

词条 Cynegeticus (disambiguation)

Cynegeticus, Cynegetica or Cynegeticon (Gr. Κυνεγετικά) is the title of several works about hunting, particularly with dogs, from antiquity:

  • Cynegetica by Marcus Aurelius Olympius Nemesianus (283/284 CE)
  • Cynegeticon Liber by Gratius Faliscus, from the Augustean period (63 BCE – 14 CE)
  • Cynegeticus by Oppian of Apamea, dated after 211 CE
  • Cynegeticus by Oppian of Anazarbus, from the 2nd century CE (during the reign of the emperors Marcus Aurelius and Commodus)
  • Cynegeticus by Arrian (c. 86 – 160 CE)
  • Cynegeticus by Xenophon (c. 430 – 354 BCE)




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