

词条 La Grande Béroche

  1. History

     Bevaix  Fresens  Gorgier  Saint-Aubin-Sauges  Vaumarcus  Montalchez 

  2. Geography

  3. Demographics

  4. Historic Population

  5. Heritage sites of national significance

     World heritage site 

  6. References

  7. External links

{{Infobox Swiss town
| subject_name = La Grande Béroche
| municipality_name = La Grande Béroche
| municipality_type = municipality
| image_photo = Chateau de Gorgier2.jpg
| image_caption = Gorgier Castle above Gorgier village
| imagepath_coa = La Grande Béroche-coat of arms.png|pixel_coa=
| map =
| languages = French
| canton = Neuchâtel
| iso-code-region = CH-NE
| district = Boudry
|coordinates = {{coord|46|54|N|6|47|E|display=inline,title}}
| postal_code = 2022-24, 2027-28
| municipality_code = 6417
| area = 45.25
| elevation = |elevation_description=
| population = 9064|populationof = December 2016 | popofyear = 2016
| website =
| mayor = |mayor_asof=|mayor_party=
| mayor_title = |list_of_mayors =
| places =
| demonym =
| neighboring_municipalities= Autavaux (FR), Boudry, Estavayer-le-Lac (FR), Forel (FR), Noiraigue, Provence (VD), Saint-Aubin-Sauges, Travers
| twintowns =
|}}La Grande Béroche is a municipality in the district of Boudry in the canton of Neuchâtel in Switzerland. On 1 January 2018 the former municipalities of Bevaix, Fresens, Gorgier, Montalchez, Saint-Aubin-Sauges and Vaumarcus merged to form the new municipality.[1]



Bevaix is first mentioned in 998 as in villa Bevacensi. In 1139 it was mentioned as Betuaci.[2]


Fresens is first mentioned in 1265 as Hiremanz dit de Fressen.[3]


Gorgier is first mentioned in 1252 as de Corgie.[4]


Saint-Aubin-Sauges is first mentioned in 1176 as Sancti Albini. In 1340 it was mentioned as villa de Sauges.[5]


Vaumarcus was first mentioned in 1227 as Valmarcuel.[6]

It was created in 1875 as a merger of Vaumarcus and Vernéaz, and was called Vaumarcus-Vernéaz until 1966.


Montalchez is first mentioned in 1340 as villa de Montallichie.[7]


After the merger, La Grande Béroche has an area, {{as of|2009|lc=on}}, of {{Swiss area|6417|mi=on}}.{{Swiss area data|6417|QUELLE}}


The new municipality has a population ({{as of|{{Swiss populations YM|CH-NE}}|lc=on}}) of {{Swiss populations|CH-NE|6417}}.{{Swiss populations ref|CH-NE}}

Historic Population

The historical population is given in the following chart:[8]


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till:2487 text:"222" color:MO  bar:1930 from: 2228 till:2446 text:"218" color:MO  bar:1941 from: 2320 till:2528 text:"208" color:MO  bar:1950 from: 2376 till:2583 text:"207" color:MO  bar:1960 from: 2566 till:2726 text:"160" color:MO  bar:1970 from: 3246 till:3381 text:"135" color:MO  bar:1980 from: 4120 till:4264 text:"144" color:MO  bar:1990 from: 5407 till:5564 text:"157" color:MO  bar:2000 from: 5596 till:5780 text:"184" color:MO  bar:2010 from: 5982 till:6217 text:"235" color:MO  bar:1850 from: 2137 till:2915 text:"778" color:SA  bar:1860 from: 2309 till:3129 text:"820" color:SA  bar:1870 from: 2367 till:3176 text:"809" color:SA  bar:1880 from: 2498 till:3436 text:"938" color:SA  bar:1888 from: 2382 till:3372 text:"990" color:SA  bar:1900 from: 2565 till:3670 text:"1105" color:SA  bar:1910 from: 2413 till:3620 text:"1207" color:SA  bar:1920 from: 2487 till:3726 text:"1239" color:SA  bar:1930 from: 2446 till:3620 text:"1174" color:SA  bar:1941 from: 2528 till:3766 text:"1238" color:SA  bar:1950 from: 2583 till:3941 text:"1358" color:SA  bar:1960 from: 2726 till:4286 text:"1560" color:SA  bar:1970 from: 3381 till:5439 text:"2058" color:SA  bar:1980 from: 4264 till:6349 text:"2085" color:SA  bar:1990 from: 5564 till:7817 text:"2253" color:SA  bar:2000 from: 5780 till:8206 text:"2426" color:SA  bar:2010 from: 6217 till:8649 text:"2432" color:SA  bar:1850 from: 2915 till:3147 text:"232" color:VA  bar:1860 from: 3129 till:3346 text:"217" color:VA  bar:1870 from: 3176 till:3410 text:"234" color:VA  bar:1880 from: 3436 till:3634 text:"198" color:VA  bar:1888 from: 3372 till:3575 text:"203" color:VA  bar:1900 from: 3670 till:3817 text:"147" color:VA  bar:1910 from: 3620 till:3789 text:"169" color:VA  bar:1920 from: 3726 till:3883 text:"157" color:VA  bar:1930 from: 3620 till:3786 text:"166" color:VA  bar:1941 from: 3766 till:3942 text:"176" color:VA  bar:1950 from: 3941 till:4109 text:"168" color:VA  bar:1960 from: 4286 till:4431 text:"145" color:VA  bar:1970 from: 5439 till:5579 text:"140" color:VA  bar:1980 from: 6349 till:6516 text:"167" color:VA  bar:1990 from: 7817 till:7998 text:"181" color:VA  bar:2000 from: 8206 till:8397 text:"191" color:VA  bar:2010 from: 8649 till:8913 text:"264" color:VA

Heritage sites of national significance

The prehistoric lake shore settlement at Baie De Bevaix, the neolithic funerary and cultural center of Treytel-A Sugiez in Bevaix, Gorgier Castle, the Gallo-Roman settlement at La Béroche and a prehistoric lake shore settlement in Gorgier, La Béroche, a Gallo-Roman settlement, and the neolithic settlement at Port Conty / Tivoli in Saint-Aubin-Sauges, the La Redoute Des Bourguignons, a prehistoric site and hallstatt tumulus in Vaumarcus are all listed as Swiss heritage site of national significance.[9]

World heritage site

The new municipality is home to three prehistoric sites which are part of the Prehistoric Pile dwellings around the Alps UNESCO World Heritage Site. Bevaix is home to the L’Abbaye 2 site, Gorgier has the Les Argilliez site and Saint-Aubin-Sauges has the Port-Conty site each of which is a prehistoric pile-dwelling (or stilt house) settlement.[10]

L'Abbaye 2 is a Bronze Age submerged site located near the L'Abbaye 1 Neolithic site. The former village at L'Abbaye 2 is about {{convert|180|m|ft|sp=us}} from the lake shore and consisted of a number of stilt houses. It has been dendrochronologically dated to 1040-986 BC. The village site covers an area of about {{convert|150|by|80|m|ft|abbr=on}} and was probably connected to the shore by a foot bridge. About 400 Bronze Age objects have been discovered in the water around the village.[11]

The Les Argilliez site consists of two villages. One is a Classical Cortaillod village with 6 piles dated between 3841 and 3817 BC. The other is a Late Cortaillod site with 2 piles from 3531 to 3528 BC. Both villages are in a small bay about {{convert|200|m|ft|abbr=on}} north of the Chez-le-Bart 1 site. The remains of the villages are still quite visible underwater and stretch over an area of about {{convert|150|x|50|m|ft|abbr=on}}. Some stone axes, antler ax handles and pottery fragments have been discovered.[11]

Port-Conty has two neolithic settlements. The first is a Late Cortaillod or Port-Conty type Cortaillod village. One piece of timber from this site has been dated to 3574. The second village is a Late Horgen village. Five of the piles are from 3160 and 3159, and two piles are from 3064 and 3062. The site was discovered in 1860 by F. Troyon, who originally thought it was a Bronze Age village. Further excavations in the late 19th and early 20th century found that it was a neolithic site. In 1929-1932, P. Vouga dug a long ({{convert|55|m|ft|abbr=on|disp=x| [|]}}) {{convert|1|to|1.5|m|ft|abbr=on}} deep trench to examine a single layer. He found three archaeological horizons which were from the Middle Neolithic, the Late Neolithic and the end of the Late Neolithic. Based on his study, it appears that the site was covered by an artificial mound which was {{convert|20|x|10|m|ft|abbr=on}} and about {{convert|70|cm|ftin|abbr=on}} deep. It was built in two stages, with a layer of branches between the layers.[11]


1. ^Amtliches Gemeindeverzeichnis der Schweiz published by the Swiss Federal Statistical Office {{de icon}} accessed 27 April 2016
2. ^{{HDS|2824|Bevaix}}
3. ^{{HDS|2831|Fresens}}
4. ^{{HDS|2832|Gorgier}}
5. ^{{HDS|2836|Saint-Aubin-Sauges}}
6. ^{{HDS|3207|Vaumarcus}}
7. ^{{HDS|2833|Montalchez}}
8. ^[https://www.pxweb.bfs.admin.ch/default.aspx?px_language=de Swiss Federal Statistical Office STAT-TAB Bevölkerungsentwicklung nach institutionellen Gliederungen, 1850-2000 ] {{de icon}} accessed 27 April 2016
9. ^{{cite web |url=http://www.babs.admin.ch/de/aufgabenbabs/kgs/inventar/a-objekte.html |title= Swiss inventory of cultural property of national and regional significance|date= 1 January 2017|website=A-Objects |publisher=Federal Office for Cultural Protection (BABS) |access-date= 6 September 2017}}
10. ^UNESCO World Heritage Site - Prehistoric Pile dwellings around the Alps
11. ^Palafittes.org nominating documents-Volume II: Id-files of the component parts of the serial, section 2 accessed 18 October 2011

External links

{{commons category}}{{Municipalities of the district of Boudry}}

1 : Municipalities of the canton of Neuchâtel





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