

词条 Draft:Dorian Robert Golej

A new big bang theory - Super collision theory

That involves black holes surviving thermal expansion, accumulating to a universal core size, of millions of galaxies, to meet another one, or be detonated by oversize from another black hole ...

That all matter came from super collision / detonation of black holes , releasing fragments to start the original galaxies, and maintain quarks stay within the region to form more complicated structures

Also denotes that super fast rogue black holes come from this event, That they were accelerated from entering the event horizon, but survived to super collision to continue, with some speed loss, but still maintain a drastic velocity.

That super fast rogue black holes maybe from another big bang

Our big bang is probably not the only one or will be the only one , that there are other collections, and our galactic collection is surrounded by ancient black holes, There are far more black holes then stars, they block the view of other collections at a very grand universal distance

black holes are a quark lattice

To simulate the black holes, a known tarp method is used, and that black holes simply reach the floor, and can gain size but not further density

Black holes, their cores are, 99.999999 matter, surrounded by energy, and this the most matter allowed within space time, and the strongest possible material , to outlive even thermal expansion and collision with another one, without the required event horizon distance to gain near the speed of light or greater





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