

词条 Draft:George Stefansky

  1. George Stefansky

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George Stefansky

George Stefansky (born November 8, 1897, in Prague; died December 23, 1957, in New York City), originally Georg Stefansky, was a German-American literary scholar and sociologist of Austro-Czech Jewish descent.


George Stefansky was a son of the Prague merchant Michael Stefansky (d. 1931) and Olga Fried (d. 1932) in Smichov [subdivision of Prague]. After passing his Abitur at the German St. Stephans-Gymnasium in Prague in 1917, he started out studying sciences at the German University of Prague but switched to philosophy and philology in 1919, and obtained his doctorate at the end of 1922. In 1926 he became associate editor of the journal Euphorion. In 1927 he received his habilitation (postdoctoral qualification for a professorship) in History of Modern German Literature in Prague and became a privatdozent (independent lecturer) there. In 1928 he transferred to the University of Berlin as Oberassistent (assistant professor). Beginning in April 1929 he was a privatdozent at the University of Münster. In December 1932 he traveled to Czechoslovakia, where he had married Dora Pick(ova) (b. 1911) in 1931, with whom he later had a daughter Kathryn (b. 1943).

After the handover of power to the National Socialists, his authorization to teach at the University of Münster was withdrawn on September 7, 1933, on the basis of the Civil Service Restoration Act , and in further consequence, his editorship of the journal as well, which was renamed Dichtung und Volkstum by the National Socialist Germanists Julius Petersen and Hermann Pongs. In the ensuing years, Stefansky tried in vain to get a teaching job in Great Britain or reemployment at the German University of Prague, where anti-Semitism was on the rise. The works that he produced in this period remained unpublished, and the manuscripts for the correspondence of Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph Schelling and a planned three-volume biography of Friedrich Heinrich Jacobi were lost. In 1938/1939 he held guest lectures at the University of Geneva and in 1939 he fled to the USA, while he was still being dispossessed in the German Reich[1]. In New York his first job was as a German language teacher at the City College of New York, and on the advice of Louis Wirth[2], he also earned a Master of Science degree in sociology. From 1945 on, George Stefansky taught sociology at the Graduate School of New York University. From 1943 to 1953 he worked with Keren Hajessod, a philanthropic organization that supported the immigration efforts of the Jewish Agency; and after that with the American Financial and Development Corporation for Israel.[3]

The notification regarding the results of the Münster restitution proceedings, which in 1957 awarded him the legal status of ausserordentlicher Professor (nontenured professor), never reached him. In the year 2010, the University of Münster declared “that the dismissals of the following members and affiliates of the University that occurred in the years 1933 to 1945 for ‘racial’ and political reasons are null and void,” and Georg Stefansky is among those listed.[4]

Endnotes (sources for specific data):

1. See the name entries for Dora Stefansky and Georg Stefansky

2. Foreword by Hasia R. Diner to Louis Wirth, The Ghetto, 1997 {{ISBN|9781560009832}}

3. Registration statements, promotional pamphlets and brochures, corporate documents, memoranda and newsletters connected with the issuance of Israel Bonds. For more about the Development Corporation for Israel (DCI), see the English Wikipedia article en:State of Israel Bonds

4. Erklärung Uni Münster 23. Juni 2010 [Declaration by the University of Münster dated June 23, 2010]


• Does the refugee have a future?: an analysis of the position of homeless Jews in the postwar world, New York, NY : United Palestine Appeal, 1945, preface

• Problems in the Administration of Foreign Post-War Relief with Special Emphasis on the Question of Personnel, 1944

• Die Kritik des religiösen Glaubens im deutschen Geistesleben des 18. Jahrhunderts : akademische Antrittsvorlesung:critique of religious faith in 18th-

• August Sauer, Stuttgart : Metzler, 1927

• Justus Mösers Geschichtsauffassung im Zusammenhang der deutschen Literatur des 18. Jahrhunderts [Justus Möser’s view of history in the context of 18th-

        century German literature], lecture delivered to the Liberal Arts Faculty of the German University in Prague in the winter semester of         1926/27, Stuttgart : Metzler, 1927

• August Sauer: Literaturgeschichte und Volkskunde : Rektoratsrede [August Sauer: literary history and ethnology] rector’s inaugural address delivered in

        the auditorium of the German University in Prague on Nov. 18, 1907, 2nd unaltered edition, with an epilogue by Georg Stefansky, Stuttgart : J. B. Metzler,         1925

• Das hellenisch-deutsche Weltbild : Einleitg. in d. Lebensgeschichte Schellings [The Helleno-German worldview : introduction to Schelling’s biography],

• Die Macht des historischen Subjektivismus [The power of historical subjectivism], Vienna : C. Fromme, 1924

• Theorie des Paradoxen : eine bisher unbekannte Schrift Wilhelm Heinses [Theory of paradoxes ; a hitherto unknown paper by Wilhelm Heinse], 1924

• Das Wesen der deutschen Romantik : Krit. Studien zu ihrer Geschichte [The essence of the German Romantic period], Stuttgart : J. B. Metzler 1923

• Ein neuer Weg zu Heinrich von Kleist [A new path to Heinrich von Kleist], Stuttgart : J. B. Metzler 1921

• Schwertreigen [Sword dance], Leipzig : Xenien-Verlag, 1918 (poems)


• Wolfgang Adam: Stefansky, Georg, in: Internationales Germanistenlexikon 1800–1950, edited by Christoph König, compiled by Birgit Wägenbaur together with

• Gisela Möllenhoff; Rita Schlautmann-Overmeyer: Jüdische Familien in Münster 1918 bis 1945. Biographisches Lexikon [Jewish families in Münster, 1918 to

• Werner Röder; Herbert A. Strauss, (Ed.), Biographisches Handbuch der deutschsprachigen Emigration nach 1933 [Biographical compendium of emigrating

        German-speakers after 1933] / International Biographical Dictionary of Central European Emigrés 1933-1945 / Vol II, 2 Munich : Saur 1983, p.1109        

• Lexikon deutsch-jüdischer Autoren [Encyclopedia of German Jewish authors], Vol. 19, de Gruyter, Berlin 2012, pp. 423–426

• Otto Gertzen: Zum Gedenken an Georg Stefansky [In remembrance of Georg Stefansky], hallway conversations, University of Münster, 2015

• Miloslav Rechcígl,Jr. American Jews with Czechoslovak Roots, 2018


• Literature by and about George Stefansky in the Catalogue of the German National Library

• Stefansky, Georg, at WorldCat

Specific references[?]

• See the entries under the names Dora Stefansky and Georg Stefansky

• Foreword by Hasia R. Diner in Louis Wirth, The Ghetto, 1997 {{ISBN|9781560009832}}

• Registration statements, promotional pamphlets and brochures, corporate documents, memoranda and newsletters connected with the issuance of Israel Bonds.

• Declaration, Univ. Münster

George Stefansky





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