

词条 List of the Cenozoic life of Arizona

  1. A

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  8. I

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  20. V

  21. References

This list of the Cenozoic life of Arizona contains the various prehistoric life-forms whose fossilized remains have been reported from within the US state of Arizona and are between 66 million and 10,000 years of age.


{{Compact ToC}}
  • Adelphailurus
    • Adelphailurus kansensis
  • Agriotherium
  • Alforjas
  • Alilepus
    • Alilepus browni
    • Alilepus wilsoni
  • Aluralagus
    • Aluralagus bensonensis
    • Aluralagus virginiae – type locality for species
  • Ambystoma
    • Ambystoma tigrinum
  • Amphimachairodus
    • Amphimachairodus coloradensis
  • Amplibuteo
    • Amplibuteo concordatus
  • Antecalomys
    • Antecalomys vasquezi
  • Antrozous
    • Antrozous pallidus
  • Aquila
    • Aquila bivia
  • Arctodus
  • Aztlanolagus
    • Aztlanolagus agilis


{{Compact ToC}}
  • Baiomys
  • Bassariscus
  • Bensonomys
    • Bensonomys arizonae
    • Bensonomys elachys – or unidentified comparable form
    • Bensonomys gidleyi
    • Bensonomys yazhi
  • Bison
  • Boreohippidion
    • Boreohippidion galushai
  • Borophagus
    • Borophagus diversidens
    • Borophagus parvus – type locality for species
  • Brachylagus
  • Bufo
    • Bufo pliocompactilis
    • Bufo woodhousei


{{Compact ToC}}
  • Calcibacunculus – type locality for genus
    • Calcibacunculus tenuis – type locality for species
  • Calciphilus – type locality for genus
    • Calciphilus abboti – type locality for species
  • Calcitro – type locality for genus
    • Calcitro fisheri – type locality for species
  • Calcoschizomus – type locality for genus
    • Calcoschizomus latisternum – type locality for species
  • {{multiple image

| total_width = 330
| image1 = Camelops hesternus Sergiodlarosa.jpg
| alt1 =
| image2 = Canis lupus & dirus.jpg
| alt2 =
| image3 = Capromeryx minor p1350725.jpg
| alt3 =
| footer = Left: Life restoration of the Pliocene-Holocene camel Camelops. Middle: Modern mounted skeleton of Canis lupus, the grey wolf, to scale with a fossilized skeleton of the Pleistocene wolf Canis dirus, or dire wolf. Right: Panel-mounted fossilized skeleton of the Pleistocene dwarf pronghorn Capromeryx.

}} †Camelops

  • Camelops hesternus – or unidentified comparable form
  • Canis
    • Canis armbrusteri
    • Canis dirus
    • Canis edwardii
    • Canis ferox
    • Canis latrans
    • Canis thooides – type locality for species
  • Capromeryx
    • Capromeryx arizonensis
    • Capromeryx gidleyi
  • Carpocyon
    • Carpocyon robustus
  • Castor
  • Celtis
    • Celtis reticulata
  • Cernictis
    • Cernictis repenningi – type locality for species
  • Cervus
  • {{multiple image

| total_width = 248
| image1 = Chasmaporthetes lunensis 1.JPG
| alt1 =
| image2 = Cuvieronius.jpg
| alt2 =
| footer = Left: Fossilized cranium of the Pliocene-Pleistocene hyena Chasmaporthetes. Right: Life restoration of the Pliocene-Holocene elephant relative Cuvieronius.

}} †Chasmaporthetes

  • Chasmaporthetes ossifragus – type locality for species
  • Chrysocyon
    • Chrysocyon nearcticus – type locality for species
  • Citellus
    • Citellus bensoni
    • Citellus cochisei
  • Cnemidophorus
  • Copemys
  • Cratogeomys
    • Cratogeomys bensoni
    • Cratogeomys sansimonensis
  • Crotaphytus – or unidentified comparable form
  • Cupidinimus
    • Cupidinimus bidahochiensis
  • Cuvieronius


{{Compact ToC}}
  • {{multiple image

| total_width = 248
| image1 = Desmodus.jpg
| alt1 =
| image2 = Diceratherium skeleton.jpg
| alt2 =
| footer = Left: A living Desmodus, or vampire bat. Right: Mounted fossilized skeleton of the Oligocene-Miocene hornless rhinoceros Diceratherium.

}} Desmodus

  • Desmodus stocki
  • Diceratherium
  • Dinohippus
    • Dinohippus leidyanus
  • Dipodomys
    • Dipodomys gidleyi
    • Dipodomys hibbardi
    • Dipodomys minor
  • Dipoides
    • Dipoides williamsi – type locality for species
  • Domninoides – tentative report


{{Compact ToC}}
  • {{multiple image

| total_width = 248
| image1 = Epicyon haydeni skeleton.jpg
| alt1 =
| image2 = Equus scotti.jpg
| alt2 =
| footer = Left: Mounted fossilized skeleton of the Miocene bone-crushing dog Epicyon. Right: Life restoration of the Pliocene-Holocene horse Equus scotti, or Scott's horse.

}} †Epicyon

  • Epicyon haydeni
  • Eptesicus – or unidentified comparable form
  • Equus
    • Equus scotti – or unidentified comparable form
    • Equus simplicidens
  • Erethizon
    • Erethizon bathygnathum
  • Eucyon
    • Eucyon davisi
  • Eumeces
  • Eumops
    • Eumops perotis – or unidentified comparable form


{{Compact ToC}}
  • Galushamys
    • Galushamys redingtonensis
  • Geococcyx
    • Geococcyx californianus
  • {{multiple image

| total_width = 248
| image1 = Extm Glossotherium robustum rbh-hlmwh01913-12.jpg
| alt1 =
| image2 = Glyptotherium.jpg
| alt2 =
| footer = Left: Life restoration of a herd of the Pliocene-Holocene ground sloth Glossotherium. Right: Mounted fossilized skeleton of the Pleistocene armadillo relative Glyptotherium.

}} Geomys

  • Geomys minor
  • Glossotherium
    • Glossotherium chapadmalense
  • Glyptotherium
    • Glyptotherium arizonae
    • Glyptotherium texanum


{{Compact ToC}}
  • {{multiple image

| total_width = 248
| image1 = Fossil maxilla Hemiauchenia Boulle.png
| alt1 =
| image2 = Homotherium serum.jpg
| alt2 =
| footer = Left: Fossilized lower jaw of the Miocene-Pleistocene llama relative Hemiauchenia. Right: Life restoration of Pliocene-Pleistocene Homotherium, or scimitar cat.

}} †Hemiauchenia

  • Hesperotestudo
  • Heterodon
    • Heterodon nasicus – or unidentified comparable form
  • Histiotus
    • Histiotus stocki
  • Homotherium – tentative report
  • Hyla
  • Hypolagus
    • Hypolagus arizonensis – type locality for species
    • Hypolagus edensis
    • Hypolagus ringoldensis
    • Hypolagus tedfordi
    • Hypolagus vetus


{{Compact ToC}}
  • Ictalurus – tentative report
  • Indarctos – tentative report


{{Compact ToC}}
  • Jacobsomys
    • Jacobsomys verdensis


{{Compact ToC}}
  • Kansasimys
    • Kansasimys wilsoni
  • Kinosternon
    • Kinosternon arizonense – type locality for species


{{Compact ToC}}
  • Lampropeltis
    • Lampropeltis getulus
  • Lasiurus
    • Lasiurus blossevillii – or unidentified comparable form
  • Lemmiscus
    • Lemmiscus curtatus
  • Lepus
    • Lepus benjamini – type locality for species
  • Lynx


{{Compact ToC}}
  • Machairodus
  • Mammut
  • Mammuthus
    • {{multiple image

| total_width = 248
| image1 = Columbian mammoth.JPG
| alt1 =
| image2 = Megatylopus.jpg
| alt2 =
| footer = Left: Mounted fossilized skeleton of a Mammuthus columbi or Columbian mammoth. Right: Life restoration of the Miocene camel Megatylopus.

}} †Mammuthus columbi

  • Marmota
    • Marmota arizonae – type locality for species
  • Martes
  • Megalonyx
    • Megalonyx jeffersonii
  • Megatylopus
    • Megatylopus matthewi
  • Meleagris
    • Meleagris crassipes – or unidentified comparable form
    • Meleagris progenes – or unidentified comparable form
  • Merychyus
    • Merychyus calaminthus
  • Metalopex
    • Metalopex macconnelli
  • Microtus
  • Mictomys
    • Mictomys vetus
  • Morrillia
    • Morrillia barbouri
  • Mustela
    • Mustela frenata – or unidentified comparable form
  • Myotis
    • Myotis thysanodes
    • Myotis velifer


{{Compact ToC}}
  • Nannippus
    • Nannippus peninsulatus
  • Nekrolagus
    • Nekrolagus progressus
  • Neochoerus
  • Neotoma
    • Neotoma albigula – or unidentified comparable form
    • Neotoma cinerea
    • Neotoma fossilis
    • Neotoma mexicana – or unidentified comparable form
    • Neotoma quadriplicata
    • Neotoma taylori
    • Neotoma vaughani – type locality for species
  • Nerodia
  • Nerterogeomys
    • Nerterogeomys persimilis
  • Nothrotheriops
  • Nothrotherium
    • Nothrotherium shastense
  • Notiosorex
    • Notiosorex crawfordi
  • Notolagus
    • Notolagus lepusculus


{{Compact ToC}}
  • Odocoileus
  • Ogmodontomys
  • Ondatra
    • Ondatra idahoensis
    • Ondatra meadensis
    • Ondatra zibethicus
  • Onychocampodea – type locality for genus
    • Onychocampodea onychis – type locality for species
  • Onychojapyx – type locality for genus
    • Onychojapyx schmidti – type locality for species
  • Onycholepisma – type locality for genus
    • Onycholepisma arizonae – type locality for species
  • Onychomachilis – type locality for genus
    • Onychomachilis fisheri – type locality for species
  • Onychomys
    • Onychomys bensoni
    • Onychomys pedroensis
  • Onychothelyphonus – type locality for genus
    • Onychothelyphonus bonneri – type locality for species
  • Ophiomys
    • Ophiomys taylori – or unidentified comparable form
  • Ovis
    • Ovis canadensis – type locality for species


{{Compact ToC}}
  • Paenemarmota
  • Paleokoenenia – type locality for genus
    • Paleokoenenia mordax – type locality for species
  • Panthera
    • {{multiple image

| total_width = 248
| image1 = Lion (Panthera leo) (30941994012).jpg
| alt1 =
| image2 = San Diego Paramylodon.jpg
| alt2 =
| footer = Left: A living Panthera leo, or lion. Right: Mounted fossilized skeleton of the Pliocene-Pleistocene ground sloth Paramylodon.

}} †Panthera leo

  • Parajulus
    • Parajulus onychis – type locality for species
  • Paramachaerodus
  • Paramylodon
    • Paramylodon harlani
  • Paronychomys
    • Paronychomys alticuspis – type locality for species
    • Paronychomys lemredfieldi
    • Paronychomys tuttlei
  • Perognathus
    • Perognathus gidleyi
    • Perognathus henryredfieldi
    • Perognathus mclaughlini
    • Perognathus pearlettensis
    • Perognathus strigipredus – type locality for species
  • Peromyscus
    • Peromyscus brachygnathus
    • Peromyscus hagermanensis
    • Peromyscus minimus
  • Phugatherium
    • Phugatherium dichroplax
  • Pituophis
    • Pituophis melanoleucus
  • Platygonus
    • Platygonus compressus
  • Pleiolama
    • Pleiolama vera
  • Plesiogulo
    • Plesiogulo lindsayi
    • Plesiogulo marshalli
  • Pliogale
    • Pliogale furlongi
  • Plionarctos
  • Pliophenacomys
    • Pliophenacomys primaevus
  • Plioprojapyx – type locality for genus
    • Plioprojapyx primitivus – type locality for species
  • Pliotaxidea
    • Pliotaxidea nevadensis – or unidentified comparable form
  • Prodipodomys
    • Prodipodomys idahoensis
    • Prodipodomys kansensis
  • Prosigmodon
    • Prosigmodon holocuspis
  • Protolabis
    • Protolabis coartatus
    • Protolabis yavapaiensis – type locality for species
  • Pseudaelurus – report made of unidentified related form or using admittedly obsolete nomenclature
  • Ptinus
    • Ptinus priminidi


{{Compact ToC}}
  • Rana
  • Reithrodontomys
    • Reithrodontomys galushai
    • Reithrodontomys rexroadensis
    • Reithrodontomys wetmorei – or unidentified comparable form
  • Repomys
    • Repomys arizonensis
    • Repomys panacaensis – or unidentified comparable form
  • Rhynchotherium
    • Rhynchotherium falconeri – tentative report


{{Compact ToC}}
  • Scaphiopus
  • Sciurus
    • Sciurus aberti – or unidentified comparable form
  • Sigmodon
    • Sigmodon curtisi
    • Sigmodon minor
  • Sorex
    • Sorex taylori
  • Spermophilus
    • Spermophilus tuitus
    • Spermophilus variegatus
  • Sphenophalos
    • Sphenophalos nevadanus
  • Spilogale
    • Spilogale putorius
  • {{multiple image

| total_width = 248
| image1 = Stegomastodon mirificus - Smithsonian.JPG
| alt1 =
| image2 = Stenomylus.jpg
| alt2 =
| footer = Left: Mounted fossilized skeleton of the Pliocene-Pleistocene elephant relative Stegomastodon. Right: Life restoration of the Oligocene-Miocene camel Stenomylus.

}} †Stegomastodon

  • Stegomastodon mirificus
  • Stenomylus
  • Stockoceros
    • Stockoceros conklingi – or unidentified comparable form
    • Stockoceros onusrosagris
  • Sylvilagus
    • Sylvilagus audubonii – or unidentified comparable form
    • Sylvilagus cunicularis – or unidentified comparable form
    • Sylvilagus hibbardi


{{Compact ToC}}
  • Tapirus
    • Tapirus merriami – or unidentified comparable form
  • Taxidea
    • Taxidea taxus
  • Tayassu
    • Tayassu tajacu
  • {{multiple image

| total_width = 248
| image1 = Teleoceras Horsfall.jpg
| alt1 =
| image2 = Tetrameryx shuleri.png
| alt2 =
| footer = Left: Life restoration of the Miocene-Pliocene rhinoceros Teleoceras. Right: Life restoration of the Pleictocene pronghorn Tetrameryx.

}} †Teleoceras

  • Teleoceras hicksi
  • Terrapene
    • Terrapene ornata – or unidentified comparable form
  • Tetrameryx – or unidentified comparable form
  • Texoceros
    • Texoceros minorei
  • Thamnophis
  • Thomomys
  • Titanotylopus
    • Titanotylopus nebraskensis
  • Trigonictis
    • Trigonictis macrodon


{{Compact ToC}}
  • Urocyon
    • Urocyon galushai – type locality for species


{{Compact ToC}}
  • Vulpes
    • Vulpes stenognathus
    • Vulpes velox


  • {{cite web |title=Fossilworks: Gateway to the Paleobiology Database |author=Various Contributors to the Paleobiology Database |url=http://fossilworks.org/ |accessdate=7 August 2017}}
{{Era nav|title=Lists of the prehistoric life of Arizona|prefix=List of the |suffix= life of Arizona}}{{Lists of the Cenozoic life of the United States}}{{portalbar|Paleontology|Cenozoic|Arizona}}

5 : Geology of Arizona|Lists of prehistoric life in the United States|Natural history of Arizona|Paleontology in Arizona|Cenozoic life of North America





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