

词条 Draft:Social networks: facts and dangers

  1. Subspecies

  2. Document Collaboration Services

  3. History

  4. The history of the emergence of social networks can be divided into three waves

  5. Advertising in social networks

  6. Social network hazards

  7. Responsibility for repost and posting on social networks

  8. Interesting Facts

  9. References

A social network  is a platform, online service, or website designed to build, reflect, and organize social relationships between people or organizations on the Internet.


Social networks have the following types of resources in Web 2.0 format:
  • Social bookmarks. Some websites allow users to make a list of bookmarks or popular websites available to others. Such sites can also be used to search for users with common interests. Example: Delicious
  • Social cataloging. Reminiscent of social bookmarking, but focused on academic use, allowing users to work with databases of quotes from scientific articles. Examples: Academic Search Premier, LexisNexis, Academic University, CiteULike, Connotea.
  • Social libraries are applications that allow visitors to leave links to their collections, books, audio recordings, etc., that others have access to. Support is provided for a system of recommendations, ratings, etc. Examples: discogs.com, IMDb.com.
  • Social media storages – services for sharing media files. They can be classified by the type of files hosted on these servers.
  • Specialized social networks. They unite people according to certain criteria (for example, age, gender, religion, certain hobbies, etc.).
  • Professional social networks are created for communication on professional topics, exchange of experience and information, search and job offers, development of business connections. Examples: LinkedIn, My Circle, Professionals.ru [1].
  • Corporate social networks solve the problems of organizing and supporting the company's activities [2].

Document Collaboration Services

Geosocial networks allow you to build social connections based on the geographic location of the user. It uses various geolocation tools (for example, GPS or hybrid systems such as AlterGeo technology), which make it possible to determine the current location of a particular user and correlate its position in space with the location of various places and people around.


Vladimir Odoyevsky, a Russian writer, philosopher and social activist of the 19th century, who lived from 1803 to 1869, in his unfinished utopian novel «The 4338th Year» written in 1837, predicted the emergence of modern blogs and the Internet as a whole. It states that «magnetic telegraphs are arranged between familiar houses, by means of which people living at a far distance talk to each other», as well as «home newspapers» published «in many houses, especially between those that have great contacts»: newspapers «replace ordinary correspondence», they «usually contain the notice of health or illness of the hosts and other home news, then various thoughts, comments, small inventions, as well as invitations, and when there is a call for lunch, then le menu» [ 3]).The origin of social networks began almost from the birth of the Internet itself in 1969. The beginning of the formation of social networks is attributed to 1995 from the American portal Classmates.com («Odnoklassniki.ru» is its Russian equivalent).Some researchers consider its first full-fledged social network to be not Classmates, but the project SixDegrees.com, launched in 1997. At that time, many web services offered features such as creating a personal page or a list of friends, but separately. SixDegrees.com was the first social networking service that combined these functions, and eventually (in 1998) added a new one, such as searching through the pages of friends.

The history of the emergence of social networks can be divided into three waves

1997-2001 social networks of the first wave (these are social networks of the 90s with the simplest functionality).In the period between 1997 and 1999, Asian Avenue, MiGente, BlackPlanet appeared, in terms of functionality they did not differ much from their predecessors.In 1999, an American student programmer opened the Livejournal.com service. There you could create a fairly detailed profile. Soon the service provided the ability to add contacts (friends). Livejournal became the first mass hosting of blogs (electronic diaries) and the first Western social service, which became popular in Russia.The second wave (creation of social networks with broader functionality for basic interaction) occurred in the years 2001-2004. For social services that have appeared in this period of time, the division into niches is typical, one of which is business. In 2001, Ryze.com became the first web resource focused on initiating and maintaining business contacts. This project gave impetus to the formation of well-known web services such as LinkedIn (founded by Reed Hoffman in December 2002, launched in May 2003) and Friendster (founded in 2002 by Jonathan Abrams).The third wave covers the period from 2004 to the present (these are social networks that solve specific problems: search for employees (business networks), games (game networks), information search (content networks), etc.). In 2004, Mark Zuckerberg founded the social network Facebook. The original goal of the social network was to provide students of Harvard University with the opportunity to communicate with each other, post photos, videos, change statuses on-line. Facebook today is the second most popular site in the world, yielding the first position to the Google search engine.In 2006, Jack Dorsey launched the Twitter project and immediately became a rapidly growing new social networking project.In the Russian-speaking segment of the Internet, social networks have begun to gain popularity since 2006, when Odnoklassniki and VKontakte social networks appeared, which had websites in Russian.

Advertising in social networks

Social networks are a powerful tool for marketing research since users voluntarily publish information about themselves, their views, interests, preferences and so on. Because of this, advertisers can very clearly determine which particular users will be interested in their advertising and send their advertisements to specific users depending on the information in their profiles (age, gender, place of residence, etc). This type of advertising is called Target.

The market volume of advertising in social networks is growing steadily. According to analytics of eMarketer it reached $ 1.225 billion in 2007. In compiling the report, eMarketer experts took into account all types of advertising placed on social networks including media, context, audio and video advertising as well as the costs of marketing projects in which marketers create profiles for their products and brands on social networks. In addition, forecasts for the first time take into account the costs of creating widgets and applications. Social media revenues from advertising exceeded $ 5 billion in 2011.

When you using advertising on social networks you can work with user groups united by such parameters as:

  • interests (music, cinema, travel, needlework),
  • age,
  • geography,
  • sex,
  • social status (student, place of work).
  • income level
  • marital status
  • worldview.
Another way to attract customers through social networks is the creation of social networks by companies. Such communities allow to convey new information to users who are most likely interested in the products or services of the company.

Social network hazards

Many people don’t understand that the information posted by them on social networks can be found and used by anyone not necessarily with good intentions. Information about the participants of social networks can be found by their employers, relatives, debt collectors, criminals and so on. Bailiffs sometimes use social networks to find defaulters or to get information about their property.Some employers prohibit the use of social networks not only for the sake of economy, but also to prevent the leakage of information.Also users of social networks may face harassment, criticism, «unflattering reviews» and unfounded rumors.A case of manifestation of psychosomatic disorders on the basis of dependence on communication in social networks is known – in Belgrade the user Snezhana Pavlović got into a psychiatric clinic after her note on the social network «Facebook» didn’t arouse interest among her friends. Doctors of the clinic called this case «Snezhana’s syndrome» explaining the patient's behavior as ordinary stress from dissatisfaction with the social need of an individual in the modern world.D. Boyd, based on surveys in 16 states of the United States, concluded that there were two main «fears» caused by social networks: sexual harassment and confidentiality of information. Content analysis of the periodical press in Denmark allowed M. Larsen to compile a list of the most frequently mentioned problems related to social networks, which include: sexual abuse and pedophilia, intimidation and harassment, threats and violence, the spread of nationalist ideas. During the online survey of German and Austrian students, K. Fuchs received the following list of risks: data confidentiality, spamming, the possibility of losing personal information, creating a negative image, Internet addiction. S.V. Bondarenko, on the basis of a study of virtual network communities in the south of Russia, concluded that the following forms of manifestation of deviant behavior were present: hacking, violation of secrecy, defamation, cyber-terrorism, computer pedophilia. A survey conducted on the portal of the HSE showed that, according to respondents, the networks «tighten» and take too much time, crowd out real communication, provide «redundant communication and information». «The issues of confidentiality», the report mentions, «worry users of social networks to a lesser extent» Basically, these fears are connected with the easy availability of contact information for spammers, and not with the work of special services». The work «Autopayesis of social networks in the Internet space» illustrated how social networks distribute, integrate and set the framework of psychological recursions; they spend the psyche modeled code by transferring an increasing number of elements of private life to the universal total field of interactions.Of particular concern is the promotion of suicide. Scientists argue that social networks have significantly influenced the growth of teen suicides. More than a third of the materials describing ways of suicide and campaigning for it are collected on the social network «VK». Law enforcement agencies regularly take measures to close the so-called «death groups». At the same time, parents often don't even realize that suicide propaganda is affecting their children: quite sophisticated methods are used for this in social networks. Pavel Valeryevich Durov, the creator of the social network «VK», in his interview with the DLD Conference mentioned the problems of Internet trolling and promised to solve them by creating a new social network «Live Once» using ready-made server solutions and «Telegram» protocols.

Responsibility for repost and posting on social networks

Control over the dissemination of information on the Internet and, in particular, on social networks, becomes stricter every year. Judicial practice knows many cases when the authors of extremist posts and those who kept these materials on their page (made a repost) were brought to criminal responsibility.

  • Danger 1. Demotivators

In September 2015, civic activist Dmitry Semenov from Chuvashia was convicted of a demotivator with a caricature of Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev in the social network «VKontakte». The user himself denied any accusations, indicating that he put «like» the text of the interview, and the caricature «tied up» automatically. The court ruled that Semenov publicly called for extremist activity, and imposed a fine of 150 thousand rubles. However, he immediately amnestied the defendant, which did not satisfy the activist: in April 2016, he applied to the ECHR. Semenov believes that his right to a fair trial and freedom of expression were violated.

What is the danger: according to the court order, on the demotivator there was an inscription: «Death to the Russian reptile», in which they saw «a call for the physical destruction of the Russians».

  • Danger 2. Photos from the time of World War II.

Resonant case with the prosecution of a picture with a swastika happened with Polina Petruseva, a journalist from the Smolensk portal. In January 2015, the girl posted on the page on the social network «VKontakte» a photo of her house from the time of the Nazi occupation. In particular, law enforcement officers did not accept the image of the flag of the Third Reich, which was visible in the documentary image. Ultimately, Petrusev was fined a thousand rubles for propaganda and public demonstration of Nazi symbols.

What is the danger: a law banning propaganda or publicly demonstrating the symbols of organizations that collaborated with the Nazis or denied the outcome of the Nuremberg Tribunal was adopted in Russia in the autumn of 2014. However, later Roskomnadzor clarified that images of the swastika without propaganda purposes are permissible.

  • Danger 3. Videos.

The latest news about the accusation of extremism, ending a criminal term, became known recently. Mukhtar Ramazanov, a resident of Dagestan, was found guilty under Part 1 of Article 282 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, «Incitement of hatred or hostility, as well as humiliation of human dignity», and Part 1 of Article 205.2 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, Public appeals for terrorist activities. The defendant pleaded guilty and received two years of imprisonment with a sentence being served in a penal colony. According to investigators, Ramazanov posted a video on his VKontakte page in June 2014 aimed at inciting hatred or enmity and humiliating a person’s dignity regarding religion and belonging to any social group.

What is the danger: in connection with the recent events in Ukraine and the tense relations between the two former socialist republics, the frequent violent and often sharp discussions may be at risk.

  • Danger 4. Ukraine.

In Yekaterinburg, a local court found a single mother guilty of inciting ethnic hatred and enmity. Ekaterina Vologzheninova was convicted under article 282 of the Criminal Code for reposting VKontakte of several community records of the Ukrainian National Self-Defense and the Right Sector (organization banned in Russia. – Ed.). For reposting, a woman received 20 hours of compulsory work. In addition, a laptop, a computer mouse and a charger were confiscated and destroyed at Vologzheninovaya.

What is the danger: some of the overblown publications belonged to publics that belonged to organizations prohibited in Russia, such as the UNA-UNSO and Right Sector.

  • Danger 5. Insulting the feelings of believers

No luck and 21-year-old resident of Berdsk Novosibirsk region. Maxim Kormelitsky received a year and three months in a penal colony for reposting and a sharp remarks about the Orthodox. In January 2016, Kormelitsky, through a repost from the Dvach community in VKontakte, posted on his page a photo of Orthodox Christians bathing in an ice-hole with a commentary where, in his own words, he appreciated «the mental state of people who sacrifice their health for the sake of religion». The record was seen by the Orthodox activist Yuri Zadoya, who complained to the Investigation Committee of the offensive comment. Kormelytsky was found guilty under part 1 of article 282 of the Criminal Code, which establishes responsibility for inciting religious hatred.

What is the danger: religion has always been a sensitive issue, therefore, statements on this topic are better expressed in a more neutral way.

  • Danger 6. Lack of Internet literacy

In March 2016, a 62-year-old pensioner suffered from reckless quads. Nikolai Egorov, who works as a security guard at an asphalt concrete plant in Chuvashia, was accused of extremism for repost in VKontakte of Boris Stomakhin’s material, the post of which was previously recognized as extremist in content. Lawyer Egorov said that his ward «did not place any publications on his page, and access to his account due to his small knowledge of the specifics of the Internet has an unlimited number of people».

What is the danger: be careful about the security of your accounts in social networks and do not allow others to publish something on their own behalf. Even as a joke.

Slander in social networks is punished under Article 128.1. For disseminating false information about a citizen on a social network, no imprisonment is provided. Punishment for defamation on the Internet may be as follows:

  • fines in the amount (maximum – up to 5 million rubles, minimum – up to 500 thousand rubles);
  • public works for a maximum period of up to 480 hours, a minimum of up to 360 hours.

Interesting Facts

  • 65% of people on Earth, and this is 5 billion. People still do not have access to the Internet.
  • Nearly half of Mexicans do not have a cell phone.
  • 90% of the population of India does not have a permanent Internet connection.
  • A third of South Africans do not use social networks.
  • Every second on Earth more than 10 people register on various social networks. According to experts, the total number of social media users has long exceeded 1 billion!
  • The average age of Facebook users is between 25 and 55 years old.
  • More than 80% of instagram users are younger than 35 years old, and oddly enough the majority, namely 60-65% are girls.
  • The average Twitter user is 60-65% of men and 35-40% of girls, respectively, between the ages of 20-40.
  • On average, as of December 2017, every Russian uses 2.5 social networks. Most of all, according to general statistics, spend time in «VKontakte» – as much as 3 hours a day, while on Instagram the indicator is less - 2 hours. Odnoklassniki are in the third place, in which they usually spend about 1 hour, and they spend only 20 minutes on the American social network Facebook. On average, in all social networks, each Russian spends 1.5 hours a day, that is, about 45 hours (two days) a month.


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