

词条 Draft:Mathematics Departments

  1. References

{{AFC submission|d|n|u=Vickilh2|ns=118|decliner=AngusWOOF|declinets=20190119220424|reject=yes|ts=20190119213831}} {{AFC comment|1=Wikipedia is not a directory service. NOTDIRECTORY AngusWOOF (barksniff) 22:04, 19 January 2019 (UTC)}}

Below is a list of university Mathematics departments by country. Some links will need updating.


  • http://au.edu.af/en/page/7357/7672/mathematics-department, Alberoni University, Department of Mathematics, Kohistan

  • https://auaf.edu.af/academics/undergraduate-departments/sciences-technology-and-mathematics-division/, American University of Afghanistan, Department of Science and Mathematics, Kabul

  • http://ba.edu.af/en/, Balkh University, Mazar-i-Sharif

  • https://hu.edu.af/en/mathematics-department, Herat University, Department of Computer Science, Herat

  • https://kpu.edu.af/en/higher-mathematics, Kabul Polytechnic University, Faculty of Electromechanics: Higher Mathematics, Kabul

  • http://ku.edu.af/en/page/753/885/8782, Kabul University, Department of Mathematics


  • http://www.unkorce.edu.al/en/department-mathematics-informatics-and-physics — "Fan S. Noli" University, Korce

  • http://www.unishk.edu.al/en/node/91 — University "Luigj Gurakuqi" of Shkodra

  • http://matematika.fshn.edu.al/ — Faculty of Natural Sciences, Tirana University

  • http://www.upt.al/index.php/en/faculties-and-institutes/fme-fe — Polytechnic University of Tirana

  • http://univlora.edu.al/?page_id=4512 — University of Vlora "Ismail Qemali"


  • http://fsesnv.univ-biskra.dz/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=38&Itemid=12 — Universite de Biskra

  • http://www.univ-sba.dz/fse/ — Universite Djillali Liabes, Sidi Bel Abbes

  • http://virtuelcampus.univ-msila.dz/fmi/ — Universite Mohamed Boudiaf-M'Sila

  • http://www.univ-oran1.dz/facultes/f_sciences-exacte_appliquee/ — Universite d'Oran 1

  • http://fs.univ-tlemcen.dz/ — Universite de Tlemcen


  • http://www.imal.ceride.gov.ar/ — Instituto de Matematica Aplicada del Litoral

  • http://web.fceia.unr.edu.ar/es/institucional/institutos/36-instituto-de-matematica-beppo-levi — Instituto de Matematica Beppo Levi, Universidad Nacional de Rosario

  • https://www.uade.edu.ar/unidades-academicas/facultad-de-ingenieria-y-ciencias-exactas — Universidad Argentina de la Empresa

  • http://www.dm.uba.ar/ — Universidad de Buenos Aires

  • http://www.udesa.edu.ar/departamento-de-matematica-y-ciencias — Universidad de San Andres

  • http://www.famaf.unc.edu.ar/ — Universidad Nacional de Cordoba

  • http://www.ungs.edu.ar/ms_ici/index.php/instituto-de-ciencias/area-de-matematica-nueva/ — Universidad Nacional de General Sarmiento

  • http://www.mate.unlp.edu.ar/ — Universidad Nacional de La Plata

  • http://www.mdp.edu.ar/exactas/ — Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata

  • http://www.exa.unrc.edu.ar/ — Universidad Nacional de Rio Cuarto

  • http://exactas.unsa.edu.ar/web/ — Universidad Nacional de Salta

  • http://webfcfmyn.unsl.edu.ar/ — Universidad Nacional de San Luis

  • http://www.uns.edu.ar/deptos/matematica — Universidad Nacional del Sur

  • http://www.unt.edu.ar/Facultades/facet.php — Universidad Nacional de Tucuman

  • http://www.frgp.utn.edu.ar/ — Universidad Tecnologica National


  • http://www.sci.am/resorgs.php?oid=2&langid=1 — National Academy of Sciences of Armenia

  • http://imht.rau.am/rus/ — Russian-Armenian State University

  • http://polytech.am/wpolytech/?page_id=2173 — National Polytechnic University of Armenia

  • http://ysu.am/faculties/en/Mathematics-and-Mechanics — Yerevan State University


  • https://www.unsw.adfa.edu.au/school-of-physical-environmental-and-mathematical-sciences/ — Australian Defence Force Academy

  • http://www.amsi.org.au/ — Australian Mathematical Sciences Institute

  • http://maths.anu.edu.au/ — Australian National University

  • http://www.csu.edu.au/faculty/business/comp-math/ — Charles Sturt University

  • http://www.maths.curtin.edu.au/ — Curtin University of Technology

  • http://www.ecu.edu.au/schools/science/overview — Edith Cowan University

  • http://www.griffith.edu.au/engineering-information-technology/school-information-communication-technology — Griffith University

  • https://www.jcu.edu.au/college-of-science-and-engineering/academic-groups/physical-sciences — James Cook University

  • http://www.latrobe.edu.au/mathematics-and-statistics — La Trobe University

  • http://www.maths.mq.edu.au/ — Macquarie University

  • http://www.maths.monash.edu.au/ — Monash University

  • http://www.murdoch.edu.au/Courses/Mathematics-and-Statistics/ — Murdoch University

  • https://www.qut.edu.au/study/study-areas/study-mathematics — Queensland University of Technology

  • http://www.rmit.edu.au/about/our-education/academic-schools/science/research/research-areas/mathematical-and-geospatial-sciences — Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology

  • http://www.swin.edu.au/maths/ — Swinburne University of Technology

  • http://www.maths.adelaide.edu.au/ — University of Adelaide

  • https://www.canberra.edu.au/about-uc/faculties/estem/courses/maths — University of Canberra

  • http://www.ms.unimelb.edu.au/ — University of Melbourne

  • http://www.newcastle.edu.au/school/math-physical-sci/index.html — University of Newcastle

  • http://turing.une.edu.au/ — University of New England

  • http://www.maths.unsw.edu.au/ — University of New South Wales

  • http://www.uq.edu.au/maths/ — University of Queensland

  • http://www.unisa.edu.au/maths/ — University of South Australia

  • http://www.usq.edu.au/study/degrees/sciences/mathematics-and-statistics — University of Southern Queensland

  • http://www.maths.usyd.edu.au:8000/ — University of Sydney

  • http://www.uts.edu.au/future-students/find-a-course/courses/c09020 — University of Tasmania

  • http://www.maths.uts.edu.au/ — University of Technology, Sydney

  • http://www.maths.uwa.edu.au/ — University of Western Australia

  • https://www.westernsydney.edu.au/scem/school_of_computing_engineering_and_mathematics — University of Western Sydney

  • http://www.uow.edu.au/informatics/maths/ — University of Wollongong

  • https://www.vu.edu.au/research/research-focus-areas-expertise/college-based-research/engineering-science-research/applied-mathematics-statistics — Victoria University of Technology


  • http://www.kfunigraz.ac.at/imawww/ — Karl-Franzens-Universitat Graz

  • http://finanz.math.tu-graz.ac.at/">Department of

    Mathematics A, Technische Universitat Graz

  • http://www.opt.math.tu-graz.ac.at/ — Department of Mathematics B, Technische Universitat Graz

  • http://www.math.tu-graz.ac.at/mathc/ — Department of Mathematics C, Technische Universitat Graz

  • http://www.matd.tugraz.at/ — Department of Mathematics D, Technische Universitat Graz

  • http://mathematik.uibk.ac.at/ — University of Innsbruck

  • http://www.math.uni-klu.ac.at/ — University of Klagenfurt

  • http://www.unileoben.ac.at/~amat/ — Montanuniversitat Leoben

  • http://www.tn.jku.at/tn_institute/ — Johannes Kepler Universitat Linz

  • http://www.ricam.oeaw.ac.at/ — Johann Radon Institute for Computational and Applied Mathematics, Linz

  • http://www.uni-salzburg.at/portal/page?_pageid=95,89987&_dad=portal&_schema=PORTAL — Universitat Salzburg

  • http://www.math.tuwien.ac.at/ — Technische Universitat Vienna

  • http://radon.mat.univie.ac.at/ — University of Vienna

  • http://www.boku.ac.at/math/ — Universitat fur Bodenkultur, Vienna

  • http://statistik.wu-wien.ac.at/ — Wirtschaftsuniversitat Wien


  • http://www.science.az/en/math/ — Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences, Baku

  • http://www.aztu.az/data/page/50.xml — Azerbaijan Technical University

  • http://www.bsu.az/faculteekibernetika.en.html — Baku State University

  • http://www.khazar.org/engineering/dept_mathematics.shtml — Khazar University

  • http://www.qafqaz.edu.az/index.php?z=698&dil=en — Qafqaz University



  • http://www.ahlia.edu.bh/cms/index.php?page=faculty-2 — Ahlia University

  • http://www.sci.uob.edu.bh/eng/LEF4.html — University of Bahrain


  • http://www.buet.ac.bd/math/ — Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology

  • http://www.cuet.ac.bd/dep_math.php — Chittagong University of Engineering and Technology

  • http://www.juniv.edu/maths.htm — Jahangirnagar University

  • http://www.sust.edu/mat/index.htm — Shajalal University of Science and Technology

  • http://www.univdhaka.edu/department/index.php?bodyid=MAT — University of Dhaka


  • http://scitec.uwichill.edu.bb/cmp/ — University of the West Indies, Bridgetown


  • http://im.bas-net.by/ — National Academy of Sciences of Belarus

  • http://www.bseu.by/english/faculty5/department6.htm — Belarus State Economic University, Minsk

  • http://www.bsu.by/main.asp?id1=14&id2=1406 — Belarus State University, Minsk

  • http://www.brsu.brest.by/faculty.php?f=10 — Brest State University

  • http://www.gsu.unibel.by/en/ — Francisk Skorina Gomel State University


  • http://www.sciences.fundp.ac.be/math/edpt.html — Facultes Universitaires Notre-Dame de la Paix

  • http://www.fpms.ac.be/FPMsHome/en/RD/RDUnits/GroupeIG/UnitMathRo.htm — Faculty of Engineering Mons

  • http://www.wis.kuleuven.ac.be/math.htm — Katholieke Universiteit Leuven

  • http://www.kuleuven-kortrijk.be/nl/Onderwijs/Onderwijsaanbod/Wiskunde — Katholieke Universiteit Leuven Campus Kortrijk

  • http://www.win.ua.ac.be/ — Universiteit Antwerpen

  • http://www.math.ucl.ac.be/math.html — Universite Catholique de Louvain

  • http://www.ulb.ac.be/sciences/cso/ — Universite Libre de Bruxelles

  • http://cage.rug.ac.be/ — University of Gent

  • http://www.luc.ac.be/Research/ResearchHome.html — University of Hasselt

  • http://www.deptmath.ulg.ac.be/ — Universite de Liege

  • http://www.umh.ac.be/math/institut/index_en.htm — Universite de Mons-Hainaut

  • http://www.fundp.ac.be/facultes/sciences/departements/mathematique/ — Universite de Namur

  • http://www.vub.ac.be/DWIS/ — Vrije Universiteit Brussel


  • http://www.ub.edu.bz/fst/index.php — University of Belize


  • http://www.imsp-uac.org/ — Universite d'Abomey-Calavi


  • http://www.ucbcba.edu.bo/institut/CsExyIng/dptIng.html — Universidad Catolica Boliviana San Pablo

  • http://www.fcyt.umss.edu.bo/pregrado/matematica/ — Universidad Mayor de San Simon

    Bosnia and Herzegovina

  • http://www.aubih.ba/cifb.html — American University in Bosnia and Herzegovina

  • http://www.sve-mo.ba/gf/mat_fiz_ng.htm — Faculty of Civil Engineering, University of Mostar

  • http://fpmoz.ba/index.php?option=com_content&task=section&id=11&Itemid=35 — Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, University of Mostar

  • http://www.pmfbl.org/matematika/index.php — University of Banja Luka

  • http://pfb.ba/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=160&Itemid=100 — University of Bihac

  • http://www.pmf.unsa.ba/matematika/index.html — University of Sarajevo

  • http://www.pmf.untz.ba/studijski_odsjeci/mat/mat_home.html — University of Tuzla

  • http://www.pf.unze.ba/matematika.php — University of Zenica


  • http://www.ub.bw/learning_faculties.cfm?pid=604 — University of Botswana


  • http://www.uniceub.br/Curso/Graduacao/cur010_matematica.aspx — Centro Universitario de Brasilia

  • http://www.fepam.br/curso.unipam?curso.idCurso=21 — Centro Universitario de Patos de Minas

  • http://portal.uninove.br/cursossuperiores/educacao/matematica/index.cfm — Centro Universitario Nove de Julho

  • http://www.lo.unisal.br/nova/graduacao/matematica.html — Centro Universitario Salesiano de Sao Paulo

  • http://www.dmat.unir.br/ — Fundacao Universidade Federal de Rondonia

  • http://www.furg.br/furg/gradua/912.html — Fundacao Universidade Federal do Rio Grande

  • http://www.impa.br/ — Instituto de Matematica Pura e Aplicada, Rio de Janeiro

  • http://www.puc-campinas.edu.br/graduacao/curso_01.asp?id=57 — Pontificia Universidade Catolica - Campinas

  • http://www.mat.puc-rio.br/ — Pontificia Universidade Catolica do Rio de Janeiro

  • http://www.pucrs.br/uni/poa/famat/demat/index.htm — Pontificia Universidade Catolica do Rio Grande do Sul

  • http://www.pucsp.br/cce/matematica/index.html — Pontificia Universidade Catolica de Sao Paolo

  • http://www.unama.br/graduacao/cursos/Matematica/ — Universidade da Amazonia

  • http://www.mat.unb.br/ — Universidade de Brasilia

  • http://www2.brazcubas.br/cursos/cur_detalhe.php?det_id=23 — Universidade Braz Cubas

  • http://www.unicap.br/cursos/html/matem_dadoslegais.html — Universidade Catolica de Pernambuco

  • http://www.ituiutaba.uemg.br/matematica.php — Fundacao Educacional de Ituiutaba - FEIT, Universidade do Estado de Minas Gerais

  • http://www.ime.uerj.br/ — Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro

  • http://www.ime.unicamp.br/ — Universidade Estadual de Campinas

  • http://www.uece.br/php/view.php?setor=68&id=29 — Universidade Estadual do Ceara

  • http://www.uefs.br/dexa/ — Universidade Estadual de Feira de Santana

  • http://www.des.uem.br/"> — Universidade Estadual de Maringa

  • http://www.uems.br/cursos/index.php?ID=10&NM=Matem%E1tica&CD=Dourados — Universidade Estadual de Mato Grosso do Sul

  • http://www.dcex.unimontes.br/matematica/caracteristicas.php — Universidade Estadual de Montes Claros - Minas Gerais

  • http://www.unioeste.br/campi/cascavel/cvl-matematica.asp — Universidade Estadual de Oeste do Parana - Campus de Cascavel

  • http://www.ufac.br/ensino/dep_academicos/dep_matematica.htm — Universidade Federal do Acre

  • http://www.dme.ufcg.edu.br/ — Universidade Federal de Campina Grande

  • http://www.mat.ufc.br/ — Universidade Federal do Ceara

  • http://www.cce.ufes.br/dmat/ — Universidade Federal do Espirito Santo

  • http://www.uff.br/matematica/ — Universidade Federal Fluminense

  • http://www.mat.ufg.br/ — Universidade Federal de Goias

  • http://www.dex.ufla.br/ — Universidade Federal de Lavras

  • http://www.dmt.ufms.br/ — Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso do Sul

  • http://www.mat.ufmg.br/ — Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais

  • http://www.ufpa.br/ccen/ — Universidade Federal de Para

  • http://www.mat.ufpb.br/ — Universidade Federal da Paraiba

  • http://www.mat.ufpr.br/ — Universidade Federal do Parana

  • http://ifm.ufpel.edu.br/ — Universidade Federal de Pelotas

  • http://www.dmat.ufpe.br/ — Universidade Federal de Pernambuco

  • http://www.ufpi.br/ccn/departamentos.php?did=2 — Universidade Federal do Piaui

  • http://www.ccet.ufrn.br/matematica/ — Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte

  • http://www.mat.ufrgs.br/ — Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul

  • http://www.im.ufrj.br/ — Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro

  • http://www.mtm.ufsc.br/ — Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina

  • http://w3.ufsm.br/depmat/ — Universidade Federal de Santa Maria

  • http://www.dm.ufscar.br/ — Universidade Federal de Sao Carlos

  • http://www2.dcce.ufs.br/index.php/P%C3%A1gina_principal — Universidade Federal de Sergipe

  • http://www.site.uft.edu.br/graduacao/arraias/matematica.html — Universidade Federal do Tocantins

  • http://www.famat.ufu.br/ — Universidade Federal de Uberlandia

  • http://www.ibirapuera.br/portal/cursos_matematica.php — Universidade Ibirapuera

  • http://www.metodista.br/matematica — Universidade Metodista de Sao Paulo

  • http://www.umc.br/ensino/graduacao/exatas/licenciatura_matematica/licenciatura_matematica.htm — Universidade de Mogi das Cruzes

  • http://www.unoeste.br/site/cursos/cg.asp?cod=104 — Universidade do Oeste Paulista

  • http://www.unijui.edu.br/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=438&Itemid=485 — Universidade Regional

  • http://www.nuppead.unifacs.br/matematica/ — Universidade Salvador

  • http://www.unisc.br/cursos/graduacao/matematica/ — Universidade de Santa Cruz do Sul

  • http://www.unisa.br/graduacao/exatas/matem/semipresencial.shtml — Universidade de Santo Amaro

  • http://www.saofrancisco.edu.br/itatiba/graduacao/matematica/ — Universidade Sao Francisco

  • http://www.usjt.br/cursos/graduacao/matematica.php — Universidade Sao Judas

  • http://www.ime.usp.br/ — Universidade de Sao Paulo

  • http://www.ime.usp.br/ — Instituto de Matematica e Estatistica, Universidade de Sao Paulo

  • http://www.icmc.usp.br/ — Instituto de Ciencias Matematicas e de Computacao, Universidade de Sao Paulo - Sao Carlos

  • http://www.uniso.br/ensino/graduacao/matematica/index.asp — Universidade de Sorocaba

  • http://www.ung.br/novo/ver_cursos.php?cursoID=52 — Universidade Sua Carreira

  • http://www.utp.br/cursos/facet/Matematica_Licenciatura.asp — Universidade Tuiuti do Parana

  • http://www.unigranrio.br/unidades_acad/icn/graduacao/matematica/index.html — Universidade Unigranrio

  • http://www.unisinos.br/graduacao/licenciatura/matematica/ — Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos


  • http://www.ubd.edu.bn/academic/faculty/fos/dept/maths/index.htm — Universiti Brunei Darussalam


  • http://www.math.bas.bg/">Bulgarian Academy of Sciences

  • http://www.swu.bg/en/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=22&Itemid=45 — Neofit Rilski South-West University

  • http://www.fmi-plovdiv.org/ — Plovdiv University

  • http://portal.uni-sofia.bg/index.php/eng/faculties/faculty_of_mathematics_and_informatics2 — Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski

  • http://www.tu-varna.bg/tu-varnamat/ — Technical University Varna

  • http://www.uacg.bg/UACEG_site/fte/fte_eM.html — University of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy, Sofia

    Burkina Faso

  • http://www.univ-ouaga.bf/html/presentation/ufrETinstituts/fr_ufr_SEA.html — Universite d'Ougadougou



  • http://math.acadiau.ca/ — Acadia University, Wolfville

  • https://www.ubishops.ca/ccc/div/sci/mat/ — Bishop's University

  • https://www.brandonu.ca/Math/ — Brandon University

  • http://www.brocku.ca/mathematics/ — Brock University

  • https://www.capilanou.ca/programs/math/ — Capilano College

  • http://www.math.carleton.ca/ — Carleton University,


  • http://www.mathstat.concordia.ca/ — Concordia University, Montreal

  • http://www.math.concordia.ab.ca/ — Concordia University College of Alberta

  • http://www.mscs.dal.ca/home.html — Dalhousie University

  • http://math.lakeheadu.ca/ — Lakehead University

  • http://www.langara.bc.ca/mathstats/ — Langara College

  • http://www.cs.laurentian.ca/ — Laurentian University

  • http://www.math.mcgill.ca/ — McGill University

  • http://www.math.mcmaster.ca/ — McMaster University

  • http://www.math.mun.ca/ — Memorial University of Newfoundland

  • http://mathcs.mta.ca/ — Mount Allison University

  • http://www.msvu.ca/mathematics-computer/index.asp — Mount Saint Vincent University

  • http://www.okanagan.bc.ca/departments/science/mathematics-statistics.html — Okanagan College

  • http://www.mast.queensu.ca/ — Queen's University at Kingston

  • http://www.rmc.ca/academic/math_cs/ — Royal Military College of Canada

  • http://www.stmarys.ca/academic/science/compsci/ — Saint Mary's University, Halifax

  • http://www.stfx.ca/academic/mathcs/ — St. Francis Xavier University, Antigonish

  • http://www.math.sfu.ca/ — Simon Fraser University

  • http://euclid.trentu.ca/math/welcome.html — Trent University,


  • http://www.math.ualberta.ca/ — University of Alberta,


  • http://www.math.ubc.ca/ — University of British Columbia, Vancouver

  • http://www.iam.ubc.ca/ — Institute of Applied

    Mathematics, University of British Columbia

  • http://web.ubc.ca/okanagan/msp/welcome.html — UBC Okanagan

  • http://www.math.ucalgary.ca/ — University of Calgary

  • http://www.mathstat.uoguelph.ca/ — University of Guelph

  • http://www.mat.ulaval.ca/ — Universite Laval

  • http://www.cs.uleth.ca/ — University of Lethbridge

  • http://www.umanitoba.ca/faculties/science/mathematics/ — University of Manitoba, Winnipeg

  • https://www.umoncton.ca/sciences/mathstat/index.htm — Universite de Moncton

  • http://www.dms.umontreal.ca/ — Universite de Montreal

  • https://www.unb.ca/fredericton/science/math/ — University of New Brunswick

  • http://www.unbc.ca/math/ — University of Northern British Columbia

  • http://www.mathstat.uottawa.ca/ — University of Ottawa

  • http://www.math.upei.ca/ — University of Prince Edward Island

  • http://wwwdim.uqac.ca/ — Universite du

    Quebec a Chicoutimi

  • http://www.math.uqam.ca/ — Universite du Quebec a Montreal

  • http://www.uqar.uquebec.ca/departements/dmig/ — Universite du

    Quebec a Rimouski

  • http://dmi.uqtr.ca/ — Universite du Quebec a Trois-Rivieres

  • http://www.math.uregina.ca/ — University of Regina

  • http://math.usask.ca/ — University of Saskatchewan

  • http://www.dmi.usherb.ca/ — Universite de Sherbrook

  • http://www.math.toronto.edu — University of Toronto

  • http://dirserv.uvic.ca/dir/DeptInfo.asp?DEPARTMENT=MATH — University of Victoria

  • http://www.math.uwaterloo.ca/Faculty/index.html — University of Waterloo

  • http://www.math.uwo.ca/ — University of Western Ontario

  • http://athena.uwindsor.ca/math — University of Windsor

  • https://www.uwinnipeg.ca/index/math-stats-index — University of Winnipeg

  • http://cubic.wlu.ca/homepage.php?grp_id=43 — Wilfrid Laurier


  • http://www.math.yorku.ca/new/ — York University


  • http://www.mat.puc.cl/ — Pontificia Universidad

    Catolica de Chile

  • http://www.ucv.cl/p3_unid_acad/site/pags/20010430175459.html — Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Valparaiso

  • http://www.unach.cl/facultades/educacion/matematica.php — Universidad Adventista de Chile

  • http://www.uantof.cl/facultad/cs_basicas/pages/matematicas.asp — Universidad de Antofagasta

  • http://www.uda.cl/departamento.php?id_dep=2&ma=s&source=main_educacion.php — Universidad de Atacama

  • http://www.ciencias.uach.cl/instituto/matematicas/ — Universidad Austral de Chile

  • http://www.ucm.cl/inter/inter_csbasicas.php — Universidad Catolica del Maule

  • http://www.ucsh.cl/opensite_20031120171337.asp — Universidad Catolica Silva Henriquez

  • http://admision.uctemuco.cl/carreras/matematica/ — Universidad Catolica de Temuco

  • http://www.ucv.cl/p3_unid_acad/site/pags/20010430175459.html — Universidad Catolica de Valparaiso

  • http://ucentral.cl/prontus_fcfm/site/edic/base/port/inicio.html — Universidad Central

  • http://ingenieria.uchile.cl/ — Universidad de Chile

  • http://www.udec.cl/carreras/icmatematica.html — Universidad de Concepcion

  • http://www.userena.cl/admision.carrera.html?carrera=9 — Universidad del Estado en la Region Coquimbo

  • http://www.umag.cl/facultades/depmatfis.php — Universidad Magallanes

  • http://www.umce.cl/admision/pregrado/matematica.html — Universidad Metropolitana de Ciencias de la Educacion

  • http://www.mat.usach.cl/ — Universidad de Santiago de Chile

  • http://inst-mat.utalca.cl/ — Universidad de Talca

  • http://docencia.mat.utfsm.cl/ — Universidad Tecnica Federico Santa Maria

  • http://www.utem.cl/facultades/facultad_ciencias.htm — Universidad Tecnologica Metropolitana


  • http://info.amss.ac.cn/amsssite/amss-e/amss-e.html — Academy of Mathematics and System Sciences

  • http://www.njtu.edu.cn/depart/xyl/jigou/math/index.htm — Beijing Jiaotong University

  • http://math.bnu.edu.cn/ — Beijing Normal University

  • http://www.cnu.edu.cn/mathpage/ — Capital Normal University

  • http://www.math.ecnu.edu.cn/index_et.html — East China Normal University

  • http://math.fudan.edu.cn/ — Fudan University

  • http://dimacs.fzu.edu.cn/ — Fuzhou University

  • http://math.hit.edu.cn/ — Harbin Institute of Technology

  • http://www.hust.edu.cn/english/academic/depart/math/overview.htm — Huazhong University of Science and Technology

  • http://math.hnu.net.cn/ — Hunan University

  • http://english.amt.ac.cn:8080/iam/ — Institute of Applied Mathematics, Chinese Academy of Sciences

  • http://www.cc.ac.cn/ — Institute of Computational Mathematics and Scientific/Engineering Computing

  • http://math.jlu.edu.cn/ — Jilin University

  • http://lgxy.jnu.edu.cn/english_ver/index.asp — Jinan University

  • http://math.lzu.edu.cn/ — Lanzhou University

  • http://mcs.njnu.edu.cn/ — Nanjing Normal University

  • http://www.nju.edu.cn/cps/site/NJU/njue/dep/math/ — Nanjing University

  • — Nankai University

  • http://www.nwnu.edu.cn/sxxy/index.htm — Northwest Normal University

  • http://mainpage.nwu.edu.cn/unit/usxx/maths/index.htm — Northwest University

  • http://www.math.pku.edu.cn/en/ — Peking University

  • http://maths.snnu.edu.cn/ — Shaanxi Normal University

  • http://www.sdu.edu.cn/esdu/kymath.html — Shandong University

  • http://www.scicol.shu.edu.cn/ — Shanghai University College of Sciences

  • http://www.sxu.edu.cn/english/departments/mathematics.htm — Shanxi University

  • http://www.seu.edu.cn/~seue/academics/dept/7.htm — Southeast University

  • http://cyber.swnu.edu.cn/mathematics/ — Southwest China Normal University

  • http://www.sysu.edu.cn/en/schools%20and%20departments/Mathematics%20and%20Computational%20Science.htm — Sun Yat-Sen University

  • http://math.suda.edu.cn/ — Suzhou University

  • http://www.tongji.edu.cn/english/depart/School%20of%20Sciences.htm — Tongji University

  • http://www.math.tsinghua.edu.cn/ — Tsinghua University

  • http://math.ustc.edu.cn/En/index.htm — University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei, Anhui

  • http://maths.whu.edu.cn/ — WuHan University

  • http://www.wipm.ac.cn/english/index.htm — WuHan Institute of Physics and Mathematics of Chinese Academy of Sciences

  • http://math.xmu.edu.cn/ — Xiamen University

  • http://www.xtu.edu.cn/html/shuxuexi/engver/sruvey.htm — Xiangtan University

  • http://math.xju.edu.cn/ — Xinjiang University

  • http://www.css.zju.edu.cn/english/departments_1.php — Zhejiang University


  • http://www.escuelaing.edu.co/programas/carreras/matematicas/matematicas.htm — Escuela Colombiana de Ingenieria Julio Garavito

  • http://www.puj.edu.co/departamento/cienciasbasicas/5876.htm — Pontificia Universidad Javeriana

  • http://matematicas.uniandes.edu.co/ — Universidad de los Andes, Bogota

  • http://matematicas.udea.edu.co/ — Universidad de Antioquia, Medellin

  • http://matematicas.unicauca.edu.co/foro/ — Universidad del Cauca

  • http://www.matematicas.unal.edu.co/ — Universidad National de Colombia, Bogota

  • http://www.unalmed.edu.co/~posmat/ — Universidad National de Colombia, Medellin

  • http://www.eafit.edu.co/EafitCn/CienciasYHumanidades/Pregrados/IngMatematica/Index.htm — Universidad EAFIT

  • http://www.icesi.edu.co/esn/contenido_unidades.jsp?id=icesi4depar10 — Universidad Icesi

  • http://www.uninorte.edu.co/programas/contenido.asp?ID=105 — Universidad del Norte

  • http://www.ut.edu.co/tolima/hermesoft/portal/home_1/htm/cont0.jsp?rec=not_1294.jsp — Universidad del Tolima

  • http://matematicas.univalle.edu.co/ — Universidad del Valle

    Costa Rica

  • http://www.cimm.ucr.ac.cr/ — Centro de Investigaciones Matematicas y Meta-Matematicas, Universidad de Costa Rica

  • http://www.emate.ucr.ac.cr/ — Universidad de Costa Rica

  • http://www.uned.ac.cr/exactas/catedras.html#basicas — Universidad Estatal a Distancia

  • http://www.ulatina.ac.cr/ — Universidad Latina de Costa Rica

  • http://www.cimm.ucr.ac.cr/una/ — Universidad Nacional


  • http://info.hazu.hr/en/about_academy/classes/the_department_of_mathematical_physical_and_chemical_sciences/ — Department of Mathematical, Physical and Chemical Sciences, Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts

  • http://www.unidu.hr/odjeli.php?idizbornik=33 — Department of Electrical Engineering and Computing, University of Dubrovnik

  • http://www.mathos.hr/ — Department of Mathematics, University of Osijek

  • http://fet.unipu.hr/index.php?id=1141 — Department of Economics and Tourism, Juraj Dobrila University of Pula

  • http://www.math.uniri.hr/ — Department of Mathematics, University of Rijeka

  • http://www.gradri.hr/hr/o-fakultetu/ustroj/zavodi/zavod-za-matematiku-fiziku-i-druge-predmete.html — Faculty of Civil Engineering, University of Rijeka

  • http://www.efri.hr/kolegiji/prikaz.asp?txt_id=1267 — Faculty of Economics, University of Rijeka

  • http://www.pfri.uniri.hr/index.php/ustroj/katedre/katedra-za-prirodne-znanosti — Faculty of Maritime Studies, University of Rijeka

  • http://www.riteh.hr/zav_katd_sluz/zmfsjk/katedre/kpm/struktura.htm — Technical Faculty, University of Rijeka

  • https://www.ktf.unist.hr/index.php/ozk-3/kzm — Faculty of Chemical Technology, University of Split

  • http://gradst.unist.hr/Ustrojfakulteta/Katedre/Matematikaifizika/tabid/816/Default.aspx — Faculty of

    Civil Engineering, University of Split

  • http://www.efst.hr/content.php?k=fakultet&p=141&l=eng — Faculty of Economics, University of Split

  • https://www.fesb.hr/kontakt/zmf — Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and

    Naval Architecture, University of Split

  • http://www.pmfst.hr/matematika/ — Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics,

    University of Split

  • http://www.gfv.unizg.hr/hr/opce_znanosti.html — Faculty of Geotechnics Varazdin, University of Zagreb

  • http://www.foi.unizg.hr/djelatnici/odjeli/kzkm — Faculty of Organization and Informatics Varazdin, University of Zagreb

  • http://www.math.hr/ — Department of Mathematics, University of Zagreb

  • http://www.agr.unizg.hr/hr/article/87/zavod_za_informatiku_i_matematiku —

    Faculty of Agriculture, University of Zagreb

  • http://www.fkit.unizg.hr/zavod/zm — Faculty of Chemical Engineering and Technology, University of Zagreb

  • http://www.grad.unizg.hr/zavod_za_matematiku — Faculty of Civil Engineering, University of Zagreb

  • http://www.efzg.hr/default.aspx?id=357 — Faculty

    of Economics, University of Zagreb

  • http://www.fer.unizg.hr/o_fakultetu/ustroj/zavodi/zavod_za_primijenjenu_matematiku — Faculty of Electrical

    Engineering and Computing, University of Zagreb

  • http://hrast.sumfak.hr/zavodi/mathematics/zzmat.htm — Faculty of Forestry, University of Zagreb

  • http://www.pbf.hr/hr/zavodi/zavod_za_procesno_inzenjerstvo/kabinet_za_matematiku — Faculty of Food

    Technology and Biotechnology, University of Zagreb

  • http://math.grf.unizg.hr/ — Faculty of Graphic Arts, University of Zagreb

  • http://www.fsb.hr/matematika/ — Faculty of

    Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture, University of Zagreb

  • http://www.rgn.hr/hr/o-fakultetu/zavodi-i-katedre/zavod-za-matematiku-informatiku-i-nacrtnu-geometriju — Faculty of Mining, Geology and Petroleum Engineering, University of Zagreb

  • http://www.ttf.hr/index.php?str=118 — Faculty of

    Textile Technology, University of Zagreb

  • http://www.fpz.hr/matematika — Faculty of Transport and Traffic Engineering, University of Zagreb


  • http://www.icmf.inf.cu/grupos3_matematica.htm — Instituto de Cibernetica, Matematica y Fisica, Habana

  • http://www.inca.edu.cu/dptos/Matem%E1tica/matematica.htm — Instituto Nacional de Ciencias Agricolas, Habana

  • http://www.mfc.uclv.edu.cu/paginas.php?id=1 — Universidad Central Marta Abreu de las Villas

  • http://www.unica.cu/more/facultades/informatica/est_dpto_mat_claustro.htm — Universidad de Ciego de Avila

  • http://www.matcom.uh.cu/ — Universidad de la Habana


  • http://www.mas.ucy.ac.cy/ — University of Cyprus

  • http://brahms.emu.edu.tr/Beta/department.php?id=476 — Eastern Mediterranean University

    Czech Republik

  • http://www.math.cas.cz/ — Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic

  • http://www.umat.feec.vutbr.cz/ — Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Communication, Brno University of Technology

  • http://www.math.muni.cz/ — Masaryk University, Brno

  • http://mant.upol.cz/ — Palacky University, Olomouc

  • http://www.math.slu.cz/ — Silesian University, Opava

  • http://prf.osu.eu/kma/ — University of Ostrava

  • http://mdg.vsb.cz/ — Technical University of Ostrava

  • http://www.upce.cz/fes/umkm.html — Faculty of Economics and Administration, University of Pardubice

  • http://www.kma.zcu.cz/main.php — University of West Bohemia, Plzen

  • http://www.mff.cuni.cz/ — Charles University, Prague

  • http://mat.fsv.cvut.cz/ — Faculty of Civil Engineering, Czech Technical University in Prague

  • http://math.feld.cvut.cz/ — Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Czech Technical University in Prague

  • http://km.fjfi.cvut.cz/ — Faculty of Nuclear Science and Physical Engineering, Czech Technical University in Prague

  • http://nb.vse.cz/kmat/ — University of Economics, Prague

  • http://www.utb.cz/fai/struktura/ustav-matematiky — Tomas Bata University, Zlin



  • http://www.math.auc.dk/ — Aalborg University

  • http://www.imf.au.dk/ — Aarhus University

  • http://www.math.ku.dk/en/ — Copenhagen University

  • http://www.dpu.dk/site.aspx?p=3908 — Danish University of Education

  • http://mmf.ruc.dk/mat/index.htm — Roskilde University

  • http://www.matfys.kvl.dk/ — Royal Veterinary and Agricultural University

  • http://www.mat.dtu.dk/index.php.en — Technical University of Denmark

  • http://www.imada.sdu.dk — University of Southern Denmark, Odense


  • http://www.univ.edu.dj/facultes/fsti/mi.html — Universite de Djibouti

    Dominican Republic

  • http://www.intec.edu.do/areas/basicas/ — Instituto Tecnologico de Santo Domingo

  • http://www.uasd.edu.do/facultades/ciencias/esc_matematicas.htm — Universidad Autonoma de Santo Domingo



  • http://www.math.epn.edu.ec/ — Escuela Politecnica National

  • http://www.puce.edu.ec/index.php?pagina=facultad4 — Pontificia Universidad Catolica del Ecuador

  • http://www.ug.edu.ec/default.aspx — Universidad de Guayaquil

  • http://www.ups.edu.ec/en/web/guest/giima — Universidad Politecnica Salesiana del Ecuador


  • http://cis.shams.edu.eg/ — Ain Shams University, Cairo

  • http://www.alex.edu.eg/dept.jsp?FC=4&CODE=01 — Alexandria University

  • http://catalog.aucegypt.edu/preview_entity.php?catoid=11&ent_oid=289&bc=1 — American University in Cairo

  • http://www.aun.edu.eg/fac_sci/depart/ri1.htm — Assiut University

  • http://science.cu.edu.eg/math/index.html — Cairo University

  • http://math.guc.edu.eg/ — German University in Cairo

  • http://www.mans.edu.eg/facscim/english/MathematicsDep/ — Mansoura University

  • http://www.tanta.edu.eg/ar/Tanta/3elom/math1.html — Tanta University

  • http://www.zu.edu.eg/foci/Academic_Department/Main.html — Zagazig University

    El Salvador

  • http://www.ufg.edu.sv/dfia.html?expandable=4&subexpandable=0 — Universidad Francisco Gavidia


  • http://www.uoa.edu.er/colleges/science/mat/overview.html — University of Asmara


  • http://www.math.ut.ee/ — University of Tartu

  • http://www.cs.ioc.ee/ioc/matem/math.html — Institute of Cybernetics, Tallinn

  • http://www.ttu.ee/?id=1867 — Tallinn Technical University

  • http://www.tlu.ee/?LangID=2&CatID=2831 — Tallinn University


  • http://www.aau.edu.et/faculties/sc/departments/Mathematics/ — Addis Ababa University



  • http://www.usp.ac.fj/macs/ — University of the South Pacific


  • http://www.abo.fi/fak/mnf/mate/ — Abo Akademi


  • http://www.math.hut.fi/index.html.en — Helsinki University of Technology

  • http://www.math.jyu.fi/english.html — Jyvaskyla University

  • http://www.it.lut.fi/mat/index_eng.html — Lappeenranta University of Technology

  • http://matriisi.ee.tut.fi/mathematics/ — Tampere University of Technology

  • http://www.math.helsinki.fi/ — University of Helsinki

  • http://www.joensuu.fi/mathematics/ — University of Joensuu

  • http://www.cs.uku.fi/ — University of Kuopio

  • http://ee.oulu.fi/~mah/math.html — University of Oulu

  • http://www.uta.fi/laitokset/mattiet/eng_index.html — University of Tampere

  • http://www.math.utu.fi/en/ — University of Turku

  • http://www.uwasa.fi/~mathdept/ind_eng.html — University

    of Vaasa


  • http://www.aup.edu/main/academics/departments/csma/index.htm — American University of Paris

  • http://math-adrar.ujf-grenoble.fr/CIMPA/ — Centre International de Mathematiques Pures et Appliquees, Nice

  • http://www.cirm.univ-mrs.fr/ — Centre International de Rencontres Mathematiques, Marseille

  • http://www.enpc.fr/fr/formations/depts/imi/presentation_imi.htm — Ecole nationale des ponts et chaussees

  • http://www.dptmaths.ens-cachan.fr/ — Ecole Normale Superieure, Cachan

  • http://www.umpa.ens-lyon.fr/ — Ecole Normale Superieure, Lyon

  • http://www.dma.ens.fr/ — Ecole Normale Superieure, Paris

  • http://www-ensimag.imag.fr/ — Ecole National Superieure d'Informatique et de Mathematiques Appliquees, Grenoble

  • http://www.cmap.polytechnique.fr/ — Ecole Polytechnique, CMAP

  • http://www.math.polytechnique.fr/ — Ecole Polytechnique, CMAT

  • http://www.medicis.polytechnique.fr/ — Ecole Polytechnique, MEDICIS

  • http://www.devinci.fr/esilv/mif/ — Ecole Superieure d'Ingenieurs Leonard de Vinci

  • http://www.inria.fr/ — INRIA

  • http://www.iecn.u-nancy.fr/ — Institut de Mathematiques Elie Cartan, Nancy

  • http://iml.univ-mrs.fr/ — Institut de Mathematiques de Luminy, Marseille

  • http://www-irma.u-strasbg.fr/ — Institut de Recherche Mathematique Avancee, Strasbourg

  • http://www.ann.jussieu.fr — Laboratoire d'Analyse Numerique (Paris VI)

  • http://www.math.fst.u-3mrs.fr/ — Universite d'Aix Marseille III

  • http://math.univ-angers.fr/ — Universite d'Angers

  • http://www.univ-avignon.fr/recherch/labanalyse.html — Universite d'Avignon

  • http://www-math.univ-fcomte.fr/ — Universite de Franche-Comte, Besancon

  • http://www.ufr-mi.u-bordeaux.fr/ — Universite Bordeaux I

  • http://math.u-bourgogne.fr/ — Universite de Bourgogne, Dijon

  • http://maths2.univ-brest.fr/ — Universite de Bretagne Occidendale

  • http://web.univ-ubs.fr/lmam/ — Universite de Bretagne Sud

  • http://www.math-appli-uco.fr/ — Universite Catholique de l'Ouest

  • http://www.math.unicaen.fr/ — Universite de Caen

  • http://www.u-cergy.fr/rech/labo/equipes/agm/ — Universite de Cergy-Pontoise

  • http://math.univ-bpclermont.fr/index.html — Universite Blaise Pascal, Clermont-Ferrand

  • http://www.dma.utc.fr/ — Universite de Technologie de Compiegne

  • http://www.maths.univ-evry.fr/ — Universite d'Evry

  • http://www-lmah.univ-lehavre.fr/ — Universite du Havre

  • http://www-fourier.ujf-grenoble.fr/ — Universite Joseph Fourier, Grenoble

  • http://www2.univ-reunion.fr/~liremia/ — Universite de La Reunion

  • http://www.univ-lr.fr/labo/lmca/ — Universite de La Rochelle

  • http://www.univ-artois.fr/francais/rech/centres/pages/maths.htm — Universite d'Artois, Lens

  • http://ano.univ-lille1.fr/ — Universite des Sciences et Technologies de Lille

  • http://www.unilim.fr/irem/ — Universite de Limoges

  • http://www-lmpa.univ-littoral.fr/ — Universite du Littoral

  • http://igd.univ-lyon1.fr/igd/e_index.html — Universite Lyon 1

  • http://www.univ-lemans.fr/~benard/irem.html — Universite du Maine

  • http://www-math.univ-mlv.fr/index.html — Universite de Marne-la-Vallee

  • http://www.cmi.univ-mrs.fr/ — Universite de Provence, Marseille

  • http://www.mmas.univ-metz.fr/ — Universite de Metz

  • http://www.math.univ-montp2.fr — Universite Montpellier II

  • http://www.math.univ-mulhouse.fr/ — Universite de Haute Alsace, Mulhouse

  • http://poincare.math.sciences.univ-nantes.fr/ — Universite de Nantes

  • http://math.unice.fr/ — Universite de Nice Sophia-Antipolis

  • http://www.univ-orleans.fr/mapmo/ — Universite d'Orleans

  • http://samos.univ-paris1.fr/ — Universite Paris 1 - Pantheon-Sorbonne

  • http://www.math-info.univ-paris5.fr/ — Universite Rene Descartes (Paris V)

  • http://www.mathp6.jussieu.fr/ — Universite Pierre & Marie Curie (Paris VI)

  • http://www.mathp7.jussieu.fr/ — Universite Paris VII

  • http://ufr6.univ-paris8.fr/lit-math/maths/somat.html — Universite de Paris 8 (Saint-Denis)

  • http://www.ceremade.dauphine.fr/index.html — Universite Paris IX - Dauphine

  • http://www.math.u-psud.fr — Universite Paris-Sud XI

  • http://www.univ-paris12.fr/www/labos/cmup/laboratoire/CMUP.html — Universite Paris XII

  • http://zeus.math.univ-paris13.fr/ — Universite Paris XIII

  • http://www.univ-pau.fr/lma/ — Universite de Pau

  • http://www.univ-perp.fr/see/rch/mano/ — Universite de Perpignan

  • http://www.mathinfo.u-picardie.fr/ — Universite de Picardie

  • http://wwwmathlabo.univ-poitiers.fr/ — Universite de Poitiers

  • http://www.univ-reims.fr/Labos/Mathematiques/math.html — Universite de Reims

  • http://www.math.univ-rennes1.fr/index.html.en.html — Universite de Rennes 1

  • http://www.univ-rouen.fr/LMRS/ — Universite de Rouen

  • http://www.univ-st-etienne.fr/monnet/univie4.html — Universite Jean Monnet, Saint-Ettiene

  • http://www.lama.univ-savoie.fr/ — Universite de Savoie

  • http://www.univ-tln.fr/Recherche/unites/anla/index.html.en — Universite de Toulon et du Var

  • http://www.math.ups-tlse.fr/ — Universite Paul Sabatier, Toulouse

  • http://www.phys.univ-tours.fr/ — Universite de Tours

  • http://www.univ-valenciennes.fr/macs/ — Laboratoire de Mathematiques Appliquees au Calcul Scientifique,

    Universite de Valenciennes

  • http://www.univ-valenciennes.fr/lamath/ — Laboratoire de Mathematiques, Universite de Valenciennes

  • http://www.math.uvsq.fr/ — Universite de Versailles



  • http://www.rmi.acnet.ge/ — Georgian Academy of Sciences

  • http://www.viam.science.tsu.ge/ — Vekua Institute of Applied Mathematics


  • http://www.uni-weimar.de/~wim/ — Bauhaus Universitat


  • http://www.math-inf.uni-greifswald.de/index_en.html — Ernst Moritz Arndt Universitat Greifswald

  • http://www.fh-bielefeld.de/article/articleview/954/1/19?NavItemID=725&NavCatID=332 — Fachhochschule Bielefeld

  • http://www.fh-flensburg.de/iam/ — Fachhochschule Flensburg

  • http://www.fernuni-hagen.de/mathematik.html — FernUniversitat, Hagen

  • http://www.fiz-karlsruhe.de/ — FIZ Karlsruhe

  • http://www.mathe.tu-freiberg.de/ — Freiberg University of Mining and Technology

  • http://www.math.fu-berlin.de/ — Freie Universitat Berlin

  • http://www.minet.uni-jena.de/index-en.php — Friedrich Schiller Universitat Jena

  • http://www.informatik.htw-dresden.de/ — HTW Dresden

  • http://www.mathematik.hu-berlin.de/ — Humboldt Universitat, Berlin

  • http://www.iu-bremen.de/ses/math/ — International University Bremen

  • http://www.ku-eichstaett.de/Fakultaeten/MGF/Mathematik.de — Katholische Universitat Eichstatt

  • http://www.zib.de/ — Konrad-Zuse-Zentrum Berlin (ZIB)

  • http://www.mfo.de/ — Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach

  • http://www.mpim-bonn.mpg.de/ — Max Planck Institute of Mathematics, Bonn

  • http://www.mis.mpg.de/ — Max Planck Institute for Mathematics in the Sciences, Liepzig

  • http://www.rwth-aachen.de/zentral/sul_fb01.htm — Ruhr-Universitat Bochum

  • http://www.rwth-aachen.de/zentral/sul_fb01.htm — RWTH Aachen

  • http://www.tfh-berlin.de/~mathe/ — Technische Fachhochschule Berlin

  • http://www.math.tu-berlin.de/ — Technische Universitat Berlin

  • http://www.mathematik.tu-bs.de/ — Technische Universitat Braunschweig

  • http://www.tu-chemnitz.de/mathematik/ — Technische Universitat Chemnitz

  • http://www.math.tu-clausthal.de — Technische Universitat Clausthal

  • http://www.math.tu-cottbus.de/ — Technische Universitat


  • http://www.mathematik.tu-darmstadt.de/ — Technische Universitat Darmstadt

  • http://www.math.tu-dresden.de/ — Technische Universitat


  • http://www.tu-harburg.de/mat/Math-Net/ — Technische Universitat Hamburg-Harburg

  • http://imath.mathematik.tu-ilmenau.de/Math-Net/index_de.html — Technische Universitat Ilmenau

  • http://www.mathematik.tu-muenchen.de/ — Technische Universitat Munchen

  • http://www.math.uni-augsburg.de/ — Universitat Augsburg

  • http://www.uni-bayreuth.de/departments/math/ — Universitat Bayreuth

  • http://www.mathematik.uni-bielefeld.de/ — Universitat Bielefeld

  • http://www.math-nat-fakultaet.uni-bonn.de/ — Universitat Bonn

  • http://www.math.uni-bremen.de/ — Universitat Bremen

  • http://www.unibw-hamburg.de/WWEB/fb_wow_mat.html — Universitat der Bundeswehr, Hamburg

  • http://www1.informatik.unibw-muenchen.de/ — Universitat der Bundeswehr, Munchen

  • http://www.mathematik.uni-dortmund.de/ — Universitat Dortmund

  • http://www.uni-duisburg.de/FB11/home.html — Universitat Duisburg

  • http://www.mathematik.uni-duesseldorf.de/Math-Net/ — Universitat Dusseldorf

  • http://www.mathematik.uni-erlangen.de/ — Universitat Erlangen-Nuremberg

  • http://www.exp-math.uni-essen.de/ — Universitat Essen

  • http://www.uni-flensburg.de/mathe/index.html — Universitat Flensburg

  • http://www.math.uni-frankfurt.de/ — Universitat Frankfurt

  • http://web.mathematik.uni-freiburg.de/Welcome_e.html — Universitat Freiburg

  • http://www.uni-giessen.de/www-Mathematik/ — Universitat Giessen

  • http://www.uni-math.gwdg.de/en/index.html — Universitat Gottingen

  • http://www.mathematik.uni-halle.de/ — Universitat Halle

  • http://www.math.uni-hamburg.de/ — Universitat Hamburg

  • http://www.uni-hannover.de/de/fakultaeten/fk-maphy/index.php — Universitat Hannover

  • http://www.mathematik.uni-heidelberg.de/ — Universitat Heidelberg

  • http://www.mathematik.uni-hildesheim.de/ — Universitat Hildesheim

  • http://www.uni-hohenheim.de/~inst110/ — Universitat Hohenheim

  • http://www.minet.uni-jena.de/ — Universitat Jena

  • http://www.mathematik.uni-kl.de/ — Universitat Kaiserslautern

  • http://www.mathematik.uni-karlsruhe.de/ — Universitat Karlsruhe

  • http://www.mathematik.uni-kassel.de/ — Universitat Kassel

  • http://www.math.uni-kiel.de/ — Universitat Kiel

  • http://www.uni-koblenz.de/mathe/home.html — Universitat Koblenz - Landau

  • http://www.mi.uni-koeln.de/homepage/mi_homepage_en.html — Universitat zu Koln

  • http://www.mathe.uni-konstanz.de — Universitat Konstanz

  • http://www.fmi.uni-leipzig.de/ — Universitat Leipzig

  • http://www.math.mu-luebeck.de/Math-Net/ — Universitat Lubeck

  • http://www.math.uni-magdeburg.de/ — Universitat Magdeburg

  • http://www.mathematik.uni-mainz.de/ — Universitat Mainz

  • http://www.informatik.uni-mannheim.de/index.html — Universitat Mannheim

  • http://www.mathematik.uni-marburg.de/ — Universitat Marburg

  • http://www.mathematik.uni-muenchen.de/ — Universitat Munchen

  • http://www.uni-muenster.de/ — Universitat Munster

  • http://www.math.uni-oldenburg.de/ — Universitat Oldenburg

  • http://www.mathematik.uni-osnabrueck.de/ — Universitat Osnabruck

  • http://math-www.uni-paderborn.de/ — Universitat Paderborn

  • http://www.fmi.uni-passau.de/fmi/uebersicht.html — Universitat Passau

  • http://www.math.uni-potsdam.de/ — Universitat Potsdam

  • http://www.uni-regensburg.de/Fakultaeten/nat_Fak_I/ — Universitat Regensburg

  • http://www.math.uni-rostock.de/ — Universitat Rostock

  • http://www.math.uni-sb.de/Math-Net/index.en.html — Universitat des Saarlandes

  • http://www.math.uni-siegen.de/Math-Net/ — Universitat Siegen

  • http://www.mathematik.uni-stuttgart.de/ — Universitat Stuttgart

  • http://www.mathematik.uni-trier.de/ — Universitat Trier

  • http://www.mathematik.uni-tuebingen.de/mi/ — Universitat Tubingen

  • http://www.mathematik.uni-ulm.de/ — Universitat Ulm

  • http://www.math.uni-wuppertal.de/ — Universitat Wuppertal

  • http://www.mathematik.uni-wuerzburg.de/RM/ — Universitat Wurzburg

  • http://www.wias-berlin.de/ — Weierstrass Institute for Applied Analysis and Stochastics

    (WIAS), Berlin


  • http://www.knust.edu.gh/ceng/dept.php?dept=COE — Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology

  • http://www.ug.edu.gh/index1.php?linkid=185&sublinkid=40&subsublinkid=37 — University of Ghana


  • http://stat-athens.aueb.gr/ — Athens University of Economics and Business

  • http://www.math.auth.gr/ — Aristotle University of Thessaloniki

  • http://www.math.ntua.gr/ — National Technical University of Athens

  • http://www.math.aegean.gr/ — University of the Aegean

  • http://www.math.uoa.gr/ — University of Athens

  • http://www.math.uoc.gr/dept/index.html — University of Crete

  • http://www.math.uoi.gr/ — University of Ioannina

  • http://www.math.upatras.gr/ — University of Patras


  • http://www.uog.edu/dynamicdata/Math.aspx?siteid=2&p=92 — University of Guam


  • http://www.galileo.edu/public/lemf/ — Universidad Galileo

  • http://www.usac.edu.gt/ingenieria.html — Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala

  • http://www.uvg.edu.gt/info-academica/u-academicas/cc-hh/licenciaturas/matematica/index.htm — Universidad del Valle de Guatemala


  • http://www.uog.edu.gy/faculties/fns/ — University of Guyana



  • http://www.upnfm.edu.hn/facultades/facyt/matematicas.htm — Universidad Pedagogica Nacional

    Hong Kong

  • http://www.cis.edu.hk/Sec/Math/home.htm — Chinese International School

  • http://www.math.cuhk.edu.hk/ — Chinese University of Hong Kong

  • http://www.cityu.edu.hk/ma/ — City University of Hong Kong

  • http://euler.math.hkbu.edu.hk/ — Hong Kong Baptist College

  • http://www.ied.edu.hk/math/ — Hong Kong Institute of Education

  • http://www.polyu.edu.hk/dept/ama.htm — Hong Kong Polytechnic University

  • http://www.math.ust.hk/home/ — Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

  • http://www.ouhk.edu.hk/~sctwww/maths/index.htm — Open University of Hong Kong

  • http://www.hku.hk/math/ — University of Hong Kong


  • http://www.math-inst.hu/ — Alfred Renyi Institute of Mathematics, Hungarian Academy of Sciences

  • http://old.bdtf.hu/en/egysegek/termeszettud_intezet/matematika/matematika.html — Berzsenyi Daniel College, Szombathely

  • http://server.math.u-szeged.hu/ — Bolyai Institute, University of Szeged

  • http://www.bke.hu/math/indexe.html — Budapest University of Economic Sciences

  • http://www.math.bme.hu/ — Budapest University of Technology and Economics

  • http://www.ceu.hu/dep_mathematics.html — Central European University

  • http://zeus.nyf.hu/~mattan/ — College of Nyiregyhaza

  • http://www.math.elte.hu/index_eng.html — Eotvos Lorand University, Budapest

  • http://www.jgytf.u-szeged.hu/Erasmus/matematika/index-e.htm — Juhasz Gyula Teacher Training College Division, University of Szeged

  • http://www.ektf.hu/tanszek/matematika/mateng.html — Karoly Eszterhazy College, Eger

  • http://www.sze.hu/matematika/index_eng.html — Szechenyi Istvan University, Gyor

  • http://www.math.klte.hu/ — University of Debrecen

  • http://www.inf.unideb.hu/ — Institute of Informatics, University of Debrecen

  • http://www.uni-miskolc.hu/uni/dept/gepesz/mat/indexeng.html — University of Miskolc

  • http://www.ttk.pte.hu/matek/ — University of Pecs

  • http://www.dcs.vein.hu/ — University of Veszprem

  • http://titanic.nyme.hu/~gmsi/ — University of West Hungary, Sopron



  • http://www.raunvis.hi.is/Staerdfr/StaerdfrE.html — Science Institute, University of Iceland


  • http://www.amu.ac.in/index3.asp?sublinkid=215&sublink2id=206 — Aligarh Muslim University

  • http://www.mri.ernet.in/ — Harish-Chandra Research Institute, Allahabad

  • http://www.cmmacs.ernet.in/ — Centre for Mathematical Modelling and Computer Simulation, Bangalore

  • http://math.iisc.ernet.in/ — Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore

  • http://www.isibang.ac.in/ — Indian Statistical Institute, Bangalore

  • http://www.sjc.ac.in/mat.html — St Joseph's College, Bangalore

  • http://www.manit.ac.in/visitor/showDep.asp?txtDepID=5 — MANIT, Bhopal

  • http://www.math.iitb.ac.in/ — Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay

  • http://maths.puchd.ac.in/ — Punjab University, Chandigarh

  • http://www.cmi.ac.in/ — Chennai Mathematical Institute

  • http://www.imsc.ernet.in/ — Institute of Mathematical Science, Chennai

  • http://www.mop-vaishnav.ac.in/bos1.html — M.O.P. Vishnav College for Women, Chennai

  • http://www.chowgulecollege.ac.in/~science/maths/ — Chowgule College

  • http://maths.cusat.ac.in/ — Cochin University of Science and Technology

  • http://www.iitd.ernet.in/deptt/maths/ — Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi

  • http://www.du.ac.in/show_department.html?department_id=Mathematics — University of Delhi

  • http://www.ismdhanbad.ac.in/academics/app_math.htm — Indian School of Mines, Dhanbad

  • http://recdgp.nic.in/html/math.html — Regional Engineering College, Durgapur

  • http://www.iitg.ernet.in/scifac/maths/public_html/ — Indian Institute of Technology, Guwahati

  • http://www.jiwaji.edu/sos/mathematics.htm — Jiwaji University, Gwalior

  • — University of Hyderabad

  • http://www.jntu.ac.in/departments/math_dept.htm — Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Hyderabad

  • http://www.iitk.ac.in/math/ — Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur

  • http://www.iitkgp.ernet.in/departments/home.php?deptcode=MM — Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur

  • http://www.reck.nic.in/math_deptt.htm — Regional Engineering College, Kurukshetra

  • http://mat.iitm.ac.in/ — Indian Institute of Technology, Madras

  • http://www.mangaloreuniversity.ac.in/faculty_details.jsp?page=math.html — Mangalore University

  • http://www.math.tifr.res.in/ — Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Mumbai

  • http://math.mu.ac.in/ — University of Mumbai

  • http://www.vnitnagpur.ac.in/appmathsd.htm — Visvesvaraya National Institute of Technology, Nagpur

  • http://jmi.nic.in/Fnat/Mathematics.htm — Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi

  • http://www.gbpuat.ac.in/acads/cbsh/maths.htm — Govind Ballabh Pant University of Agriculture and Technology

  • http://www.pondiuni.org/dep20.html — Pondicherry University

  • http://math.unipune.ernet.in/ — University of Pune

  • http://www.iitr.ernet.in/departments/MA/index.htm — Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee

  • http://www.nehu.ac.in/department_of_mathematics.html — North-Eastern Hill University, Shillong

  • http://www.unishivaji.ac.in/deptmaths.htm — Shivaji University

  • http://www.sit.ac.in/Departments/maths/mathsindex.html — Siddaganga Institute of Technology

  • http://www.svce.ac.in/department/maths/ — Sri Venkateswara College of Engineering

  • http://www.svnit.ac.in/dept/ash/new%20math/Mt_index.html — Sardar Vallabhbhai National Institute of Technology, Surat

  • http://www.nitk.ac.in/newnitk/depts/macs/ — National Institute of Technology Karnataka, Surathkal

  • http://rangoli.rect.ernet.in/departments/mca/ — National Institute of Technology, Trichy


  • http://www.math.itb.ac.id/ — Bandung Institute of Technology

  • http://www.binus.ac.id/majors/undergraduate/mathematics/Default.asp — Bina Nusantara University

  • http://math.fmipa.ipb.ac.id/ — Bogor Agricultural University

  • http://www.undip.ac.id/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=19&Itemid=50 — Diponegoro University

  • http://public.ut.ac.id/english/index.php?module=pagemaster&PAGE_user_op=view_page&PAGE_id=20&MMN_position=22:7 — Indonesian Open Learning University

  • http://www.unpar.ac.id/MIPA/math.asp — Parahyangan Catholic University

  • http://www.math.uns.ac.id/ — Sebelas Maret University

  • http://www.ui.ac.id/fmipa.htm — Universitas Indonesia

  • http://www.unila.ac.id/~math/ — University of Lampung

  • http://public.ut.ac.id/english/index.php?module=pagemaster&PAGE_user_op=view_page&PAGE_id=20&MMN_position=22:7 — Universitas Terbuka


  • http://www.dohukuni.net/colleges,10.htm — University of Dohuk


  • http://math-cs.aut.ac.ir/ — Amirkabir University of Technology

  • http://www.araku.ac.ir/gims/univ/colleges/deps/index.php?id=8&_lang=en — Arak University

  • http://www.azaruniv.ac.ir/faculties/mathematics1.htm — Azarbaijan University

  • http://www.basu.ac.ir/english/faculties/science/mathindex.html — Bu Ali Sina University

  • http://www.um.ac.ir/Faculty-schools-id-22.html — Ferdowsi University of Mashhad

  • http://www.iasbs.ac.ir/math/ — Institute for Advanced Studies in Basic Sciences, Zanjan

  • http://math.ipm.ac.ir/ — Institute for Studies in Theoretical Physics and Mathematics, Tehran

  • http://www.iust.ac.ir/index.php?slc_lang=en&sid=30 — Iran University of Science and Technology

  • http://ewww.iut.ac.ir/ — Isfahan University of Technology

  • http://www.math.kntu.ac.ir/ — K. N. Toosi University of Technology

  • http://www.razi.ac.ir/department/?d=10 — Razi University

  • http://sci.sut.ac.ir/mathdepartment.htm — Sahand University of Technology

  • http://www.uk.ac.ir/DepartmentDetail.jsp?6 — Shahid Bahonar University, Keman

  • http://en.sbu.ac.ir/Default.aspx?tabid=180 — Shahid Beheshti University

  • http://mathsci.sharif.edu/ — Sharif University of Technology

  • http://www.susc.ac.ir/math/html/ — Shiraz University

  • http://www2.tabrizu.ac.ir/show.asp?id=12 — Tabriz University

  • http://cvs.tmu.ac.ir/Faculty_of_Mathematics_and_Computer_Science.htm — Tarbiat Moallem University

  • http://www.modares.ac.ir/en/websci/sci5.htm — Tarbiat Modarres University

  • http://www.guilan.ac.ir/indexen.php?page=info&a=00019 — University of Guilan

  • http://sci.ui.ac.ir/math/Department_of_Mathematics.html — University of Isfahan

  • http://www.kashanu.ac.ir/modules.php?name=treeview&op=viewnodepage&nid=221 — University of Kashan

  • http://www.semnan.ac.ir/engsite/oloomdepart.htm — University of Semnan

  • http://fos.ut.ac.ir/ — University of Tehran

  • http://www.urmia.ac.ir/Fac_Sci/Math/department.htm — Urmia University

  • http://www.znu.ac.ir/modules.php?name=treeview&op=viewnodepage&nid=55 — Zanjan University


  • http://edu.cit.ie/ — Cork Institute of Technology

  • http://www.dcu.ie/maths/ — Dublin City University

  • http://www.gmit.ie/prospective_students/prospectus_2004/campus/science/mathematics_computing/ — Galway-Mayo Institute of Technology

  • http://www.mic.ul.ie/maths/ — Mary Immaculate College, University of Limerick

  • http://www.maths.nuigalway.ie/ — National University of Ireland, Galway

  • http://www.maths.may.ie — National University of Ireland, Maynooth

  • http://www.am.qub.ac.uk/ — Queen's University of Belfast

  • http://www.maths.tcd.ie/ — Trinity College Dublin

  • http://maths.ucc.ie/ — University College Cork

  • http://mathsa.ucd.ie/ — University College Dublin

  • http://tedser.ucg.ie — University College Galway

  • http://www.ul.ie/~informat/maths.php — University of Limerick

  • http://www.infc.ulst.ac.uk/informatics/cm/ — University of Ulster


  • http://www.math.biu.ac.il/english/ — Bar-Ilan University, Ramat-Gan

  • http://www.math.bgu.ac.il/ — Ben Gurion University

  • http://www.ma.huji.ac.il/ — Hebrew University, Jerusalem

  • http://www-e.openu.ac.il/academic/dept321.html — Open University of Israel

  • http://www.math.technion.ac.il/ — Technion - Israel Institute of Technology

  • http://www.math.tau.ac.il/ — Tel Aviv University

  • http://math.haifa.ac.il/ — University of Haifa

  • http://mathphys.haifa.ac.il/ — University of Haifa - Oranim

  • http://www.wisdom.weizmann.ac.il/ — Weizmann Institute of Science


  • http://www.iac.rm.cnr.it — Istituto per le Applicazioni del Calcolo "Mauro Picone"

  • http://www.sissa.it/fa/ — Functional Analysis Sector, SISSA

  • http://www.mate.polimi.it/ — Politecnico di Milano

  • http://calvino.polito.it/index.html — Politecnico di Torino

  • http://www.math.sns.it/ — Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa

  • http://pzmath.unibas.it/ — Universita degli Studi della Basilicata

  • http://www.dm.uniba.it/ — Universita degli Studi di Bari

  • http://www.unibg.it/maths/ — University of Bergamo

  • http://www.dm.unibo.it/ — University of Bologna

  • http://www.dmf.bs.unicatt.it/welcome.html.en — Universita Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Brescia

  • http://riemann.unica.it/eng/index.html — University of Cagliari

  • http://www.mat.unical.it/ — University degli Studi della Calabria

  • http://www.dipmat.unict.it/ — Universita degli Studi di Catania

  • http://dm.unife.it/ — Universita di Ferrara

  • http://www.math.unifi.it/ — Universita degli Studi

    di Firenze

  • http://www.dima.unige.it/ — Universita di Genoa

  • http://www.dm.univaq.it/public_html/index.php?go=home — Universita degli Studi L'Aquila

  • http://www.dm.unile.it/ — Universita degli Studi di Lecce

  • http://dipmat.unime.it/ — University of Messina

  • http://www.mat.unimi.it/ — Universita degli Studi

    di Milano

  • http://www.matapp.unimib.it/ — Universita degli Studi di Milano - Bicocca

  • http://www.dms.unina.it/ — Universita di Napoli

  • http://www.math.unipd.it/dipartimento/dipmath_it.html — Universita degli Studi di Padova

  • http://www.math.unipr.it/ — Universita degli Studi di Parma

  • http://www-dimat.unipv.it/ — Universita degli Studi di


  • http://www.dipmat.unipg.it/ — Universita di Perugia

  • http://www.dm.unipi.it — University of Pisa

  • http://www.mat.uniroma1.it/ — Universita di Roma "La Sapienza"

  • http://www.mat.uniroma2.it/main.html — Universita degli Studi di Roma "Tor Vergata"

  • http://www.mat.uniroma3.it/ — Universita Roma Tre

  • http://www.dm.unito.it/ — Universita degli Studi di Torino

  • http://www.unitn.it/dipartimenti/mate/index.php — University of Trento

  • http://www.univ.trieste.it/strutture/index.php/from/ricerca/strutture/3300 — Universita degli Studi di Trieste

  • http://www.dimi.uniud.it/ — Universita degli Studi di Udine

  • http://www.uniurb.it/biomat/indice.html — University of Urbino

  • http://www.dma.unive.it/ — Universita Ca Foscari di Venezia



  • http://www.case.edu.jm/facultiesacaddept/sceince/index2.htm — College of Agriculture, Science and Education, Portland

  • http://cnas.ncu.edu.jm/math-eng/ — Northern Caribbean University

  • http://www.utech.edu.jm/Faculties/Health&App/Maths/ — University of Technology, Kingston

  • http://www.mona.uwi.edu/dmcs/math.htm — University of the West Indies, Mona


  • http://www.auemath.aichi-edu.ac.jp/index-e.htm — Aichi University of Education

  • http://www.u-aizu.ac.jp/official/researchact/rese02-3_e.html#MATH — University of Aizu

  • http://www.math.s.chiba-u.ac.jp/index-e.html — Chiba University

  • http://www.math.chuo-u.ac.jp/ — Chuo University

  • http://www.ed.ehime-u.ac.jp/edmath/staff/index.html — Ehime University

  • http://www.sm.fukuoka-u.ac.jp/index-e.html — Fukuoka University

  • http://www.gakushuin.ac.jp/univ/english/math/ — Gakushuin University

  • http://www.sci.himeji-tech.ac.jp/material/math/index-e.html — Himeji Institute of Technology

  • http://www.math.sci.hiroshima-u.ac.jp/ — Hiroshima


  • http://www.math.hokudai.ac.jp/ — Hokkaido University

  • http://suuri.sci.ibaraki.ac.jp/indexE.html — Ibaraki University

  • http://www.juen.ac.jp/math/Math_e.html — Joetsu University of Education

  • http://math.josai.ac.jp/ — Josai University

  • http://www.sci.kagoshima-u.ac.jp/newmath/index.html — Kagoshima University

  • http://mathya.b6.kanagawa-u.ac.jp/math/staff.htm — Kanagawa University

  • http://www.math.keio.ac.jp/ — Keio University

  • http://www.math.sci.kobe-u.ac.jp/ — Kobe University

  • http://www.math.kochi-u.ac.jp/index_e.html — Kochi University

  • http://www.math.konan-u.ac.jp/index-e.html — Konan University

  • http://www.math.sci.kumamoto-u.ac.jp/index.html — Kumamoto University

  • http://www.kusm.kyoto-u.ac.jp/index.en.html — Kyoto University

  • http://www.math.kyushu-u.ac.jp/ — Kyushu University

  • http://www.math.meiji.ac.jp/index-e.html — Meiji University

  • http://math1.edu.mie-u.ac.jp/~hidano/MathDepartment.html — Mie University

  • http://www.math.nagoya-u.ac.jp/ — Nagoya University

  • http://www.nda.ac.jp/cc/math/ — National Defence Academy

  • http://saba.math.cst.nihon-u.ac.jp/ — Nihon University

  • http://math.ed.niigata-u.ac.jp/index-en.html — Niigata University

  • http://www.sci.ocha.ac.jp/ — Ochanomizu University

  • http://www.math.okayama-u.ac.jp/ — Okayama University

  • http://www.math.sci.osaka-u.ac.jp/index-en.html — Osaka University

  • http://math01.sci.osaka-cu.ac.jp/index-e.html — Osaka City University

  • http://www.osaka-kyoiku.ac.jp/~suuri/index_e.html — Osaka Kyoiku University

  • http://www.ms.osakafu-u.ac.jp/index.html — Osaka Prefecture University

  • http://www.appmath.osaka-wu.ac.jp/index_e.html — Osaka Women's University

  • http://www.rkmath.rikkyo.ac.jp/ — Rikkyo University

  • http://www.ritsumei.ac.jp/se/rp/math/math.html — Ritsumeikan University

  • http://www.math.ryukoku.ac.jp/index-e.html — Ryukoku University

  • http://www.ms.saga-u.ac.jp/index.e.html — Saga University

  • http://www.rimath.saitama-u.ac.jp/index-en.html — Saitama University

  • http://www.math.shimane-u.ac.jp/english/toppage.htm — Shimane University

  • http://math.shinshu-u.ac.jp/ — Shinshu University

  • http://www.shizuoka.ac.jp/~math/math/ — Shizuoka University

  • http://www.mm.sophia.ac.jp/index-e.html — Sophia University

  • http://www.math.tohoku.ac.jp/ — Tohoku University

  • http://www.sm.u-tokai.ac.jp/ — Tokai University

  • http://www-math.ias.tokushima-u.ac.jp/index-e.html — University of


  • http://www.ms.u-tokyo.ac.jp/ — University of Tokyo

  • http://www.r.dendai.ac.jp/ — Tokyo Denki University

  • http://www.math.titech.ac.jp/ — Tokyo Institute of Technology

  • http://www.tmd.ac.jp/artsci/math/math-e.htm — Tokyo Medical and Dental University

  • http://www.sci.metro-u.ac.jp/math/indexE.html — Tokyo Metropolitan University

  • http://www.ma.kagu.tus.ac.jp/ — Tokyo University of Science

  • http://www.im.uec.ac.jp/ — University of Electro-Communications, Tokyo

  • http://www.damp.tottori-u.ac.jp/ — Tottori University

  • http://www.sci.toyama-u.ac.jp/math/index.html — Toyama University

  • http://www.tsuda.ac.jp/kouhou/guide/tsuda-hand/DeptofMathComp-e.html — Tsuda College

  • http://www.math.tsukuba.ac.jp/ — University of Tsukuba

  • http://www.math.waseda.ac.jp/en/department.html — Waseda University

  • http://ksjoho1.kj.yamagata-u.ac.jp/~math/English/index-E.html — Yamagata University

  • http://www.sci.yamaguchi-u.ac.jp/math/index_e.html — Yamaguchi University

  • http://suuri.sci.yokohama-cu.ac.jp/english/index.html — Yokohama City University


  • http://www.aabu.edu.jo/sien/math/home%20page.htm — Al Al-Bayt University

  • http://web.asu.edu.jo/faculties/science_faculty/Mathematics_dept/ — Applied Science University, Amman

  • http://www.just.edu.jo/~mathematical_science/door.htm — Jordan University of Science and Technology

  • http://www.mutah.edu.jo/docs/scifac.htm — Mutah University

  • http://www.ju.edu.jo/faculties/science/Mathmatics.htm — University of Jordan

  • http://www.yu.edu.jo/faculty/f-science/mothmatics/mothmatics.htm — Yarmouk University

  • http://www.zpu.edu.jo/Academic/Science/math.htm — Zarka Private University



  • http://www.math.kz/indexe.htm — Institute of Mathematics, Ministry of Education and Science

  • http://www.kazsu.kz/main.aspx?id=66 — Al-Farabi Kazakh National University

  • http://www.ksu.kz/modules.php?name=Content&pa=showpage&pid=850 — Karagandinski University

  • http://www.sdu.edu.kz/math_dept.htm — Suleyman Demirel University


  • http://www.egerton.ac.ke/academics/science/dept_math.htm — Egerton University

  • http://www.jkuat.ac.ke/aa/science/department/maths/index.htm — Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology

  • http://www.ku.ac.ke/academic/departments.asp?Dcode=SMA — Kenyatta University

  • http://www.uonbi.ac.ke/acad_depts/maths/ — University of Nairobi

    Korea, South

  • http://www.cheju.ac.kr/eng/CNU/Departments/mathematics/mathematics.html — Cheju National University

  • http://www.chonnam.ac.kr/english_home/academics/Collage_Department/education/mathematics_edu.htm — Chonnam National University

  • http://www-math.cnu.ac.kr/ — Chungnam National University

  • http://math.ewha.ac.kr/ — Ewha Womans University

  • http://math.hongik.ac.kr/ — Hongik University

  • http://math.kangwon.ac.kr/newmath.html — Kangwon National University

  • http://www.kangnung.ac.kr/college_e/natural_e/mat_e/dep_mat_e.html — Kangnung National University

  • http://math.kaist.ac.kr/ — Korean

    Advanced Institute of Science and Technology

  • http://elie.korea.ac.kr/math/index/main_frame.htm — Korea University

  • http://www.kwangwoon.ac.kr/english/uni/math.php — Kwangwoon University

  • http://www.math.kyungpook.ac.kr/english.htm — Kyungpook University

  • http://www1.mju.ac.kr/my2001/english/college/science/science1.htm — Myongji University

  • http://math.postech.ac.kr/ — Pohang University

    of Science and Technology

  • http://mathsci.pknu.ac.kr/engilsh/introduction/introduction.htm — Pokyong National University

  • http://www.navy.ac.kr/en/src/curr/math_math.asp?gu=2 — Republic of Korea Naval Academy

  • http://gauss.sejong.ac.kr/ — Sejong University

  • http://www.math.snu.ac.kr/dept/english/ — Seoul

    National University

  • http://math.sogang.ac.kr/ — Sogang University

  • http://math.skku.ac.kr/ — Sungkyunkwan University

  • http://www.yu.ac.kr/english/college-11-5.html — Yeungnam University


  • http://www.uni-pr.edu/up/?cid=2,89 — University of Prishtina


  • http://www.sci.kuniv.edu.kw/ — Kuwait University


  • http://iaau.edu.kg/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=114&Itemid=85 — International Ataturk Alatoo University

  • http://math.krsu.edu.kg/ — Kyrgyz-Russian Slavic University

  • http://www.bolognakg.net/kg/nsu.htm — Naryn State University



  • http://www.lza.lv/EN/INST/in07.htm — Latvian Academy of Sciences

  • http://www.cs.llu.lv/home_itf/Mat_kat/Mat_kat_en.htm — Latvia University of Agriculture

  • http://www.cs.lpu.lv/katedra/ — Liepaja Academy of Pedagogy

  • http://www.cs.rtu.lv/EASTF/imk.htm — Riga Technical University

  • http://www.lu.lv/eng/dept/f_phys.html — University of Latvia, Riga

  • http://www.lumii.lv/math.htm — Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science, University of Latvia


  • http://www.cams.aub.edu.lb/ — American University of Beirut

  • http://www.bau.edu.lb/science.htm — Beirut Arab University

  • http://www.cams.aub.edu.lb/index.html — Center for Advanced Mathematical Sciences, Beirut

  • http://www.haigazian.edu.lb/academic/math.html — Haigazian University

  • http://www.csm.lau.edu.lb/ — Lebanese American University

  • http://www.liu.edu.lb/beirut/math.html — Lebanese International University

  • http://www.ndu.edu.lb/academics/fnas/dms/mis_vis.htm — Notre Dame University

  • http://www.balamand.edu.lb/fos/fsmat.html — University of Balamand

  • http://www.fs.usj.edu.lb/math.htm — Universite Saint-Joseph


  • http://www.nul.ls/faculties/science/macs_intro.htm — National University of Lesotho


  • http://www.garyounis.edu/english/faculties/science/index.htm — Garyounis University, Benghazi


  • http://www.science.mii.lt/mii_an/frame_an/pradz_an.htm — Institute of Mathematics and Informatics, Vilnius

  • http://www.ktu.lt/en/kut/fakult/fund/abappl.html — Kaunas University of Technology

  • http://www.ik.ku.lt/en-default.php — Klaipeda University

  • http://www.su.lt/en/epart600/physics.htm — Siauliai University

  • http://www.vgtu.lt/english/faculties/fmf/ — Vilnius Gediminas Technical University

  • http://www.vpu.lt/index.php?-96814744 — Vilnius Pedagogical University

  • http://mif.vu.lt/en/ — Vilnius University

  • http://www.vdu.lt/informatics/Msk_pmp_en.htm — Vytautas Magnus University, Kaunas


  • http://www.cu.lu/mathlab/ — University of Luxembourg



  • http://www.fst.umac.mo/programmes/math/index.html — University of Macau


  • http://www.tfb.edu.mk/katedri/view/5 — St. Kliment Ohridski University, Bitola

  • http://www.pmf.ukim.edu.mk/ — Sts. Cyril and Methodius University, Skopje

  • http://www.eccf.ukim.edu.mk/en/about_dep.aspx?KatedraID=5 — Faculty of Economics, Skopje

  • http://www.unite.edu.mk/FSHMN_final/MATEMATIKE/MATEMATIKE.html — State University of Tetovo


  • http://www.sdnp.org.mw/webwshp/jkanyengambala/ — Malawi Politechnic


  • http://www.ukm.my/ — National University of Malaysia

  • http://mnt.math.um.edu.my/ — University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur

  • http://fsas.upm.edu.my/~yhpeng/mathome.html — Universiti Putra Malaysia

  • http://www.mat.usm.my/math/ — Universiti Sains Malaysia

  • http://www.matematik.fs.utm.my/ — Universiti Teknologi Malaysia


  • http://www.maths.um.edu.mt/ — University of Malta


  • http://www.univ-nkc.mr/FST/dmi.html — Universite de Nouakchott


  • http://www.mie.intnet.mu/staff_maths.htm — Mauritius Institute of Education

  • http://www.uom.ac.mu/Faculties/fos/Mat/default.asp — University of Mauritius


  • http://www.cimat.mx/ — Centro de Investigation en Matematicas, Guanajuato

  • http://www.math.cinvestav.mx/ — Centro de Investigacion y de Estudios Avanzados del IPN

  • http://www.esfm.ipn.mx/ — Instituto Politecnico Nacional

  • http://matematicas.itam.mx/ — Instituto Tecnologico Autonomo de Mexico

  • http://www.udlap.mx/programasacademicos/departamentos/dafm.aspx — Universidad de las Americas, Puebla

  • http://www.anahuac.mx/actuaria/ — Universidad Anahuac

  • http://www.fcfm.uanl.mx/ — Universidad Autonoma de Nuevo Leon

  • http://www.uacj.mx/IIT/CBE/Matematicas/default.htm — Universidad Autonoma de Ciudad Juarez

  • http://www.uaeh.edu.mx/campus/icbi/oferta/maestrias/icbicienciasysudidactica.html — Universidad Autonoma del Estado de Hidalgo

  • http://www.uaemex.mx/ingles/bachelors_programs/Matematico.html — Universidad Autonoma del Estado de Mexico

  • http://mat.izt.uam.mx/matem/ — Universidad Autonoma Metropolitana, Iztapalapa

  • http://www.fcfm.buap.mx/ — Universidad Autonoma de Puebla

  • http://www.ucol.mx/docencia/facultades/fciencias/oferta.php?lic=mate — Universidad de Colima

  • http://www.cucei.udg.mx/portal/centro/oferta/licenciaturas/lm/index.php — Universidad de Guadalajara

  • http://www.famat.ugto.mx/ — Universidad de Guanajuato

  • http://www.uia.mx/web/site/tpl-Nivel2.php?menu=mgAcademia&seccion=acFisica — Universidad Iberoamericana

  • http://www.ujat.mx/oferta_educativa/dacbas/lic_matematicas.html — Universidad Juarez Autonoma de Tabasco

  • http://www.matem.unam.mx/ — Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico

  • http://www.math.unam.mx/ — Instituto de Matematicas, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico

  • http://www.matmor.unam.mx/ — Instituto de Matematicas Unidad Morelia, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico

  • http://www.matcuer.unam.mx/ — Instituto de Matematicas Unidad Curnavaca, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico

  • http://www.up.edu.mx/Default.aspx?doc=273 — Universidad Regiomontana

  • http://www.mat.uson.mx/ — Universidad de Sonora


  • http://www.comfsm.fm/mathsci/ — College of Micronesia - FSM


  • http://www.math.md/imi-site/index_en.shtml — Academy of Sciences of Moldova

  • http://www.usm.md/math/ — Moldova State University, Chisinau

  • http://utm.md/en/4-1-3-fimm-mat.html — Technical University of Moldova, Chisinau


  • http://www.num.edu.mn/pages/mcs.htm — National University of Mongolia, Ulaanbaatar


  • http://www.pmf.ac.me/ — University of Montenegro, Podgorica


  • http://www.ucam.ac.ma/fssm/math/ — Universite Cadi Ayyad, Marrakesh

  • http://www.emi.ac.ma/depts/ginf/ — Universite

    Mohammed V Agdal

  • http://sciences1.univ-oujda.ac.ma/ — Universite Mohammed Premier Oujda

  • http://www.fsdmfes.ac.ma/Presentation/Departements.php — Universite Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdellah



  • http://www.polytechnic.edu.na/academics/schools/engineering/maths/mathshome.htm — Polytechnic of Namibia

  • http://www.unam.na/faculties/science/Maths.html — University of Namibia


  • http://www.cwi.nl/ — Centrum voor Wiskunde en Informatica

  • http://ta.twi.tudelft.nl/ — Delft University of Technology

  • http://www.win.tue.nl/ — Eindhoven University of Technology

  • http://www.math.leidenuniv.nl/ — Leiden University

  • http://www.science.uva.nl/math/ — University of Amsterdam

  • http://www.rug.nl/wiskunde/ — University of Groningen (RUG)

  • http://www.math.unimaas.nl/ — Universiteit Maastricht

  • http://www.math.ru.nl/ — Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen

  • http://www.math.utwente.nl — University of Twente

  • http://www.math.uu.nl/ — Utrecht University

  • http://www.math.vu.nl/en/ — Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam

    New Zealand

  • http://www.aut.ac.nz/schools/mathematical_sciences/ — Auckland University of Technology

  • http://www.lincoln.ac.nz/amac/groups/acmsgrp.htm — Lincoln University, Canterbury

  • http://www.massey.ac.nz/~wwifs/ — Massey University

  • http://www.math.auckland.ac.nz/ — University of Auckland

  • http://www.math.canterbury.ac.nz/ — University of Canterbury

  • http://www.maths.otago.ac.nz/ — University of Otago

  • http://www.math.waikato.ac.nz/ — University of Waikato

  • http://www.mcs.vuw.ac.nz/ — Victoria University of Wellington


  • http://www.unan.edu.ni/faciencias/carreras/matematica/paginas/index_mat_est.htm — Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Nicaragua


  • http://www.covenantuniversity.edu.ng/Colleges/CST/SNAS/Mathematics — Covenant University

  • http://www.uniben.edu/departments/mathematics — University of Benin

  • http://sci.ui.edu.ng/mathswelcome — University of Ibadan


  • http://www.mi.uib.no/index-eng.html — University of Bergen

  • http://webster.hibo.no/alu/seksjon/matte/ — Bodoe Regional University

  • http://www.hinesna.no/matematikk/ — Nesna University College

  • http://www.math.uio.no/ — University of Oslo

  • http://www.hisf.no/alu/matematikk/ — Sogn og Fjordane University College

  • http://www.alt.hist.no/adm/tilsattcv/matematikk.php — Sor-Trondelag University College

  • http://www.his.no/COMMON/WEBCENTER/WEBCenter.nsf/dok/Norsk%20Institutt%20for%20matematikk%20og%20naturvitenskap?OpenDocument — Stavanger University College

  • http://munin.hsh.no/lu/Mat/ — Stord/Haugesund University College

  • http://www-not.hit.no/efl/mat/ — Telemark University College

  • http://uit.no/matstat — University of Tromso

  • http://www.math.ntnu.no/ — University of Trondheim

  • http://www-lu.hive.no/matte/ — Vestfold University College

  • http://alu.hivolda.no/view.cgi?&link_id=0.1000.30108.30126 — Volda University College

  • http://www.nlh.no/?viewID=2428 — Agricultural University of Norway



  • http://www.squ.edu.om/sci/math/ — Sultan Qaboos University



  • http://sms.edu.pk/ — Abdus Salam School of Mathematical Sciences, Lahore

  • http://www.bzu.edu.pk/caspam/ — Bahauddin Zakariya University, Multan

  • http://www.ciit-atd.edu.pk/departmentand%20courses/dep/maths.htm — COMSATS Institute of Information Technology Abbottabad

  • http://www.gcu.edu.pk/math.htm — Government College University, Lahore

  • http://www.juw.edu.pk/faculty/fscience/mathematics.html — Jinnah University for Women

  • http://www.neduet.edu.pk/maths/m&sintro.html — NED University of Engineering and Technology

  • http://www.salu.edu.pk/academics/mathematics.htm — Shah Abdul Latif University, Khairpur

  • http://www.uaf.edu.pk/Science/stat.html — University of Agriculture, Faisalabad

  • http://www.ku.edu.pk/dept/maths/intro.html — University of Karachi

  • http://www.pu.edu.pk/f-science/dept-maths.htm — University of the Punjab


  • http://www.alquds.edu/faculties/science/index.php?page=mathMSc — Al Quds University, Jerusalem

  • http://www.najah.edu/english/Faculties/science/Math.asp — An-Najah National University, Nablus

  • http://home.birzeit.edu/math/ — Birzeit University


  • http://www.up.ac.pa/PortalUp/PrincipalUnidades.aspx?area=56&idUnidad=1 — Universidad de Panama

    Papua New Guinea

  • http://www.unitech.ac.pg/Unitech_General/Departments/Mathematics/default.htm — Papua New Guinea University of Technology

  • http://www.uog.ac.pg/faculty/science/maths.htm — University of Goroka


  • http://www.facen.una.py/index_archivos/Page3739.htm — Universidad Nacional de Asuncion


  • http://www.pucp.edu.pe/departamento/ciencias/index.php?option=com_detalle&task=view7&secc=41&espec=2&Itemid=121 — Pontificia Universidad Catolica del Peru

  • http://www.lamolina.edu.pe/facultad/ciencias/Matematica/DAM.htm — Universidad Nacional Argaria La Molina

  • http://www.unfv.edu.pe/site/facultades/fccnm/index.html — Universidad Nacional Federico Villarreal

  • http://fc.uni.edu.pe/postgrado/mmatapli.htm — Universidad Nacional de Ingenieria

  • http://matematicas.unmsm.edu.pe/ — Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos

  • http://www.unp.edu.pe/promate/ — Universidad Nacional de Piura

  • http://www.unitru.edu.pe/facultades/fcfym/ematematicas.html — Universidad Nacional de Trujillo

  • http://www.up.edu.pe/departamentos/matematicas/ — Universidad del Pacifico


  • http://www.math.admu.edu.ph/ — Ateneo de Manila University

  • http://www.cpu.edu.ph/dep/as/fs_mp.html — Central Philippine University

  • http://www.dlsu.edu.ph/academics/colleges/cos/math/default.asp — De La Salle University, Manila

  • http://www.feu.edu.ph/institute_as12.asp — Far Eastern University

  • http://math.mapua.edu.ph/ — Mapua Institute of Technology

  • http://csm.msuiit.edu.ph/math/ — Mindanao State University - Iligan Institute of Technology

  • http://www.su.edu.ph/cas/mathematics/menumain.html — Silliman University

  • http://www.math.upd.edu.ph/ — University of the Philippines, Diliman

  • http://www.usc.edu.ph/comp_sci_about.htm — University of San Carlos


  • http://www.impan.gov.pl/ — Institute of Mathematics of Polish Academy of Sciences

  • http://math.uwb.edu.pl/pl/html/index.mhtml — University of Bialystok

  • http://katmat.pb.bialystok.pl/maten.html — Technical University of Bialystok

  • http://matematyka.ab.edu.pl/ — Kazimier Wielkieg University of Bydgoszcz

  • http://imif.atr.bydgoszcz.pl/en/ — University of Technology and Agriculture in Bydgoszcz

  • http://www.imi.pcz.czest.pl/ — Polytechnikal University of Czestochow

  • http://www.impan.gda.pl/ — Polish Academy of Sciences (Gdansk Division)

  • http://www.mif.pg.gda.pl/en/index.html — Technical University of Gdansk

  • http://math.univ.gda.pl/ — University of Gdansk

  • http://wsm.gdynia.pl/wn/km/index_e.html — Gdynia Maritime University

  • http://mat.polsl.pl/en_index.php —

    Silesian University of Technology, Gliwice

  • http://ux1.math.us.edu.pl/ — Silesian University,


  • http://www.pu.kielce.pl/imat/ — Academy of Svietokrzyska, Kielce

  • http://www.im.uj.edu.pl/ — Jagiellonian University, Krakow

  • http://www.ae.krakow.pl/~zkmat/ — Kracow Economical Academy

  • http://www.wsp.krakow.pl/mat/ — Krakow Pedagogical


  • http://www.agh.edu.pl/agh/dep/MA/index_e.html — AGH University of Science and Technology, Krakow

  • http://www.pk.edu.pl/wydzialy/instytut-mat/index.html — Polytechnical Universitiy of Kracow

  • http://im0.p.lodz.pl/ — Polytechnical University of Lodz

  • http://www.math.uni.lodz.pl/main/english/ — University of Lodz

  • http://mfi.umcs.lublin.pl/mat.php — Uniwersytet Marii Curie-Slodowskiej, Lublin

  • http://www.pol.lublin.pl/index.html?kat=405&akcja=jedn&rid=41 — Lublin University of Technology

  • http://www-math.uni.opole.pl/ — Opole University

  • http://www.wmid.amu.edu.pl/ — Adam Mickiewicz

    University, Poznan

  • http://www.math.put.poznan.pl/ — Poznan University

    of Technology

  • http://www.univ.rzeszow.pl/eng/index2.php — Rzeszow University

  • http://www.ap.siedlce.pl/~imif/wlasciwe.html — University of Podlasie, Siedlce

  • http://www.im.ps.pl/ — Polytechnical University of Szczecin

  • http://www.mat.univ.szczecin.pl/en/ — Szczecin


  • http://www.mat.uni.torun.pl/en/ — Nicholas Copernicus

    University, Torun

  • http://www.mimuw.edu.pl/english/departments/imat/ — Warsaw University

  • http://www.mini.pw.edu.pl/eng/index.html — Warsaw

    University of Technology

  • http://www.math.uni.wroc.pl/ — University of Wroclaw

  • http://www.im.pwr.wroc.pl/angindex.html — Wroclaw

    University of Technology

  • http://www.ar.wroc.pl/polish/struktura/inz/km/km_en.html — Agricultural University of Wroclaw

  • http://www.wmie.uz.zgora.pl/ — University of Zielona Gora


  • http://www.dema.isep.ipp.pt/index.php — Instituto Superior de Engenharia do Porto

  • http://www.math.ist.utl.pt/ — Instituto Superior Tecnico, Lisbon

  • http://www.dm.uac.pt/ — Universidade dos Acores

  • http://www.ualg.pt/cma/ingles/Ingles.html — University of the Algarve

  • http://www.mat.ua.pt/ — Universidade de Aveiro

  • http://www.ubi.pt/externos/noe.html — Universidade da Beira Interior

  • http://www.mat.uc.pt/eng.html — University of Coimbra

  • http://www.dmat.uevora.pt/ — Universidade de Evora

  • http://mat.fc.ul.pt/pt/ — Universidade de Lisboa

  • http://www.math.uminho.pt/ — Universidade do Minho

  • http://www.fc.up.pt/cmup/ — University of


    Puerto Rico

  • http://www.pucpr.edu/catalogo/espanol/ciencias/dep_matematica.htm — Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Puerto Rico

  • http://mate.uprh.edu/ — University of Puerto Rico, Humacao

  • http://www.math.uprm.edu/ — University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez

  • http://www.cnnet.clu.edu/math/home.htm — University of Puerto Rico, Rio Piedras



  • http://www.qu.edu.qa/science/mathematics_and_statistics/msindex.htm — Qatar University



  • http://www.imar.ro/ — Institute of Mathematics of Romanian Academy

  • http://math.math.unibuc.ro/mat.html — University of Bucharest

  • http://www.mathem.pub.ro/ — University Politehnica of Bucharest

  • http://www.asemath.ase.ro/ — Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest

  • http://www.ima.ro/ — Department of Applied Mathematics "Caius Iacob", Bucharest

  • http://www.cs.ubbcluj.ro/catedre/strface.htm — "Babes-Bolyai" University of Cluj-Napoca

  • http://www.utcluj.ro/utcn/AC/math/ — Technical University of Cluj-Napoca

  • http://www.univ-ovidius.ro/math/default.aspx?lang=uk — "Ovidius" University of Constanta

  • http://www.tuiasi.ro/pages/TUI97/el97.htm#MATH_DEP — Technical University, Iasi

  • http://www.math.uaic.ro/ — University of Iasi

  • http://caim2003.rdsor.ro/dm.html — University of Oradea

  • http://www.upg-ploiesti.ro/eng/structure/chairs/chair_ls_mat.htm — Petroleum-Gas University, Ploiesti

  • http://arhimede.ulbsibiu.ro/ — University of Sibiu

  • http://math.utt.ro/index.php?cmd=index&language=en — Polytechnic University of Timisoara

  • http://www.math.uvt.ro/ — West University of Timisoara


  • http://www.bashedu.ru/mathe.htm — Bashkir State University

  • http://www.cgu.chel.su/english/faculties/math/index.html — Cheyabinsk State University

  • http://www.albertina.ru/tindex.phtml?item=40&last=0 — Kaliningrad State University

  • http://www.kcn.ru/tat_en/university/departments/f5/index.html — Kazan State University

  • http://www.lan.krasu.ru/english/struct/math.html — Krasnoyarsk State University

  • http://mech.math.msu.su/ — Lomonosov Moscow State University

  • http://www.unn.ac.ru/vmk/ — Nizhnii Novgorod State University

  • http://sscadm.nsu.ru/ssc/eng/KAF_MATE.HTM — Novosibirsk State University

  • http://www.omsu.omskreg.ru/struct/math/index_en.html — Omsk State University

  • http://up.botik.ru/UP/MATH/math.html — Pereslavl University

  • http://www.psu.ru/russia/math/ — Perm University

  • http://www.karelia.ru/psu/Faculties/mathematics_e.html — Petrozavodsk State University

  • http://www.rnd.runnet.ru/rsu/mmfac.html — Rostov State University

  • http://www.ras.ru/win/db/show_org.asp?P=.oi-50.vi-.fi-.oi-51 — Russian Academy of Sciences (Department of Mathematics)

  • http://www.anrb.ru/matem/eng/ime.htm — Russian Academy of Sciences (Institute of Mathematics)

  • http://www.keldysh.ru/ — Russian Academy of Sciences (Institute of Applied Mathematics)

  • http://www.mi.ras.ru/index_e.html — Russian Academy of Sciences (Steklov Mathematical Institute)

  • http://www.cemi.rssi.ru/english/ — Russian Academy of Sciences (Central Economics and Mathematics Institute)

  • http://www.krc.karelia.ru/structure/math/index.en.html — Russian Academy of Sciences (Karelian Research Center)

  • http://www-sbras.nsc.ru/eng/sbras/copan/math_main.html — Russian Academy of Sciences (Siberian Branch)

  • http://www.imm.uran.ru/ — Russian Academy of Sciences (Ural Branch)

  • http://www.math.spbu.ru/en/index.html — Saint-Petersburg State University

  • http://www.ssu.samara.ru/faculty/1/ — Samara State University

  • http://prima.susu.ac.ru/ — Southern Ural State University

  • http://www.pdmi.ras.ru/index.html — Steklov Institute of Mathematics at St. Petersburg

  • http://www.syktsu.ru/english/math.shtml — Syktyvkar State University

  • http://www.math.tsu.ru/ — Tomsk State University

  • http://university.tversu.ru/department.cgi?depid=11/ — Tver State University

  • https://www.vsu.ru/english/depts/math.html — Voronezh State University

  • http://www.ugatu.ac.ru/ugatu.new/DR/eng/english/gen-ed/math.html — Ufa State Aviation Technical University

  • http://www.usu.ru/inform/?code=eng&fac=6 — Ural State University

  • http://md.uniyar.ac.ru/ — Yaroslavl State University


  • http://www.kist.ac.rw/academics/science.htm — Kigali Institute of Science, Technology and Management

  • http://www.nur.ac.rw/technol3.htm#mat — National University of Rwanda



  • http://www.nus.edu.ws/index.php/faculties-centres/faculty-of-science/item/105-department-of-mathematics--statistics — National University of Samoa

    Saudi Arabia

  • http://colleges.jazanu.edu.sa/sites/en/sci/math/Pages/Default.aspx — Jazan Univesity

  • http://math.kau.edu.sa/Default.aspx?Site_ID=13009&lng=EN — King Abdul Aziz University

  • http://cemse.kaust.edu.sa/Pages/Home.aspx — King Abdullah University of Sceince and Technology

  • http://www1.kfupm.edu.sa/cs/ — King Fahd University

  • http://www.ksu.edu.sa/sites/Colleges/CollegeofScinces/MathematicsDepartment/Pages/home.aspx — King Saud University

  • http://www.pmu.edu.sa/Academics/Department_Mathematics_Natural_Sciences_Dept_DCC.aspx — Prince Mohammad Bin Fahd Univesity

  • http://info.psu.edu.sa/psu/maths/ — Prince Sultan University

  • http://www.pnu.edu.sa/ar/Faculties/Science/Pages/Home.aspx — Princess Nora Bint Abdulrahman University

  • http://www.uod.edu.sa/en/colleges/college-of-science/departments/mathematics-department — University of Dammam

  • http://www.ut.edu.sa/web/department-of-mathematics — University of Tabuk


  • http://edmi.ucad.sn/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=22&Itemid=27 — Universite Cheikh Anta Diop, Dakar

  • http://www.ugb.sn/sat/ — Universite Gaston Berger, Saint-Louis

  • http://www.univ-zig.sn/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=96:departement-de-mathematiques&catid=32:univzig-elements — Universite Assane SECK, Ziguinchor


  • http://www.mi.sanu.ac.rs/ — Mathematical Institute, Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts

  • http://www.matf.bg.ac.rs/eng/ — University of Belgrade

  • http://imi.pmf.kg.ac.rs/ — University of Kragujevac

  • http://www.pmf.ni.ac.rs/pmf/index.php — University of Nis

  • http://www.np.ac.rs/index.php/dep-matematicke-nauke — University of Novi Pazar

  • http://www.pmf.uns.ac.rs/en/about_us/departments/mathematics_informatics — University of Novi Sad


  • http://www.ims.nus.edu.sg/ — Institute for Mathematical Sciences

  • http://www.spms.ntu.edu.sg/ — Nanyang Technological University

  • http://www.nie.edu.sg/mathematics-and-mathematics-education/about-mme — National Institute of Education

  • http://www.math.nus.edu.sg/ — National University of Singapore

  • http://www.np.edu.sg/is/maths/ — Ngee Ann Polytechnic

  • http://www.sp.edu.sg/wps/portal/vp-spws/deptms — Singapore Polytechnic


  • http://www.pdf.umb.sk/en/matika.php — Matej Bel University, Banska Bistrica

  • http://math.chtf.stuba.sk/ — Faculty of Chemical Technology, Slovak University of Technology, Bratislava

  • http://www-kmadg.svf.stuba.sk/ — Faculty of Civil

    Engineering, Slovak University of Technology, Bratislava

  • http://www.elf.stuba.sk/Katedry/KM/e_index.html — Faculty

    of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology,

    Slovak University of Technology, Bratislava

  • http://www.sjf.stuba.sk/NEWDV/Departments/KM.htm — Mechanical

    Engineering Faculty, Slovak University of Technology, Bratislava

  • http://www.uniba.sk/mffuk/e/departs.htm — Comenius

    University, Bratislava

  • http://www.fedu.uniba.sk/km/home/en/ — Faculty of Education, Comenius University, Bratislava

  • http://www.mat.savba.sk/index-e.html — Mathematical Institute of

    the Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava

  • http://gtk.ujs.sk/en/structure/department-of-mathematics-and-informatics.html — J. Selye University, Komarno

  • http://www.saske.sk/MI/ — Mathematical Institute of

    the Slovak Academy of Sciences, Kosice

  • http://www.tuke.sk/fei-km/index.htm — University of Technology, Kosice

  • http://www.vlake.sk/en/struktura/katedry/kmf.htm — Air Force Academy, Kosice

  • http://www.fpv.ukf.sk/struktura/km.htm — Constantine

    the Philosopher University, Nitra

  • http://www.fem.uniag.sk/km/index_angl.html — Slovak University of Agriculture, Nitra

  • http://www.fhpv.unipo.sk/PU/FHPV/kmat.htm — University of Presov

  • http://www.truni.sk/pdf/pdfkmi01.htm — University of Trnava


  • http://www.pef.upr.si/eng/ — Faculty of Education, University of Primorska

  • http://www.famnit.upr.si/en — Faculty of Mathematics, Natural Sciences and Information Technologies, University of Primorska

  • http://www.camtp.uni-mb.si/ — Center for Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics,

    University of Maribor

  • http://matematika-racunalnistvo.fnm.uni-mb.si/ — Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, University of Maribor

  • http://www.mp.feri.uni-mb.si/default-e.html — Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, University of Maribor

  • http://www.pef.uni-lj.si/matwww/dep_matha.htm — Faculty of Education, University of Ljubljana

  • http://mat.fmf.uni-lj.si/ — Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, University of Ljubljana

  • http://matematika.fe.uni-lj.si/ — Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of Ljubljana

  • http://lmmri.fri.uni-lj.si/ — Faculty of Computer & Information Science, University of Ljubljana

  • http://www.imfm.si/ — Institute for Mathematics, Physics and Mechanics, Ljubljana

    South Africa

  • http://www.aims.ac.za/english/index.php — African Institute for Mathematical Sciences

  • http://www.dit.ac.za/departments.php?faculty=Engineering&dept_id=1321 — Durban Institute of Technology

  • http://www.mantec.ac.za/maths/ — Mangosuthu Technikon

  • http://general.rau.ac.za/maths/ — Rand Afrikaans University

  • http://www.ru.ac.za/academic/departments/mathematics/ — Rhodes University, Grahamstown

  • http://www.wits.ac.za/ssproule/sjc/ — St. John's College

  • http://www.mth.uct.ac.za/ — University of Cape Town

  • http://duck.cs.und.ac.za/maths/ — University of Natal, Durban

  • http://www.maths.unp.ac.za/ — University of Natal, Pietermaritzburg

  • http://www.uovs.ac.za/container.php?&code=DEPT&faculties_id=04&dept_id=NWIS — University of the Free State

  • http://www.upe.ac.za/maths/homepage.htm — University of Port Elizabeth

  • http://www.up.ac.za/academic/maths/ — University of Pretoria

  • http://www.unisa.ac.za/Default.asp?Cmd=ViewContent&ContentID=222 — University of South Africa

  • http://www.sun.ac.za/maths/ — University of Stellenbosh

  • http://www.maths.wits.ac.za/index.html — University of Witwatersrand


  • http://www.crm.es/ — Center de Recerca Matematica, Barcelona

  • http://picasso.lc.ehu.es/welcome_en.html — Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea, Bilbao

  • http://www2.uah.es/matema/ — Universidad de Alcala

  • http://www.ual.es/Universidad/Depar/AlgeAnal/ — Universidad de Almeria

  • http://mat.uab.es/dpt/welcome.html — Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona

  • http://www.uam.es/departamentos/ciencias/matematicas/ — Universidad Autonoma de Madrid

  • http://www.mat.ub.es/ — Universitat de Barcelona

  • http://www2.uca.es/dept/matematicas/ — Universidad de Cadiz

  • http://www.uc3m.es/uc3m/dpto/MATEM/indice.html — Univesidad Carlos III de Madrid

  • http://matsun1.matesco.unican.es/english.html — Universidad de Cantabria

  • http://www.mat.ucm.es/ — Universidad Complutense de Madrid

  • http://www.uco.es/dptos/matematicas/inicio.php — Universidad de Cordoba

  • http://ima.udg.es/ — Universidad de Girona

  • http://www.ugr.es/~fisymat/ — Universidad de Granada

  • http://dmi.uib.es/ — Universidad de les Illes Balears

  • http://www.ujaen.es/dep/matema/ — Universidad de Jaen

  • http://www.deptmat.uji.es/ — Universitat Jaume I

  • http://www.ull.es/departamentos/matfun/ — Universidad de La Laguna

  • http://www.unirioja.es/dptos/dmc/dmc.html — Universidad de La Rioja

  • http://www.ulpgc.es/index.php?pagina=dmat&ver=inicio — Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria

  • http://www.unileon.es/index.php?nodoID=219 — Universidad de Leon

  • http://www.matematica.udl.es/cat/dep-mat.html — Universidad de Lleida

  • http://www.satd.uma.es/matap/ — Universidad de Malaga

  • http://www.um.es/mataplic/ — Universidad de Murcia

  • http://www.mat.uned.es — Universidad Nacional de Educacion a Distancia

  • http://orion.ciencias.uniovi.es/ — Universidad de Oviedo

  • http://www.ehu.es/mat/ — Universidad del Pais Vasco

  • http://www-ma2.upc.es/ — Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya, Barcelona

  • http://dmaii.etsii.upm.es/ — Universidad Politecnica de Madrid

  • http://www.etsit.upv.es/Mapaweb/index.htm — Universidad Politecnica de Valencia

  • http://www.unavarra.es/organiza/dep_mat.htm — Universidad Publica de Navarra

  • http://www.usal.es/wusal/faculta/resuldepar.jsp?codigo=G064 — Universidad de Salamanca

  • http://www.usc.es/mate/ — Universidade de Santiago de Campostela

  • http://www.us.es/fmate/ — Universidad de Sevilla

  • http://www.uv.es/~facmat/ — Universidad de Valencia

  • http://www.mac.cie.uva.es/ — Universidad de Valladolid

  • http://www.unizar.es/matematicas/ — Universidad de Zaragoza

    Sri Lanka

  • http://www.ou.ac.lk/fac_natural/dpt_maths/homepg_2.htm — Open University of Sri Lanka

  • http://www.cmb.ac.lk/academic/Science/Mathematics/index.htm — University of Colombo

  • http://www.mrt.ac.lk/maths/ — University of Moratuwa

  • http://www.pdn.ac.lk/sci/new/depts/math.html — University of Peradeniya

  • http://www.math.ruh.ac.lk/ — University of Ruhuna

  • http://lihini.sjp.ac.lk/old/sci/math/ — University of Sri



  • http://www.uofk.edu/faculties/mathematical/index.htm — University of Khartoum


  • http://www.uniswa.sz/academics/science/maths/ — University of Swaziland


  • http://www.bth.se/matematik — Blekinge Institute of Technology

  • http://www.math.chalmers.se/ — Chalmers Tekniska Hogskola/Goteborgs Universitet

  • http://cent.hgus.gu.se/stat/ — Goteborg University

  • http://www.ml.kva.se/ — Institut Mittag-Leffler

  • http://www.hh.se/ide/malab/maindex.htm — Halmstad University

  • http://www.ingvet.kau.se/mat/engindex.html — Karlstad University

  • http://www.math.kth.se/Welcome-e.html — Kungl Tekniska Hogskolan

  • http://math.liu.se/ — Linkoping University

  • http://www.sm.luth.se/math/ — Lulea University

  • http://www.matematik.lu.se/matematiklu.html — Lund University

  • http://www.maths.lth.se/matematiklth/matematiklth.html — Lund Institute of Technology

  • http://www.mdh.se/ima/ — Malardalen University

  • http://www.nada.kth.se/ — Royal Institute of Technology

  • http://www.math.su.se/gemensamt/index.html.en — Stockholm University

  • http://www.math.umu.se/ — Umea University

  • http://www.math.uu.se/index_eng.html — Uppsala University


  • http://ima.epfl.ch/ — EPF Lausanne

  • http://www.math.ethz.ch/ — ETH Zurich

  • http://www.math.unibas.ch/ — Universitat Basel

  • http://www.mai.unibe.ch/index.eng.html — Universitat Bern

  • http://www.unifr.ch/math/ — University of Fribourg

  • http://www.unige.ch/math/ — Universite de Geneve

  • http://www.unil.ch/ima/home.html — University of Lausanne

  • http://www.unine.ch/math/ — Universite de Neuchatel

  • http://www.math.unizh.ch/ — University Zurich

  • http://www.graduate-school.ch/ — Zurich Graduate School in Mathematics


  • http://www.tishreen.shern.net/new%20site/faculities/science.htm — Tishreen University



  • http://www.math.sinica.edu.tw/index_e.php — Academia Sinica

  • http://www.au.edu.tw/eng/math/Department%20of%20Mathematics.htm — Aletheia University

  • http://www.sam.pccu.edu.tw/ — Chinese Culture University

  • http://www.math.chu.edu.tw/ — Chung Hua University

  • http://www.cycu.edu.tw/teaching_e/MA/index.htm — Chung Yuan Christian University

  • http://www.math.fju.edu.tw/ — Fu-Jen Catholic University

  • http://math.cts.nthu.edu.tw/Mathematics/english/index-eng.html — National Center for Theoretical Sciences

  • http://www.math.ncu.edu.tw/english/index.htm — National Central University

  • http://www.math.ncue.edu.tw/ — National Changhua University

  • http://www.math.nccu.edu.tw/ — National Chengchi University

  • http://www.math.ncku.edu.tw/english/ — National Cheng Kung University

  • http://www.math.nctu.edu.tw/e_index.htm — National Chiao Tung University

  • http://www.math.ccu.edu.tw/english/index.htm — National Chung Cheng University

  • http://www.amath.nchu.edu.tw/ — National Chung-Hsing University

  • http://server.am.ndhu.edu.tw/ — National Donghwa University

  • http://www.nknu.edu.tw/~math/ — National Kaohsiung Normal University

  • http://www.math.nsysu.edu.tw/english/eindex.html — National Sun Yat-Sen University

  • http://www.math.ntu.edu.tw/ — National Taiwan University

  • http://www.math.ntnu.edu.tw/english/index-e.html — National Taiwan Normal University

  • http://www.math.nthu.edu.tw/ — National Tsing Hua University

  • http://math.nuk.edu.tw/ — National University of Kaohsiung

  • http://www.emath.pu.edu.tw/ — Providence University

  • http://www.math.scu.edu.tw/englishhm/emathhmpg.htm — Soochow University

  • http://www.math.tku.edu.tw/english/e_index.htm — Tamkang University

  • http://www.math.ttu.edu.tw/ — Tatung University

  • http://www.thu.edu.tw/english/02_01_05_05_mathematics.htm — Tung Hai University


  • http://www.suza.ac.tz/Faculties/depertment%20of%20sciencee.htm — State University of Zanzibar

  • http://www.udsm.ac.tz/departments/mathematics.html — University of Dar es Salaam


  • http://www.math.sc.chula.ac.th/ — Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok

  • http://www.champa.kku.ac.th/math/english/Department%20of%20Mathematics.htm — Khon Kaen University

  • http://www.sci.kmitnb.ac.th/eng_sci/web_ma.php — King Mongkut's Institute of Technology, North Bangkok

  • http://science.kmutt.ac.th/about_department_math.html/ — King Mongkut's University of Technology, Thonburi

  • http://www.math.mut.ac.th/ — Mahanakorn University of Technology

  • http://www.sc.mahidol.ac.th/scma/ — Mahidol University

  • http://www.nu.ac.th/english/teaching/faculty/f_sci.htm — Naresuan University

  • http://www.math.psu.ac.th/ — Prince of Songkla University

  • http://www.math.sc.su.ac.th/ — Silpakorn University

  • http://science.swu.ac.th/math/content/index_th.html — Srinakharinwirot University

  • http://math.sut.ac.th/ — Suranaree University of Technology

    Trinidad and Tobago

  • http://www.dmcs.uwi.tt/ — University of the West Indies, St. Augustine


  • http://www.cck.rnu.tn/ — Centre de Calcul El-Khwarizmi

  • http://www.fsg.rnu.tn/fsg.htm — Universite de Gabes

  • http://www.um.rnu.tn/francais/F_math.htm — Universite de Monastir

  • http://www.fss.rnu.tn/DepartementMathematique/Index.html — Universite de Sfax


  • http://www.science.ankara.edu.tr/mathemathics/ — Ankara University

  • http://math.atilim.edu.tr/ — Atilim University

  • http://fed.bahcesehir.edu.tr/index.php?lang=EN&sablon_id=7&ana_id=0101 — Bahcesehir University

  • http://www.fen.bilkent.edu.tr/~cvmath/ — Bilkent University, Ankara

  • http://www.math.boun.edu.tr/ — Bogazici University, Istanbul

  • http://math.cankaya.edu.tr/ — Cankaya University, Ankara

  • http://math.cu.edu.tr/ — Cukurova University

  • http://sci.ege.edu.tr/~math/ — Ege University

  • http://math.fatih.edu.tr/ — Fatih University, Istanbul

  • http://www.gursey.gov.tr/ — Feza Gursey Institute

  • http://www.hacettepe.edu.tr/english/prospectus/faculties/science/mathematics.html — Hacettepe University, Ankara

  • http://www.istanbul.edu.tr/fen/matematik/ — Istanbul University

  • http://math.bilgi.edu.tr/ — Istanbul Bilgi University

  • http://eng.iku.edu.tr/iku_eng_department.asp?department=mathcomp — Istanbul Kultur University

  • http://www.mat.itu.edu.tr/ — Istanbul Technical University

  • http://www.iyte.edu.tr/mathweb/ — Izmir Institute of Technology

  • http://dm.ieu.edu.tr/ — Izmir University of Economics

  • http://www1.ku.edu.tr/main/home.php?i=331&c=236&m=331&s=3&p=7&l=en — Koc University, Istanbul

  • http://fef.kocaeli.edu.tr/en/matematik/ — Kocaeli University

  • http://fef.marmara.edu.tr/matematik/ — Marmara University

  • http://www.math.metu.edu.tr/ — Middle East Technical University, Ankara

  • http://matematik.uludag.edu.tr/ — Uludag University

  • http://fenedebiyat.yasar.edu.tr/matematik.html — Yasar University


  • http://www.ittu.edu.tm/en/mathematics.php — International Turkmen Turkish University



  • http://www.iuiu.ac.ug/faculty.php?id=Science — Islamic University in Uganda, Kampala

  • http://www.math.ac.ug/ — Makerere University, Kampala


  • http://www2.chnu.cv.ua/index.php?page=en/colleges/appmath — Chernivtsi National University

  • http://iamm.ac.donetsk.ua/index_eng.html — Institute of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, Donetsk

  • http://pmi.dgtu.donetsk.ua/pmi/pmi_en.htm — Donetsk State Technical University

  • http://www.univer.kharkov.ua/dep/mechmath.php3 — Kharkiv State University

  • http://www.imath.kiev.ua/en/ — Institute of Mathematics, Kiev

  • http://www.mechmat.univ.kiev.ua/ — Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics, University of Kiev

  • http://matphys.rpd.univ.kiev.ua/ — Faculty of Radiophysics, University of Kiev

  • http://www.ukma.kiev.ua/ua/faculties/fac_prn/phisics/vykladachi/index.php — Kiev Mohyla Academy

  • http://www.pm.snu.edu.ua/ — Dal East Ukranian National University, Lugansk

  • http://www.franko.lviv.ua/faculty/mechmat/index.html — Lviv University

  • http://www.ccssu.crimea.ua/eng/structure/math_fac/math.html — Tavrical National University

  • http://www.univ.uzhgorod.ua/en/dep/mathematic/ — Uzhgorod National University

    United Arab Emirates

  • http://www.fsc.uaeu.ac.ae/math/ — United Arab Emirates University

  • https://www.sharjah.ac.ae/English/Academics/Colleges/Sciences/dp/Mathematics_Division/Pages/default.aspx — University of Sharjah

  • http://www.zu.ac.ae/clgartsc/html/nqs/nqs_courses.html — Zayed University


  • http://www.cs.aston.ac.uk/ — Aston University

  • http://www.econ.bbk.ac.uk/ — Birkbeck, University of London

  • http://maths.bolton.ac.uk/ — Bolton Institute

  • http://www.brunel.ac.uk/depts/ma/ — Brunel University

  • http://www.cf.ac.uk/maths/ — Cardiff University

  • http://www.city.ac.uk/mathematics/ — City University

  • http://www.mis.coventry.ac.uk/ — Coventry University

  • http://www.cranfield.ac.uk/sme/amac/amacinfo.html — Cranfield University

  • http://maths-computing.derby.ac.uk/index.php?node=183311 — Derbyshire Business School

  • http://www.gcal.ac.uk/cms/ — Glasgow Caledonian University

  • http://www.mcs.gold.ac.uk/ — Goldsmiths College

  • http://www.ma.hw.ac.uk/maths.html — Heriot-Watt University

  • http://www.ma.ic.ac.uk/ — Imperial College London

  • http://www.ma.hw.ac.uk/icms/ — International Centre for Mathematical Sciences, Edinburgh

  • http://www.newton.cam.ac.uk/ — Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Cambridge

  • http://www.keele.ac.uk/depts/ma/ — Keele University

  • http://www.mth.kcl.ac.uk/ — King's College London

  • http://www.kingston.ac.uk/~gr_s041/ — Kingston University

  • http://www.maths.lancs.ac.uk/ — Lancaster University

  • http://www.cms.livjm.ac.uk/ — Liverpool John Moores University

  • http://www.maths.lse.ac.uk/ — London School of Economics

  • http://www.lsbu.ac.uk/bcim/ — London South Bank University

  • http://www.lboro.ac.uk/departments/ma/ — Loughborough University

  • http://www.lut.ac.uk/departments/ma/index.html — Loughborough University of Technology

  • http://www.math.aca.mmu.ac.uk/ — Manchester Metropolitan University

  • http://www.ma.man.ac.uk/MCCM/MCCM.html — Manchester Centre for Computational Mathematics

  • http://www.nubs.napier.ac.uk/nubs/SoMAS/ — Napier University

  • http://mcs.open.ac.uk/ — Open University

  • http://www.brookes.ac.uk/cms/home.html — Oxford Brookes University

  • http://www.maths.qmw.ac.uk/ — Queen Mary and Westfield College

  • http://www.am.qub.ac.uk/ — Queen's University of Belfast

  • http://www.scms.rgu.ac.uk/ — Robert Gordon University

  • http://www.ma.rhul.ac.uk/ — Royal Holloway, University of London

  • http://www.shu.ac.uk/schools/sci/maths/ — Sheffield Hallam University

  • http://www.ucl.ac.uk/Mathematics/ — University College London

  • http://www.maths.abdn.ac.uk/ — University of Aberdeen

  • http://www.abertay.ac.uk/ — University of Abertay Dundee

  • http://www.bath.ac.uk/math-sci/ — University of Bath

  • http://www.mat.bham.ac.uk/ — University of Birmingham

  • http://www.brad.ac.uk/acad/maths/mathome.htm — University of Bradford

  • http://www.cmis.brighton.ac.uk/ — University of Brighton

  • http://www.maths.bris.ac.uk/ — University of Bristol

  • http://www.maths.cam.ac.uk/ — University of Cambridge

  • http://www.maths.dundee.ac.uk/ — University of Dundee

  • http://www.maths.dur.ac.uk/ — University of Durham

  • http://www.mth.uea.ac.uk/ — University of East Anglia

  • http://www.maths.ed.ac.uk/ — University of Edinburgh

  • http://www.essex.ac.uk/maths/ — University of Essex

  • http://www.secsm.ex.ac.uk/ — University of Exeter

  • http://www.glam.ac.uk/sot/doms/index.php — University of Glamorgan

  • http://www.maths.gla.ac.uk — University of Glasgow

  • http://cms1.gre.ac.uk/ — University of Greenwich

  • http://perseus.herts.ac.uk/prospectus/faculty_ei/dep_mat/dep_mat_home.cfm — University of Hertfordshire

  • http://scom.hud.ac.uk/external/ — University of Huddersfield

  • http://www.hull.ac.uk/maths/ — University of Hull

  • http://www.ukc.ac.uk/IMS/ — University of Kent at Canterbury

  • http://www.amsta.leeds.ac.uk/ — University of Leeds

  • http://www.mcs.le.ac.uk/ — University of Leicester

  • http://www.liv.ac.uk/Maths/ — University of Liverpool

  • http://www.maths.manchester.ac.uk/ — University of Manchester

  • http://www.ncl.ac.uk/math/ — University of Newcastle

  • http://www.maths.nott.ac.uk/ — University of Nottingham

  • http://www.maths.ox.ac.uk/ — University of Oxford

  • http://maths.paisley.ac.uk/ — University of Paisley

  • http://www.plymouth.ac.uk/maths — University of Plymouth

  • http://www.port.ac.uk/departments/academic/maths/ — University of Portsmouth

  • http://www.extra.rdg.ac.uk/Maths/index.asp — University of Reading

  • http://www-maths.mcs.st-and.ac.uk/ — University of St Andrews

  • http://www.cse.salford.ac.uk/ — University of Salford

  • http://www.shef.ac.uk/maths/ — University of Sheffield

  • http://www.maths.soton.ac.uk/homepage.html — University of Southampton

  • http://www-maths.mcs.st-and.ac.uk/ — University of St Andrews

  • http://www.cs.stir.ac.uk/ — University of Stirling

  • http://www.maths.strath.ac.uk/ — University of Strathclyde

  • http://www.mcs.surrey.ac.uk/ — University of Surrey

  • http://www.sussex.ac.uk/maths/ — University of Sussex

  • http://www-scm.tees.ac.uk/ — University of Teesside

  • http://www.infc.ulst.ac.uk/informatics/cm/ — University of Ulster

  • http://www.aber.ac.uk/~matwww/ — University of Wales, Aberystwyth

  • http://www.bangor.ac.uk/ma/home.html — University of Wales, Bangor

  • http://www-maths.swan.ac.uk/ — University of Wales, Swansea

  • http://www.maths.warwick.ac.uk/ — University of Warwick

  • http://www.uwe.ac.uk/cems/index.html — University of the West of England

  • http://www.scit.wlv.ac.uk/university/scit/maths/ — University of Wolverhampton

  • http://www.york.ac.uk/depts/maths/ — University of York


  • http://www.acu.edu/academics/cas/math/ — Abilene Christian University

  • http://academics.adelphi.edu/artsci/math/ — Adelphi University

  • http://www.albion.edu/mathcs/ — Albion College

  • http://webpub.allegheny.edu/dept/mathweb/ — Allegheny College

  • http://cronus.mcs.alma.edu/ — Alma College

  • http://www.american.edu/cas/department_mathstat.shtml — American University

  • http://www.cs.amherst.edu/ — Amherst College

  • http://www.andrews.edu/MATH/ — Andrews University

  • http://www.angelo.edu/dept/mathematics/ — Angelo State University

  • http://www.mathsci.appstate.edu/ — Appalachian State University

  • http://math.la.asu.edu/ — Arizona State University

  • http://www.math.armstrong.edu/ — Armstrong Atlantic State University

  • http://www.math.auburn.edu/ — Auburn University

  • http://www.aum.edu/Academics/Schools/Sciences/Departments_and_Undergraduate_Programs/Mathematics_and_Pre-Engineering/index.cfm?id=3601 — Auburn University Montgomery

  • http://www.augsburg.edu/mathematics/ — Augsburg College

  • http://www.augustana.edu/x2314.xml — Augustana College

  • http://www.aurora.edu/mathematics/ — Aurora University

  • http://www.avemaria.edu/mathematicsphysics/ — Ave Maria University

  • http://www2.bc.cc.ca.us/math/ — Bakersfield College

  • http://www.bw.edu/academics/mth/ — Baldwin-Wallace College

  • http://www.bsu.edu/math/ — Ball State University

  • http://euclid.barry.edu/ — Barry University

  • http://math.baruch.cuny.edu/index.html — Baruch College

  • http://www.baylor.edu/math/ — Baylor University

  • http://cas.bethel.edu/dept/math-cs/ — Bethel College

  • http://math.binghamton.edu/ — Binghamton University

  • http://www.biola.edu/academics/undergrad/math/ — Biola University

  • http://math.boisestate.edu/ — Boise State University

  • http://www.bc.edu/schools/cas/math/ — Boston College

  • http://math.bu.edu/ — Boston University

  • http://academic.bowdoin.edu/math/ — Bowdoin College

  • http://www.bgsu.edu/departments/math/ — Bowling Green State University

  • http://www.bradley.edu/las/math/ — Bradley University

  • http://www.math.brandeis.edu/ — Brandeis University

  • http://www.math.byu.edu/ — Brigham Young University

  • http://www.bcc.cuny.edu/MathematicsComputerScience/math_cs.htm — Bronx Community College

  • http://depthome.brooklyn.cuny.edu/math/ — Brooklyn College

  • http://www.math.brown.edu/ — Brown University

  • http://www.brynmawr.edu/math/ — Brwyn Mawr College

  • http://www.departments.bucknell.edu/math/ — Bucknell University

  • http://www.math.caltech.edu/ — California Institute of Technology

  • http://www.ama.caltech.edu/ — California Institute of Technology (Applied Math)

  • http://www.calpoly.edu/~math/ — California Polytechnic University

  • http://www.csupomona.edu/%7Emath/ — California State Polytechnic University, Pomona

  • http://www.csub.edu/math/ — California State University at Bakersfield

  • http://www.csuchico.edu/math/ — California State University at Chico

  • http://www.csudh.edu/math/default.htm — California State University at Dominguez Hills

  • http://www.csufresno.edu/math/ — California State University at Fresno

  • http://www.sci.csuhayward.edu/mathcs/ — California State University at Hayward

  • http://www.calstatela.edu/academic/math/ — California State University at Los Angeles

  • http://www.csun.edu/~hfmth009/index.html — California State University at Northridge

  • http://www.csus.edu/math/ — California State University at Sacramento

  • http://www.math.csusb.edu/ — California State University at San Bernardino

  • http://www.csusm.edu/Math/ — California State University at San Marcos

  • http://www.csustan.edu/math/ — California State University at Stanislaus

  • http://webapps.calvin.edu/academic/math/ — Calvin College

  • http://www.cameron.edu/math — Cameron University

  • http://www.canisius.edu/math/ — Canisius College

  • http://www.mathcs.carleton.edu/ — Carleton College

  • http://www.cmu.edu/mcs/math/ — Carnegie Mellon University

  • http://www.carthage.edu/dept/math/ — Carthage College

  • http://www.cwru.edu/artsci/math/ — Case Western Reserve University

  • http://arts-sciences.cua.edu/math/ — Catholic University of America

  • http://www.cedarville.edu/academics/sciencemath/ — Cedarville College

  • http://www.math.ccsu.edu/ — Central Connecticut State University

  • http://www.cst.cmich.edu/units/mth/ — Central Michigan University

  • http://www.cwu.edu/~cwumath/ — Central Washington University

  • http://web.centre.edu/mat/ — Centre College

  • http://www.cbu.edu/sciences/math.html — Christian Brothers University

  • http://www.mathcs.citadel.edu/ — Citadel

  • http://math.academic.claremontmckenna.edu/ — Claremont McKenna College

  • http://www.clarion.edu/1062/ — Clarion University

  • http://aleph0.clarku.edu/ — Clark University

  • http://www.clarkson.edu/mcs/ — Clarkson University

  • http://www.claymath.org/ — Clay Mathematics Institute

  • http://www.math.clemson.edu/ — Clemson University

  • http://www.colby.edu/math/ — Colby College

  • http://math.colgate.edu/ — Colgate University

  • http://math.cofc.edu/ — College of Charleston

  • http://asdivision.ceu.edu/math/ — College of Eastern Utah

  • http://math.holycross.edu/ — College of the Holy Cross

  • http://mc.msj.edu/ — College of Mount Saint Joseph

  • http://www.cse.edu/index.php?id=171 — College of Saint Elizabeth

  • http://www.math.csi.cuny.edu/homepage/ — College of Staten Island

  • http://www.math.wm.edu/ — College of William and Mary

  • http://www.coloradocollege.edu/dept/MA/ — Colorado College

  • http://www.mines.edu/Academic/macs/ — Colorado School of Mines

  • http://www.math.colostate.edu/ — Colorado State University

  • http://www.math.columbia.edu/ — Columbia University

  • http://www4.cord.edu/mathcs/ — Concordia College

  • http://camel2.conncoll.edu/academics/departments/math/ — Connecticut College

  • http://www.math.cornell.edu/ — Cornell University

  • http://cs.creighton.edu/ — Creighton University

  • http://www.math.dartmouth.edu/ — Dartmouth College

  • http://www3.davidson.edu/cms/x3707.xml — Davidson College

  • http://www.denison.edu/mathsci/index.html — Denison University

  • http://condor.depaul.edu/~math/ — DePaul University

  • http://depts.drew.edu/math/ — Drew University

  • http://www.drexel.edu/coas/math/ — Drexel University

  • http://www.math.duke.edu/ — Duke University

  • http://www.mathcs.duq.edu/ — Duquesne University

  • http://www.math.ecu.edu/ — East Carolina University

  • http://www.etsu.edu/math/math.htm — East Tennessee State University

  • http://www.eiu.edu/~math/ — Eastern Illinois University

  • http://www.math.emich.edu/ — Eastern Michigan University

  • http://cms.edinboro.edu/academics/departments/department.dot?deptKey=CSCI%20/%20MATH&inode=80217 — Edinboro University of Pennsylvania

  • http://www.elmhurst.edu/~mth/ — Elmhurst College

  • http://www.mathcs.emory.edu/ — Emory University

  • http://www.emporia.edu/math-cs/home.htm — Emporia State University

  • http://www.famu.edu/index.cfm?math — Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University

  • http://www.math.fau.edu/ — Florida Atlantic University

  • http://www.fit.edu/AcadRes/math/ — Florida Institute of Technology

  • http://w3.fiu.edu/math/ — Florida International University

  • http://www.math.fsu.edu/ — Florida State University

  • http://www.fordham.edu/mathematics/index.html — Fordham College

  • http://www.framingham.edu/math/ — Framingham State College

  • http://www.fandm.edu/math.xml — Franklin and Marshall College

  • http://franklinpierce.edu/academics/ugrad/programs_of_study/div_natsci/mathematics/ — Franklin Pierce University

  • http://math.furman.edu/ — Furman University

  • http://depts.gallaudet.edu/mathcs/ — Gallaudet University

  • http://www.gannon.edu/departmental/MATH/ — Gannon University

  • http://math.gmu.edu/ — George Mason University

  • http://www.gwu.edu/~math — George Washington University

  • http://math.georgetown.edu/ — Georgetown University

  • http://www.math.gatech.edu — Georgia Institute of Technology

  • http://cost.georgiasouthern.edu/math/ — Georgia Southern University

  • http://www.mathstat.gsu.edu/ — Georgia State University

  • http://www.goucher.edu/mathematics/mathcs_top.cfm — Goucher College

  • http://www.gvsu.edu/math/ — Grand Valley State University

  • http://www.greenville.edu/content/view/376/83/ — Greenville College

  • http://www.math.grin.edu/ — Grinnell College

  • http://www.gac.edu/oncampus/academics//mcs/mcs.cfm — Gustavus Adolphus College

  • http://academics.hamilton.edu/mathematics/home/default.html — Hamilton College

  • http://www.hamline.edu/cla/acad/depts_programs/mathematics/ — Hamline University

  • http://www.hsutx.edu/academics/holland/math/ — Hardin-Simmons University

  • http://www.math.harvard.edu/ — Harvard University

  • http://www.math.hmc.edu/ — Harvey Mudd College

  • http://www.haverford.edu/math/ — Haverford College

  • http://www.hsu.edu/mathematics/ — Henderson State University

  • http://math.hws.edu/ — Hobart and William Smith Colleges

  • http://www.hofstra.edu/Academics/Colleges/HCLAS/MATH/ — Hofstra University

  • http://www.hood.edu/academic/math/ — Hood College

  • http://www.math.hope.edu/ — Hope College

  • http://www.coas.howard.edu/mathematics/ — Howard University

  • http://www.humboldt.edu/~math/ — Humboldt State University

  • http://math.hunter.cuny.edu/ — Hunter College

  • http://www.huntingdon.edu/academics/departments/mathematics — Huntingdon College

  • http://www.huntington.edu/math/ — Huntington College

  • http://www.isu.edu/departments/math/ — Idaho State University

  • http://www.math.ilstu.edu/ — Illinois State University

  • http://titan.iwu.edu/~math/ — Illinois Wesleyan University

  • http://math.indstate.edu/ — Indiana State University

  • http://www.math.indiana.edu/ — Indiana University

  • http://www.iun.edu/~math/ — Indiana University Northwest

  • http://www.ma.iup.edu/ — Indiana University of Pennsylvania

  • http://www.math.iupui.edu/ — Indiana University - Purdue University Indianapolis

  • http://www.math.iastate.edu/ — Iowa State University

  • http://www.ithaca.edu/hs/depts/math/ — Ithaca College

  • http://www.math.jmu.edu/ — James Madison University

  • http://www.jbu.edu/academics/science/math/index.asp — John Brown University

  • http://www.math.jhu.edu/ — Johns Hopkins University

  • http://www.math.ksu.edu/math/ — Kansas State University

  • http://lobo.kean.edu/math/ — Kean University

  • http://www.math.kent.edu/ — Kent State University

  • http://www.kenyon.edu/x2044.xml — Kenyon College

  • http://www.kettering.edu/acad/scimath/appmath/ — Kettering University

  • http://ww2.lafayette.edu/~math/index.php — Lafayette College

  • http://www.lagcc.cuny.edu/mathematics/ — La Guardia College

  • http://math.lfc.edu/ — Lake Forest College

  • http://www.math.lamar.edu/ — Lamar University

  • http://www.lehigh.edu/~math/ — Lehigh University

  • http://comet.lehman.cuny.edu/mathdept/ — Lehman College

  • http://www.lclark.edu/COLLEGE/DEPAR/MATH/index.html — Lewis & Clark College

  • http://www.lcsc.edu/math/ — Lewis-Clark State College

  • http://www.math.lsu.edu/ — Louisiana State University

  • http://www.math.latech.edu/ — Louisiana Tech University

  • http://www.ulm.edu/~mathweb/ — Louisiana University Monroe

  • http://www.loyola.edu/mathsci/ — Loyola College

  • http://cse.lmu.edu/mathematics/ — Loyola Marymount University

  • http://www.math.luc.edu/ — Loyola University Chicago

  • http://www.lycoming.edu/mathsci/ — Lycoming College

  • http://www.macalester.edu/mathcs/ — Macalester College

  • http://www.mac.edu/academics/math.html — MacMurray College

  • http://www.marian.edu/academics/MathandScience/Pages/default.aspx — Marian College

  • http://www.mscs.mu.edu/ — Marquette University

  • http://www.marshall.edu/math/ — Marshall University

  • http://www.mbc.edu/studies/mathematics/ — Mary Baldwin College

  • http://www.maryvillecollege.edu/academics/divisions/mathcompsci/index.asp — Maryville College

  • http://www-math.mit.edu/ — Massachusetts Institute of Technology

  • http://www.mesastate.edu/schools/snsm/csms/index.htm — Mesa State College

  • http://math.mscd.edu/ — Metropolitan State College of Denver

  • http://unixgen.muohio.edu/~MathStat/index.html — Miami University

  • http://www.mth.msu.edu/ — Michigan State University

  • http://www.math.mtu.edu/ — Michigan Technological University

  • http://math.web.mtsu.edu/ — Middle Tennessee State University

  • http://www.middlebury.edu/academics/ump/majors/math/ — Middlebury College

  • http://marauder.millersville.edu/~math/ — Millersville University

  • http://www.msstate.edu/dept/math/ — Mississippi State University

  • http://www.muw.edu/sci_math/ — Mississippi University for Women

  • http://math.missouristate.edu/ — Missouri State University

  • http://math.mst.edu/ — Missouri University of Science and Technology

  • http://www.missouriwestern.edu/CSMP/ — Missouri Western State University

  • http://www.math.montana.edu/ — Montana State University

  • http://www.mtholyoke.edu/acad/math/ — Mount Holyoke College

  • http://www.mountunion.edu/ma/ — Mount Union College

  • http://www.murraystate.edu/qacd/cos/math/MathStatsFront.htm — Murray State University

  • http://muskingum.edu/~macs/ — Muskingum College

  • http://www.matcmp.sunynassau.edu/ — Nassau Community College

  • http://www.nps.edu/Academics/GSEAS/AppliedMath/index.html — Naval Postgraduate School

  • http://www.mathcs.nebrwesleyan.edu/ — Nebraska Wesleyan University

  • http://cams.njit.edu/ — New Jersey Institute of Technology

  • http://infohost.nmt.edu/~math/ — New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology

  • http://www.math.nmsu.edu/ — New Mexico State University

  • http://www.math.nyu.edu/ — New York University

  • http://www.niagara.edu/math/ — Niagara University

  • http://math.nicholls.edu/ — Nicholls State University

  • http://www.math.ncsu.edu/ — North Carolina State University

  • http://www.math.ndsu.nodak.edu/ — North Dakota State University

  • http://www.nlu.edu/~mathweb/ — Northeast Louisiana University

  • http://www.math.neu.edu/ — Northeastern University

  • http://www.math.nau.edu/ — Northern Arizona University

  • http://www.math.niu.edu/ — Northern Illinois University

  • http://www.nku.edu/~math/ — Northern Kentucky University

  • http://math.nmu.edu/ — Northern Michigan University

  • http://www.nwmissouri.edu/dept/math/ — Northwest Missouri State University

  • http://www.nwosu.edu/math-and-computer-science — Northwestern Oklahoma State University

  • http://www.math.northwestern.edu/ — Northwestern University

  • http://www.math.oakland.edu/ — Oakland University

  • http://www.oberlin.edu/math/Default.htm — Oberlin College

  • http://departments.oxy.edu/math/ — Occidental College

  • http://www.onu.edu/a+s/math/ — Ohio Northern University

  • http://www.math.ohio-state.edu/ — Ohio State University

  • http://www.math.ohiou.edu/ — Ohio University

  • http://www.math.okstate.edu/ — Oklahoma State University

  • http://www.math.odu.edu/ — Old Dominion University

  • http://portal3.oru.edu/dynmgr.dynportal.page?siteid=49&pageid=656 — Oral Roberts University

  • http://www.math.oregonstate.edu/ — Oregon State University

  • http://education.ollusa.edu/~science/ — Our Lady of the Lake University, San Antonio

  • http://appserv.pace.edu/execute/page.cfm?doc_id=4047 — Pace University

  • http://www.plu.edu/~math/ — Pacific Lutheran University

  • http://www.math.psu.edu/ — Pennsylvania State University

  • http://www.pserie.psu.edu/academic/science/degrees/math/MathBio/MathBiol.htm — Penn State Erie, Behrend College

  • http://www.pitzer.edu/academics/field_groups/math/math.html — Pitzer College

  • http://www.plymouth.edu/psc/math/ — Plymouth State College

  • http://www.math.poly.edu/ — Polytechnic University

  • http://www.math.pomona.edu/ — Pomona College

  • http://www.mth.pdx.edu/ — Portland State University

  • http://www.math.princeton.edu/ — Princeton University

  • http://www.math.purdue.edu/ — Purdue University

  • http://www.math.qc.edu/ — Queens College

  • http://www.runet.edu/~math-web/ — Radford University

  • http://www.rmc.edu/directory/academics/math/index.asp — Randolph-Macon College

  • http://www.math.rpi.edu/ — Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

  • http://www.rhodes.edu/mathcs/ — Rhodes College

  • http://math.rice.edu/ — Rice University

  • http://www1.rider.edu/~wwwmth/ — Rider University

  • http://www.math.rit.edu/ — Rochester Institute of Technology

  • http://www2.roguecc.edu/mathematics/ — Rogue Community College

  • http://www.rose-hulman.edu/math/home.php — Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology

  • http://www.math.rutgers.edu/ — Rutgers University

  • http://www.saintjoe.edu/academics/math/ — Saint Joseph's College

  • http://wwwmacs.sju.edu/ — Saint Joseph's University

  • http://it.stlawu.edu/~math/ — St. Lawrence University

  • http://euler.slu.edu/ — Saint Louis University

  • http://joshua.smcvt.edu/math/dept.html — Saint Michael's College

  • http://www.stolaf.edu/depts/math/ — Saint Olaf College

  • http://www.shsu.edu/~mth_www/ — Sam Houston State University

  • http://www.sci.sdsu.edu/math_stat/ — San Diego State University

  • http://math.sfsu.edu/ — San Francisco State University

  • http://www.math.sjsu.edu/ — San Jose State University

  • http://www.scu.edu/SCU/Departments/Math/index.html — Santa Clara University

  • http://www.math.shu.edu/ — Seton Hall University

  • http://www.shawnee.edu/acad/ms/ — Shawnee State University

  • http://www.sienahts.edu/~mat/ — Siena Heights University

  • http://www.skidmore.edu/academics/mcs/mcs.htm — Skidmore College

  • http://math.smith.edu/ — Smith College

  • http://www.sonoma.edu/Math/ — Sonoma State University

  • http://math.southern.edu/ — Southern Adventist University

  • http://www.math.siu.edu/ — Southern Illinois University

  • http://www.smu.edu/math/ — Southern Methodist University

  • http://www.sou.edu/math/ — Southern Oregon University

  • http://www.suu.edu/ciet/math/ — Southern Utah University

  • http://www.sbuniv.edu/~khopkins/ — Southwest Baptist University

  • http://www.spelman.edu/academics/programs/mathematics/ — Spelman College

  • http://math.stanford.edu/ — Stanford University

  • http://www.sfasu.edu/math/ — Stephen F. Austin State University

  • http://www.stevens.edu/ses/math/ — Stevens Institute of Technology

  • http://math.albany.edu/ — SUNY at Albany

  • http://www.brockport.edu/math/ — SUNY at Brockport

  • http://www.math.buffalo.edu/ — SUNY at Buffalo

  • http://www.math.geneseo.edu/ — SUNY at Geneseo

  • http://www.math.sunyit.edu/ — SUNY Institute of Technology

  • http://www.newpaltz.edu/math/ — SUNY at New Paltz

  • http://www.oswego.edu/math/ — SUNY at Oswego

  • http://www.potsdam.edu/academics/AAS/Math/ — SUNY at Potsdam

  • http://www.math.sunysb.edu/ — SUNY at Stony Brook

  • http://www.swarthmore.edu/NatSci/Math/ — Swarthmore College

  • http://math.syr.edu/ — Syracuse University

  • http://www.taylor.edu/academics/acaddepts/math/ — Taylor University

  • http://www.math.temple.edu/ — Temple University

  • http://www.math.tntech.edu/ — Tennessee Technological University

  • http://www.math.tamu.edu — Texas A&M University

  • http://www.math.tcu.edu/ — Texas Christian University

  • http://www.math.txstate.edu/ — Texas State University

  • http://www.math.ttu.edu/ — Texas Tech University

  • http://www.thiel.edu/academics/math_compsci/ — Thiel College

  • http://www.towson.edu/math/ — Towson University

  • http://www.trincoll.edu/depts/math/ — Trinity College

  • http://www.trinity.edu/departments/mathematics/ — Trinity University

  • http://troy.troy.edu/mathematics/ — Troy University

  • http://mtcs.truman.edu/ — Truman State University

  • http://www.tufts.edu/as/math/ — Tufts University

  • http://www.math.tulane.edu/ — Tulane University

  • http://www.usafa.af.mil/df/dfms/ — United States Air Force Academy

  • http://www.dean.usma.edu/math/ — United States Military Academy

  • http://www.usna.edu/MathDept/website/index.htm — United States Naval Academy

  • http://www.math.uakron.edu/ — University of Akron

  • http://www.as.ua.edu/math/ — University of Alabama

  • http://www.math.uab.edu/ — University of Alabama at Birmingham

  • http://www.math.uah.edu/ — University of Alabama in Huntsville

  • http://www.math.uaa.alaska.edu/ — University of Alaska, Anchorage

  • http://www.dms.uaf.edu/ — University of Alaska, Fairbanks

  • http://www.math.arizona.edu/ — University of Arizona

  • http://www.uark.edu/depts/mathinfo/ — University of Arkansas

  • http://www.ualr.edu/mathdept/ — University of Arkansas at Little Rock

  • http://math.berkeley.edu/ — University of California Berkeley

  • http://math.ucdavis.edu/ — University of California Davis

  • http://www.math.uci.edu/ — University of California Irvine

  • http://www.math.ucla.edu/ — University of California Los Angeles

  • http://math.ucr.edu/ — University of California Riverside

  • http://math.ucsd.edu/ — University of California San Diego

  • http://math.ucsb.edu/ — University of California Santa Barbara

  • http://www.math.ucsc.edu/ — University of California Santa Cruz

  • http://www.math.ucf.edu/ — University of Central Florida

  • http://www.ucmo.edu/x62030.xml — University of Central Missouri

  • http://www.math.uchicago.edu/ — University of Chicago

  • http://math.uc.edu/ — University of Cincinnati

  • http://math.colorado.edu/ — University of Colorado, Boulder

  • http://mathweb.uccs.edu/ — University of Colorado, Colorado Springs

  • http://www-math.cudenver.edu/ — University of Colorado, Denver

  • http://www.math.uconn.edu/ — University of Connecticut

  • http://www.ucumberlands.edu/academics/math/ — University of Cumberlands

  • http://www.udayton.edu/~mathdept/ — University of Dayton

  • http://www.math.udel.edu/ — University of Delaware

  • http://www.math.du.edu/ — University of Denver

  • http://math.evansville.edu/ — University of Evansville

  • http://www.math.ufl.edu/ — University of Florida

  • http://www.math.uga.edu/ — University of Georgia

  • http://www.math.hawaii.edu/ — University of Hawaii

  • http://www.uhh.hawaii.edu/~math/ — University of Hawai`i at Hilo

  • http://math.uh.edu/ — University of Houston

  • http://math.cl.uh.edu/ — University of Houston, Clear Lake

  • http://www.uidaho.edu/math/ — University of Idaho

  • http://www.math.uic.edu/ — University of Illinois at Chicago

  • http://www.math.uiuc.edu/ — University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

  • http://www.math.uiowa.edu/ — University of Iowa

  • http://www.math.ku.edu/ — University of Kansas

  • http://www.msc.uky.edu/ — University of Kentucky

  • http://www.louisiana.edu/Academic/Sciences/MATH/ — University of Louisiana, Lafayette

  • http://www.math.louisville.edu/ — University of Louisville

  • http://germain.umemat.maine.edu/ — University of Maine

  • http://www.math.umd.edu/ — University of Maryland, College Park

  • http://www.math.umbc.edu/ — University of Maryland, Baltimore County

  • http://www.math.umass.edu/ — University of Massachusetts, Amherst

  • http://www.cs.umb.edu/ — University of Massachusetts, Boston

  • http://www.uml.edu/Dept/Math/ — University of Massachusetts, Lowell

  • http://www.msci.memphis.edu/ — University of Memphis

  • http://www.math.miami.edu/ — University of Miami

  • http://www.math.lsa.umich.edu/ — University of Michigan, Ann Arbor

  • http://www.math.umn.edu/ — University of Minnesota

  • http://www.d.umn.edu/math/ — University of Minnesota at Diluth

  • http://sunset.backbone.olemiss.edu/depts/mathematics/ — University of Mississippi

  • http://www.math.missouri.edu/ — University of Missouri

  • http://cas.umkc.edu/math/ — University of Missouri-Kansas City

  • http://www.umsl.edu/~mathcs/ — University of Missouri-St. Louis

  • http://www.umt.edu/math — University of Montana

  • http://www.math.unl.edu/ — University of Nebraska, Lincoln

  • http://www.unomaha.edu/~wwwmath/ — University of Nebraska, Omaha

  • http://www.unlv.edu/math/ — University of Nevada, Las Vegas

  • http://www.unr.edu/cos/math/ — University of Nevada, Reno

  • http://www.math.unh.edu/ — University of New Hampshire

  • http://www.newhaven.edu/4488/math/ — University of New Haven

  • http://www.math.unm.edu/ — University of New Mexico

  • http://www.math.uno.edu/ — University of New Orleans

  • http://www.unca.edu/math/ — University of North Carolina, Asheville

  • http://www.math.unc.edu/ — University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill

  • http://www.math.uncc.edu/ — University of North Carolina, Charlotte

  • http://www.uncg.edu/~matdept/ — University of North Carolina, Greensboro

  • http://www.uncwil.edu/math/ — University of North Carolina, Wilmington

  • http://www.und.edu/dept/math/mathhome.html — University of North Dakota

  • http://www.unf.edu/coas/math-stat/ — University of North Florida

  • http://www.math.unt.edu/ — University of North Texas

  • http://www.math.uni.edu/ — University of Northern Iowa

  • http://math.nd.edu/ — University of Notre Dame

  • http://www.math.ou.edu/ — University of Oklahoma

  • http://www.uoregon.edu/~math/ — University of Oregon

  • http://web.pacific.edu/x12428.xml — University of the Pacific

  • http://www.math.upenn.edu/ — University of Pennsylvania

  • http://www.math.pitt.edu/ — University of Pittsburgh

  • http://www.upj.pitt.edu/265/ — University of Pittsburgh at Johnstown

  • http://www.math.ups.edu/ — University of Puget Sound

  • http://www.math.uri.edu/ — University of Rhode Island

  • http://math.richmond.edu/ — University of Richmond

  • http://www.math.rochester.edu/ — University of Rochester

  • http://www.usfca.edu/artsci/ug/mathematics/ — University of San Francisco

  • http://math.scranton.edu/dept/ — University of Scranton

  • http://mathcs.sewanee.edu// — University of the South at Sewanee

  • http://www.math.usouthal.edu/ — University of South Alabama

  • http://www.math.sc.edu/ — University of South Carolina

  • http://www.usd.edu/math/ — University of South Dakota

  • http://www.math.usf.edu/ — University of South Florida, Tampa

  • http://math.usc.edu/ — University of Southern California

  • http://www.stthom.edu/Degrees_Programs_Courses/Undergraduate_Degrees/Mathematics/ — University of St. Thomas

  • http://www.math.utk.edu/ — University of Tennessee, Knoxville

  • http://www.utm.edu/departments/cens/math/ — University of Tennessee, Martin

  • http://www.uta.edu/math/ — University of Texas, Arlington

  • http://www.ma.utexas.edu/ — University of Texas, Austin

  • http://www.math.utep.edu/ — University of Texas, El Paso

  • http://www.math.utsa.edu/ — University of Texas, San Antonio

  • http://math.uttyler.edu/ — University of Texas, Tyler

  • http://www.math.panam.edu/ — University of Texas - Pan American

  • http://www.math.utoledo.edu/ — University of Toledo

  • http://euler.mcs.utulsa.edu/math/ — University of Tulsa

  • http://www.math.utah.edu/ — University of Utah

  • http://www.emba.uvm.edu/EM/Math/ — University of Vermont

  • http://www.math.virginia.edu/ — University of Virginia

  • http://www.math.washington.edu/ — University of Washington

  • http://perth.uwlax.edu/mathematics/ — University of Wisconsin, La Crosse

  • http://www.math.wisc.edu/ — University of Wisconsin, Madison

  • http://mthwww.uwc.edu/wwwmahes/courses/math00.htm — University of Wisconsin, Marathon Center

  • http://www.math.uwm.edu/ — University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee

  • http://www.uwp.edu/academic/mathematics/ — University of Wisconsin, Parkside

  • http://www.uwplatt.edu/math/ — University of Wisconsin, Platteville

  • http://www.uwsp.edu/math/ — University of Wisconsin, Stevens Point

  • http://math.uwyo.edu/ — University of Wyoming

  • http://www.math.usu.edu/ — Utah State University

  • http://www.valpo.edu/mathcs/ — Valparaiso University

  • http://www.math.vanderbilt.edu/ — Vanderbilt University

  • http://math.vassar.edu/ — Vassar College

  • http://math.villanova.edu/ — Villanova University

  • http://www.math.vcu.edu/ — Virginia Commonwealth University

  • http://www.math.vt.edu/ — Virginia Polytechnic Institute

  • http://www.wabash.edu/depart/math/ — Wabash College

  • http://www.math.wfu.edu/ — Wake Forest University

  • http://math.wallawalla.edu/ — Walla Walla University

  • http://www.math.wsu.edu/ — Washington State University

  • http://www.math.wustl.edu/ — Washington University, Saint Louis

  • http://www.math.wayne.edu/ — Wayne State University

  • http://www.wellesley.edu/Math/mathhome.html — Wellesley College

  • http://www.math.wesleyan.edu/ — Wesleyan University

  • http://www.wcupa.edu/_ACADEMICS/sch_cas.mat/ — West Chester University

  • http://www.westga.edu/~math/ — West Georgia College

  • http://www.wvutech.edu/academics/BHS/math/ — West Virginia Institute of Technology

  • http://www.math.wvu.edu/ — West Virginia University

  • http://www.wcsu.edu/math/ — Western Connecticut State University

  • http://www.wmich.edu/math-stat/ — Western Michigan University

  • http://www1.wnec.edu/artsandsciences/index.cfm?selection=doc.4835 — Western New England College

  • http://www.wwu.edu/depts/math/ — Western Washington University

  • http://www.westminster.edu/acad/academics_department.cfm?dept=7&name=mcs — Westminster College, New Wilmington

  • http://www.westminstercollege.edu/mathematics/ — Westminster College, Salt Lake City

  • http://www.whitman.edu/offices_departments/mathematics/ — Whitman College

  • http://web.whittier.edu/academic/math/math.htm — Whittier College

  • http://www.math.wichita.edu/ — Wichita State University

  • http://www.williams.edu/Mathematics/ — Williams College

  • http://www.wpunj.edu/cos/math/ — William Paterson University

  • http://www.wpi.edu/Academics/Depts/Math/ — Worcester Polytechnic Institute

  • http://www.math.wright.edu/ — Wright State University

  • http://www.math.yale.edu/ — Yale University

  • http://www.as.ysu.edu/~math/ — Youngstown State University


  • http://www.cmat.edu.uy/ — Universidad de la Republica


  • http://guldu.uz/physen.html — Gulistan State University

  • http://www.qdpi.uz/index.php?action=faculty&par=1062&nid=1063 — Kokand State Pedagogical Institute

  • http://math.nuu.uz/en — National University of Uzbekistan

  • http://www.tsau.uz/tsau2/eng/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=41&Itemid=27&lang=en — Tashkent State Agrarian University



  • http://www.ivic.ve/matematicas/ — Instituto Venezolano de Investigacion Cientificas

  • http://www.facyt.uc.edu.ve/index.php/matematica — Universidad de Carabobo

  • http://euler.ciens.ucv.ve/ — Universidad Central de Venezuela

  • http://www.unimet.edu.ve/escuelas/matematica-index.html — Universidad Metropolitana

  • http://ma.usb.ve/ — Universidad Simon Bolivar

  • http://www.fec.luz.edu.ve/dep_matematica.htm — Universidad del Zulia


  • http://www.humg.edu.vn/humg/eng/Faculties/Dep/d1.htm — Hanoi University of Mining and Geology

  • http://www1.hut.edu.vn/en/index.php?id=29,28,0,0,1,0 — Hanoi University of Technology

  • http://www.math.ac.vn/ — National Institute for Natural Science and Technology, Hanoi

  • http://www.hcmuns.edu.vn/hcmuns_english/Faculty/Math.htm — University of Natural Sciences

    Virgin Islands

  • http://www.uvi.edu/sites/uvi/Pages/DSM-Home.aspx?s=AC — University of Vignin Islands



  • http://www.unza.zm/schools/nat-science/ — University of Zambia


  • http://www.nust.ac.zw/departments/maths/ — National University of Science and Technology

  • http://www.uz.ac.zw/science/maths/ — University of Zimbabwe

  • http://www.zou.ac.zw/facult/science/scimath/ — Zimbabwe Open University


    1. ^http://www.mathontheweb.org/mathweb/mi-depts.html
    2. ^https://web.math.pmf.unizg.hr/~duje/mathdept.html
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