

词条 List of computational chemists

This is a list of persons known for work in computational chemistry.

  • Reinhart Ahlrichs (1940–2016), developer of TURBOMOLE
  • Norman Allinger (c. 1928–), developer of force fields for molecular dynamics
  • Evert Jan Baerends (1945–), developer of Amsterdam Density Functional
  • F. Matthias Bickelhaupt (1965–), quantum chemical models of chemical bonding, reactivity, and catalysis
  • Michael Buehl (1962–), known for his work on modelling of homogeneous catalysis and molecular dynamics of transition metal complexes
  • Roberto Car (1947–), developer of Car–Parrinello method
  • Emily A. Carter, known for orbital free DFT
  • James R. Chelikowsky, developer of PARSEC
  • G Marius Clore (1955-), known for development of simulated annealing methods for solving three-dimensional structures of proteins and nucleic acids by NMR. Co-developer of XPLOR-NIH and CNS
  • David P. Craig (1919–2015), known for Ab initio quantum chemistry methods
  • Michael J. S. Dewar (1918–1997), developer of MOPAC
  • Robert Dirks (1978–2015), known for work in nucleic acid structure prediction and design
  • Vladimir Fock (1898–1974), developer of Hartree–Fock method
  • Richard A. Friesner (1952–), developer of Jaguar
  • Jürgen Gauß, developer of CFOUR and ACES III
  • William Andrew Goddard III, developer of Jaguar and ReaxFF
  • Mark S Gordon (1942–), developer of GAMESS (US)
  • Corwin Hansch (1918–2011), known for the Hansch equation and for QSAR
  • Douglas Hartree (1897–1958), developer of Hartree–Fock method
  • Martin Head-Gordon (1962–), developer of Q-Chem
  • Trygve Helgaker (1953–), developer of Dalton
  • Poul Jørgensen (1944–), developer of Dalton
  • William L. Jorgensen (1949–), developer of BOSS and OPLS
  • Martin Karplus (1930–), winner of the 2013 Nobel Prize in Chemistry for "the development of multiscale models for complex chemical systems"
  • Walter Kohn (1923–2016), winner of 1998 Nobel Prize in Chemistry "for his development of the density-functional theory", developer of Kohn–Sham equations
  • Peter Kollman (1944–2001), developer of AMBER force field
  • Włodzimierz Kołos (1928 – 1996), pioneer of accurate calculations on the electronic structure of molecules
  • Cyrus Levinthal (1922–1990), father of computer display of protein structure
  • Michael Levitt (1947–), winner of the 2013 Nobel Prize in Chemistry for "the development of multiscale models for complex chemical systems"
  • Hans Lischka (1943-), developer of COLUMBUS
  • Frank Neese (1967–), lead author of the ORCA quantum chemistry program package
  • Anthony Nicholls, developer of DelPhi and CEO of OpenEye Scientific Software
  • Rudolph Pariser (1923–), developer of Pariser–Parr–Pople method
  • Robert Parr (1921–2017), developer of Pariser–Parr–Pople method
  • Michele Parrinello (1945–), developer of Car–Parrinello method
  • John Pople (1925–2004), winner of 1998 Nobel Prize in Chemistry "for his development of computational methods in quantum chemistry", developer of Pariser–Parr–Pople method
  • Kenneth Ruud (1969–), developer of Dalton
  • Yousef Saad, developer of PARSEC
  • Chris Sander, developer of WHAT IF
  • Joachim Sauer (1949–), codeveloper of QMPOT
  • Henry F. Schaefer, III (1944-), director of the Center for Computational Chemistry and developer of PSI (computational chemistry)
  • Lu Jeu Sham (1938–), developer of Kohn–Sham equations
  • Carlos Simmerling, developer of AMBER force field
  • Donald Truhlar (1944–), developer of Minnesota functionals
  • Giovanni Vignale (1957–), known for density functional theory
  • Arieh Warshel (1940–), winner of the 2013 Nobel Prize in Chemistry for "the development of multiscale models for complex chemical systems"
  • Weitao Yang (1961–), known for density functional theory

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