

词条 Draft:Conflict in Northern Liech State 2018


Northern Liech State part of the former Unity State before the introduction of the 28 States Decree has been one of the main centres of conflict since 2013 and has remained turbulent despite the signing of the Agreement on Cessation of Hostilities on 21 December 2017 and the relaunch of the peace negotiations in February 2018. While a majority ethnic Nuer state, it is ethnically diverse and quite divided in loyalties. The northern Abiemnom and Pariang Counties are majority Padang Dinka who, not surprisingly, have consistently supported the Government throughout the conflict. Although the state is mainly dominated by Nuers, there are significant divisions among the Nuer communities.

Following the outbreak of fighting in Juba in December 2013, clashes followed in Bentiu and its surrounds in late December 2013. Since then, the state has remained unstable with major offensives launched by the SPLA and affiliated forces into the SPLA-IO held areas of southern Unity in 2014 and 2015. These offensives resulted in some of the worst violations of human rights and international humanitarian law of the conflict.

Following the events of July 2016, when Riek Machar fled the country and Taban Deng Gai was installed in his place as First Vice-President, the SPLA-IO split between those who remained loyal to Riek Machar (SPLA-IO (RM)) and those who followed Taban Deng Gai (SPLA-IO (TD)). Since the split of the SPLA-IO in 2016, Guit County, from where Taban Deng Gai originates, has been an important base for SPLA-IO (TD) forces who have aligned with SPLA forces in ongoing operations.

On 15 March 2018, after the relaunch of the peace negotiations in February 2018 a new SPLA 4 Division commander arrived in Bentiu and shortly thereafter, a major Dry-season offensive led by government-

affiliated force was launched to gain control of the territory, in particular the road running from Bentiu to Adok Port and past the Tharjath oil field near Koch. By attacking SPLM-IO positions at Kirinya village of Yugufe Boma and Lujulo Payam in Morobo County.[1]

Over the next two months, SPLA and SPLA-IO (TD) soldiers and affiliated militia conducted offensives throughout Leer and Mayendit Counties attacking at least 40 towns and villages, in which they targeted civilians with astonishing brutality.

Soldiers and militia looted people’s possessions, burning tukuls and villages. Satellite images reveals that approximately 7,345 structures were damaged or destroyed in the area during the offensive. The offensive resulted in massive population displacement and ensuing food insecurity. Displaced civilians in desperate need of assistance were unable to access it as humanitarian organisations reported their properties being attacked and looted, leading to the withdrawal of their staff in some instances.

Although the fighting has largely subsided by the end of June 2018, the area remains of concern. Reports of recruitment in the area even after the signing of the R-ARCSS in September 2018 although the Government’s explanation for this is the re-integration of SPLA-IO (TD) forces into the Government forces.





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