

词条 List of Prasophyllum species

  1. References

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As at March 2018, about 150 species of Prasophyllum are recognised by the World Checklist of Selected Plant Families and a further eight newly described species are listed by the International Plant Names Index. The common names in the list below are generally those used by David Jones.[1][2][3] Australian authorities recognise some of the names below as synonyms.*

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  • Prasophyllum abblittiorum P.A.Collier 2017 – (Tas.)
  • Prasophyllum affine Lindl.1840 – Culburra leek orchid, Jervis Bay leek orchid, heathland leek orchid (N.S.W)
  • Prasophyllum album R.S.Rogers 1909
  • Prasophyllum alpestre D.L.Jones 1998 – mauve leek orchid (N.S.W., Vic., Tas.)
  • Prasophyllum alpinum R.Br. 1810 – alpine leek orchid (Tas.)
  • Prasophyllum amoenum D.L.Jones (1998) – dainty leek orchid, Snug leek orchid (Tas.)
  • Prasophyllum anticum D.L.Jones & D.T.Rouse 2006 – Pretty Hill leek orchid (Vic.)
  • Prasophyllum apoxychilum D.L.Jones 1998 – tapered leek orchid (Tas.)
  • Prasophyllum asinantum R.J.Bates 2015 (S.A.)
  • Prasophyllum atratum D.L.Jones 2006 – Three Hummock leek orchid (Tas.)
  • Prasophyllum australe R.Br. 1810 – southern leek orchid, austral leek orchid (Qld., N.S.W., Vic., Tas., S.A.)
  • Prasophyllum bagoense D.L.Jones 2000 – Bago leek orchid (N.S.W.)
  • Prasophyllum barnettii D.L.Jones & D.T.Rouse 2006 – Anglesea leek orchid (Vic.)
  • Prasophyllum basalticum D.L.Jones & L.M.Copel. 2018
  • Prasophyllum beatrix D.L.Jones & D.T.Rouse 2006 – Marung leek orchid (N.S.W., Vic.)
  • Prasophyllum brevilabre (Lindl.) Hook.f. 1858 – short-lip leek orchid (Qld., N.S.W., Vic., Tas.)
  • Prasophyllum brevisepalum D.L.Jones & L.M.Copel. (2018)
  • Prasophyllum brownii Rchb.f. 1871 – Christmas leek orchid (W.A.)
  • Prasophyllum calcicola R.J.Bates (1989) – limestone leek orchid
  • Prasophyllum campestre R.J.Bates & D.L.Jones (1991) – sandplain leek orchid, inland leek orchid
  • Prasophyllum canaliculatum D.L.Jones (1997) – channelled leek orchid, summer leek orchid
  • Prasophyllum candidum R.J.Bates & D.L.Jones (1991) – Kiandra leek orchid
  • Prasophyllum caricetum D.L.Jones (2000) – Cathcart leek orchid
  • Prasophyllum castaneum D.L.Jones (1998) – chestnut leek orchid
  • Prasophyllum catenemum D.L.Jones (2006)
  • Prasophyllum caudiculum D.L.Jones (2000) – Guyra leek orchid
  • Prasophyllum colensoi Hook.f. (1853) N.Z.
  • Prasophyllum collinum D.L.Jones (2006)
  • Prasophyllum concinnum Nicholls (1948) – trim leek orchid
  • Prasophyllum constrictum R.S.Rogers (1909) – tawny leek orchid
  • Prasophyllum correctum D.L.Jones (1994) – gaping leek orchid, Bairnsdale leek orchid
  • Prasophyllum crassum D.L.Jones & R.J.Bates (2017)
  • Prasophyllum crebriflorum D.L.Jones (2003) – crowded leek orchid
  • Prasophyllum cucullatum Rchb.f. (1871) – hooded leek orchid
  • Prasophyllum cuneatum D.L.Jones & G.Brockman (2016)
  • Prasophyllum cyphochilum Benth. (1873) – cupped leek orchid, pouched leek orchid
  • Prasophyllum diversiflorum Nicholls (1942) – Gorae leek orchid
  • Prasophyllum dossenum R.J.Bates & D.L.Jones (1991) – humped leek orchid
  • Prasophyllum drummondii Rchb.f. (1871) – swamp leek orchid
  • Prasophyllum elatum R.Br. – tall leek orchid, piano orchid
  • Prasophyllum erythrocommum D.l.Jones & D.T.Rouse (2006) – tan leek orchid
  • Prasophyllum exile D.L.Jones & R.J.Bates (1991) – thin leek orchid
  • Prasophyllum favonium D.L.Jones (1998) – western leek orchid
  • Prasophyllum fecundum R.J.Bates (1989) – turgid leek orchid, self-pollinating leek orchid
  • Prasophyllum fimbria Rchb.f. (1871) – fringed leek orchid
  • Prasophyllum fitzgeraldii R.S.Rogers & Maiden (1909) – Fitzgerald's leek orchid
  • Prasophyllum flavum R.Br. (1810) – yellow leek orchid
  • Prasophyllum fosteri D.L.Jones (2000) – Shelford leek orchid
  • Prasophyllum frenchii F.Muell. (1889) – maroon leek orchid
  • Prasophyllum fuscum R.Br. (1810) – Wingecarribee leek orchid, slaty leek orchid, tawny leek orchid
  • Prasophyllum gibbosum R.Br. (1810) – humped leek orchid
  • Prasophyllum giganteum Lindl. (1840) – bronze leek orchid
  • Prasophyllum gilgai D.L.Jones & D.T. Rouse (2006) – Chesney leek orchid, gilgai leek orchid
  • Prasophyllum goldsackii J.Z.Weber & R.J.Bates (1978) – quaint leek orchid, Goldsack's leek orchid
  • Prasophyllum gracile Lindl. (1840) – horned leek orchid, little laughing leek orchid
  • Prasophyllum gracillimum Nicholls (1948) – slender leek orchid
  • Prasophyllum graniticola D.L.Jones & L.M.Copel. (2018)
  • Prasophyllum hectori (Buchanan) Molloy, D.L.Jones & M.A.Clem (2005) – swamp leek orchid N.Z.
  • Prasophyllum helophilum D.L.Jones & D.T.Rouse (2006)
  • Prasophyllum hians Rchb.f. (1871) – yawning leek orchid
  • Prasophyllum holzingeri D.L.Jones & L.M.Copel. (2018)
  • Prasophyllum hygrophilum D.L.Jones & D.T.Rouse (2003) – Nagambie leek orchid, swamp leek orchid
  • Prasophyllum incompositum D.L.Jones (1991) – dishevelled leek orchid
  • Prasophyllum incorrectum D.L.Jones (2003) – golfer's leek orchid
  • Prasophyllum incurvum D.L.Jones (1998) – horseshoe leek orchid
  • Prasophyllum innubum D.L.Jones (2007) – Brandy Mary's leek orchid
  • Prasophyllum keltonii D.L.Jones (2007) – Kelton's leek orchid
  • Prasophyllum lanceolatum R.S.Rogers (1920) = Prasophyllum triangulare[4]
  • Prasophyllum laxum R.J.Bates (2008) – lax leek orchid
  • Prasophyllum limnetes D.L.Jones (2006) – marsh leek orchid
  • Prasophyllum lindleyanum Rchb.f. (1871) – green leek orchid
  • Prasophyllum litorale R.J.Bates (1990) – sandhill leek orchid, coastal leek orchid
  • Prasophyllum maccannii D.L.Jones & D.T.Rouse (2006) – Grampians leek orchid, inland leek orchid
  • Prasophyllum macrostachyum R.Br. (1810) – laughing leek orchid
  • Prasophyllum macrotys Lindl. (1840) – inland leek orchid
  • Prasophyllum milfordense D.L.Jones (1998) – Milford leek orchid
  • Prasophyllum mimulum D.L.Jones (2004) – highland leek orchid
  • Prasophyllum mollissimum Rupp (1948) = Genoplesium woollsii (F.Muell.) D.L.Jones & M.A.Clem. – dark midge orchid
  • Prasophyllum montanum R.J.Bates & D.L.Jones (1991) – Brindabella leek orchid, mountain leek orchid
  • Prasophyllum morganii Nicholls (1930) – mignonette leek orchid, Cobungra leek orchid
  • Prasophyllum mucronatum Rupp (1948) = Genoplesium rufum (R.Br.) D.L.Jones & M.A.Clem. – rufous midge orchid
  • Prasophyllum murfetii D.L.Jones (2000) – Fleurieu leek orchid
  • Prasophyllum nichollsianum Rupp (1942) = Genoplesium nudiscapum (Hook.f.) D.L.Jones & M.A.Clem. – bare midge orchid
  • Prasophyllum niphopedium D.L.Jones (2000) – snowy plains leek orchid, marsh leek orchid
  • Prasophyllum nitidum D.L.Jones & R.J.Bates (2017) – shining leek orchid
  • Prasophyllum nublingii R.S.Rogers (1927) = Genoplesium filiforme (Fitzg.) D.L.Jones & M.A.Clem. – glandular midge orchid
  • Prasophyllum obovatum Rupp (1948) = Genoplesium rufum (R.Br.) D.L.Jones & M.A.Clem. – red midge orchid
  • Prasophyllum occidentale R.S.Rogers (1908) – plains leek orchid
  • Prasophyllum occultans R.J.Bates (1989) – hidden leek orchid
  • Prasophyllum odoratissimum D.L.Jones (1996) – fragrant leek orchid
  • Prasophyllum odoratum R.S.Rogers (1909) – scented leek orchid
  • Prasophyllum olidum D.L.Jones (1998) – pungent leek orchid
  • Prasophyllum ovale Lindl. (1840) – little leek orchid
  • Prasophyllum pallens D.L.Jones (2000) – musty leek orchid
  • Prasophyllum pallidum Nicholls (1933) – pale leek orchid
  • Prasophyllum parviflorum (R.S.Rogers) Nicholls (1941) – slender leek orchid
  • Prasophyllum parvifolium Lindl. (1840) – autumn leek orchid
  • Prasophyllum patens R.Br. (1810) – sandstone leek orchid, broad-lip leek orchid
  • Prasophyllum paulinae D.L.Jones & M.A.Clem. (1996) – Pauline's leek orchid
  • Prasophyllum perangustum D.L.Jones (1998) – Knocklofty leek orchid
  • Prasophyllum petilum D.L.Jones & R.J.Bates (1991) – Tarengo leek orchid
  • Prasophyllum pictum D.L.Jones & L.M.Copel. (2018)
  • Prasophyllum pilligaense D.L.Jones & L.M.Copel. (2018)
  • Prasophyllum plumiforme Fitzg. (1882) – dainty leek orchid
  • Prasophyllum praecox D.L.Jones (2006)
  • Prasophyllum pruinosum R.S.Rogers (1909) – plum leek orchid
  • Prasophyllum pulchellum D.L.Jones (1998) – pretty leek orchid
  • Prasophyllum pyriforme E.Coleman (1932) – Croydon leek orchid, graceful leek orchid
  • Prasophyllum readii D.L.Jones & D.T.Rouse (2006) – Streatham leek orchid
  • Prasophyllum reflexum Fitzg. (1885) = Genoplesium woollsii (F.Muell.) D.L.Jones & M.A.Clem. – dark midge orchid
  • Prasophyllum regium R.S.Rogers (1918) – king leek orchid
  • Prasophyllum retroflexum D.L.Jones (2000) - congested leek orchid
  • Prasophyllum ringens (Rchb.F.) R.J.Bates (1989)
  • Prasophyllum robustum (Nicholls) M.A.Clem. & D.L.Jones (1989) – robust leek orchid
  • Prasophyllum rogersii Rupp (1928) – Barrington Tops leek orchid
  • Prasophyllum roseum D.L.Jones & R.J.Bates (2017) – pink lip leek orchid
  • Prasophyllum rostratum Lindl. (1840) – slaty leek orchid
  • Prasophyllum rousei D.L.Jones & R.J.Bates (2017)
  • Prasophyllum sargentii (Nicholls) A.S.George (1971) – frilled leek orchid
  • Prasophyllum secutum D.L.Jones (1998) – northern leek orchid
  • Prasophyllum solstitium D.L.Jones (2000) – summer leek orchid
  • Prasophyllum spadiceum D.L.Jones & R.J.Bates (2017) - brown lip leek orchid
  • Prasophyllum sphacelatum D.L.Jones (1996) – subalpine leek orchid
  • Prasophyllum spicatum R.J.Bates & D.L.Jones (1991) – dense leek orchid
  • Prasophyllum stellatum D.L.Jones (1998) – Ben Lomond leek orchid
  • Prasophyllum striatum R.Br. (1810) – streaked leek Orchid
  • Prasophyllum stygium D.L.Jones & D.T.Rouse (2017) – elfin leek orchid
  • Prasophyllum suaveolens D.L.Jones & R.J.Bates (1994) – sweet leek orchid
  • Prasophyllum subbisectum Nicholls (1936) – Pomonal leek orchid
  • Prasophyllum suttonii R.S.Rogers & B.Rees (1912) – Mount Buffalo leek orchid, mauve leek orchid
  • Prasophyllum sylvestre R.J.Bates & D.L.Jones (1991) – forest leek orchid
  • Prasophyllum sylvicola D.L.Jones (2017)
  • Prasophyllum tadgellianum R.S.Rogers – Tadgell's leek orchid, alpine leek orchid
  • Prasophyllum taphanyx D.L.Jones (2004) - graveside leek orchid
  • Prasophyllum tortilis D.L.Jones & R.J.Bates (2017)
  • Prasophyllum transversum Fitzg. (1891) = Genoplesium nudum (Hook.f.) D.L.Jones & M.A.Clem. – tiny midge orchid
  • Prasophyllum triangulare Fitzg. (1882) – dark leek orchid
  • Prasophyllum trifidum Rupp (1941) = Genoplesium rufum (R.Br.) D.L.Jones & M.A.Clem. – red midge orchid
  • Prasophyllum truncatum Lindl. (1840) – truncate leek orchid
  • Prasophyllum tunbridgense D.L.Jones (1998) – Tunbridge leek orchid
  • Prasophyllum unicum Rupp (1942) = Genoplesium rufum (R.Br.) D.L.Jones & M.A.Clem. – red midge orchid
  • Prasophyllum uvidulum D.L.Jones & D.T.Rouse (2009)
  • Prasophyllum validum R.S.Rogers (1927) – Mount Remarkable leek orchid
  • Prasophyllum venustum D.L.Jones & D.T.Rouse (2008)
  • Prasophyllum viriosum D.L.Jones & D.T.Rouse (2008)
  • Prasophyllum viretrum D.L.Jones & D.T.Rouse (2006)
  • Prasophyllum wallum R.J.Bates & D.L.Jones (1991) – wallum leek orchid
  • Prasophyllum wilkinsoniorum D.L.Jones (2000) - Wilkinson's leek orchid
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1. ^{{WCSP | 164651 | Prasophyllum | accessdate =25 October 2017 }}
2. ^{{cite web|title=Prasophyllum|url=http://beta.ipni.org/?page=0&q=Prasophyllum|publisher=International Plant Names Index|accessdate=25 October 2017}}
3. ^{{cite book|last1=Jones|first1=David L.|title=A complete guide to native orchids of Australia including the island territories|date=2006|publisher=New Holland|location=Frenchs Forest, N.S.W.|isbn=1877069124|pages=192–219}}
4. ^{{FloraBase|name=Prasophyllum lanceolatum|id=8815}}

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