

词条 Draft:Danny LeGare - Filmmaker

Danny LeGare is an American filmmaker born in Connecticut on April 25, 1979 best known for his dark gritty true to life story telling, a dark brash sense of humor and even darker plot twists. His films showcase crude language, violence and strong female characters that make, what are now known as the "Trump Base" and left wing, equally uncomfortable and angry in his all too real depictions in his fictional worlds. He doesn't shy away from a good dick joke or a chance for a woman to spit in a man's face. Danny is the 1 biological child of 7 children. He began his career in the entertainment business 2 weeks after graduating from Rockville High school when he was accepted into the Ringling Brothers and Barnum and Bailey clown college. He became one of a handful in his class asked to travel on the Red Unit of the circus. After traveling with the circus Danny then moved to New York City where began to study acting. Danny was featured in several independent and box office films such as Phonebooth (Collin Farrell) and Death to Smoochy (Robin Williams). After gaining his SAG card at the age of 20 he decided to try his hand at writing and producing his own films. Danny's very first short film Waiters would star soon to be stats such Vincent Piazza (Boardwalk Empires) and Jeff Branson (all my children). It would become clear that Danny had an eye for talented actors as he became known for casting young talent before their "big breaks". After Waiters was completed Danny would make his journey to Los Angeles where he would develop his producing skills and become a director. Danny wrote an award winning short film that titled Even If which also starred up and coming talents such as Julia Lehman, and Remy Thorne but also veteran actress Ami Dolenz) It wasn't until Danny was 28 that he would write, produce and direct his first feature film House Rules for Bad Girls. This film was originally titled New Hope Manor, however after the executive producers (Susan Dilaurentis and Steven Hebert) stole the hard drives and refused to return Danny's phone calls they changed the name of the film and sold it without his knowledge. Do this date Danny has never seen the final cut of the film nor has he ever heard from the producers. This however didnt discourage him. Danny went on to produce and direct several more project. Danny helped his best friend Desmond Faison to produce several project including what would become known as the MTAG tour which had the to men and their crew traveling the United states with Nike and Lebron James as he released his documentary More Than A Game. Danny would remain in LA for several years producing and directing several smaller projects.

At 30 years old Danny moved from Los Angeles back to Connecticut where he adopted his niece and became a single dad. Danny became a single father and was more determined than ever to spark his film career. Danny created a very challenging indie film titled Marco Polo Boys; a film about a young man that moved away from his small town to escape but ends up returning to reconnect with his 3 best friends and the women he left behind. This film was the baddest challenge to date for Danny because not only dis he direct and produce the film but he starred in as the films lead. This film was 100% improvised and shot in 9 days in chronological order. This film had a limited theatrical release being showcased in a few local theaters and was released on Amazon VOD. This film would get a lot of push back such like all of Danny's films have) this one because of its overt in your face obscenities and crude jokes while having an undertone of misogynist behavior while showcasing strong independent women. It was a hard contrast for many to accept. MPB would make it possible for Danny to go on to help several indie film maker produce their feature films as Danny became very well known in the indie circuit as one of the best "fixers" in the industry. Danny would be called in days and sometimes even hours before a production was about to begin to save a production. Danny once fired an entire crew and restaffed and rebudgeted an entire film just 72 hours before its scheduled start date. Not only did the film start on time but it finished on schedule and under budget. Danny would spend the next few years as a single father and fixer until he wrote, produced and directed his next feature film Grandpa's Psycho. This film would would go on to become the most controversial of Danny's films yet. So much so that once it was released on redbox it would be pulled from the DVD distributors rental boxes just a few weeks after its release because of the amount of angry Christian hate mail that both Danny and redbox received. The film is still available on several VOD platforms and continues to enrage most of the Christian community that happens to come across it.

Danny would continue to write and produce projects around the country. The most recent project Danny has created is his new feature film Danny LeGare's Finders Keepers, another dark and seedy film that has some dark humor and even darker plot points. This film like Grandpa's Psycho was shot in Danny's home town of Stafford Springs Connecticut. Only this time Danny would take of the abandoned (and clearly haunted) Whitt School. The whitt School has been vacant for the past decade only being used for police, fire and army training. Hallways riddled with bullet casings and trash only made for a better environment for Danny to shoot his next controversial piece. FK was shot in the fall and is currently being distributed by Cardinal XD. Danny is hopeful that the film will find a place on the shelves of VOD and DVD outlets. However, redbox has already expressed that they probably wont carry anymore of Danny's controversial films because of their intense realism and no holds bar attitude.

Danny's newest script The Worker has spawned from several elements in his life. A film that showcases the glaring imperfections of the foster care system and the horrible people that prey on these children came out of his anger towards the system and the people that abuse, torture and break these children. The worker is a gritty all to real look at the truth behind the torture these children have to endure with a fictional vigilante twist (Dexter-esk) where The Worker himself takes matters into his own hands. The worker although a fictional piece features plot points that 100% true and are pulled directly from DCF files and reports of children being raoed, beaten and tortured at the hands of approved foster parents. Danny hopes to sell this script as a series to a streaming platform in 2019.

Danny LeGare is a filmmaker, a single father of an adopted child, a story teller and a man who sees the world for what it truly is. His stories reflect reality and that is a very tough pill to swallow. Most likely his realistic approach to story telling will be his downfall but he doesnt seem to care much what others think of him, as he just keeps on putting out films that make a lot of people angry.





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