

词条 2019 Taiwanese by-elections

  1. Background

  2. Confirmation of by-election

  3. Candidates by main parties

     Taipei City Constituency 2  Taichung City Constituency 5  Changhua County Constituency 1  Tainan City Constituency 2  Kinmen County Constituency  New Taipei City Constituency 3 

  4. Opinion Polls

     Taipei City Constituency 2  Taichung City Constituency 5  Tainan City Constituency 2  New Taipei City Constituency 3 

  5. Results

     Taipei 2  Taichung 5  New Taipei 3  Changhua 1  Tainan 2  Kinmen 

  6. Reference

{{Infobox election
|election_name = 2019 Taiwanese by-elections
| country = Taiwan
|type = legislative
|election_date = 27 January and 16 March 2019
|seats_for_election = 6 seats to the Legislative Yuan
|party1 = Democratic Progressive Party
|seats_before1 = 65
|seats1 = 66
|seat_change1 =
|party2 = Kuomintang
|seats_before2 = 32
|seats2 = 33
|seat_change2 =

By-elections for the Ninth Legislative Yuan were held in 2019, two on 27 January and four on 16 March, at Taiwan to elect 6 of the 113 members of the Legislative Yuan for the remaining term until 2020.


The by-election was the result of resignations by Pasuya Yao, Democratic Progressive Party legislator for Taipei 2;[1] Kuomintang legislator Lu Shiow-yen from Taichung 5;[2] Wang Huei-mei, Kuomintang legislator for Changhua County 1; Huang Wei-cher, Democratic Progressive Party legislator for Tainan 2; and Yang Cheng-wu, Kuomintang legislator for Kinmen County.

All but Yao won election to local offices in the 2018 local election. Under the Article 73 of the {{ill|Civil Servants Election And Recall Act|zh|公職人員選舉罷免法}}, if any positions become vacant due to resignation or election to another office, and the vacated term is longer than one year, a by-election shall be completed within three months commencing from the date of resignation.[3]

Confirmation of by-election

On 30 November 2018, the Central Election Commission announced that by-elections for Taipei 2 and Taichung 5 were to be held on 26 January 2019.[4] On 4 December 2018, the CEC moved the date to 27 January 2019, as the previously announced date coincided with the General Scholastic Ability Test.[5] Registration of candidacies for these two seats were open from 10 to 14 December 2018.[6]

By-elections for vacant seats in Changhua County 1, Tainan 2, Kimnen County and New Taipei 3 were scheduled for 16 March 2019.[7]

Candidates by main parties

Taipei City Constituency 2

  • {{DPP}} called in Taipei councillor Ho Chih-wei to contest the seat [8]
  • {{KMT}} called in Taipei councillor Chen Bing-fu to contest the seat. [9]
  • {{IND-TW}} candidate Chen Si-yu has announced to contest the seat. [10]

Taichung City Constituency 5

  • {{KMT}} had seven candidates indicate interest in contesting the by-election. The party nominated ex-legislator Shen Chih-hwei to contest the seat.
  • {{DPP}} has called in Taichung Transportation Bureau director Wang Yi-chuan to contest the seat.

Changhua County Constituency 1

  • {{KMT}} has 3 candidates indicated interest in contesting the by-election. Polls were done, KMT has nominated current Yunlin-Chiayi-Tainan Regional Branch Workforce Development Agency director Ko Cheng-fang to contest the seat.[11]
  • {{DPP}} has called in former Lukang Township mayor Huang Chen-yen to contest the seat.[12]

Tainan City Constituency 2

  • {{DPP}} has called in Kuo Kuo-wen to contest the seat.
  • {{KMT}} has called in current Tainan councillor Hsieh Lung-jie
  • {{IND-TW}} candidate Chen Hsiao-yu has announced to contest the seat after leaving the {{DPP}}.

Kinmen County Constituency

  • {{KMT}} has called in former Kinmen County Council speaker Hung Li-ping
  • {{IND-TW}} candidate Chen Yu-chen has announced to contest the seat[13], and has her KMT membership stripped off. [14]

New Taipei City Constituency 3

  • {{DPP}} called in New Taipei City branch chairman Yu Tian to contest the seat [15]
  • {{KMT}} called in KMT Vice Chairman of the Cultural Communication Committee Cheng Shih-wei to contest the seat.[16]

Opinion Polls

Taipei City Constituency 2

Poll OrganizationDate of completionHo Chih-weiChen Bing-fuChen Si-yuWang Yi-kaiUndecided
[https://cc.tvbs.com.tw/portal/file/poll_center/2018/20181224/94a5d4fe90d1d40dcca4bff48bdce909.pdf TVBS]December 21, 201832%23%10%4%31%
[https://www.chinatimes.com/realtimenews/20181228003141-260407 ETtoday]December 27, 201824.5%32.0%15.5%-28%
FormosaJanuary 6, 201928.3%18.8%10.3%2.4%11%

Taichung City Constituency 5

Poll OrganizationDate of completionShen Chih-hweiWang Yi-chuanChiu Yu-shanUndecided
[https://www.ettoday.net/news/20190104/1346967.htm ETtoday]December 28, 201844.3%19.2%7.3%22.8%

Tainan City Constituency 2

Poll OrganizationDate of completionHsieh Lung-jieKuo Kuo-wenChen Hsiao-yuUndecided
[https://www.chinatimes.com/newspapers/20190225000418-260102 China Times]25 February 201934.9%24.3%11.9%28.9%
[https://udn.com/news/story/7548/3677309 TVBS]4 March 201938%26%13%23%
Formosa5 March 201929.1%22.1%8.8%40.1%

New Taipei City Constituency 3

Poll OrganizationDate of completionCheng Shih-weiYu TianSu Ching-yenUndecided
[https://tw.news.yahoo.com/民進黨內部民調-三重立委補選泛綠投票意願提升-090116033.html DPP]30 January 201923.1%41.0%4.3%31.6%
[https://tw.news.yahoo.com/民進黨內部民調-三重立委補選泛綠投票意願提升-090116033.html DPP]14 February 201923.4%41.0%4.2%31.4%
[https://www.chinatimes.com/newspapers/20190225000418-260102 China Times]25 February 201939.3%33.2%3.0%24.5%
[https://tw.news.yahoo.com/tvbs%E4%B8%89%E9%87%8D%E6%9C%80%E6%96%B0%E6%B0%91%E8%AA%BF-%E9%84%AD%E4%B8%96%E7%B6%AD40-%E4%BD%99%E5%A4%A936-113854519.html TVBS]4 March 201940%36%3%21%


Taipei 2

Voted on 27 January 2019. [17]

1Chen Yuan-chiNational Non-party Union890.11%
2Ho Chih-wei{{DPP}}38,59147.76%
3Wang Yi-kai{{IND-TW}}8971.11%
4Chen Bing-fu{{KMT}}31,53239.03%
5Chen Si-yu{{IND-TW}}9,68911.99%
Total voters 266,907
Total votes 81,107
Valid votes 80,798
Invalid votes 309
Voter turnout 30.39%

Taichung 5

Voted on 27 January 2019.

1Chiu Yu-shan{{IND-TW}}2,9103.42%
2Lin Chung-shengUnited Party (Taiwan)1570.18%
3Wang Yi-chuan{{DPP}}32,90338.62%
4Shen Chih-hwei{{KMT}}49,23057.78%
Total voters 337,848
Total votes 85,621
Valid votes 85,200
Invalid votes 421
Voter turnout 25.34%

New Taipei 3

Voted on 16 March 2019.

1Su Ching-yen{{IND-TW}}1,3031.19%
2Cheng Shih-wei{{KMT}}51,12746.77%
3Yu Tian{{DPP}}56,88852.04%
Total voters 261,154
Total votes 109,939
Valid votes 109,318
Invalid votes 621
Voter turnout 42.10%

Changhua 1

Voted on 16 March 2019.

1Ko Cheng-fang{{KMT}}47,83552.11%
2Chi Ching-tang{{IND-TW}}2,0222.20%
3Huang Chen-yen{{DPP}}41,94645.69%
Total voters 252,529
Total votes 92,411
Valid votes 91,803
Invalid votes 608
Voter turnout 36.59%

Tainan 2

Voted on 16 March 2019.

1Yang Hsiao-ju{{IND-TW}}4920.37%
2Kuo Kuo-wen{{DPP}}62,85847.05%
3Wu Ping-hui{{IND-TW}}3500.26%
4Hsieh Lung-jie{{KMT}}59,19444.31%
5Chen Hsiao-yu{{IND-TW}}10,4247.80%
6Hsu Kuo-tong{{IND-TW}}2690.20%
Total voters 301,571
Total votes 134,275
Valid votes 133,587
Invalid votes 688
Voter turnout 44.53%


Voted on 16 March 2019.

1Hung Li-ping{{KMT}}5,68122.90%
2Chen Tsang-chiang{{IND-TW}}6,02024.27%
3Tsai Hsi-hu{{IND-TW}}5,17520.87%
4Lu Kuan-yu{{IND-TW}}5702.30%
5Hung Chih-heng Kinmen Sorghum Party2400.97%
6Chen Yu-chen{{IND-TW}}7,11728.69%
Total voters 117,730
Total votes 24,968
Valid votes 24,803
Invalid votes 165
Voter turnout 21.21%


1. ^[https://www.cna.com.tw/news/firstnews/201811185003.aspx 姚文智宣布辭立委 全力拚台北市長選舉]
2. ^[https://www.cna.com.tw/news/firstnews/201811205003.aspx 盧秀燕宣布辭立委 全力拚台中市長選戰]
3. ^[https://law.moj.gov.tw/Eng/LawClass/LawSearchContent.aspx?pc=D0020010&k1=by-election&k2=&k3=&k4= Civil Servants Election And Recall Act]
4. ^{{cite news |title=Legislative by-elections set for Jan. 26 |url=http://www.taipeitimes.com/News/taiwan/archives/2018/12/02/2003705351 |accessdate=18 December 2018 |work=Taipei Times |date=2 December 2018}}
5. ^{{cite news |title=By-elections date changed |url=http://www.taipeitimes.com/News/taiwan/archives/2018/12/05/2003705536 |accessdate=18 December 2018 |work=Taipei Times |date=5 December 2018}}
6. ^{{cite news |last1=Li |first1=Shu-hua |author2=Ko Lin |title=Two legislative by-elections to be held on Jan. 26, 2019: CEC |url=http://focustaiwan.tw/search/201811300026.aspx?q=by%20elections |accessdate=18 December 2018 |agency=Central News Agency |date=30 November 2018}}
7. ^{{cite news |last1=Liu |first1=Lee-jung |author2=Ko Lin |title=Legislative by-elections in Tainan, Changhua, Kinmen set for March 16 |url=http://focustaiwan.tw/news/aipl/201812180030.aspx |accessdate=18 December 2018 |agency=Central News Agency |date=18 December 2018}}
8. ^{{Cite web|url=https://tw.appledaily.com/new/realtime/20181213/1483347/|title=【立委補選】民進黨徵召何志偉選台北 王義川選台中|website=蘋果日報|language=zh-TW|access-date=2018-12-22}}
9. ^{{Cite web|url=http://news.ltn.com.tw/news/politics/breakingnews/2639924|title=剛連任北市議員 國民黨陳炳甫宣布投入立委補選 - 政治 - 自由時報電子報|website=news.ltn.com.tw|access-date=2018-12-22}}
10. ^{{Cite web|url=https://www.storm.mg/article/707751|title=白綠再分家!柯文哲將推陳思宇角逐立委補選-風傳媒|last=Storm.mg|website=www.storm.mg|language=zh-TW|access-date=2018-12-22}}
11. ^{{Cite web|url=https://tw.appledaily.com/new/realtime/20190110/1498243/|title=國民黨彰化立委初選 前副縣長柯呈枋民調勝出|website=蘋果日報|language=zh-TW|access-date=2019-01-12}}
12. ^{{Cite web|url=https://tw.appledaily.com/new/realtime/20190109/1497637/|title=民進黨拍板!徵召余天參選三重立委補選 郭國文參選台南立委補選|website=蘋果日報|language=zh-TW|access-date=2019-01-12}}
13. ^{{Cite web|url=https://www.cna.com.tw/news/aloc/201901180077.aspx|title=金門立委補選 陳玉珍盧冠宇登記 {{!}} 地方 {{!}} 中央社 CNA|website=www.cna.com.tw|language=zh-Hant-TW|access-date=2019-03-08}}
14. ^{{Cite web|url=https://tw.news.yahoo.com/%E5%9C%8B%E6%B0%91%E9%BB%A8%E9%96%8B%E9%8D%98-%E6%9C%80%E7%BE%8E%E5%A5%B3%E9%87%8C%E9%95%B7%E9%81%AD%E6%92%A4%E9%8A%B7%E9%BB%A8%E7%B1%8D-113014229.html|title=國民黨開鍘 最美女里長遭撤銷黨籍|website=tw.news.yahoo.com|language=zh-Hant-TW|access-date=2019-03-08}}
15. ^{{Cite web|url=https://tw.appledaily.com/new/realtime/20190109/1497637/|title=民進黨拍板!徵召余天參選三重立委補選 郭國文參選台南立委補選|website=蘋果日報|language=zh-TW|access-date=2019-01-09}}
16. ^{{Cite web|url=https://tw.appledaily.com/new/realtime/20190116/1501776/|title=國民黨擬徵召鄭世維選三重立委 余天:我要更努力走遍遍|website=蘋果日報|language=zh-TW|access-date=2019-03-08}}
17. ^{{Cite web|url=https://www.cec.gov.tw/central/cms/108news/29917|title=第9屆立法委員臺北市第2選舉區及臺中市第5選舉區缺額補選結果|website=中央選舉委員會|language=zh-TW|access-date=2019-03-16}}
18. ^{{Cite web|url=https://www.cec.gov.tw/central/cms/108news/30111|title=第9屆立法委員新北市第3選舉區、臺南市第2選舉區、彰化縣第1選舉區及金門縣選舉區缺額補選結果|website=中央選舉委員會|language=zh-TW|access-date=2019-03-16}}
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