

词条 Draft:Rasa News Agency
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Rasa News Agency is a privately-held institution that has been established through the ‎‎sponsorship of a number of scholars, seminarians and researchers in the Islamic ‎Seminary of ‎‎Qom, in Iran, and intends to establish a relationship between the news and the ‎‎media organizations in the country.‎

The goals of this news agency are to introduce the cultural and research products of the ‎‎Islamic Seminary, to circulate information among seminarians, to influence the political ‎and ‎cultural environments of the country in line with the ideas of the late Imam ‎Khomeini and ‎the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution, Ayatollah Sayyed Ali ‎Khamenei, and to ‎raise awareness among the seminarians about the needs and ‎demands of society and the ‎Islamic system of government, the scholars, plans, ‎demands and views of the marja’ (sources of ‎emulation) and renowned scholars about the organs of ‎the system and their functions.‎

Rasa News Agency has been operating in the form of an information base since 2003 ‎and on ‎May 30, 2007 obtained a license from the Ministry of Culture and Islamic Guidance under No. ‎‎3233/681 as a news agency in the field of providing information ‎about the Islamic ‎seminaries, the scholars and thinkers of the Shi’a world.‎

Currently, this news agency‏ ‏publishes news about the Islamic seminaries of the Shi’a ‎world ‎in the Persian, Arabic, English and Urdu languages.‎

The Principles and Values of the Ruler (Philosophy and Values)

The Rasa Institute believes in:‎

‎‎*‎ The authority of monotheistic insights in all activities of the institute‎

‎‎*‎ The belief in the principles of Shi’a thought on the basis of the Quran and the ‎‎Ahlul-Bayt, the Holy Family of the Prophet Muhammad‎

‎‎*‎ The belief in Shi’a jurisprudence, the basis for the emergence of Imam al-Mahdi, ‎‎taking advantage of the achievements of new human thought within the ‎framework of ‎religious rules

‎‎*‎ The belief in Wilayat al-Faqih al-Mutlaqah (Absolute Guardianship of the ‎‎Jurisprudent) as the only prosperous version of religion and the world ‎

‎‎*‎ The importance of paying attention to the ideals of the Islamic Revolution in the ‎‎struggle against oppression, Islamic unity, the doctrine of ‘enjoining the good ‎and forbidding ‎the wrong’, the strengthening of Islamic values and divine rites, ‎independence and territorial ‎integrity, abstinence from dissension, the ‎observance of national unity, the eschewal from ‎Shi’aphobia and Iranophobia ‎and the achievement of an Islamic-based civilization

‎‎*‎ The need to export the culture of Iran’s Islamic Revolution

‎‎*‎ Preserving the status and validity of the Islamic seminaries in the production of ‎media ‎and the promotion free-thinking chairs

‎‎*‎ Strengthening the movement for production of knowledge in the Islamic ‎seminaries

‎‎*‎ Serious efforts to expand the thought of Imam Khomeini, the Wali al-Faqih ‎‎‎(Guardian-Jurist) of the era and the great sources of emulation and the scholars ‎in line with ‎the system of the Islamic Republic ‎

‎‎*‎ Strengthening the seminaries in line with the system of the Islamic Republic ‎

‎‎*‎ Explaining the views of Islam in the areas of the management of society, culture, ‎‎politics, economics and science

‎‎*‎ Confronting Westoxification and disturbing the interests and plots of groups, ‎‎personalities and media which are against the system of the Islamic Republic and ‎which ‎support the secular movement

‎‎*‎ Using the capacities of the intellectual sciences, humanities and modern ‎technologies ‎to respond to new doubts and engagement in propagation and ‎spreading the revolutionary ‎Shi’a thought in the language of the day

‎‎*‎ Strengthening Shi’as, Muslims and groups resisting the new imperialist regimes ‎‎and the oppressed people of the world, in particular the Islamic Resistance in ‎Lebanon and Palestine

‎‎*‎ Enlightenment in the fight against false ideas and deviant sects

The Rasa Institute is committed to:‎

‎‎*‎ Attention to dealing with partners based on religious and moral standards

‎‎*‎ Practical commitment to the principles and rulings of Islam and the observance ‎of ‎Islamic ethics and laws

‎‎*‎ Practical commitment to the Wali al-Faqih, the observance of the rulings of ‎‎government and the edicts of the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution ‎

‎‎*‎ The realization of jihadi work and the preservation of status of the seminarians ‎in all ‎fields

‎‎*‎ Paying attention to the important principle of consultation, using experts in the ‎form ‎of think tanks and specialized media chairs

‎‎*‎ The need for continuous evaluation and monitoring in different areas of work in ‎order ‎to continuously improve quality and create balanced, quantitative and ‎qualitative growth, ‎desirability and reducing their distance from the desired ‎model or level

‎‎*‎ Serious attention to the principles of qualitative growth (such as: loyalty, ‎honesty, ‎principles of participation, group work, the principle of professional ‎ethics, the principle of ‎creation and the discovery of opportunity, the principle of ‎responsibility)‎

‎‎*‎ The avoidance of factional conflicts and independence from political movements ‎and ‎the avoidance of political work which isn’t based on values but rather on ‎intimidation or ‎covetousness by individuals and movements and the abstention ‎from dependence on ‎government organizations by observing organization and ‎the rules of elitism

‎‎*‎ Observing the professional principles of media and news writing, streaming ‎positive ‎news, avoiding extremism and radicalism in orientations

‎‎*‎ Serious attention to education, individual and organizational learning and ‎professional ‎development and promotion

‎‎*‎ Use of various capacities of the visual, audio, visual, and virtual media

‎‎*‎ Attempts to expand activities based on constructive interaction in the national, ‎‎regional and international fields

‎‎*‎ Giving attention to internal criticism, reminding and inviting to goodness, ‎eliminating ‎the problems of partners and the providing job security and future‏ ‏security

‎‎*‎ Compliance with the management of the Islamic Seminary and authority ‎








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