

词条 Module:Multilingual

local Multilingual = { suite = "Multilingual",

                       serial = "2018-04-16",                       item   = 47541920 }

local User = { sniffer = "publishchanges" }

Multilingual.exotic = { simple = true,

local favorite = function ()

    -- Postcondition:    --     Returns code of current project language    if not Multilingual.self then        Multilingual.self = mw.language.getContentLanguage():getCode()                                                            :lower()    end    return Multilingual.self

end -- favorite()

function feasible( ask, accept )

    -- Is ask to be supported by application?    -- Precondition:    --     ask     -- lowercase code    --     accept  -- sequence table, with offered lowercase codes    -- Postcondition:    --     nil, or true    local r    for i = 1, #accept do        if accept[ i ] == ask then            r = true            break -- for i        end    end -- for i    return r

end -- feasible()

local fetch = function ( access, allow )

    -- Attach config or library module    -- Precondition:    --     access  -- module title    --     allow   -- permit non-existence    -- Postcondition:    --     Returns  table or false, with library    --     Throws error, if not available    if type( Multilingual.ext ) ~= "table" then        Multilingual.ext = { }    end    if Multilingual.ext[ access ] == false then    elseif not Multilingual.ext[ access ] then        local lucky, got = pcall( require, "Module:" .. access )        if lucky then            if type( got ) == "table" then                Multilingual.ext[ access ] = got                if type( got[ access ] ) == "function" then                    Multilingual.ext[ access ] = got[ access ]()                end            end        end        if type( Multilingual.ext[ access ] ) ~= "table" then            if allow then                Multilingual.ext[ access ] = false            else                got = string.format( "Module:%s invalid", access )                error( got, 0 )            end        end    end    return Multilingual.ext[ access ]

end -- fetch()

function find( ask, alien )

    -- Derive language code from name    -- Precondition:    --     ask    -- language name, downcased    --     alien  -- language code of ask    -- Postcondition:    --     nil, or string    local codes = mw.language.fetchLanguageNames( alien, "all" )    local r    for k, v in pairs( codes ) do        if mw.ustring.lower( v ) == ask then            r = k            break -- for k, v        end    end -- for k, v    if not r then        r = Multilingual.fair( ask )    end    return r

end -- find()

User.favorize = function ( accept, frame )

    -- Guess user language    -- Precondition:    --     accept  -- sequence table, with offered ISO 639 etc. codes    --     frame   -- frame, if available    -- Postcondition:    --     Returns string with best code, or nil    if not ( User.self or User.langs ) then        if not User.trials then            User.tell = mw.message.new( User.sniffer )            if User.tell:exists() then                User.trials = { }                if not Multilingual.frame then                    if frame then                        Multilingual.frame = frame                    else                        Multilingual.frame = mw.getCurrentFrame()                    end                end                User.sin = Multilingual.frame:callParserFunction( "int",                                                           User.sniffer )            else                User.langs = true            end        end        if User.sin then            local s, sin            for i = 1, #accept do                s = accept[ i ]                if not User.trials[ s ] then                    sin = User.tell:inLanguage( s ):plain()                    if sin == User.sin then                        User.self = s                        break -- for i                    else                        User.trials[ s ] = true                    end                end            end -- for i        end    end    return User.self

end -- User.favorize()

Multilingual.fair = function ( ask )

    -- Format language specification according to RFC 5646 etc.    -- Precondition:    --     ask  -- string or table, as created by .getLang()    -- Postcondition:    --     Returns string, or false    local s = type( ask )    local q, r    if s == "table" then        q = ask    elseif s == "string" then        q = Multilingual.getLang( ask )    end    if q  and       q.legal  and       mw.language.isKnownLanguageTag( q.base ) then        r = q.base        if q.n > 1 then            local order = { "extlang",                            "script",                            "region",                            "other",                            "extension" }            for i = 1, #order do                s = q[ order[ i ] ]                if s then                    r =  string.format( "%s-%s", r, s )                end            end -- for i        end    end    return r or false

end -- Multilingual.fair()

Multilingual.fallback = function ( able, another )

    -- Is another language suitable as replacement?    -- Precondition:    --     able     -- language version specifier to be supported    --     another  -- language specifier of a possible replacement    -- Postcondition:    --     Returns boolean    local r    if type( able ) == "string"  and       type( another ) == "string" then        if able == another then            r = true        else            local s = Multilingual.getBase( able )            if s == another then                r = true            else                local others = mw.language.getFallbacksFor( s )                r = feasible( another, others )            end        end    end    return r or false

end -- Multilingual.fallback()

Multilingual.findCode = function ( ask )

    -- Retrieve code of local (current project or English) language name    -- Precondition:    --     ask  -- string, with presumable language name    --             A code itself will be identified, too.    -- Postcondition:    --     Returns string, or false    local seek = mw.text.trim( ask )    local r = false    if #seek > 1 then        if seek:find( "[", 1, true ) then            seek = fetch( "WLink" ).getPlain( seek )        end        seek = mw.ustring.lower( seek )        if Multilingual.isLang( seek ) then            r = Multilingual.fair( seek )        else            local slang = favorite()            r = find( seek, slang )            if not r  and  slang ~= "en" then                r = find( seek, "en" )            end        end    end    return r

end -- Multilingual.findCode()

Multilingual.format = function ( apply, alien, alter, active, alert,

                                 frame, assembly, adjacent, ahead )    -- Format one or more languages    -- Precondition:    --     apply     -- string with language list or item    --     alien     -- language of the answer    --                  -- nil, false, "*": native    --                  -- "!": current project    --                  -- "#": code, downcased, space separated    --                  -- "-": code, mixcase, space separated    --                  -- any valid code    --     alter     -- capitalize, if "c"; downcase all, if "d"    --                  capitalize first item only, if "f"    --                  downcase every first word only, if "m"    --     active    -- link items, if true    --     alert     -- string with category title in case of error    --     frame     -- if available    --     assembly  -- string with split pattern, if list expected    --     adjacent  -- string with list separator, else assembly    --     ahead     -- string to prepend first element, if any    -- Postcondition:    --     Returns string, or false if apply empty    local r = false    if apply then        local slang        if assembly then            local bucket = mw.text.split( apply, assembly )            local shift = alter            local separator            if adjacent then                separator = adjacent            elseif alien == "#"  or  alien == "-" then                separator = " "            else                separator = assembly            end            for k, v in pairs( bucket ) do                slang = Multilingual.format( v, alien, shift, active,                                             alert )                if slang then                    if r then                        r = string.format( "%s%s%s",                                           r, separator, slang )                    else                        r = slang                        if shift == "f" then                            shift = "d"                        end                    end                end            end -- for k, v            if r and ahead then                r = ahead .. r            end        else            local single = mw.text.trim( apply )            if single == "" then                r = false            else                local lapsus, slot                slang = Multilingual.findCode( single )                if slang then                    if alien == "-" then                        r = slang                    elseif alien == "#" then                        r = slang:lower()                    else                        r = Multilingual.getName( slang, alien )                        if active then                            local cnf = fetch( "Multilingual/config",                                               true )                            if cnf  and                               type( cnf.getLink ) == "function" then                                if not Multilingual.frame then                                    if frame then                                        Multilingual.frame = frame                                    else                                        Multilingual.frame                                                   = mw.getCurrentFrame()                                    end                                end                                slot = cnf.getLink( slang,                                                    Multilingual.frame )                                if slot then                                    local wlink = fetch( "WLink" )                                    slot = wlink.getTarget( slot )                                else                                    lapsus = alert                                end                            end                        end                    end                else                    r = single                    if active then                        local title = mw.title.makeTitle( 0, single )                        if title.exists then                            slot = single                        end                    end                    lapsus = alert                end                if not r then                    r = single                elseif alter == "c" or alter == "f" then                    r = mw.ustring.upper( mw.ustring.sub( r, 1, 1 ) )                        .. mw.ustring.sub( r, 2 )                elseif alter == "d" then                    if Multilingual.isMinusculable( slang, r ) then                        r = mw.ustring.lower( r )                    end                elseif alter == "m" then                    if Multilingual.isMinusculable( slang, r ) then                        r = mw.ustring.lower( mw.ustring.sub( r, 1, 1 ) )                            .. mw.ustring.sub( r, 2 )                    end                end                if slot then                    if r == slot then                        r = string.format( "%s", r )                    else                        r = string.format( "%s", slot, r )                    end                end                if lapsus and alert then                    r = string.format( "%s", r, alert )                end            end        end    end    return r

end -- Multilingual.format()

Multilingual.getBase = function ( ask )

    -- Retrieve base language from possibly combined ISO language code    -- Precondition:    --     ask  -- language code    -- Postcondition:    --     Returns string, or false    local r    if ask then        local slang = ask:match( "^%s*(%a%a%a?)-?%a*%s*$" )        if slang then            r = slang:lower()        else            r = false        end    else        r = false    end    return r

end -- Multilingual.getBase()

Multilingual.getLang = function ( ask )

    -- Retrieve components of a RFC 5646 language code    -- Precondition:    --     ask  -- language code with subtags    -- Postcondition:    --     Returns table with formatted subtags    --             .base    --             .region    --             .script    --             .year    --             .extension    --             .other    --             .n    local tags = mw.text.split( ask, "-" )    local s    = tags[ 1 ]    local r    if s:match( "^%a%a%a?$" ) then        r = { base  = s:lower(),              legal = true,              n     = #tags }        for i = 2, r.n do            s = tags[ i ]            if #s == 2 then                if r.region  or  not s:match( "%a%a" ) then                    r.legal = false                else                    r.region = s:upper()                end            elseif #s == 4 then                if s:match( "%a%a%a%a" ) then                    r.legal = ( not r.script )                    r.script = s:sub( 1, 1 ):upper() ..                               s:sub( 2 ):lower()                elseif s:match( "20%d%d" )  or                       s:match( "1%d%d%d" ) then                    r.legal = ( not r.year )                    r.year = s                else                    r.legal = false                end            elseif #s == 3 then                if r.extlang  or  not s:match( "%a%a%a" ) then                    r.legal = false                else                    r.extlang = s:lower()                end            elseif #s == 1 then                s = s:lower()                if s:match( "[tux]" ) then                    r.extension = s                    for k = i + 1, r.n do                        s = tags[ k ]                        if s:match( "^%w+$" ) then                            r.extension = string.format( "%s-%s",                                                         r.extension, s )                        else                            r.legal = false                        end                    end -- for k                else                    r.legal = false                end                break -- for i            else                r.legal = ( not r.other )  and                          s:match( "%a%a%a" )                r.other = s:lower()            end            if not r.legal then                break -- for i            end        end -- for i    else        r = { legal = false }    end    return r

end -- Multilingual.getLang()

Multilingual.getName = function ( ask, alien )

    -- Which name is assigned to this language code?    -- Precondition:    --     ask    -- language code    --     alien  -- language of the answer    --               -- nil, false, "*": native    --               -- "!": current project    --               -- any valid code    -- Postcondition:    --     Returns string, or false    local r    if ask then        local slang   = alien        local support = "Multilingual/names"        local tLang        if slang then            if slang == "*" then                slang = Multilingual.fair( ask )            elseif slang == "!" then                slang = favorite()            else                slang = Multilingual.fair( slang )            end        else            slang = Multilingual.fair( ask )        end        if not slang then            slang = ask or "?????"        end        slang = slang:lower()        tLang = fetch( support, true )        if tLang then            tLang = tLang[ slang ]            if tLang then                r = tLang[ ask ]            end        end        if not r then            if not Multilingual.ext.tMW then                Multilingual.ext.tMW = { }            end            tLang = Multilingual.ext.tMW[ slang ]            if tLang == nil then                tLang = mw.language.fetchLanguageNames( slang )                if tLang then                    Multilingual.ext.tMW[ slang ] = tLang                else                    Multilingual.ext.tMW[ slang ] = false                end            end            if tLang then                r = tLang[ ask ]            end        end        if not r then            r = mw.language.fetchLanguageName( ask:lower(), slang )            if r == "" then                r = false            end        end    else        r = false    end    return r

end -- Multilingual.getName()

Multilingual.int = function ( access, alien, apply )

    -- Translated system message    -- Precondition:    --     access  -- message ID    --     alien   -- language code    --     apply   -- nil, or sequence table with parameters $1, $2, ...    -- Postcondition:    --     Returns string, or false    local o = mw.message.new( access )    local r    if o:exists() then        if type( alien ) == "string" then            o:inLanguage( alien:lower() )        end        if type( apply ) == "table" then            o:params( apply )        end        r = o:plain()    end    return r or false

end -- Multilingual.int()

Multilingual.isLang = function ( ask, additional )

    -- Could this be an ISO language code?    -- Precondition:    --     ask         -- language code    --     additional  -- true, if Wiki codes like "simple" permitted    -- Postcondition:    --     Returns boolean    local r, s    if additional then        s = ask    else        s = Multilingual.getBase( ask )    end    if s then        r = mw.language.isKnownLanguageTag( s )        if not r  and  additional then            r = Multilingual.exotic[ s ] or false        end    else        r = false    end    return r

end -- Multilingual.isLang()

Multilingual.isLangWiki = function ( ask )

    -- Could this be a Wiki language version?    -- Precondition:    --     ask  -- language version specifier    -- Postcondition:    --     Returns boolean    local r    local s = Multilingual.getBase( ask )    if s then        r = mw.language.isSupportedLanguage( s )  or            Multilingual.exotic[ ask ]    else        r = false    end    return r

end -- Multilingual.isLangWiki()

Multilingual.isMinusculable = function ( ask, assigned )

    -- Could this language name become downcased?    -- Precondition:    --     ask       -- language code, or nil    --     assigned  -- language name, or nil    -- Postcondition:    --     Returns boolean    local r   = true    if ask then        local cnf = fetch( "Multilingual/config", true )        if cnf then            local s = string.format( " %s ", ask:lower() )            if type( cnf.stopMinusculization ) == "string"               and  cnf.stopMinusculization:find( s, 1, true ) then                r = false            end            if r  and  assigned               and  type( cnf.seekMinusculization ) == "string"               and  cnf.seekMinusculization:find( s, 1, true )               and  type( cnf.scanMinusculization ) == "string" then                local scan = assigned:gsub( "[%(%)]", " " ) .. " "                if not scan:find( cnf.scanMinusculization ) then                    r = false                end            end        end    end    return r

end -- Multilingual.isMinusculable()

Multilingual.userLang = function ( accept, frame )

    -- Try to support user language by application    -- Precondition:    --     accept  -- space separated list of available ISO 639 codes    --                Default: project language, or English    --     frame   -- frame, if available    -- Postcondition:    --     Returns string with appropriate code    local s = type( accept )    local codes, r, slang    if s == "string" then        codes = mw.text.split( accept:lower(), " " )    elseif s == "table" then        codes = { }        for i = 1, #accept do            s = accept[ i ]            if type( s ) == "string"  then                table.insert( codes, s:lower() )            end        end -- for i    else        codes = { }        slang = favorite()        if mw.language.isKnownLanguageTag( slang ) then            table.insert( codes, slang )        end    end    slang = User.favorize( codes, frame )    if not slang then        slang = favorite()  or  "en"    end    if feasible( slang, codes ) then        r = slang    elseif slang:find( "-", 1, true ) then        slang = Multilingual.getBase( slang )        if feasible( slang, codes ) then            r = slang        end    end    if not r then        local others = mw.language.getFallbacksFor( slang )        for i = 1, #others do            slang = others[ i ]            if feasible( slang, codes ) then                r = slang                break -- for i            end        end -- for i        if not r then            if feasible( "en", codes ) then                r = "en"            else                r = codes[ 1 ]            end        end    end    return r

end -- Multilingual.userLang()

Multilingual.userLangCode = function ()

    -- Guess a user language code    -- Postcondition:    --     Returns code of current best guess    return User.self  or  favorite()  or  "en"

end -- Multilingual.userLangCode()

Multilingual.failsafe = function ( assert )

    -- Retrieve versioning and check for compliance    -- Precondition:    --     assert  -- string, with required version or "wikidata",    --                or false    -- Postcondition:    --     Returns  string with appropriate version, or false    local since = assert    local r    if since == "wikidata" then        local item = Multilingual.item        since = false        if type( item ) == "number"  and  item > 0 then            local entity = mw.wikibase.getEntity( string.format( "Q%d",                                                                 item ) )            if type( entity ) == "table" then                local vsn = entity:formatPropertyValues( "P348" )                if type( vsn ) == "table"  and                   type( vsn.value) == "string" and                   vsn.value ~= "" then                    r = vsn.value                end            end        end    end    if not r then        if not since  or  since <= Multilingual.serial then            r = Multilingual.serial        else            r = false        end    end    return r

end -- Multilingual.failsafe()

-- Export

local p = { }

p.fair = function ( frame )

    -- Format language code    --     1  -- language code    return Multilingual.fair( frame.args[ 1 ] )  or  ""

end -- p.fair

p.fallback = function ( frame )

    -- Is another language suitable as replacement?    --     1  -- language version specifier to be supported    --     2  -- language specifier of a possible replacement    local r = Multilingual.fallback( frame.args[ 1 ], frame.args[ 2 ]  )    return r and "1" or ""

end -- p.fallback

p.findCode = function ( frame )

    -- Retrieve language code from language name    --     1  -- name in current project language    return Multilingual.findCode( frame.args[ 1 ] )  or  ""

end -- p.findCode

p.format = function ( frame )

    -- Format one or more languages    --     1          -- language list or item    --     slang      -- language of the answer, if not native    --                   * -- native    --                   ! -- current project    --                   any valid code    --     shift      -- capitalize, if "c"; downcase, if "d"    --                   capitalize first item only, if "f"    --     link       -- 1 -- link items    --     scream     -- category title in case of error    --     split      -- split pattern, if list expected    --     separator  -- list separator, else split    --     start      -- prepend first element, if any    local r    local link    if frame.args.link == "1" then        link = true    end    r = Multilingual.format( frame.args[ 1 ],                             frame.args.slang,                             frame.args.shift,                             link,                             frame.args.scream,                             frame,                             frame.args.split,                             frame.args.separator,                             frame.args.start )    return r or ""

end -- p.format

p.getBase = function ( frame )

    -- Retrieve base language from possibly combined ISO language code    --     1  -- code    return Multilingual.getBase( frame.args[ 1 ] )  or  ""

end -- p.getBase

p.getName = function ( frame )

    -- Retrieve language name from ISO language code    --     1  -- code    --     2  -- language to be used for the answer, if not native    --           ! -- current project    --           * -- native    --           any valid code    local slang = frame.args[ 2 ]    local r    if slang then        slang = mw.text.trim( slang )    end    r = Multilingual.getName( frame.args[ 1 ], slang )    return r or ""

end -- p.getName

p.int = function ( frame )

    -- Translated system message    --     1             -- message ID    --     lang          -- language code    --     $1, $2, ...   -- parameters    local sysMsg = frame.args[ 1 ]    local r    if sysMsg then        sysMsg = mw.text.trim( sysMsg )        if sysMsg ~= "" then            local n     = 0            local slang = frame.args.lang            local i, params, s            if slang == "" then                slang = false            end            for k, v in pairs( frame.args ) do                if type( k ) == "string" then                    s = k:match( "^%$(%d+)$" )                    if s then                        i = tonumber( s )                        if i > n then                            n = i                        end                    end                end            end -- for k, v            if n > 0 then                local s                params = { }                for i = 1, n do                    s = frame.args[ "$" .. tostring( i ) ]  or  ""                    table.insert( params, s )                end -- for i            end            r = Multilingual.int( sysMsg, slang, params )        end    end    return r or ""

end -- p.int

p.isLang = function ( frame )

    -- Could this be an ISO language code?    --     1  -- code    local lucky, r = pcall( Multilingual.isLang,                            frame.args[ 1 ] )    return r and "1" or ""

end -- p.isLang

p.isLangWiki = function ( frame )

    -- Could this be a Wiki language version?    --     1  -- code    local lucky, r = pcall( Multilingual.isLangWiki,                            frame.args[ 1 ] )    return r and "1" or ""

end -- p.isLangWiki

p.kannDeutsch = function ( frame )

    -- Kann man mit diesem Sprachcode deutsch verstehen?    --     1  -- code    local r = Multilingual.fallback( frame.args[ 1 ], "de" )    return r and "1" or ""

end -- p.kannDeutsch

p.userLang = function ( frame )

    -- Which language does the current user prefer?    --     1  -- space separated list of available ISO 639 codes   return Multilingual.userLang( frame.args[ 1 ], frame )

end -- p.userLang

p.failsafe = function ( frame )

    -- Versioning interface    local s = type( frame )    local since    if s == "table" then        since = frame.args[ 1 ]    elseif s == "string" then        since = frame    end    if since then        since = mw.text.trim( since )        if since == "" then            since = false        end    end    return Multilingual.failsafe( since )  or  ""

end -- p.failsafe()

p.Multilingual = function ()

end -- p.Multilingual

return p

1 : %s





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