

词条 Draft:American First Policy

  1. Internal affairs and economic development

  2. Economy,trades, diplomacy and military

  3. Causes and implications

  4. Case studies

  5. Alliance and countermeasures

  6. Influence and consequences

  7. Cooperation and challenges

  8. Reference

America First Policies is a direction of American foreign policy, it is the trump political themes during the election campaign has been emphasised, also is a kind of slogan, to encourage American nationalism and anti interference. Obviously, this is a kind of "new isolationism" performance whose purpose is to encourage a populism. [1]

Internal affairs and economic development

Sign the wall project.

•On January 25, trump signed two executive orders aimed at strengthening border security and tightening immigration policy, and said he would begin construction of the wall along the U.S-Mexico border with federal funds within months.(Janusch&Mucha, 2017)Illegal immigrants from Latin America, according to Mr Trump, said that the work had been stolen from the American people and therefore needed to be enclosed by a fence.

Abolish the dream project.

•On July 5, trump ordered the repeal of the deferred deportation for childhood arrivals (DACA program).DACA project is former President Obama issued an executive order 2012, allows parents illegal immigrants were under the age of 16 is brought into the United States during the period of study and work in the United States from deportation

Economy,trades, diplomacy and military

Abandoned the TPP.

•The trans-pacific partnership agreement is a multilateral free trade agreement,  (Glaser & Medeiros, 2007) not only for international trade, but also for labor, environmental, intellectual property and the sensitive issues of state-owned enterprises, called as the 21 st century trade agreement.It is officially signed with the representatives of the 12 members of the TPP countries. Trump was sworn in on January 20, 2017, announcing his withdrawal from the TPP because the top republicans, who control both houses of congress concerned about some of these provisions will not maximising the U.S interests.[2]


•On October 12, the us state department issued a statement saying that the us would withdraw from UNESCO.

Withdraw the Paris Agreement.

• June 1, trump announced that U.S was pulling out of the Paris agreement, saying the Paris agreement imposes “harsh financial and economic burdens"on the United States.

Causes and implications

“U.S first policy” implied two major transformations of American external politics: from liberalism to realism, from internationalism to nativism. The first shift of is the transition from liberalism to realism.[3]

First, trump claims that international relations is the nature of competition, antagonism, tend to be from the perspective of "zero-sum" international relations.Power is the fundamental guarantee of national security and interest which has repeatedly stress that necessary costs of the united state to rebuild the United States is in the world's most advanced military readiness and military strike force.[4]

The second shift is from internationalism to nativism.The essence of the so-called "America first" is to use the power resources of the United States carefully and concentrate them in the United States. His request for the Allies to share the burden in the United States, pointed that the United States on the European and Asian Allies safety spent trillions of dollars, these countries must pay for it. At the same time, “U.S priority" also has a strong "Jackson doctrine" colour, emphasising that the interests of the us are directly threatened by strong action to defeat enemies.

Case studies

On June 15, the White House announced to add 25% tariff on $50 billion goods for the product in the United States and China trade.The White House statement mentioned that the United States trade representative office said the Chinese tariff list contains two sequences, the first one is $34 billion, and which would be started on the 6th of July, following with the  second conduct in further assessment of the $16 billion setting tariffs. [5]

On the same the day, the Chinese department of tariffs and taxes decided to impose a 25% tariff on the $50 billion imported goods from the United States, which has 545 billion dollars in agricultural products, electrical garages  and so on. In the July, 2018, to implement the imposition of tariffs, and the time of the imposition of tariffs on the rest of the goods, medical equipment, energy products, and the rest of the product is to be announced separately.The Chinese ministry of foreign affairs said at the date of the day that the two parties agreed that all economic and trade achievements agreed by the parties will not come into force if the U.S side measures such a way. [6]

At the macroeconomic level, economic and trade frictions have increased China's external risks and economic downward pressure. Cyclical fluctuations in the global capital markets that have caused the market to shock. Increase global economic differentiation. In 2017, when Sino-Us trade war broke out, the GDP of the U.S, euro zone, Britain, Japan and other economies fell in the quarter compared with the same period last year, and the stability and order of regional finance faced challenges. Tightening of monetary polices. After two consecutive fed rate hikes in September and December 2017, the fed funds rate will rise from the current 1.75% to around 3.0% by the end of next year. [7]

Sino-American trade frictions have worsened, affecting China's economic growth by narrowing the trade surplus. In addition, geopolitical conflicts have led to an increase in oil prices and inflationary pressures in China. Global geopolitical conflicts have intensified and are likely to continue to hit macroeconomic and financial markets. Global oil prices rose by about $20 a barrel after the us unilaterally pulled out of the deal. Under the background of economic slowdown, rising oil prices will bring major oil importers stagflation pressure.

Trade war broke out significantly reduce the investor confidence, China's financial market to adjust the domestic stock market and bond market significantly. If we continue to forcefully prevent and control financial risks, monetary policy should raise interest rates further, fiscal policy should further regulate local government debt, industrial policy should further control real estate and industries with excess capacity, and regulatory policy should be firmly strengthened. The potential consequence of this is that economic growth declines may exceed market expectations and financial market risk may run out of control.

Alliance and countermeasures

Beijing time on Tuesday (Nov. 6), the international trade commission to the European parliament received votes for 25 approved, 10 votes against by the European Union and Japan in July 17 in Tokyo, signing economic cooperation agreement draft. It will be expected to come into force next year. The full European parliament is scheduled to vote on the issue in December. If approved by the European parliament, the trade deal would be free of political obstacles.

It was report that about 99 per cent of that tariffs on Japanese commodity were removed by the EU and about 94 per cent, which would raise to 99 per cent over the next few years and would benefit from this agreement.

It is estimate that this agreement will contribute to that country's growth of 1 per cent, namely the 5 trillion dollars and to about 2. 9 million jobs. Japanese consumers have traditionally favoured European goods, the cancelling and lowering tariffs would result in a decline in the prices of cheese, wine, pork, leather goods and other consumer prices, which would encourage Japanese domestic consumption. Japanese tea, fish and machinery will also become cheaper scaling in Europe.For Europe, this agreement will eliminate most of the 1 billion euro of tariffs annually paid by European exporters, gradually expanding European countries to export commodities and services to Japan (up to euro 58 billion and 28 billion euros last year respectively). [8]

The European Union has been focused on the transatlantic trade and investment partnership agreement, which has been focused on the transatlantic trade and investment partnership agreement, and Japan has been focused on advancing the trans-pacific partnership agreement, which has been a breakthrough since the United States announced its withdrawal last year. In other words, as trump in the White House, continuously introduce protectionist policies in the United States. Originally Allies were hit by the corresponding trade.

Japan and the European Union initiated the E.P.A negotiations "not only to cut tariffs or even eliminate the traditional economic benefits of non-tariff barriers, as developed countries, Japan and the European Union are more concerned about the formulation of international economic rules.” [9] The Japan-Eu economic partnership agreement is an important free trade agreement in the context of recent anti-globalisation. Although the agreement is more representative of the interests of developed countries, it also sends a clear signal to the world that Japan and the EU are still committed to upholding free trade and opposing trade protectionism. The European investment bank and the Japan bank for international cooperation (JBIC), the Japanese trade and insurance company (NEXI) and others signed memoranda of understanding to deepen cooperation.

Influence and consequences

The redistribution of "America first" global interests is another wave of us unilateralism and hegemony in the world, directly and openly challenging the international social order.(Katz, 2008)It would destabilise that exist global economic and geopolitical patterns, uncertain whether the world would be a new framework for prosperity and peace, or a swamp of turmoil and chaos.[10]

A developed market economy, built on the basis of liberalism, the global capital and elite class of global capital and its elite, through the economic globalisation of the world, became the subject of global concerns, and tended to be protectionist.

Besides, the conflict between the financial incentive and the monetary tightening policy is increasingly serious. The structural problem behind the fed's long-term policy of low and even zero interest rates in the decade after and even before the financial crisis was the decline in the decline of real investment returns, and that causes a further decline in nominal interest rates, hence the "negative circulation”.(Glaser & Medeiros, 2007)This is the global financial crisis gradually ease but still did not come to an end, the fragile global economic recovery, it will take time for the performance, including the "currency war" worrying sequela.

The complete explanation of America priority should be regarded as the attempt of preserving the sole superpower it has yet to make some policy changes in the confusion. Power relations again shuffle, emerging powers and the traditional powers in cooperation and displays a status improved significantly in a battle, the world multi-polarisation present new situation, to prevent nuclear proliferation and terrorism as the main connotation, some regional hotspot drag puzzled instead tend to be complicated, need reinforcement effect of the United Nations and regional organisations.[11]

Some point of view show that this is essentially a policy of unilateralism which has also contributed to the economic and social development of the countries that have been sanctioned, like Cuba, Iran, and so on. It also promotes that development of economic globalisation to some extent, and closer alliance between states. On the other hand, trade protectionism will undermine the principle of fair dealing in the international financial market, and the economic sanctions against other countries will also be subject to anti-sanctions, which will ultimately result in serious damage to the economic interests of both the trade states.

Cooperation and challenges

The global governance system, which can't be controlled by a single country, should be decided by all the countries. America first policy is supposed to be advance the global governance enables it to better reflect the changes of international pattern, the more balanced reflect most of the countries, especially in emerging markets and developing countries will and interests. Actively maintaining openness and governance, promoting construction and improving regional cooperation mechanisms, dealing with resources, energy security, food security, cyber security, combating climate change, fighting terrorism, preventing major infectious diseases and global challenges[12].

Increasingly, that trend of centralism in the world is increase, and as the strongest country in the world, the united state, by means of force and money, constantly strengthens its voice and action, using various international law to restrict the development of other countries, and to use the universal value on the surface to promote the monopoly dictatorship.All developing countries and third world countries should make every effort to safeguard the international environment of peace and development from the long-term interests, and do not want relations between countries to worsen or break up.However, defending hegemonism and power path of the United States in defence of its own national interest is not the ultimate goals, shouldering more responsible for the fairness and justice of the international community is always what really matters.


1. ^{{Cite journal|last=Dimitrova|first=Anna|date=2017|title=Trump’s “America First” Foreign Policy: The Resurgence of the Jacksonian Tradition?|url=https://dx.doi.org/10.3917/eufor.382.0033|journal=L'Europe en Formation|volume=382|issue=1|pages=33|doi=10.3917/eufor.382.0033|issn=0014-2808}}
2. ^{{Cite journal|last=Eriksson|first=Johan|last2=Norman|first2=Ludvig|date=January 2011|title=Political utilisation of scholarly ideas: the ‘clash of civilisations’ vs. ‘Soft Power’ in US foreign policy|url=https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/review-of-international-studies/article/political-utilisation-of-scholarly-ideas-the-clash-of-civilisations-vs-soft-power-in-us-foreign-policy/F923E2A4EAFCFBD5D88CE0FA5786FF42|journal=Review of International Studies|volume=37|issue=1|pages=417–436|doi=10.1017/S0260210510000173|issn=1469-9044}}
3. ^{{Cite journal|last=Dimitrova|first=Anna|date=2017|title=Trump’s “America First” Foreign Policy: The Resurgence of the Jacksonian Tradition?|url=https://dx.doi.org/10.3917/eufor.382.0033|journal=L'Europe en Formation|volume=382|issue=1|pages=33|doi=10.3917/eufor.382.0033|issn=0014-2808}}
4. ^{{Cite book|url=http://worldcat.org/oclc/437224496|title=The American Ascendancy : How the United States Gained and Wielded Global Dominance.|last=H.|first=Hunt, Michael|date=2007|publisher=University of North Carolina Press|isbn=9780807883419|oclc=437224496}}
5. ^{{Cite journal|last=Liu|first=Tao|last2=Woo|first2=Wing Thye|date=2018-09-02|title=Understanding the U.S.-China Trade War|url=https://www.tandfonline.com/action/captchaChallenge?redirectUri=%2Fdoi%2Ffull%2F10.1080%2F17538963.2018.1516256|journal=China Economic Journal|volume=11|issue=3|pages=319–340|doi=10.1080/17538963.2018.1516256|issn=1753-8963}}
6. ^{{Cite journal|last=Liu|first=Kerry|date=October 2018|title=Chinese Manufacturing in the Shadow of the China-US Trade War|url=https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1111/ecaf.12308|journal=Economic Affairs|volume=38|issue=3|pages=307–324|doi=10.1111/ecaf.12308|issn=0265-0665}}
7. ^{{Cite journal|last=Liu|first=Jie|date=2018-02-28|title=Toward a Trade War between China and the United State? Section 301 Investigation against China|url=http://cwr.yiil.org/home/archives_v4n1_11|journal=China and WTO Review|language=ko|volume=4|issue=1|pages=181–184|doi=10.14330/cwr.2018.4.1.11|issn=2383-8221}}
8. ^{{Cite journal|last=Mekonnen|first=Daniel R.|last2=van Reisen|first2=Mirjam|date=2012|title=The EU Lisbon Treaty and EU Development Cooperation: Considerations for a Revised EU Strategy on Development Cooperation in Eritrea|url=https://www.nomos-elibrary.de/10.5771/0506-7286-2012-3-324/the-eu-lisbon-treaty-and-eu-development-cooperation-considerations-for-a-revised-eu-strategy-on-development-cooperation-in-eritrea-jahrgang-45-2012-heft-3|journal=Verfassung in Recht und Übersee|volume=45|issue=3|pages=324–343|doi=10.5771/0506-7286-2012-3-324|issn=0506-7286}}
9. ^{{Cite journal|last=Petráš|first=Zdeněk|last2=Spišák|first2=Ján|date=2018-09-03|title=EU Permanent Structured Cooperation – a New Momentum for Streamlining Interaction Between the EU Operations Planning and Capability Development|url=http://vojenskerozhledy.cz/en/kategorie/stala-strukturovanaa-spoluprace|journal=Vojenské rozhledy|volume=27|issue=3|pages=3–14|doi=10.3849/2336-2995.27.2018.03.003-014|issn=1210-3292}}
10. ^{{Cite journal|last=Glaser|first=Bonnie S.|last2=Medeiros|first2=Evan S.|date=June 2007|title=The Changing Ecology of Foreign Policy-Making in China: The Ascension and Demise of the Theory of “Peaceful Rise”|url=https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/china-quarterly/article/changing-ecology-of-foreign-policymaking-in-china-the-ascension-and-demise-of-the-theory-of-peaceful-rise/98C9E1D60E4915350BF9961E57FAA2BB|journal=The China Quarterly|volume=190|pages=291–310|doi=10.1017/S0305741007001208|issn=1468-2648}}
11. ^{{Cite journal|last=Janusch|first=Holger|last2=Mucha|first2=Witold|date=2017|title=America First: Power and Geopolitics in US Trade Policy under President Trump|url=https://www.nomos-elibrary.de/10.5771/0175-274X-2017-3-8/america-first-power-and-geopolitics-in-us-trade-policy-under-president-trump-jahrgang-35-2017-heft-3|journal=Sicherheit & Frieden|volume=35|issue=3|pages=8–12|doi=10.5771/0175-274x-2017-3-8|issn=0175-274X}}
12. ^{{Cite journal|last=Katz|first=Michael B.|date=April 2008|title=Michael H. Hunt.The American Ascendancy: How the United States Gained and Wielded Global Dominance.:The American Ascendancy: How the United States Gained and Wielded Global Dominance.(H. Eugene and Lillian Youngs Lehman Series.)|url=https://academic.oup.com/ahr/article-abstract/113/2/536/21117?redirectedFrom=fulltext|journal=The American Historical Review|volume=113|issue=2|pages=536–537|doi=10.1086/ahr.113.2.536|issn=0002-8762}}




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