

词条 Claude Ferguson

  1. Early life

  2. Career

  3. DDT Aerial Spraying

  4. Off-Road Vehicles in the Hoosier National Forest

  5. Ferguson, Izaak Walton League vs US Forest Service

  6. Awards and Service

  7. Later years

  8. References

  9. External links

{{Infobox person
| name = Claude Ferguson
| image = Claudeferguson.jpg
| alt =
| caption =
| birth_name = Alan Claude Ferguson
|alias = Claude, A. Claude
| birth_date = January 13, 1923
| birth_place = Willow Springs, Missouri
| death_date = June 15, 2006; age 83
| death_place = Bloomington, Indiana
| burial_place = Willow Springs Cemetery, Missouri
| education = University of Missouri, School of Forestry; U.S. Civil Service Academy, Kings Point, New York; Administration of Public Policy
| occupation = Forester, Environmentalist
| known_for = Environmental Activism, A. Claude Ferguson, Etc.,et.al., vs U.S. Forest Service
| spouse = Gwendolyn Pearl Wilbanks, Marjorie Fishel East
| children = 3 children; Richard, Carla, Linda; Stepson, Daniel
| relatives = Bob Ferguson, Musician
| awards = Boy Scout of America Medal for Life Saving, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Quality Award, Sierra Club, National Wildlife Association

Alan Claude Ferguson (January 13, 1923 - June 15, 2006) was a forester, conservationist, environmentalist and in his words a "steward of our land". He was also known as, A. Claude Ferguson.

A 33-year career employee of the U.S. Forest Service, Claude chose to work with environmental groups as he joined a lawsuit against his employer, the U.S. Forest Service. The protest began in 1970 against off-road vehicle trails in the Hoosier National Forest and ended in a 1976 civil servant hearing for unlawful termination and a federal lawsuit citing violations of the [https://www.fs.fed.us/recreation/programs/trail-management/trailplans/index.shtml Forest Service Trail Standards] and on land that was acquired for wildlife habitat by the Indiana Department of Natural Resources.[1]

Claude, an early whistleblower who was fired from the U.S. government, lived by the words, "..a good forester must always be a good citizen. I have tried to be both, with what success it is not for me to say. But I am not without experience". Gifford Pinchot, 1865-1946, first chief of U.S. Forest Service.

Early life

Claude was born into a pioneer family of the Ozarks where he and his three brothers were raised on a small Jersey dairy farm in Willow Springs, Missouri. Alan Claude was the second son of John Carl and Mary Willie Boles Ferguson.

His father, John Carl Ferguson was active in the establishment of the Missouri Conservation Commission in the late 1920s and the 1939 enabling act for the Mark Twain National Forest in Missouri.

Claude and his brothers, Carl, Bob and Paul would go with their father to one-room school houses where they would show their home made movies of wildlife, streams and untouched forests to encourage the support of this legislation.

Aldo Leopold was a frequent guest in their home during his game-range survey of the north-central states. All four of the Ferguson brothers received an education and appreciation of the outdoors at the knee of Aldo.


Claude Ferguson, while a senior at Willow Springs High School, joined the Forest Service in 1940. He was assigned to the Blue Buck Tower as a fire lookout on the newly founded Mark Twain National Forest in Missouri. Claude worked closely with the Civilian Conservation Corp as a fire control aide in the Mark Twain National Forest.

After 3 years service in the U.S. Navy as an Aviation Radio-Radar Operator, Gunner and instructor during W.W. II he returned to the Mark Twain as a forestry aide in timber management and land acquisition.

Upon completion of his B.S. in Forestry from the University of Missouri in 1952, Claude's first assignment as a forester was on the Nicolet National Forest in Wisconsin. Subsequent promotions included district ranger on the Shawnee National Forest in Illinois and the Hiawatha National Forest in Upper Michigan followed by a 1961 promotion to staff forester on the Ottawa National Forest in Upper Michigan.

While on the Ottawa, he had staff responsibilities for the examination, appraisal and reports for the purchase of the L.P. Fisher estate later known as the [https://www.fs.usda.gov/recarea/ottawa/recarea/?recid=12331 Sylvania]. Claude was again sent to the Hiawatha, Upper Michigan, in charge of lands, recreation, wildlife, soil and water before his 1964 promotion to Chief of the Branch of Cooperative Forestry Management and Chief of the Branch of Operations in the [https://www.fs.usda.gov/r9 Forest Service Eastern Regional Office] in Milwaukee.

In 1965, Claude accepted an assignment to the Bedford, Indiana regional headquarters, where he was forest supervisor for the Hoosier National Forest in Indiana and the Wayne National Forest in Ohio. Later combined and renamed the Wayne-Hoosier National Forest.

Claude oversaw the design of a public recreation site, [https://www.recreation.gov/camping/hardin-ridge/r/campgroundDetails.do?contractCode=NRSO&parkId=70277 Hardin Ridge][2] on [https://www.in.gov/dnr/parklake/2954.htm Monroe Lake Reservoir], Lake Monroe.[3]

Ferguson headed a [https://www.fs.fed.us/managing-land/national-forests-grasslands Department of Agriculture Forest Service] team with the re-introduction of wild turkeys to Indiana from his home state of Missouri.

In 1971, at his request to comply the with federal anti-nepotism law, Claude stepped down as forest supervisor. He assumed the position of staff forester in order to marry a forest service employee. December 20, 1976, he retired from the U.S. Forest Service.

DDT Aerial Spraying

In 1957, the United States Department of Agriculture began a fire ant eradication program which involved aerial spraying of DDT, 245T, 24D chemicals mixed with fuel oil. The detrimental effect on birds, animals and humans was soon documented ending in a 1972 nationwide ban of DDT for agricultural use. The 1967 formation of the Environmental Defense Fund was the first major milestone in the campaign against DDT.

Silent Spring, by Rachel Carson is an environmental science book published in 1962 that sparked an outrage and an environmental movement by the American public that led to the creation of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency on December 2, 1970.

In 1957, Ferguson was hospitalized at the Washington University Medical Center in St. Louis for treatment of "[https://www.mda.org/disease/dermatomyositis dermatomyositis]", a connective

tissue disorder. Ferguson's case was diagnosed as extremely critical and doctors put him on a daily 20 mg dose of cortisone and meticorten for many months.

Ferguson, after suffering severe side effect from long term use of the drugs and learning that hospitals throughout the country were banning their use, Ferguson's doctors discontinued all medications which led to Ferguson suffering the side effects of withdrawal. Depression and weakness are two of the many side effects of abrupt cessation.

As more cases became public, doctors concluded that their original diagnosis of Ferguson had been wrong. Ferguson, it was learned, was one of several forest service employees doing government testing on these new insecticides in Illinois and Wisconsin. One of the chemicals used was DDT and Ferguson had been exposed to the aerial spraying while in the field for many months.

After several weeks in the hospital, Ferguson was released from the hospital to recover at home and eventually was able to return to his post at the forest service and went on to receive numerous service distinctions and awards resulting in continued promotions as a forester.

Off-Road Vehicles in the Hoosier National Forest

April 1970, Claude Ferguson, as Forest Supervisor of the Hoosier National Forest became aware of the unauthorized use of the forest when John Buffalo using his personal 20 acres and without asking for permission or notifying the Forest Service held a 100-mile motorcycle race, the "Buffalo 100", inside the Hoosier National Forest.

Ferguson and the district ranger filmed the damage the motorcyclists caused and Ferguson presented the findings facing U.S. parks at two conferences: the 24th [https://glpti.org/ Great Lakes Park Training Institute] (written presentation available at IU Lilly Library; Ferguson) and the 20th Annual Great Lakes District Conference National Park and Recreation Conference in 1970.

An interim off-road vehicle policy was established, allowing limited use of them in a small number of approved areas until October 8, 1970 when the Hoosier National Forest was temporarily closed to all ORV use, pending the results of further studies.[4][https://courier-journal.newspapers.com/image/110261202/?terms=Claude%2BFerguson]

During this time, Ferguson stepped down as forest supervisor to staff forester and Don Girton was brought in as the new forest supervisor.

Despite an incomplete environmental impact statement and public hearings, Hoosier National Forest Supervisor Don Girton made the decision to proceed with a policy of allowing ORV use to take effect as early as September, 1972.[5]

December 1972, the State of Indiana published its report that ORV use was not compatible with the natural purposes of state properties. On the federal side, the Forest Service decided in 1973 to again allow use in limited terrains.

Trail construction began without the advance approval the forest service regulation requires and in August 1974, the Forest Service began the ambitious construction of ORV trails in the Hoosier Forest with an opening date of October 14, 1974.[6]

Claude witnessed these trails being built illegally with $34,000 of public money that had been budgeted for routine maintenance of roads and trails. The Hoosier National Forest budgets had been severely reduced for fiscal years 1974 and 1975. The budget cuts forced a reduction in force in engineering personnel and was barley sufficient for routine maintenance of existing roads and trails systems. When the contractor was told to bill the work to the Forest Service for “routine maintenance”, Claude was outraged that these funds were being diverted and declared this was a "violation of the law".

October 9, 1974, Forest Supervisor Don Girton, District Ranger Frank Haubry, Claude Ferguson and others took a tour to review the newly built ORV trails.[7] Ferguson observed numerous violations of the [https://www.fs.fed.us/recreation/programs/trail-management/trail-fundamentals/ Forest Service Trail Standards], including but not limited to; reverse curves, trail grades, stumps and logs left in place, damage to soil and watershed lands, damage to wildlife habitat areas and timber production areas. Mr. Girton dismissed Ferguson's concern as "one mans opinion". According to IDS News Staff writer, Gloria Joseph,[8] Girton was later quoted as saying, "If you want to nitpick, you might find some deviation from the ORV standards in the trails".

On October 13, 1974, Ferguson conducted a field trip for environmentalists and reporters to observe the trail damage. They noted damage to the wilderness area, Nebo Ridge,[9] which led to the lawsuit filed against the U.S. Forest Service.

Ferguson, Izaak Walton League vs US Forest Service

October 19, 1974:

Alan Claude Ferguson, Indiana Division, Izaak Walton League of American Endowment, Inc vs Donald Girton, Supervisor, Wayne-Hoosier National Forest, Indiana and Jay Cravens, Eastern Region Forester, United States Forest Service was filed seeking a temporary restraining order and injunction halting the trail use.[10]

The American Motorcycle Association joined the lawsuit on the side of the Forest Service and the war was on. The Sassafras, Indiana Chapter of the Audubon Society, the National Audubon Society, the Indiana Conservation Council, the [https://www.indianawildlife.org/affiliates-and-clubs/ National Wildfire Federation Affiliate in Indiana] and the [https://www.nwf.org/ National Wildlife Federation] joined the Ferguson, Izaak Walton lawsuit.[11][12][13]

Don Girton informed Ferguson that he was being detailed to Milwaukee for 3 weeks in November, 1974 and on March 3, 1975 Ferguson received notice that he was to be permanently transferred to Milwaukee upon which Ferguson declined after the Forest Service denied his spouse's request to also be transferred with him to Milwaukee.[14]

John A. Sandor, deputy regional forester at the time said "We had an opening in Milwaukee for somebody of his qualification and we sent him" according to forest service officials sworn statements, however, Don Girton said Ferguson's actions were the reason for the transfer[15]

Ferguson was suspended for two weeks without pay and was then notified that he would be removed from office effective February 15, 1976 for participating in a lawsuit in which the government had an interest and for conflict of interest.[16][17] He was eighteen months away from full retirement. Newspapers and environmental groups rallied behind Ferguson and commended him for outstanding service, loyalty, and devotion to conservation in Indiana.[18][19][20]

Ferguson claimed the [https://www.gsa.gov/reference/gsa-privacy-program/privacy-laws-regulations-and-more 1974 Federal Privacy Act] rules were broken when John A. Sandor gave in his June 18, 1975 sworn written statement, a portion of Ferguson's personal medical record to Special Agent Richard Turner, Office of Investigation. Statement read as follow, "I must bring to attention Mr. Ferguson's record of mental and emotional problems in 1957". Agent Turner testified that he had not requested Sandor for the medical information.

Ferguson and his doctor at [https://medicine.wustl.edu/ Washington University Hospital],Dr. Reinhard stated that Sandor did not ask nor receive permission to use any part of Ferguson's medical records. Documentation provided in A. Claude Ferguson's official government Civil Service record , I.U. Lilly Library; A. Claude Ferguson Collection.

Ferguson claimed harassment and unlawful termination and on December 20, 1976 a civil servant hearing on his firing commenced and ended on the same day with Ferguson being allowed to retire with full and retroactive benefits.

The ORV court challenge continued with a trial date set for December 5, 1977, however, a few months before it was to begin the Forest Service reversed their decision and completely terminated the policy of ORVs in the Hoosier National Forest, which remains in effect.[19][21][22]

Ferguson's case was given to a U.S Senate-subcommittee, chaired by Senator Edward Kennedy, which drafted a freedom-of-information bill providing protection for government employees who disclose information in disagreement with department policies.

Reps. Morris K Udall and Paul Simon, along with Senator Patrick J. Leahy introduced bills in the US Congress to create review boards to investigate worker complaints about improper government actions.

The Whistleblower Protection Act of 1989 cemented this protection for all government employees.

Ferguson met the “test of my lifetime” always believing in a quote from Abraham Lincoln “To sin by silence when one should protest makes cowards out of men”.

Awards and Service

A. Claude Ferguson Environmental Awards[https://courier-journal.newspapers.com/image/109233220/?terms=Claude%2BFerguson]

  • [https://www.nwf.org/ National Wildlife Federation], Outstanding and Distinguished Service in the Field of Natural Resource Management; June 1976
  • Indiana Conservation Council, Outstanding Service to Conservation in Indiana; June 1976
  • [https://www.iwla.org/ Izaak Walton League of America], Conservation Award presented in Baltimore, Maryland; July 17, 1976
  • U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Quality Award; August 12, 1976[23]
  • [https://www.sierraclub.org/ Sierra Club]; 1976
  • [https://www.hecweb.org/ Hoosier Environmental Award]; Lifetime Environmental Service Award; October, 1990
  • John James Audubon Society, Career-Long Demonstration of the Preservation of our Natural Environment; May 1975
  • State of Indiana Outdoor Education Research Advisory Committee for the creation of the Indiana University School of Outdoor Education, 1968-1972
  • Indiana State Forest Planning Advisory Committee
  • Advisory Committee for Conservation and Outdoor Education to the Indiana State Superintendent of Public Education 1968-1972
  • Indiana Region 10 Planning Council by Appointment
  • Hoosier Trails Council, Boy Scouts of America Advisory Council
  • Charter Member of the Conservation-Outdoor Education Association in Indiana
  • Past-President of the Indiana Wildlife Federation
  • National Interagency Forest Fire Management Team
  • National Youth Conservation Interagency Team

Later years

Ferguson was instrumental in establishing the Charles C. Deam Wilderness Area in 1983. Following his death in 2006, his Deam Wilderness papers and maps were donated to the Indiana Forest Alliance and are now housed at Indiana University Lilly Library.

A Celebration of the Deam was held at IU Lilly Library April 20, 2011.

Rosemary O'Leary included Ferguson's story in her book "[https://www.amazon.com/Ethics-Dissent-Managing-Guerrilla-Government/dp/1452226318 The Ethics of Dissent].

Claude spent years tracing his ancestry to the American Revolution and charting the Ferguson family genealogy. He transcribed the 1835-1836 Bright Hope Furnace Store Ledger "Bright Hope Furnace" Greene County, Tennessee.

Claude wrote the song "Its Heaven in the Ozarks in the Fall".

Claude delighted young and old with his musical spoon playing. Claude was featured in the July 2007 issue of the Highlights Magazine. "Spoonful of Music" and in 1995 he published a 35-page booklet on musical spoons, "You, Too, Can Play the Spoons".


1. ^{{cite web |title=Trail Fundamentals and Trail Management Objectives |url=https://www.fs.fed.us/recreation/programs/trail-management/trail-fundamentals/ |website=www.fs.fed.us |accessdate=7 September 2018}}
2. ^{{cite web|url=https://indystar.newspapers.com/image/105856170/?terms=Claude+Ferguson|title=28 Dec 1967, Page 14 - The Indianapolis Star at Newspapers.com|publisher=}}
3. ^{{cite web|url=http://indystar.newspapers.com/search/|title=Newspapers.com search|website=Indianapolis Star}}
4. ^{{Cite news|url=https://courier-journal.newspapers.com/image/108076945/?terms=Claude+Ferguson|title=23 Jun 1974, Page 74 - The Courier-Journal at Newspapers.com|work=Courier-Journal|access-date=2018-09-02|language=en}}
5. ^{{cite web|url=https://indystar.newspapers.com/image/312266083/?terms=Claude+Ferguson&match=2|title=7 Apr 1975, 9 - The Indianapolis News at Newspapers.com|publisher=}}
6. ^{{cite web|url=https://indystar.newspapers.com/image/105858015/?terms=Claude+Ferguson&match=2|title=12 Feb 1976, Page 59 - The Indianapolis Star at Newspapers.com|publisher=}}
7. ^{{cite web|url=https://indystar.newspapers.com/image/106131475/?terms=Claude+Ferguson|title=17 Oct 1974, Page 38 - The Indianapolis Star at Newspapers.com|publisher=}}
8. ^{{cite web |title=Indiana Daily Student |url=http://www.idsnews.com/ |website=www.idsnews.com |accessdate=7 September 2018}}
9. ^{{Cite news|url=https://indystar.newspapers.com/image/312266083/?terms=Claude+Ferguson&match=2|title=7 Apr 1975, 9 - The Indianapolis News at Newspapers.com|work=Indianapolis Star|access-date=2018-09-02|language=en}}
10. ^{{Cite news|url=https://indystar.newspapers.com/image/312353815/?terms=Claude+Ferguson|title=29 Oct 1975, 1 - The Indianapolis News at Newspapers.com|work=Indianapolis Star|access-date=2018-09-02|language=en}}
11. ^{{Cite news|url=https://courier-journal.newspapers.com/image/108094176/?terms=Claude+Ferguson|title=15 Feb 1976, Page 70 - The Courier-Journal at Newspapers.com|work=Courier-Journal|access-date=2018-09-02|language=en}}
12. ^{{Cite news|url=https://indystar.newspapers.com/image/106131475/?terms=Claude+Ferguson|title=17 Oct 1974, Page 38 - The Indianapolis Star at Newspapers.com|work=Indianapolis Star|access-date=2018-09-02|language=en}}
13. ^{{Cite web|url=http://indystar.newspapers.com/search/|title=Newspapers.com search|website=Indianapolis Star|language=en|access-date=2018-09-02}}
14. ^{{cite web|url=https://indystar.newspapers.com/image/312354200/?terms=Claude+Ferguson|title=29 Oct 1975, 13 - The Indianapolis News at Newspapers.com|publisher=}}
15. ^{{cite web | url=https://courier-journal.newspapers.com/image/108099334/?terms=Claude+Ferguson | title=8 Jun 1975, Page 59 - the Courier-Journal at Newspapers.com}}
16. ^{{Cite news|url=https://courier-journal.newspapers.com/image/108099334/?terms=Claude+Ferguson|title=8 Jun 1975, Page 59 - The Courier-Journal at Newspapers.com|work=Courier-Journal|access-date=2018-09-02|language=en}}
17. ^{{Cite news|url=https://indystar.newspapers.com/image/105857141/?terms=Claude+Ferguson&match=4|title=11 Feb 1976, Page 19 - The Indianapolis Star at Newspapers.com|work=Indianapolis Star|access-date=2018-09-02|language=en}}
18. ^{{Cite news|url=https://courier-journal.newspapers.com/image/108417678/?terms=Claude+Ferguson|title=2 Mar 1976, Page 8 - The Courier-Journal at Newspapers.com|work=Courier-Journal|access-date=2018-09-02|language=en}}
19. ^{{Cite web|url=http://courier-journal.newspapers.com/search/|title=Newspapers.com search|website=Courier-Journal|language=en|access-date=2018-09-02}}
20. ^{{Cite news|url=https://indystar.newspapers.com/image/312357752/?terms=Claude+Ferguson&match=2|title=29 Oct 1975, 4 - The Indianapolis News at Newspapers.com|work=Indianapolis Star|access-date=2018-09-02|language=en}}
21. ^{{Cite news|url=https://courier-journal.newspapers.com/image/110261202/?terms=Claude+Ferguson|title=29 Jul 1973, Page 5 - The Courier-Journal at Newspapers.com|work=Courier-Journal|access-date=2018-09-02|language=en}}
22. ^{{Cite news|url=https://courier-journal.newspapers.com/image/108090530/?terms=Claude+Ferguson|title=30 Jun 1975, Page 4 - The Courier-Journal at Newspapers.com|work=Courier-Journal|access-date=2018-09-02|language=en}}
23. ^{{Cite news|url=https://indystar.newspapers.com/image/312342681/?terms=Claude+Ferguson&match=2|title=6 Aug 1976, 20 - The Indianapolis News at Newspapers.com|work=Indianapolis Star|access-date=2018-09-02|language=en}}

External links

  • IU Lilly Library A. Claude Ferguson Collection Ferguson, Alan Claude Ferguason MSS. Public Services Department, Lilly Library, Indiana University, Bloomington, IN 47405
  • [https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/1130450.The_Ethics_of_Dissent The Ethics of Dissent] Rosemary O'Leary, The Ethics of Dissent: Managing Guerrilla Government (Public Affairs and Policy Administration) {{ISBN|1933116609}} {{ISBN|9781933116600}}
  • When A Career Public Servant Sues the Agency he Loves, Rosemary O'Leary
  • [https://www.archives.gov/federal-register/codification/executive-order/11644.html President's Council on Environmental Quality Off-Road Vehicles on Public Land] 1979
  • IU Lilly Library to Host Deam Wilderness Celebration, Claude Ferguson Papers IU News Room 2011-04-18
  • [https://www.naturalbloomington.com/blog/2015/09/19/timber-and-hoosier-national-forest Timber and the Hoosier National Forest, Claude Ferguson] 2015-08-15
  • [https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1111/j.1540-6210.2009.02064.x Wiley Online Library PAR Review] 2009-10-12
  • [https://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/CFR-2009-title43-vol2/xml/CFR-2009-title43-vol2-part8340.xml US Government Code of Federal Regulations] Volume: 2 Date: 2009-10-01 Original Date: 2009-10-01 Title: Part 8340 - Off-Road Vehicles Context: Title 43 - Public Lands: Interior. Subtitle B - Regulations Relating to Public Lands (Continued). Chapter II - Bureau of Land Management, Department of the Interior. Subchapter H - Recreation Programs.
  • [https://www.counterpunch.org/2016/04/05/a-hoosier-national-hero-claude-ferguson/ A Hoosier National Hero, Claude Ferguson] 2016-04-05 Steven Higgs
  • [https://www.fs.usda.gov/detail/hoosier/learning/nature-science/?cid=fsbdev3_017552 USDA Hoosier National Research: Provide for Recreation Harmony with Natural Communities] Hoosier National Forest Research
  • [https://www.archives.gov/federal-register/codification/executive-order/11644.html US National Archives Executive Order 116434, February 8, 1972] The provisions of Executive Order 11644 of Feb. 8, 1972, appear at 37 FR 2877, 3 CFR, 1971-1975 Comp., p. 666
  • [https://www.researchgate.net/publication/274780057_A_CRITIQUE_ON_THE_ADMINISTRATIVE_PROFILE_CLAUDE_FERGUSON A CRITIQUE ON THE ADMINISTRATIVE PROFILE CLAUDE FERGUSON] Claude Ferguson, the Forest Service and Off-Road Vehicles in the Hoosier National Forest Public Administration Review, in Administrative Profile Series Claude Ferguson (November/December 2009, Volume 69, Issue 6, Pages 1068-1076), Maxwell School of Syracuse University, Washington D.C
  • [https://www.wilderness.org/key-issues/public-lands-and-waters-conservation/managing-wildlands-responsibly The Wilderness Society, Off-Road Vehicles in Public Land]
  • Oral History Interview for the National Forest Project, 1977-1981 Publication Date: 1977 Language: English Format: Mixed Materials Copies At: Bloomington, Indiana, Indiana University
  • Hoosier Hero, Claude Ferguson Steven Higgs, 2016-04-02
  • [https://www.tmnews.com/news/local/bedford-has-ties-to-famous-songwriter/article_fe0aab90-a3ee-5f5b-a40a-2aab6a05668a.html Bedford Has Ties to Famous Songwriter] Times Mail, Bob Bridge 2018-05-17
  • [https://www.amazon.com/Silent-Spring-Rachel-Carson/dp/0618249060 The Silent Spring], Rachel Carson Paperback: 400 pages Publisher: Houghton Mifflin Company; Anniversary edition (October 22, 2002) Originally Published: September 27, 1962 {{ISBN|978-0618249060}}
  • Mark Twain Forest Paddy Creek Wilderness Act of 1981. Alan Claude Ferguson discussion. Congress Congressional Record, December 14, 1982 H9792 and December 16, 1982 H9947. Available at I.U. Lilly Library Alan Claude Ferguson Collection.
{{Authority control}}{{DEFAULTSORT:Ferguson, Claude}}

8 : 1923 births|2006 deaths|People from Willow Springs, Missouri|University of Missouri alumni|American foresters|American environmentalists|United States Forest Service officials|American naval personnel of World War II





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