

词条 List of Greek and Latin roots in English/N

  1. N

  2. References


Root Meaning in English Origin language Etymology (root origin) English examples
nap- turnip Latin la|nāpus}} napiform, neep
nar- nostril Latin la|naris}} internarial, nares, narial, naris, prenarial
narc-[1] numb Greek grc|ναρκάω|ναρκᾶν}} ({{grc-transl|ναρκᾶν}}), {{wikt-lang|grc|νάρκη}} ({{grc-transl|νάρκη}}) narcolepsy, narcosis, narcotic
narr- tell Latin la|narro|narrare}} counternarrative, inenarrable, narration, narrative, narrator
nas- nose Latin la|nāsus}} intranasal, nasal, nasalance, nasalis, nasality, nasolabial, nonnasal
nasc-, nat- born Latin la|nascere}}, {{wikt-lang|la|nāsci}} (past participle {{lang|la|natus}}) adnascent, adnate, adnation, agnate, agnatic, agnation, binational, cognate, cognatic, cognation, connascence, connascent, connate, connation, connatural, denature, enascent, enate, enatic, enation, impregnate, innate, international, multinational, nada, naïf, naissant, naïve, nascency, nascent, natal, natality, nation, national, nationality, native, nativity, natural, naturality, nature, née, nonnative, postnatal, pregnancy, pregnant, prenatal, preternatural, renaissance, renaissant, renascence, renascent, renature, subnational, supernatural, supranational, transnational, transnationality
naut-[2] ship Greek grc|ναῦς}} ({{grc-transl|ναῦς}}), {{wikt-lang|grc|ναύτης}} ({{grc-transl|ναύτης}}) aeronautic, Argonaut, astronaut, cosmonaut, nausea, nautical, nautilus
nav- ship Latin la|nāvis}} antenave, naval, nave, navicular, navigable, navigate, navy, nonnavigable
ne-[3] spin, thread Greek grc|νέω|νεῖν}} ({{grc-transl|νεῖν}}), {{wikt-lang|grc|νῆσις}} "spinning", νῆμα, νήματος ({{grc-transl|νῆμα}}, nḗmatos) axoneme, diplonema, leptonema, nematocyst, nematocyte, nematode, nematology, pachynema, synnema, treponema, zygonema
ne-, neo-[4] new Greek grc|νέϝος}}, {{wikt-lang|grc|νέος}} ({{grc-transl|νέος}}) Neolithic, neologism, neon, neonate, neophyte
neb-, nub- cloud Latin la|nebula}}, {{wikt-lang|la|nubes}} nebula, nebular, nebulosity, nebulous, nuance, nubilous, obnubilate
necr-[5] dead Greek grc|νεκρός}} ({{grc-transl|νεκρός}}), {{lang|grc|νέκρωσις}} ({{grc-transl|νέκρωσις}}) necromancy, Necronomicon, necrophilia, necrophobia, necropolis, necropsy, necrosis, necrospermia, necrotic, necrotize, necrotomy
nect- swimming Greek grc|νηκτός}} ({{grc-transl|νηκτός}}) nectopod, nekton
nect-, nex- join, tie Latin la|necto|nectere}}, {{wikt-lang|la|nexus}} adnexum, annectent, annex, annexation, annexion, connect, connexion, deannexation, disconnect, interconnect, nexus, reconnect
neg- say no Latin la|nego|negare}} negative, renegade, renege
nem-, nom-[6] arrangement, law Greek νέμειν (némein), νομός ({{grc-transl>νομός}}), νόμος ({{grc-transl|νόμος}}), νέμεσις (némesis), νομάς, νομάδος (nomás, nomádos), νομαδικός (nomadikós), νομαδία, νομή, νομίζειν (nomízein), νόμισμα (nómisma) anomie, anomy, antinome, antinomic, antinomy, archnemesis, autonomy, isonomy, metronomic, nemesis, nomad, nomadic, nomadism, nomadize, nomarch, nomarchy, nome, nomology, nomothetic, Numidia, numismatics
nemat- hair Greek grc|νῆμα|νῆμα, νήματος}} ({{grc-transl|νῆμα, νήματος}}) nematocyst, nematocyte, nematode, nematology
nemor- grove, woods Latin la|nemus}}, {{lang|la|nemoris}} nemoral, nemorous
nephr-[7] kidney Greek grc|νεφρός}} ({{grc-transl|νεφρός}}) mesonephric, mesonephros, metanephridium, metanephros, nephridiopore, nephridium, nephrite, nephritis, nephrogenesis, nephrolith, nephrolithiasis, nephrologist, nephrology, nephron, nephroptosis, nephrostome, pronephros, protonephridium
nerv- sinew, nerve Latin la|nervus}} enervate, enervation, enervative, innervate, innervation, nerval, nervate, nerve, nervose, nervosity, nervous, reinnervation, trinervate
nes-[8] island Greek grc|νῆσος}} ({{grc-transl|νῆσος}}) Chersonesus, Indonesia, Micronesia, Peloponnese, Polynesia
neur-[9] nerve, sinew Greek grc|νεῦρον}} ({{grc-transl|νεῦρον}}) aponeurosis, endoneurium, epineurium, neural, neurapraxia, neurasthenia, neuritis, neuroblast, neuroblastoma, neurocranium, neurocyte, neuroendocrine, neuroendocrinology, neurologic, neurologist, neurology, neuromorphology, neuron, neurone, neuropathic, neuropathology, neuropathy, neuroplastic, neurosis, neurosurgeon, neurosurgery, neurotic, neuroticism, perineurium, polyneuropathy
nict- beckon, wink Latin {{lang>la|nictari}} nictate, nictation, nictitate, nictitation
nigr- black Latin la|niger}} denigrate, denigration, denigrative, denigrator, negrita, nigrities, negrito, negritude, nigrescence, nigrescent, nigrine, nigritude
nihil- nothing Latin la|nihilum}} annihilate, annihilation, annihilator, nihil, nil
niv- snow Latin la|nix}}, {{lang|la|nivis}} Nevada, névé, nival, nivation, niveus, subnival, subnivean
noc- hurt, harm Latin la|nocere}} innocence, innocent, innocuity, innocuous, innoxious, nocebo, nocent, nociception, nociceptive, nocifensor, nocument, nocuous, noxious, nuisance, obnoxious
noct- night Latin la|nox}} ({{lang|la|noctis}}) equinoctial, equinox, noctambulous, noctiluca, noctilucent, noctule, nocturn, nocturnal, nocturnality, nocturne, notturno, seminocturnal, trinoctial
nod- knot Latin la|nodus}} acnode, binodal, crunode, denouement, extranodal, internodal, internode, intranodal, multinodal, nodal, node, nodose, nodosity, nodular, nodulation, nodule, nodulose, nodulus, nodus, supernode, tacnode, trinodal, uninodal
nom- arrangement, law, order Greek grc|νόμος}} ({{grc-transl|νόμος}}), {{lang|grc|νομή}} agronomy, antinomy, astronomy, autonomous, autonomy, bionomics, economics, economy, gastronomy, metronome, numismatic, polynomial, taxonomy
nomad- those who let pasture herds Greek grc|νομάς|νομάς, νομάδος}} ({{grc-transl|νομάς, νομάδος}}), {{lang|grc|νομαδικός}} ({{grc-transl|νομαδικός}}) nomad, nomadic, nomadism, nomadize
nomen-, nomin- name Latin la|nomen}}, {{lang|la|nominis}}binominal}}, denomination, denominational, denominative, denominator, ignominious, ignominy, innominate, innomine, interdenominational, multidenominational, multinominal, nomenclator, nomenclature, nominal, nominate, nomination, nominative, nominator, nominee, nondenominational, noun, postnominal, praenomen, prenominal, pronominal, pronoun, redenomination, renominate, renown, surnominal, trinomen, {{Not a typo|trinominal}}
non- not Latin la|non}} none, nonexistent, non-fiction, noninvasive
non- ninth Latin la|nōnus}} nonary, None, nonet, noon
nonagen- ninety each Latin la|nonageni}} nonagenarian, nonagenary
nonagesim- ninetieth Latin la|nonagesimus}} nonagesimal
norm- carpenter's square Latin la|norma}} abnormal, abnormality, binormal, circumnormal, denormal, enormity, enormous, nonnormal, nonnormative, norm, normable, normal, normality, normative, quasinorm, seminorm, seminormable, seminormal, subnormal
not-[10] south Greek grc|νότος}} ({{grc-transl|νότος}}) Notogaea, Notomys, Nototherium
not-[11] back Greek grc|νῶτον}} ({{grc-transl|νῶτον}}), {{lang|grc|νῶτος, νωτιαῖος}} notochord
not- letter, mark, note Latin la|noto|notare}} annotate, annotation, annotator, connotation, connotational, connotative, connote, denotation, denotational, denotative, denotatum, denote, nondenotative, nonnotable, nonnotational, notability, notable, notarial, notariat, notary, notate, notation, notational
noth-[12] spurious Greek grc|νόθος}} ({{grc-transl|νόθος}}) nothogenus
nov- nine Latin la|novem}} November, novennial
nov- new Latin la|novus}} innovate, innovation, innovational, innovative, innovator, innovatory, nova, novation, novel, novella, novelty, novice, novitiate, renovatable, renovate, renovation, renovative, renovator, supernova
noven- nine each Latin la|noveni}} Novena, novenary
novendec- nineteen Latin la|novendecim}} novemdecillion
nox- harm Latin la|noxa}} noxious, obnoxious
nu- nod Latin la|nuo|nuere}} circumnutate, circumnutation, counternutation, innuendo, innuent, numen, numinous, nutant, nutation
nub-, nupt- to marry, to wed Latin la|nubes}}, {{lang|la|nubis}}, {{wikt-lang|la|nubo|nubere}} connubial, connubiality, nubile, nuptial, postnuptial, prenuptial
nuc- nut Latin la|nux}}, {{lang|la|nucis}} enucleate, enucleation, extranuclear, internuclear, intranuclear, multinucleate, nougat, nucament, nucellar, nucellus, nucifer, nuciferine, nuciferous, nuciform, Nucifraga, nucivorous, nuclear, nucleate, nucleation, nucleolar, nucleolate, nucleolus, nucleus, pronuclear, pronucleus, supranuclear
nuch- back of neck Latin la|nucha}} nuchal cord
nud- naked Latin la|nudus}} denudation, denude, nonnude, nude, nudist, nudity, seminude, seminudity
null- none Latin la|nullus}} nullify
numer- number Latin la|numerus}} denumerable, enumerable, enumerate, enumeration, enumerative, enumerator, equinumerant, equinumerous, innumerable, innumeracy, innumerate, innumerous, nonenumerative, numerable, numeracy, numéraire, numeral, numerary, numerate, numeration, numerative, numerator, numerical, numero, numerosity, numerous, renumerate, supernumerary
nunci- announce Latin la|nuntius}} announce, announcement, annunciation, denounce, denouncement, denunciation, enounce, enouncement, enunciable, enunciate, enunciation, enunciative, internuncial, internuncio, nunciature, nuncio, obnounce, pronounce, pronouncement, pronunciation, pronuntiatio, renounce, renouncement, renunciation
nutri- nourish Latin la|nutrio|nutrire}} innutrition, malnourish, malnourishment, malnutrition, nonnutritional, nourish, nourishment, nurse, nurturance, nurture, nutrient, nutriment, nutrition, nutritional, nutritious
nyct-[13] night Greek grc|νύξ|νύξ, νυκτός}} ({{grc-transl|νύξ, νυκτός}}) nyctalgia, nyctanthous, nyctinasty, nyctophilia, nyctophobia
nyst- nod Greek νυστάζειν ({{grc-transl>νυστάζειν}}), (nustagmós) electronystagmography, nystagmic, nystagmus


1. ^{{LSJ|narka/w|ναρκάω|shortref}}
2. ^{{LSJ|nau{{=}}s|ναῦς|shortref}}
3. ^{{LSJ|ne/w2|νέω|shortref}}
4. ^{{LSJ|ne/os|νέος|shortref}}
5. ^{{LSJ|nekro/s|νεκρός|shortref}}
6. ^{{LSJ|ne/mw|νέμω|shortref}}
7. ^{{LSJ|nefro/s|νεφρός|shortref}}
8. ^{{LSJ|nh{{=}}sos|νῆσος|shortref}}
9. ^{{LSJ|neu{{=}}ron|νεῦρον|shortref}}
10. ^{{LSJ|no/tos|νότος|shortref}}
11. ^{{LSJ|nw{{=}}ton|νῶτον|shortref}}
12. ^{{LSJ|no/qos|νόθος|shortref}}
13. ^{{LSJ|nu/c|νύξ|shortref}}

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