

词条 Draft:Majlis islamic studies center

  1. Mission of the center

  2. External links

  3. References

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Majlis Islamic Studies Center, also called the Islamic Studies Center of Majlis, Majlis Islamic Research Center, the Islamic Research Center of Majlis, the Islamic Research center of the Islamic Consultative Assembly, or the Islamic Studies Center of Iranian Parliament is a scholarly research institution which is affiliated to Islamic Consultative Assembly (Majlis).

This research center is in close scientific cooperation with Qom Hawza (Qom Seminary). The main idea of establishing Islamic Research Center of Majlis has been proposed by Ali Larijani, the speaker of Majlis and after being approved in the directorate of Majlis, it was established in October 2010 (Mehr 1389 Iranian Solar Hijri calendar) in Qom and began to work formally at the beginning of 2011 (1390 Solar Hijri calendar).

The research activity of the center is based on Islamic sciences/ Islamic Studies along with the idea of taking advantage of different experts and scholars of law, religion, Islamic laws, Islamic Fiqh (Jurisprudence) with the purpose of providing the Islamic Republic of Iran with a contemplative and cognitive patronage.

The Islamic Research Center of Majlis is an active and smart link between Hawza and Majlis, the center wishes to saturate the legislations with Ja'fari jurisprudence and connect Islamic sciences/studies, especially, Fiqh, Ijtihad, Hawza, and Majlis in order to apply the Sharia law (Islamic law) in the legislation and administration of the Islamic Republic of Iran.

The center besides surveying the suggested bills in the Assembly, offers scientific and applicable suggestions to the Assembly to adjust them with the Islamic sciences/studies. To achieve such a goal, Majlis Islamic Research Center continuously detects problems and assesses jurisprudential needs in the arena of legislation and law.

Ayatollah Ahmad Moblleghi is in charge of Majlis Islamic Research Center.

Mission of the center

The special mission of this center is pursuing the project of legislation on the basis of fiqh (Islamic Jurisprudence), and implementing the preparatory studies in this project. Regarding the 4th principle of the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Iran mentioning that all the rules and regulations of country should be in harmony with the Islamic laws and also on the basis of the guidance of the Founder of Islamic Republic of Iran, Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini as well as the emphasis of the Ayatollah Ali Khamenei (the Supreme Leader of Iran ) about this matter, the Islamic Research Center of Majlis as its mission has a cognitional patronage from Majlis especially by means of utilizing the resources and jurisprudential sanctions”.

The Islamic Research Center of Majlis is working as a research center under the supervision of Majlis.

Goals of Majlis Islamic Studies Center

1) Developing and spreading out Ijtihad in legislation

2) Making sustained efforts for Islamizing the laws

3) Taking steps in enhancing the correlation between Hawza and Islamic Consultative Assembly

This center actualizes the mentioned goals (considering the activities not to be parallel with the Majlis Research Center) by working on three main arenas:

A. Judicial monitoring of the laws

Monitoring the passed laws not to be in contrast with the Shiite Jurisprudence, and also monitoring the laws with emphasis on the prior laws of Iranian Revolution is the main function the center.

Notification 1: The recognition resulted from monitoring the laws being submitted to Majlis in terms of a suggestion should not be in contrast with the juridical supervision of The Guardian Council of the Constitution.

Notification 2: the Center ought to regulate these activities with the representatives of Majlis. Moreover, the results of the fiqh-based legislative studies should be presented to the members of parliament in the form of suggestions.

B. Judicial and legal assistance for the bills which are proposed as drafts to be discussed in the parliament to form the laws

In this arena of activity, the center has two main tasks:

1) Submitting the assistance to parliamentarians and committees in their attendance

2) Written assistance in the shape of Juridical and legal surveying and criticizing the bills and plans sent by Assembly.

C. Systemizing and giving sample regarding the suggestion of making law in future

The center carries out this matter through the implementation of religious studies which are based on Islamic cognitions to theorizing and giving sample for making qualified laws.

The center responsibilities

1. Collecting and examining the viewpoints of scholars and researchers of Hawza or people who are active in the arena of religious researches or legislation and delivering them to Majlis

2. Theorizing in the field of religious legislation or the arenas that supervise the legislation from juridical aspect

3. Implementing individual research in the arena of religious science and adjusting them with religious resources according to subjects, plans or bills sent by Majlis

4. Surveying and detecting the problems ahead of legislative assembly from juridical and Islamic aspect

5. Establishing a mutual correlation and cooperation with Hawza in order to enrich the discussable plans and bills in Majlis

6. Holding scientific, instructive and explorative seminars in agreement with the mission of the center in the presence of professors and scholars of Hawza and universities in order to boost the responsibilities concerning the affairs of legislation and Majlis

7. Getting in touch with other organizations related to the arena of jurisprudence and legislation inside and outside the country

8. Revealing the results of researches through

1) publishing books and related leaflets

2) parliamentarians and the committees of Assembly

3) other direct and indirect ways

9. Implementing orders and missions issued by the speaker of Iranian parliament

External links







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