

词条 Eulalia Pérez Sedeño

  1. Biography

  2. Work

  3. Awards and recognition

  4. Publications

  5. See also

  6. References

{{orphan|date=November 2018}}{{Use dmy dates|date=November 2018}}{{infobox person
| name = Eulalia Pérez Sedeño
| image = Eulalia Pérez Sedeño - 01.jpg
| birth_date = {{Birth year and age|1954}}
| birth_place = Morocco
| nationality = Moroccoan
| alma_mater = Autonomous University of Madrid

Eulalia Pérez Sedeño (born 1954 in Morocco), is a philosopher, a specialist in science, technology, and gender and professor of investigation in the Department of science, technology and society of the Institute of Philosophy of the Higher Council of Scientific Research ({{Lang|ca|Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas}}, CSIC).


Pérez Sedeño[1] obtained a degree in Philosophy at the autonomous University of Madrid (UAM) in 1976 and then her PhD at the same university in 1985 with a thesis on the History of ancient astronomy.

In 1988, she completed a research trip at the University of Cambridge under professor Geoffrey Lloyd. It was at this time that she began her research on the antiquity and women, which would give birth to gender studies as she continued her return to Spain that same year, when Celia Amorós suggested working on women, or the question of gender, through the ages, for example in the field of ptolemaic astronomy.[2] In 1993 she published in the journal ARBOR: Ciencia, Pensamiento y Culture, special Issue of Women & Science.[3] While she was at the University of California, Berkeley in 1994, Pérez Sedeño initiated the research on science, technology and gender studies.

In 1999, she was appointed to the chair of Logic and Philosophy of science at the University of the Basque Country (UPV), where it remained until 2002 when she joined the Institute of Philosophy of the CSIC.

Since 1996, she has been a member of the Scientific Committee of "Congreso Iberoamericano de Ciencia, Tecnología y Género", biennial congress which is held alternately in Spain and in Ibero-America, the last edition having been held in October 2014 in Paraguay, the previous edition in Spain took place in Seville in 2012.[4]

Between 2006 and 2008 she is the executive director of the Spanish Foundation for science and technology (Fundacion Española para la Ciencia y la Tecnología, FECYT).[5][6]

Currently, she is Professor of Investigation in Science, Technology and Gender, Department of Science, Technology and Society, Institute of Philosophy of the higher Council of scientific research and is the director of this department.[7][8]


She has conducted research in History of ancient science and of scientific institutions, as well as in the Philosophy of science, Science, Technology and Society (CTS), Perception and communication of science and Science, Technology and Gender. She has participated in many national and international projects and she has directed several research projects:[9]

  • Science and values: gender and the theories and scientific institutions (1996-1999, funded by the CICYT)
  • Of scientific theories to the culture and practice of science-technology (1999-2002, funded by the Ministry of Science and Technology)
  • GENTEC: Gènere, tecnologia i ciència has Iberoamèrica (Gender, technology, and science in Ibero-America) (2002-2004, funded by the Organization of Ibero-American States and UNESCO)
  • The situation of women in the Spanish education system and its international context (2003, Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports)
  • Training programs and mobility of the investigative staff of direct flow and reverse: problems, challenges and solutions (Ministry of Education and Science, 2005)
  • Interactions of CTS of the Science Biosociales and Medical Technology (CICYT 2004-2006)
  • Sciences and technologies of the body from a perspective CTS (Ministry of Education and Science 2007-2009)
  • A situation that is unique, a universe to discover (CSIC, 2008-2009),
  • Cartographies of the body (Ministry of Science, 2010-2012)
  • Visions and versions of biomedical technologies: governance, public participation and innovations hidden (Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, 2013-2015)

Awards and recognition

  • President of the Society of Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science in Spain (2000-2006)
  • Partner founder of the Association of Women Researchers and Technologists, and vice-president (2001-2006).
  • Assistant coordinator of the department of Philology and Philosophy of the National Agency of evaluation and Prospective (Agència Nacional d Avaluació i Prospectiva, ANEP) of the Directorate-General of Scientific Investigation and Technician, currently the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (2005-2006)

In 2001, she was awarded the 9th Prize of Disclosure as "Feminist Carmen de Burgos" for her article La invisibilidad y techo de cristal awarded by the University of Málaga since 1993.[10]


She has published and edited numerous books and articles.[11][12]

  • MUJER Y CIENCIA. The situación de las mujeres investigadoras en el sistema español de ciencia y tecnología (2008)[13]
  • Ciencia, tecnología y valores desde una perspectiva de género (2005)[14]
  • Igualdad y equidad en ciencia y tecnología: el caso iberoamericano (2008)[15]
  • Mitos, creencias, valores: cómo hacer más "científica" ciencia; cómo hacer la "realidad" más real (2008)[16]
  • Conocimiento e innovación (2009)[17]
  • Un Universo por descubrir: Género y astronomía en España (2010)[18][19]
  • Lenguaje y ciencia (2011)[20]
  • Cuerpos y diferencias (2012)[21]
  • Crossings on Public Perception of Biomedicine: Spain and the European IIndicators (2012)[22]
  • Cartografías del cuerpo: Biopolíticas de la ciencia y la tecnología (2014)[23]

See also

  • Feminism
  • Philosophy of science


1. ^{{Cite journal|last=Tavares da Costa Rocha|first=Cristina|last2=Grossi|first2=Miriam Pillar|year=2009|title=Filosofia, gênero e ciência: entrevista com Eulalia Pérez Sedeño|url=http://www.scielo.br/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S0104-026X2009000100010#tx24|journal=Revista Estudos Feministas|volume=17|issue=1|pages=191–205|doi=10.1590/S0104-026X2009000100010}}
2. ^{{Cite book|title=Conceptualización de lo femenino en la filosofía antigua. Masculino y femenino en la cosmología de Ptolomeo|last=Pérez Sedeño|first=Eulalia|publisher=Siglo XXI de España Editores, S.A.|year=1994|isbn=|location=|pages=91-111}}
3. ^{{Cite journal|last=Pérez Sedeño|first=Eulalia|date=|year=1993|title=Número especial Mujer y Ciencia.|url=|journal=ARBOR: Ciencia, Pensamiento y Cultura|volume=CXLIV|issue=565|pages=|via=}}
4. ^{{Cite web|url=http://www.oei.es/congresoctg/presentacion.htm/|title=IX Congreso Iberoamericano de Ciencia, Tecnología y Género|last=|first=|date=2012|website=|language=es|archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20170808153825/http://www.oei.es:80/historico/congresoctg/presentacion.htm|archive-date=23 November 2015|dead-url=|access-date=18 November 2014}}
5. ^{{Cite web|url=http://www.entretodas.net/2007/04/15/podcast-entrevista-a-eulalia-perez-sedeno-directora-de-la-fundacion-espanola-para-la-ciencia-y-tecnologia-fecyt/|title=Podcast: entrevista a Eulalia Pérez Sedeño, Directora de la Fundación Española para la Ciencia y Tecnología, FECYT|last=EntreTodas.net|first=|date=15 April 2007|website=|archive-url=|archive-date=|dead-url=|access-date=15 November 2014}}
6. ^{{Cite web|url=http://noticias.universia.es/ciencia-nn-tt/noticia/2006/10/23/595405/nueva-directora-fundacion-espanola-ciencia-tecnologia.html|title=Nueva directora de la Fundación Española para la Ciencia y la Tecnología}}
7. ^{{Cite web|url=http://www.ifs.csic.es/es/departamentos|title=Instituto de Filosofía (CSIC)|last=|first=|date=|website=|archive-url=|archive-date=|dead-url=|access-date=13 November 2014}}
8. ^{{Cite web|url=http://tv.uvigo.es/video/51374.html|title=Lección inaugural impartida por Eulalia Pérez Sedeño, investigadora del CSIC titulada "Innovación educativa, género e innovación oculta"|last=|first=|date=16 December 2011|website=|publisher=I Jornada de Innovación Educativa en Género. Universidad de Vigo|archive-url=|archive-date=|dead-url=|access-date=15 November 2014}}
9. ^
"CV of Eulalia Pérez Sedeño in el CSIC".

10. ^{{Cite journal|last=Pérez Sedeño|first=E.|year=2001|title=La invisibilidad y el techo de cristal|url=http://www.aehm.uma.es/premio_cb.html#PREMIO_IX|journal=Meridiam}}
11. ^{{Cite web|url=https://scholar.google.cat/scholar?q=Eulalia+P%C3%A9rez+Sede%C3%B1o&btnG=&hl=ca&as_sdt=0%2C5|title=Recherche scholar}}
12. ^
"CV of Eulalia Pérez Sedeño in el CSIC".

13. ^{{Cite web|url=http://www.fecyt.es/fecyt/docs/tmp/1533789300.pdf|title=MUJER Y CIENCIA. La situación de las mujeres investigadoras en el sistema español de ciencia y tecnología|last=Pérez Sedeño|first=Eulalia|last2=Santesmases|first2=M. J.|date=|website=FECYT|language=ca|archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20141129204235/https://www.fecyt.es/fecyt/docs/tmp/1533789300.pdf|archive-date=23 November 2015|dead-url=|access-date=13 November 2014|last3=Alcalá|first3=P.}}
14. ^{{Cite journal|last=E.|first=Pérez Sedeño|year=2005|title=Ciencia, tecnología y valores desde una perspectiva de género|url=http://arbor.revistas.csic.es/index.php/arbor/issue/view/28|journal=Arbor|language=ca|volume=181|issue=716}}
15. ^{{Cite journal|last=Pérez Sedeño|first=Eulalia|last2=Amparo Gómez|year=2008|title=Igualdad y equidad en Ciencia y Tecnología en Iberoamérica|url=http://arbor.revistas.csic.es/index.php/arbor/article/view/223/224|journal=Arbor|language=ca|volume=184|issue=733|page=785–790|doi=10.3989/arbor.2008.i733.223}}
16. ^{{Cite journal|last=Pérez Sedeño|first=Eulalia|year=2008|title=Mitos, creencias, valores: cómo hacer más "científica" la ciencia; cómo hacer la "realidad" más real|url=http://isegoria.revistas.csic.es/index.php/isegoria/article/view/404/405|journal=Arbor|volume=0|language=ca|issue=38|pages=77–100|doi=10.3989/isegoria.2008.i38.404}}
17. ^{{Cite journal|last=Pérez Sedeño|first=E.|last2=Cimoli|first2=M.|date=|year=2009|title=Conocimiento e innovación|url=http://www.pensamientoiberoamericano.org/sumarios/5/innovacion-y-conocimiento/|journal=Pensamiento Iberoamericano|language=ca|volume=5|pages=|archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20141129013443/http://www.pensamientoiberoamericano.org/sumarios/5/innovacion-y-conocimiento/|archive-date=23 November 2015|via=}}
18. ^{{Cite book|title=Un universo por descubrir. Género y Astronomía en España|last=Pérez Sedeño|first=Eulalia|last2=Kiczkowski|first2=A|publisher=Plaza y Valdés|year=2010|isbn=978-84-96780-88-0|location=|pages=|language=ca}}
19. ^{{Cite web|url=http://www.plazayvaldes.es/upload/ficheros/perez_sedeo_y_kiczkowski.pdf|title=Reseña: Un universo por descubrir. Género y Astronomía en España.|last=Consuelo Flecha García|first=|date=|website=|archive-url=|archive-date=|dead-url=|access-date=14 November 2014}}
20. ^{{Cite journal|last=Pérez Sedeño|first=E.|last2=P. Lorenzano|year=2011|title=Lenguaje y Ciencia|url=http://arbor.revistas.csic.es/index.php/arbor/issue/view/98|journal=Arbor|language=ca|volume=187|issue=747|doi=10.3989/arbor.2011.i747}}
21. ^{{Cite book|title=Cuerpos y diferencias|last=Pérez Sedeño|first=Eulalia|last2=Ibáñez Martín|first2=Rebeca|publisher=|year=2012|isbn=978-84-15271-27-7|location=|pages=|language=ca}}
22. ^{{Cite book|url=http://www.intechopen.com/books/biomedicine/crossings-on-public-perception-of-biomedicine-spain-and-the-european-indicators-|title=Crossings on Public Perception of Biomedicine: Spain and the European Indicators|last=Pérez Sedeño|first=Eulalia|last2=María José Miranda Suárez|journal=Biomedicine|publisher=|year=2012|isbn=978-953-51-0352-3|location=|page=183–200|pages=|language=ca|doi=10.5772/37499|access-date=14 November 2014}}
23. ^{{Cite book|title=Cartografías del Cuerpo "Biopolíticas de la Ciencia y la Tecnología"|last=Pérez Sedeño|first=Eulalia|publisher=CATEDRA|year=2014|isbn=9788437632872|location=|pages=|language=ca}}
{{Authority control}}{{Portal|Spain|Sciences|Women}}{{DEFAULTSORT:Pérez Sedeño, Eulalia}}

4 : Spanish scientists|1954 births|Living people|Date of birth missing (living people)





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