

词条 International reactions to the 2016 Turkish coup d'état attempt

  1. International response

     Supranational bodies  States  Others 

  2. Economy

  3. References

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Many international leaders and governments responded to the 2016 Turkish coup d'état attempt. Financial markets reacted negatively.

International response

Supranational bodies

  • {{flag|Council of Europe}}: Thorbjørn Jagland, Secretary General of the Council of Europe was the very first name who stood against the coup attempt during the first hours of the event. Unlike the other European leaders, he did not wait for the coup's failure to speak up. During the first hours of the coup plotters' moves of blocking İstanbul's bridges and flying fighter jets low over İstanbul and Ankara, Jagland tweeted against the coup attempt and underlined that 'any attempt to overthrow the democratically elected leaders is unacceptable'.[1]
  • {{flag|European Union}}: Federica Mogherini, High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, tweeted that she was "in constant contact" with the EU delegations in Ankara & Brussels, and called for "restraint and respect for democratic institutions."[2][2] The next day, 2 statements were issued by the European Commission. One was by Federica Mogherini and the Commissioner for European Neighbourhood Policy and Enlargement Negotiations Johannes Hahn, and stated the condemnation of the attempted coup while stressing the need for "a swift return to Turkey's constitutional order".[3] Another one was by the President of the European Commission Jean-Claude Juncker, the President of the European Council Donald Tusk and again Federica Mogherini, as well as on behalf of the member states of the European Union which were present at the 11th Asia–Europe Meeting. This statement expressed the support for the democratically elected Turkish government.[4]
  • {{flag|NATO}}: Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg issued a statement calling for calm and "full respect for Turkey’s democratic institutions and its constitution."[5]
  • {{flag|United Nations}}: Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon issued a statement appealing for calm in Turkey. Spokesman Farhan Haq said the secretary-general was closely following developments.[2]


  • {{flagu|Albania}}: President Bujar Nishani said that he shows "full support for the constitutional order in Turkey" and also said that "Albanians are staying close to the friendly people of Turkey in these difficult hours. We hope for peace and legitimacy to return to our friend Turkey. Political stability and order in Turkey are very important. The only way of Turkey's stability and to the region's is that of democracy." [6] The Prime Minister Edi Rama showed support for the government and has tweeted that he was "Happy for the brotherly people of Turkey and precious friend president Erdogan for getting out of a very tough night with full success."[7]
  • {{flagu|Australia}}: Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull, after acknowledging the failure of the attempted coup, reiterated Australia's support for the democratically elected government of Turkey.[8] The Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade warned Australians to stay off of the streets, to follow the instructions of authorities and to advise friends and family of their whereabouts.[9] Foreign Minister Julie Bishop stated that the situation was fluid and that the government was in contact with the Ambassador and assisting in locating Australians in the country.[10]
  • {{flagu|Belgium}}: Professor of Ghent University and member of "Ghent Institute for International Studies", Dries Lesage, criticized the late responses of European and many western leaders and suggests that European leaders were opportunistically waiting to observe further developments, while the coup was filled with violence. He illustrated this by stressing that Prime minister Charles Michel only reacted shortly before midday.[11] Prime minister Charles Michel and Minister of Foreign Affairs Didier Reynders (both of the party Mouvement Réformateur) condemned the coup d'état, but advocated for "respect for the rule of law and constitutional order" and "chariness". The mayor of Beringen (where attacks by Erdogan-supporters on the pro-Gülen movement "Vuslat" took place) said that it has been made clear that Erdogan will ask for the extradition of Gülen-supporters [without Belgium being specifically specified]. Nevertheless, by 18 July 2016, there had been no requests by the Turkish government to Belgium for the extradition of persons related to the coup d'état. A newspaper articles claimed that Belgian governments would not simply consent to each extradition request.[12] The next day, Minister-President of Flanders Geert Bourgeois criticized a spokesman of the Turkish embassy in Brussels, who had condemned purported good relations between Bourgeois, Flemish authorities and Flemish organizations on the one hand and the Gülen movement on the other hand. Geert Bourgeois also denounced the dismissal of thousands of magistrates and teachers after the coup, stating that this is analogue to Nazi Germany and not worthy of a democracy and the rule of law.[13]
  • {{Flagu|Bulgaria}}: President Rosen Plevneliev condemned all forms of violence and expressed support for the democratically elected institutions of Turkey.[14] PM Boyko Borissov stated that the Bulgarian authorities are closely monitoring the situation in neighbouring Turkey.[15]
  • {{Flagu|Canada}}: Foreign Minister Stéphane Dion tweeted that he was "concerned" and urged for "calm, order, [and] safety of Turkish citizens."[16] Prime Minister Justin Trudeau released a statement calling for restraint by all parties, stating Canada supports the preservation of democracy in Turkey, and condemns any attempt to undermine its democratic institutions by "force of arms".[17]
  • {{flagu|PRC|name=China, People's Republic of}}: The Ministry of Foreign Affairs called on Turkey to restore order and stability as soon as possible after a coup attempt.[18][19]
  • {{flagu|Costa Rica}}: The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Worship The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Worship announced that the government of Costa Rica strongly condemned the coup d'état attempt to undermine its democratic institutions by armed forces, and wished for the re-establishment of the democratic constitutional order.[20]
  • {{flagu|Czech Republic}}: President Miloš Zeman said that "Turkey should avoid bloodshed and keep democratic principles as it is a member of NATO and a key player in the region."[21] Prime Minister Bohuslav Sobotka noted that "democratic principles stressed by President Erdogan and the government during the night must be fulfilled in the future."[22]
  • {{flagu|Estonia}}: President Toomas Hendrik Ilves made a tweet condemning the coup, stating that "a military coup of a democratically elected government can never be accepted".[23]
  • {{flagu|France}}: The Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Development Jean-Marc Ayrault declared that France most strongly condemned the coup attempt.[24] On 17 July 2016, the same Ayrault criticized the purge which was being actively executed by Recep Tayyip Erdoğan's government as a reaction to the attempted coup.[25] On 20 July 2016, Erdoğan responded to Ayrault, claiming that Ayrault doesn't have authority to express anything about him. At the same time Erdoğan snapped at Ayrault, claiming he should occupy himself with his own matters.[26]
  • {{flagu|Georgia}}: Prime Minister Giorgi Kvirikashvili said that Georgia was following developments "with great concern," and that an emergency session of the National Security Council had met, which included President Giorgi Margvelashvili. Kvirakishvili also noted that the Georgian–Turkish border would be closed shortly, though no incidents had occurred near the border.[27]
  • {{flagu|Germany}}: Steffen Seibert, the German government's press secretary, tweeted that the democratic order of Turkey must be respected.[28]
  • {{flagu|Greece}}: PM Alexis Tsipras announced on Twitter that "the government and the people of Greece are staying by the side of democracy and constitutional legality."[29]
  • {{Flagu|India}} – Ministry of External Affairs spokesperson Vikas Swarup tweeted that the ministry was closely watching developments, and advised Indians in Turkey to stay indoors. "We have been closely following the developments in Turkey. India calls upon all sides to support democracy and mandate of the ballot, and avoid bloodshed.” [30]
  • {{flagu|Iran}}: Foreign Minister Javad Zarif tweeted that he was "concerned" about the crises in Turkey and that the "stability, democracy and safety of Turkish people are paramount" and urged for "unity and prudence order" between the Turkish people.[31] President Hassan Rouhani was convening an emergency meeting of the Supreme National Security Council to discuss the situation in Turkey.[32] He said later on 17 July that the era to stage coup d'état is gone, noting that problems can be resolved through "democracy" and "respect for votes of majority".[33] "We are in a region where, unfortunately, some think can seize power by tank, plane and helicopter, and topple a government which has been elected by the people," Rouhani said while addressing people in Kermanshah, western Iran.[34]
  • {{Flagu|Ireland}} – Minister for Foreign Affairs Charles Flanagan made a statement calling for restraint and respect for democratic institutions in Turkey.[35]
  • {{flagu|Israel}}: The Foreign Ministry issued a statement following a failed coup in Turkey, stating that "Israel respects the democratic process in Turkey". It was also noted that "Israel expects that the process of reconciliation between the two countries will continue."
  • {{flagu|Italy}}: Prime Minister Matteo Renzi expressed relief for the developments in Turkey; he also stated that "The concern for a situation out of control in a NATO partners, such as Turkey, gives way to the prevalence of stability and democratic institutions. We hope that there will not be setbacks and dangers for the population and for all the foreigners living in Turkey." He also added that he believd that "freedom and democracy are always the road to follow and defend".[36]
  • {{flagu|Lithuania}}: Minister of Foreign Affairs Linas Linkevičius tweeted that the coup "ruins foundation of sustainable democracy".[37] The Ministry of Foreign Affairs issued a statement saying that they're highly concerned by the events in Turkey and asking all sides to secure the constitutional order and safety of civilians. They also reiterated Lithuania's support for the democratically elected Government of Turkey.[38]
  • {{flagu|Malta}}: Prime Minister Joseph Muscat condemned the coup, but stated that it should not result in an authoritarian crackdown.[39]
  • {{flagu|Moldova}}: President Nicolae Timofti condemned the coup attempt in Turkey and called for the constitutional order to be the main element of the existence of a law-governed state.[40]
  • {{flagu|Morocco}}: Prime Minister Abdelilah Benkirane Turnbull, after acknowledging the failure of the attempted coup, Turnbull reiterated the Turkey[41]
  • {{flagu|Netherlands}}: Minister for Foreign Affairs Bert Koenders strongly condemned the military actions against democratic institutions. He said his discussion with a Turkish colleague, about the rule of law, were important to continue. Further more, he stressed the need for the European Union to have a partner which respects human rights in the region with Syria.[42]
  • {{flagu|Pakistan}}: Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif strongly condemned the attempted military coup in Turkey.[43] He added that Pakistan fully supports the Turkish president and his elected government. Tariq Fatemi, Special Assistant to Prime Minister on Foreign Affairs, telephoned the Turkish Foreign Minister to discuss the latest situation in Turkey. Pakistani Defense Minister Khawaja Asif tweeted saying that "Martial law... is no law" and also prayed for stability in Turkey and for the victory of democracy.[44]
  • {{flagu|Poland}}: President Andrzej Duda expressed his hope that the crisis be resolved as quickly as possible, seeing as he considers it crucial for peace and security in the Middle East, adding that "Let us bear in mind that Turkey plays a most important role as far as countering the migrant crisis goes, as well as stabilization in this part of the world and easening the tension arising from the Syrian conflict."[45] Prime Minister Beata Szydło's official Twitter account posted a photo of her and German Chancellor Angela Merkel allegedly debating the crisis.[46]
  • {{flagu|Qatar}}: The Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced that "The State of Qatar has expressed its strong denunciation and condemnation of the military coup attempt, lawlessness, and violation of the constitutional legitimacy in the Republic of Turkey."[47]
  • {{flagu|Romania}}: President Klaus Iohannis expressed hope that "public order will be reinstated in the shortest time."[48] Prime Minister Dacian Cioloș said the only way forward for Turkey was "a return to constitutional order and the rule of law."[49]
  • {{flagu|Russia}}: Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov made a statement and said that it is important to "avoid bloodshed" in Turkey and that "any issues should be settled within a constitutional framework."[50]
  • {{flagu|Saudi Arabia}}: A Saudi foreign ministry official issued a statement welcoming the Turkish President's success in prevailing against the attempted coup.[51] King Salman congratulated the Turkish President over the phone for the return to calm after the failed coup attempt. Saudi authorities detained, at the request of Ankara, the Turkish military attaché to Kuwait while flying through Dammam airport.[52]
  • {{flagu|Serbia}}: Prime Minister Aleksandar Vučić made a statement and said that Serbia wants Turkey to overcome the problems, to establish democratic order, peace and stability because that's important for Turkey, region of South-East Europe and Serbia."[53]
  • {{flagu|Somalia}}: The Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Somalia has tweeted that President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud condemns the attempted coup.[54] It also tweeted that the President was "very glad to hear that evil forces who tried to turn Turkey into a violence ground have been defeated.’’[55] Somalia was one of the first countries to oppose the coup due to their close ties with Turkey and having received "close to one billion dollars' worth of aid, investment and infrastructure rebuilding since 2011". The Somali government ordered Gülen-linked organisations to close and gave Turkish citizens working for these a week to leave Somalia. This included Nile Academy, a Gülen-linked school.[56][57]
  • {{flagu|South Korea}}: On Saturday 16 July 2016, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs recommended its citizens to leave the country, and considered sending in a team to provide safety for stranded tourists at the Istanbul Atatürk Airport.[58]
  • {{Flagu|Spain}}: – Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy announced over Twitter Spain's support for "the democratic constitutional order in Turkey, friend and ally".[59]
  • {{flagu|Sudan}}: President Omar al-Bashir condemned the attempted coup.[60]
  • {{flagu|Ukraine}}: Foreign Minister Pavlo Klimkin wrote on Twitter: "Now key priority for Turkey is respect for democratically elected institutions and saving people's lives."[61] President Petro Poroshenko tweeted that he was "concerned"[62] and that "Ukraine supports the democratically elected President and Government of Turkey".[63]
  • {{flagu|United Kingdom}}: Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson tweeted that he was "very concerned by events unfolding in Turkey," and that the British embassy was monitoring the situation closely. He advised British citizens to follow the Foreign and Commonwealth Office website for advice. Johnson subsequently followed this up with a statement urging "calm and the avoidance of any further bloodshed." He said he had spoken to Turkish foreign minister Mevlut Cavusoglu and had "underlined U.K. support for the democratic elected government and institutions."[50]
  • {{flagu|United States}}: Secretary of State John Kerry said he "hopes for stability, peace, continuity in Turkey."[50] President Barack Obama said, "All parties in Turkey should support the democratically-elected Government of Turkey, show restraint, and avoid any violence or bloodshed."[64] The United States Embassy in Ankara issued an Emergency Message, urging U.S. citizens in Turkey to "contact family and friends to let them know you are safe," also noting to "monitor local press for updates, avoid areas of conflict, and exercise caution if you are in the vicinity of any military or security forces."[65] The United States State Department also prohibited U.S. airline carriers from flying to or from Turkey. The US Embassy in Turkey stated that the security at Istanbul's Atatürk airport is "significantly diminished" and The State Department advised U.S. citizens to reconsider travel to Turkey and also warned of threats of terrorism.[66][67] The State Department stated on Twitter that "all parties in Turkey should support the democratically-elected Gov't of Turkey, show restraint, avoid violence."[68]
  • {{flagu|Venezuela}}: President Nicolás Maduro warned right wing against attempting a coup in his own country by stating that crackdown after the failed Turkish coup would be a child’s play compared to how he would handle a similar attempt.[69]


  • {{flagu|Kosovo}}: President of Kosovo Hashim Thaçi tweeted that "The stability of Turkey is key to the whole region. In support of the democratically elected government and law and order in the country."[70] Prime Minister Isa Mustafa wrote that "In these challenging moments for Turkey, strongly support the institutions that emerged from the votes and the will of the citizens of this friend country of Kosovo. In democratic societies the governing body is that which have received a mandate from the people. I hope as soon as possible that the situation in Turkey stabilizes and that there are no innocent victims."[71]
  • {{flagu|Gaza}}: The ruling Islamic militant group Hamas condemned the Turkish coup d'état attempt as a "vicious" plot to overthrow President Erdoğan.[72]
  • {{flagu|Northern Cyprus}} – Mustafa Akıncı, President of Northern Cyprus, said that commanders of Turkish troops deployed in the separatist Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus remained loyal to Turkey's military command.[73] He also said that undemocratic acts could never be the solution to Turkey's problems.[74]
  • {{flagu|Taiwan}}: The Ministry of Foreign Affairs advised its citizens in Turkey to pay special attention to safety and not to go near masses of people, and recommended not going to Turkey temporarily.[75]


Turkish coup attempt has shaken local markets. Istanbul’s benchmark stock index, the BIST 100, fell 7.1% on Monday and was down 1% on Tuesday, while lira-denominated bonds have also lost value. The lira has plunged against other currencies since the coup attempt last Friday. That night the lira lost 4.7%. After partly recovering Monday, it is now 5% below where it was before rebel troops tried to oust Mr. Erdogan.[76]

The US ratings agency Moody’s has placed Turkey’s Baa3 credit rating on review for downgrade, warning that the country might lose its investment grade status after the attempted coup on Friday. Standard & Poor’s plans to assess the implications of the failed coup attempt in Turkey in the coming days. The American agency stressed it has classified the country as “moderately high risk.” Fitch Ratings next planned sovereign rating review on Turkey is due in late August. The agency has highlighted possible “political risks” in the country’s credit profile.[77]


1. ^{{cite news |url=https://twitter.com/TJagland/status/754077794582298624 |title=Council of Europe Secretary General Jagland's rapid tweet against the 2016 Turkish coup attempt |date=15 July 2016 |newspaper=Twitter}}
2. ^{{cite tweet |author=Federica Mogherini |user=FedericaMog |number=754068205010690048 |date=15 July 2016 |title=In constant contact with EU Delegation in Ankara & Brussels from Mongolia.Call for restraint and respect for democratic institutions #Turkey }}
3. ^{{cite web | title=Joint statement by High Representative/Vice-President Federica Mogherini and Commissioner for European Neighbourhood Policy and Enlargement Negotiations Johannes Hahn on the situation in Turkey |date=16 July 2016 |place=Brussels |publisher=European Commission |url=http://europa.eu/rapid/press-release_STATEMENT-16-2555_en.htm |series=European Commission. Press Release Database. Statement. |accessdate=19 July 2016}}
4. ^{{cite web | title=Statement by the President of the European Commission, the President of the European Council, and the EU High Representative on behalf of the EU Member States present at the ASEM Summit on the situation in Turkey |date=16 July 2016 |place=Ulaanbaatar |publisher=European Commission |url=http://europa.eu/rapid/press-release_STATEMENT-16-2554_en.htm |series=European Commission. Press Release Database. Statement. |accessdate=19 July 2016 |quote=Turkey is a key partner for the European Union. The EU fully supports the democratically elected government, the institutions of the country and the rule of law. We call for a swift return to Turkey’s constitutional order. We continue to follow closely the developments and to coordinate with the 28 EU Member States.}}
5. ^{{cite web |url=http://www.nato.int/cps/en/natohq/news_134194.htm |title=NATO Secretary General statement on events in Turkey |date=16 July 2016 |publisher=NATO |access-date=16 July 2016 }}
6. ^{{cite news|title=Nishani: Mbështetje të plotë për rendin kushtetues në Turqi|url=http://top-channel.tv/lajme/artikull.php?id=331298&ref=ngj|accessdate=16 July 2016}}
7. ^{{cite tweet |author=Edi Rama |user=ediramaal |number=754217860201848832 |date=16 July 2016 |title=I lumtur per popullin vella te Turqise dhe mikun e çmuar Presidentin Erdogan per daljen me sukses te plote nga nje nate tejet e veshtire! }}
8. ^{{Cite web|url=http://www.skynews.com.au/news/politics/2016/07/17/australia-continue-to-support-turkey--turnbull-say.html|title=Australia to continue Turkey support: Turnbull|last=|first=|date=17 July 2016|website=Skynews.com.au|publisher=Australian Associated Press|access-date=17 July 2016}}
9. ^{{Cite web|url=https://www.theguardian.com/world/2016/jul/16/situation-remains-highly-fluid-julie-bishop-warns-australians-in-turkey|title=Situation remains 'highly fluid', Julie Bishop warns Australians in Turkey|last=Robertson|first=Joshua|date=16 July 2016|website=theguardian|publisher=Guardian News and Media Limited|access-date=17 July 2016}}
10. ^{{Cite web|url=http://www.smh.com.au/federal-politics/political-news/turkey-coup-australians-warned-to-stay-indoors-as-julie-bishop-seeks-answers-20160716-gq730n.html|title=Turkey coup: Australians warned to stay indoors as Julie Bishop seeks answers|last=Gartrell|first=Adam|date=16 July 2016|website=The Sydney Morning Herald|publisher=Fairfax Media|access-date=17 July 2016}}
11. ^{{cite web | title=Gentse professor hekelt late reactie Westerse leiders| url=http://www.demorgen.be/buitenland/gentse-professor-hekelt-late-reactie-westerse-leiders-bc3baccc/ |date=16 July 2016 |newspaper=De Morgen [Sources: Belga]|accessdate=19 July 2016 |series=Militaire staatsgreep in Turkije|quote=Het feit dat de Europese leiders, en veel Westerse leiders, de couppoging pas laat veroordeelden (premier Charles Michel reageerde pas kort voor de middag), is geen bewijs van een complot, maar wel koren op de molen van diegenen die het als een complot zien. Ik vind dit ook verdacht gedrag. Het lijkt erop dat de Europese leiders op een opportunistische manier zaten te wachten welke kant het opging, terwijl de militaire coup bezig was met zwaar geweld.}}
12. ^{{cite web| title=Erdogan slaat terug, zelfs tot in België. Turkse president begint heksenjacht op tegenstanders| url=http://www.demorgen.be/buitenland/erdogan-slaat-terug-zelfs-tot-in-belgie-b3a3f482/ |date=18 July 2016 |newspaper=De Morgen [Sources: MR/JVH]|accessdate=18 July 2016 |series=Staatsgreep Turkije}}
13. ^{{cite news|title=Practices not reconcilable with state with rule of law |url=http://deredactie.be/cm/vrtnieuws.english/News/1.2718038|publisher=De redactie, vrt (Flandersnews.be)|date=19 July 2016|access-date=19 July 2016|quote=Flemish Prime Minister Geert Bourgeois has attacked events unfolding in Turkey where thousands of magistrates and teachers have been dismissed in the aftermath of the failed coup against President Erdogan. Speaking on VRT Radio Mr Bourgeois pointed to the practices employed by Germany's Nazis and said that what is happening in Turkey today is not reconcilable with a state where there is the rule of law.}}
14. ^{{cite news|title=President: Stability, Peace in Turkey Are of Primary Importance for Bulgaria|url=http://www.novinite.com/articles/175491/President%3A+Stability%2C+Peace+in+Turkey+Are+of+Primary+Importance+for+Bulgaria|accessdate=16 July 2016|publisher=novinite.com}}
15. ^{{cite news|title=Bulgarian Authorities Closely Monitor Situation in Turkey – PM Borisov|url=http://www.novinite.com/articles/175485/Bulgarian+Authorities+Closely+Monitor+Situation+in+%3Cb%3ETurkey%3C/b%3E+%E2%80%93+PM+Borisov|accessdate=16 July 2016|publisher=novinite.com}}
16. ^{{Cite web|url=http://www.ctvnews.ca/world/canadian-travellers-in-turkey-advised-to-contact-embassy-amid-military-coup-1.2988981|title=Canadian travellers in Turkey advised to contact embassy amid military coup|access-date=15 July 2016}}
17. ^{{cite web |last=Trudeau |first=Justin |author-link=Justin Trudeau |url=http://pm.gc.ca/eng/news/2016/07/15/statement-prime-minister-canada-todays-situation-turkey |title=Statement by the Prime Minister of Canada on today’s situation in Turkey |date=15 July 2016 |publisher= |access-date=16 July 2016 }}
18. ^{{Cite web |title=China calls for restoring order, stability in Turkey | work= Thomson Reuters Foundation |url=http://news.trust.org/item/20160716044005-4e4kt |accessdate=2016-07-16 }}
19. ^{{Cite web |title=China hopes for restored order in Turkey – state media | work= Xinhua |url=http://news.xinhuanet.com/english/2016-07/16/c_135517953.htm |accessdate=2016-07-16 }}
20. ^{{cite web|url=http://www.rree.go.cr/sec=servicios%20al%20publico&cat=servicios%20de%20informacion&cont=593¬icia=2952|title=Costa Rica condena intento de golpe de Estado en Turquía|accessdate=19 July 2016|date=16 July 2016|language=spanish|publisher=El Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores y Culto}}{{dead link|date=April 2018 |bot=Redalert2fan |fix-attempted=yes }}
21. ^{{cite web|title=Zeman chce, aby v Turecku nebylo krveprolití a zůstala zachovaná demokracie|url=https://www.novinky.cz/domaci/409379-zeman-chce-aby-v-turecku-nebylo-krveproliti-a-zustala-zachovana-demokracie.html|website=Novinky|accessdate=16 July 2016|language=cs-CZ}}
22. ^{{cite web|title=Prohlášení předsedy vlády Bohuslava Sobotky k pokusu o svržení turecké vlády|url=http://www.vlada.cz/cz/clenove-vlady/premier/projevy/prohlaseni-predsedy-vlady-bohuslava-sobotky-k-pokusu-o-svrzeni-turecke-vlady-146930/|publisher=Government of the Czech Republic|accessdate=16 July 2016|language=cs-CZ}}
23. ^{{cite tweet |user=IlvesToomas |number=754092452504539136|date= 16 July 2016|title= For all who do not understand that military coups d'Etat are unacceptable, know that all Turkish opposition parties say the same. Good night}}
24. ^{{cite web| title=Turquie : Déclaration de Jean-Marc Ayrault, ministre des Affaires étrangères et du Développement international (16 juillet 2016) |date=16 July 2016 |publisher=Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Development |url=http://www.diplomatie.gouv.fr/fr/dossiers-pays/turquie/http-publication-diplomatie-gouv-fr-fr-dossiers-pays-turquie-evenements/article/turquie-declaration-de-jean-marc-ayrault-ministre-des-affaires-etrangeres-et-du |series=Dossier pays. Turquie. Evènements| accessdate=19 July 2016| quote=La Turquie a fait l’objet d’une tentative de coup de force contre son ordre constitutionnel et démocratique qui appelle la plus ferme condamnation de la France.}}
25. ^{{cite news| title=VIDEO. Le coup d'Etat raté en Turquie n'est pas un "chèque en blanc" pour Erdogan, prévient Ayrault |date=17 July 2016 |publisher=Francetv info (FTVi) |url=http://www.francetvinfo.fr/monde/turquie/tentative-de-coup-d-etat-en-turquie/video-le-coup-d-etat-rate-en-turquie-n-est-pas-un-cheque-en-blanc-pour-erdogan-previent-ayrault_1551265.html |series=Actualités > Monde > Turquie > Tentative de coup d'Etat en Turquie| accessdate=21 July 2016}}
26. ^{{cite news| title=Turquie : Erdogan dit à Ayrault de "se mêler de ses affaires" |date=20 July 2016 |publisher=Le Point |url=http://www.lepoint.fr/monde/turquie-erdogan-dit-a-ayrault-de-se-meler-de-ses-affaires-20-07-2016-2055794_24.php |series=Actualité > International| accessdate=21 July 2016}}
27. ^{{cite web|url=http://www.civil.ge/eng/article.php?id=29309|title=Georgia’s PM: ‘We Follow Developments in Turkey with Great Concern’|author=Civil.ge|date=16 July 2016|publisher=Civil.ge|accessdate=16 July 2016}}
28. ^{{cite tweet |author=Steffen Seibert |user=RegSprecher |number=754090297550700545 |date=15 July 2016 |title=Die demokratische Ordnung in der #Türkei muss respektiert werden. Alles muss getan werden, um Menschenleben zu schützen. }}
29. ^{{cite web | url=http://news.in.gr/greece/article/?aid=1500090539 |script-title=el:Η Αθήνα στηρίζει τη δημοκρατική και συνταγματική νομιμότητα στην Τουρκία | publisher=In.gr | date=16 July 2016 | accessdate=16 July 2016 | language=Greek }}
30. ^{{cite news | url=http://www.tribuneindia.com/news/nation/indians-in-turkey-advised-to-avoid-public-places/266788.html | title=Indians in Turkey advised to avoid public places | date=16 July 2016 | accessdate=16 July 2016}}
31. ^{{cite tweet |author=Javad Zarif |user=JZarif |number=754069513935683584 |date=15 July 2016 |title=Deeply concerned about the crisis in Turkey. Stability, democracy & safety of Turkish people are paramount. Unity & prudence are imperative. }}
32. ^{{cite web|url=http://sputniknews.com/middleeast/20160716/1043087613/iran-security-council-emergency-meeting-turkey-coup.html|title=Iran's Leader Calls Security Council Emergency Meeting Over Coup in Turkey|first=|last=Sputnik|publisher=}}
33. ^{{cite web|url=http://www.tehrantimes.com/news/404344/Era-of-coups-is-gone-Rouhani|title=Era of coups is gone: Rouhani|date=17 July 2016|publisher=}}
34. ^{{cite web|url=http://www.presstv.ir/Detail/2016/07/17/475593/Iran-Hassan-Rouhani-Kermanshah|title=PressTV-Era of military coups over: Iran president|publisher=}}
35. ^{{cite tweet |author=Irish Foreign Ministry |user=dfatirl |number=754105151842033665 |date=15 July 2016 |title=.@CharlieFlanagan calls for restraint + respect for democratic institutions following last night's unrest in Turkey }}
36. ^{{cite web|url=http://www.repubblica.it/esteri/2016/07/16/news/turchia_dopo_golpe_fallito_erdogan-144228227/?ref=HREA-1|title=Turchia, fallito golpe. Oltre 200 morti. Governo promette punizioni e valuta pena morte|date=16 July 2016|publisher=}}
37. ^{{cite tweet |author=Linas Linkevicius |user=LinkeviciusL |number=754084432966025217 |date=15 July 2016 |title=Attempted coup in #Turkey ruins foundation of sustainable democracy. We must support elected government. }}
38. ^{{cite web|title=On the situation in Turkey|url=http://urm.lt/default/lt/naujienos/del-padeties-Turkijoje|publisher=Lithuanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs}}
39. ^{{cite news|last1=Borg|first1=Jacob|title=Don't follow failed coup with authoritarian crackdown, Muscat urges Turkey|url=http://www.timesofmalta.com/articles/view/20160717/local/dont-follow-failed-coup-with-authoritarian-crackdown-muscat-urges.619144|work=Times of Malta|date=17 July 2016|archiveurl=https://web.archive.org/web/20160717122810/http://www.timesofmalta.com/articles/view/20160717/local/dont-follow-failed-coup-with-authoritarian-crackdown-muscat-urges.619144|archivedate=17 July 2016}}
40. ^{{cite news|last1=Borg|first1=Jacob|title=Don't follow failed coup with authoritarian crackdown, Muscat urges Turkey|url=http://www.infotag.md/politics-en/227899/|work=Times of Malta|date=18 July 2016|archiveurl=http://www.infotag.md/politics-en/227899/|archivedate=19 July 2016}}
41. ^{{Cite web|url=http://www.hespress.com.au/news/politics/2016/07/17/|title=Moroccoian Prime Minister Abdilleh ben kiran Turnbull, after acknowledging the failure of the attempted coup, Turnbull|last=|first=|date=17 July 2016|website=hespress.com.au|publisher=Moroccoian Associated Press|access-date=17 July 2016}}{{dead link|date=April 2018 |bot=Redalert2fan |fix-attempted=yes }}
42. ^{{cite web|title=Koenders veroordeelt mislukte staatsgreep in Turkije| url=http://www.nu.nl/politiek/4294488/koenders-veroordeelt-mislukte-staatsgreep-in-turkije.html|publisher=NU.nl| language=nl| date=16 July 2016| access-date=20 July 2016| quote= Minister Bert Koenders van Buitenlandse Zaken heeft zaterdagavond de mislukte coup in Turkije veroordeeld. "Ik veroordeel de militaire actie tegen de democratische instituties van Turkije ten zeerste," schrijft hij in een verklaring. "Ik spreek mijn afschuw uit over de mensen die zijn omgekomen in Turkije. Terughoudendheid moet voor iedereen gelden, in het belang van de Turkse bevolking." Koenders zegt dat het belangrijk is dat zowel regering als oppostitie eenduidig heeft opgetreden in de afgelopen uren. De minister zegt contact te hebben met zijn Turkse collega. "We hebben zorgen over de rechtstaat. We voeren al discussies met Turkije daarover. Die moeten nu doorgaan." Hij noemt Turkije een belangrijk land voor de EU, maar ook in de regio met Syrië. "Europa heeft baat bij een stabiele partner die de mensenrechten respecteert."}}
43. ^{{cite news|title=Pakistan condemns attempt to undermine democracy in Turkey|url=http://www.radio.gov.pk/16-Jul-2016/pakistan-condemns-attempt-to-undermine-democracy-in-turkey|accessdate=16 July 2016|work=Radio Pakistan|agency=Pakistan Broadcasting Corporation|date=16 July 2016}}
44. ^{{cite news|title=Pakistan pledges complete support for democracy in Turkey|url=http://arynews.tv/en/pakistan-pledges-complete-support-democracy-turkey/|accessdate=16 July 2016|agency=ARY News|date=16 July 2016}}
45. ^{{cite web |url=http://wpolityce.pl/polityka/300941-prezydent-andrzej-duda-stabilizacja-w-turcji-wazna-dla-bezpieczenstwa-w-tej-czesci-swiata |title=Prezydent Andrzej Duda: Stabilizacja w Turcji ważna dla bezpieczeństwa w tej części świata |publisher=W Polityce |date=16 July 2016 |website=W Polityce |access-date=16 July 2016 |language=Polish |trans-title=President Andrzej Duda: Stabilization in Turkey Crucial for Regional Security}}
46. ^{{cite tweet |author=Kancelaria Premiera |user=premierrp |number=754095825450508288 |date=16 July 2016 |title=Na wstępie drugiego dnia szczytu #ASEM11 rozmowa premier @BeataSzydlo z kanclerz Angelą Merkel o sytuacji w Turcji. }}
47. ^{{cite web|url=http://www.mofa.gov.qa/en/SiteServices/MediaCenter/News/Pages/News20160716022139.aspx|title=Qatar Condemns Military Coup Attempt in Turkey|work=mofa.gov.qa|accessdate=16 July 2016}}
48. ^{{cite web|url=http://www.presidency.ro/ro/media/comunicate-de-presa/informarea-presedintelui-romaniei-domnul-klaus-iohannis-de-catre-institutiile-romane-competente-cu-privire-la-situatia-din-turcia|title=Romanian President reaction|work=presidency.ro|accessdate=16 July 2016}}
49. ^{{cite web | url=http://gov.ro/ro/stiri/declaratie-de-presa-a-premierului-dacian-ciolo-referitor-la-situatia-din-turcia | title=Declarație de presă a premierului Dacian Cioloș privind situația din Turcia | accessdate=16 July 2016}}
50. ^{{cite news |title=Turkish army 'takes over power' |url=https://www.bbc.com/news/live/world-europe-36811357 |newspaper=BBC News |access-date=16 July 2016}}
51. ^{{cite news|title=Saudi Arabia welcomes end of coup attempt in Turkey: state media|url=https://www.reuters.com/article/us-turkey-security-saudi-idUSKCN0ZW0MS?il=0|accessdate=21 July 2016|agency=Reuters|date=16 July 2016}}
52. ^{{cite news|title=Saudi King Salman congratulates Erdogan for return of ‘normality’ in Turkey|url=http://english.alarabiya.net/en/News/middle-east/2016/07/18/Saudi-King-Salman-congratulates-Erdogan-for-return-of-normality-in-Turkey.html|accessdate=21 July 2016|agency=Al-Arabiya|date=18 July 2016}}
53. ^{{cite news |title=Vučić pozvao građane Srbije |url=http://www.blic.rs/vesti/politika/vucic-pozvao-gradane-srbije-da-ne-idu-u-tursku/rmxxewg |newspaper=Blic News |access-date=16 July 2016}}
54. ^{{cite tweet |author=Foreign Affairs |user=MofaSomalia |number=754090000426278912 |date=15 July 2016 |title=#Somalia and #Turkey:President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud condemns an attempted coup in Turkey. #تركيا #الصومال }}
55. ^{{cite tweet |author=Foreign Affairs |user=MofaSomalia |number=754091082556792832 |date=15 July 2016 |title=President Hassan : "we are very glad to hear that the evil forces who tried to turn #Turkey into a violence ground have been defeated’’. }}
56. ^{{cite web|title=Somalia Condemns Coup Attempt in Turkey, Closes Projects Linked to Gulen|url=http://www.voanews.com/content/somalia-condemn-turkish-coup-attempt-closes-projects-linked-to-gulen/3421160.html|publisher=Voice of America|accessdate=20 July 2016}}
57. ^{{cite web|title=Somalia suspends school linked to failed Turkish coup|url=http://aa.com.tr/en/africa/somalia-suspends-school-linked-to-failed-turkish-coup/609216|publisher=Anadolu Agency|accessdate=20 July 2016}}
58. ^{{cite news| title=World leaders react to Turkey coup attempt |date=16 July 2016 |newspaper=Al Arabiya English |url=http://english.alarabiya.net/en/News/middle-east/2016/07/16/Global-leaders-react-to-attempted-coup-Turkey.html |series=Middle East| accessdate=19 July 2016| quote=South Korea's Foreign Ministry on Saturday advised its nationals to cancel planned trips to Turkey and recommended citizens now in the country to pull out. In a special travel warning, the ministry said it was considering sending a team of officials to aid South Koreans in Turkey and working to secure the safety of tourists stranded at Istanbul airport.}}
59. ^{{cite web | url=http://www.elmundo.es/internacional/2016/07/16/57898a68e5fdea87598b468d.html | title=Rajoy: "España apoya el orden constitucional democrático en Turquía, país amigo y aliado" | publisher=elmundo.es | date=16 July 2016 | accessdate=16 July 2016 | language=Spanish }}
60. ^{{cite news| title=World leaders react to Turkey coup attempt |date=16 July 2016 |newspaper=Al Arabiya English |url=http://english.alarabiya.net/en/News/middle-east/2016/07/16/Global-leaders-react-to-attempted-coup-Turkey.html |series=Middle East| accessdate=19 July 2016| quote=In Khartoum, President Omar al-Bashir condemned "the attempted coup in Turkey and the disturbance of security and stability in the country".}}
61. ^{{cite tweet |author=Pavlo Klimkin |user=PavloKlimkin |number=754115545776156672 |date=15 July 2016 |title=Now key priority for Turkey is respect for democratically elected institutions and saving people's lives. }}
62. ^{{cite tweet |author=Petro Poroshenko |user=poroshenko |number=754112395610624001 |date=15 July 2016 |title=Занепокоєний вкрай небезпечним розвитком подій в дружній Туреччині. Базові принципи демократіï мають поважатися. }}
63. ^{{cite tweet |author=Petro Poroshenko |user=poroshenko |number=754113342038478848 |date=15 July 2016 |title=Україна підтримує демократично обраного Президента й Уряд Туреччини. Доручив МЗС подбати про наших громадян на турецькій територіï }}
64. ^{{cite news |last1=Levin |first1=Sam |last2=Rawlinson |first2=Kevin |date=16 July 2016 |title=Turkey military coup: tanks open fire near parliament building – live updates |url=https://www.theguardian.com/world/live/2016/jul/15/turkey-coup-attempt-military-gunfire-ankara |newspaper=The Guardian |access-date=16 July 2016}}
65. ^{{cite web |url=http://turkey.usembassy.gov/sm_07152016.html |title=Emergency Message for U.S. Citizens: Shots Heard in Ankara, Bridges Closed in Istanbul |author=United States Embassy in Ankara, Turkey |work=Messages for US Citizens |publisher=United States Government |date=15 July 2016 |accessdate=15 July 2016 |quote=We urge U.S. citizens to contact family and friends to let them know you are safe. |deadurl=yes |archiveurl=https://web.archive.org/web/20160716023114/http://turkey.usembassy.gov/sm_07152016.html |archivedate=16 July 2016 |df= }}
66. ^{{cite news|title=Airlines, governments suspend Turkey flights after coup|url=http://www.timesofisrael.com/airlines-governments-suspend-turkey-flights-after-coup/|agency=Times of Israel|date=16 July 2016}}
67. ^{{cite web|title=Security Message: Turkey Travel Warning|url=http://turkey.usembassy.gov/sm_071616c.html|publisher=U.S. Department of State|deadurl=yes|archiveurl=https://web.archive.org/web/20160817003405/http://turkey.usembassy.gov/sm_071616c.html|archivedate=2016-08-17|df=}}
68. ^{{cite tweet |author=Department of State |user=StateDept |number=754089931169861633 |date=15 July 2016 |title=.@POTUS & @JohnKerry agreed all parties in Turkey should support the democratically-elected Gov't of Turkey, show restraint, avoid violence. }}
69. ^{{cite web|url=https://www.theguardian.com/world/2016/aug/19/venezuela-president-nicolas-maduro-warns-rivals-turkey-coup-ergodan|title=Venezuelan president warns rivals: 'Did you see what happened in Turkey?'|first=Reuters in|last=Caracas|date=19 August 2016|website=the Guardian}}
70. ^{{cite tweet |author=Hashim Thaçi |user=HashimThaciRKS |number=754223801047678976 |date=16 July 2016 |title=The stability of #Turkey is key to the whole region. In support of the democratically elected government and law and order in the country. }}
71. ^{{cite web | title=Në këto moment sfiduese për Turqinë, fuqimisht përkrah institucionet e dala nga vota me}}
72. ^"[https://www.nytimes.com/aponline/2016/07/16/world/europe/ap-eu-turkey-military-coup-the-latest.html?_r=0 The Latest: Report: Soldiers at Ankara Military HQ Detained]". The New York Times. 16 July 2016.
73. ^{{cite news|url=https://www.usnews.com/news/world/articles/2016-07-16/the-latest-government-says-at-least-60-dead-in-turkey|title=The Latest: NATO chief: All units, personnel in Turkey safe|date=16 July 2016|publisher=U.S. News|accessdate=16 July 2016}}
74. ^{{cite web|title=Mustafa Akıncı: Bu girişim Türkiye'ye hayırlı bir şey getirmez|url=http://www.ntv.com.tr/turkiye/mustafa-akinci-bu-girisim-turkiyeye-hayirli-bir-sey-getirmez,ZiV_V2fuLEmLqn-NGDbGxQ|publisher=NTV|accessdate=16 July 2016}}
75. ^{{cite web|url=http://www.mofa.gov.tw/News_Content.aspx?n=BE69228FAB8333ED&s=4A81819E994E409A |script-title=zh:土耳其疑似發生軍事政變,情勢仍在演變中,外交部提升土耳其旅遊警示為紅色警示|trans-title=|accessdate=19 July 2016|date=16 July 2016|publisher = Bureau of Consular Affairs|language = zh-hant|quote="{{lang|zh-hant|外交部提醒在土耳其商旅國人特別注意安全,切勿前往群眾聚集地點,並建議國人暫勿前往土耳其。}}"}}
76. ^{{cite web|title=Turkish Financial Markets Stutter After Failed Coup |url=https://www.wsj.com/articles/turkish-bank-yapi-kredi-cancels-bond-after-attempted-coup-1468935296|publisher=Wall Street Journal|accessdate=20 July 2016}}
77. ^{{cite web|title=Political uncertainty threatens Turkey's investment-grade rating |url=https://www.rt.com/business/352030-turkey-credit-rating-downgrade/|publisher=RT|accessdate=20 July 2016}}
{{Military coups in Turkey}}{{DEFAULTSORT:International reactions to the 2016 Turkish coup d'etat attempt}}

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