

词条 Cryoimmunotherapy

  1. History

  2. Mechanisms of actions

  3. See also

  4. References

  5. External links

Cryoimmunotherapy, also referred to as cryoimmunology, is an oncological treatment for various cancers that combines cryoablation of tumor with immunotherapy treatment.[1] In-vivo cryoablation of a tumor, alone, can induce an immunostimulatory, systemic anti-tumor response, resulting in a cancer vaccine—the abscopal effect.[2] Thus, cryoablation of tumors is a way of achieving autologous, in-vivo tumor lysate vaccine and treat metastatic disease.[3][4] However, cryoablation alone may produce an insufficient immune response, depending on various factors, such as high freeze rate.[5] Combining cryotherapy with immunotherapy enhances the immunostimulating response and has synergistic effects for cancer treatment.[6]

Although, cryoblation and immunotherapy has been used successfully in oncological clinical practice for over 100 years,[7][8] and can treat metastatic disease with curative intent, it has been ignored in modern practice. Only recently has cryoimmunotherapy been resurrected to become the gold standard in cancer treatment of all stages of disease.[9]


Immunological effects resulting from the cryoablation of tumors was first observed in the 1960s.[10][11] Since the 1960s, Tanaka treated metastatic breast cancer patients with cryotherapy and reported cryoimmunological reaction resulting from cryotherapy.[12][13] In the 1970s, systemic immunological response from local cryoablation of prostate cancer was also clinically observed.[14][15][16] In the 1980s, Tanaka, of Japan, continued to advance the clinical practice of cryoimmunology with combination treatments including: cryochemotherapy and cryoimmunotherapy.[17] In 1997, Russian scientists confirmed the efficacy of cryoimmunotherapy in inhibiting metastases in advanced cancer.[18] In 2000s, China, following closely with the exciting developments, enthusiastically embraced cryoablation treatment for cancer and has been leading the practice ever since with cryoimmunotherapy treatments available for cancer patients in numerous hospitals and medical clinics throughout China.[19][20] In the 2010s, American researchers and medical professionals, started to explore cryoimmunotherapy for systemic treatment of cancer.[21]

Mechanisms of actions

Cryoablation of tumor induces necrosis of tumor cells. The immunotherapeutic effect of cryoablation of tumor is the result of the release of intracellular tumor antigens from within the necrotized tumor cells. The released tumor antigens help activate anti-tumor T cells, which destroy remaining malignant cells. Thus, cryoablation of tumor elicits a systemic anti-tumor immunologic response.[22][23][24]

The resulting immunostimulation from cryoablation may not be sufficient to induce sustained, systemic regression of metastases, and can be synergised with the combination of immunotherapy treatment and vaccine adjuvants.[25]

Various adjuvant immunotherapy and chemotherapy treatments can be combined with cryoablation to sustain systemic anti-tumor response with regression of metastases, including:

  • Injection of immunomodulating drugs (i.e.: therapeutic antibodies) and vaccine adjuvants (saponins) directly into the cryoablated, necrotized tumor lysate, immediately after cryoablation
  • Administration of autologous immune enhancement therapy, including: dendritic cell therapy, CIK cell therapy

See also

  • Combinatorial ablation and immunotherapy
  • Photoimmunotherapy


1. ^{{cite journal | year = 2014 |title = Cancer immunotherapy using tumor cryoablation.| journal = Immunotherapy | doi=10.2217/imt.13.151 |pmid = 24341887| volume=6 |issue = 1| pages=85–93 | author=Sidana Abhinav}}
2. ^With improvements in breast imaging and image-guided interventions, there is interest in ablative techniques for breast cancer. Cryosurgery initiates inflammation and leaves tumor-specific antigens intact, which may induce an anti-tumor immune response.{{cite journal | year = 2005 |title = Immunologic response to cryoablation of breast cancer. | pmc=4115762 | pmid=25083502 | doi=10.3978/j.issn.2227-684X.2014.03.04 | volume=3 |issue = 2 | journal=Gland Surg | pages=88–93 |vauthors=Tarkowski R, Rzaca M }}
3. ^Not only does it represent an alternative to surgical intervention, but it also creates a tumor-specific immune response stimulated by damaged cells. This cryoimmunologic response may contribute to controlling metastases far from the primary breast tumor. {{cite journal | year = 2016 |title = Harnessing ultrasound-guided cryoablation for breast cancer. | url=http://appliedradiology.com/articles/harnessing-ultrasound-guided-cryoablation-for-breast-cancer}}
4. ^We report the case of a patient with lung and bone metastases of RCC whose lung metastases disappeared after reconstruction using the resected specimen treated by liquid nitrogen for the bone metastasis. This 60-year-old female had a left RCC with multiple lung metastases and a left femoral bone metastasis at the time of diagnosis. After left nephrectomy followed by immunotherapy, we performed tumour excision and reconstruction with frozen recycled autograft. The lung metastases had disappeared by 10 months after surgery, while serum levels of interferon-gamma and interleukin-12 had increased. We postulate that the antitumour activity resulted from immunotherapy plus cryotreatment of her bone metastasis and believe that this case supports continued research into immunotherapy for cancer.{{cite journal | year = 2011 |title = Cryotreatment against Metastatic Renal Cell Bone Tumour Reduced Multiple Lung Metastases |journal = Anticancer Research |volume = 31 |issue = 9 |pages = 2927–2930 | url=http://ar.iiarjournals.org/content/31/9/2927.full|last1 = Tsuchiya |first1 = Hiroyuki |last2 = Namiki |first2 = Mikio |last3 = Mizokami |first3 = Atsushi |last4 = Tanzawa |first4 = Yoshikazu |last5 = Takeuchi |first5 = Akihiko |last6 = Hayashi |first6 = Katsuhiro |last7 = Shirai |first7 = Toshiharu |last8 = Nishida |first8 = Hideji }}
5. ^{{cite journal | year = 2010 |title = Rate of freeze alters the immunologic response after cryoablation of breast cancer.| journal = J Urol | pmid=20033323 | doi=10.1245/s10434-009-0846-1 | volume=17 |issue = 4| pages=1187–93 |vauthors=Sabel MS, Su G, Griffith KA, Chang AE }}
6. ^{{cite journal | year = 2011 |title = More Than Just Tumor Destruction: Immunomodulation by Thermal Ablation of Cancer.| journal = Clin Dev Immunol. | doi=10.1155/2011/160250 | volume=2011 | pages=1–19 | pmid=22242035 | pmc=3254009 | last1 = Haen | first1 = SP | last2 = Pereira | first2 = PL | last3 = Salih | first3 = HR | last4 = Rammensee | first4 = HG | last5 = Gouttefangeas | first5 = C}}
7. ^{{cite book | year = 2008 |title = History of Cryosurgery. | url=http://www.fudahospital.com/alb_asp_new/show_crosurgery_book.asp?page=crosurgery_1_1}}
8. ^{{cite journal |title = The Toxins of William B. Coley and the Treatment of Cancer. | pmc=1888599 | pmid=16789469 | volume=26 | year=2006 | journal=Iowa Orthop J | pages=154–8 | author=McCarthy EF}}
9. ^{{cite web |title=About Cryotherapy | url=http://keepingthem.com/about-cryablation/}}
10. ^A relationship between thermal therapies and the immune system has been recognized since the 1960s, when an antibody response was seen following cryotherapy. The abscopal effect of cryotherapy has been reported as early as the 1970s [55, 56]. The concept of “cryoimmunology” originated in the 1960s when it was observed that serum anti-tumor antibodies develop after cryoablation [24, 57]. Anecdotal reports of the abscopal effect of cryotherapy in humans followed shortly thereafter in the 1970s. {{cite journal | year = 2016 |title = Thermal Ablative Therapies and Immune Checkpoint Modulation: Can Locoregional Approaches Effect a Systemic Response.| journal = Gastroenterol Res Pract | doi=10.1155/2016/9251375 |pmid = 27051417|pmc = 4802022| volume=2016 | pages=1–11 | author=Mehta Amol}}
11. ^{{cite journal | year = 1967 |title = Studies in cryo-immunology.| journal = Immunology | pmc=1409203 | pmid=4960713 | volume=12 |issue = 4| pages=395–410 |vauthors=Yantorno C, Soanes WA, Gonder MJ, Shulman S }}
12. ^{{cite journal | year = 1982 |title = Immunological aspects of cryosurgery in general surgery.| journal = Cryobiology | author = Tanaka| pmid=7105777 | volume=19 |issue = 3| pages=247–62 | doi=10.1016/0011-2240(82)90151-1}}
13. ^{{cite journal | year = 1998 |title = The Use of Cryosurgery for Breast Cancer | url=http://archsurg.jamanetwork.com/article.aspx?articleid=211464 | journal = Arch Surg | language = en|author = Richard J. Ablin | doi = 10.1001/archsurg.133.1.106 | volume=133 | page=106}}
14. ^{{cite journal | year = 1970 |title = Remission of metastatic lesions following cryosurgery in prostatic cancer: immunologic considerations.| journal = J Urol | pmid=4987666 | volume=104 |issue = 1| pages=154–9 |vauthors=Soanes WA, Ablin RJ, Gonder MJ | doi = 10.1016/s0022-5347(17)61690-2 }}
15. ^{{cite journal | year = 1979 |title = Cryoimmunotherapy: Continuing Studies toward Determining a Rational Approach for Assessing the Candidacy of the Prostatic Cancer Patient for Cryoimmunotherapy and Postoperative Responsiveness.| journal = Eur Surg Res |volume = 11|issue = 4|pages = 223–233| url=https://www.karger.com/Article/Pdf/128070|doi = 10.1159/000128070|pmid = 527611|last1 = Ablin|first1 = Richard J.|last2 = Fontana|first2 = Gabriele}}
16. ^{{cite journal | year = 1971 |title = Prospects for Cryo-Immunotherapy in Cases of Metastasizing Carcinoma of the Prostate.| journal = Cryobiology |author =R. J. Ablin |issue=3| pages=271–279|display-authors=etal|doi=10.1016/0011-2240(71)90050-2 | volume=8}}
17. ^{{cite journal | year = 1985 |title = Cryotherapy" (in general surgery and related areas)..| journal = Gan No Rinsho. | author = Tanaka| pmid=3897620 | volume=31 |issue = 6 Suppl| pages=712–20}}
18. ^{{cite web | year = 1997 |title = THE GUIDED CRYOIMMUNOTHERAPY IN THE ADVANCED PROSTATE CANCER | author = Vladimir Mouraviev, M.D | url=http://www.cryoforum.org/Archive/Urology/mouraviev.html}}
19. ^Tumor treatment through cryotherapy was first invented by Americans in 1960s. Aimed at promoting the new technology, the ISC was founded in Austria in 1972. The technology matured with each passing day after over 30 years of development. In recent years, in particular, China, with its greater economic development and scientific and technological progress, has been playing a leading role in the world in terms of both theoretical research and clinical application of cryotherapy. As an efficient medical method for treating tumors, cryotherapy has been adopted by more and more medical institutions in China and has achieved remarkable cancer-treating effectiveness.{{cite web | year = 2015 |title = China: New Chair of the International Society of Cryosurgery (ISC)| url=http://www.fudacancerhospital.org/fudanews/20150723185.html}}
20. ^Ross-Paul says that while to date there have been several dozen patients treated by cryoablation for breast tumors by Dr. Peter Littrup, a pioneer in the cryotherapy field, the Chinese, who began using cryoablation to treat breast cancer about the same time as Littrup, have treated more than 3,800 women using the method. “The fact that these tremendous advances in China have not been duplicated in the U.S. is disturbing,” Ross-Paul said.{{cite web | year = 2016 |title = Minimally Invasive Breast Cancer Cryotherapy Largely Ignored in U.S., Says Advocate and 13-Year Survivor| url=http://www.fudacancerhospital.org/fudanews/20150723185.html}}
21. ^{{cite journal | year = 2015 |title = In situ immunization via non-surgical ablation to prevent local and distant tumor recurrence. | pmid=25949901 | doi=10.4161/2162402X.2014.989762 | volume=4 |issue = 3 | pmc=4404795 | journal=Oncoimmunology | pages=e989762 |vauthors=Veenstra JJ, Gibson HM, Freytag S, Littrup PJ, Wei WZ }}
22. ^{{cite journal | year = 2015 |title = Cryo-thermal therapy elicits potent anti-tumor immunity.|journal = Scientific Reports|volume = 6|pages = 27136| doi=10.1038/srep27136|pmid = 27256519|pmc = 4891716|last1 = Xu|first1 = Lisa X.|last2 = Liu|first2 = Ping|last3 = He|first3 = Kun|last4 = Zhang|first4 = Aili|last5 = Zhang|first5 = Yan|last6 = Zhu|first6 = Jun}}
23. ^Cryosurgery initiates inflammation and leaves tumor-specific antigens intact, which may induce an anti-tumor immune response.{{cite journal | year = 2005 |title = Immunologic response to cryoablation of breast cancer. | author = Sabel | pmc=4115762 | pmid=25083502 | doi=10.3978/j.issn.2227-684X.2014.03.04 | volume=3 | journal=Gland Surg | pages=88–93}}
24. ^{{cite journal | year = 2005 |title = Combined Dendritic Cell Cryotherapy of Tumor Induces Systemic Antimetastatic Immunity.|journal = Clinical Cancer Research|volume = 11|issue = 13|pages = 4955–4961| url =http://clincancerres.aacrjournals.org/content/11/13/4955|doi = 10.1158/1078-0432.CCR-04-2422|pmid = 16000595|last1 = Machlenkin|first1 = A.|last2 = Goldberger|first2 = O.|last3 = Tirosh|first3 = B.|last4 = Paz|first4 = A.|last5 = Volovitz|first5 = I.|last6 = Bar-Haim|first6 = E.|last7 = Lee|first7 = S. H.|last8 = Vadai|first8 = E.|last9 = Tzehoval|first9 = E.|last10 = Eisenbach|first10 = L.}}
25. ^{{cite journal | year = 2016 |title = Thermal Ablative Therapies and Immune Checkpoint Modulation: Can Locoregional Approaches Effect a Systemic Response.| journal = Gastroenterol Res Pract | doi=10.1155/2016/9251375 |pmid = 27051417|pmc = 4802022| volume=2016 | pages=1–11 | author=Mehta Amol}}

External links

{{Sister project links}}
  • [https://books.google.com/books?isbn=1137431318 The Great Prostate Hoax: How Big Medicine Hijacked...]
  • [https://books.google.com/books?id=vLCVDAEACAAJ Immunologic Response to Cryoablation of Breast Cancer]
  • Modern Cryosurgery for Cancer
  • [https://books.google.com/books?isbn=1594541698 Percutaneous Cryotherapy of Renal Cell Carcinoma Under an Open MRI System]
  • [https://books.google.com/books?isbn=9814329665 Modern Cryosurgery for Cancer]
  • [https://books.google.com/books?isbn=9400746946 Tumor Ablation: Effects on Systemic and Local Anti-Tumor Immunity and on Other Tumor-Microenvironment Interactions]
  • [https://books.google.com/books?isbn=3709162254 Basics of Cryosurgery]
  • [https://books.google.com/books?isbn=3662439395 Cryosurgery: A Practical Manual]
  • [https://books.google.com/books?isbn=1447167651 Dermatological Cryosurgery and Cryotherapy]
  • The Abscopal Effect and the Prospect of Using Cancer Against Itself
  • [https://books.google.com/books?isbn=0387286748 Tumor Ablation: Principles and Practice]
  • [https://books.google.com/books?id=pihPQwAACAAJ Cryoimmunologie: Cryoimmunology: colloque]
  • [https://books.google.com/books?id=GXyEMAEACAAJ Metastatic Bone Disease: An Integrated Approach to Patient Care]
  • Women's Breast Tumors
  • [https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/BF02171706 Spontaneous regression of cancer: New insights]
  • Nothing but the Truth
  • [https://books.google.com/books?id=rBjoBwAAQBAJ Musculoskeletal Cancer Surgery: Treatment of Sarcomas and Allied Diseases]
  • The Biology and Role of Cryosurgery in the Treatment of Bone Tumors
  • Prospects for cryo-immunotherapy in cases of metastasizing carcinoma of the prostate .

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