

词条 Draft:The hybrid war syndrome

  1. The hybrid war syndrome

  2. PTSD formation stages in hybrid war syndrome

  3. PTSD classification in hybrid war syndrome

     According to the PTSD origin  According to the developmental variation  According to the types of course  According to the developmental stages  According to the complicating factors  According to the severity 

  4. The study of the hybrid war PTSD developmental stages

The term "syndrome of… war" appeared in the United States for the first time after the end of the war in Vietnam (1965-1975)[1]. Most researchers identify the “Vietnam War Syndrome” with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)[2]. A similar situation as with the "Vietnamese syndrome" has developed in the former USSR and the countries of the former Soviet Union after the war in Afghanistan and in Chechnya - the Afghan and Chechen syndromes. After the Gulf War, the term "syndrome of… war" acquired a different character and began to imply not only PTSD, but also chronic multisymptom illness (CMI)[3], which does not exclude, but complements PTSD. This applies to veterans of the Gulf War (1991) and Iraq (2003), Afghanistan (since 2001). Recently, the new type of war appeared: the hybrid warfare[4]. So, with the new type of war arise a new syndrom - the hybrid war syndrome.

The hybrid war syndrome

The hybrid war syndrome is a condition occurred in the population of countries involved in a hybrid warfare and manifested as a complex of mental, psychosomatic, physiological and cognitive changes. It occurs in persons who were subjected to traumatic influences (of various origins) and complex of informational, psychological and cognitive influences. It can have either individual or group manifestation and both combatants and civilians (who are residing at the hybrid conflict zone) can have the hybrid war syndrome. In the formation of the hybrid war syndrome, the place and time of a crisis situation acquire their own characteristics depending on where conventional or non-conventional actions are conducted, with the prevailing role of informational, psychological and cognitive influence on participants.

Hybrid War Syndrome is a special case of a syndrome of crisis situations (wars, military conflicts, man-made, natural disasters, terrorist acts, etc.). Syndromes of crisis situations are states that manifest themselves in the form of a complex of characteristic psychological, psychosomatic and physiological changes that reveal itself in a large number of subjects who have been at a certain time in a certain place, involved in the same events, processes, actions, and who have suffered a combination of injurious influences of different nature and complex information and mental influence. The syndromes of these crisis situations become more complex, more multifaceted, multisymptomatic, and multisystem from one crisis situation to the next. The term "syndrome of… war" appeared in the United States for the first time after the end of the war in Vietnam (1965-1975). Most researchers identify the “Vietnam War Syndrome” with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). A similar situation as with the "Vietnamese syndrome" has developed in the former USSR and the countries of the former Soviet Union after the war in Afghanistan and in Chechnya - the Afghan and Chechen syndromes. After the Gulf War, the term "syndrome of… war" acquired a different character and began to imply not only PTSD, but also chronic multisymptom illness (CMI), which does not exclude, but complements PTSD. This applies to veterans of the Gulf War (1991) and Iraq (2003), Afghanistan (since 2001).

The hybrid war syndrome in addition to the PTSD development has a number of visual sensory system abnormalities (more than 90% of patients), and physical abnormalities. Physical signs of hybrid war syndrome develop in 75% of cases. The physical signs are headaches, dizziness, physical weakness, pain and discomfort in different parts of the body, nausea and internal organs disfunction. Sexual dysfunction in conjunction with interpersonal conflicts and family disruption can occur. Following addictive disorders such as alcoholism, drug addiction, gambling, return to extreme activity are observed. Clinical signs are: personal and state anxiety, decrease of emotional stability. Socio-psychological signs are: self-esteem reduction, social mitigation level and frustration tolerance reduction. Physiological signs are: sympathetic nervous system predominance over parasympathetic, hemodynamic changes. Endocrine signs are: sympathetic-adrenal and hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal system increased activity. Metabolic signs are: lipid transport forms increase with shift towards atherogenic fractions. In addition, these patients have the following somatoform disorders with a predominant localization of bodily sensations that are combined with psychoactive paroxysms in cardiological (54%), gastroenterological (26%) and cerebral (20%) anatomical areas. The pronounced ophthalmologic pathology was first detected in hybrid war syndrome, unlike the known syndromes. The key moments of the hybrid war syndrome formation are information and cognitive influences, which is supported by the overexertion on the human sensory system (especially the visual analyzer).

The studies of the hybrid war syndrome have shown the importance of analysis of the peculiarities of PTSD, which is formed in the context of the hybrid war and the distinction between hybrid war syndrome PTSD, obtained as a result of being in combat, from the PTSD obtained mainly as information and cognitive impact [5] [6][7][8].

PTSD formation stages in hybrid war syndrome

PTSD formation stages in conditions of hybrid warfare.

“Zero Stage” - Entry into the Military Service;

“The first stage” - preparatory. Phases: 1) General training; 2) training in the units in the conditions that are as close as possible to combat (primary "Vaccinations" from the PTSD may increase the individual adaptive level to the combat conditions); 3) Combat coordination of units (secondary "Vaccinations" from PTSD).

“The second stage” - locating in the crisis zone. Phases: 1) sending to the combat zone; 2) participation in battlefield engagement; 3) resettlement.

“The third stage” - returning from the combat operations zone.

PTSD classification in hybrid war syndrome

PTSD classification in hybrid war syndrome is according to next properties

According to the PTSD origin

- Shock (combat psychological injury, combat physical injury + combat psychological injury);- Stress-shock (acute stress without either combat psychological injury or combat physical injury)- accumulated;- informative cognitive.

According to the developmental variation

anxiety, phobic, depressive, asthenical, apathetic, dysphoric, hypochondriac, dissociative, somatoform, mixed

According to the types of course

progredient, stable, regredient

According to the developmental stages

pre-PTSD, latent phase - "mild PTSD", acute PTSD - "formed PTSD"

According to the complicating factors

narcotic, alcoholic, suicidal attempts and thoughts in history, somatic injuries and diseases.

According to the severity

mild severity, medium severity, heavy severity.

The study of the hybrid war PTSD developmental stages

The study of the PTSD developmental stages showed:

Pre-PTSD - has an informational origin and formation mechanisms. Pre-PTSD develops at several stages: 1) receiving information about military conscription; 2) receiving information about the participation in combat operation; 3) receiving information about sending to the combat zone; 4) receiving information about sending to the defence line; 5) receiving information about the expected combat.

The latent phase is the "mild PTSD". It’s PTSD that already takes place but doesn’t have evident manifestation and can be detected only by instrumental methods and psycho-diagnostic examination in psychology with the help of projective techniques.

Acute PTSD is the "formed PTSD". It’s PTSD that already been completely formed. It’s persistent, multi symptomatic, has evident manifestation and full-scale clinical picture.





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