词条 | Draft:Terrorist attack on Jair Bolsonaro |
释义 |
A terrorist attack was committed against brazilian reserve officer and politician Jair Bolsonaro during his electoral campaign for the presidency of Brazil on September 6, 2018. The crime occurred in the city of Juiz de Fora, Minas Gerais; the author was Adélio Bispo de Oliveira, 40, a native of Minas Gerais, who delivered a knife blow on the candidate. BackgroundThe presidential campaign agenda of Jair Bolsonaro predicted the arrival of the candidate to Juiz de Fora at 11 hours of September, 6. Bolsonaro would visit the Ascomcer Hospital and would attend a lunch with business leaders. Then he would make a public act in front of the City Hall, in Halfeld Park, from where he would go to the Praça da Estação Square, where he would hold his rally. Like the other candidates, Bolsonaro was escorted by agents of the Federal Police StabbingJair Bolsonaro was stabbed while being carried on the shoulders by sympathizers at a campaign event on Halfeld Street, one of the most important in the central region of the city of Juiz de Fora. He was injured in the region of the abdomen, suffering an injury in an abdominal vein that irrigates the intestine, besides serious hemorrhage. The federal deputy was taken promptly to the Santa Casa de Misericórdia de Juiz de Fora, entering the emergency room at around 3:40 pm with a sharp material injury in the abdomen. The candidate had to undergo an exploratory laparotomy. PerpetratorO autor da tentativa de homicídio foi preso em flagrante pela Polícia Federal e identificado como Adélio Bispo de Oliveira (Montes Claros, 6 de maio de 1978). Oliveira afirmou ter cometido o crime "a mando de Deus". Em seu perfil no Facebook constam críticas à classe política em geral, ao presidente Michel Temer e teorias da conspiração contra a Maçonaria. O autor do atentado foi filiado ao PSOL entre 2007 e 2014 e já respondia a um processo por lesão corporal que teria sido cometida em 2013. Uma sobrinha afirmou que Adélio foi missionário evangélico e que tinha se afastado da família, dizendo também que ele "tinha ideias conturbadas. Ver também