

词条 Draft:Indonesian legislative election, 2019

  1. Background

  2. Parties

  3. Electoral system

     Contested seats  Candidates  Electoral districts 

  4. Schedule

  5. Campaign

  6. Opinion polls

  7. Controversy

  8. Results

  9. Aftermath

  10. Notes

  11. References

{{Infobox Election
| election_name = Indonesian legislative election, 2019
| country = Indonesia
| type = parliamentary
| ongoing = yes
| previous_election = Indonesian legislative election, 2014
| previous_year = 2014
| next_election = Indonesian legislative election, 2024
| next_year = 2024
| seats_for_election = All 711 seats in the People's Consultative Assembly:
People's Representative Council: 575
Regional Representative Council: 136
| majority_seats = 288 DPR
| election_date = 17 April 2019
| turnout =
| image1 =
| leader1 = Megawati Sukarnoputri
| party1 = Indonesian Democratic Party – Struggle
| last_election1 = 109 seats, 18.95%
| seats1 =
| seat_change1 =
| popular_vote1 =
| percentage1 =
| swing1 =
| image2 =
| leader2 = Airlangga Hartarto
| party2 = Golongan Karya
| last_election2 = 91 seats, 14.75%
| seats2 =
| seat_change2 =
| popular_vote2 =
| percentage2 =
| swing2 =
| image3 =
| leader3 = Prabowo Subianto
| party3 = Great Indonesia Movement Party
| last_election3 = 73 seats, 11.81%
| seats3 =
| seat_change3 =
| popular_vote3 =
| percentage3 =
| swing3 =
| image4 =
| leader4 = Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono
| party4 = Democratic Party (Indonesia)
| last_election4 = 61 seats, 10.19%
| seats4 =
| seat_change4 =
| popular_vote4 =
| percentage4 =
| swing4 =
| image5 =
| leader5 = Zulkifli Hasan
| party5 = National Mandate Party
| last_election5 = 49 seats, 7.59%
| seats5 =
| seat_change5 =
| popular_vote5 =
| percentage5 =
| swing5 =
| image6 =
| leader6 = Muhaimin Iskandar
| party6 = National Awakening Party
| last_election6 = 47 seats, 9.04%
| seats6 =
| seat_change6 =
| popular_vote6 =
| percentage6 =
| swing6 =
| image7 =
| leader7 = Sohibul Iman
| party7 = Prosperous Justice Party
| last_election7 = 40 seats, 6.79%
| seats7 =
| seat_change7 =
| popular_vote7 =
| percentage7 =
| swing7 =
| image8 =
| leader8 = Muhammad Romahurmuziy
| party8 = United Development Party
| last_election8 = 39 seats, 6.53%
| seats8 =
| seat_change8 =
| popular_vote8 =
| percentage8 =
| swing8 =
| image9 =
| leader9 = Surya Paloh
| party9 = Nasdem Party
| last_election9 = 35 seats, 6.72%
| seats9 =
| seat_change9 =
| popular_vote9 =
| percentage9 =
| swing9 =

| title = Speakers
| before_election = MPR: Zulkifli Hasan
DPR: Bambang Soesatyo
DPD: Oesman Sapta Odang
| posttitle = Speakers-designate
| after_election = MPR:
}}{{Politics of Indonesia}}

Legislative elections are to be held in Indonesia on 17 April 2019 to elect 136 members of the Regional Representative Council, 575 members of the People's Representative Council (DPR), and members of regional assemblies at the provincial and regency/city level. For the first time in Indonesia's electoral history, the election is to be held simultaneously with the presidential election.

In total, sixteen parties contested the election nationally with four participating for their first time. With four parties also competing for seats in Aceh's provincial council, nearly eight thousand candidates from eighty electoral districts competed for the DPR seats.


Vice President Jusuf Kalla claimed that the election will be the most complicated in the world, lending to the fact that voters would have to cast five ballots - for the President and Vice President, DPD, DPR, provincial and regency/municipal DPRD members, estimating that there were 400 factors that needed to be considered.[1]


In total, 27 political parties registered to the General Elections Commission to run in the election.[2]

The Crescent Star Party subsequently appealed to the Elections Supervisory Agency (Bawaslu), which ruled it could participate, making a total of 15 parties.[3][4] The Indonesian Justice and Unity Party's appeal to Bawaslu was rejected, but an 11 April ruling by the National Administrative Court (Pengadilan Tata Usaha Negara) decreed that the party was eligible to contest in the election.[5]

English Name Indonesian Name Leader
1 National Awakening Party Partai Kebangkitan Bangsa (PKB) Muhaimin Iskandar
2 Great Indonesia Movement Party Partai Gerakan Indonesia Raya (Gerindra) Prabowo Subianto
3 Indonesian Democratic Party - Struggle Partai Demokrasi Indonesia - Perjuangan (PDI-P) Megawati Sukarnoputri
4 Party of the Functional Groups Partai Golongan Karya (Golkar) Airlangga Hartarto
5 Democratic National Party Partai Nasional Demokrat (Nasdem) Surya Paloh
6 Indonesian Transformation Movement Party Partai Gerakan Perubahan Indonesia (Partai Garuda) Ahmad Ridha Sabana
7 Working Party Partai Berkarya Tommy Suharto
8 Prosperous Justice Party Partai Keadilan Sejahtera (PKS) Sohibul Iman
9 Indonesian Unity Party Partai Persatuan Indonesia (Perindo) Hary Tanoesoedibjo
10 United Development Party Partai Persatuan Pembangunan (PPP) Muhammad Romahurmuziy
11 Indonesian Solidarity Party Partai Solidaritas Indonesia (PSI) Grace Natalie
12 National Mandate Party Partai Amanat Nasional (PAN) Zulkifli Hasan
13 People's Conscience Party Partai Hati Nurani Rakyat (Hanura) Oesman Sapta Odang
14 Democratic Party Partai Demokrat Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono
19{{efn|Ballot numbers 15-18 are assigned to Acehnese local parties[6]}} Crescent Star Party Partai Bulan Bintang (PBB) Yusril Ihza Mahendra
20 Indonesian Justice and Unity Party Partai Keadilan dan Persatuan Indonesia (PKPI) Diaz Hendropriyono

In addition, four local parties will also compete in Aceh to contest seats in the provincial and municipal councils:[7]

English Name Indonesian Name
15 Aceh Party Partai Aceh
16 Independent Voice of the Acehnese Party Suara Independen Rakyat Aceh
17 Aceh Regional Party Partai Daerah Aceh
18 Aceh Nanggroe Party Partai Nanggroe Aceh

The following parties registered to run nationally, but failed verification:[2]

  • {{ill|Republican Party (Indonesia)|lt=Rapublican Party|id|Partai Republik (Indonesia)}}
  • {{ill|Bhinneka Indonesia Party|id|Partai Bhinneka Indonesia}}
  • {{ill|People's Party (Indonesia)|lt=People's Party|id|Partai Rakyat}}
  • {{ill|National Unity Party (Indonesia)|lt=National Unity Party|id|Partai Pemersatu Bangsa}}

Electoral system

{{See also|Indonesian electoral law of 2017}}

Contested seats

Legislative elections in Indonesia: April 2019[8]
LevelInstitutionSeats contestedChange from 2014
NationalPeople's Representative Council
Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat (DPR)
NationalRegional Representative Council
Dewan Perwakilan Daerah (DPD)
136Due to the formation of North Kalimantan, which was unrepresented between 2014-2019[9]}}
People's Regional Representative Council Level I
Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat Daerah I (DPRD I)
People's Regional Representative Council Level II
Dewan Perwakilian Rakyat Daerah II (DPRD II)


The KPU regulates that the maximum number of candidates from a single party is equal to the mumber of seats available - with an exception in Aceh, where the local provincial council set the limit at 120 percent the number of seats instead for the regional council elections.[10] In addition, there is a gender quota requiring at least 30 percent of registered candidates to be female.[11]

For the People's Representative Council, there are 7,968 candidates - 4,774 males and 3,194 females - contesting the 575 seats for an average of 13.86 candidates per seat available. Just three parties - Nasdem, PAN and PKB - used their entire quota of 575 candidates, with PKPI registering as little as 137 candidates.[12]

The election for Regional Representative Council members requires all candidate to not be a member of a political party, with a total of 807 candidates competing for the 136 seats. The incumbent speaker, Oesman Sapta Odang, was removed from the candidacy list due to him not resigning from Hanura. Although all provinces are allocated 4 seats, the number of candidates vary from 10 for West Papua to 49 for West Java.[13]

Electoral districts

{{further information|List of Indonesian national electoral districts}}



Opinion polls

PollsterDateSample sizePDI-PGolkarGerindraDemokratPKBPKSPANPPPHanuraNasdemPBBPerindoPSIBerkaryaGarudaPKPI
[https://news.detik.com/berita/d-4128506/survei-median-pdip-26-10-parpol-tak-bisa-masuk-senayan Median]19 April-5 May 20181,20026.008.8016.508.608.703.003.402.800.702.700.203.500.300.200.20
[https://news.okezone.com/read/2018/05/13/337/1897762/survei-polcomm-institute-pdip-raih-elektabilitas-tertinggi-di-mata-generasi-milenial Polcomm]3-6 May 20181,20022.927.9217.56.173.422.833.251.170.581.750.421.750.33
[https://news.detik.com/berita/d-4010823/lsi-denny-ja-pdip-2170-golkar-1530-gerindra-1470 LSI]28 Apr–5 May 20181,20021.715.314.
[https://news.okezone.com/read/2018/05/21/337/1900925/survei-charta-politika-perindo-langkahi-6-partai-lawas Charta Politika]13-19 Apr 20182,00024.91112.3573.
[https://news.detik.com/berita/3980591/pdip-golkar-dan-gerindra-diprediksi-menangi-pileg-2019 Cyrus]27 Mar–3 Apr 20181,23926.911.511.
[https://news.okezone.com/read/2018/05/03/337/1894104/elektabilitas-15-parpol-dari-tertinggi-hingga-terendah-nomor-6-parpol-baru Indikator]25-31 Mar 20181,20027.
[https://nasional.kompas.com/read/2018/04/16/17510981/survei-median-cuma-pdi-p-dan-gerindra-yang-suaranya-naik Median]24 Mar–6 Apr 20181,20021.19.3158.18.52.923.60.72.4
[https://news.detik.com/berita/3989672/survei-litbang-kompas-pdip-333-gerindra-109 Kompas]21 Mar–1 Apr 20181,20033.
[https://detik.com/news/berita/d-3873336/poltracking-elektabilitas-pdip-tertinggi-diikuti-gerindra-golkar Poltracking]27 Jan–3 Feb 20181,20026.511.313.46.664.
[https://news.detik.com/berita/3831150/survei-lsi-denny-ja-pdip-222--golkar-155--gerindra-114- LSI]7–14 Jan 20181,20022.215.511.46.263.823.
[https://news.detik.com/berita/d-3680059/survei-indikator-elektabilitas-perindo-di-atas-nasdem-pan-hanura Indikator]{{nowrap|17–24 Sep 2017}}1,22023.61210.385.
PolMark9–20 Sep 20172,25025.
[https://news.detik.com/berita/3671978/smrc-elektabilitas-pdip-271-golkar-vs-gerindra-bersaing-ketat SMRC]3–10 Sep 20171,22027.111.410.


In July 2018, the General Elections Commission passed a regulation barring ex-corruption convicts, sexual offenders and people convicted of drug offenses from running for office.[14] However, the Elections Supervisory Body and the People's Representative Council objected to the regulation, and accused KPU of violating the 2017 election law.[15] The Supreme Court of Indonesia eventually ruled that the KPU regulation was invalid, allowing the aforementioned convicts to contest in the election.[16] 38 people who had been corruption convicts eventually ran for office across the country - 26 for regency/municipal councils and 12 for provincial councils.[17]




1. ^{{cite news |title=Jusuf Kalla: 2019 Elections Most Complicated in World |url=https://en.tempo.co/read/news/2018/06/25/055919477/Jusuf-Kalla-2019-Elections-Most-Complicated-in-World |accessdate=22 September 2018 |work=Tempo |date=25 June 2018}}
2. ^{{cite news |last1=Andayani |first1=Dwi |title=Resmi Ditutup KPU, 27 Parpol Daftar sebagai Peserta Pemilu 2019 |url=https://news.detik.com/berita/3686991/resmi-ditutup-kpu-27-parpol-daftar-sebagai-peserta-pemilu-2019 |accessdate=23 September 2018 |work=detiknews |date=17 October 2017 |language=id}}
3. ^{{cite news|title= Four new parties to take part in 2019 elections|url=http://www.thejakartapost.com/news/2018/02/17/four-new-parties-to-take-part-in-2019-elections.html|accessdate=16 March 2018|publisher=The Jakarta Post|date=17 February 2018}}
4. ^{{cite news|title= Bawaslu finds Crescent Star Party eligible for 2019 elections|url=http://www.thejakartapost.com/news/2018/03/05/bawaslu-finds-crescent-star-party-eligible-for-2019-elections.html|accessdate=16 March 2018|publisher=The Jakarta Post|date=5 March 2018}}
5. ^{{cite news|last1=Putranto|first1=Aryo|title=Diloloskan Pemilu oleh PTUN, PKPI Langsung Gelar Rakernas|url=https://www.cnnindonesia.com/nasional/20180411122149-32-289992/diloloskan-pemilu-oleh-ptun-pkpi-langsung-gelar-rakernas|accessdate=11 April 2018|work=CNN Indonesia|date=11 April 2018|language=id}}
6. ^{{cite news|title=KPU Beri PBB Nomor Urut 19 untuk Pemilu 2019|url=https://cnnindonesia.com/nasional/20180306121245-32-280787/kpu-beri-pbb-nomor-urut-19-untuk-pemilu-2019|accessdate=12 April 2018|work=CNN Indonesia|date=6 March 2018|language=id}}
7. ^{{cite news|last1=Suryowati|first1=Estu|title=Ini Nomor Urut Empat Partai Lokal Aceh di Pemilu 2019|url=https://nasional.kompas.com/read/2018/02/19/08562741/ini-nomor-urut-empat-partai-lokal-aceh-di-pemilu-2019|accessdate=9 May 2018|work=KOMPAS|date=19 February 2018|language=id}}
8. ^{{cite news |title=Pemilu 2019, Jumlah Kursi Anggota DPRD Berjumlah 19.817 |url=https://nasional.kompas.com/read/2018/04/18/13240581/pemilu-2019-jumlah-kursi-anggota-dprd-berjumlah-19817 |accessdate=23 September 2018 |work=KOMPAS |date=18 April 2018 |language=id}}
9. ^{{cite news |title=MK Putuskan Kaltara Tak Punya Wakil di DPD 2014-2019 |url=http://www.beritasatu.com/politik/457276-mk-putuskan-kaltara-tak-punya-wakil-di-dpd-20142019.html |accessdate=20 October 2018 |work=Berita Satu |date=10 October 2017 |language=id}}
10. ^{{cite news |title=Kuota Caleg Tetap 120 Persen |url=http://aceh.tribunnews.com/2018/07/11/kuota-caleg-tetap-120-persen |accessdate=23 September 2018 |work=Serambi Indonesia |date=11 July 2018 |language=id-ID}}
11. ^{{cite news |title=Ketua DPR Minta Parpol Penuhi Kuota Caleg Perempuan di Pemilu 2019 |url=https://liputan6.com/news/read/3453500/ketua-dpr-minta-parpol-penuhi-kuota-caleg-perempuan-di-pemilu-2019 |accessdate=23 September 2018 |work=liputan6.com |date=14 April 2018 |language=id}}
12. ^{{cite news |title=KPU Tetapkan Daftar Caleg 2019, PKB-NasDem-PAN Terbanyak |url=https://news.detik.com/berita/d-4221346/kpu-tetapkan-daftar-caleg-2019-pkb-nasdem-pan-terbanyak |accessdate=23 September 2018 |work=detiknews |date=20 September 2018 |language=id}}
13. ^{{cite news |title=Minus OSO, 807 Orang Berebut Kursi DPD RI |url=https://news.detik.com/berita/4221401/minus-oso-807-orang-berebut-kursi-dpd-ri |accessdate=24 September 2018 |work=detiknews |date=20 September 2018 |language=id}}
14. ^{{cite news |title=Former corruption convicts barred from participating in 2019 election |url=http://www.thejakartapost.com/news/2018/07/04/former-corruption-convicts-barred-from-participating-in-2019-legislative-election.html |accessdate=23 September 2018 |work=The Jakarta Post |date=4 July 2018 |language=en}}
15. ^{{cite news |title=KPU defends regulation on banning corruption-tainted candidates |url=http://www.thejakartapost.com/news/2018/06/13/kpu-defends-regulation-on-banning-corruption-tainted-candidates.html |accessdate=23 September 2018 |work=The Jakarta Post |date=13 June 2018 |language=en}}
16. ^{{cite news |title=Ex-graft convicts may contest election: Court |url=http://www.thejakartapost.com/news/2018/09/14/ex-graft-convicts-may-contest-election-court.html |accessdate=23 September 2018 |work=The Jakarta Post |date=14 September 2018 |language=en}}
17. ^{{cite news |title=Total 38 Caleg Eks Koruptor Diusung di Pileg 2019, Ini Daftarnya |url=https://nasional.kompas.com/read/2018/09/21/09524011/total-38-caleg-eks-koruptor-diusung-di-pileg-2019-ini-daftarnya |accessdate=23 September 2018 |work=KOMPAS |date=21 September 2018 |language=id}}




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