

词条 Draft:Muhammed Ayenuddin

  1. Early Life

  2. Political Career

  3. With Muslim League

  4. Tours & Participations

  5. Professional Life

  6. Education Enthusiast

  7. Social Works

  8. Books & Writings

  9. Personal Life & Death

  10. References

{{AFC submission|d|v|u=Mahmudul92|ns=118|decliner=AngusWOOF|declinets=20181113164927|ts=20181113152431}} {{AFC comment|1=Please add the citations from bn wikipedia and tag that it was a translation of that article. AngusWOOF (barksniff) 16:49, 13 November 2018 (UTC)}}

Muhammed Ayenuddin (January 01, 1937- November 16, 2006) was a reputed politician, a veteran parliamentarian, a social worker, an education enthusiast and a senior advocate of the Supreme Court of Bangladesh.

Early Life

Muhammed Ayenuddin was born in a respectable Muslim family of Village and Post Shyampur, P.S. Matihar, District Rajshahi in 1937. He graduated and obtained his L.L.B. Degree from Rajshahi University. He then joined Rajshahi District & Session Judges Court in 1961 as a junior of one of the most eminent Lawyer Mr. Haripada Roy.

Political Career

Muhammed Ayenuddin started his student political career as a member of Students Union and became the president of Sadar Sub Division of Rajshahi District, Students Union. Due to ideological reason, he left Students Union and joined in East Pakistan Students Force under the leadership of today's eminent lawyer of the Supreme Court Bangladesh, Late Mr. Farmanullah Khan. Soon after joining Students Force he was elected President of Rajshahi District Students Force and came in close contact with the Senior Vice President of the then Pakistan Students Force, Late Justice Mr. Mohammed Ansar Ali, a dedicated soul for the cause of humanity as a whole and North Bengal in particular. Muhammed Ayenuddin by dint of sincerity became the Joint Secretary of the Pakistan Students Force.

He was elected as a youngest member to the East Pakistan Assembly in 1962 as an independent candidate and joined Muslim League and later on was appointed as Parliamentary Secretary in charge of Agriculture, Forest, Fishery & Livestock. He was re-elected as a member to the then East Pakistan Assembly in 1965 and then was appointed again as parliamentary secretary in charge of Agriculture, Forest, Fishery & Livestock. He contributed a lot in the proceedings of Parliament and earned reputation as one of the best parliamentarians of those days. In his budget speech in 1966/67 he gave due importance to agriculture sector and agriculturist and made it clear that without the improvement of agriculture and agriculturist, no stable economic development is possible and in response the Central Government under the leadership of late Mr. Mahtabuddin Sarker, formed a high powered committee which ultimately led to the acceptance of 'Grow More Food Programme'. In the same assembly he mentioned the need of a bridge over "River Jamuna" for a better, easier and faster communication.

Muhammed Ayenuddin was again elected as member of Bangladesh Parliament in 1986 from Electoral Constituency no 54 (Rajshahi - 4) and became the leader of Muslim League parliamentary group. During his stay in Parliament he made some important policy statement of which separation of judiciary is worth mentioning. But the most important speech he made on 7h amendment of constitution is widely acknowledged by the world outside as also within the country and his said speech has been referred in several research books/articles both in and out of Bangladesh.

With Muslim League

Muhammed Ayenuddin formally joined in Muslim League in 1963 and became its Joint Secretary General while Mr. Fozlul Kader Chowdhury was its President. He had to undergo political prisoner's life after the emergence of Bangladesh. He was released unconditionally from the Central Jail of Bangladesh as all the charges against him were proved to be false and baseless in the Honorable Court. The General Amnesty declared by Honorable Sheikh Mujibur Rahman was not needed by him as he was released.

In Bangladesh Muslim League, he occupied various positions and was ultimately elected as Secretary General in an election through secret ballot held on 01/01/94 under the direct control and supervision of Mr. Justice Chowdhury A. T. M. Maswood, former Chief Election Commissioner of the Government of Bangladesh.

Muhammed Ayenuddin resigned from his post of Secretary General of Bangladesh Muslim League after party met with serious setback in parliament election in 1996.

He never changed his political identity although he was offered by various political parties at various stages of different governments.

Tours & Participations

As the sole parliamentary delegate from Bangladesh National Assembly, Muhammed Ayenuddin attended a "Global Parliamentarians Conference On Apartheid" held in New Delhi, India in 1997, where he delivered a very thoughtful speech against apartheid. During the conference, he discussed several bilateral issues with the then President of India, Mr. Venkatraman and the then Prime Minister of India, Mr. Rajib Gandhi.

He also participated in the seminar entitled "Rule of Law" co-sponsored by Pakistan and United States of America in Karachi, Pakistan 1989.

Muhammed Ayenuddin visited People's Republic of China as a member of Pakistan Delegation on the occasion of her Revolution Day in 1966: and had the honor to discuss matters of mutual interest with the Prime Minister of the People's Republic, Mr. Chou-En-Lai along with many dignitaries of China and had the privilege to meet with modern China's founder, Mr. Mao-Tse-Tung.

Muhammed Ayenuddin had the privileges to perform Holy Hajj thrice. Once as a Royal guest of His Majesty, Late King Khaled of Saudi Arabia in 1980 and once as a guest of Rabita-Al-Alam, and once on his own along with his family.

He also visited Libya as a state guest in 1998. He also visited Malaysia, Thailand, & United Kingdom.

Professional Life

Muhammed Ayenuddin practiced law in the Supreme Court of Bangladesh for over 30 years and was a very senior and respectable lawyer.

Due to his acceptability to everyone despite political and social standings, he was made a member of the Enquiry Committee formed by the Supreme Court Bar Association on the Incident of 21st August, 2004, where a grenade attack was launched on the Public Meeting lead by Sheikh Hasina, the then former Prime Minister of Bangladesh and former Leader of the Opposition and the President of Awami League Bangladesh. The other members of the committee were Barrister Rokonuddin Mahmud (Convener), Dr. Kamal Hussain, Dr. M. Zahir, Barrister Amirul Islam, and Advocate Abdul Malek.

He was the only non official member from East Pakistan in the "Council of Drainage, Flood Control and Water Research Council of Pakistan". Late Mr. A. B. M. Abbas, the eminent water expert of the world was its Vice Chairman while Mr. Muhammed Ayub Khan, the then President of Pakistan was its Chairman.

He was a member of Board of Trusty of Bangladesh Shishu Hospital and Honorary Treasurer of Bangladesh Child Health Institute. He also served as the Vice president of Bangladesh Palli Shishu Foundation.

He was a member of National Anti-Drug Committee and he was entrusted with the charge of reformation of anti-drug laws in order to meet the demand of the present period and as Chairman of the said Sub Committee, in assistance with his fellow members he submitted a report to the concerned authority.

Education Enthusiast

As a great education enthusiast, he set up Rajshahi Women's College, Baneshwar Degree College and Arani Degree College during sixties and had the honor to work as their founder secretaries. Innumerable schools, madrasas, clubs were also established by him. One of his important jobs in education line was setting up of Night High School at Rajshahi to create an opportunity for imparting higher education to the interested fourth class employee as also for poor boys of Rajshahi.

He founded Rajshahi Law College and served as the founder secretary. He was member of Rajshahi Secondary and Intermediate Education Board for 7 years and contributed significantly to its development and better management.

He was a member of "Rajshahi Divisional Council" and a governing body member of Rajshahi Government College.

Muhammed Ayenuddin was member of the Rajshahi University Syndicate till 1969 and played an important role in the betterment of the University in general and the teachers in particular.

During sixties he was selected by the then East Pakistan Assembly as the Chairman of an "Education Sub Committee" meant for eliciting public opinion as to whether cheap note books are at all necessary for imparting education to the students. He made an extensive tour all over East Pakistan to have the opinion on the matter from the teachers and guardians. Almost 90% of the most ideal and experienced teachers strongly recommended banning of note books and accordingly he submitted a report to the Assembly but unfortunately the said report was shelved by the unseen hand.

Muhammed Ayenuddin was a member of Bangladesh Education Commission constituted by Bangladesh Government in 1986. The said Commission successfully completed its report and handed it over to the President of Bangladesh.

Social Works

While he was a student leader he formed "Rajshahi District Rikshaw Puller's Union" and became its founder president. In order to improve the lifestyle of the poor rikshaw pullers, he introduced a scheme by which union started to distribute rikshaw free of cost to the poor rickshaw pullers.

Due to his continuous efforts, the Government of the then East Pakistan set up Rajshahi Medical College, Rajshahi Science Laboratory to create employment and better living and Rajshahi Sugar Mill and Rajshahi Jute Mill to create living opportunity and eliminate poverty for the sugar cane and jute growers of Rajshahi.

Muhammed Ayenuddin was the Secretary General of Bangladesh Saudi Arabia Friendship Society for 6 years during eighties. During his period he organized large number of seminars on important matters such as "Significance of Ramadan", "Islam: A Complete Code of Life", etc. Former Chief Justice F.K.M.A. Munim and Chief Justice Badrul Haider Chowdhury graced the occasions as Chief Guests. He was also instrumental in publishing books and booklets from the said society and distributed them for free of cost. During his period a large number of Holy Quran translated by Allama Yousuf was distributed to many.

He organized a Cultural Society named "Society International for Islam and Modern Age". The said organization published a quarterly journal. Dr. Sharfuddin, one of the leading educationists of Bangladesh was the editor of the journal. Dr. M. A. Salam, the Noble Laureate, and an eminent scientist, having gone through the journal, appreciated highly.

He helped many religious and social institutions in many ways. He established a free medical centre in Shyampur, his own village in Rajshahi and was a patron of Sadhanpur Pangu Shishu Niketon, a unique institute which helps the disabled people to learn.

Books & Writings

Muhammed Ayenuddin was a regular freelance columnist in the major daily newspapers of Bangladesh on political, social and economic issues. He was also the author of few books and several journals. Two of his prominent books published are "Shawadesh Shamoy 0 Rajniti" and "Muslim Shomajer Odhopotoner Karon" have been hugely appreciated and accepted by the general people of Bangladesh.

Personal Life & Death

Muhammed Ayenuddin led his personal life in light of the principles of Holy Quran and Sunnah.

He was an uncompromising character when a moral issue was concerned. He never compromised his honesty, dignity and pride and maintained a life that can set up an example for many.

He lived a peaceful family life with two sons A.M. Sayeed Abdullah and S.M. Asif Abdullah and one daughter, Mahmuda Habiba. His better half, Nur Mahal Khatun, was an educationist and retired as the Vice Principal of the Government College of Music, Dhaka.

In his late years, he suffered from Diabetes and Renal Failure. He had to undergo through dialysis. He died on the 16th of November, 2006, in Dhaka.

His first Namaz-E-Janaza was held in the Supreme Court of Bangladesh attended by the Former President of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh, The Honorable Chief Justice and other Honorable Justices of the Supreme Court, Lawyers, Political Leaders, High Officials of the Government, and Dignitaries of the City. His second Namaz-E-Janaza was held in his own village, Shyampur, attended by the Mayor of Rajshahi, Leaders of all Political Parties, Dignitaries, and thousands of general people who came to show their love and respect for him and was buried in family graveyard according to his wish.






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