

词条 House Mormont

  1. History

  2. Members of House Mormont

  3. House Mormont in "A Song of Ice and Fire"(the books)

      A Game of Thrones    A Clash of Kings    A Storm of Swords    A Feast for Crows    A Dance with Dragons  

  4. House Mormont in "Game of Thrones" (TV series)

      Season 1    Season 2    Season 3    Season 4    Season 5    Season 6  

  5. Season 7

  6. Family tree

  7. References

House Mormont in the world of the book series A Song of Ice and Fire and the TV series "A Game of Thrones", is one of the less prominent Houses in the Seven Kingdoms.[1] Seated at Bear Island, a small, removed island situated north-west of Winterfell, the ancestral home of House Stark.


House Mormont were given Bear Island as a gift by one-time proclaimed King of the North, Rodrik Stark, for their long-lasting loyalty to House Stark. The gifting of Bear Island to House Mormont further cemented the relationship between the two houses, and ever since, House Mormont has continued swearing fealty to House Stark. The island was won after Rodrik Stark won the rights to the land in a wrestling match[2] against the then King of the Iron Islands. The House words are “Here We Stand",[3] these proud words are used to convey the strong principles House Mormont hold towards the safeguarding of honour and valour in the North.The House sigil for House Mormont is a black bear standing over a green forest.[4]

Jeor Mormont (The head of House Mormont before his son Jorah Mormont and his sister Maege Mormont), had arranged for his son, Jorah Mormont marry a girl from House Glover. 10 years later and without bearing Jorah any children, she died, this left Jorah seeking a new wife in order to keep the line of succession clear. During the marriage, Jeor had joined and quickly climbed up the ranks of the Night's Watch,[5] where he was elected the 997th Lord Commander,[6] this meant Jorah had inherited Bear Island and was now in control. Jorah was now faced with a decision, he had to choose which side he would fight for in Robert's Rebellion (Robert was leading an army in an attempt to seize power of the seven Kingdoms from the Targaryen), in particularly the Battle of the Trident.[7] Due to the Mormont's loyalty to House Stark,[8] Jorah ordered his men to fight alongside the rebels, which mainly consisted of House Stark, House Baratheon and House Lannister.

A few years after Robert's Rebellion, yet another rebellion occurred in which House Greyjoy rose against House Baratheon (Leaders of the Seven Kingdoms and Protectors of the Realm) in an attempt to seize the Iron Throne and gain independence from the Seven Kingdoms. Jorah fought in the Greyjoy Rebellion,[9] which gave him a great reputation amongst the Northern Lords. A tournament at Lannisport was held to celebrate the victory over the Greyjoys, and it was here where Jorah would meet his second wife, Lynesse Hightower. However, Lynesse was from Oldtown, meaning she had a very lavish lifestyle, a serious contrast to that of those on Bear Island. This resulted in Jorah having to spend all his money to keep his wife happy, but after his money ran out, he began selling poachers he caught on his lands to slave traders in an attempt to make more money.[5] However slavery was illegal in the Seven Kingdoms and should the king come to hear of this his judgement would be passed and his punishment would be heavy.

Fearing death, Jorah then fled from Bear Island with his wife after word got around that Lord Eddard Stark was visiting to pass on the king's judgement. The two lived in exile on an island just off Essos, until Jorah was exiled from Lys as well after becoming a sellsword once they ran out of money.

Back on Bear Island, Lord Commander Jeor Mormont's sister, Maege Mormont inherited the island and took up her role as leader of House Mormont[10]

Members of House Mormont

Jeor Mormont – Jeor was the head of House Mormont until he joined the Night's Watch giving his throne to his son Jorah. Jeor impressed when he joined the Night's Watch became the Lord commander of the group. He was killed when his men turned against him for not standing up against Craster.

Maege Mormont – Maege was sister of Jeor and gained the head role in House Mormont after her nephew, the only heir to Jeor, Jorah ran away to Free Cities. Maege was the Lady of Bear Island and is known as the She-Bear. She died in battle during the War of the Five Kings

Jorah Mormont - Jorah Mormont

Lynesse Hightower- Lynesse was the wife of Jorah until their relationship became strained. Jorah tried to win her back by buying her extravagant gifts, but in doing so he spent all his money. This led him to selling slaves for money which got him banished from the North. Both Lynesse and Jorah fled to Lys but Jorah was unable to afford Lynesse's desires so Lynesse left him.

Dacey Mormont – Dacey is one of Maege's daughters and is the heir to the head of House Mormont. She claims to have fought in every battle with Robb and he has won them all.

Alysane Mormont – Alysane is another of Maege's oldest daughters

Lyra Mormont – Another of Maege's daughters

Jorelle Mormont – Another of Maege's daughters

Lyanna Mormont – Lyanna is the youngest daughter of Maege and was named after Lyanna Stark. She is the current Lady of Bear Island.

House Mormont in "A Song of Ice and Fire"(the books)

A Game of Thrones

In A Game of Thrones, Jeor Mormont, the Lord Commander of the Night's Watch is first introduced when Tyrion Lannister and Jon Snow arrive at the Wall, and Jon officially joins the Night's Watch. Jeor handpicks Jon as his steward and acts as a mentor during his training. Jeor's life comes under threat when he is attacked by a wight in Castle Black, however Jon is alerted to this by his dire wolf Ghost and kills the wight, saving Jeor in the process. In gratitude, Jeor ends up giving Jon the Mormont ancestral weapon, Longclaw, a Valyrian steel bastard sword.

Jorah Mormont, finds himself at a party in the free city of Pentos, where he, with the Dothraki hoard first encounter Prince Viserys Targaryen and his sister Daenerys Targaryen. Jorah then goes on to play a large part in Daenerys’ life, firstly becoming an advisor to her, then becoming the first of her Queensguard. During this time, Jorah saves Daenerys from an ambush.

In the North, Robb Stark calls all Stark loyalists to arms, and this is answered by Lady Maege Mormont, and her eldest daughter, her heir Dacey. They and the other loyalists follow Robb south in his war against the Lannisters. Maege plays a major part in Robb's war councils, making her thoughts heard, whereas Dacey rode with his battle companions and guards. She was the only female in the entire group. When Robb is proclaimed King of the North at Riverrun, both Mormont women are present, and choose to support the decision and thus their new King.

A Clash of Kings

A Clash of Kings doesn’t bring out nearly as much of House Mormont as the first book does.

Jeor continues to lead the Night's Watch, and this time takes them on a great ranging out with the Seven Kingdoms and beyond the Wall. He takes over 300 brothers north in order to locate missing rangers, including Jon Snow's uncle Benjen Stark, and to investigate both the wildlings and why corpses were rising from the dead.

Away from the Wall, the King of the North leads his army, including Maege and Dacey into the westerlands, heading towards Casterly Rock, the seat of House Lannister. Robb is made aware of a different Lannister army forming under the command of Ser Stafford Lannister, the brother-in-law and first cousin of Lord Tywin Lannister. The two forces engaged in the Battle of Oxcross, with the Stark army coming out on top. All three Lannister commanders, Lord Roland Crakehall, Lord Antario Jast and Ser Stafford Lannister were all killed in the process. After the victory, Lady Maege captures livestock in the masses and herds them back to the riverlands.

A Storm of Swords

A Storm of Swords sees the first Mormont deaths in the books. Jeor is betrayed and killed by Ollo Lophand, a member of the Night's Watch during the mutiny at Craster's Keep. In response to this, the Night's Watch maester, Maester Aemon Targaryen contacts those at Bear Island via raven, asking for help in defending Castle Black, the Wall and thus the Seven Kingdoms from wildling attacks.

Dacey Mormont is the second casualty in this book. She is killed during the Red Wedding, which also saw the deaths of Robb Stark, Catelyn Stark, Grey Wind and numerous other Stark loyalists. Whilst this was taking place, Lady Maege was absent on an order from King Robb to contact the crannogmen and gain their support.

Across the Narrow Sea in Essos, Jorah was exiled by Daenerys when she finds out that when first introduced, he was spying on her on behalf of “the Spider” Varys, a member of the small council in King's Landing. Daenerys forced Jorah out of Mereen, feeling betrayed that one of her most loyal supporters would do such a thing.

A Feast for Crows

In A Feast for Crows, House Mormont were barely mentioned at all. The only major event regarding them was Alysane Mormont, Maege's second daughter, becoming the new heir of House Mormont after the death of her sister Dacey in A Storm of Swords.

A Dance with Dragons

House Mormont have a more prominent role in A Dance with Dragons than they did in the previous book. Lyanna Mormont, Lady Maege's youngest child is introduced when the Lord of Dragonstone, Stannis Baratheon demands that all northern lords pledge their allegiance to his cause. However, she refuses to comply, insisting that House Mormont's loyalty lies with the Starks.

Maege is with two more of her children, Lyra and Jorelle, at an unknown location.

The heir of House Mormont, Alysane and House Mormont's men-at-arms attacked a number of ships belonging to ironmen off the coast of Deepwood Motte. They hid men in fishing boats and managing to take them unaware. Alysane was able to capture all the ships, as well as securing numerous ironborn individuals to be held for ransom. Once Deepwood is retaken by Stannis’ army, Alysane joins them on their march to Winterfell and becomes a guard of Asha Greyjoy.

Meanwhile, in Essos, Jorah manages to capture Tyrion Lannister, who fled Westeros after murdering his father, in the town of Selhorys. He takes Tyrion to Slaver's Bay hoping to present his captive as a peacemaker between himself and Daenerys, who is currently residing in Mereen.

House Mormont in "Game of Thrones" (TV series)

Season 1

After the imprisonment of Lord Eddard Stark, his son, Robb Stark, calls his bannermen and all houses pledged to House Stark to fight House Lannister and free his father. Lady Maege Mormont answers Robb Stark's call to arms and she, along with her heir, Dacey, and their bannermen, follow Robb south.

Maege has a key role in House Stark's war council, and her heir, Dacey, rides with his battle companions and guards. Both Mormont women were present throughout the Battle of the Whispering Wood. Afterwards, they both proclaimed Robb the King in the North at Riverrun.

Jeor Mormont (Lord Commander of the Night's Watch) is introduced when Tyrion Lannister and Jon Snow arrive at the Wall. Jeor Mormont chooses Jon as his steward and acts as a mentor to him. Jeor rewards Jon for saving his life from a White Walker by giving him Longclaw, a Valyrian Steel sword that belonged to House Mormont for generations.

The exiled Ser Jorah Mormont attends Magister Illyrio Mopatis's party in Pentos, where he gets to know Prince Viserys Targaryen and Daenerys Targaryen.

Jorah was later asked to kill Daenerys and Viserys in exchange for a full pardon and an end to his exile from the Seven Kingdoms. Jorah remained loyal to Daenerys and later became an advisor and the first of her Queensguard.

Season 2

The Northern Army continues to win victories against those loyal to King Joffrey, however Lady Maege no longer appears in King Robb's war council.

Season 3

House Frey takes revenge against King Robb for refusing to marry his daughter. House Frey, in collusion with his bannermen in House Bolton and his enemies in House Lannister, orchestrates a massacre behind the facade of a wedding at The Twins. With the death of King Robb, King Joffrey awards Winterfell to House Bolton and Roose Bolton is declared Warden of the North, bringing House Mormont under his authority.

Season 4

Jorah continued to serve Daenerys.

Season 5

Lady Lyanna Mormont now rules over House Mormont. When Stannis Baratheon sends a letter to Lady Lyanna asking for her to give her soldiers to him and to fight against House Bolton, she refuses and asserts her continuing loyalty to House Stark.

Season 6

Lady Sansa Stark and Jon Snow visit Bear Island in an attempt to recruit House Mormont to their army to retake Winterfell from House Bolton. Lyanna reluctantly agrees, pledging her entire army of 62 fighting men to the cause. Jon's victory restores House Mormont to House Stark's service, putting them in open rebellion against the Iron Throne.

Season 7

In a meeting of all northern houses, Lady Lyanna Mormont criticized the houses who broke their oath of loyalty to House Stark, and was the first to proclaim Jon Snow the new King in the North.

Family tree


1. ^{{Cite book|title=A Game of Thrones|last=Martin|first=George|publisher=|year=|isbn=|location=|pages=Chapter 12, Eddard II.|quote=|via=}}
2. ^{{Cite book|title=A Game of Thrones|last=Martin|first=George|publisher=Harper Voyager|year=|isbn=|location=|pages=Chapter 66, Bran VII.|quote=|via=}}
3. ^{{Cite web|url=http://www.westeros.org/Citadel/Heraldry/Mottoes/|title=The Citadel: Heraldry - List of House Mottoes|last=Antonsson|first=Elio M. García and Linda|website=www.westeros.org|access-date=2016-11-17}}
4. ^{{Cite web|url=http://www.westeros.org/Citadel/Heraldry/Houses/2/#In|title=The Citadel: Heraldry - In the North, The Mountain Clans and On Skagos|last=Antonsson|first=Elio M. García and Linda|website=www.westeros.org|access-date=2016-11-17}}
5. ^{{Cite book|title=A Clash of Kings|last=Martin|first=George|publisher=Harper Voyager|year=|isbn=|location=|pages=Chapter 12, Daenerys I.|quote=|via=}}
6. ^{{Cite book|title=George R. R. Martin's A World of Ice and Fire|last=Martin|first=George|publisher=|year=|isbn=|location=|pages=Jeor Mormont|quote=|via=}}
7. ^{{Cite book|title=A Storm of Swords|last=Martin|first=George|publisher=|year=|isbn=|location=|pages=Chapter 57, Daenerys V|quote=|via=}}
8. ^{{Cite book|title=A Game of Thrones|last=Martin|first=George|publisher=Harper Voyager|year=|isbn=|location=|pages=Appendix|quote=|via=}}
9. ^{{Cite book|title=A Feast for Crows|last=Martin|first=George|publisher=|year=|isbn=|location=|pages=Chapter 24, Cersei V.|quote=|via=}}
10. ^{{Cite book|title=A Game of Thrones|last=Martin|first=George|publisher=Harper Voyager|year=|isbn=|location=|pages=Chapter 63, Catelyn X|quote=|via=}}

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