

词条 Draft:Midtone

A midtone or medium tone is a color that has a lightness or luma or relative luminance or value or tone between 25% and 75%, that is neither very dark nor very light. Every picture has three tonal bins, the dark tones or shadows with lightness level from black to 25%, the midtones from 25% to 75% and the bright tones or high-lights from 75% to white. A tonal histogram of a picture tells about the picture "mood" or "feel". Dark pictures have a skewed right histogram, (overly) bright pictures have a skewed left histogram and "natural" pictures have an unimodal or multimodal histogram. Changing the tonal histogram of a picture can help to better express the intention. Pictures with different tonal histograms in different areas like a bright landscape with a dark sky are interesting, because they counter the observers expectations.





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