

词条 Draft:Tsybulko Olesya

  1. Early life and education

  2. Career

  3. Public activity

  4. Legislative activity

  5. Political activity

  6. References

{{Eastern Slavic name|Olesya|Tsybulko}}{{Infobox person
| name = Olesya Tsybulko
| birth_date = {{Birth date and age|mf=yes|1982|4|28}}
| birth_place = Donetsk, Ukraine
| residence = Kyiv, Ukraine
| alma mater = Donetsk State University of Management
| known_for = public figure, volunteer

Olesya Tsybulko ({{lang-uk|Олеся Сергіївна Цибулько́}}, born April 28 1982, Donetsk, USSR) - Ukrainian public figure, volunteer. The organizer and co-founder of the charity organization Charitable Foundation for the Support of the Donbass Battalion.

Early life and education

Tsybulko Olesya was born in the city of Donetsk on 28 April 1982. In 2003, Tsybulko graduated, having started studying in 1998, with a master degree in the field of "management of organizations" ( management in the production sphere ).


From 2016 to 2017, she worked as an advisor to the Minister Ministry of Temporarily Occupied Territories and IDPs.


Olesya managed by the joint project of MTOT and Council of Europe on the development of draft regulatory acts, a joint project of MTOT, Donbas SOS and the Stabilization Support Service. Tsybulko participated in the development of a plan for humanitarian response by international humanitarian organizations in 2017 and 2018 years. She was a member of the selection committee for the "Affordable Housing" Program.

On May 25 2017, Tsybulko participated in the discussion of the Draft Law No. 623 on the Electoral Rights of Internally Displaced Persons. During the event, the international and European standards of participation in the elections and implementation of these standards in Ukraine were discussed. [2]

From 2017, Olesya Tsybulko works as an assistant-counselor of the People's Deputy of Ukraine VIII convocation Natalia Vaselova on a voluntary basis [3].

On 25 January 2018, she was a participant in the roundtable on "Ways of eliminating discrimination in the field of registration of birth and deaths in occupied territories of Ukraine" at the Ministry of Temporarily Occupied Territories.

Olesya Tsybulko lectured at the School of Assistant of People's Deputy, where she talked about the mechanism of drafting bills and told about what qualities a legislative assistant should have. [4].

On March 2 2018, according to the results of the competition for the post of reformists in the apparatus of the Ministry of Social Policy of Ukraine, she was appointed the head of the expert group on veterans and participants of the ATO Directorate of Social Services and Integration.

On June 21 2018, Olesya Tsybulko radio talked about ways to help civilian population affected in the area of military conflict, monetization of privileges and subsidies, assistance to migrant children from Donbass and Crimea on admission to higher educational institutions in mainland Ukraine, and different attitudes towards the problems of immigrants from the side of the people in an interview with Hayat radio. [5].

Public activity

Between January and October 2013, Tsybulko was one of the organizers of the environmental movement against the extraction of shale gas. She was engaged in organization of events, such as rallies, pickets, car rides; held a forum "Kroha".

Since May 2014, she has been dealing with IDPs, the problem of crossing the lines of demarcation by civilians, the question of obtaining the status of a combat participant of ATO and the problems of participants that have been demobilized.

Legislative activity

At the 6th session of the VIII convocation, she entered the author's staff of the draft law No. 6692 on amendments to the right to receive pensions by persons from temporarily occupied territories. According to the bill, the Pension Fund of Ukraine can not refuse to appoint a pension to persons who were forced to leave their place of residence as a result of temporary occupation due to the impossibility of verifying the documents submitted for determination of the right to a pension. The bill was supported by the Verkhovna Rada on September 19, 2017, but in September 2018, the Verkhovna Rada "froze" its consideration. [6].


At the 7th session of the VIII convocation, Olesya entered the author's staff of the draft law No. 7463, which was registered on 28.12.2017. The bill is created to simplify the registration of acts of civil status for Ukrainian citizens who have been forced to stay in the temporarily occupied territory of Ukraine or the territory of Ukraine, where authorities temporarily do not exercise their powers. [8].

Political activity

Tsybulko Olesya is actively involved in events of vital importance to the region and the country. First of all, these are events that are taking place in eastern Ukraine. [9].

In September 2017, Ms. Tsybulko, along with a project Massimo Moratti, the expert of the Council of Europe, "Strengthening the Protection of Human Rights of IDPs in Ukraine" spoke about the problems that migrants may face in the future after the return of the occupied territories under the control of Kiev and ways to eliminate them. She detected which housing programs for settlers were developed in Ukraine and options for obtaining material compensation for damaged housing in temporarily occupied territories. [10].

In 2014, along with People's Deputy of Ukraine Veselova Natalya, she founded a charity organization "Charitable Foundation for the Donbass Battalion". Olesia created a call-center of the battalion, in which compiled lists of dead, wounded, captured and missing persons, legal support.

The charitable foundation provides assistance to the wounded captives in the hospitals, as well as to the families of the killed fighters of the battalion. [11].

During 2016, the Fund representatives constantly delivered to the territory of the disposition medicines, food, warm things and creative work of children of Ukraine, collected funds for the operation of the wounded battalion fighters, collected funds for the rehabilitation of children of ATO participants and abroad several times a year.

From 2015, Olesya Tsybulko is the Volunteer of the 46th Special Volunteer battalion Donbass-Ukraine in the Armed Forces of Ukraine.


1. ^{{cite web|url=https://www.kmu.gov.ua/ua/news/250013988 |trans-title='Donbass blockade freezes the conflict for many years', Tsybulko, the advisor to the Minister said|script-title=uk:Блокада Донбасу заморозить конфлікт на довгі роки, - радник міністра Цибулько|language=Ukrainian| publisher = Government portal|date=February 4, 2017 }}
2. ^ {{cite web | url = https://www.kmu.gov.ua/ua/news/250013988 |trans-title = Olesya Tsybulko, the Advisor to the Minister took part in the discussion of the bill on the protection of the electoral rights of internally displaced persons|script-title=uk:Радник Міністра Олеся Цибулько взяла участь в обговоренні законопроекту щодо забезпечення виборчих прав внутрішньо переміщених осіб |language=uk | date = May 25, 2017}}
3. ^ {{cite web | url = http://w1.c1.rada.gov.ua/pls/site2/p_deputat?d_id=18008|trans-title= The official web portal of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine|script-title=uk:Верховна Рада України офіційний веб-портал |language=uk}}
4. ^ {{cite web | url = https://www.depo.ua/ukr/life/chi-realno-za-chotiri-dni-vskochiti-u-veliku-politiku-15122015164600|trans-title = Four days in big politics, or how a political school breaks up its students|script-title=uk:За чотири дні – у великій політиці, чи як політична школа розводить своїх учнів |language=uk | date = December 16, 2015}}
5. ^ {{cite web | url = http://qha.com.ua/ua/interv-yu/olesya-tsibulko-daleko-ne-vsi-nardepi-poslidovni-u-pragnennyah-dopomogti-vpo/32357/ |trans-title = 'Not all deputies are successive in their aspirations to help IDPs', Olesya Tsybulko said.|script-title=uk:Олеся Цибулько: Далеко не всі нардепи послідовні у прагненнях допомогти ВПО |language=uk | date = June 21, 2018}}
6. ^ {{cite web | url = https://strana.ua/news/93683-v-komitete-vr-podderzhali-zakonoproekt-oppensijakh-dlja-zhitelej-nepodkontrolnykh-territorij.html |trans-title = The Committee of Verkhovna Rada supported the bill on payment of pensions to residents of Donbass|script-title=ru: В комитете Рады поддержали законопроект о выплатах пенсий жителям Донбасса |language=ru | date = September 19, 2017}}
7. ^ {{cite web|url = http://www.aif.ua/society/social/nardep_rasskazal_v_obse_o_situacii_s_zamorozkoy_pensiy_pereselencev |trans-title = In the OSCE the People's Deputy has told about the situation with the "frost" of immigrants' pensions.|script-title=ru: В комитете Рады поддержали законопроект о выплатах пенсий жителям Донбасса |language=ru | date = September 11, 2018}}
8. ^ {{cite web | url = http://khpg.org/index.php?id=1516965318 |trans-title = Brief review of the legislative activity of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine. Bulletin No. 157, Bills registered in the Parliament for the period from 12.26.2017 to 12.29.2017 |script-title=uk: Експрес-огляд законотворчої діяльності Верховної Ради України Бюлетень № 157 Законопроекти, зареєстровані в парламенті за період 26.12.2017 – 29.12.2017 |language=uk | date = January 26, 2018}}
9. ^ {{cite web | url = https://www.radiosvoboda.org/a/donbass-realii/29080061.html | title = 10 thousand brave people stopped Novorossiyu 4 years ago in Donetsk |script-title=ru: 10 тысяч смельчаков 4 года тому в Донецке остановили «Новороссию»| date = September 13, 2018}}
10. ^ {{cite web | url = https://apostrophe.ua/article/society/2017-09-29/zaplatit-li-rossiya-za-donbass-eto-vopros-na-million-dollarov/14641?amp#referrer=https://www.google.com&_tf=%D0%A1%20%D1%81%D0%B0%D0%B9%D1%82%D0%B0%20%251%24s| title = "Will Russia pay for Donbass? This is a million dollar question |script-title=ru:"Заплатит ли Россия за Донбасс? Это вопрос на миллион долларов"| | date = September 29, 2017}}
11. ^ {{cite web | url = http://9-channel.com/2014/09/05/gumanitarnu-dopomogu-yaku-organizuvav-blagodiyniy-fond-batalyonu-donbas-vidpravlyat-do-shpitaley-oblasnogo-tsentru-ta-pavlograda-video/ |trans-title = The humanitarian aid organized by Donbas battalion charitable foundation will be sent to the hospitals of the regional center and Pavlograd|script-title=uk:Гуманітарну допомогу, яку організував благодійний фонд батальйону “Донбас”, відправлять до шпиталей обласного центру та Павлогдара |language=uk | date = September 5, 2018}}
Category: Public FiguresCategory: Foreign Public FiguresCategory: Ukrainian public figuresCategory: Volunteers




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