

词条 Hearing aid application

  1. Hearing aid on a mobile platform

  2. Adjustment of hearing aid application

  3. Advantages and disadvantages of HAA

  4. Comparative characteristics of HAA presented on the market

  5. HAA basic principles of work

  6. Estimate of hearing aid effeciency with the use of HAA

  7. See also

  8. External links

  9. References

"Hearing aid application" (abbreviated HAA) is a software which, being installed on a mobile computational platform, transforms this platform into a medical product[1]. Mobile computational platforms of this type are understood to mean smartphones, tablets and other devices like smart watch.

Hearing aid on a mobile platform

Principle of operation of hardware-software complex, including HAA, corresponds to general operating principles of digital hearing aids – microphone equipment perceives an acoustic signal and transforms it into digital form, sound amplification is achieved through hardware-software means of mobile platform in accordance with degree and type of the user’s hearing impairment, when the signal enters the headphones inverted transformation of the amplified digital signal into audio signal occurs and the sound is played to the user.

During the work of the application with hardware resources of the smartphone, the digital signal is streamed from the microphone to the speakers and processed in real time.

Constructional features of computational platforms imply preferred use of stereo headsets with two speakers, which allows carrying out binaural hearing correction for the left and right ear separately[2].

By the type of carrying, hardware-software complex functioning as a hearing aid and consisting of a smartphone (tablet), an installed application and connected wired headphones is most similar to pocket hearing aids. However, distribution of the headphones supporting wireless data transfer protocols and such devices as smart watch contributes to the appearance of a new type of hearing aids by carrying[3].

Adjustment of hearing aid application

As operational characteristics are adjusted directly through the graphic interface of the application, this feature allows classifying the hardware-software complex as a programmable hearing aid[3].

HAA, as a rule, adjusts the level of the surrounding acoustic environment (sound) to the user's hearing characteristics, thereby allowing him to hear better [3][4][5][6][7][8]. Most of HAA works both with wired and bluetooth headsets/headphones[6][7][8][9][10][11].

Unlike traditional hearing aid, which is a part of system consisting of a hearing aid, wired or wireless interworking interface, computer device and installed software for changes[3], adjustment of HAA is a procedure within the united hardware-software complex.

Some HAA, existing on the market, support a wide range of operational settings, such as number of channels, sample rate, binaural hearing correction etc[12].

Comprative characteristics of traditional hearing aids and hearing aid applications
Hearing aid applicationsTraditional Hearing aids
ChannelsUp to 25615-111
Sample rateMaximum 44 kHzMaximum 14 kHz
Programmable hearing aidYes (done by user)Yes (done by specialist)
In-built hearing testYesYes (limited)
Hearing test timeA few minutes (by the user)30 minutes - 60 minutes (several times)
Effects of anti stigmatizationYesNo, excert for intra channels (CIS)
Audio recorder + Speech recognition in textYesNo
Remote microphone option without additional devicesYesNo
Binaural correction of both earsYesNo
Gain formula, that takes into acount the upper threshold of perceptionYesNo
Adjustable noise supppressionYesYes
Ecosystem of assistive applications (radio, music player, etc.)YesNo
Built into app course of adaptation to hearing aidYesNo
Online gain formula changeYesNo
Amplification of quiet sounds (dynamic compression - WDRC)YesNo
BatteriesBuilt-in, rechargeableRechargeable and replaceable

Thus, HAA is not inferior, and even surpasses traditional hearing aids in some characteristics (number of channels, sampling frequency etc.).

The basic hearing aid setting is amplification adjustment in accordance with the user’s audiogram.

The process of selection of traditional hearing aid starts with audiometry, which is also the first characteristic of sound perception disorder considered during the adjustment of HAA. If the user has already had a special audiologic checkup, this type of adjustment can be done remotely by a specialist, and the results of this checkup can be entered by the user with the help of the application’s graphic interface. A lot of HAA have a built-in procedure of in situ-audiometry which automates the whole process so that the user can take this type of examination on their own. Software-based generators of tone signals and interface elements for reaction to exceeding the hearing perception threshold are used for that.

Quick change of settings, such as recruitment compensation, noise suppression, amplification regulation allows HAA users to choose the settings which are more suitable to understanding the speech in silence or with a background noise.

An additional feature of HAA is ability to choose and apply the sets of parameters most suitable for the current acoustic situation, for example, for silence, for talking in a noisy environment, etc.

Some HAA provide for using different computing formulas for calculation of target amplification on the basis of audiometry data. These formulas are intended to amplify the speech up to the maximum comfortable level of perception by the user[3].

In particular, Pertalex HAA offers its users 3 well-known formulas:

  • NAL-R[13];
  • Berger[14];
  • Pogo[15].

When using microphone equipment of phone headsets, maximum available amplification is limited by appearance of acoustic feedback between the microphone and the speaker. Increase of possible level of signal amplification is ensured by stronger suppression of acoustic feedback[16].

Acoustic feedback is the most wide-spread option of feedback appearing at the return leakage of sound from the speaker to the microphone. This can be caused by small distance between the microphone and the speaker, loose fit of an earpiece to the surface of acoustic meatus and so on.

The processing under frequency-dependent amplification of input signal for compensation of hearing impairment includes assistive functions, such as acoustic feedback suppression[17].

In a number of HAA a scheme with subband signal decomposition is used for acoustic feedback suppression[18].

Advantages and disadvantages of HAA

Compared to traditional hearing aids, HAA has the following disadvantages:

  1. more noticeable and not so comfortable to wear;
  2. due to the fact that the microphone is not located in the ear, it does not use the functional advantages of the auricle and the natural acoustics of the outer ear.

At the same time, HAAs has a number of great advantages:

  1. the large distance between the microphone and the speaker prevents the occurrence of acoustic feedback, which allows the use of large acoustic amplification and a simpler audio signal processing algorithm;
  2. due to the rather large size of the device, it is possible to implement more convenient application control functions for people with poor motor skills;
  3. using of various types of headphones is possible;
  4. it is possible to achieve the highest sound pressure level and get high sound quality due to large speakers and a long battery life;
  5. resistant to ingress of earwax and moisture;
  6. thanks to the capacious battery, it is possible to use more complex audio signal processing algorithms and a higher sampling rate;
  7. software flexibility;
  8. developed software distribution system through appropriate services; the possibility of applying hearing correction algorithms to audio and video recordings, telephone calls, etc., and not only to acoustic signals;
  9. the set up HAA in simple cases does not require special equipment and qualifications, the user can perform it independently;
  10. HAA does not cause any psychological inconvenience, since the smartphone/tablet is not associated with the auditory pathologies in other people;
  11. the user does not need to purchase and carry a separate device&91;2&93;.

Comparative characteristics of HAA presented on the market

Distribution of HAA is limited by the infrastructure of specialized application stores, such as App Store, Google Play, etc.There is a fairly large number of applications that implements a hearing aid based on a smartphone/tablet. However, despite the general idea - hearing aid, they all differ in a number of criteria.

For benchmarking, the following applications were selected from the top 10 Google Play store applications (for Android devices) and the App Store (for iOS devices), selected on the "Hearing aid" request, and meet the following criteria:

  • the release date of the latest version - no later than June 2012;
  • the correspondence of the main functional declared by the developers in the descriptions solved by the application to the task - compensation of hearing impairments.

Comparative characteristics of hearing aid applications presented on the market are presented in the following table[19][20]:


Comparative characteristics of hearing aid applications, presented on the market
uSound (Hearing Assistant)Hearing Aid Sound Amplifier


Ear Spy

Jacoti ListenApp




Latest release{{date |Jan 2019}} (iOS),
{{date |Jan 2019}}


Nov 2019}} (iOS),
{{date |Jan 2019}} (Android)
Dec 2018}} (iOS)Dec 2018}} (iOS)Jun 2018}} (iOS),
{{date |Oct 2018}}


Oct 2018}} (iOS)Feb 2015}} (iOS)Apr 2017}} (iOS)Jan 2019}} (iOS),
{{date |Oct 2018}} (Android)
Audio latency20 ms*** (iOS),
65 ms***


30 ms***

30 ms***


30 ms***


45 ms***


35 ms*** (iOS),
360 ms***


20 ms***


30 ms*** (iOS) 35 ms***


30 ms*** (iOS),
65 ms*** (Android)

hearing aid

Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes No No Yes
In-built hearing testYes Yes No Yes No Yes***** No No Yes


Automatic and manual Automatic and manual Manual Automatic and manual No Automatic and manual No No Automatic and manual
Nonlinear hearing aidYes No No No No No No No Yes
Amplification of quiet

sounds (dynamic compression - WDRC)

Yes No No Yes No No No No Yes
Adjustment of WDRCYes No No Yes No No No No Yes
Online gain formula changeYes No No No No No No No Yes
Ability to adapt to

the environment

Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes No Yes
Adjustable noise


Yes No Yes Yes No No Yes No Yes
Suppression of acoustic


Yes No No No No No No No Yes
Bluetooth headset


Yes, on iOS and Android Yes, on iOS and Android Yes, only on iOS Yes, only on iOS Yes, on iOS

and Android****

No Yes, only on iOS No Yes, on iOS

and Android

Audio recorderYes No No No Yes**** No No Yes Yes
Speech recognition

in text

Yes, only

on iOS

No No No No No No No Yes, only on iOS
Volume balance reconstruction

of the left/right ear

No No Yes Yes No No No No Yes
Gain formula, that takes

into account the upper thresholds of perception

Yes No No No No No No No Yes
Ecosystem of assistive applicationsYes No No No No No No No Yes
Built into course of

adaptation to hearing

aid application

Yes No No No No No No No Yes
Special gain formula

for tinnitus

Yes No No No No No No No Yes
Ratings4.7 on AppStore, 4.0 on Google Play 3.7 on Google Play 4.4 on AppStore No 3.1 on AppStore, 3.7 on Google Play No No No4.6 on AppStore, 3.7 on Google Play
Notes: *tested on iPhone 6+ (iOS 9.2), ** tested on Samsung Galaxy A3 (Android 7.0), *** on the date of testing ({{Start date and age|2019|2|11|df=yes}}), **** in the paid version, ***** - with the help of an additional application.

HAA basic principles of work

The principles of working HAA are similar to those of traditional hearing aids.

Most HAA provides two modes: settings mode (passing through the in situ-audiometry procedure) and the hearing correction mode.

Setup mode is a in situ-audiometry procedure that allows the user to independently measure hearing thresholds using tone audio signals that are generated with a gradually increasing amplitude over a period of some seconds. Audio signals are generated according to the following sequence of frequencies: 125, 250, 500, 1000, 2000, 4000, 6000 and 8000 Hz.

Some HAA do not have an integrated audiometry system. In this case, the adjustment of the sound amplification level (similar to the equalizer) is made by the user based on their own subjective feelings[10][11][21][22].

Hearing correction mode represents an audio signal processing system. The audio signal processing system implements a broadband method for changing the correction of the spectral envelope of a signal using a filter with a finite impulse response whose frequency response is generated based on user-defined hearing thresholds during the in situ-audiometry procedure. Due to this setting of the characteristics of the FIR filter, the frequencies are amplified, to which the user has lost sensitivity (hears less)[23].

Figure 2 shows a general signal processing scheme in a hearing aid application.

Audio input signal, acoustic feedback (echo) and background noise are captured by the microphone, summed and then divided into sub-band components with a lower sampling rate using an analysis filter bank (AFB).

The obtained subband signal components passes through the procedure of noise reduction, implemented in the form of spectral weighting, by multiplying by the corresponding weights, which are calculated for each point of time[23].

Estimation of noise is based on the minima controlled recursive averaging of past values of noise[24].

Cleared of noise subband signal is cleared of acoustic echo by adaptive filtering[23][24].

The subband audio components that are cleared of echo and noise are amplified by multiplying by the corresponding coefficients, which are calculated based on the level of input and output audio signals, ambient noise energy, as well as hearing thresholds (hearing loss frequency characteristics) of the user.

The gain unit also performs the function of dynamic range compression, thereby compensating for the function of non-linear amplification of the human cochlea.

The processed broadband signal is synthesized using a synthesis filter bank (SFB)[23].

AFB and SFB are can be realised as DFT-modulated filter banks, which is one of the most popular filter bank type used in modern hearing aids[24].

The output signal can be multiplied by the total gain, which provides a comfortable sound level. This coefficient is adjusted by the user using an external controller directly in HAA interface[23][10][5][6][7].

HAA, as a rule, provides high speed (i.e. minimum sound delay) and high sound quality due to a simple signal processing algorithm as well as due to the effective implementation of application functional blocks[24].

Some HAA may not have an acoustic cancellation block[25].

Estimate of hearing aid effeciency with the use of HAA

Based on the results of studies conducted on the effectiveness of using the different hearing aid applications, it can be concluded that for those respondents who have never used hearing aids before, there is a tendency of a positive effect on speech intelligibility. The positive impact on speech intelligibility when talking in a noisy environment was noted by those respondents who used hearing aids[12][26].

HAA also can be useful not only as a hearing aid. For example, it can be useful in the process of studying, as students can place their smartphone/tablet closer to the teacher and hears him better[27].

See also

  • Otorhinolaryngology;
  • Hearing loss;
  • Deaf-mutism;
  • Hearing aid.

External links

  • [https://petralex.pro/en Petralex hearing aid application official site]
  • [https://dectone.pro/en Dectone hearing aid application official site]
  • [https://www.usound.co/en/ Usound hearing aid application official site]
  • BioAid hearing aid application official site
  • [https://www.jacoti.com/ Jacoti hearing aid application official site]






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