

词条 Halina Wasilewska-Trenkner

  1. Early life and education

  2. Career

  3. Selected works

  4. Bibliography

  5. See also

  6. External links

  7. References

{{Use dmy dates|date=May 2018}}{{Infobox Minister
| name =Halina Wasilewska-Trenkner
| image = Halina Wasilewska-Trenkner, Polish finance minister.jpeg
| imagesize =
| caption =
| office = Minister of Finance
| primeminister = Jerzy Buzek
| predecessor = Jarosław Bauc {{small|(Acting)}}
| successor= Marek Belka
| term_start = 28 August 2001
| term_end = 19 October 2001
| birth_date ={{birth date|df=y|1942|4|26}}
| birth_place = Warszawa
| death_date = {{death date and age|df=y|2017|11|15|1942|4|26}}
| death_place = {{nowrap|Grodzisk Mazowiecki, Poland}}
| resting-place =Catholic Wilanów Cemetery
| party =Solidarity Electoral Action
| residence = Poland
| alma_mater =Warsaw School of Economics
| spouse = Krzysztof Trenkner (1942–2014)
| nationality =Polish
| religion= Catholic
| children =
| website =
| footnotes =

Halina Weronika Wasilewska-Trenkner (26 April 1942 – 15 November 2017[1][2][3]) was a Polish economist, academic, and finance minister.

Early life and education

Halina Weronika Wasilewska-Trenkner[4] was born in Warsaw on 26 April 1942. The secondary school certificate she acquired in Warsaw in General education liceum dedicated to Polish novelist and poet Narcyza Żmichowska, and subsequently she became a student of Warsaw School of Economics. Then in 1964, she has graduated with a degree in economics from Warsaw School of Economics (in the Department of International Trade). In December 1973, she has received her PhD degree in economics from Warsaw School of Economics (subject of the dissertation: "Socio-Economic Aspects of Emigration from Poland in 1960–1970").[5][6]


In 1964 she has been engaged as research assistant and then as adjunct professor at Statistics and Demography Department in Warsaw School of Economics. Next in 1974 she begun working in the Secretariat of the Government Council (Commission) of Demography[7] at Planning Commission in the Council of Ministers.

In 1975–1990 she was a Scientific Secretary of Demographic Sciences Committee of Polish Academy of Sciences, and from 1995 – she became a member of Polish National Council of Statistics.[8]

In 1986 Wasilewska-Trenkner has been appointed to a post of vice-manager in the Department of Employment and Incomes of Population at Planning Commission in the Council of Ministers. In 1987 she moved to a post of vice-manager in the Department of Control Systems and Methods of Planning. She continued working there until the dissolution of Planning Commission (as an organ of Council of Ministers). In 1989 she was invited to a post of manager of Department of Economic System in Office of Central Planning (CUP – Polish: Centralny Urząd Planowania). Her next appointment there was a manager of CUP Department of Economic Strategy (from the beginning of 1991). In October 1991 she has succeeded a post of Under Secretary of State in CUP.

In 1991–1992 she ran a presidency of 29th session of Senior Economic Advisers, who performed their duties at United Nations Economic Commission for Europe in Geneva, Switzerland.

From 1996 she ran a presidency of Supervisory board of Bank Gospodarstwa Krajowego (Polish National Development Bank in Warsaw).[9]

In 1995 Wasilewska-Trenkner has been invited to Ministry of Finance. In 1995–2001 – a post of Under Secretary of State – managing the preparation and execution of Government budget she held there. Then – in 2001 – she became Minister of Finance,[10] and finally – once again, in 2001–2002 – she held a post of Under Secretary of State. In August 2002 she became a Secretary of State in Ministry of Finance responsible for Government budget. Simultaneously – a Government Plenipotentiary to Restructuring the public finance she has been appointed.

In 2004–2010 she was a member of Monetary Policy Council (2-nd tenure).[11][12] In 2010, then President of National Bank of Poland Marek Belka invited her to perform the functions of his economic advisor.[13]

In 2004 Wasilewska-Trenkner has been decorated with Commander (order) of Polonia Restituta.[14]

Her death took place in 15 November 2017[15] in Grodzisk Mazowiecki hospital, and she was buried 22 November, in the Roman Catholic Wilanów Cemetery. She recently lived in Owczarnia near Podkowa Leśna.

She had two children: daughter and son.[16]

Her contribution in the range of demography, population policy and macroeconomic questions, particularly concerning dependences between demographic and economic problems is available in a number of books, papers and studies published in periodicals.[17][18]

Selected works

  • (in Polish) Społeczno-ekonomiczne problemy migracji zewnętrznych w Polsce – Cz. 1 pracy: "Emigracja ludności z Polski w latach 1960–1970" (Socio-economic Problems of External Migrations in Poland – part 1 of: "External Migration of Population from Poland in 1960–1970" – PhD. dissertation[19]) Warszawa 1974, ed.: Szkoła Główna Planowania i Statystyki;
  • (in Polish) Odstępy pomiędzy kolejnymi urodzeniami (Intervals Between Succeeding Births), [in:] Kazimierz Romaniuk (ed.): Wpływ czynników społeczno-gospodarczych na reprodukcję ludności w Polsce (Influence of Socio-Economic Factors on Reproduction of Population in Poland), Warszawa 1974, ed.Institute of Philosophy and Sociology of the Polish Academy of Sciences of PAN;
  • (in Polish) Aktualne tendencje w polityce ludnościowej w Europie Zachodniej (Current Course in Population Policy in Western Europe), "Studia Demograficzne" ("Demographic Studies"), 1977, nr 47, p. 74;
  • In memoriam Stanisław Borowski 1921–1976, "European Demographic Information Bulletin", vol. 8 (1977) nr 3 (9), pp. 94–95;
  • (in Polish) Przewodnik metodyczny do skryptu "Wybrane zagadnienia ze statystyki" (A Methodical Guide to Lectures: "Selected Questions of Statistics"), Warszawa, 1976 ed.: SK, Zarząd Główny, Centralny Ośrodek Szkolenia Zaocznego;
  • (in Polish) Analiza finansowa i elementy rachunku ekonomicznego w przedsiębiorstwach, Cz. 1 – Metody statystyczne w analizie: wybrane miary (Financial Analysis and Fundamentals of Economic Accounting in Business Enterprises, Part 1 – Statistical Methods of Analysis: Selected Indexes), Warszawa, 1980, ed.: SK. Zarząd Główny. Centralny Ośrodek Szkolenia Zaocznego;
  • Recent Course of Fertility in European Countries with Centrally Planned Economies, British Society for Population Studies, 1981 (together with Jerzy Holzer);
  • (in Polish) Wybrane zagadnienia statystyki na przykładach z zakresu zagadnień ekonomicznych (Selected Problems of Statistics – Examples of Economic Questions), Warszawa 1982, ed.: SKP Zarząd Główny – Centralny Ośrodek Szkolenia Zaocznego;
  • Demographic Process in Poland 1970–1984, Government Population Commission, Committee of Demographic Sciences of Polish Academy of Science, Warszawa, 1984;
  • (in Polish) Studia nad dzietnością i reprodukcją ludności w Polsce (Studies in Fertility and Reproduction of Population in Poland – joint-author), Warszawa 1985, ed.: ISiD – Institute of Statistics and Demography of Szkoła Główna Planowania i Statystyki;
  • Prognoza rozwoju demograficznego Polski do roku 2020 [w:] "Społeczeństwo polskie na przełomie XX i XXI wieku", cz. I (Population Projection of Poland by 2020, [in]: "Polish Society on the Turn of XX and XXI Century" – part I, "World Population Prospects"), 1986, ed. Ossolineum Publ.;
  • (in Polish) Polska lat osiemdziesiątych – Obraz demograficzny (Poland of 1980-ties – Demographic Image), Warszawa 1986 (together with: S. Klonowicz, K. Dzienio, E. Kowalczyk);
  • (in Polish:) Makroekonomiczne uwarunkowania konkurencyjności przedsiębiorstw (Macroeconomic Conditions of Competitiveness of Enterprises), Instytut Rozwoju i Studiów Strategicznych (Institute for Development and Strategic Studies), 1995, "Raporty" ("Reports"), nr 34, pp. 7–17;
  • (in Polish) Ubezpieczenia na rzecz gospodarki globalnej, sektorów i regionów (Insurance in Global Economy, Sectors and Regions – joint-author and scient. editor: Irena Jędrzejczyk), Bydgoszcz 2015, ed.: Oficyna Wydawnicza Edward Mitek;
  • (in Polish) Kilka uwag o sytuacji gospodarczej [w:] "Polski rynek ubezpieczeń na tle kryzysów społeczno-gospodarczych" (A Few Remarks on the Economic Situation [in]: "Polish Insurance Market in the Context of Socio-economic Crisises"), Warszawa 2016 ed. Faculty of Management, University of Warsaw Press.

Wasilewska-Trenkner was also an author of numerous publications in scientific periodicals, eg.: "Studia Demograficzne" ("Demographic Studies"), "Gospodarka Narodowa" ("National Economy"), "Zeszyty Naukowe WSB w Poznaniu" – "Scientific Issues of European University of Business in Poznań".


  • (in Polish): http://www.mf.gov.pl/ministerstwo-finansow/minister/ministrowie-finansow (acc. 2018-01-29)
  • (in German): https://www.welt.de/print-welt/article471389/Buzek-Stabilitaet-der-Staatsfinanzen-ist-nicht-in-Gefahr.html (Acc.: 2018-01-29)
  • (in Polish) http://www.nbp.pl/home.aspx?f=/polityka_pieniezna/rada/2_kadencja/wasilewska-trenkner.html (Acc: 2017-11-16)
  • (in Polish) http://www.mf.gov.pl/fr/ministerstwo-finansow/wiadomosci/aktualnosci/-/asset_publisher/M1vU/content/id/6188621 (Acc.: 2017-11-25)
  • (in Polish) http://www.rp.pl/Dane-gospodarcze/311169882-Zmarla-Halina-Wasilewska-Trenkner-wieloletnia-autorka-budzetow-panstwa.html (Acc.: 2017-11-25)
  • (in Polish) https://businessinsider.com.pl/wiadomosci/byla-minister-finansow-halina-wasilewska-trenkner-nie-zyje/j1st7ee (Acc: 2017-11-25)
  • (in Polish) Ludzie nauki – http://nauka-polska.pl/#/profile/scientist?id=64787&_k=9j0cb4 (Acc.: 2017-11-16)

See also

Cabinet of Jerzy Buzek

External links

  • List of Wasilewska-Trenkner publications in National Library of Poland – see: http://alpha.bn.org.pl/search~S5pol?/aWasilewska/awasilewska/201%2C242%2C1847%2CB/exact&FF=awasilewska+trenkner+halina+++++1942+++++2017&1%2C30%2C/indexsort=-(Acc.: 2018-01-16)
  • https://worldcat.org/identities/lccn-n86136388/ (Acc.: 2018-01-16)
  • https://scholar.google.pl/scholar?hl=pl&as_sdt=0%2C5&q=%22Wasilewska-Trenkner+H.%22&btnG=&oq= (Acc.: 2018-01-16)
  • Gallery of pictures: https://www.eastnews.pl/en/pictures/result?phrase=Wasilewska-Trenkner&news-pic=1&pic-


way=keywords&subjectId=1241213 (Acc.: 2018-01-27)


1. ^See in Polish: http://www.nbp.pl/home.aspx?f=/polityka_pieniezna/rada/2_kadencja/wasilewska-trenkner.html (Acc. 2018-01-21)
2. ^See in Polish: Halina Wasilewska-Trenkner, była minister finansów i członkini Rady Polityki Pieniężnej zmarła w środę po długiej chorobie – https://businessinsider.com.pl/wiadomosci/byla-minister-finansow-halina-wasilewska-trenkner-nie-zyje/j1st7ee (Acc.: 2018-01-23)
3. ^See in Polish: http://wiadomosci.dziennik.pl/wydarzenia/artykuly/562644,nie-zyje-byla-minister-finansow-halina-wasilewska-trenkner.html (Acc.: 2018-01-23)
4. ^Born Halina Weronika Wasilewska (26 April 1942), married to Krzysztof Trenkner (4 September 1971)
5. ^Dissertation subject (in Polish): "Ekonomiczno-społeczne aspekty emigracji z Polski w latach 1960–1970" ("Socio-Economic Aspects of Emigration from Poland in 1960–1970"), professor conferring a degree: doc. dr Mikołaj Latuch, date of defending a dissertation: 20 December 1973 – See: List of persons who defended their PhD dissertations from Warsaw School of Economics between 1931 and 21 April 2015 – http://uczelnia.sgh.waw.pl/pl/muzeum/zbiory/doktorzy/Documents/SpisDoktoratow.xls
6. ^See in Polish: http://www.nbp.pl/home.aspx?f=/polityka_pieniezna/rada/2_kadencja/wasilewska-trenkner.html (Acc. 2018-01-21)
7. ^See (in Polish) – her remembrance concerning the beginning of activity of the Government Commission of Demography in 1974 and the 1st UN World Demographic Congress in Bucarest (1974) – published in: "Rządowa Rada Ludnościowa – Biuletyn 54", Warszawa 2009, p. 25 – http://www.stat.gov.pl/cps/rde/xbcr/bip/BIP_rrl_biuletyn54.pdf (Acc: 2018-01-24)
8. ^See in Polish: http://www.nbp.pl/home.aspx?f=/polityka_pieniezna/rada/2_kadencja/wasilewska-trenkner.html (Acc.: 2018-01-23)
9. ^Ibid.
10. ^See (in Polish): http://www.mf.gov.pl/ministerstwo-finansow/minister/ministrowie-finansow (acc. 2018-01-29), see also (in German): https://www.welt.de/print-welt/article471389/Buzek-Stabilitaet-der-Staatsfinanzen-ist-nicht-in-Gefahr.html (acc. 2018-01-29)
11. ^See in Polish: http://www.nbp.pl/home.aspx?f=/polityka_pieniezna/rada/2_kadencja/rada_2_kadencja.html
12. ^See: Financial Statement of the National Bank of Poland – as at 31 December 2010, Warsaw, March 2011, p.6 – http://www.nbp.pl/en/statystyka/rachunkowosc/Financial_statements_NBP_2010.pdf (Acc.: 2018-01-24)
13. ^See in Polish: https://www.money.pl/gospodarka/wiadomosci/artykul/znawczynie;budzetu;doradza;prezesowi;nbp,98,0,666722.html)(Acc.: 2018-01-23)
14. ^See in Polish: http://prawo.sejm.gov.pl/isap.nsf/DocDetails.xsp?id=WMP20050010006 and: http://www.infor.pl/akt-prawny/MPO.2005.001.0000006,postanowienie-prezydenta-rzeczypospolitej-polskiej-o-nadaniu-orderow.html (Acc.: 2018-01-23)
15. ^See in Polish: http://wiadomosci.dziennik.pl/wydarzenia/artykuly/562644,nie-zyje-byla-minister-finansow-halina-wasilewska-trenkner.html (Acc.: 2018-01-23)
16. ^See in Polish: http://www.nbp.pl/home.aspx?f=/polityka_pieniezna/rada/2_kadencja/wasilewska-trenkner.html (Acc.: 2018-01-23)
17. ^http://alpha.bn.org.pl/search~S5*pol?/aWasilewska/awasilewska/201%2C242%2C1847%2CB/exact&FF=awasilewska+trenkner+halina+++++1942+++++2017&1%2C30%2C/indexsort=-(Acc.: 2018-01-16)
18. ^https://worldcat.org/identities/lccn-n86136388/ (Acc.: 2018-01-16)
19. ^Dissertation title (in Polish): "Ekonomiczno-społeczne aspekty emigracji z Polski w latach 1960–1970" ("Socio-Economic Aspects of Emigration from Poland in 1960–1970"), professor conferring a degree: doc. dr Mikołaj Latuch, date of defending a dissertation: 20 December 1973 – See: http://uczelnia.sgh.waw.pl/pl/muzeum/zbiory/doktorzy/Documents/SpisDoktoratow.xls
{{Authority control}}{{DEFAULTSORT:Wasilewska-Trenkner, Halina}}

10 : 1942 births|2017 deaths|Warsaw School of Economics alumni|People from Warsaw|Finance Ministers of Poland|Polish academics|Polish Roman Catholics|Women government ministers of Poland|21st-century women politicians|Polish women academics





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