

词条 Draft:The Jonestown Massacre

  1. The Jonestown Massacre

{{AFC submission|d|v|u=Thea456|ns=118|decliner=Jovanmilic97|declinets=20181229121959|ts=20181229120234}} {{AFC comment|1=Add references in. Jovanmilic97 (talk) 12:19, 29 December 2018 (UTC)}}{{AFC comment|1=We already have an article that covers this topic: Jonestown.}}

The Jonestown massacres was the biggest mass-casualty event, involving Americans the world had seen until September 11, 2001, (9-11). The massacre occurred on November 18, 1978. Still today, being one of the most selfish and repulsive acts seen. 909 people lost their lives, trusting and believing a cruel, manipulative man. Jim Jones.

Jones founded the people's temple, mid 1950’s, which originated in Indianapolis, Indiana. Originally, the temple was set out to help against racism, as well as teaching Christian ideals. In 1960, the people's temple then became affiliated with the Disciplines of Christ. In the 1970’s, the temple moved to California, however, the temple was accused of mistreating children, financial fraud and physically abusing the members. Resulting in them holding services in San Fransisco. By 1972, Jones. had a temple in Los Angeles. Jones became a respected churchman and had thousands following him. Jones, apparently had the gift of mind reading and faith healing. His convincing ways fooled many, and resulted in one of the biggest betrayals of trust known.

The people's temple, were active in its communities with humanitarian causes, however the way the members were treated was not humane. Members were regularly beaten, openly humiliated and blackmailed. Family members were forced apart from one another. Many were coerced to giving the church their possessions including their homes. Colored members, were brainwashed to think if they left the temple, they would be sent to a concentration camp run by the government. In 1977, the press began to question Jones organization, becoming paranoid, he decided to move to a place where he thought he wouldn’t get questioned – South America. Jones settled in Guyana, he called the temple – The People’s Temple Agricultural Project. Although, soon became known as Jonestown. For members, the horror story continued. Members were forced to work for 10 and a half hours a day, only receiving an hour lunch.

Jones quickly brainwashed everyone to believing he was the only authority, and that they should listen and respect him. Even requesting he should be called ‘father’ by everyone. On November 17, 1978, Congressman Leo Ryan, travelled to Guyana to inspect the temple and the Jonestown compound. To investigate rumors of mistreatment of the members, members being held against their will, if they wer4e being subjected to physical abuse. When Ryan, was set to return home, with several members who wanted to leave, other members attacked the truck, Ryan was able to escape. The cult had othe4r plans. They attacked Ryan at the airstrip, Ryan and 4 others were killed, three members of the press was also killed. 11 others injured. Following the attack, the orders of the mass murder suicide began. He ordered members outside the temple to commit suicide. Jones therefore, carried out his plan, he had a fruit drink which was mainly laced with cyanide, as well as tranquilizers and sedatives, was diffused out. First, the babies and children were given the poison. The adults shortly after. Once Jones completed his work, he shot himself in the head.

Jim Jones. A name that would be remembered for his horrific acts. A name that would haunt many lives today. A person, the world is better off without. A face that many trusted, a face that fooled many. A name that will never be forgotten. No words could be justice for the things he did.

The Jonestown Massacre





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