

词条 Haplogroup E-V12

  1. Undifferentiated E-V12* lineages

     Sub-clades of E-V12  E-M224  E-V32 

  2. Sub-clades

  3. Notes

  4. References

  5. Sources

{{Infobox haplogroup
|name = E-V12
|origin-place = Egypt/Libya[1] or northern Sudan/southern Egypt[2]
|origin-date = {{circa}} 11,900 years BP[3]
|TMRCA = {{circa}} 10,600 years BP[3]
|ancestor = E-V68/M78[5]
|descendants =
|mutations = V12, Z1216[4]

The human haplogroup E-V12 is a subclade of E-M78, which in turn is part of the larger haplogroup E1b1b1.[1] According to {{Harvcoltxt|Cruciani|La Fratta|Trombetta|Santolamazza|2007}}, the E-V12 sublineage likely originated in Northern Africa. It is found across Northern Africa with a strong presence in Egypt, Sudan, the Central Sahel, the Horn of Africa, and in lower frequency across the Levant, Anatolia, African Great Lakes region, and Europe.

Undifferentiated E-V12* lineages

Undifferentiated E-V12* lineages (not E-V32 or E-M224, so therefore named "E-V12*") peak in frequency among Southern Egyptians (up to 74.5%).[5] The subclades are also scattered widely in small amounts in both Northern Africa and Europe, but with very little sign in Western Asia, apart from Turkey.[1] These E-V12* lineages were formerly included (along with many E-V22* lineages[6]) in Cruciani et al.'s original (2004) "delta cluster", which he had defined using Y-STR profiles. With the discovery of the defining SNP, {{Harvcoltxt|Cruciani|La Fratta|Trombetta|Santolamazza|2007}} reported that V12* was found in its highest concentrations in Egypt, especially Southern Egypt. {{Harvcoltxt|Hassan|Underhill|Cavalli-Sforza|Ibrahim|2008}} report a significant presence of E-V12* in neighboring Sudan, including 5/33 Copts and 5/39 Nubians. E-V12* made up approximately 20% of the Sudanese E-M78. They propose that the E-V12 and E-V22 sub-clades of E-M78 might have been brought to Sudan from their place of origin in North Africa after the progressive desertification of the Sahara around 6,000–8,000 years ago. Sudden climate change might have forced several Neolithic cultures/people to migrate northward to the Mediterranean and southward to the Sahel and the Nile Valley.[7] The E-V12* paragroup is also observed in Europe (e.g. amongst French Basques) and Eastern Anatolia (e.g. Erzurum Turks).[1]

The non-basal subhaplogroup E1b1b-V12/E3b1a1 has been found at highest frequencies among various Afroasiatic-speaking populations in eastern Africa, including Garreh (74.1%), Gabra (58.6%), Wata (55.6%), Borana (50.0%), Sanye (41.7%), Beja (33.3%) and Rendille (29.0%).[8]

Sub-clades of E-V12


E-M224 has been found in Israel among Yemeni population (5%) and appears to be a minor subclade.

Its discovery was announced in {{Harvcoltxt|Underhill et al.|2001}} and {{Harvcoltxt|Shen et al.|2004}} found 1 out of their 20 Yemeni Israelis they tested. {{Harvcoltxt|Cruciani|La Fratta|Torroni|Underhill|2006}} called M224 "rare and rather uninformative" and they found no exemplars.


{{Harvcoltxt|Cruciani|La Fratta|Trombetta|Santolamazza|2007}} suggest that this sub-clade of E-V12 originated in North Africa, and then subsequently expanded further south into the Horn of Africa, where it is now prevalent.[9] Before the discovery of V32, {{Harvcoltxt|Cruciani et al.|2004}} referred to the same lineages as the "gamma cluster", which was estimated to have arisen about 8,500 years ago. They stated that "the highest frequencies in the three Cushitic-speaking groups: the Borana from Kenya (71.4%), the Oromo from Ethiopia (32.0%), and the Somali (52.2%). Outside of eastern Africa, it was found only in two subjects from Egypt (3.6%) and in one Arab from Morocco". {{Harvcoltxt|Sanchez et al.|2005}} found it extremely prominent in Somali men and stated that "the male Somali population is a branch of the Horn African population – closely related to the Oromos in Ethiopia and North Kenya (Boranas)" and that their gamma cluster lineages "probably were introduced into the Somali population 4000–5000 years ago". More recently, {{Harvcoltxt|Tillmar et al.|2009}} typed 147 males from Somalia for 12 Y-STR loci, and observed that 77% (113/147) had typical E-V32 haplotypes. This is currently the highest frequency of E-V32 found in any single sample population. Similarly, {{Harvcoltxt|Hassan|Underhill|Cavalli-Sforza|Ibrahim|2008}} in their study observed this to be the most common of the sub-clades of E-M78 found in Sudan, especially among the Beja, Masalit and Fur. The Beja, like Somalis and Oromos, speak an Afro-Asiatic language and live along the "corridor" from the Horn of Africa to Egypt. {{Harvcoltxt|Hassan|Underhill|Cavalli-Sforza|Ibrahim|2008}} interpret this as reinforcing the "strong correlation between linguistic and genetic diversity" and signs of relatedness between the Beja and the peoples of the Horn of Africa such as the Amhara and Oromo. On the other hand, the Masalit and Fur live in Darfur and speak a Nilo-Saharan language. The authors observed in their study that "the Masalit possesses by far the highest frequency of the E-M78 and of the E-V32 haplogroup", which they believe suggests "either a recent bottleneck in the population or a proximity to the origin of the haplogroup." However, More recently, {{Harvcoltxt|Tillmar et al.|2009}} typed 147 males from Somalia for 12 Y-STR loci, and observed that 77% (113/147) had typical E-V32 haplotypes. This is the highest frequency of E-V32 found in any single sample population.

The STR data from {{Harvcoltxt|Cruciani|La Fratta|Trombetta|Santolamazza|2007}} concerning E-V12 can be summarized as follows.

All E-V12modal1922222311101311111013


  • [https://www.yfull.com/tree/E-V12/ E-V12]
    • [https://www.yfull.com/tree/E-FGC51357/ E-FGC51357]
    • [https://www.yfull.com/tree/E-Y2863/ E-Y2863]
    • [https://www.yfull.com/tree/E-FGC14377 E-FGC14377]
    • [https://www.yfull.com/tree/E-FGC14378 E-FGC14378]
    • [https://www.yfull.com/tree/E-V32 E-V32]
    • [https://www.yfull.com/tree/E-Y25511 E-Y25511]
    • [https://www.yfull.com/tree/E-Y15945 E-Y15945]
    • [https://www.yfull.com/tree/E-Z813 E-Z813]
    • [https://www.yfull.com/tree/E-Z21175 E-Z21175]
    • [https://www.yfull.com/tree/E-Y17859 E-Y17859]
    • [https://www.yfull.com/tree/E-Y28701 E-Y28701]
    • [https://www.yfull.com/tree/R-V5933 E-V5933]
    • [https://www.yfull.com/tree/E-Y17750 E-Y17750]
    • [https://www.yfull.com/tree/E-CTS693/ E-CTS693]
    • [https://www.yfull.com/tree/E-SK872/ E-SK872]
    • [https://www.yfull.com/tree/E-Y6730 E-Y6730]
    • [https://www.yfull.com/tree/E-Y125054 E-Y125054]
    • [https://www.yfull.com/tree/E-FGC7703 E-FGC7703]


1. ^{{Harvcoltxt|Cruciani|La Fratta|Trombetta|Santolamazza|2007}}
2. ^{{Harvcoltxt|Battaglia|Fornarino|Al-Zahery|Olivieri|2008}}
3. ^https://www.yfull.com/tree/E-V12
4. ^{{Cite web|url=https://isogg.org/tree/2017/ISOGG_HapgrpE17.html|title=ISOGG 2017 Y-DNA Haplogroup E|last=ISOGG|first=Copyright 2016 by|website=isogg.org|access-date=2019-01-07}}
5. ^{{cite journal|author=Beniamino Trombetta|title=Phylogeographic refinement and large scale genotyping of human Y chromosome haplogroup E provide new insights into the dispersal of early pastoralists in the African continent|journal=Genome Biology and Evolution|date=2015|volume=7|issue=7|pages=1940–1950|doi=10.1093/gbe/evv118|pmid=26108492|pmc=4524485|url=https://www.researchgate.net/publication/279186127|accessdate=12 July 2017}}; Supplementary Table 7 {{webarchive|url=https://web.archive.org/web/20161226230059/http://gbe.oxfordjournals.org/content/suppl/2015/06/23/evv118.DC1/Supplementary_Tables_1-7_Revised.xlsx |date=2016-12-26 }}
6. ^{{Harvcoltxt|Cruciani et al.|2004}}: "E-V22 and E-V12* chromosomes are intermingled and not clearly differentiated by their microsatellite haplotypes". In {{Harvcoltxt|Cruciani|La Fratta|Trombetta|Santolamazza|2007}} the same authors show that a branch of E-V13 found amongst the Druze Arabs is also in the delta cluster. (Contrast the data tables of {{Harvcoltxt|Cruciani|La Fratta|Trombetta|Santolamazza|2007}} and {{Harvcoltxt|Cruciani et al.|2004}}.)
7. ^{{Harvcoltxt|Hassan|Underhill|Cavalli-Sforza|Ibrahim|2008}}
8. ^{{cite web|last1=Hirbo|first1=Jibril Boru|title=Complex Genetic History of East African Human Populations|url=http://drum.lib.umd.edu/bitstream/1903/11443/1/Hirbo_umd_0117E_11892.pdf|publisher=University of Maryland, College Park|accessdate=13 July 2017}}
9. ^{{Harvcoltxt|Cruciani|La Fratta|Trombetta|Santolamazza|2007}}: Fig. 2/C




  • {{Citation

| last1 = Cruciani | last2 = La Fratta
| first2 = R.
| title = Tracing Past Human Male Movements in Northern/Eastern Africa and Western Eurasia: New Clues from Y-Chromosomal Haplogroups E-M78 and J-M12
| journal = Molecular Biology and Evolution
| volume = 24
| issue = 6
| pages = 1300–1311
| year = 2007
| url = http://mbe.oxfordjournals.org/cgi/reprint/24/6/1300
| doi = 10.1093/molbev/msm049
| pmid=17351267
| first1 = F.
| last3 = Trombetta
| first3 = B.
| last4 = Santolamazza
| first4 = P.
| last5 = Sellitto
| first5 = D.
| last6 = Colomb
| first6 = E. B.
| last7 = Dugoujon
| first7 = J.-M.
| last8 = Crivellaro
| first8 = F.
| last9 = Benincasa
| first9 = T.| last10 = Pascone
| first10 = R.
| last11 = Moral
| first11 = P.
| last12 = Watson
| first12 = E.
| last13 = Melegh
| first13 = B.
| last14 = Barbujani
| first14 = G.
| last15 = Fuselli
| first15 = S.
| last16 = Vona
| first16 = G.
| last17 = Zagradisnik
| first17 = B.
| last18 = Assum
| first18 = G.
| last19 = Brdicka
| first19 = R.
| last20 = Kozlov
| first20 = A. I.
| last21 = Efremov
| first21 = G. D.
| last22 = Coppa
| first22 = A.
| last23 = Novelletto
| first23 = A.
| last24 = Scozzari
| first24 = R.
| display-authors = 8
  • {{Citation

|last1 = Hassan
|last2 = Underhill
|first2 = Peter A.
|title = Y-Chromosome Variation Among Sudanese: Restricted Gene Flow, Concordance With Language, Geography, and History
|journal = American Journal of Physical Anthropology
|volume = 137
|issue = 3
|pages = 316–23
|year = 2008
|url = http://dirkschweitzer.net/E3b-papers/Hassan-Sudan-2008-AJPA.pdf
|format = PDF
|doi = 10.1002/ajpa.20876
|pmid = 18618658
|first1 = Hisham Y.
|last3 = Cavalli-Sforza
|first3 = Luca L.
|last4 = Ibrahim
|first4 = Muntaser E.
|deadurl = yes
|archiveurl = https://web.archive.org/web/20090304100010/http://dirkschweitzer.net/E3b-papers/Hassan-Sudan-2008-AJPA.pdf
|archivedate = 2009-03-04
|df =

5 : Human haplogroups|Human Y-DNA haplogroups|Africa|Horn of Africa|North Africa





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