

词条 Altsasu incident (2016)

  1. Evolution of events

      Media attention and build-up    Judicial statements and evidence    Charges    Evolution of proceedings  

  2. Statements heard during proceedings

  3. Reactions

     Criticism of the attack  Criticism of the process 

  4. Political fallout

  5. See also

  6. Notes

  7. References

  8. External links

The Altsasu incident is a judicial case against 8 youths from Altsasu, a small town of Nafarroa, Euskal Herria , for their involvement in a fight taking place on 15 October 2016 at a bar in which two off-duty Civil Guard officers stationed in the town and their girlfriends sustained injuries. The defendants are innocent and are still in jail after more than 2 years for a fight accused of terrorism for the simple fact that those involved were members of the Civil Guard. One of the officers was knocked down, with the other victims reported to have suffered "psychological trauma".[1][2] The lawsuit was initially conducted by the judge of the Spanish special court Audiencia Nacional Carmen Lamela. As of March 2018, Concepción Espejel was appointed as magistrate ahead of the trial held in late April.[3][4]

The case was controversial because the public prosecutor claimed it was a "terrorist attack" ranging from 12 to 62 year sentences,[5] and for the heavy-handed approach of Spanish Justice in the case, amid allegations of irregularities and lack of neutrality in the proceedings.[6] The National Court dismissed terrorism charges, but convicted them with severe sentences ranging from 2 to 13 years. The state prosecutor appealed the sentence in June 2018, insisting on the existence of 'terrorism', but it was again dismissed in March 2019.

Evolution of events

Media attention and build-up

The incident immediately attracted a rush of attention from the Spanish media. The identified aggressors reported themselves to the regional police and the jurisdictional tribunal in Pamplona. They were subsequently released with charges. However, four days later ETA's victims' association COVITE filed a report in the National Court against the defendants for alleged hate and terrorism offenses, denouncing also Twitter accounts, as well as the local movement Ospa and the campaign Alde hemendik! (Basque for "get out of here").[7]{{efn|The movement Ospa and the campaign Alde hemendik! advocates for the retreat of the Civil Guard from Altsasu.}}

The National Court demanded soon on the transfer of the case from its jurisdictional tribunal in over to the special court with a seat in Madrid, a request confirmed by the Supreme Court of Spain, despite the regional tribunal's dismissal of terrorism charges.[8]

Judicial statements and evidence

According to the judge, the two Spanish policemen were wearing plain clothes. In the local Altsasu festival, many youngsters approached them in the bar, asking them to leave the place. The policemen asked to leave them alone but "later on, other 25 people approached them, with 15 or 20 insulting and beating them until the patrols arrived". Iñaki Abad, one of the convicted youths, recorded a mobile video footage showing the Civil Guard officer "brutally battered on the ground", as claimed by the accusation, walking in a clean, white shirt moments after the events; he then walks over Abad and smacks his phone away, but eventually shakes hands and talks with one of the defendants.

The footage, which disputes the accusation's case, was initially rejected as evidence by the special tribunal, but was later accepted following its public diffusion.[9] Besides this evidence, the tribunal dismissed other brought forward by the defense, namely its witnesses and other footage of the moment of the events and afterwards, as well as pictures depicting the actual dimensions of the bar where the aggression took place, as denounced by the defense.[10]


The 8 youths accused (Ohian Arnanz Ziordia, Jokin Unamuno Goikoetxea, Jon Ander Cob Amilibia, Julen Goikoetxea Larraza, Adur Ramirez de Alda Pozueta, Aratz Urrizola Ortigosa, Iñaki Abad Olea and Ainara Urkijo Goikoetxea) were charged with a string of offenses including ‘terrorism’, 3 of them were remanded and held under special regime, with the others being released on bail.

They faced sentences of 62 years imprisonment one of them, 50 years the rest, except for one liable to 12.[11] The youths are imprisoned based on the article 573 of the Penal Code passed in 2015 by Mariano Rajoy's Spanish Conservatives aimed at cracking down on Jihadism, as reported by the defense.[12]

Evolution of proceedings

On February 2018, the defense recused the new judge appointed to the case, Concepción Espejel, for her marriage to a Civil Guard colonel and for holding the Order of Merit of the Civil Guard awarded by the Interior Ministry; the petition was declined for being 'untimely'.[13] The hearings took place from 16 to 27 April.

On 1 June 2018, the sentence was announced, with the National Court eventually dismissing the terrorism charges and condemning them with injuring and attacking an agent of the authority, aggravated with abuse of superiority, discrimination and public disorders and threats. One of them was sentenced to 2 years of prison, other three with 9 years, another two with 12 years and the remaining two with 13 years.[14] The families, besides labeling the sentence a 'barbarity' and a 'revenge', announced they would appeal it.[15]

Four days on, the Civil Guard deployed in Altsasu, arresting four defendants and sending them to prison on "flight risk" grounds.[16] On 14 June 2018, the state prosecutor appealed the sentence, arguing again that "there was terrorism" involved.[17] Six days later, Iñaki Abad's sentence was reduced by 3 years, "due to an error", and the verdict was modified, accepting this time the initial evidence given by María José, N.C., a victim of the aggression, ruling out Iñaki Abad among the aggressors.[18]

On 7 March 2019, the sentence for the appeals made by the defense and the accusation was leaked to the Spanish radio station Cadena Ser ahead of its official announcement by the National Court to the parts involved, confirming for the most part the initial verdict, namely no terrorism involved but heavy sentences based on aggravating circumstances, like "ideological discrimination" against the Civil Guard officers and their girlfriends. Iñaki Abad's sentence was reduced to a 6 year-prison term.[19]

Statements heard during proceedings

The trial became the centre of media attention for the high sentences requested and the circumstances surrounding the trial, including certain statements:

"What we are seeing in the 21st century Spain is people asking others whose job they do not like to quit the town. It is xenophobia, racism, full-blown fascism, since that is what the supremacist Basque nationalists stand for, imbued as they are with outmoded nationalism". José Perals, National Court's prosecutor[20]

"We consider that if no terrorism is considered in cases like this, we would be going back 20 years, when ETA's youth organizations Segi, Jarrai and Haika roamed unrestrained across the towns of the Basque Country and Navarre, and some said that it was nothing but the things of the petrol, kale borroka boys". José Perals, National Court's prosecutor[20]
"[The sentence is] an absolute contempt of the principle of justice, it is completely disproportionate; it is about revenge, with the clear aim of generating pain". Parents of the defendants[21]


Criticism of the attack

The public prosecutor’s and the judge’s heavy-handed approach against the defendants has rallied the explicit support of the main ETA victims associations, Ciudadanos and the Spanish Conservatives in office, as they see a link to an "ETA strategy" in the alleged assault based on Civil Guard reports.[22][23][24] On 22 October 2016, the head of COVITE Consuelo Ordoñez showed up in Altsasu along with three other individuals and a notable media presence right next to a local meeting protesting the Civil Guard's presence and the "police farce staged" in relation to the aggression; Ordoñez held out placards reading slogans in support of the Civil Guard and against 'fear'.[25] The following day the Spanish premier Mariano Rajoy stepped in stating that "there will be no impunity" for the "brutal aggression".[26]

On 18 April 2018, a gathering ranging from some hundreds to 2,500 was held in Pamplona called by several parties (PP, UPN, PSN and Ciudadanos) and two ETA victims associations to show their support to the Civil Guard officers and girlfriends subject of the aggression, also bitterly criticizing the Navarrese government for their stance on the issue.[27][28] On 1 June, the main Civil Guard association AUGC hailed the sentences imposed on the defendants in the hope that this will "bring down hostility" towards the paramilitary police body and "improve cohabitation". It went on that "it is not acceptable under the rule of law to have public security forces and their families, many of them underage, deprived of leading a peaceful life because of their uniform".[29]

The Spanish Conservatives (PP) in Navarre held that the motion passed by the Parliament of Navarre criticising the alleged lack of proportion/exaggeration seen in the case was "supporting the executioners and not the victims".[30] Pablo Casado, elected head of the Spanish PP in July 2018, landed at the Civil Guard headquarters in Altsasu during the run-up to the presidency of the party, to show its support to the Civil Guard, declaring that "there can be no impartiality between thugs battering innocent people while in the bar and public servants who risk their lives battling it out for our rights and liberties".[31]{{efn|He also labelled any governmental initiatives to bring Basque prisoners closer to their families as a 'concession', also stating that "the illness of hate, sectarianism, xenophobia we have suffered for long years in Spain, we need to start healing it", and lashing out at those who regarded his visit in Altsasu as opportunist, considering them a token of "a sick society". He went on to assert that the Basque flag "does not belong in Navarre, and Basque is not the language of Navarre", see [https://www.eitb.eus/es/noticias/politica/videos/detalle/5689496/video-polemica-navarra-palabras-pablo-casado-euskera/ Irazusta, A. ETB. 25-05-2018. "Polémica en Navarra con las palabras de Pablo Casado sobre el euskera"]}}

Criticism of the process

Just the opposite, it has stirred outcry and perplexity among many political, social and institutional sectors in Altsasu, Navarre, and the Basque Country altogether, most of the times calling into question the official account of events.[32][33][34][35][36][37] In July 2017, 52 MEPs affiliated to five different parliamentary groups signed a public document requesting the intervention in the case of the president of the European Commission Jean-Claude Junker "for the sake of proportionality, equity and justice", emphasizing that the state prosecutor's prison term petition "is disproportionate, nonsensical and antidemocratic".[38] The European Commission in turn announced it would closely watch the developments in the judicial process.[39]

Amnesty International, while labelling the incident "a very serious offence", pointed to the risk of trivialization and ambiguity of the 'terrorism' charge, as well as "lack of proportion" in the indictments requested.[40] It also voiced its concern that the judicial process may be "breaching impartiality" and "discriminating the defendants based on their ideology", also adding that the accusation of 'terrorism' should have never happened. Also in June 2018, the one-time magistrate of the National Court Baltasar Garzón called the whole process an 'embarrassment' spurred by an urge to satisfy the grudges or wishes for revenge held by certain sectors in Spain, using the judiciary for the purpose.[41]

Ahead of the trial hearings in April, a rally was called for 14 April in Pamplona against the conditions in which proceedings were taking place and in support of the defendants and their families. 30,000 to 50,000 protesters turned out to the streets of Pamplona. The mayor of Pamplona Joseba Asiron on behalf of the Local Council and the representative of the regional government Maria Solana attended the mobilization, also supported by the unions LAB, ELA, CC.OO and the parties in office at Navarre. By contrast, the call was opposed by the parties UPN, PSN and PP of Navarre.[42][43][44][45]

The unexpected arrests of four defendants in Altsasu on 5 June amid strong security measures, has raised the level of indignation in Altsasu and Navarre against the judicial peculiarities and 'disproportion' surrounding the case. "A court summons would have done", the mother of a defendant went. Their parents claim the whole process is fraught with irregularities, "it is a juridical aberration".[47] They called a demonstration in Pamplona for 16 June in which they expected to exceed the figure of protesters turning out to the demonstration of 14 April.[46] The Government and Parliament of Navarre have also showed their support to the families in "their quest for justice".[47]

On 16 June 30,000 to 80,000 people took to the streets in Pamplona under the banner "this is no justice" and solidarity with the young prisoners, who are held 500 km away from home.[48][49] The rally, probably the largest held at Pamplona in recent times, received a wide support of political personalities (PNV, EH Bildu, Podemos, etc.), a number of unions, and individuals coming from different places in Spain.[50][51][52]{{efn|It counted on the support of 150 coaches arriving from several Catalan and Spanish locations, a strong support from the Catalan pro-independence movement, and figures such as Barricada singer Enrique Villarreal "El Drogas", singer Mikel Markez, or the physicist Pedro Miguel Etxenike.}} On 24 March 2019, 35,000 to 60,000 protesters took over the streets of Altsasu under the slogan "This is no justice", attended also by a number of high-ranking officials and representatives of Navarre and Altsasu; the organizers denounced the "lack of neutrality and rigour" during the proceedings.[53][54][55][56] A significant number of demonstrators arrived from other parts of Spain and Catalonia beyond the Basque context.[57]

Political fallout

The case has become a rallying cry for the Spanish right and far-right, with nationalistic overtones. On the eve of the National Court's announcement of the sentence in March 2019, Popular Party leader Pablo Casado turned up at the bar in Altsasu where the aggression took place in order to hold a showy TV interview. However, it was cut short by the bar owner, who invited them to leave the place for their lack of due permission.[58]

See also

  • La Manada sexual abuse case
  • Operation Anubis




1. ^{{Cite news|url=https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/europe/terrorism-accusation-in-basque-bar-brawl-reopens-old-wounds/2018/04/16/9c1af3b8-4158-11e8-b2dc-b0a403e4720a_story.html|title=Terrorism accusation in Basque bar brawl reopens old wounds|last=Parra {{!}} AP|first=Aritz|date=2018-04-16|work=Washington Post|access-date=2018-04-29|language=en-US|issn=0190-8286}}
2. ^{{Cite web|url=https://www.theguardian.com/world/2018/apr/14/basque-country-bar-fight-high-court-ruling-terror-related|title=Basque bar fight trial tests 10 years of fragile peace in the region|last=Madrid|first=Pascale Davies in|date=2018-04-14|website=the Guardian|language=en|access-date=2018-05-02}}
3. ^{{Cite news|url=https://www.elconfidencial.com/espana/2018-03-02/acusados-alsasua-jueza-casada-guardia-civil_1529557/|title=Caso Alsasua: piden apartar a la jueza Espejel por estar casada con un guardia civil. Noticias de España|work=El Confidencial|access-date=2018-06-21|language=es}}
4. ^{{Cite news|url=http://www.publico.es/politica/jovenes-alsasua-procesados-terrorismo-recusan-juez-espejel-casada-coronel-guardia-civil.html|title=Los jóvenes de Alsasua procesados por terrorismo recusan a la juez Espejel por estar casada con un coronel de la Guardia Civil|access-date=2018-06-21|language=es-ES}}
5. ^[https://www.elperiodico.com/es/politica/20180426/fiscal-mantiene-acusacion-terrorismo-agresores-alsasua-video-6785325 El fiscal acusa de terrorismo y fascismo a los agresores de Alsasua] in elperiodico.com {{es}}
6. ^{{Cite web|url=https://www.zdf.de/uri/498c523b-0c44-4622-a727-5962702d2c98|title=Drakonische Strafen in Spanien|website=www.zdf.de|language=de|access-date=2019-03-28}}
7. ^{{Cite web|url=https://www.eitb.eus/es/noticias/sociedad/detalle/4452356/covite-denuncia-imputados-alsasua-delito-terrorismo/|title=Covite denuncia a los imputados de Alsasua por delito de terrorismo|last=Vasca|first=EiTB Radio Televisión Pública|website=www.eitb.eus|language=es-ES|access-date=2018-07-22}}
8. ^{{Cite news|url=http://www.lne.es/espana/2017/07/04/fiscal-pide-50-anos-carcel/2130455.html|title=El fiscal pide 62 años a un detenido de Alsasua, 50 a otros seis y 12 a un octavo|last=España|first=La Nueva|access-date=2018-04-29}}
9. ^{{Cite news|url=https://www.elperiodico.com/es/politica/20180426/nuevo-video-desmiente-version-agresion-guardias-civiles-alsasua-6785043|title=Un nuevo vídeo desmiente la versión de los guardias civiles de Alsasua|last=Barcelona|first=El Periódico /|date=2018-04-26|work=elperiodico|access-date=2018-06-15|language=ES}}
10. ^{{Cite web|url=https://www.publico.es/sociedad/jovenes-altsasu-puntos-negros-caso-altsasu-convierte-pelea-bar-terrorismo.html|title=Los puntos negros del caso Altsasu: así se convierte una pelea de bar en 'terrorismo'|website=www.publico.es|access-date=2019-01-27}}
11. ^{{Cite news|url=http://www.lne.es/espana/2017/07/04/fiscal-pide-50-anos-carcel/2130455.html|title=El fiscal pide 62 años a un detenido de Alsasua, 50 a otros seis y 12 a un octavo|last=España|first=La Nueva|access-date=2018-04-29}}
12. ^{{Cite news|url=http://www.publico.es/politica/defensa-detenidos-alsasua-denuncia-les.html|title=La defensa de los detenidos en Alsasua denuncia que se les aplica la ley antiyihadista|access-date=2018-06-15|language=es-ES}}
13. ^{{Cite news|url=https://www.elespanol.com/espana/20180302/rechazada-peticion-acusados-alsasua-apartar-jueza-espejel/288972069_0.html|title=Rechazada la petición de los acusados de Alsasua de apartar a la jueza Espejel|work=El Español|access-date=2018-08-11|language=es}}
14. ^[https://www.elperiodico.com/es/politica/20180601/audiencia-nacional-no-terrorismo-agresion-alsasua-6852055 La Audiencia Nacional no ve terrorismo en la agresión de Alsasua] in elperiodico.com {{es}}
15. ^{{Cite web|url=https://www.eitb.eus/es/noticias/politica/detalle/5634951/sentencia-caso-alsasua-los-abogados-jovenes-presentaran-recurso-/|title=Las familias de los jóvenes de Alsasua califican la sentencia de 'venganza'|last=Vasca|first=EiTB Radio Televisión Pública|website=www.eitb.eus|language=es-ES|access-date=2018-06-23}}
16. ^{{Cite web|url=https://www.eitb.eus/es/noticias/politica/detalle/5642228/la-guardia-civil-detiene-jovenes-condenados-alsasua-5-junio-2018/|title=La Guardia Civil detiene a los jóvenes condenados en el caso Alsasua|last=Vasca|first=EiTB Radio Televisión Pública|website=www.eitb.eus|language=es-ES|access-date=2018-06-15}}
17. ^{{Cite news|url=https://www.eldiario.es/norte/navarra/Fiscalia-Alsasua-entender-agresion-terrorismo_0_782172286.html|title=La Fiscalía recurre la condena de Alsasua al entender que la agresión a dos guardias civiles sí fue terrorismo|work=eldiario.es|access-date=2018-06-15|language=es}}
18. ^{{Cite web|url=https://www.infolibre.es/noticias/politica/2018/06/20/la_audiencia_nacional_reduce_tres_anos_condena_joven_alsasua_por_error_computo_84187_1012.html|title=La Audiencia Nacional reduce tres años la condena a un joven de Alsasua por un error en el cómputo|last=infoLibre|website=infoLibre.es|language=es|access-date=2018-06-21}}
19. ^{{Cite web|url=https://www.eldiario.es/politica/Audiencia-Nacional-terrorismo-agresion-Alsasua_0_875262508.html|title=La Audiencia Nacional confirma las penas para los condenados de Alsasua pero insiste en que no fue terrorismo|last=Política|first=eldiario es|website=eldiario.es|language=es|access-date=2019-03-08}}
20. ^{{Cite news|url=https://www.elperiodico.com/es/politica/20180426/fiscal-mantiene-acusacion-terrorismo-agresores-alsasua-video-6785325|title=El fiscal acusa de terrorismo y fascismo a los agresores de Alsasua|last=Vázquez|first=Ángeles|date=2018-04-26|work=elperiodico|access-date=2018-06-01|language=ES}}
21. ^{{Cite news|url=https://www.eldiario.es/norte/navarra/familias-condenados-Alsasua-desprecio-principio_0_777623222.html|title=Las familias de los condenados de Alsasua: “Es una venganza, un absoluto desprecio al principio de justicia”|work=eldiario.es|access-date=2018-06-06|language=es}}
22. ^{{Cite news|url=https://www.libertaddigital.com/espana/2018-04-17/vivas-a-espana-y-a-la-guardia-civil-en-el-acto-en-apoyo-a-los-agredidos-en-alsasua-1276617263/|title=Vivas a España y a la Guardia Civil en el acto en apoyo a los agentes de Alsasua|last=Cuevas|first=Paloma|date=2018-04-17|work=Libertad Digital|access-date=2018-04-29|language=es-ES}}
23. ^{{Cite news|url=https://politica.elpais.com/politica/2018/04/17/actualidad/1523990278_790921.html|title=Víctimas de ETA congregan a cientos de personas en apoyo a las víctimas de Alsasua|last=Doria|first=Javier Lorente|date=2018-04-17|work=EL PAÍS|access-date=2018-04-29|language=es}}
24. ^{{Cite news|url=https://politica.elpais.com/politica/2018/04/24/actualidad/1524576789_068097.html|title=La Guardia Civil relaciona la agresión de Alsasua con la estrategia de ETA|last=Pérez|first=Fernando J.|date=2018-04-24|work=EL PAÍS|access-date=2018-04-30|language=es}}
25. ^{{Cite news|url=http://www.europapress.es/nacional/noticia-consuelo-ordonez-encabeza-alsasua-acto-rebeldia-medio-protesta-contra-guardia-civil-20161022142420.html|title=Consuelo Ordóñez encabeza en Alsasua un "acto de rebeldía" en medio de una protesta contra la Guardia Civil|last=Press|first=Europa|date=2016-10-22|work=europapress.es|access-date=2018-07-22|language=es-ES}}
26. ^{{Cite news|url=https://www.elespanol.com/espana/20161016/163483968_0.html|title=Rajoy asegura que "no habrá impunidad" tras la "brutal agresión" de Alsasua|work=El Español|access-date=2018-06-23|language=es}}
27. ^{{Cite web|url=https://www.eitb.eus/es/noticias/politica/detalle/5534568/concentracion-pamplona-apoyo-guardias-civiles-agredidos-alsasua/|title=Unas 2.500 personas apoyan a los guardias civiles agredidos en Alsasua|last=Vasca|first=EiTB Radio Televisión Pública|website=www.eitb.eus|language=es-ES|access-date=2018-06-15}}
28. ^{{Cite news|url=https://politica.elpais.com/politica/2018/04/17/actualidad/1523990278_790921.html|title=Víctimas de ETA congregan a cientos de personas en apoyo a las víctimas de Alsasua|last=Doria|first=Javier Lorente|date=2018-04-17|work=EL PAÍS|access-date=2018-06-15|language=es}}
29. ^{{Cite web|url=https://www.europapress.es/nacional/noticia-augc-espera-baje-hostilidad-guardias-civiles-condena-acoso-contra-agentes-alsasua-20180601143503.html|title=AUGC espera que baje la hostilidad hacia los guardias civiles tras la condena por acoso contra los agentes de Alsasua|last=Press|first=Europa|date=2018-06-01|website=www.europapress.es|access-date=2019-03-25}}
30. ^{{Cite news|url=https://www.irishtimes.com/news/world/europe/bar-brawl-sentence-rejects-terror-theory-but-sparks-outrage-1.3520466|title=‘Bar brawl’ sentence rejects terror theory but sparks outrage|work=The Irish Times|access-date=2018-06-20|language=en-US}}
31. ^{{Cite news|url=http://www.elmundo.es/espana/2018/06/24/5b2ff47ce2704ef01d8b4609.html|title=Pablo Casado denuncia en Alsasua que "no hay equidistancia entre matones y servidores públicos"|work=ELMUNDO|access-date=2018-07-21|language=es}}
32. ^{{Cite news|url=https://www.eldiario.es/politica/Barkos-Comision-Europea-Espana-Alsasua_0_764323745.html|title=Barkos avisa de que la Comisión Europea puede darle "otro tirón de orejas" a España con las agresiones de Alsasua|work=eldiario.es|access-date=2018-04-29|language=es}}
33. ^{{Cite news|url=http://www.publico.es/sociedad/presos-altsasu-castigado-agradecer-muestras.html|title=Uno de los presos de Altsasu, castigado por agradecer las muestras de solidaridad|work=Público|access-date=2018-04-29|language=es-ES}}
34. ^{{Cite news|url=http://www.publico.es/politica/bilbao-denuncia-injusticia-del-caso-altsasu-menos-mes-empiece-juicio.html|title=Bilbao denuncia la 'injusticia' del caso Altsasu a menos de un mes de que empiece el juicio|access-date=2018-04-29|language=es-ES}}
35. ^{{Cite news|url=https://politica.elpais.com/politica/2018/04/17/actualidad/1523990278_790921.html|title=Víctimas de ETA congregan a cientos de personas en apoyo a las víctimas de Alsasua|last=Doria|first=Javier Lorente|date=2018-04-17|work=EL PAÍS|access-date=2018-04-29|language=es}}
36. ^{{Cite news|url=http://www.publico.es/sociedad/navarra-vive-mayor-manifestacion-historia.html|title=Una marea humana pide justicia para los jóvenes de Altsasu: 'No son terroristas'|work=Público|access-date=2018-04-29|language=es-ES}}
37. ^{{Cite news|url=http://www.lavanguardia.com/local/paisvasco/20171123/433054331220/alsasua-caso-indigna-navarra-guardias-civiles.html|title=Alsasua, el caso de la agresión a guardias civiles que causa indignación en Navarra|work=La Vanguardia|access-date=2018-04-30}}
38. ^{{Cite news|url=http://www.publico.es/politica/52-eurodiputados-piden-juncker-intervenga-caso-alsasua.html|title=52 eurodiputados piden a Juncker que intervenga en el caso Altsasu|access-date=2018-07-22|language=es-ES}}
39. ^{{Cite news|url=http://www.publico.es/politica/comision-europea-seguira-cerca-juicio-jovenes-altsasu.html|title=La Comisión Europea seguirá de cerca el juicio contra los jóvenes de Altsasu|access-date=2018-07-22|language=es-ES}}
40. ^{{Cite web|url=http://www.eitb.eus/es/noticias/politica/detalle/5431163/amnistia-internacional-caso-alsasua-27-febrero-2018/|title=AI, sobre el 'Caso Alsasua': 'No debe existir definición vaga de terrorismo'|last=Vasca|first=EiTB Radio Televisión Pública|website=www.eitb.eus|language=es-ES|access-date=2018-04-29}}
41. ^{{Cite news|url=https://www.eldiario.es/zonacritica/Alsasua-terrorismo-obsesion_6_783981648.html|title=Alsasua: el terrorismo como obsesión|work=eldiario.es|access-date=2018-06-20|language=es}}
42. ^{{Cite news|url=https://www.elindependiente.com/politica/2018/04/14/miles-personas-defienden-pamplona-la-agresion-alsasua-no-terrorismo/|title=Miles de personas defienden en Pamplona que la agresión de Alsasua “no es terrorismo” - El Independiente|date=2018-04-14|work=El Independiente|access-date=2018-06-21|language=es-ES}}
43. ^{{Cite news|url=https://politica.elpais.com/politica/2018/04/14/actualidad/1523733171_496595.html|title=Miles de personas defienden a los detenidos de Alsasua|last=Doria|first=Javier Lorente|date=2018-04-15|work=EL PAÍS|access-date=2018-06-21|language=es}}
44. ^{{Cite news|url=https://www.eldiario.es/politica/Barkos-responder-incontestable-manifestacion-Alsasua_0_783221882.html|title=Barkos cree hay que responder a "incontestable" manifestación de caso Alsasua|work=eldiario.es|access-date=2018-06-21|language=es}}
45. ^{{Cite news|url=http://www.publico.es/sociedad/navarra-vive-mayor-manifestacion-historia.html|title=Una marea humana pide justicia para los jóvenes de Altsasu: 'No son terroristas'|access-date=2018-06-21|language=es-ES}}
46. ^{{Citation|chapter=What Would Have Happened If the Government Had Done Nothing|publisher=Palgrave Macmillan|isbn=9781137001412|doi=10.1057/9781137001412.0005|title=Employment and Development under Globalization|year=2012}}
47. ^{{Cite news|url=https://www.irishtimes.com/news/world/europe/bar-brawl-sentence-rejects-terror-theory-but-sparks-outrage-1.3520466|title=‘Bar brawl’ sentence rejects terror theory but sparks outrage|work=The Irish Times|access-date=2018-06-18|language=en-US}}
48. ^{{Cite web|url=https://www.eitb.eus/es/noticias/politica/detalle/5668384/manifestacion-pamplona-16-junio-jovenes-alsasua/|title=80.000 personas abarrotan Pamplona reclamando justicia para los jóvenes de Alsasua|last=Vasca|first=EiTB Radio Televisión Pública|website=www.eitb.eus|language=es-ES|access-date=2018-06-18}}
49. ^{{Cite news|url=https://www.eldiario.es/norte/navarra/Miles-protestan-Pamplona-sentencia-Alsasua_0_782872091.html|title=Miles de personas se manifiestan en Pamplona para pedir "justicia y proporcionalidad" en el 'caso Alsasua'|work=eldiario.es|access-date=2018-06-18|language=es}}
50. ^{{Cite web|url=https://www.eitb.eus/es/noticias/politica/detalle/5668384/manifestacion-pamplona-16-junio-jovenes-alsasua/|title=80.000 personas abarrotan Pamplona reclamando justicia para los jóvenes de Alsasua|last=Vasca|first=EiTB Radio Televisión Pública|website=www.eitb.eus|language=es-ES|access-date=2018-06-18}}
51. ^{{Cite news|url=https://www.eldiario.es/norte/navarra/Miles-protestan-Pamplona-sentencia-Alsasua_0_782872091.html|title=Miles de personas se manifiestan en Pamplona para pedir "justicia y proporcionalidad" en el 'caso Alsasua'|work=eldiario.es|access-date=2018-06-18|language=es}}
52. ^{{Cite news|url=http://www.publico.es/politica/historica-marea-humana-pide-pamplona-libertad-jovenes-altsasu.html|title=Una histórica marea humana pide la libertad de los jóvenes de Altsasu|access-date=2018-06-18|language=es-ES}}
53. ^{{Cite web|url=https://www.publico.es/politica/caso-altsasu-multitudinaria-manifestacion-rechaza-sentencia-caso-altsasu.html|title=Una multitudinaria manifestación rechaza la sentencia del caso Altsasu|website=www.publico.es|access-date=2019-03-24}}
54. ^{{Cite web|url=https://www.eldiario.es/norte/navarra/Decenas-Alsasua-sentencia-Audiencia-Nacional_0_881212238.html|title=Decenas de miles de personas rechazan en Alsasua la sentencia de la Audiencia Nacional|last=Ariztegi|first=Miguel M.|website=eldiario.es|language=es|access-date=2019-03-24}}
55. ^{{Cite web|url=https://www.infolibre.es/noticias/politica/2019/03/24/una_multitudinaria_manifestacion_rechaza_sentencia_del_caso_alsasua_93237_1012.html|title=Una multitudinaria manifestación rechaza la sentencia del 'caso Alsasua'|last=infoLibre|date=2019-03-24|website=infoLibre.es|language=es|access-date=2019-03-24}}
56. ^{{Cite web|url=https://www.ara.cat/politica/Milers-manifesten-Altsasu-Audiencia-Nacional_0_2202979890.html|title=Milers de persones es manifesten a Altsasu en contra de la sentència de l'Audiència Nacional|date=2019-03-24|website=Ara.cat|language=ca-ES|access-date=2019-03-24}}
57. ^{{Cite web|url=https://www.eitb.eus/es/noticias/politica/detalle/6287317/manifestacion-caso-alsasua-altsasuko-gurasoak-24-marzo-2019/|title=60.000 personas marchan en Alsasua contra las penas impuestas a ocho jóvenes|website=www.eitb.eus|language=es|access-date=2019-03-24}}
58. ^{{Cite web|url=https://www.cuatro.com/todoesmentira/eduardo-inda-monta-show-alsasua-entrevista-pablo-casado-bar-koxka_0_2718450102.html|title=Lo ha vuelto a hacer: Eduardo Inda monta el show en Alsasua junto a Pablo Casado|date=2019-03-07|website=cuatro|language=es-ES|access-date=2019-03-08}}

External links

  • [https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=2&v=SOxURRhgJTo Iñaki Abad's amateur mobile video footage presented as evidence]
  • Website of relatives and friends in support of the defendants
  • [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nw9GdJ5LVSY Convoy of Civil Guard patrols entering Altsasu following the aggression]

3 : 2016 in Navarre|2018 protests|Trials in Spain





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