domaci/1052885-nemcova-neskryva-zklamani-neni-fer|website=ČT24|accessdate=3 August 2017|language=cs}}
{{Civic Democratic Party (ODS) |state=autocollapse}}

5 : Civic Democratic Party (Czech Republic) leadership elections|2014 elections in the Czech Republic|Indirect elections|Petr Fiala|Miroslava Němcová





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