Minor planet | Name Meaning | Common names | CrossRefs |
702 Alauda | Alauda (genus) | larks | 702|MoMP}}{{·}}{{LoMP|702|LoMP}} |
706 Hirundo | Hirundo (genus) | passerines | 706|MoMP}}{{·}}{{LoMP|706|LoMP}} |
709 Fringilla | Fringilla (genus) | finches | 709|MoMP}}{{·}}{{LoMP|709|LoMP}} |
713 Luscinia | Luscinia (genus) | smallish passerine birds, nightingales | 713|MoMP}}{{·}}{{LoMP|713|LoMP}} |
1320 Impala | Aepyceros melampus | Impala, medium-sized antelope | 1320|MoMP}}{{·}}{{LoMP|1320|LoMP}} |
2731 Cucula | Cuculus (genus) | Cuckoo | 2731|MoMP}}{{·}}{{LoMP|2731|LoMP}} |
2089 Cetacea | Cetacea (clade) | whales, dolphines, porpoise | 2089|MoMP}}{{·}}{{LoMP|2089|LoMP}} |
2868 Upupa | Upupa epops | hoopoe | 2868|MoMP}}{{·}}{{LoMP|2868|LoMP}} |
4198 Panthera | Panthera (genus) | big cat | 4198|MoMP}}{{·}}{{LoMP|4198|LoMP}} |
4471 Graculus | pyrrhocorax graculus - Alpine chough
- yellow-billed chough
| 4471|MoMP}}{{·}}{{LoMP|4471|LoMP}} |
5026 Martes | martes martes and martes foina | pine marten and beech marten | 5026|MoMP}}{{·}}{{LoMP|5026|LoMP}} |
6043 Aurochs | aurochs (Bos primigenius) | 6043|MoMP}}{{·}}{{LoMP|6043|LoMP}} |
6827 Wombat | Vombatidae (family) | Wombat | 6827|MoMP}}{{·}}{{LoMP|6827|LoMP}} |
7334 Sciurus | Sciurus (genus) | squirrel | 7334|MoMP}}{{·}}{{LoMP|7334|LoMP}} |
7464 Vipera | Viperidae (family) | viper snake family | 7464|MoMP}}{{·}}{{LoMP|7464|LoMP}} |
7613 ʻAkikiki - ʻakikiki (Oreomystis bairdi)
- Kaua`i creeper
| 7613|MoMP}}{{·}}{{LoMP|7613|LoMP}} |
8433 Brachyrhynchus | Anser brachyrhynchus | Pink-footed goose | 8433|MoMP}}{{·}}{{LoMP|8433|LoMP}} |
8434 Columbianus | Cygnus columbianus | Tundra swan | 8434|MoMP}}{{·}}{{LoMP|8434|LoMP}} |
8435 Anser | Anser anser | Greylag goose | 8435|MoMP}}{{·}}{{LoMP|8435|LoMP}} |
8436 Leucopsis | Branta leucopsis | Barnacle goose | 8436|MoMP}}{{·}}{{LoMP|8436|LoMP}} |
8437 Bernicla | Branta bernicla | Brent goose | 8437|MoMP}}{{·}}{{LoMP|8437|LoMP}} |
8438 Marila | Aythya marila | Greater scaup | 8438|MoMP}}{{·}}{{LoMP|8438|LoMP}} |
8439 Albellus | Mergellus albellus | Smew | 8439|MoMP}}{{·}}{{LoMP|8439|LoMP}} |
8440 Wigeon | Anas penelope | Wigeon | 8440|MoMP}}{{·}}{{LoMP|8440|LoMP}} |
8441 Lapponica | Limosa lapponica | Bar-tailed godwit | 8441|MoMP}}{{·}}{{LoMP|8441|LoMP}} |
8442 Ostralegus | Haematopus ostralegus | Eurasian oystercatcher | 8442|MoMP}}{{·}}{{LoMP|8442|LoMP}} |
8443 Svecica | Luscinia svecica | Bluethroat | 8443|MoMP}}{{·}}{{LoMP|8443|LoMP}} |
8564 Anomalocaris | Anomalocaris (genus) | meaning abnormal shrimp, an extinct genus of anomalocaridid | 8564|MoMP}}{{·}}{{LoMP|8564|LoMP}} |
8586 Epops | upupa epops | hoopoe | 8586|MoMP}}{{·}}{{LoMP|8586|LoMP}} |
8587 Ruficollis | tachybaptus ruficollis | little grebe | 8587|MoMP}}{{·}}{{LoMP|8587|LoMP}} |
8588 Avosetta | recurvirostra avosetta | pied avocet | 8588|MoMP}}{{·}}{{LoMP|8588|LoMP}} |
8589 Stellaris | botaurus stellaris | great bittern | 8589|MoMP}}{{·}}{{LoMP|8589|LoMP}} |
8590 Pygargus | circus pygargus | Montagu's harrier | 8590|MoMP}}{{·}}{{LoMP|8590|LoMP}} |
8591 Excubitor | lanius excubitor | great grey shrike | 8591|MoMP}}{{·}}{{LoMP|8591|LoMP}} |
8592 Rubetra | saxicola rubetra | whinchat | 8592|MoMP}}{{·}}{{LoMP|8592|LoMP}} |
8593 Angustirostris | marmaronetta angustirostris | marbled duck | 8593|MoMP}}{{·}}{{LoMP|8593|LoMP}} |
8594 Albifrons | sterna albifrons | little tern | 8594|MoMP}}{{·}}{{LoMP|8594|LoMP}} |
8595 Dougallii | sterna dougallii | roseate tern | 8595|MoMP}}{{·}}{{LoMP|8595|LoMP}} |
8596 Alchata | pterocles alchata | pin-tailed sandgrouse | 8596|MoMP}}{{·}}{{LoMP|8596|LoMP}} |
8597 Sandvicensis | sterna sandvicensis | sandwich tern | 8597|MoMP}}{{·}}{{LoMP|8597|LoMP}} |
8598 Tetrix | tetrao tetrix | black grouse | 8598|MoMP}}{{·}}{{LoMP|8598|LoMP}} |
8599 Riparia | riparia riparia | sand martin | 8599|MoMP}}{{·}}{{LoMP|8599|LoMP}} |
8600 Arundinaceus | acrocephalus arundinaceus | great reed warbler | 8600|MoMP}}{{·}}{{LoMP|8600|LoMP}} |
8601 Ciconia | ciconia ciconia | white stork | 8601|MoMP}}{{·}}{{LoMP|8601|LoMP}} |
8602 Oedicnemus | burhinus oedicnemus | stone curlew | 8602|MoMP}}{{·}}{{LoMP|8602|LoMP}} |
8603 Senator | lanius senator | woodchat shrike | 8603|MoMP}}{{·}}{{LoMP|8603|LoMP}} |
8750 Nettarufina | netta rufina | red-crested pochard | 8750|MoMP}}{{·}}{{LoMP|8750|LoMP}} |
8751 Nigricollis | podiceps nigricollis | black-necked grebe | 8751|MoMP}}{{·}}{{LoMP|8751|LoMP}} |
8752 Flammeus | asio flammeus | short-eared owl | 8752|MoMP}}{{·}}{{LoMP|8752|LoMP}} |
8753 Nycticorax | nycticorax nycticorax | black-crowned night heron | 8753|MoMP}}{{·}}{{LoMP|8753|LoMP}} |
8754 Leucorodia | platalea leucorodia | spoonbill | 8754|MoMP}}{{·}}{{LoMP|8754|LoMP}} |
8755 Querquedula | anas querquedula | garganey | 8755|MoMP}}{{·}}{{LoMP|8755|LoMP}} |
8756 Mollissima | somateria mollissima | common eider | 8756|MoMP}}{{·}}{{LoMP|8756|LoMP}} |
8757 Cyaneus | circus cyaneus | hen harrier | 8757|MoMP}}{{·}}{{LoMP|8757|LoMP}} |
8758 Perdix | perdix perdix | grey partridge | 8758|MoMP}}{{·}}{{LoMP|8758|LoMP}} |
8759 Porzana | Porzana (genus) | crakes | 8759|MoMP}}{{·}}{{LoMP|8759|LoMP}} |
8760 Crex | crex crex | corncrake | 8760|MoMP}}{{·}}{{LoMP|8760|LoMP}} |
8761 Crane | Grus (genus) | cranes | 8761|MoMP}}{{·}}{{LoMP|8761|LoMP}} |
8762 Hiaticula | charadrius hiaticula | ringed plover | 8762|MoMP}}{{·}}{{LoMP|8762|LoMP}} |
8763 Pugnax | hilonachus pugnax | ruff | 8763|MoMP}}{{·}}{{LoMP|8763|LoMP}} |
8764 Gallinago | Gallinago (genus) | snipe | 8764|MoMP}}{{·}}{{LoMP|8764|LoMP}} |
8765 Limosa | Limosa (genus) | godwits | 8765|MoMP}}{{·}}{{LoMP|8765|LoMP}} |
8767 Commontern | common tern (sterna hirundo) | 8767|MoMP}}{{·}}{{LoMP|8767|LoMP}} |
8768 Barnowl | barn owl (tyto alba) | 8768|MoMP}}{{·}}{{LoMP|8768|LoMP}} |
8769 Arctictern | Arctic tern (sterna paradisaea) | 8769|MoMP}}{{·}}{{LoMP|8769|LoMP}} |
8770 Totanus | tringa totanus | common redshank | 8770|MoMP}}{{·}}{{LoMP|8770|LoMP}} |
8771 Biarmicus | panurus biarmicus | bearded tit | 8771|MoMP}}{{·}}{{LoMP|8771|LoMP}} |
8773 Torquilla | jynx torquilla | wryneck | 8773|MoMP}}{{·}}{{LoMP|8773|LoMP}} |
8774 Viridis | picus viridis | green woodpecker | 8774|MoMP}}{{·}}{{LoMP|8774|LoMP}} |
8959 Oenanthe | oenanthe oenanthe | wheatear | 8959|MoMP}}{{·}}{{LoMP|8959|LoMP}} |
8960 Luscinioides | locustella luscinioides | Savi's warbler | 8960|MoMP}}{{·}}{{LoMP|8960|LoMP}} |
8961 Schoenobaenus | acrocephalus schoenobaenus | sedge warbler | 8961|MoMP}}{{·}}{{LoMP|8961|LoMP}} |
8962 Noctua | athene noctua | little owl | 8962|MoMP}}{{·}}{{LoMP|8962|LoMP}} |
8963 Collurio | lanius collurio | red-backed shrike | 8963|MoMP}}{{·}}{{LoMP|8963|LoMP}} |
8964 Corax | corvus corax | raven | 8964|MoMP}}{{·}}{{LoMP|8964|LoMP}} |
8965 Citrinella | emberiza citrinella | yellowhammer | 8965|MoMP}}{{·}}{{LoMP|8965|LoMP}} |
8966 Hortulana | emberiza hortulana | ortolan bunting | 8966|MoMP}}{{·}}{{LoMP|8966|LoMP}} |
8967 Calandra | miliaria calandra | corn bunting | 8967|MoMP}}{{·}}{{LoMP|8967|LoMP}} |
8968 Europaeus | caprimulgus europaeus | nightjar | 8968|MoMP}}{{·}}{{LoMP|8968|LoMP}} |
8969 Alexandrinus | charadrius alexandrinus | Kentish plover | 8969|MoMP}}{{·}}{{LoMP|8969|LoMP}} |
8970 Islandica | bucephala islandica | Barrow's goldeneye | 8970|MoMP}}{{·}}{{LoMP|8970|LoMP}} |
8971 Leucocephala | cxyura leucocephala | white-headed duck | 8971|MoMP}}{{·}}{{LoMP|8971|LoMP}} |
8972 Sylvatica | turnix sylvatica | Andalusian hemipode | 8972|MoMP}}{{·}}{{LoMP|8972|LoMP}} |
8973 Pratincola | glareola pratincola | wading bird, or collared pratincole | 8973|MoMP}}{{·}}{{LoMP|8973|LoMP}} |
8974 Gregaria | chettusia gregaria | sociable plover | 8974|MoMP}}{{·}}{{LoMP|8974|LoMP}} |
8975 Atthis | alcedo atthis | kingfisher | 8975|MoMP}}{{·}}{{LoMP|8975|LoMP}} |
8976 Leucura | oenanthe leucura | black wheatear | 8976|MoMP}}{{·}}{{LoMP|8976|LoMP}} |
8977 Paludicola | acrocephalus paludicola | aquatic warbler | 8977|MoMP}}{{·}}{{LoMP|8977|LoMP}} |
8978 Barbatus | gypaetus barbatus | lammergeier | 8978|MoMP}}{{·}}{{LoMP|8978|LoMP}} |
8979 Clanga | aquila clanga | greater spotted eagle | 8979|MoMP}}{{·}}{{LoMP|8979|LoMP}} |
8980 Heliaca | aquila heliaca | imperial eagle | 8980|MoMP}}{{·}}{{LoMP|8980|LoMP}} |
9879 Mammuthus | Mammuthus (genus) | woolly mammoth | 9879|MoMP}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9879|LoMP}} |
9880 Stegosaurus | Stegosaurus (genus) | stegosaurus | 9880|MoMP}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9880|LoMP}} |
9937 Triceratops | Triceratops (genus) | triceratops | 9937|MoMP}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9937|LoMP}} |
9941 Iguanodon | Iguanodon (genus) | iguanodon | 9941|MoMP}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9941|LoMP}} |
9949 Brontosaurus | Brontosaurus (genus) | brontosaurus | 9949|MoMP}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9949|LoMP}} |
9951 Tyrannosaurus | Tyrannosaurus (genus) | tyrannosaurus | 9951|MoMP}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9951|LoMP}} |
9954 Brachiosaurus | Brachiosaurus (genus) | brachiosaurus | 9954|MoMP}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9954|LoMP}} |
16794 Cucullia | Cucullia asteroides | Cucullia, North American Asteroid Moth | 16794|MoMP}}{{·}}{{LoMP|16794|LoMP}} |
361267 ʻIʻiwi | ʻIʻiwi (Drepanis coccinea) | scarlet honeycreeper | 361267|MoMP}}{{·}}{{LoMP|361267|LoMP}} |
374710 ʻOʻo | ʻOʻo (genus) | Hawaiian endemic birds | 374710|MoMP}}{{·}}{{LoMP|374710|LoMP}} |
378002 ʻAkialoa | Akialoa | Hawaiian honeycreeper | 378002|MoMP}}{{·}}{{LoMP|378002|LoMP}} |
388282 ʻAkepa | Hawaiʻi ʻakepa | ʻAkepa; Hawaiian forest birds | 388282|MoMP}}{{·}}{{LoMP|388282|LoMP}} |
Minor planet | Name Meaning | Common names | CrossRefs |
935 Clivia | Clivia (genus) | natal lily or bush lily | 935|MoMP}}{{·}}{{LoMP|935|LoMP}} |
943 Begonia | Begonia (genus) | begonia | 943|MoMP}}{{·}}{{LoMP|943|LoMP}} |
957 Camelia | Camellia (genus) - cháhuā (茶花) in Chinese, meaning tea flower
- tsubaki (椿) in Japanese
- dongbaek-kkot (동백꽃) in Korean
- hoa trà or hoa chè in Vietnamese
| 957|MoMP}}{{·}}{{LoMP|957|LoMP}} |
968 Petunia | Petunia (genus) | — | 968|MoMP}}{{·}}{{LoMP|968|LoMP}} |
970 Primula | Primula (genus) | primrose | 970|MoMP}}{{·}}{{LoMP|970|LoMP}} |
973 Aralia | Aralia (genus) | spikenard | 973|MoMP}}{{·}}{{LoMP|973|LoMP}} |
1054 Forsytia | Forsythia (genus) | forsythia | 1054|MoMP}}{{·}}{{LoMP|1054|LoMP}} |
1056 Azalea | Azalea | azalea, flowering shrubs in the genus Rhododendron | 1056|MoMP}}{{·}}{{LoMP|1056|LoMP}} |
1060 Magnolia | Magnolia (genus) | magnolia | 1060|MoMP}}{{·}}{{LoMP|1060|LoMP}} |
1061 Paeonia | Paeonia (genus) | peony | 1061|MoMP}}{{·}}{{LoMP|1061|LoMP}} |
1063 Aquilegia | Aquilegia (genus) | granny's bonnet or columbine | 1063|MoMP}}{{·}}{{LoMP|1063|LoMP}} |
1064 Aethusa | Aethusa (genus) - fool's parsley
- fool's cicely
- poison parsley
| 1064|MoMP}}{{·}}{{LoMP|1064|LoMP}} |
1066 Lobelia | Lobelia (genus) | lobelia | 1066|MoMP}}{{·}}{{LoMP|1066|LoMP}} |
1067 Lunaria | Lunaria (genus) | honesty | 1067|MoMP}}{{·}}{{LoMP|1067|LoMP}} |
1070 Tunica | Tunica or Petrorhagia (genus) | — | 1070|MoMP}}{{·}}{{LoMP|1070|LoMP}} |
1072 Malva | Malva (genus) | mallow | 1072|MoMP}}{{·}}{{LoMP|1072|LoMP}} |
1076 Viola | Viola (genus) | 1076|MoMP}}{{·}}{{LoMP|1076|LoMP}} |
1077 Campanula | Campanula (genus) | bellflower | 1077|MoMP}}{{·}}{{LoMP|1077|LoMP}} |
1078 Mentha | Mentha (genus) | mint | 1078|MoMP}}{{·}}{{LoMP|1078|LoMP}} |
1079 Mimosa | Mimosa (genus) | mimosa | 1079|MoMP}}{{·}}{{LoMP|1079|LoMP}} |
1080 Orchis | Orchis (genus) | genus in the orchid family | 1080|MoMP}}{{·}}{{LoMP|1080|LoMP}} |
1081 Reseda | Reseda (genus) - mignonette
- weld
- dyer's rocket (for R. luteola)
- bastard rocket
| 1081|MoMP}}{{·}}{{LoMP|1081|LoMP}} |
1082 Pirola | Pirola or Pyrola (genus) | wintergreen | 1082|MoMP}}{{·}}{{LoMP|1082|LoMP}} |
1083 Salvia | Salvia (genus) | sage | 1083|MoMP}}{{·}}{{LoMP|1083|LoMP}} |
1085 Amaryllis | Amaryllis (genus) | amaryllis | 1085|MoMP}}{{·}}{{LoMP|1085|LoMP}} |
1087 Arabis | Arabis (genus) | rockcress | 1087|MoMP}}{{·}}{{LoMP|1087|LoMP}} |
1091 Spiraea | Spiraea (genus) | — | 1091|MoMP}}{{·}}{{LoMP|1091|LoMP}} |
1092 Lilium | Lilium (genus) | lily | 1092|MoMP}}{{·}}{{LoMP|1092|LoMP}} |
1095 Tulipa | Tulipa (genus) | tulip | 1095|MoMP}}{{·}}{{LoMP|1095|LoMP}} |
1097 Vicia | Vicia (genus) | vetches | 1097|MoMP}}{{·}}{{LoMP|1097|LoMP}} |
1100 Arnica | Arnica (genus) | — | 1100|MoMP}}{{·}}{{LoMP|1100|LoMP}} |
1101 Clematis | Clematis (genus) - clematis in English,
- traveller's joy for C. vitalba, by the herbalist John Gerard
- virgin's bower for C. viticella
- old man's beard, applied to several with prominent seedheads
- leather flower for those with fleshy petals
- vase vine for C. viorna.
| 1101|MoMP}}{{·}}{{LoMP|1101|LoMP}} |
1104 Syringa | Syringa (genus) | lilac | 1104|MoMP}}{{·}}{{LoMP|1104|LoMP}} |
1105 Fragaria | Fragaria (genus) | strawberry | 1105|MoMP}}{{·}}{{LoMP|1105|LoMP}} |
1106 Cydonia | Cydonia (genus) | quince | 1106|MoMP}}{{·}}{{LoMP|1106|LoMP}} |
1218 Aster | Aster (genus) | aster | 1218|MoMP}}{{·}}{{LoMP|1218|LoMP}} |
1220 Crocus | Crocus (genus) | crocus | 1220|MoMP}}{{·}}{{LoMP|1220|LoMP}} |
1227 Geranium | Geranium (genus) | cranesbills | 1227|MoMP}}{{·}}{{LoMP|1227|LoMP}} |
1228 Scabiosa | Scabiosa (genus) - scabious
- pincushion flowers
| 1228|MoMP}}{{·}}{{LoMP|1228|LoMP}} |
1231 Auricula | Primula auricula - auricula
- mountain cowslip
- bear's ear
| 1231|MoMP}}{{·}}{{LoMP|1231|LoMP}} |
1232 Cortusa | Cortusa (genus) | — | 1232|MoMP}}{{·}}{{LoMP|1232|LoMP}} |
1233 Kobresia | Kobresia (genus) | bog sedges | 1233|MoMP}}{{·}}{{LoMP|1233|LoMP}} |
1234 Elyna | Elyna (genus) | — | 1234|MoMP}}{{·}}{{LoMP|1234|LoMP}} |
1250 Galanthus | Galanthus (genus) | snowdrop | 1250|MoMP}}{{·}}{{LoMP|1250|LoMP}} |
1251 Hedera | Hedera (genus) | ivy | 1251|MoMP}}{{·}}{{LoMP|1251|LoMP}} |
1270 Datura | Datura (genus) - devil's trumpets
- moonflowers
- jimsonweed
- devil's weed
- hell's bells
- thorn-apple
| 1270|MoMP}}{{·}}{{LoMP|1270|LoMP}} |
1318 Nerina | Nerine (genus) | nerine | 1318|MoMP}}{{·}}{{LoMP|1318|LoMP}} |
1319 Disa | Disa (genus) | the orchid genus | 1319|MoMP}}{{·}}{{LoMP|1319|LoMP}} |
6786 Doudantsutsuji | doudan-tsutsuji, the Japanese name for Enkianthus perulatus, an ericaceous deciduous shrub | 6786|MoMP}}{{·}}{{LoMP|6786|LoMP}} |
8644 Betulapendula | betula pendula | silver birch | 8644|MoMP}}{{·}}{{LoMP|8644|LoMP}} |
8647 Populus | Populus (genus) | poplar, aspen, and cottonwood | 8647|MoMP}}{{·}}{{LoMP|8647|LoMP}} |
8648 Salix | Salix (genus) | willow | 8648|MoMP}}{{·}}{{LoMP|8648|LoMP}} |
8649 Juglans | Juglans (genus) | walnut trees | 8649|MoMP}}{{·}}{{LoMP|8649|LoMP}} |
8652 Acacia | Acacia (genus) | mimosa | 8652|MoMP}}{{·}}{{LoMP|8652|LoMP}} |
8656 Cupressus | Cupressus (genus) | cypress | 8656|MoMP}}{{·}}{{LoMP|8656|LoMP}} |
8657 Cedrus | Cedrus (genus) | cedar | 8657|MoMP}}{{·}}{{LoMP|8657|LoMP}} |
8833 Acer | Aceraceae (family) | maple family, now Sapindaceae family | 8833|MoMP}}{{·}}{{LoMP|8833|LoMP}} |
8834 Anacardium | Anacardiaceae (family) | cashew family | 8834|MoMP}}{{·}}{{LoMP|8834|LoMP}} |
8835 Annona | Annonaceae (family) | custard apple family | 8835|MoMP}}{{·}}{{LoMP|8835|LoMP}} |
8836 Aquifolium | Aquifoliaceae (family) | ilex or holly family | 8836|MoMP}}{{·}}{{LoMP|8836|LoMP}} |
8850 Bignonia | Bignoniaceae (family) | catalpa or bignonia family | 8850|MoMP}}{{·}}{{LoMP|8850|LoMP}} |
8852 Buxus | Buxaceae (family) | box family | 8852|MoMP}}{{·}}{{LoMP|8852|LoMP}} |
8856 Celastrus | Celastraceae (family) | staff vine or bittersweet family | 8856|MoMP}}{{·}}{{LoMP|8856|LoMP}} |
8857 Cercidiphyllum | Cercidiphyllaceae (family) | katsura family | 8857|MoMP}}{{·}}{{LoMP|8857|LoMP}} |
8858 Cornus | Cornaceae (family) | — | 8858|MoMP}}{{·}}{{LoMP|8858|LoMP}} |
8872 Ebenum | Ebenaceae (family) | ebony and persimmon family | 8872|MoMP}}{{·}}{{LoMP|8872|LoMP}} |
8886 Elaeagnus | Elaeagnaceae (family) | oleaster family | 8886|MoMP}}{{·}}{{LoMP|8886|LoMP}} |
9019 Eucommia | Eucommiaceae (family) | hard rubber tree, Gutta-percha tree or Chinese rubber tree family | 9019|MoMP}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9019|LoMP}} |
9020 Eucryphia | Eucryphiaceae or Cunoniaceae (family) | — | 9020|MoMP}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9020|LoMP}} |
9021 Fagus | Fagaceae (family) | beeches and oaks family | 9021|MoMP}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9021|LoMP}} |
9040 Flacourtia | Flacourtiaceae (family) | — | 9040|MoMP}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9040|LoMP}} |
9053 Hamamelis | Hamamelidaceae (family) | witch-hazel family | 9053|MoMP}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9053|LoMP}} |
9054 Hippocastanum | Hippocastanaceae (family) | — | 9054|MoMP}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9054|LoMP}} |
9203 Myrtus | Myrtaceae (family) | myrtle family | 9203|MoMP}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9203|LoMP}} |
9306 Pittosporum | Pittosporaceae (family) | — | 9306|MoMP}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9306|LoMP}} |
9309 Platanus | Platanaceae (family) | — | 9309|MoMP}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9309|LoMP}} |
9313 Protea | Proteaceae (family) | — | 9313|MoMP}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9313|LoMP}} |
9316 Rhamnus | Rhamnaceae (family) | buckthorn family | 9316|MoMP}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9316|LoMP}} |
9326 Ruta | Rutaceae (family) | rue or citrus family | 9326|MoMP}}{{·}}{{LoMP|9326|LoMP}} |
16598 Brugmansia | Brugmansia (genus) | angel's trumpets | 16598|MoMP}}{{·}}{{LoMP|16598|LoMP}} |
22494 Trillium | trillium grandiflorum | white trillium | 22494|MoMP}}{{·}}{{LoMP|22494|LoMP}} |
22280 Mandragora | Mandragora (genus) | mandrake | 22280|MoMP}}{{·}}{{LoMP|22280|LoMP}} |
66583 Nicandra | Nicandra (genus) - apple-of-Peru
- shoo-fly plant
| 66583|MoMP}}{{·}}{{LoMP|66583|LoMP}} |
85197 Ginkgo | ginkgo biloba - ginkgo tree
- maidenhair tree
| 85197|MoMP}}{{·}}{{LoMP|85197|LoMP}} |
151997 Bauhinia | bauhinia × blakeana | Hong Kong Orchid Tree | 151997|MoMP}}{{·}}{{LoMP|151997|LoMP}} |
255587 Gardenia | Gardenia (genus) | — | 255587|MoMP}}{{·}}{{LoMP|255587|LoMP}} |