

词条 Draft:Sentinel

  1. References

{{AFC submission|d|essay|u=Eonsfromnow2019|ns=118|decliner=Breawycker|declinets=20190222010442|ts=20190222002537}} {{AFC comment|1=Wikipedia is not for something made up one day, especially not something written in first person. If you are trying to submit a story, there are many other places you can submit this to. Breawycker (talk to me!) 01:04, 22 February 2019 (UTC)}}

Real Life Superheroes

Sentinel, whom I had finally contacted, was very suspicious and incredulous of my "intent" to want to interview him. I provided the information that Sentinel had requested to run my background check. Now keep in mind, I am not a professional reporter, nor a professional writer. I just have a genuine interest in promoting those unconventional types who want to help others, with out expectation of reward, recognition or anything of the like.

Finally, after almost 2 months, I heard from Sentinel. I was a bit taken aback that Sentinel, during the course of our phone conversation, stated that he had checked me out, verified what I had told him to be my "credentials" for the lack of a better term, and that I was who I said I was. His reply to me was "Good, I'm glad that you're being honest with me, because I did tail you a few times, to verify what you had told me. I know your patterns, movements, place of employment and place of residence. At first I was a little pissed that he had that much information, however, Sentinel assured me that it was for his verification and protection. I couldn't argue with that logic. His reasoning to me "You sought ME out, I had to be sure that you have no bad intent. Fair enough, I replied.

Sentinel arranged the place, and time of our meeting. Seems he mostly operates at night "bad guys do their best work at night" he later told me, after I inquired as to why. I did check my watch nervously a few times, waiting for him to arrive. I will admit, Grand Rapids has a spectacular view at night, with the lights, noise, (it was a cool spring evening) sounds etc...I can see why he likes to be out at night. Deep in my own thoughts, I about shit my pants when I looked up from checking my watch for the 5th time, and Sentinel was right in front of me. JESUS!!! I damn near screamed like a girl LoL (I hate using LOL's, but it was a very relieved, thank god I'm not DEAD sort of scream. "You scared the SHIT out of me" I stammered! Sentinel smirked (Bastard!!) and replied "element of surprise, you should be a bit more aware of your surroundings, especially at night. Lesson learned.

Let's get on with this "interview" I have work to do. We shook hands, he has one hell of a firm grip. He looked pretty intimidating. He was wearing a helmet with a black brim, Side lights and what appeared to be a tactical jacket, the "S" logo on the left side of his jacket, what appeared to be black tactical pants, with drop leg platforms on both sides, The coolest part? he had an all black shield on his back! A frickin shield!! How cool is that?? He was (as he later shared) wearing amber lens tactical goggles (better night vision he stated) and a pair of tactical goggles (amber lenses) over the tactical goggles. He was pretty tall. I am 5' 9" (on my tip toes) pretty good sized guy. He had a very non descript, flat affect voice. He struck me as calm and reassuring. I can see why he would scare the hell out of a scumbag bad guy. Seeing this guy come out of nowhere in the dark would scare anyone. Sentinel stated that he was armored in strategic places, but did not disclose where.

He was no BS and right to the point. I admired that. I did attempt to stammer out a few typical questions "why do you do this?" "what type of training do you have?" "Are you a former cop?, Military?, CIA?, TSA? (I actually asked him that, I'm such an idiot) etc etc..so on, and so forth

Sentinel was very frank in his answers. Blunt, no BS, and told me that he has given up what "polite society" as he described it, a lot. He gave examples. Marriage, friends, relationships that were basically superficial, a social life, in his "civilian identity" as he called it. Sentinel stated, he does work within the law, realizes that at any time, his "illegal activity" (Being a "vigilante"" could end at any time if..he is caught and his identity exposed.

He further explained, that he only intervenes when police cannot not arrive in time to actually do any thing, other than contain, investigate and "mop up the mess" as Sentinel stated that "Police, do not prevent crime, they only investigate it after the fact" I again, cannot argue that logic. Sentinel stated that he has a pretty "normal" life like the rest of us. He has a job, interests, friends (superficial he added), etc....but, that in his "civilian identity" (he used that phrase a lot) that most of his activity is training, equipment upgrades, recon work, crime mapping, crime patterns, and proactive patrols. Sentinel stated "you would not believe what I see, encounter, intervene on during my patrols. I see the worst in humanity, and the best. I see the horrible, sick, filthy, vile, evil things people are capable of, and doing to each other. Zero empathy, no compassion. It's almost mindless. How do you "rehab" that? Evil is evil. Drugs, robberies, property damage for kicks, brutal beatings, human trafficking, the homeless being the worst victims. People already at their lowest, being robbed, beaten, etc. I even see police running homeless out their places to sleep. Society is a wreck.

We talked for another hour or so. Sentinel revealed nothing to me that would give me any indication of who he is. But, I now know WHY he does what he does. The "interview" turned into more of a life lesson for me. I learned a lot from Sentinel. My final question to him again, was why do you do this? "When I was younger, I had the shit kicked out of me by 4 men, for $11, and my coat. I suffered a broken jaw, concussion, cuts, bruises, a minor stab wound and the complete and utter humiliation of being so helpless and scared that there was nothing that I could do, if those pieces of shit, wanted to end my life. I was a small, geeky kid, bullied a lot. After that, I had a small flame go off inside of my brain, that I would never again, feel that helplessness, fear, and utter despair. I did a complete 180, and trained, studied, learned brutal fighting techniques, and I learned a lot about myself. I have ZERO tolerance for one person hurting another for mere money, property, sick kicks or any other reason. Once the "bad guys" know you have no fear of them, they have no more power over you. They seek out scared, weak victims. No one else will suffer what I did as long as I am breathing, and physically able to do this. Even after that, I will continue to fight evil in the ways that matter as well. I am fond of the saying "fight apathy, or don't!!!

Thanks Sentinel. Keep up the good fight my friend!

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